Tana Mongeau is now scamming her fans again...

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yes it's recording time [Music] it's no secret that tana mojo has been considered a problematic creator for a pretty long time now but it's not like she hasn't been slipping up recently so let's just get right into it first we're just gonna start off that she's continuously been partying throughout the entire duration of this whole pandemic i feel like she might have taken a little bit too much inspiration from her ex-husband jake paul california is among the states here in the us that are experiencing all-time highs there's a massive spike and new cases daily and what do the influencers do absolutely nothing or well not all of them these specific influencers are not taking this into consideration at all before they go out partying and why are you so upset at these influencers going out to these parties they're just teenagers and young adults dude well they're influencers they're also influencing millions of other americans and other people around the world to go out and ignore all these stay-at-home orders and just go let's just go around to parties suddenly the viewers of these influencers are going to be thinking oh it's completely fine to cram yourself like a sardine into these mansion parties what no one's being tested at the door and you're shoulder to shoulder with them in the house this isn't gonna end well like this is this is gonna get bad this is this is this is gonna be problematic for the future but recently og youtuber and influencer tyler oakley the same guy who was canceled for being a landlord he went to twitter to call out some of these influencers for going to these parties on the 22nd of july he tweeted out hi james charles nikita dragon tana mojo laura xo is it larry is that just a fancy way of saying larry or is it lorraine i feel like it's larae it looks like larae oh larae charlie the amalio and dixie del malio and any others who have been partying in large groups please consider social distancing mask wearing and using your huge platforms to encourage responsibility during a worldwide pandemic and he's quote tweeting a past tweet of his where he said if your favorite influencers are at huge house parties during a pandemic and are dumb enough to post it on social media their bad influences unfollow them honestly that's a tweet i can fully support but tyler hasn't been the only person who wanted to call out all these influencers all of the viewers have been bombarding these influencers with messages and pleas begging them to just set a good example the first major instance of this is when the viewers were made aware of none other than jake paul's massive party surprise surprise the king of being problematic has found yet another way to annoy people on a recent video jake paul decided to give the most sarcastic half apology ever like it's an absolute joke to him beside no one else than tana mojo daddy and scandals i haven't been in a scandal you've been in a false accusation you have been in your false accusation with you it was like tana mongeau and jake paul swing from heavy machinery we didn't swing from any machine like we told the stupidos together liability this is a liability stop this now i've changed i've gone through a lot of hardships and i've done a lot of both as a 23 year old and i'm so sorry for anyone that i've offended and this is a growing process for me and i'm just learning and making mistakes as i go i just want to say i'm sorry yeah if you didn't say yikes out loud while watching that congratulations people are like passing away from this and jake paul's like ha yeah we throw parties every day bro yeah jake paul baby the only ohio boy i stan is him yes he is from ohio so he is really the only ohio boy we acknowledge then there was another massive party throne to celebrate the influencer la reyes birthday which is very ironic because only months ago he tweeted out this the fact that there is a virus going around and some of y'all are really going out risking your health to go to a party with people you don't even like is so stupid but i'm bored send me the adi next time well is it really ironic i mean in the end he kind of like yeah i mean he got the addie and obviously hosted the party oh my god people really just don't have the self-control to like not go and party for a couple months it sucks don't get me wrong it's not fun at all but we're not from not doing it some of y'all actually from doing it i'm convinced that la's just loaded with a bunch of sociopaths who just absolutely do not care about the human race at all all of these influencers are going to parties and not caring about the pandemic because they're like well if anything happens at least i can make a vlog about it and this party i guess was a pretty big deal because a whole bunch of influencers were there and of course this absolute rager of a party was thrown at no other place than the hype house oh and i'm pretty sure this is the party that actually caused tyler oakley to post the tweet in the first place so here's what none other than tana mojo posted on her story that night why are you like fully sweating i was dancing always dancing wow there's so much social distancing going on this shot it's insane you can clearly see that they're all wearing masks and they're all six feet apart absolutely not within arm's length and if you couldn't tell everything i just said was sarcasm and apparently in fact there was so many people that went there even the hollywood fix pulled up it's a tick tock house of course the hollywood fix is there they're probably on the guest list let's be real oh you the hollywood fix yeah you can get in come on you on the list it's not like the hollywood fix hasn't been inside that house before i like how that hollywood fix guy is like basically on the verge of becoming a hype house member no literally the hype house's newest number is going to become the hollywood fix they posted footage of the line that was coming all the way out from the door just to get in and uh it was quite the line no social distancing whatsoever in sight there was so many people in this house that they had to come out of the house to say the party was at capacity hey what about michael michaels michael that's the love of my life man michael's michael's loving my life well that's good to hear man yeah that's so busy here we'll look forward to having you guys hey the canadian guy canadian josh's friend hey i want to box you next canadian josh's friend i think that's his name right oh man i know you're talking about yeah hey oh man they're i guess they're in capacity i wasn't even on the list oh we're capacity i'm sorry guys hey have a good night so i guess the paparazzi was filming a very drunk connor yates where we find out indeed the party was at capacity guys we're going to be stuck inside forever if we keep up with this there's no sight of a normal life at all in the near future if you guys continue to act like this please stop going to parties with hundreds of people if you guys absolute have to party can you guys do it with like less than 