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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] a [Applause] [Music] our adventure this week is giving our new van the ultimate Shakedown starting in shepherdin we cruise to a beautiful town called brat which quite possibly Takes the Cake for one of the most beautiful towns in Australia where we stock up on fuel and supplies and hit the Vick High Country then it's onto to a Chuka for one of the best campsites in Vic and the fact that it's our friend's property makes it even better it wasn't all Sunshine and Lollipops from this day picking up our new home just days before we were set off to begin our Shakedown trip we broke the truck in a big way we blew the motor we were thinking the worst both with the price of the fix and the length of time it was going to take to fix such a problem I know what you're thinking how the bloody hell did you manage to do that well you'll never [Music] guess I know what you're probably thinking we were trying to attempt some crazy desert Crossing or bul the diffs but no as Jackson geared down from fourth to third coming into a roundabout basically the motor did what's commonly known as throwing a leg out of bed which means we snapped a conrod and it did some major damage to the inside of the motor and to our pockets why no one knows asuzu are offering zero warranty due to the ECU remap and pretty much refus to investigate any further blaming the remap was it the remap probably not but hey ASU make the rules not us and that's the rules no use complaining we knew what we were getting ourselves into when we tuned it heads up from usot any mechanical issues and our suu are now doing a full download of your ECU and boost pressures and recording whether or not you've had your truck tuned so it remains on the system and voids all future warranty anyway as Jackson always says you around and you find out the truck was back in a week and we were back at it PS We tuned the truck again can't slow us [Music] down bright was one of the more beautiful towns we' visited in Australia probably top five never have we seen such vibrant colors and amazing streams flowing down straight off the High Country although this will sound very strange to some the water felt pure I can't explain it but it felt uncorrupted and gave off a very calming feeling when you pass through there next Walking in the water and let us know if we're crazy or not anyway it was the perfect stop off to grab some lunch at the pub before heading to the High Country and wow did it set the tone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it feels good to be back let's air down cuz look where we are dirt roads woohoo I've got to uh air down the new super singles on the Caravan reckon we'll hit about 50 psi with these we go down to 40 in the back I'm ready for this test run it's going to be fun testing something that well there's so many world firsts in this Caravan so to be able to test this a dream come true I'm so so bloody excited all right let's get into it let's hit the road let's go camping first ever water crossing get in there's more to [Applause] come I missed the turn so now I've got a back 100 m down a very tight track and steep Cliff we're back on track Camp's SL 5 minutes away I'm okay to get out of the truck [Music] stop it's a good start I'd call that level why don't we camp there I think that's perfect here's what I'll do I'll let you level the Caravan and I'll slowly creep forward but you need a two-way and remember this time turn the two-way on this this is majorly giving me boggy hole track [Music] Vibes I already yelled out stop really loud didn't I yeah but I was waiting for you cuz I knew you didn't have the two-way you can't even see this as well as we can see it from here that is so freaking sideways so what I'm going to do is I'll put this bag up and drop the bags on the other side just so it doesn't have so much top weight going this way and then uh I'll just crawl forward nice and slow and you just you hold the mic on right and just talk to me the whole time nice and calmly breathe all right so when I asked them to set these bags up I said there's going to be times where I need to dump the air can you just have it so it dumps but see how it's pulsing yeah yeah see yeah I prefer it just dumped is that going up yeah it is just a bit slowly yep looking good start going up now on that side all now this is the last River Crossing and although it's not that deep I want to show you something cool so I almost demanded that this get called The Big Show but instead it's called water crossing now so if I click that the Caravan will go to Max extension on the airbags so nothing gets wet Max extension is 1,00 clearance from the ground which is 1.1 M ridiculous overkilled but I like it going to go through the water yes yeah bub yeah all right seat belts on what have you got here Dad not Rosie she's so [Applause] pretty can you get in you try I'm going to uh put the extra step out he did it to sa he did it I'll go get the keys we got extra stairs in the tunnel boot can I show you how I can do it reckon I can do it dad reckon You Can Do It Go show off a baby has no faith in me watch this off she did that rolling into Camp late at night it's never a good idea let's get gen sorted I don't even have time for a fire wait there long story short we tested a whole bunch of stuff on the way in but never really got to show you through it so in the morning I'll sit down and have a chat with you about exactly what I was doing how I was doing it and I think you're going to be blown away