20 Korean Dishes Under $20

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I'm youngies today we're going to turn this $20 bill into this this is 20 bonchons for [Music] $20 I told you I'm green [Music] momy let's do a quick rundown of everything we're going to go over in this video One what is banchon two why should you banchon three the different types of banchon four the 20 recipes and five how to utilize them okay let's talk about what is punchan every Korean meal constitutes of two things Po and panchan pop is rice and panchan is supporting dishes and notice how I said supporting not side because ponchan is not your side chick it's your supporting it's the different balance and the flavor and the different combinations that create a Harmony in your mouth and why should you make banchan well there's several reasons one it's nutritious two it's delicious three it's cheape and if that's not enough reasons for you well girly you got issues but four it's incredibly versatile let's say for example you have a fresh pot of rice spinach bean sprouts Nappa cabbage with a bit of that K Jang you have a bomb diggity ass beeping pop it's morning and you're having oatmeal again don't be so vanilla let's give this oatmeal a little bit of sass culture with a K and savoriness top it with some anro a drizzle of sesame oil bam that's another delicious nutritional meal bat the point being here is that I'm not Jesse Pigman but that's one nutritious delicious meal man boom there are endless variations that panchan can give you and it can really spruce up your everyday meal that's why for many Korean moms panchan is their Saving Grace to make every meal feel different without having to cook so much much every day but where you are you probably don't have this or a Korean mom that will cook for you but don't worry you got me and I'll be your Korean Mommy and breastfeed you everything you need to know so your fridge is as stocked as a doomsday prepper now before we move on to the main cooking segment let's go over some of the ingredients spinach napa cabbage leaks green onion sprouted beans tomatoes K Cherry tofu salmon little anchovies a bit of minced beef a bit of minced pork itty bitty little hot dogs eggs peppers both red and green bell peppers eggplant onion avocados cucumbers carrots garlic chiaki mushrooms potatoes and little mushrooms and that is it keep in mind this is going to feed four people for an entire week and everything here costed around $85 totaling at $21 around per person and I guess let's start making 20 bnch JK I'm [Music] excited so the first punchan that we're going to be making today is namur namur essentially just means blanched and lightly dressed both of these are going to be blanched in hot water and dressed with a little bit of minced garlic and sesame oil and salt and a very Korean hack enough garlic to kill a small child don't use pre-minced garlic that's not how garlic should really taste and another very Korean mom pack is to use the bottom of the knife as almost like a sledgehammer and you really want to go to pound town with your garlic because that pounding action releases allisin which is that pungent deliciousness that you imbue with the garlic taste the reason why I'm not using a mortar and penzel is because I want to do less dishes we're also going to blanch the Cabbage so I'm just going to cut it into around 4 cm chunks now we're going to go on to the blanching process you want to wait until the water comes to a boiling point a little ice bath on the side so the the veggies go in fish it out straight in to ice water so that it preserves the color and the crunchiness when it's boiling like this you want to add in a little bit of salt kind of like salting pasta water to bring the boiling point even higher this make sure that the veggies are being boiled at an even higher temperature than 100° food science baby and you want to blanch in the order of what imbus out the most color to the least and just blanch in batches you don't want to overcrowd the water and make the temperature of the water dropped too much then you're just going to end up with soggy vegetables blanching is a great way to preserve the crunchiness of the veggie as well as the color so it also lasts much better in the fridge than if were to be fresh see how it's crunchy and the salt seasoned the Cabbage really well from within too you don't want to squeeze it too hard and break the fiber completely we still want that crunchiness and have it like a little Pooky bowl and look how much is shrink in size it's almost a quarter of its initial volume it's almost like my titties in the winter they shrink and now we're going to do the bean sprouts next same process even less time and the reason why we blanched the spreaded beans is to kind of get rid of its inherent body fluidness you know what I mean it kind of has that same like baby fartin as gingo nuts with the bean sprouts you just want to shake off any excess moisture and you