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[Music] [Music] yes welcome back everyone here we are in the shed with Bera it is time for another Renault rebuild fix up I don't know this this one's sort of out of necessity isn't it yeah so it's not to make her look pretty it's to make her function better yes we will make her look pretty at the same time but it's mainly the function like Aaron said uh now we've owned Bera for just over a year now it's probably a year and a couple of months already yeah yeah it's getting CL we did our first trip to the cape in May last year yep so in that time we bought her we did our initial renovation then we went to the cape like Aon said then we did up at Queensland did the coast of Queensland uh and uh we've we've given her a bit of a beating yes we have definitely taken her a lot of places and really pushed the limit of where you probably should take a 24t caravan so what we might do is uh let's Chuck in a little Montage right now yeah let's have a look at where ber has been the life of Bera everyone meet Bera so as you can see it is very Brown [Music] the gateway to Cape York [Music] we're ready to head West [Music] [Music] [Music] so yeah as you can see guys we've done a lot in bir over the last year and uh we absolutely love her eh we do she's she's very homely but it hasn't been without its downfalls no no she's an 08 model guys uh if you didn't see us do the original Renault and all that go back watch those ones uh you'll see you'll just understand more about berther and where she came from uh but yeah 8 means she's 16 years old I think yeah quick mask uh 16 I think I got it we'll put it in below yes yes it is it is 16 yes it is so look it's never a 16-year-old Van's never going to be perfect uh she has her problems and we found those problems over the time yes um we'll probably Chuck in a few little clips of that yep we'll have a little look at now what problems we found with Bera the problem is is our diesel heater is being temperamental and not turning on what have we discovered discovered my l W window is now a waterfall she leaking it's another bloody split pipe this time up the back near the hot water system if you have a look in here there is all this that's from the brake pads and they're looking real worse for wear but then I noticed this and then I noticed that where are they these but I think what's happened is it shorted the brakes out just held them on and so guys on top of that there's even more things that we haven't shown you just just little things along the way really um and that's why we're here in this awesome Big Shed uh have to actually say a shout out to my boss who I'm currently working for in Brisbane he doesn't want to be named so we'll just put a little picture with his face blurred out or something he thinks I'm going to hang on him but um I would so appreciative that we've got this space like have a look at it we got this whole area here they've given this the back of the workshop um and yeah we just really appreciate it because last time we did the Rena in the front yard of Mom's house yes which was a bit of an issue the neighbors weren't very happy with us look we were blocking off you know their vision from the driveways and stuff but um anyway this is going to be so much better we've got this space weather's not going to affect us so absolutely stoked yep all right eron come with me get get you step on all right front of the van I want to I want to show you basically what has brought on this Renault this is an issue for us um we've been noticing lately that it's really hard to close I can't like you got to push the corners in to even turn it but then this other side is popped out and we kept trying to figure out what the bloody hell was going on and why this wasn't closing properly anymore and um so well we're not 100% sure because we haven't taken anything off yet but if you look at this that's not how a frame should be that should be that should be rigid uh and actually I can peel it back a bit and I can stick my fingers in behind on the ply and I know there's there's water damage in there I don't think you'll see anything but yeah I can get my fingers in there and I've actually had a little torch and and seen in there and there is there is more water rod in there so somewhere somehow the front of this Caravan is leaking well remember when we did um you got in there oh yeah actually that was a while ago he yeah we'll drop some footage in now we did a little test Alex hit in the Boot and I hosed it basically to see where the water was coming from all right guys we got to figure out this leak in the front of the van so I can uh start working on it what we got to figure out is if it's coming from just the hatch door itself which I think it is or if it's coming from up top like roof area so I'm going to hop in there we're going to get Aaron to close me in and I'm just going to watch it as she hoses the front got it all set up here it's hot though it's going to be uh it's going to be warm in there we got to get a job in the circus after this now I knew you could fit in here cuz the custom lithium boys got in here to do the battery system and I'm smaller than most of them I'm smaller than most people all right okay bye see yeah momy yep all right so