FreeNAS 11.2 iSCSI Setup & Testing With Windows & XCP-NG

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alright let's dive into I scuzzy so first what is I scuzzy so I scuzzy is a block storage system and it works over network so unlike maybe plugging a sastra a safety cable into the motherboard where you present a hard drive to the operating system ice because he works over to the tcp/ip network and it's pretty neat so the way this initiates is you're gonna set this up and we're gonna use an example of FreeNAS as the backend so it's a walkthrough we're gonna do here and I've talked about it before of presenting it to a VM but I wanted to cover this video just the I scuzzy protocol how it works and how to set it up so no matter what you're using to present it to wither a Windows server a VMware machine or a Zen server this initial setup works the same for all those scenarios now why would you even want to use ice cuz you why not just share files and share things like Samba across here well there's some performance gains to be had for my scuzzy plus whatever the operating system you're presenting it to may have different ways it wants to handle data so when you present it as a block storage system it can format it to whatever format at once for example in Windows is going to want to use NTFS or if it's using presented to Linux it's going to present it maybe as an ext for or next III file system and Linux but the back end is still going to have all the advantages of ZFS and ZFS has a system referred to as eval which handles block storage this is how you set up the ice cuz these that's what we're going to go through so you get the benefits on the backend of the ZFS two snapshots in the compression and then the OS that is being presented to gets all the advantages of a really high performance provided you have the performance machine to provide the data stream there now a couple caveats here with I scuzzy if you're running a really older slow processor that may be great for holding lots of storage on FreeNAS and it will be great for your lab to do some testing but you will have a lot of performance issues with I scuzzy eyes because he is processor intensive because you're taking the abstraction layer of a block device and presenting it over tcp/ip to another device that's processor intensive and memory intensive so most FreeNAS forums right now here in 2018 recommend a minimum 32 gigs of RAM to start getting performance out of it any modern processor such as a multi-core Xeon dual processor board so if you want the performance do look into that but to get started with it you can have a lower end processor and get get it going out of reasonably fast speed so let's get started I will leave links to the docs here so there's plenty of documentation with a lot of more detail than I'll go into I'm gonna go over the basics of how to get it set up but it does have a lot of tweaking you can do and lots of setup you can do too for example set it up so it can handle 20 different 30 different even more machines connecting to it you can create volume groups you can have this thing handing out hard drives all over the place via I scuzzy we're going to cover the basics to get it started but you kind of get the gist of it from there how you can fine tune and add more features as needed so first thing we do is we go into our free dance here I have a brand new data set created called tank one and we're not going to add another data so we're going to add aides eval to it we're gonna call it I scuzzy the scuzzy volume what is the size of this eval and apologize because it's hard to zoom this in the new interface does have a really small font for a couple things like this but this is where you can set up how big you want these eval to be and let's just make this one 250 gigs now there's a couple options you can force the size not really needed but you can the system restricts the ca's eval that brings the pool over to a person capacity so to force set creation don't recommend this but you can like over-provision oversize it a bit and then it has a thin provisioning onset set thin provision Costas will fail to pull is low on space this allows you a thin provisioned out I'm not really going to worry about that right now we're going to hit save in and create it with the mostly the default options here so now we have this eval called I scuzzy and now we're gonna go set up the I scuzzy part of it this is where the data is going to land now by the way because this is presented as a block storage if you format this with NTFS when you're in Windows or even if you did a Linux file system this is only handled as block storage so there's not a way for freenas to mount this as a share in Samba or anything like that this is handled differently because it's a Ziva block storage just want to make sure that's clear because I scuzzy is not a shared device it's basically a way of creating a piece of this ZFS data set and presenting it as a hard drive to another operating system so we're going over here to I scuzzy now there's two ways to get to it by the way I went over your services to make sure it was enabled we can click here it's also located here under sharing so you over here to block I scuzzy and we're gonna go ahead and start setting this up so here's the first piece leave it alone it's fine like this but you can do customizations this is once again there's plenty of help for each one of these that take you to the help pages to give you all the details but the base name and all of that is fine portal we're gonna head and create a portal and this is nun nun and what that means is we're going to go ahead and leave wide open we're gonna bind it to all the addresses which I have a couple IP addresses on here so leave it at 0-0 we're gonna leave it at the default part of 30 to 60 don't really need to add a comment but this does support things like authentication and that we're gonna skip the authentication ideally when you're setting these up you want a San Network separate either on a separate VLAN by sharing physical layer with your other network but that can create some bandwidth renunciations the ideal situation is maybe having a 10 gigabit link separate and that's if this server does it has both a 10 gig link and a gigabit link and we're gonna go ahead and bind it to each and talk about the