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[Music] we we we we up hands up hands up hands up hands up hands up hands up hands up we go hands up what's up everybody welcome back to my Channel today I have a very special guest we have Shane Dawson in the building I have never felt uglier this looks like when you like get it online versus when it comes oh it's bad [ __ ] listen Okay so so I recently did Shane Dawson's podcast it was so much fun and I'm like okay who has glammed you and no one not God [ __ ] so I thought you know what we should give Shane the Jeffree Star makeover we're going to give him our best products today no drugstore for you never all right so today we're just going to dive into a bunch of makeup and we're going to see how much your face can take it I literally have a wed up tissue cuz I sweat so much that I've been okay we're we're going to give you some a good primer so a lot of these products well I mean you've never seen any of these products no that's kind of the fun part is Shane does not know what any of this stuff is so we're going to dive into some Glamour and some filth so if you want to see the transformation then keep on watching the first step here is primer okay okay that's like paint yeah so you're we're going to Prime The Skin So the foundation looks so laid and there's a lot of options here so we'll let you pick um I I feel like we should use maybe one of the world's most expensive primers on you can I guess like everything you use on me can I guess how much it is yes or we have an option of one with with gold flakes in it real gold go home leave so what do you think I mean look at the packaging on both okay um I'm going to say this one's probably more expensive because when people get like too fancy and too glittery and [ __ ] it's fake it's project so I feel like this is probably cheaper I feel like this was probably like 80 bucks okay what about the gold one 75 that's it yeah you got that right now this guy is it comes all the way from Paris and this is $120 right okay we're going to try this one on you it's really good I love it no we're doing the gold no do whatever you want okay wait so I have a question so what before I I ever do anyone's makeup I always like to touch their skin and what kind of what kind of skin do you think you have normal oily dry [ __ ] gross [ __ ] greasy [ __ ] dry like sometimes like my boyfriend will pick off something and he'll rip it off and it looks like a ruffle chip do you ever eat it sometimes but I'm D the gold one is really good for oily skin I love it and we're going to we'll just pull out all the stops we'll use this drugstore brush on you Gucci that's expensive right yeah they have their own makeup brushes now all right oh my god oh look at the Gold mhm that's nuts and then we're just going to yeah and then you you should be it's going to burn no I'm just kidding there's no burning now Shane does have facial hair so we're just going to do what Manny mua does and just go over it and around what's the plan what do you want me to look like who's my identity I want you to feel like you're about to go on dress Grace as the pretty girl with all the attitude she goes home first I need to be the weird Underdog okay who's annoying so now it's time for some Foundation we're going to give you the full coverage moment today there's a lot of what would you do I mean there's a lot of bottles here what what gravitates to you I think I like yes that's my favorite am [Music] right this is my favorite Foundation of all time I'm not kidding is it how the [ __ ] he did not know that I swear to God makeup was already done when he got here this is Dior air flash it's like a spray yes [ __ ] oh my God paint me paint this house and then we have to I like to mix so I like to do two we're going to give you the world's most expensive Foundation this is $200 oh my God yep I did a review on this and people were like what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] and it's really good so what we do here is we close our eyes okay ca do your forehead first oh oh oh oh I like that I like that oh hold on don't open your eyes oh now that's going to look a little wild mhm and we are going to take this Foundation can I eat it I mean that is not vegan you cannot that no why don't do it we're going to have to take you to the Poison Control Center wait I already did no you didn't wait is it bad okay now we're going to use our damp Beauty blender and we're going to blend Shane to fil use your balls so we're just going to bounce and buff your entire face yes buff it like a car God go oh so I like to go on the ear so everything matches okay never forget the ears all right now to conceal Shane's life and soul we're going to go in with the Nars soft matte we're blending how do you feel about things around your eyes I love it fing shove a stick in my eye okay good all right now it's time to you've heard of baking right cake yes we're going to bake the makeup a little bit so this is everywhere where we put concealer um we're just going to put loose powder so it really sets it and doesn't crease okay and today I'm using the little Derma blend loose setting powder this is my favorite what does this remind you of see I