also we found a few problems so we'll go through them as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow it is cold I don't know how Eevee slept in that Rooftop tent I'm going to make myself a coffee and I'll either wait for eeve to wake up or I'll go have my coffee while I lay in the river have an ice bath cuz isn't that what all the cool influ influencers do these days I'm definitely not cool and I'm definitely not an influencer but I reckon it' be pretty cool to say that I had a nice bath in the vehicle P country it's not the middle of winter but it's winter enough for [Music] me need gloves man it's bitter I don't know if you can see the steam coming out of the top of this but did you see me fill the kettle to see if it was hot there a couple of times hundreds of times I flick the kettle on to boil the kettle and forgot to turn the inverter on so I was checking to make sure I didn't Caravan things right I'll try and get through this without shivering so the basic idea of this trip is we pick the Caravan up and we're heading out on what's called a Shakedown a Shakedown trip for the Caravan what that involves is why we do this is because we head so remote and we in the next four to 5 weeks you're going to see just how remote we're going to head we're going to push this thing to the absolute limits but what you want to do is get rid of all the teething issues in the Caravan and you want to figure out how to use the Caravan because there's a lot of things about each individual Caravan that has different quirks and perks right power power inputs and outputs I want to see how the solar works I want to see uh although there's not much sun here we're only going to get a little bit of sun but at least I want to check the inputs and outputs uh the inputs of the solar I want to check basically how this whole system works I've got 600 amps in the truck of lithium in the truck and 800 amps of lithium in the Caravan at 48 volt and I can basically it's a super smart system I can plug them into each other and it floats as one big battery bank and one will trickle charge the other if I'm using a lot of power in in the Caravan it sucks power out of the truck at a faster rate it's a really incredible system state-of-the-art and I don't really think it's been done before it's quite possibly a world first there a lot of world first on this Caravan if I haven't mentioned it already what there's a of in Australia is Expedition Caravans or remote travel Caravans there's Bruto Expedition who make a cracker Caravan but their customization is Like You Can't customize your layout they give you a set plan done then you've got Cruiser van as far as I'm concerned of the Ducks nuts the bees knees there um what Reese is doing down at Cruis van is something special and I wanted to be a part of the R&D involved in building the ultimate remote travel Caravan and not only remote travel travel Caravan family remote travel Caravan so the purpose of this whole trip is to shake it down make sure all the systems are operating properly as I said we want we want the power check the inputs and outputs of all the power see what consumptions what uses what we've already found out is the hot water cuz we got we've got this is full electric this Caravan um except for the gas bottles in the front that power the Weber last night we've already figured out that the hot water systems we installed two electric hot water system or yeah two tanks for the electric hot water systems and they're running in parallel but what that means is we're drawing 2,000 Watts from the moment the first person has a shower or 20 minutes before the first person has a shower so you got the boys who shower together off grid then you've got Aurora that has a bath in the sink then you've got Eevee then you've got Kyler and myself so over that span you think of what your family does in the shower at home over that span of time although we might be very good at not using too much water it's literally drawing 2,000 Watts over a 4H hour period so that's a lot of wattage to be drawing so it's just things like that that we need to learn maybe we need to we've got 40 L we need to condense how we have our showers so it goes as soon as the boys have a shower Evie has their shower then I have a shower then Kyla has a shower vice versa we just we smash it out over an hour period and flick the hot water off then you got to do the washing and things like that the dish dishwashing and things like that so we're just going to have to uh as I said learn learn how to do it all so there's a couple of things already and this is the best part about not being sponsored by anyone we we can go through the go through the list of things that we need to fix and aren't good enough a couple of things are us the cut RS just being goobers but there's also a couple of things that I asked for that was explained to me why I couldn't have it but there was certain situations here that I recorded and are going to be in the video as to why I wanted it so for example yesterday when we were trying to dump and raise the airbags to get around that hairpin corner with not flip the Caravan you could hear it pulsating see how it's pulsing yeah yeah see yeah I prefer it just [Applause] dumped so Safar has used the Garmin system which is the screen that you seen me pushing all the buttons on and integrated that with the airbags and it's what they've done is the first time anyone's ever done it in the Caravan and they wanted it to pulsate so it could read the data more accurately and what I was saying to them is I just want it to dump and I want it