performance of that but you can set up a series of different I scuzzy initiators and portal groups and on different ports once this then you can get really extensive with this we're just doing the basics create an initiator all all and that's restriction now this comes down to another security ideally when you're building a SAN it should be a separate network we're choosing all all but then you can get very specific for each group you do in each hard drive group you do only allowing certain IP address restrictions along with usernames and passwords we're gonna skip the username password part but that would be set up here I scuzzy doesn't have the most secure they use chap for the authentication it's kind of a it's good but ideally this should be all locked down on a separate network I didn't do a search but I'm sure there's plenty of people who have incidentally exposed all their eyes cuz he across the internet I'm sure there's plenty of insecure ways to set it up it would be more secure for setting us up but we're doing directly because the 10 gigabit is on a separate network and if we were really thinking about security yes we would add this here but it's not necessary to get started with I scuzzy targets target name freenas target alias not worried about it portal group the group we created group ID auth method none authentication group none targets pick+ just call it test one one these are just from the ones we chose before I hit save actually it does also need to start with a lowercase side note there it it did it will let me save it but it actually spun there so side note it does need to be lowercase so we'll just call it scuzzy that's why I failed the first time does have to be that way um now we're gonna add the extense now this is where we actually add the Z vowel extent named scuzzy one was our first one it is a device so we'll pull down the devices now there's some debate about this you can create a file path to the extent but you lose features when you do that so you could have instead of as eval a dataset and you create a file called the file DX T whatever you want to call it and then that file can be pointed at that's not the most ideal way to do it because some features don't work when you do it that way I'm not going to get into all the details but basically it limits down some of the features that are available inside of I scuzzy that are performance based so you ideally want to set it up as a device I don't have any good reasoning why you'd want to set up as a file but I'm sure some esoteric reason der is out there that I can't think of right now I always build - devices now if you're initiating this to a Zend server Xen an issue your compact mode this so is some enhanced features present server it does also have enhanced features built in for Windows and has enhanced features built in for VMware built into this as well and the Zen one is just an extra check box that you can check on this when you're doing it now that built almost everything the last little piece we have to do is actually create target target scuzzy LUN one extent now LUN one means hard drive logical unit ID one so pretty simple and if we added more Harder's which we will in a shortly here this would be number two after that the number three the number four and that's how you can use one eye because he group and now you can kind of see how there's so many tears down to this so you could create a different group a different portal and then have it a bunch of different associated extents and then a bunch of associated targets with those extents and group them out and if you do very large scale enterprise storage you may have one very large storage pool built on maybe freenas even and then it delegates out to lots of different virtual machines and different hypervisors all the different hard drive allocations that go out there for simplicity we went with one one one all the way across to keep it really simple but that's all we need you to get it started now let's see what it looks like in Windows I'm gonna head move this over please click on the ice cuz the initiator say yes target 192.168 3 dot whoops 25 that's just the FreeNAS one that's we had set up here login see see you know I you want to click connect I know done is actually what you connect all right volumes and devices Auto configure okay now we're gonna go over here to disk management and there it is so when it presents inside of Windows here so MBR GPT so we're gonna go ahead and choose MBR then we're going to go ahead new simple volume make it s for scuzzy next perform quick format yep finish and there it is now this is kind of cool because as I said it presents it as a hard drive so as far as Windows is concerned this is a standard just like you managing any other hard drive on there it just happens to be working over the ice cozy protocol and it's gonna operate well unfortunately only a gig of it because that's the connection I have between this virtual machine and that but it is up and running and working so let's talk a little bit about performance of it now as I said when you're doing this and let's go ahead just create a folder new folder oops because this is an NTFS volume all your NTFS permissions and everything are working it's not like when you share it with a Samba share on FreeNAS this is just a hard drive attached and you may have noticed because the ability to create a simple volume yes you could even across multiple FreeNAS servers I scuzzy target each of them back to one machine and even raid them across you can also create redundancies because while you use network layer link redundancies to create redundant connections to these volumes but let's talk about how the performance looks like now this is only going to be gigabit so let me get some files okay I have this folder I copied over to this computer so now it's local on this computer and now it's gonna copy it over to the I scuzzy so let's see what kind of transfer not bad pretty fast but let's look what's going on over here now so this is our FreeNAS 3.25 this is showing how much processor uses just a gigabit copying over is using on here so you can see this gets processor intensive really quick now this machine just so you know we'll go back to the beginning here this is an old Opteron 61 72 it does have 12 cores doesn't score that high this is a pretty