know you want me to say cocaine but I wasn't cool enough to do drugs you know I've never tried it that reminds me of a powdered donut I love that I want all right look at that you are looking so matte like air brushed now we're going to cover um everywhere we didn't uh do the highlighting and concealing we're going to go in with a little the double Perfection Luminaire from Chanel you don't even have to face tune you look face tuned a lot of people think that in person I may have bad skin or I'm being real like a lot of people think I airbrush my videos girl this is just like no that's literally what you look like it's [ __ ] crazy all right I really have been dying to Contour you and give you that just chiseled hooker type of Vibes me so we're going to go in with the benefit cheek parade I'm obsessed with how this smells who's the guy who's best friends with Kim Kardashian oh uh Jonathan yes we're going to give you Jonathan cheekbones right now so usually Manny will start at his beard line so you know I don't do a lot of men that have facial hair so I'm going to start where I think it would go oh yes have you ever been doing somebody's makeup and you were just like oh [ __ ] there's no hope mhm and you don't know what to do yeah like why am I sweating right now this reminds me my old days at working at the mat counter someone would come in and you're just like girl okay ready smell this okay what is that like a coconut beachy bronzer you know that smells like vagina does it yeah a nice clean summary one debatable I haven't had a vagina in literally have you ever 5 years had sex with a girl yeah several really yeah how was it for you um it was spiritual I've had sex with a few women solo this is like 10 years ago and then I've had three SS okay so you know you know we make out we you know do other things and then you know so you've eaten a [ __ ] before was this back with your old teeth yes I I caused a lot of injuries you Shady [ __ ] yeah those razors that I had sawed down uhhuh okay now we're going now we're going to Contour this nose and we're going to give you some surgery right now yes some surge yes look look at look straight ahead look at that nose girl she's looking so snat the rocket has landed mhm all right now we're going to do my favorite thing on earth we're going to highlight you oh oh oh this is my favorite part I love this [ __ ] okay I love a blinding highlight I think it's only fitting that we use the eclipse highlighter on you me and Manny's little blinding moment oh give it to me we're going to do full highlight then if you're down oh wow that is so pretty look at that in the light the way it just shifts and moves by the way on speaking of getting blinded on the way here I almost died on the freeway and I think I saw somebody di did you really some girl went crazy and her car went and then flipped and just like went to the side and I almost got hit oh you didn't stop and check on her she's fine she's doing great so on the same like this side of the freeway as you me out oh my so you can't even that's crazy no I looked in the back she was okay like she I saw her I saw her arm waving which could have mean I don't know what shut up oh my God you know there's really so many accidents every day in California wild I'm like can everyone's from different states so shouldn't you be able to know how to drive that looks like I just bit into a greasy Crunch Wrap yeah oh yes yes okay to make sure that all the powder is settled and it's going to mend and blend all together we're just going to do a little setting spray So Close Your Eyes another blast to the face this is this is a little more calming and soothing okay guys now we are about to move on to eyes oh my God I I feel like you can take some ey Shadow oh take it you can take it take it all he's taken a lot to his face throughout the years and my face can take a beating it can so we're just going to go in with a little mac painterly pot this is to Prime the lids what kind of look are you feeling today something easy and Breezy mhm something like just like go to Target get stared at okay so we're going to use the new Sunset Natasha denona palette take a guess of how much this baby is Shane knows nothing about makeup you guys or prices so this company is from Israel and they make really amazing makeup um what's the price for this guy uh I don't want to offend anybody it's okay it looks cheap well cuz of this this tell me why okay from a from a dude's perspective let people know that that's like what I get in my box of macaroons the sh the shade names little weird okay that one's chocolate coffee ignore and then that eyeshadow palettes usually range from like $2 to $40 this is um $129 he shook if it was that expensive can't they just put the names below them they can I don't know why they don't everyone I know every brand owner has a reasoning I'm not sure why it's in here a lot of people actually pull this thing out like I think you can probably cut it out or rip it off um it's a little bizarre I know so for $129 you get these colors I'm feeling a little kind of sunset moment for you a little spiritual and we're just going to we're just going to go right in with this Orange what's what's the name of her we got