Shane Dawson claims James Charles deserved to be "exposed"

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today's been an interesting day for sure but first as you maybe can tell you know by me wearing a hoodie my air conditioning is now fixed so hey that the desert summer is a lot more tolerable again but after about a year shane dawson decided to finally release what he thought of the whole drama geddens situation you know that situation involving James Charles last year that was blown way out of proportion [Applause] so if you guys don't remember Todd Z Westbrook basically made a 50 minute expose video on James Charles where if you just really boil it down to the core it's over some gummy bears it's because James Charles posted an advertisement for a brand that is competing with toffee Westbrook's vitamin gummy brand and well I guess toffee just wanted to shell out her vitamin products in front of tens of millions of people as well so that was a massive W for toffee westbrook at least for a couple of weeks until James Charles managed to gather all of his thoughts and drop a massive uno reverse card on the entire situation and pretty much right after that all that happened everything just vanished and went away Geoffrey Starr was allegedly gonna drop a whole video on the whole situation exposing James Charles but that never happened maybe because James Charles knows some stuff about Geoffrey star but hey who knows then we had the rumours that were flying around that Shane Dawson was behind the scenes organizing everything he was just masterminding everything like like Bobby shmurda is with our current election but I mean Shane Dawson controlling everything that's a cool conspiracy theory but I don't know how much weight it actually holds I guess that's why it's a conspiracy theory I really don't know too much about Shane Dawson I know he's eight he's obviously a YouTube og and pioneer of this platform that I had a love-hate relationship with every single day but as a creator I do have to admit I do look up to him due to how many times he's reinvented himself reinvented his channel ultimately keeping him as a relevant figure for the last decade but this tweet of his I feel like it might have been rushed like he might have felt forced to say something due to social media pressure but he definitely dropped the ball with a couple of sentences in this tweet by the time you actually got to the sweetie are you deleted it but thankfully pop crave reposted everything so let's just read through this together and I'll give you guys some thoughts on what I think of this whole situation so the caption the tweet is my final thoughts in the beauty world welcome to the circus my final thoughts in the beauty world a few questions that I've been getting lately one did I know she was thinking about making a video yes to there I tell her to make a video no three did I have any involvement in the video no four did I orchestrate it no damn it conspiracy theories gone five that I need that kind of drama to make a good series no six have I ever tried to ruin a career or make someone look bad in the 15 years of YouTube no 7 do I have a track record of getting into drama with people or having fights with other youtubers no 8 am i innocent and don't have huge anxiety provoking regrets about how I could have helped everyone handled everything better no I've had a pit in my stomach since it all happened so I mean first parts fair tot he's a grunt woman she decided herself to start shelling her vitamins for 50 minutes while exposing James Charles at the same time but hey let's read through the rest of this while my dog goes and tries to attack the person who's taken our trash currently there thank you Gary thank you for taking care of a scary you can come back now now on to my final thoughts in the beauty world and my experience in it oh oh boy the conspiracy palette was one of the best experiences of my life this series the Jeffrey changed my life and changed me as a person it helped me be more confident and stand up for myself which I've always been bad at so to honor the series and what I've learned from it I'm gonna say this the beauty girls who are always involved in scandals are all the same they're all attention so you can game-playing egocentric narcissistic vengeful two-faced ticking time bombs ready to explode and I'm over it yes they are talented creative smart and love makeup but they also joined a side of the internet that is obsessed with looks money power Fame screenshots and sub tweets releasing private text voice memos emails and other receives as a way to paint yourself in a particular light or someone else in a bad light so I think James Devil no so I think he was a young Eagle centric power-hungry guru who needed to be served some humbling pie the size of the Empire State Building yes okay this is coming from like a 35 year old has he grown as a person since then it really seems like it and that's amazing I'm truly happy that he realized how his ego is affecting others which he did address and his no more lies video do I think Tati is a villain no I think Tati was sick of being treated like by so many in the beauty world and finally snapped and damn did she snapped all the way off holy SH she really said it and beat her face for the gods and puffed on that ring light and went full Game of Thrones on that wait wait wait these like Tati Geoffrey Shane they're all thirty or forty yeah fish right versus a nineteen year old yeah I mean I am it's a very weird dynamic yeah say what you want about her or that video well that will be in the history books yeah has the best vitamin gummies Schilling video in the world you see brie wine even gave it an acknowledgment damn okay sorry back to my rant I am so proud of this community sorry I that's the only thing I think of when I think do I think Jeffrey orchestrated the whole situation no tachi is a strong woman who made a choice do I think Jeffrey was also upset by some issues with James and some things he heard behind the scenes yes was Jeffrey excited to see a competitor fall probably he's Jeffrey [ __ ] star what do you expect yeah meds Jeffrey [ __ ] star Jeffrey does something really eat oh it's Jeffrey thing start what do we expect if this video gets 35,000 likes I'll do a whole video on Jeffrey star as well and everything that he's done recently Garry buddy hey buddy let's not eat some plastic today plastic is not on the dinner for you if you want the menu for dinner it's um what is it organic dog kibble or whatever mommy decides to buy you you just wanna eat plastic he's wishing me happy Father's Day oh yes he is he wants to play no more video please Oh anytime now it's just how it is I'm sick of people pretending