don't want to crush them because the fiber on these are much more delicate Shake It Off Shake It Off it's a good thing I pursued a career in cooking not singing next up is the spinach this is a Korean varietal of winter spinach and they're a bit more heartier it almost feels like somewhere between kale and spinach and you want to blanch the spinach last because it's going to make the water green and you can immediately see as soon as the spinach hits the hot water it actually turns even Greener you just want to ring out some of the excess moisture especially the Leaf part some nice ASMR I call it squeaky boots ASMR before we start dressing I'm going to show you my little arsenal of essential cream condiments this is what it looks like we have sugar some kukaru which is Korean chili some salt minced garlic sesame seeds sesame oil and soy sauce I really wanted to make sure that all these recipes were doable and you didn't have to buy bunch of ingredients so everything has five ingredients or less I got you I told you let's start with the spinach first a teaspoon of minced garlic 1 tbspoon of sesame oil and you want to use high quality sesame oil because this is what's going to give the most of the aroma half a teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds and the best utensil to dress namu are these flanges we have the saying in Korea which means the taste of the hand it means like a six cents when it comes to cooking you kind of know how it tastes just by touching the food and dressing it let me give it a taste test so w winter is probably the best time to have spinach in Korea it's fresh it's green if you have a bag of spinach do not lie to yourself and say that you're going to have it for salad tomorrow just plch it dress it in some sesame oil sesame seeds salt and garlic and it's just going to be a thousand times better and it's just really really good and it lasts longer too now for the sprouted beans 1 tbspoon of kukaru 1 teaspoon of salt 1 tbsp of soy sauce 1 teaspoon of minced garlic 2 taspo of sesame seeds 1 tbsp of sesame oil this is a very common side dish at a lot of Korean restaurants because it's nutritious it's delicious and it's different from bean sprouts sprouted beans come from soy beans they're less watery and have more fiber to them super crunchy little spicy little salty garlic kicking in and just very fresh in general and this is a very very important factor in having good beeping pop because it adds back moisture for the Napa cabbage because it's so sweet and crunchy I want to pair it with something a bit more Umami and Rich which is going to be perfect for the fermented soybean paste I know a lot of people are going to get triggered especially Koreans if I compare it to miso but for those whove never tried Tang before it's a much funkier version of miso it's more aged it's more Rich it's kind of like the parmesan cheese of condiments and for a half of Napa cabbage 1 tbsp of tenang sugar 1 teaspoon of soy sauce 1 tbspoon of sesame oil because the twang is quite pungent and strong we're kind of offsetting it with a little bit of sugar let me give it a taste test it's sweet it's crunchy and Umami Rich saltiness so very different from these two where it's a bit more light this feels more indulgent let me plate this up and make it look pretty for some be [Music] rolls [Music] real doobies will know that I don't like cucumber salad but this is one of my mom's best dishes and Kevin likes cucumbers so I learned how to make it is that you want to rub salt on it to kind of get rid of some of the pimply aspects of it and what I like to do is score the flesh a little bit so that the salt is going to penetrate better and all that sauce can really seep in just around 5 mm from the skin and then same on the other side but I like to give it a little bit more of a directional angle just so that it doesn't cut it into complete rounds and then now I'm going to cut these into quars for an even size then these are all going to go in here one t spoon of salt we're not going to be consuming all this salt it's just to briefly pickle it and season it so that it doesn't get too watery when we dress it and naturally the water should come out through osmosis because if something is saltier than the other moisture is going to get drawn out and we're just going to let this sit for about 10 minutes and while we do that let's chop some onion time for the sauce 2 tablespoon of kukaru one tablespoon of kuch Jang it's kind of like a sweeter thicker version of the kukaru and it's fermented so it adds a different element of Spice 1 tbsp of vinegar 1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp sugar 1 teaspoon minced garlic and as always a teaspoon of sesame oil and it makes this very thick paste that you would think is too thick to dress any sort of vegetable but because the cucumber is going to let out some of the natural moisture it's going to be easy to dress later on I'm just going to wash it in cold water