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Welcome to our Channel if you've clicked on this video you're obviously interested in how much it costs to travel Australia fulltime in a setup like this and that's exactly what this episode is all about we're going to run through our exact expenditures for 1 month of off- grid remote travel in the southwest of Western Australia there's a heap of factors that go into a budget and this is the start of a month with a few cost straight off the bat so full of fuel we got 300 L of fuel on board for this trip plus 60 L of unlet for the boat um so add that to the tally and that should last us hopefully 2 or 3 weeks out where we're going we do have a few tactics to keep cost down and one of them is to buy in bulk we just dropped like $400 $500 on groceries what's your guess like a week a month oh I'm going to say I'm going to do I know uh 6 grand I'm going to say while okay I was going to say 4 and 1/2 all right 4 and 1/2 done let's see who's closest another massive cost saving is buying meat in bulk it's an initial outlay but cheaper in the long run oh you got a whole heap of meat where are we going to fit this that boy um oh the fridge is on in the yeah so to cut a bit of more cost we do do the big bulk buying butcher packs too um divy it up and freeze it and it lasts a month to give you an idea of the type of traveling that coincides with our budget here is a quick little look at what we got up to in this month first the weather opened up for a couple of days camping out of our boat real naughty where we caught no fish and burnt a lot of fuel we then moved to a free beach camp called mea which is a cracking spot by the way once again we've got the boat in this time catching some fish and having fires on the beach relaxing with some friends every night we then moved further out into Kate arid National Park doing some fourwh driving and some beach camping but eventually the weather drove us back into es where we did some day trips and climbed the Frenchman's Peak and checked out some more local beaches we had a few days restocking the supplies and headed west to a camp called Mason's Bay where we spent a week fishing swimming and just chilling out by the ocean and that just about wraps up a whole month's worth of travel and here are the figures I feel like I'm in an office you are this is our office this is actually it feels weird but I'm having a drink on the job all right as you can see we had a a pretty full-on month out at like cape arid um the grand asirin didn't we yeah we did actually we um we did quite a lot in a short amount of time which we always end up doing yeah anyway we got um some of the figures we've just ticked over yesterday our full month elen doesn't know cuz I was up late last night crunching the numbers while I was in bed watching gra Anatomy so I'm going to get her to guess but before we we run through our exact figures by the way we have haven't left anything out we don't have anything to hide these figures are our figures the way we travel how you've just seen um it is important to note that it varies month to month and it also varies if you're on a coast coastal town or you're Inland or whatever and the type of traveling you do yeah we've got boat and everything which the boat adds an expense does it yeah you you argue that it doesn't but it sort of does um but yeah just keeping that in mind this is so um individual like depends on what type of car you have Caravan what you eat yeah um how often you eat out how many coffees you buy yeah if you free Camp Caravan Park yeah it is just so dependent traveling is such a broad I know yeah broad subject I guess yeah so if you're like planning to do the lap and wondering how much it costs maybe watch a few different people a few different setups and get a median but you can also I always say to people you won't know unless you get out there and then you start to realize what you do and don't need yeah yeah 100% so you just have to make it your own and work out that yeah yeah anyway anyway so uh we'll start with the biggest expense F which yeah which I haven't added noes on the next page yeah here we go all right fuel for four weeks and this is boat and car combined um how much you reckon we spent in fuel for a month this wasn't as high as I thought by the way for boat and truck 450 450 yeah no no that was one fuel up that was literally the so a month sorry a month a grand a grand no it was $1,437 59 Holy by yeah that's boat and car on that we didn't do a lot of kilometers um did we it was a lot of full driving kilom which probably choose more fuel uh per liter sorry liters per kilometer than it would just highway driving especially if you get bogged yeah and the boat we went through about 60 60 L of boat fuel yeah I don't know I just come along for the ride yeah anyway so again that's dependent on on your vehicle and all that but we'll move on to the next one um so foodwise we've done this into two separate things we got um like supermarkets so CO's woolies Ali all that um and then eating out so what do you think our shopping bill was for a month from like Wes and 1,000 1 that's close it's more than what we have more than what we have well more than what we spent sorry so for Supermarket we spent $796 and 12 yeah cuz we normally spend around $400 a shop that last Us 2 weeks that's why I S of doubled it doubled it I doubled it oh okay just tell me yeah I just told you $796 no no but the whole thing oh okay Sor it's for eating out so how much and this is coffees we went out to dinner once we splashed out on dinner oh my word we we never do this and we went out for dinner after the Frenchman's Peak yeah we were starving and yeah we splashed out yeah so roughly we went out to dinner once we may have bought one or two coffees each over that month um pretty simple people instant coffee and tea all that with cheap skates yeah um like a few pies and bakery little treats M but we rarely eat out so um how much you dring for that I don't know it's not weird eating out was $240 126 for the month so four weeks that's not bad that's pretty bloody good yeah I was proud of that I'm pretty proud of that means more boat F money all right so total add that together oh I didn't add that together SP my brain cannot add that together here we go 1,338 I'm impressed I don't know if it's right but I'm impressed yeah we'll just go with that um alcohol um now everyone we had a a fair stack already on board before the month started of alcohol we had a couple of [Music] um longies of um oh get it long long I don't know what you say like glass bottle of Captain Morgan and rum and stuff but we only bought one case of beer so 70 bucks believe it or not we don't actually really drink certain days we just get um it depends how the kids are behaving but we won't have one um well every night no I thought that was pretty good that shows are not alcoholics phone and internet now in this phone and internet we run one phone we so we have two phones um only one was like recharged so um one we normally use so n is only for like when we're sort of separated or if he goes on missions