SHAPIRO REACTS: New Yorkers SHOCKED to Learn THE TRUTH About Tax Rates in America

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Zimbabwean guy: “this country sucks so much.”

“You can go home.”


👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Son of a Bit¢h people are stupid! Do they have any idea at all when they look in the mirror? WOW

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Pokey1168 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just that hairdo is enough to tell you everything you need to know

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/nlakat13 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Crazy world we live in where people don’t even attempt to educate themselves, or think for themselves.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/lindseyamanda 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jesus christ. I know this video is likely to be selectively edited... but I really need to get the hell out of New York.

Do you stupid, brain-dead, blithering, knuckle-headed MORONS not understand how PERCENTAGES work?

Props to the darker skinned guy talking about Gaddafi who at least admitted he needed to read up on it more.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/lmea14 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

The inherent elitism of the urban left is hilarious. They genuinely don't understand that there are people who have different experiences than them and that they are not the center of the universe

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/tjsoul 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

These are the exact same kinds of people cretins who will deadass say that voter ID is racist because black people don't have ID, don't know how to get ID, and/or don't know how to use the internet.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DontRedFlagMeBro 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

How is that his face?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/OneReportersOpinion 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
we're gonna take a look at ami horowitz's new video ami went around new york asking people on the street if the richest people in america are paying their fair share in taxes you can check out the full video over at daily wires youtube page let's get started i'm ami horowitz and the mantra the left is that the rich don't pay their fair share in taxes let's go find that if that's true do you think the rich pay their fair share in taxes [Laughter] do the rich pay their fair share in taxes absolutely not in america in the united states absolutely not probably not fair if all things are considered absolutely not absolutely not no no no absolutely not no absolutely not absolutely not yeah no definitely not not not even close the problem with a lot of them is that they just would rather be they'd rather be dead and see poor people be rich or be well off i mean i i know people in america think of gaddafi as a negative guy but let's go back to libya libya free education free electricity now if you're slaughtering people the streets are slaughtering people in the stream six of this half dozen other i just think capitalism is stupid and it doesn't work i mean obviously look at our country it doesn't work okay can we pause it there for one second my favorite is when people who are wearing things that they bought at a store that are much nicer than anything they could get in a communist country are like capitalism obviously doesn't work she said while wearing a sweatshirt that she got at a store and sunglasses she got at a store and carrying a purse that she got at a store yes communism is obvious just look at our country it doesn't work um yes how is it possible for billionaires to even exist in this country and you've got the most most starving suffering people on the in in the richest country in the world no way you come from zimbabwe more people are starving than bob with it here they sold me a lemon okay stop there wait if you come from zimbabwe to the united states and then you think that you were sold to lebanon you're not on this planet zimbabwe is one of the worst places to live on the planet also like i noticed that you have some sunglasses nice nike sweatshirt right there like the the notion that that other places around the world are better than the united states is rooted in either insanity or complete ignorance we have the most starving people on the planet no we absolutely 100 do not we do not have nearly the number of starving people that pretty much every other country on the planet has which is why people were clamoring to get here i noticed there was not a lot of reverse immigration from the united states to zimbabwe for example i just think people shouldn't even be able to make as much money as they do do you think there should be a cap on income yes fully what we're looking at is surfton what percentage should be paid by the top one percent probably 60 70 or 80 percent if they could kick it up to 75 to 80 that would be good man hit them up for 80 they need to be freaking touched what's wrong with 90 percent is i like you i love you man ninety percent that's ninety percent ninety five percent dude they live on five percent i think they can live on five percent man i get where you going with this man i i totally agree 99 of their wealth why should people with less money be paying more than billionaires when they literally don't have that money to pay in the first place why do you think it makes me sad for democracy i mean truly this makes me