and start mixing okay now the onions go in our sauce goes in and you dress it definitely feels a little thick but in a couple of minutes all that water is going to come out and just let this sit in the fridge for about half a day that's when it becomes the best because the cucumber is going to absorb all that sauce but for the sake of you see b-r pleading let's plead it [Music] now now we're going to move on to saing which is called pum in Korean and saing is a great way to really brings out the natural Sweetness in any of the ingredients and I'm going to work in the order of doing the least amount of dishes right here I have a mandolin with me what's a little different about this mandolin versus most is that it has teeth they're really useful because you don't have to use a chopping blog and it will Julian your vegetables beautifully okay I think that's good enough because I would rather have my finger than a little more carrot trust me just use this for something else it's not worth risking it so now that the carrots are ready I am going to get the ingredients for the mushroom sauté these are baby king oyster mushrooms so I guess it makes them Junior oyster mushrooms in order to maximize the surface area for caramelization I'm just going to have it just to expedite the whole process I'm going to get the prep for each section done first so we can just boom boom boom onion [Music] this is actually an average [Music] size very simple very easy it's just sauté and [Music] carrots a little bit of salt a bit of sesame oil you always want to add sesame oil at the last because the burning point the smoke point is very low it's really almost like a nice extraversion olive oil it's really that Finishing Touch the thing with ponchon is that it's not super elaborate dishes it's really all ingredient focused same pan I'm just going to wipe it with some paper towel mushroom you really need a lot of oil so that it Browns evenly [Music] you can hear all the mushrooms screaming that's because it's all that moisture escaping through the fibers isn't it glorious welcome to my health Inferno you want to just push the mushroom to the side we're going to put 1 tbspoon of soy sauce and burn it look how scalding that taste of burnt soy is really nice it's developing really deep notes of soy going to add half a tablespoon of sugar just dissolve it and then add back our mushrooms and look how the sugar dissolves to almost create like a caramel very few ingredients but it's the technique that really takes it to another level gorgeous same pan now low heat we want to toast the walnuts as well as the anchovies and to help with the toasting process The Roasting process helps get rid of the overly fishy notes as well as some of the bitter notes that the anchovie could have and also makes the Walnut nuttier but you want to be careful because it can really burn quickly so just keep stirring when the anchovies start looking golden brown you want to just push it to the side and create a ring and same technique as before we're going to caramelize the soy sauce this is really to add a little bit of that Aroma because anchovies are already salty as is a tablespoon of sugar and we're going to melt it if you feel like there's too much that's stuck on the bottom of the pan it's and it's slightly burning just add a tablespoon of water the water is going to help de glaze that toasted soy I'm going to turn the heat off add a tablespoon of roasted sesame seeds and mix it in if the Italians have olives Koreans have Sesame and garlic two of the most important ingredients I would say in Korean cuisine now is the time for a little pen r sausage stir fry begins now and first goes in the veggies and once the onions are slightly translucent you want to add the sausages in tablespoons of ketchup goes in now goes in 1 tbspoon of soy sauce and a little crack of black pepper plating time [Music] now we're going to move on to Chang Chang means a salted fermented condiments so we have Kang which is soy sauce kuchu Jang our fermented red chili paste which we used earlier and twang which is fermented soybean paste we're essentially preserving food in salty things so it lasts longer we're going to make my mom's favorite dish that I make which is yaku Jang with beef and kuchu Jang we're going to do 2 tablespoons of oil now we're going to go on to the softing part we're going to start with the onions and the leaks and sweat it down to bring out the natural sweetness and then we're going to add our beef and you want to really break it apart so that we don't have big chunks of beef I'm going to add a teaspoon of salt to season the beef and a little bit of black pepper as well you can see all the beef fat coming out and you want to slowly render it and now that the beef has almost cooked through we're going to do a tablespoon of minc garlic we're doing 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and drizzle it along the outside and in the center where there's this beef leak