to like there can be a time where it pulsates but also need a button to dump and fill the bags as quickly as possible because we've got the world's biggest compressor on board and that compressor is now connected to the Caravan so that compressor then Powers the bags for that Caravan so it should be able to move very fluid and very quickly and it it as you can see like there a lot of situations even coming through the water Crossings on the way in I'm pumping the bags right up to give us clearance and especially with the Steep entry and steep exit there we um yeah we need the bags to be able to move quickly so anyway I want the bags to be able to move quicker and I'm going to have conversations with Cruiser van and G about trying to get that done now keep in mind I'm winging about the world's best system this system was literally it literally blows everything out of the water that I've ever seen in my entire life like from the cab I'm I'm hitting auto level after we go around a hair pin and like the caravan's leveling itself back at the right ride height and then if I'm on the freeway I can hit a button and it low rides so I can glide through we dynamically and then like when I hit the water crossing I hit another button it goes all the way all the way up to the Limit straps it's just like I'm I'm literally not complaining it's R&D and you could see in that video why I want these certain things and they said to me Rees didn't Rees was on my side Bruce who's the smartest out of all of us actually said uh was the one that stopped me he said you're going to flip the van I can't put it in cuz you're going to flip the van and I was saying to Bruce that let a boy play I just want to play if I flip the van I'll flip the van you know mean like we're trying these sort of Caravans are designed for people that do this all the time they're not designed for someone that wants to do a Weekender you know what I mean let me R&D it if I flip it I flip it it is what it is another one we figured out is the front light bar keeps fusing out uh the fuse keeps tripping sorry don't know why that is and then I'll get under today and have a look at that suspension and really go over it and make sure there's no bolts coming and lose make sure it's operating the way it's supposed to be make sure make sure the penard rods are all in the right locations and also a massive rookie error on the way in I've got now I've got disconnectable sway bars so basically I can disconnect as soon as I get off the black toop I can disconnect my sway bars which means my suspension Wheels tires can all articulate probably I've never had that before and I know full well I have that now but yesterday on the way in I didn't disconnect my sway bars I was coming in on Sunset I had a lot on my plate I had kids obviously we got to get them in the bath before I just full rookie mode forgot to disconnect the sway bars I'll disconnect them on the way out just have a look at them what I do know now is they can handle when they're connected they can handle a lot of stress so what you were seeing yesterday is not even the full articulation of the van and it's probably the reason also that the van got so tipsy so on that hair pin on the way out we'll have a look at how she behaves with the disconnected sway bars but this is what a Shakedown Cruise is you live and you learn there's going to be problems with the Caravan there's going to be problems with user error and there's also going to be a whole bunch of stuff in between that I'm sure by the end of the trip there's going to be more of them so I'm pretty sure that's it for now all right I've been summoned inside kids must be up hello Dad hello everyone we're doing cards hello silly to our friend our friends our friends want to know Ellis Ellis Wilders didn't even stand up 8 months old take we're judging off water she's excelling no she's doing better than was you want to watch Dad go for a swim in a second he up again where where Dad dad's crazy he's going for swim in in the river Hey listen he's going for a swim in the river no more poopy ha don't even know what poy ha means what does it even mean things to take away from this is our kids love poopy ha don't even know what that is Aurora is 6 weeks old and can stand and I'm freaking cold and I've dragged my wife to the High Country in what's almost winter so plans are changed I'm going to get some firewood cuz it's cold and I want everyone to be outside not inside and then I can go for my swim your I [Music] it's time for an Arctic plunge so I'm going to stoke the fire get some wood on it so when I get back it's bloody you want to come in with me car no you coming in with me a no I wonder if it was warm out here I would you family out here there's no way you would come in come here yes I would no [Applause] so it was -2° last night I'm pretty sure this water is going to be very close to freezing how is it not froz it I don't know my feet just froze when they touch the ground you're funny wer cold [Music] Ellis eie what do you reckon dad's silly isn't he yeah I need to weave but it's so cold it'll freeze my Willies fall off and I can't weave alsoo I said to Ellis what do you reckon he goes poo poo that was ridiculous Kyla I'm only just starting to get feeling back in my extremities so why you went because I went in what do you mean why I'm my w I went for a swim remember did well now I can at least say and K doesn't agree with me she can just look at things and be happy I've got to do things to remember them and I don't know it excites me now I can always say I went for a nice B in the