that's definitely it's definitely just the door which is really good all right so you can see it's still dripping there so it is 100% just the door which is awesome cuz I never thought it was a roof because I resealed everything when we um did the initial initial making up words now when we did the initial Rena so yeah cool all right just means we got to replace that spot some V to in that van so the water wasn't going into the front boot as as much as it was going in between the walls so I think one of the things is this this door is just not sealing properly and yeah so it's going in through the frame but you can smell it like you can smell that it's damp in there Dan and that's a problem cuz that's where all our battery and stuff is yes so that's that's why we're here doing this because that is that's an issue you don't want that um let's come around here Aon let's get set up let's do a list of what we're going to do all right so couple of bits of cardboard welcome to the school of Caravan renovation oh for anyone who didn't know I used to build Caravans that's a little um ongoing joke a joke but truly I did ketan Caravans used to build them so it's not lying all right so what I'm thinking is let's do a must and I want to and I'll let you do the writing cuz that's atrocious I was going to say should I be riding I'm sure you've heard me complain about Alex's handwriting before like what is this can you see that vtu what you vtu V all right let's go okay number one we have to fix that front that's nonnegotiable that's why it's in here gosh my o are not the best either are they front boot oh the next thing that's non-negotiable the brakes so on um which trip was it at Queensland when we got to Gucci Creek Escape we actually realized that we had is that H spell breaks you said my riding attrocious what's that well I and it was nearly an e and then I was like no that's not how you spell breakes as in brakes I don't think is it I don't know I know what you mean so let's run with it that's how I'm spelling it all right anyway Gucci Creek we pulled in we had smoke coming out of the brakes um so we had all kinds of issues there so we're just going to completely get rid of them and I'm going to put whole new assemblies on there so we'll have brand new braks the next thing is the plumbing SE so over the last or how long since that same Tri trip I think uh no it was a trip after when we went up north up the coast and we were in um at kitchen Dam we started springing leaks yes ma yeah Camp Beach it started springing leaks there so all the hoses just kept splitting which you will have seen in that previous footage that I put in the hot water hoses in um specific because you got to think about it they're they're seven what did we say 16 years old so those hoses have had hot water running through them for 16 years they're brittle and it's just starting to look like a sprinkler they're just splitting everywhere so I'm literally going to go through pull out all that and replace all the at least the hot water side of things but also you've said that um the way that's set up we're not getting the most out of our tanks yeah so we're going to drop the tanks drop the tanks possibly get new tanks this all comes down to Dollars guys like we're going to start doing the work on this there's so many things we want to do that we're just going to have to I don't know we need to at least fix the plumbing but I guess it'll also be on the one to as if we want if we want to make it yeah the most efficient as possible and see how far we go and then the filling situation cuz we're not getting full tanks so I know what I'm doing there but that will be when we get to that so let's put on here then one two water tanks new water tanks just going to say it's really hard to ride Under Pressure I feel like I don't know what I'm doing anymore okay next up we're going to put this one on the Musto list it's replace the airon now the only reason I'm going to say we're going to put that on the Musto is because I've already bought an airon for it uh if you've been following you know I love Marketplace I'm always on there searching for a bargain and I found one it was a nearly brand new truma airon one of the new ones uh it's barely been used but it came off for an insurance job so I picked that up for 600 bucks which I think is a bargain they're about 2600 and and the reason we want to do that is the airon we got in there is an old one it draws a heap of power it's like 150 amps as it's running and we can't even put that much solar back in whereas the new ones pull like 50 to 70 amps so we can nearly run that on a sunny day uh at neutral so even still putting some into the battery probably which is good because we seem to like going up north when it's so in summer we go north don't know why um all right so that's on the must do so want to Aon right awning awning skin so we got a dedic awning on this Caravan which is awesome there's nothing wrong with the awning mechanism and everything on its own it's it's 19 ft it's massive it's bigger than our last Caravan and we love it cuz it gives you so much room to get out of the weather which is another thing we love traveling in wet weather too so hot and wet is what we seem to do I don't think we love it I think it's just what