old processor but one of the things you notice is I scuzzy by comparative if you looked at a Samba transfer it would barely even have blip tit Samba doesn't really take much because it's just handling some file an SMB but I scuzzy because it's doing an interpretation as I said an extraction layer of controlling block storage while you can get allow all these features and performance it can be a disadvantage if you have a slow processor but it is pretty slick that it connects copies here's all the files and everything that goes with there and there's some chunk files I'll delete real quick if I need to snapshot that and actually will go ahead and do this so right here it is LCS toughs graphics and let's go over here to FreeNAS again well let's just go ahead and create a snapshot real quick here oh just this cozy before or our MRF save so now we have a snapshot of that and we'll do kind of like I said here so we're gonna go ahead and RM RF it alright and so I don't feel like dealing with the windows errors that come with it we're actually gonna stop windows because we just nuked all the files on that extent then we're get over here and we're gonna roll back to it continue with rollback yes now I did this on purpose because it says yes take datasets busy and it won't let me do it all you really have to do is go over here to services it does protect you from doing this because there's a couple different options now because I have I scuzzy running is because he has an advantage of doing this we could go here go to the extents choose device all of your snapshots show up so one of the advantage you have let's say you had a regular recurring snapshots on a regular basis with FreeNAS you can actually remount them as extents and then present them back over into Windows or whatever the device is to be able to get a file back without rolling it back so it's kind of a nice feature because once you have all the regular snapshots you're really protecting your actually snapshotting that entire hard drive all the time and that hard drive can have an entire virtual machine running on it or in this case just you know a Windows extra hard drive in this Windows machine but this helps maintain data integrity on there also makes it very easy for you to roll back to it and this is the reason a lot of people like with Windows Server 2016 or even running Windows Server they use I scuzzy as the backend with free-dance because it does all the data integrity protection and will handle all the snapshots and everything else but then none of the troubles you have all the window NTFS permissions and everything's the way you're used to using it it just looks like a hard drive that like any other hard drive in the Windows Server but you have all the ZFS data production going on in the back end and of course all this rollback protection now the way you if you just wanted to do a rollback is pretty simple go here services stop I scuzzy and then you just go and roll it back now and of course once I scuzzy stop that's what it's busy and kind of warning you about when you're in the snapshots let me go here two snapshots and we'll go roll back instantly it rolled back that quick as you know snapshots work very fast I have an entire video on just snapshot system and we fired up our virtual machine again and there it is with all the data back where it belongs so it completely restored back based on the snapshot pretty straightforward or pretty simple the way it works and it's one of the reasons that I scuzzy is pretty popular solution for presenting that as long as you have a fast enough processor to handle all the different I scuzzy Hewitt's it's easy to do now let's talk about it real quick and XenServer while we're here so this demo XC PNG server i have setup is attached at 10 gigabit to here so we're going to get even more performance out of it in terms of connecting at I scuzzy how do you attach it I scuzzy well it's actually really simple so we're gonna go over here to FreeNAS we're gonna go over to I scuzzy extents edit we're just going to add this to add those extended features in there and while we're here we're going to go ahead and add one more so we go over to pools ads eval scuzzy to just give it a hundred gigs save there's our two of them ones a hundred gig ones 256 gig then I go back over to I scuzzy extent add one more save and they had one more target now this one we're gonna call one two now you could still have the first one presented to Windows and the second one presented to XenServer it really doesn't matter matter of fact you could have a multitude of hypervisors and create a different one ID for each one things you cannot do as I mentioned you cannot share one because this first one is still formatted as NTFS and Windows this one's empty in blank so we're gonna do whatever we want with it but we can also if we were trying to present to Windows machines appointment the same one it will not work properly it may read someone's hacked around with it and found ways to kind of sort of make it work but it's not the way it was meant to be used just come throw that out there all right so now we have our two different extents created we're gonna go ahead and add a storage option here storage name scuzzy one storage type I scuzzy now just so you know and we'll jump at the networking real quick just so we're clear on how its hooked up interfaces this is the I scuzzy 10 gig link between them that's why I named it creatively 10 gig so this is 192 168 10.10 so I paste that in there and for reasons unknown it doesn't default the port in there but the default port is 3 to 60 you do have to type it in and it scans it select the iqn the only thing is finding as a screen is this one freenas but if there are more of them on there it would then it's going to read and select the one so we can select the one one or one two and now we've added the storage creat you alright let's go ahead and add the other storage and storage scuzzy to select one to create and now we have more than one storage option on here now I already have a VM on the local storage so if you look at the disk this is actually on the local storage this machine we're going ahead and copy it over to they'll call it Debian on scuzzy select the storage repository and it really doesn't matter which one I select but I'll go ahead and choose this