to be so above it all and with that said I love watching beauty channels of all sizes and I will continue to watch and support them the dramatic ones the non dramatic ones and the ones who genuinely just love to show their makeup skills sadly those channels just get way less views for the reasons I stated above so go enjoy the gurus enjoy the circus unsubscribe for me if you are so mad I'm no longer engaging in it unsubscribe to the Guru's you don't like subscribe to the Guru's you do like just don't take the beauty world as seriously as I did or as so many of us did in 2019 it's not worth it and I feel like we all lost a bit of our soul during trauma gedan as for my channels I'm done with the beauty world I love what I was able to create with Geoffrey and I'm sure people are going to assume I only did it for money but that's not true I just am choosing to no longer be a part of that world I still watch beauty videos buy and play with makeup and be a part of it in my life offline but as for being a part of that world on YouTube I don't think it's for me I need to get back to why I started YouTube back in 2005 and that was to make things that bring me joy not drama and make movies one day makeup will for now just be a hobby I have to help with my anxiety like slime or emotional eating and that sounds really good to me right now okay that was a lot of process according to pop crave Shane Dawson's post comes at the heels of Geoffrey stars ex friend saying he felt silenced by the duo after hearing Shane curse James out to Geoffrey before the release of Tottie's video where quote from the ex friend was I was kind of taken aback I've never seen Shane Dawson like that he was just going in on James so I kind of like dropped a lot of my opinions while reading it I feel like overall this entire situation just has this really weird landscape definitely the fact where the three people who were a guest on one side being taught us Brad jeffree star and Shane Dawson they're all in their 30s and 40s I think Geoffrey star age oh he's 34 Wow I thought you were so much older I'm so sorry Shane Dawson 31 I thought you were so much older is well I am so sorry Tati Westbrook Tati 38 she the oldest okay so we have we we three people in their 30s calling out a 19-year old at the time of that call-out interesting and if I remember correctly they were fully coming after this kids career it doesn't quite sit right with me the whole fact of a bunch of 30-year old YouTube Giants attacking the the brand-new career of a young 19 year old I feel like there was a lot of envy and jealousy and hate they had inside them to do this and was James Charles and his cent and all of this no he probably did some to piss them off but was it worthy of them putting him on blast like that and for him tens of millions of people I don't know that that's a really hard thing to answer but ultimately I don't think so I don't even know if it's an interesting point or not so when you do very well on YouTube definitely at a young age you have a lot of trade offs a big trade off is as a kid when you're uploading a bunch of YouTube videos and you're spending all your time trying to become a youtuber you completely lose all of your friends circles like your real life friend circles you completely like lose all your real life friends pretty much some of the things that I've definitely learned in life definitely looking back at my own life speaking from experience and so on I can't relate to James Charles because obviously my success is nothing compared to what he has achieved on YouTube or on this platform but we're in a similar age group so just to give you guys some perspective that's most people wouldn't offer or really think of when you dedicate your life to YouTube and become a youtuber I guess the consequence of that is all the time that you have in a day you only have 24 hours in a day you put that towards YouTube I don't fully know James Charles's situation so on like how much time he's actually spin it onto his YouTube channel but I bet you it's a whole lot of hours and it's a whole lot of hours that we haven't seen since he technically lost a segment of his teenage life to being an adult on YouTube a lot of these lessons he could have learned in his teenage life he had to learn later on and in front of tens of millions of people but why I feel like the whole age thing was definitely very unfair and gave me a really weird vibe the whole situation but definitely looking back at the situation looking at the two sides having a three thirty year olds versus one teenager or 19 or 20 year old at the time at this time yes he's a 19 or 20 year old but he's also a very isolated 19 or 20 year old because most likely he spent the previous amount of years in his room or in his bedroom isolating himself not going to parties not going anywhere grinding that YouTube channel definitely for me speaking to a lot of youtubers that's pretty much what we had to do to get to where we are right now definitely the ones that are around my age and because you spend so much time locked up in your room you don't get those very important lessons that you needed to learn in your teenage years instead he got them thrown in his face very publicly in front of the entire world oh and finally to amplify everything so take this insanely sheltered kid and then throw them in worlds fakest city filled with the fakest leeching vampires that live in LA I have some great friends in LA or great people but LA is filled with just blood sucking leeches and to throw a super sheltered kid into that environment will obviously do some things to that kid and when you put a kid in an environment like that will a kid do some dumb stuff of course you would will he promote the wrong vitamin gummi company maybe but overall I do not feel like he deserved what happened to them and I find it really odd for Shane Dawson to come out and double down again now but anyway what do you guys think please let me know in the comments down below sorry my camera just died but if you enjoyed the video please drop a like on it if you're new here I welcome you to my channel I'll be awesome you subscribed and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] like I'm so bad better coming up six six making hits like tennis I've been no father I just need my credit gonna go far need to change my settings the stars on my feet touch heaven I'm a headfirst [ __ ] I'm ready for a second
Channel: Atozy
Views: 425,066
Rating: 4.9538054 out of 5
Keywords: Shane Dawson, James Charles, Shane, Dawson, James, Charles, Dramageddon, satire, comedy, commentary, atozy
Id: OeIjuzhRyUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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