Victorian High Country who's ready to do a water crossing and go get some firewood and go for a drive me all right we'll do the water crossing first and we'll go get some firewood and then I want to tackle that hill Oh my god really the one that those other people did this morning yeah all right let's get it are you ready B say go on I can hear you I can't hear you well got to go down the big hill first wow wow been a minute since we've done this yeah yesterday yesterday all right here you go he's ready yes let's go yeah on the [Music] Rocko now we're going to climb back out [Music] no [Applause] [Music] [Music] guys [Music] up I'll get wow what a fight last night was Jackson was up most of the night with all the kids cuz I had came became sick during the night too the baby was out of sorts um Aurora she's uh got a bit of a snotty nose so couldn't breathe properly both boys are sick and eeve was up spewing all night so not a fun night but we got to pack up and leave today The Show Must Go On so hopefully everyone gets better enough to at least just jump in the truck and head off poor boys and girls and Mom what are you doing [Applause] [Music] all right so this time I might actually disconnect the sway bars as well [Music] I [Music] how good's that look at this swing through there pretty cool huh yeah take them and show them right come here before the screaming kids get out of the [Applause] truck private jetty [Applause] home sweet home for the next night anyway so we're going to take this boy bad boy back to get its first service uhoh let's set up what this is probably top five spots that we've camped at I reckon in terms of camping camping like not on the beach or whatever like Bush Camp spots this this is top five and it's our friend's house you meet so many cool people on the road and sometimes you can use and abuse them hi boots and Lisa I'm going to get hang out with the kids if not if I haven't hung out with them enough already today they're probably going to dve me nuts there somewhere the spots cracker cuz it's currently a long weekend as everyone knows that goes away for the long weekend I I found the monster truck ah he found his monster truck as everyone knows that uh goes away for the long weekend it gets crowded and we've got this place all to ourselves which is nice I think they're selling this place too still yeah but did they make up their mind cuz last time they spoke to us they were like we love it so much but like we don't use it enough so we're going to sell it but we love it and then we went to buy it and then we're like what are we doing we haven't even finished traveling I think they might still be selling it they're still selling it I think so I think so we should confirm that with them Wilder what have you been doing Where Have You Been look at me holy what the hell eveve is so cute whenever we get somewhere she always goes missing we can't find her she's in here setting up everything opening all the windows putting down all the fly screens have a look she's opened up everything oh put your bed up bed's up nice and dark in here it's dark isn't it do you know why cuz we have no roof hatches cuz we had to have 5 million th000 WTS of solar on our roof 2,400 to be precise [Music] w it's been a while since I have one of these bab couple of months you write it she's a 10 that milk's a 10 as well it's [Laughter] good tell you what I find hilarious Cara what's that that I thought I was the only bloke on the planet that enjoyed a good dad milk turns out there's lots of you guys and I'm not the only one that drinks cure and milk and then lies to their kids about what's in it turns out you guys are just about a dad as me which is so funny look how much these kids are getting so much hang time they love that H it B would I buy that for your mother's day like four years ago um while we're also up close and personal here I just actually KY I haven't told you I'm going to do this so you're probably going to get all shy and nervous but I just wanted to say from our little family to you guys watching we appreciate so much the love and support that we got from the episode of Aurora's birth like we got I don't know how many messages but more than what we normally get and it was like so beautiful and the things they said about you it was like wasn't even just that it was when even when we posted her birth it was ridiculous um yeah how many of you guys reached out to us and we so beautiful to us and yeah we apologize for not getting back to everyone but we uh we film our travels but it's mostly just Family First for us and we've just been cruising and we haven't been posting anything just because we Post in a natural way we film things that are happening in our day to-day and we only film when we feel feel like filming and then we post when we feel like posting so we've had a little bit of time off them we've just been cruising as a family getting to know little Rosie over here but I just I felt obligated to say just because you guys were so beautiful and the amount amount of people that just melted our hearts with the things they were saying was amazing hey yeah we didn't realize it people were going to well it's restored faith in humanity that when we got bogged that time and this time really just restores faith in humanity with how nice people can be and strangers just like saying beautiful things our story touched them we made everyone cry yeah sorry about that I didn't even cry I was that pen you guys cried more than he did no but on a serious note it was yeah it was beautiful thank you all we do appreciate it and we have