to flip this down Cheeto dust Horizon hot Cheeto dust we're using hot Cheeto dust as the crease color we're using puffy Cheetos for my eyes and then we're going to do Hot Flaming Cheetos in the crease all right now we're going to go in with the Flaming Hot Cheetos color called pangin and we're just going to darken the crease and just let her have it I'm trying to picture you with no brows right now but you did a drag transformation before right and they they covered your eyebrow your eyebrows why did I just sound so Southern my eyebrows are insane sometimes I'll pick an eyebrow off and it'll be like longer than my pubes well the hair yeah it's like crazy I I like them have you ever gotten them threaded or like trimmed a long time ago I tried and I was crying yeah what do we want to do this one is so pretty or this one what what are you draw to that one I feel like that one cuz I feel like we've already seen that mhm we've seen her she's been done makeup is messy mhm like it looks gross you know what I mean like it get everywhere like you guys think this is probably So Glamorous like this looks nuts it's nuts you should do a video where you show the like what I'm looking chaos I know it's it's wild have you ever put makeup on your penis like to be funny um only when I you better close his eyes he's he's doing the thing when you do one eye you're peeking up from the other don't try it yeah I Contour my um shaft a lot if I did that it would disappear oh my God I'm kidding I'm thick I'm thick wait wait what do you Contour it when it's flopping or when it's hard when it's hard and then when it so then when it goes back down it just looks really like e is that good o give me that weird dick weird give me that wonky dick okay so I'm putting on this metallic and what's you said it burned a little it well it burns a lot no it doesn't but yeah like it but is that normal cuz it's like sparkly I mean it shouldn't hurt like do your eyes feel inflamed yeah no they're not watering like it burns no this one's fatter you don't you can't see it my skin is really sensitive like last night I spilled a whole bottle of Fireball on me don't ask and I had I it was like red and crazy maybe into sensitive okay all right now we're going to have you look up actually and we're going to stab you in the eyes and do some waterline okay do your eyes water for real like or no I don't know we'll see Shane used to wear eyeliner every single day and we're just going to give you a flashback of the old days okay do you remember what eyeliner you used to wear uh I never I wore it once oh how did that feel take it take it oh looks so pretty though we got one side done if you're water lean your head back how do I fix it oh you lean back and you let the water seat back into your skull yes this is what I do when I get sad every day I just let it or you can take this dirty uh tissue that you wiped your hole with and you can and you can like take a little piece like that and and lightly press it in if you're Oh no you're not even watering anymore there we go okay now we're going to smoke out the under eye a little bit with how do you how would you say that cinea ca ca am I going to get in trouble no and then we have volcano that's an easy one we know volcano yeah we got volcano Bermuda atmosphere all right so we're going to use the color that I don't know how to pronounce and we're going to have you look up again a lot of looking UPS let me know if you need a water or take a breather so what is this we're just smoking out the under eyes so it looks really sultry mhm and just really accentuates your feelings I'm curious how this is going to end up because usually with makeup I just look like an old lady okay like like Golden Girls or what kind of lady are we talking about an old like an old alcoholic ant who left her husband for a woman you know what I mean mhm I'm like sounds like my family okay and quickly before we do mascara I just want to say that I love your eyebrows I think they're so cool and I don't want to like emphasize them cuz they're already like defined and stunning so I don't want to make them look like huge blocks of color on your face so we're just going to let them be natural today it is okay to be natural you guys I mean look at me okay now we're going to take my favorite benefit roller lash and take these eyes to the next level so we're going to have you look down not closed just like down exactly like that when I was a little fat kid all like the ladies would be like oh you really should lose weight you have such pretty eyelashes shut up I would slap someone that said that to me your real lashes are actually like enormous they're so stunning I'm like wow God look at those bedroom eyes I live it's my bedroom eyes you want some of this you want some D all right mascara is done it looks so pretty do you want to see if your eyes could take some uh lashes tell me though why I look like Ursula shut the [ __ ] up okay let's see what we got here oh o these spiky ones okay on today and Shane we're going to use a little these ones are called uh Petty and they're from Cake face beauty these are really pretty and spiky look how long they are oh God cake face that's literally me it's literally my life now