Shaolin Bowl - A great low-fat and healthy food from Morgane Recipes

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The monks of the Shaolin Temples practice martial arts and have a healthy and balanced vegetarian diet. Their meal is consistent: it is made of starchy foods rich in fiber, plant protein and vegetables. They prefer low-fat cooking such as cooking with steam or water, they can also stir fry the ingredients with very little oil. The taste of each element is preserved as spices are not used. I suggest you to combine different dishes of a monk's lunch in the "Shaolin Bowl". Wash 200g of black rice, then let it soak for 2 hours. Also wash 200g of whole-grain rice, then cook it for 35 minutes. put a lid. When it starts boiling mix and continue cooking without covering. The black rice soaked for 2 hours, put it in a saucepan with the soaking water. Cook it for 30 minutes When it starts boiling mix and continue cooking without covering. Cut : 200g of green beans, 500g of Chinese cabbage, 500g of tofu, 2 tomatoes, And 400g of mushrooms. The rice is cooked, drain it. Cover with cling film and let it sit while cooking the other ingredients. Preheat the pan on high heat. When the pan is hot, put 1 teaspoon of oil, When the oil is hot, put: The green beans, a good pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, Briefly stir, then add 2 tbsp of water. Stir from time to time for 2 minutes. Now cook the Chinese cabbage. Put 1 teaspoon of oil, Put : The Chinese cabbage a good pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, Stir from time to time for 2 minutes. The cooking of the mushrooms is identical to that of the Chinese cabbage, only the time of the cooking differs, it needs 5 minutes. Finish with the cooking of tofu and tomato. Put 1 teaspoon of oil, Add the tofu, cook for 3 minutes while stirring from time to time. Add: The tomato, a good pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, Stir from time to time for 3 minutes. Cut the fine Everything is ready, we can now dress the bowl. Mix the two rice to combine the textures, the tastes and the colors. Put over the sautéed dishes: The Chinese cabbage, The tomato tofu, The green beans And the mushrooms The Shaolin bowl is ready! Bon appétit! It is a dish that allows you to fully enjoy the taste of each ingredient. Moreover, after this type of meal, you feel good, full and dynamic.
Channel: Morgane Recipes
Views: 76,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recipe, shaolin, monk, bowl, healthy, vegetarian, diet, health, food, chinese, martial arts, low fat, cooking, morgane, bou, buddha bowl, whole-grain rice, black rice, tofu, Chinese cabbage, green beans, mushrooms, food for long life, poke bowl
Id: Xc3HptgyuCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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