happens to true true um so you can buy new skins for them so I would to get a new skin s like you're a fortnite so that's that's on the that's on the table uh I'll do some research I think it's nearly a 1,000 bucks yeah I know it's it's a lot of money so we'll see we'll we'll put that one on the side we'll think about it on the on the maybe one twos the one twos yep uh another one to is to replace these two lights they are pathetic they put out hard any light at all I'd love to get some um ones with the amber light as well because you all know that bugs are horrible in some of the places we go so if you have Amber lights they they just don't attract the bugs as much uh what else wantto barbecue area so in the last Renault the barbecue era error the barbecue area that's up the front there I um made my own sort of little slide set up we put the Weber in there we have to take the lid off i' like to just have a play around make that a bit better yeah just a bit more functional I think yes and there's actually room to put another hatch at the front to then put some storage space like a little Pantry or something oh which yeah once again you got to buy the hatch and everything so we're spending money there uh clearance lights put that on muster okay they're starting to um be a bit average if you have a look at them they're the original ones they're just um some of them are St flicker a bit and not work properly so could just be an earthing issue but I'm pretty sure they're cheap as so we'll just put some nice LED ones on it all right another Musto what is it the toilet it's it's leaky it's it's disgusting so it's the cartridge itself I'm pretty sure it um when you pull it out it's it like dribbles all over the cartridge and when you're going to dump it you've got everything on your hands and yeah it's not fun so we're going to figure out what it is I'm I'm hoping it's just the seal around the top so if it's just that you beauty cheap as tips we get that done why did we buy this other color it's my pointer oh uh I don't know you could have found you a stick outside anyway so not so much of a must do I guess it's a want to but we're going to do it anyway is check a plate front and rear yeah put it on one to but we're just going to do it so obviously once we peel that front end off figure out what the water leak uh where the water leak is coming from and get that sorted we're going to have to put something back on the front end cuz right now it's that blue sort of soft vinyl I don't even know what the material is but um it's just not it's not that appealing I don't think it's very um good in terms of sealing and being waterproof so ages very well no it definitely doesn't it was all the rage back then a lot of Caravans had it cuz I guess Stones Can't Dent it but um yeah so we'll replace that with Checker plate and then we'll put a little bit on the rear um because I've already dinged that because we get the boat trailer on there now and then I've jammed the wheels into it by doing a few silly things so it's dented it so we might just replace that bottom bit with a bit of Checker plate I don't want to go nuts with Checker plate because it's heavier and we're already up there with our weights so yeah don't want to do that must do reeal whole Caravan now that's going to include windows out so we did actually we had the leak with this window right here that was um oh God that was a massive storm on there and it was just it was it was pouring in like a waterfall so yeah and we have uh noticed lately when you walk in there is a really musty like damp smell so there are leaks somewhere that we don't know about I found a little bit of water damage in my cupboard um and I'm pretty convinced that something going on under the bed but yes could be the hot water system again where our last wet leak was so I'm going to have to check that so then that might end up being a new water system oh that's the other thing we'll put this on want two diesel heater right so where this ber has got a diesel heater in her but we've never been able to get it to work d i e I think I before E except after C except in all those I has a to uh so yeah she's got a diesel heater in her hasn't worked the whole time we've been in some cold conditions really wish we've had it uh so that I'm just thinking I'm thinking of cheap Chinese one off eBay oh okay I see so many people install them and they people I've heard people say they're like exactly the same as the expensive ones so this is an expensive one it doesn't work so what's the put the cheap m in it can't hurt so we'll do that and I'm probably going to move the um tank from the front boot to the rear closer to where it all is cuz it's it's got fuel line running the whole way of the van yeah like 20t worth of fuel line so that's the that's the deal there all right bang on what to microwave we got the microwave in there already but it um it's pretty average and what I'd like to do is I'd like to get one of the plateless ones cuz our plate doesn't rotate anym oh that's right it doesn't I forgot what the actual reason was but yeah so it doesn't rotate so we may as well take the plate out anyway yes but um you got those new plateless ones uh so it's a different technology and it Heats it throughout evenly so it just if you know