sad for democracy that people want to make tax policy like what do you think that people who are richer than you should pay everything 120 of their wealth why should they have more money than i am i mean here i am in the middle of the day in a park i assume this is a work day like maybe they have more money than you because they're not walking around in a park in the middle of the day maybe hmm so do you think that the poor pay a higher percentage of their income yes or the rich they do pay higher percentage yeah they do yeah oh the lower class definitely pay more yeah lower income people poor people the one percent earn about 25 of all the income in america so there you go if we're talking about fair share right then you know if you're bringing in 25 of the income 25 of the taxes should also that would be coming yeah i would say so yeah and would you be surprised if i told you that the top one percent paid 40 of all taxes yeah would it surprise you if i said the rich the one percent pay 40 of all taxes in america interesting what surprised me yeah yeah really interesting it's a little a little more fair than you might have thought yeah what percent of income do you think the top one percent pay i think they're paying like freaking two do you think people at the 50 and below pay probably higher than 27 it gets higher the lower your income comes waste the weight of the numbers i think it's probably over 50. it's four percent oh wow interesting i love that interesting is the code word for i'm an idiot interesting is like oh that is interesting hmm well i mean i'm still gonna vote for all the same politicians who've been lying to me and i'm still gonna say next time somebody asked me on the street that the rich would pay more taxes but it is interesting that you're completely exploding my world view with like one sentence [Music] sure interesting interesting interesting and always interesting yeah that sounds fair man yeah i i need to i need to study up more on this man good for him all right seriously good for that guy all right numbers did that surprise you yes does that seem more fair uh that yeah it would be pretty fair oh wow yes i would i didn't know that is that surprising yes does that seem more fair because i feel like it's i mean well yeah it would definitely seem fair tell me that's the reality 100 well i'm shocked i'm shocked seems like the bottom should pay a little more well oops well oops as you can see a huge number of americans know nothing about the actual tax rates in the united states all they know is what the media keeps saying over and over and they were the bernie sanders told them that the which i'm paying the fesher even though i have three houses and they know that alexander ocasio-cortez is like well that's what they know those are all the things they know they don't know any of the actual stats which is why we have to remind them of the actual stats like this one according to the congressional budget office report on distribution of taxes in 2013 the top one percent of households paid 34 of their income to federal taxes the middle 20 paid 12.8 percent the top 20 of income households they paid an average in 2013 of almost 60 000 into federal tax coffers when you include any wealth transfers they were paid by the government the fourth highest quintile meaning like the people between 20 and 40 percent they paid like 2 600 bucks the middle quintile actually made money from the feds and the second lowest quintile made twelve thousand two hundred dollars the lowest quintile made like almost nine thousand dollars from the federal government here's the bottom line according to the american enterprise institute the highest income quintile like the top 20 are financing 100 of the entire system of transfer payments to the bottom 60 and also funding the entire operation of the federal government so yeah actually it turns out that if you were to compare the united states to for example europe we have the most progressive federal tax system among all oecd 24 countries because we don't tax poor people and we tax very very rich people extraordinarily highly everybody wants to live like denmark without getting taxed like denmark the thing about living like denmark is that you also have to tax people at middle income at extraordinarily high rates but nobody wants to do that so they just lie there's and moan about the rich and it's the rich to this and the rich that at a certain point the rich will just go galt and then you're all gonna be left to fend for yourselves is sort of the way things are probably gonna go and a quick note good on some of these people for actually acknowledging that they were wrong about all of this now we'll see if that actually translates into stopping their vote patterns don't vote for democrats who lie to you should be the message thanks for taking a look at this video with me if you want to check out the entire ami horowitz video head on over to
Channel: Ben Shapiro
Views: 2,577,721
Rating: 4.890532 out of 5
Keywords: tax, taxes, income tax, tax saving, tax rate, sales tax, wealth tax, the tax collector, tax bracket, tax credits, taxes 2020, taxes 2021, taxed, income tax calculator, how to save tax, tax day, clear value tax, clearvalue tax, income taxes, tax code, save tax, tax help, tax tips, sale tax, child tax credit, what is income tax, tax rates, tax hikes, tax hacks, turbo tax, tax slabs, taxes on stocks, taxes explained, tax refund, tax reform, tax season
Id: -1DTkAVeVy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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