10 people that would be great you know for humanity's sake yeah cause there will be no hype house it'll be hype fema camp y'all y'all hi fema camp bro the hype house is gonna turn into the hype hospital real quick if you guys don't stop partying in there but back to our problematic queen tana the latest awful post she made was of course at a party again she posted this elegant video with erica costell where they basically just say they don't care listen [Music] the way l.a rots your brain is very clear in this video i swear these influencers might as well just be living on a different planet social norms and behaviors so different from how they act to how normal people act like i can't even anymore what do you guys think about all these parties in la going on in full swing while our pandemic is in full effect let me know in the comments down below but after looking at this clip again they might instead of the saying they don't care about the pandemic they might have been saying we don't care about the beef they had with each other you know considering they're both exes of jake paul but it definitely comes off as they don't care about the pandemic because they're they're partying together anyway this video is not quite finished yet because we have one last thing to take a look at this um situation where it seems like tana just scammed a bunch of her fans so i'm not sure if you guys have heard of the site d-pop it's essentially grailed for normal people and if that didn't explain it well enough it's basically like ebay but all the clothes look like they came from urban outfitters so basically just a trendy clothing market place where you can buy and sell clothes i've noticed that many influencers actually have stores on d-pop meaning they sell some clothes they either wore on instagram once and want to get rid of or i don't know anything really but of course tana mojo has a d-pop account of her own and the way i found out about this is actually because of the person behind the camera hannah you um searched up tan on d-pop right yeah when i clicked on her account i just saw that it had like not amazing reviews so i went to read them just out of curiosity and they were pretty bad and that's when he came running over to me with them and i was like what is going on here i wasn't even expecting i wasn't trying to find something bad either i was just curious what she had on her shop so after i took a look at the reviews i was like um this is messed up so let's just take a look at some of her d-pop reviews here because it's kind of obvious that she's been scamming her fans on and purpose or not on purpose i don't know most likely it's not on purpose most likely she just completely forgot about it but if you have a depop store and you sell something you have the responsibility to make sure the person that bought something actually gets the item they bought you know that's how exchange works they give you money for you to give them the clothes but if they just give you money and you don't give them the clothes that's a donation that's not an exchange they were assuming they were going to exchange with you i'm sure you would get a bunch of donations if you ask for donations tana making a d-pop is not a way to get donations that's just ripping off your fan base so let's just take a quick look at some of these reviews cali wrote never received my body suit and it's been five plus weeks get your together because this is unprofessional and bad for your brand boo distress closet wrote never got my dress made a complaint and got my money back the same day so she can't ship out items three plus weeks but can give you a refund within one day makes no sense really wanted that dress too no respect for tana okay most likely tana didn't refund you most likely depop realized oh this person's not sending out the clothes so d-pop didn't want backlash so d-pop gave you a free refund kendall i wrote still hasn't shipped it's been five weeks jordan wrote i love tana a lot but i ordered this on the first of march and contacted her two times before her shop went inactive i was not contacted about my purchase at all before she shut her shop though i get a global pandemic picked up in but i would have at least loved an explanation i'm super sad and i never received this item nevshop wrote never received my item and i paid isabelle wrote never received this item and never got tracking it's been a year still no package a year a tana a year hearts wrote i still haven't received it and it's been more than two weeks okay that's actually the best one here technically yeah wow never received my item and was in contact with seller about receiving a refund and never actually got a response or refund and this was spring of last year very upset about it but still a fan okay i mean you're very lucky tana aaron wrote i don't know if i should be annoyed or laugh about this but the shirt i received has a dried up marinara or something on the front of it i mean at least she received her item it wasn't how it was described but at least she got her item so first off there's clearly some bad experiences with the tana mojo depop store i would go as far to say as they've literally been scammed but just so people know as well there are a bunch of good reviews where people are actually saying they got their stuff on time but i was shocked at the sheer volume of people who just haven't received what they paid for really uh brought me back to the good old days of tanacon how long has it been since we tried to get our soulja boy playstation i got a scam from soldier but all i wanted to do is make a video unboxing all of my soulja boy stuff but instead i paid 500 and i never got anything it's been like a year and a half in a year and a half i think it's too late to contact paypal for a refund anyway so i mean like i just got scammed by soulja boy honestly i just realized tana mojo don't you make stories out of nothing if you were in the position of one of your fans here you would make an outrage story about how you never got your item or how your items somehow got marinara sauce on it let's be real here regardless this video could be summed up with uh tana mojo is problematic in so many different ways but hey what do you guys think of all this please let me know in the comments down below if you're new here i welcome you to my channel it'll be awesome you subscribed and if you haven't seen my last video feel free to click on one of them here now peace got me like i'm barely sober slip right past like i barely know ya whip so fast like a whip daytona got a [ __ ] so bad and she gripped my shoulder like flips so fast like a roller coaster [ __ ] not sweet like a cherry soda kid won't switch like a new persona [ __ ] up wouldn't do [ __ ] over move past looking at the upside late night and she called me
Channel: Atozy
Views: 381,842
Rating: 4.9450355 out of 5
Keywords: Tana Mongeau, Tana Mongeau is now scamming her fans again, Tana, Atozy, satire, comedy, commentary, jake paul, jake, paul
Id: dbkx4OEMGEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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