onion garlic fat and just like you would with tomato paste you want to just cook out the guu Jang it's going to become glossy and [Applause] smooth we're going to balance out some of the saltiness with with 2 tbspoon of sugar and this is optional you want to add the walnuts in last they add a really nice Crunch and there you have it beautiful yuch jel actually another tip when it comes to yaku Jang all the flavors become really really well rounded the day after and it just matures well over time preservation method two soy sauce we're going to be preserving proteins and soy sauce sauce we'll be doing egg yolks salmon and for my vegetarian friends avocados and I'll show you sauce that you can use for anything I'm doing 1 cup of soy sauce 1/4 cup of sugar 1 and 1/2 cup of water four cloves of garlic and I'm just going to gently crush it to release the allisin half an onion and half a leak and you want to simmer this until the leaks and the onions have released all its juices and this is going to be kind of a bed of layer for the slic salmon to sit on and because I like a little bit of spice cuz I'm Korean I'm going to thinly slice some chilies I didn't want to just do only like strictly traditional Korean recipes I also wanted to put in a bit of a modern take and for avocados you want to choose one that's just a tiny bit unripe because if you choose one that's really ripe and perfect for something like guacamole it's going to get too mushy and it's not going to preserve so you want something with a little bit of bite that can hold up to the liquid so that it doesn't become sludge and for avocado J you want to slice it on the thicker side around 1 cm this is so that it can also hold up and it doesn't get mushy and have your knife be on edge so that the avocado won't follow your knife and I'm going to transfer these straight into the lock and lock and this is what it looks like so pretty I like to put it face side up cuz it looks more beautiful and only for the avocado you want to add one tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar to make sure that the avocados don't oxidize next is going to be the salmon and for the salmon make it a little thicker than what you would usually have for sushi and you want to gently lay the salmon on top of B of [Music] onions sprinkle a little bit of the pepper mix and you want to let the marinade cool completely before pouring it on because we don't want to cook the salmon so meanwhile I'm going to prepare the eggs marinated egg yolks just want to gently drop only the yolks in so all those trophobia people took a warning too late and now you want to slowly drizzle in the [Music] marinade [Music] CH which is a soy pickled vegetable we're going to be doing green onion and tomatoes it really lasts a long time because it's higher in acidity cut it to the width of your container so like this so pretty and for the tomatoes a little bit extra work but you need to peel it in order for the marinade to really get through the skin and what you want to do is make a crosssection on the top when it's simmering you want to drop the tomatoes in it should start opening up like a little octopus and when it does it's time to come out and you want to shock it in cold water [Music] half cup soy half2 cup sugar and/ cup vinegar and 1 Cup water and you want to bring this to a boil and gently pour the marinade on top of the tomatoes and the green onions and it's very important to pour the marinade while it's hot because we're pickling it [Music] essentially [Music] potato Kam and it's brazing potatoes in sweet soy sauce you want to cube the potatoes up around bite size not all pieces have to look the same because it's the difference that makes us beautiful a and we're also going to be making another braid which is tofu m I'm going to cut it into squares potato first that's going to be my presidential slogan potato first coming to elections 2028 oil and drop your potatoes in and now is the time to add in a tablespoon of sugar 4 tbspoon of soy sauce a cup of water and we're going to braze it until most of the liquid has finished absorbing my little Pooky is looking tanned and gorgeous it's gonna be hot salt the tofu on both sides to draw out excess moisture and what is this phenomena osmosis there's really two food science terms that really happen so much in the kitchen and it's mosis and caramelization those two you should know and why do we want to draw moisture it helps caramelize better because less moisture means less steaming and more crust forming and crust means good unlike your crusty dusty ass now tofu is quite delicate and if you're not very comfortable with using carpon steel pens I would recommend you to use a non-stick because it will stick well but if you want to learn two things you want to heat the pan so hot that even water see will Glide off it and be generous with the oil amount drop your tofu in and away from you so it doesn't splatter and just let it be be the opposite of an