The Ultimate Shaolin Routine | SHAOLIN MASTER

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waking up and first of all going for a run going for a run for the purpose of cleaning out your lungs and getting a lot of fresh air right in the beginning of the day into the body we also regard the morning meaning until until noon we are regarding that this is a certain time frame that is dominated let's say by Rising young energy by Rising energy which means that is exactly the point of time where you are supposed to to come out to do the the work that takes a lot of effort from you let's say until noon so and this is why after the morning training after the morning run first of all we have also our breakfast because after the breakfast starts the first high intensity training high intensity training can mean that the exercises I showed you with the practicing of the Rings that would be one of them so you make several repetitions in this type of exercise or also I have my personal regimen at the moment of having the hardening exercises also in the morning so around 11 12 o'clock we are normally finished with the first section [Music] then we're starting with preparing the lunch one o'clock it's lunch time and followed up by a short break and afterwards we have the afternoon training where I either practice again my forms do some stretching or do also some standing exercises the more methods you are starting to discover you are gaining more knowledge you are gaining more methods but at the same time you feel like you don't have enough time to even practice all of this and this is where now my understanding goes that there is the saying it is impossible to master kung fu in one lifetime I can understand somehow where this idea is coming from and what does it mean mastering kung fu and they are one one teacher used to say practicing kung fu is life and life is kung fu so if you master Kung Fu it means it's mastering life it means you're mastering to take life into your own hands in the Kung Fu you are responsible to build up yourself as a Kung Fu Master Kung Fu Master Of Life mastering your own life this is what all of this is about and sometimes one lifetime is not enough to get all the tools in order for you to know how to fix everything that this life is throwing at you and this is again where then the idea comes from that that every lifetime we need to use in order to make us grow in order for us to learn something new within this lifetime because if you believe in it or not just assuming it would be like this knowledge you are gaining in this life period you're gonna get us a new nice package for the next time you come back which means you don't want to waste that Lifetime right now doing unnecessary stuff that does not bring you forward why not because in case you come back you're gonna face the same issues again that you did not solve in this lifetime the first Arrow always hits that first Arrow always hits means there are certain things like sometimes words or an insult somebody is insulting you It's Gonna Hurt you're gonna feel that it's like just hit your ego for example the same goes for the physical exercise in the moment I hit whatever material that is I feel the pain it's not like it's important to understand it's not that something is numb it's not that like I don't feel any any sensation anymore I feel the pain I feel the insult but what now the Buddhist teaching says make sure the second Arrow doesn't hit and the second arrow is the one that oftentimes you are shooting at yourself because after the first one hit you are crying about being hit and that means if I feel the pain and I try to let's say avoid that pain or I suffer because of this pain that is something that directly with my mind I try to avoid so instead what I do is I realize I observe I observe what is the sensation what is it that I call that human called pain what is that sensation how does it really feel so so what is it is it Sharp is it dumb where exactly is it where is the starting point from it how much does it radiate and so by observing this I can detect I can feel that there is something collecting let's say around that area or even trying to collect and condensate in the mind and then you learn to release even if this is loud but during the exercises I feel the pain I release it what starts to tense up I use my mind to do the opposite what what starts to cut into the ego I directly make the opposite of releasing it and it is this inter interplay something comes you release it more of it comes you need to learn to release deeper so that means the more you practice the deeper your level of relaxation the deeper the level of your ability of Letting Go becomes and then it will always be just like it's like an interplay the pain is there and you release pain level number one you can release then comes pain level number two in the beginning it's still difficult it's still difficult but you learn you learn you repeat your your releasing and then suddenly you realize okay now my ability has become good enough that even pain level two is released then comes number three why because you start to hit harder or you start to hit more often and so this is also like in that process the step by step approach let's say to get used to it and like I said once you went over a certain limitation that limit is done that same pain doesn't come anymore you went over it you have overcome it and if people are insulting you for this type of translational you learn to not let it attack or even move your ego in the beginning it's hot but future insults you will just feel they don't move you because you already have the ability to release and why would you ever let somebody else take away your life quality just by insulting you that is exactly what what this is about if you do not take charge about your own internal way of cultivation there is too much out there that can feel like an insult but none of that is worse that you are like wasting your lifetime for it feeling bad about it thank you so much to master shahongi for doing this video if you want to support Master shahangi please head over to today's video was made possible at with the link in the description you can get the not a journal it is back in stock use code Journal at checkout for 10 off guys this is while stocks last last time it sold out and for months and months you guys have been messaging us getting on the waiting list asking for these things so these are back finally thank you to everybody
Channel: MulliganBrothers
Views: 2,002,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational video, mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational speech
Id: KZo24VBqzHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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