read every single thing that you guys have said to us he out of the we have read every single thing but sorry excuse me like Jackson said we just like especially now with our fourth child it's really hard to get back to everyone about all the messages and everything that we get so everything we read everything and we feel every every single thing that you guys are saying it's beautiful thank you so much I suppose collectively as a community we feel it as it like collectively and it's it's it's bloody it's bloody beautiful thank you so much guys our love back to you guys cuz it it was truly amazing how can you not up you have to use your this what we used to Ellis used to say G when he was a baby g w nothing doesn't S anything like Cheers Cheers guys cheers thank you very much R baby's relaxed finally dad are we're going to have dinner ready for dinner what are we having again Curry mints and toast something easy the most Bush dud cheapest quickest of all time on a fire curried mints and toast secret to success have everything ready to go near the FL too much no no no too much not enough oh yeah baby golden brown is what you want I on [Music] mste look one handed with [Music] W right technical measurements here bit of beef stock just a bit about that much curry powder we'll start with about that much see otherwise if the too much curry the kids won't like it spr new tomato paste bit of plain flour thicken the sauce off a [Music] bit red to just bread no toast bread and butter do want me to go do that I'll go do that sure right up boys dinner's ready come have some dinner they didn't care dish what was that you're going to do the dishes tonight I'll do the dishes tonight and here's why my wife buys paper plates why I decided to do the dishes on the night of paper plate night that saves about half an hour with four kids look at thisy man in the world what a life say it every week Kyler what do I say every week what a life I love my life what a dream we've built for ourselves we're living dreams something like [Music] that that a watch watch it oh first one is she cracking it small or what oh she's enjoying [Music] it put a [Music] in get say good day good day good day say good day Mom good day Mom he said good day Mom genius idea isn't it yeah open the top one for me back yeah what [Music] M to B is cold go AR yeah show your [Music] copi look my dad look my C e [Music] say [Music] [Music] so pissed wasn't paying tension and engine overheated my Cool's boiling I'm so angry that I missed that why you trying to break it turning it down he's trying to get it to not light I think this the right way to explain it no it's not you're trying to make up Ral but now the engine's overheated we can't drive oh we're risking blowing that motor so that hasn't done anything bad to the motor no I don't know how I wasn't concentrating them what was I talking about what were we talking about what we I concentrated the whole way except for that last 2 minutes I'm so pissed at myself I'm here I found the problem that's meant to be like that it is what it is I'll get in touch with someone I'll try and get us a belt and after hours cuz it's Sunday we were so close to yet so far and I should have been Concentra although it's not world end of the world that it overheated but it's breand new motor um got a brand new alternator yeah oh happens Isuzu Ballarat was so good too they like I blew a motor and they had a new motor in that within a week like that was so good like maybe it's just an oversight or maybe there was something else wrong I don't know just I can't get a win at the moment I just want to get back on the road but this is what sh break downs are four you stay close to uh civilization and you test everything you win some you lose some play on get the kids in the Caravan let's go watch a movie Let's have some lunch and I'll play with my numchuck all right we're getting out no of ran out but I've got some tiny Tedy s yeah [Music] is we don't know how it happens no [Music] idea just just sit on the floor till we put the bed up please sit there like good boys until mom gets [Music] Rosy yes what did you say and he went SE [Music] many I remember that was yeah that was cool was it cuz the belt's obliterated and it's not a standard Isuzu belt I'm just trying to confirm the part number so I got to count the grooves on the three four five I can't get the belt length but at least I can give them the amount of grooves and they can guess between a couple of different belts just radi you SL [Music] [Music] [Music] all good yeah mate so long story short police officer pulls up I think he's going to find me cuz we pulled up on the wrong side of the road just cuz it was the only place to pull up turns out he watches all our videos he's called his made up they're telling us back into town oh yeah got a right turn out and the police officer's escorting Us in I've called the mechanic from shepher who hopefully it's Sunday afternoon hopefully he's going to have a belt for us and um he's either going to run it out to me or I've got to catch a cabin get the belt swap the belt over then I'm going to take it in there and see if make sure everything's align properly because obviously a belt shouldn't just wear and look throw itself like that I just want to win I would really really like a win we've had the truck motor had delay after delay and now what's up waly truck got V and then he hooked us up and then we drive he's helping us drive to town so we hold us up that's exactly what happened good boy yep you were listening well wer didn't yeah Wilder no no [Music] we are [Music] you the road so it's not so bad is it we could have been stuck in worse places we say that every time we get stuck we could be stuck in worse places yeah it's just an alternator we've got a dad milk so that's I had I had D milk it's all gone boys have been playing in their little playroom all day today cuz we're in that um on the side of the road that busy road but I don't know it's beautiful here peaceful nice green grass for everyone to play on notse yeah I'm I'm pissed at myself that I didn't have a spare belt like it's all right how are you to know that that like we've taken off for a few days how you to know that but it's a new alter it's a new alternator and it's powering a very powerful system and I literally said to Reese before I left I need to pick up a spare belt I didn't and then like what if we were stranded in the High Country you know what I mean so you already thought that I've already thought about it and then I didn't do it which is like in my mind parenting because like I've got my kids on the side of a freeway because I didn't do something I knew was wrong you know what I mean like it's not like so the motor blows you can't carry a spare motor but it's an alternator belt on a brand new alternator that could fail you know I didn't realize it was a sort of a thing to do that yeah and it just would have been I would have pulled over I would have put the new belt on and it would have got us the sh at least for them to figure out why why it was doing why the pulley weren't aligned or why it was rubbing or whatever the case may have been but yeah oh well we're here now we're all good it's we just get it sorted yeah it's like just a belt it's fine but it's just a pain in the backside we're a couple of days behind schedule now so what that's right what's another couple of days can't WIP the smile off my face that's not a smile is it as usual our life is a show well it is actually isn't it it's chaos but let's just get some rest have an early night not yet or do we have to do we have a plan what's the plan someone's getting it someone's well I wanted to just show you the plan later I guess well no the police officer that escorted to sin what are the odds of him knowing who we were by the way the only police officer in town he's the only one that works in town anyway he um he offered to take me into shepher and then um pick up the belt and bring me back and I could put it on but then after speaking to a few mates they've organized a very good mechanic from in town to come out put the belt on check all the pulley while away here just to make sure it's all Mickey Mouse and then I can drive the Caravan in get the caravan service and looked out for its first service yeah make sure everything's where it's supposed to be and then into the desert we go which is like such a great idea after such a terrible Shakedown but it just goes to show showns yes shakedowns are meant to be like this AR nothing breaks then you're not doing it right we say anyway and the people that act and sell life on the road as if they don't go wrong I'm going to punch you in the face the moment I say can I can I threaten people on the internet are you going to cut that out or you can threaten the people that are nasty if they don't if they don't post true stuff that's whatever but the people that are nasty we can threaten them no I don't think you can threaten anyone really but I think that's friend except for the people that lie about shakedowns let's go let's get some rest okay put the kids to bed in a minute hey pip come here come [Music] here chaos he's chaos he should have been called chaos say hello say good night everyone good nightone goody come on come and say good night to everyone good night night good night talk to them here this is them right there seven years later am I here yep good night good night Dad this is them here okay waving to them here good night am I night good night this the longest good night ever someone going I wasn't recording good night [Music] [Applause] while we waited for the truck to be fixed we take the first photos of our new apparel range from cartright company which is now live [Music] W what's happened well I was kneeling down here trying to get the shot and then I stood up and my bum went in the cactus and it I got cactus in my bum my in her bum oh and it's all stuck in my shirt and my shorts it's not my finest moment I literally just plucked thorns out of her bum cheeks but did you get the shot but I did but I think I did hope so I'm mean oie though I think they're those ones that um stink like they stay in you and they sting you why does it have to happen to be you are Wilder we're our father's daughter's son's brother he's my he's if you fall into there mate you're going to get really hurt can you come out of there [Applause] please old Cactus ass how does one sit on a cactus [Music] cacti cactus [Music]
Channel: The Cartwrights
Views: 111,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4x4 truck, travelling family, travel australia, full time travel, overlanding, adventure, travel with kids, all terrain warriors, adventure travel, isuzu nps 4x4, off-roading, family travel vlog, family vacation, 4x4, the cartwrights, the cartwrights bogged, 4x4 adventure, western australia, caravan, offroad adventure show, travel tips, travel, living on the road, living the dream, four wheel drive, isuzu nps 75/155, 4x4 action, offroad caravan, bogged
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 39sec (3159 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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