we're going to try to put these lashes on I'm excited my little princess is coming together so this is going to feel a little wet nothing new for you okay and we are just going to place these down right on the Lash line let me know if that hurts or it pokes o those are so pretty yes Shane mua you're see I'm seeing it more and more I'm literally I love it oh my God Manny he's coming for you [ __ ] wait I look like him don't I that's so weird it looks like us oh my God oh my God ooh those lashes are up to God right now look at those spiders look at those spiders okay the last step besides setting spray is lips so I'm going to like what kind of lip are you feeling a nude a red a black a green a yellow green redell you're so funny you're so funny girl I love you I love you girl give me some [ __ ] setting spray all right what lip are we feeling what does Manny do a nude I want to be I want I want you to do Manny like on me and then I want to steal her throne okay great so we're going to do a nude actually have a new lip called Hunty okay Hunty yes oh this is going to be a good camel like nude on you all right so we're going to go in with velour liquid lipstick shade Hunty it is a gorgeous warm tone camel nude and this is kiss proof so you can make out with people you can just fill it up great all right baby let's put this on I be like a makeup person on YouTube I think it's time you think I could do turn a little let them see that that pretty little [ __ ] mouth of yours wow I feel so much better about myself right now M this this is great look at that lip it is stunning I lit I mean I'm actually Manny this is weird I love it so the only thing we're missing is setting spray we got to lock in the makeup make sure it does not move anywhere so you can go about your day I love moons I love little dogs and you love me and lur Lee oh my God my besties is always yes don't [ __ ] with us don't do it honey all right let's get your engines ready ready and may the best woman win all right tilt your head back and just feel the fantasy yes woo do you feel set oh for life did you inhale some I did a little bit yes okay cool my lungs are burning yes hey let's let you let's let you really get a cute Glimpse girl look at that [ __ ] be yes smokey eye it looks better on camera yeah in real life oh God is that what my face looks like look at my eyebrows I love look at that one do you see that one look at it look at that whoa that is a long hair that is holy [ __ ] I I want I almost want to pluck that one and do it where oh let me see if I can pull it out with these oh it didn't work your your eyebrows are like titanium how that one is never coming out oh my let me try to just do one okay oh my God they don't his hair are it's like so like it's almost like steel wool when you like clean your um sink they do not want no it's cuz I'm a beast it's a beast honey okay this look is [ __ ] stunning I think you look so just like you're ready you're ready to go [ __ ] get on your knees I think cut to me in my car eating Taco Bell in traffic on the 101 like all right you guys of course this is the final look how do you feel baby honestly like no jokes I feel really pretty I love it I like looks really cool it's very different and he does not wear makeup on The Daily so for someone to take that amount of makeup to their eyes and not water cheers I'm all out of tears but came over fresh out thank you so much for watching we also filmed another video on Shane's Channel what the hell did we do girl we watched hate videos it was severe so everything will be linked down below don't forget to subscribe to Shane's Channel I think the whole YouTube Community is already subscribed but if you are not already you better [ __ ] do it so everything is down in the descript description box and um go replay the intro like 17 more times cuz that's what I'm about to do all right you guys thank you so much for watching bye guys wow yes Alissa Edwards she better work oh that was my stomach I was like oh I just noticed my gross hairy neck I know whole video want me to put Contour it is that a mole I have a big mole I never even noticed it it's like a little my tradar it's a little Freckle you better work rude Austin if I was 12 I would shove that in my butt 100% I put a baggie over it I mean you have to yeah thank you so now we're going to dust have you ever seen a rose bud Nar n that's how Australian people say no do they really n Nar n n big wrinkly move his hair let's move your your lace front it's good today have you ever came and then you didn't have a rag so you just do that no I usually go like this ooh she's feeling snatched my face sucks what
Channel: jeffreestar
Views: 16,922,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeffree star, shane dawson, jeffree star cosmetics, shane dawson tutorial, jeffree shane, jeffree star approved, jeffree star tutorial, manny mua, laura lee, jaclyn hill palette, nikkietutorials, james charles, tati westbrook, makeup challenge, makeup hacks, boys in makeup, full face maybelline, get ready in my private jet, kkw beauty review, kylie cosmetics, kim k tutorial
Id: 2bhiiFwUdU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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