one hit OK and now it's going to create a duplicate copy of this virtual machine over on to scuzzy alright so we have our debian on scuzzy all set up let's go ahead and fire it up and as you can see right here it's on the scuzzy one disk blue top reasonably fast but as it boots the next thing we're gonna see over here there's a make sure this is always there we go I don't like if you haven't used in that data if you go into settings there's always around focus this just means we refresh even when I'm not looking at it so it doesn't play catch up when I change to another tab so here we have our Debian system up and running and booted relatively quick let's get the IP address of it 369 and let's run a quick test this is just the four onyx test suite 1 1 3 nope don't care about saving results now while it's doing this in the background we're gonna watch the CPU load come right up so it goes from yeah booting is no big deal boots up relics really fast but once you start doing some type of real intensive diss testing it just goes crazy so it looks like we're getting a rate performance of around three hundred and forty three makes a second now the read performance gets very skewed at three point five gigabits per second because when you're doing a bunch of small reads ZFS caches it so there's certainly some advantages because the underlying OS and it's I showed these speed results on purpose to kind of give you an idea when you have a bunch of little reads like that ZFS goes I know how to cache that so when you go down here and look at CFS and net data you'll start seeing a lot of ZFS reads that we're done here and all this green is all the cache hits so it does this is some of the advantages of presenting it this way so even as ZFS is dealing with however the VM formatted this and provisioned it out for other virtualization you're still getting all those benefits of the ZFS arc and the caching algorithms that CFS has and of course snapshotting and everything is still applies because this is all presented over I scuzzy so it's still reasonably fast even though this is I think like an eight year old or seven year old processor that's in here so that pretty much covers it one last little side note I will cover is we're going to take and make a couple fast clones on the scuzzy to the scuzzy so there's a another clone and another clone let's go ahead and even maybe boot up a couple of these clones so over here two VMs clone clone clone so we'll go ahead and start this clone up and we'll fire up the main one too and when we look at the storage so it's a 249 gig in and here are each of these Debian clones so each ones taking up 16 gigs 16 gigs 16 gig and they're running on there and of course then we have things going on like if we wanted to snapshot any of these so we can take these VMs and we'll create a snapshot of this VM then we'll go over to the council will log in make sure it's up and running we will run some data on it real quick here well go into it and we'll just create some rain random one gig data so do some writing back and forth to it and there's ice cuz you've taken off calling hey you're dumping a bunch of data to this drive and the reason I'm doing all this is to show you and let's go ahead and refresh this and we'll go back over here to the pools and we can see that we've used not a lot of data so this is part of the advantage you get with ZFS being behind the scenes so despite having all these cloned Debian's and we'll show none so we show all of mine here and the storage system thinking as far as the way it's presented to it that it has all this 75 gigs worth of used storage because FreeNAS is at the back end of it you only are using this little bit of data because all these clones happen to be the same so when you were cloning operating systems like this ZFS is able to compress them actually 2.8 7 X compression ratio here and we refresh it again see how it's done creating data yeah so there's all this compression going on once again behind the scenes ZFS handling it because it doesn't matter what the filesystem is if it sees lots of repeating and the blocks of those files that goes I can compress those I can make those more efficient and by doing that despite it being this much data used and this many VMs it only ends up showing up as in your FreeNAS data set quite a bit less data so this is like I said another advantage of having the ZFS handle everything at the backend level and having the front-end be presented as I scuzzy to the VM so you get all those ZFS advantages and all that compression caching especially for all these common room reads which is what gives us those crazy high read numbers when you're doing a bunch of little file reads and repetitious things inside of any VMs where FreeNAS is handling it from the backend so hopefully this is enough to get you started a nice cozy yes it supports a ton of things I didn't talk about the protocol is extensive it supports multipathing and supports redundancies and fail overs and all kinds of extensive things for building a really high performance and but for getting started in your homeland we're just kind of getting started learning how free nasa nice cuz he works this is a great way to get going on it and then kind of expand your knowledge out from there alright thanks thanks for watching if you liked this video go ahead and click the thumbs up leave us some feedback below to let us know any details what you liked and didn't like as well because we love hearing a feedback or if you just want to say thanks leave a comment if you wanted to be notified of new videos as they come out go ahead and to subscribe and the bell icon that lets YouTube know that you're interested in notifications hopefully they send them as we've learned with YouTube anyways if you want to contract us for consulting services you go ahead and hit Lauren systems comm and you 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Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 57,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freenas 11, freenas iscsi, freenas (software), network attached storage, freenas storage, freenas iscsi xenserver, xen server, xen orchestra, freenas 11.2 beta, xcp-ng xen orchestra
Id: z_P79jvJV-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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