or who knows when he gets up like when we went out in the boat lennu and I we recharged it yeah like it's 10 bucks at last a week or so yeah and then we have Starling which is the monthly subscription 75 no 170 Starling here a month no it's not I'm sure it is it's not Dar it is really it is it is definitely 170 a month holy that's a lot of money and then we just keep ping you what's his name elong yeah he's raing it um and in that as well like which a lot of people that do um these videos that we've SE that don't include include Netflix and all your subscriptions in that as well because the money is going to come from somewhere and being not truthful in these videos just bum steers people so phone and internet and Netflix how much you reckon for the month 350 I know I was trying to do quick math and it wasn't working just rain could anyway um I'm not the smartest $232.92 yeah yep I didn't really know all right on to the next one we did a bit of fishing um in this month so we had a bit of fishing gear expenses didn't catch too much yes we did for we caught more than we normally do woohoo we caught one no no way we caught way more anyway anyway um so fishing gear came out at $139 46 um um we have a lot of fishing gear on board he said it so we we didn't spend that was just like a few Hooks and Replacements probably bait yeah bait we probably should have just bought the fish anyway next uh okay accommodation now this is also a big one that VAR variates has varies varies because we do a lot of free camping and low cost like national parks and stuff he yeah um we've only spent 3 days out of the month in a caravan Park so keep that in mind when we say this figure yeah yeah 3 days that's all it's been this month in caravan Park oh really yeah so this figure if for you will change dramatically if you stay at Caravan Parks or free camp or do halfy half so we're majority free cam so this number for us is pretty low what do you reckon we spent on accommodation I don't know for the month all right $310 for the month oh that's pretty good that's pretty good yeah I'm happy with that yeah and mind you wa's national parks are pretty bloody expensive for what you get yeah yeah so normally 30 for just two adults and like you don't really get too much but it is what it is we're not going into that subject we're not complaining at all cuz we're happy today all right motor vehicle expenses so when I say this this is just for services like tires like fuses all the little bits and pieces that just go unnoticed where you might not buy anything for like 6 months and then all of a sudden you're up for new tires and all that sort of stuff so this is averaged out over the year um and then broken down into the month so for that month we spent it's either two or300 $200 $200 a month we put away for that um it's pretty good that's pretty good you know if andison plug detaches while you haven't hooked it up or something like that which is what happened forgot to do it up and it was going along the road like this and now she shaved down to just hanging in there so we haven't had to replace that but that will be coming out of the $200 allowance we we're nearly through this without the boys [Music] interrupting oh the movie's finished where is he having a food should we going I don't know he said what what song is he having a food [Music] no yes oh Ollie no no stay there break all right we nearly did it how'd you go wiping talk about that skin Meister off l no one needs to know that where our life is just we servants a just wiping people's asses and anyway what was up to we just did motor vehicle insurance and rejo for the truck just the truck not the Caravan I don't want to know this we've we've done it for the year so um and this is for the boat as well so the boat and trailer 70 bucks REO for the truck 1,600 insurance for the truck 4588 so it comes to all the reos for the truck and boat and all that comes to $625 63 per year which boils down to $481 a month so much I know fighting insurance so obviously that will change with the car you have and obviously if you don't have a boat you don't have all that extra extra stuff um and a lot of people when they do these don't include stuff like that which I think is a bit of a misleading thing cuz you the money comes from somewhere yeah um Caravan Insurance Plus Redo for the van and it's another Blood astronomical thing just cuz the thing Caravans got so expensive and I just yeah anyway it's around 5 grand a year for REO so $384 61 per month for Caravan that's crazy Hy by far our biggest expenses is REO and insurances that's bad yeah and and then coming in last we've got a miscellaneous chucked it in there just for shits and gigs random stuff if we want to buy ourselves uh or the kids shoes or like shirts we do a lot of um or lny does a lot of shopping for the boys at um Vinnie op shops yeah yeah op shops are just amazing yeah so you know every six months we might buy a new shirt or something we decid to replace their holy shoes in not every 6 months we're just being idiots but yeah there's 100 bucks in there for just random stuff like that so it comes down to all together we spent last month how much you [Music] Reon I don't know it's too many figures all right $ 4,492 and 2 cents holy which boils down to 1,1 $23 um a week and and $160 per day to live on the road in this setup I'm surprised yeah I was expecting more cuz I've seen families um you know with that Weekly you know up near the three grand yeah I know well like I'm surprised because we got the three kids I don't know I just felt like everything's been going up so like I reckon we would have been up there but pretty bloody good I reckon yeah I'm I'm shocked I was shocked too um yeah so that's our spendings um for a for an average month for us so I don't know what do you have anything else to add no it's just what it is like if you definitely um like and that there we feel for you so if you're thinking of doing the lap and all that sort of stuff um I would actually recommend going to a few different um influencers people are traveling or ask people that aren't influencers because some of the figures we've seen that influencers put out are really unrealistic so maybe ask people that aren't and that's not having a go not having a go um like you know insurances just for like car and um Caravan it's always left out and like as you saw that's our biggest it's like 2 or 300 bucks a week just in um regos and insurances as a kid having not a good time the poor Mom I'm feeling for you Mama anyway we don't want to listen to that so we'll wrap this up and go inside watch a movie our kids don't watch movies no so um if you do have any questions drop them in the the comments comments yeah and uh we'll do our best answer yeah anyway cheers guys [Music] good job [Music] yeah yeah Co
Channel: Elnick.Adventures
Views: 43,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cost of travelling Australia, caravaning australia, how much does it cost to travel australia?, Isuzu NPS
Id: 2jueoXdgHuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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