Asian parent and just take a step back and watch and when it's ready it will release look they'll just Glide right off put the onion on top as well as all the other vegetables 4 tbspoon of soy sauce 2 tbspoon of Karu 1 tbspoon sugar 1 tbspoon minced garlic and/ cup water and you close the lid and let it braze for 10 minutes ah do you know how happy the color red makes [Music] [Music] me it's spilled a little the next technique that we're going to talk about is steaming and we have a newest addition to our team Chef Mikey D can you imagine in the 1960s are used to just cooking everything Stove Top and this comes out of nowhere like it's a time machine if you think about it it takes you from one place to another so fast we're going to be making two steamed dishes one is going to be eggplant and other is going to be that without the plant so just egg steamed egg we're going to steam this in a microwave and I know to a lot of Foodies that is sacriligious but trust me it actually works really well eggplant is one of those vegetables that has a lot of internal moisture and when you microwave it it kind of steams from within becoming really soft and sweet I'm going to add 1 tbspoon of water just to help with a little bit of that steaming process Chef Mickey D for 3 to 4 [Music] minutes the Chamber of [Music] Secrets these are super duper hot so just let it cool while we make the sauce 2 tbspoon of soy sauce 1 taspo of minced garlic 1 tbsp sesame seeds 1 tbsp sesame oil and 1 t spoon of sliced green [Music] onions hold it in the middle and just rip it apart you want to follow this grain just squeeze out some of the excess moisture so it can really absorb the sauce dress it this is our steamed eggplant punchan taste test M and you would never ever be able to tell that this was microwaved next one steamed egg two eggs goes in half teaspoon salt and we whisk obviously using Chopsticks and once the egg is nice and homogeneous we're going to add 1 cup of water I'm going to top it off with some green onion half teaspoon of sesame oil and into the microwave it goes for 3 and 1/2 [Music] minutes I'm a Peeping Tom my money don't jiggle jiggle it [Music] folds finally and Chan is Korean fritters and the one that I'll be making today is called Tong thing which are essentially flatter Korean meatballs and we're going to be using that filling and stuff it into shitake mushrooms as well and you want to incorporate everything in really really well think about it as the size of an Ikea meatball is a good [Music] reference let's also prep the shitake mushroom you just want to remove the stem dust everything in flour to the center and press them down like this once more with flour beautiful we're going to dust the rest of these meatballs also flip them around and we're ready to pan fry pretty you want to put it Meats side down so it really adheres and you can get a nice crust forming and for this in order in order to cook both the egg and the meat you want to go low and slow even more so than [Music] before so good shall we do a rundown of everything we've cooked together we have I'm proud of myself very proud of myself we did this every single one of it we really did this doobies eight techniques 20 different dishes I'm going to be honest with you and break the third wall for a bit we started filming this at around 10:00 a.m. today and it's now past midnight so it took over 12 hours to film it wasn't the individual cooking process that took a long time but it was you know filming and getting everything set up and recipe testing that took a long time honestly my back feels like it's about to break at least I can die happy looking at all these beautiful food I feel like this was something that I had to do to do 20 essential ponchon of all my favorite childhood recipes has been incredibly fulfilling for me it's honestly brought back a lot of memories of my grandma who's been a great inspiration for my cooking and I really feel bad because I used to be such a picky eater and she would make so many ponchan for me and I would complain all the time about the ponchan selection and now that I've done all of this and know how much labor of love it is I have a new found respect for all the moms and grandmas and the dads and anyone else who is cooking for their children or for their families I have major major respect I can't wait to eat all of this though this all looks so good [Music] do do [Music] do do do do do do
Channel: Doobydobap
Views: 1,131,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, foodie, korean, korea, meal prep, korean meal prep, korean food, cooking, meal, prep, easy cooking, easy korean food, banchan, 반찬, recipe, healthy, cheap, budget, easy meal prep, how to meal prep, macro, healthy food, ethan chlebowski, health, vegetarian recipes, easy recipe, vegan, veggie, plant based, korean food recipe, gym, weight loss, mija seoul
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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