caravaning with microwaves the plate bangs around anyway so yeah if we could uh replace that so the only other thing I can think of for MOS is replace the mountain air filter we've done quite a bit of dirt road driving since we did the Rena that mountain a uses a length Cruiser um air filter so that'll be nice and easy just to go down to sub chap or Repco or something pick one of them up we have never done it and we use it all the time as an actual fan so we probably should it's probably clogged up yes but yeah that'll be a good chance to show you how that works we'll take the lid off for the first time and see how dirty that filter is see how much we've actually gone through but I think that's it there's probably going to be other things along the way that we're going to think of always come across as we go yeah so we're going to tackle all these the musters and then we'll just see how we go MoneyWise we like I've said it before there's no point in buying an older van doing Rena on it and making it nice and then just spending as much as you would on buying a new van so we'll try to keep everything low cost find those we certainly can't afford to do that anyway no definitely not definitely not so we'll keep it low cost I'll try to find those Bargains on Marketplace and all over the place um keep doing that but I think for now I think we should get stuck in into that front end sounds good so we'll pull off we'll start pulling off this J mold and just see what happens from there all right so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to take off this molding here it's called A J mold it's basically what SEALs up your roof front and back to your side paddles it's all silicon under it I know it's going to be hard to pull off they're never easy because you put that much silicon under it it's just a nightmare so we're not going to try to protect this it's pretty cheap to buy this so we're just going to tear it off um so we're going to start we're going to pull this out Aon you can do the honors I reckon okay so if you get your head under here see that is it just the black bit yep just pull that out oh my God it does it not just pull out you got to give it a bit of I don't want to break my nail I don't want to break my nails hey hey you're you're getting hands on with this one look at that look what just went out of it the dreaded Red Dirt yes get it right what we might do is we might just leave it at that and start peeling the front off just so we can assess the front end okay and then we will take the rest off but we'll set up some scaffold right sound good so pull your rubber mold out this one's actually pretty pretty brittle I mean it's only a decorative thing but we'll we'll probably end up replacing that and then she's held on by screws where' that go pick that up later so it's just got screws the whole way up it so do you want to have a go out yeah screws and silicon Caravans are 90% silicon digger so probably up a little bit up [Laughter] [Music] here work so it's like a car throttle you've got it you got like adjustment in it you don't have to just go Full Throttle No you can why is this not doing it no it will it will so put that in okay just a little blip yeah [Laughter] so you going to put pressure on it that's all right that's your first go my first one my first screw good work your what my first oh no it doesn't get any better than doesn't matter how I try and say it does not sound good we'll just leave that all right keep [Music] go how many times can I Stu this up actually probably need a [Music] [Music] lad I'm doing what you're telling me and it's not working all must be the drill's fault it is the drills pressure no just getting used to the drill You' be right all right we'll quickly take all these screws out and then we'll be able to peel this J mold off so I've just unscrewed it to here because that's the joint in the J mold if you have a look at that error so that's where we're going to start peeling it from there and remove it up towards the roof if you can take that one off that'll be easier with the drill than the screws that were in here I'll be the judge of that just looking at the way you're holding it like a gun I don't know what I'm doing that's why whoa there you go yeah so in theory now that we've taken all the screws out this J mold we should be able to just basically sort of hot and hit and manipulate it off so we'll just see how it goes oh yeah easy ants uh-oh straight up ants and water smell it yeah it smells bad eh it smells wet oh yeah oh here I was saying it was going to be hard look at that [Music] [Music] there we go first bit of J mold off way way easier than it should have been which just makes me think not enough silicon has been used like you can't even see much silicon on that back when I used where all our leaking problems are coming from it's a good chance cuz I didn't peel that out and resal it last time I should have but I didn't but I [Music] will oh look at all those ants oh yeah look at that guys yak [Music] oh my gosh oh what is [Music] [Music] that oh my God oh my God that is so bad I'm so bad [Music]
Channel: Now or Never
Views: 21,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caravanrenovation, caravanrestoration, caravan, offgridcaravan, offroadcaravan
Id: wLL9dMw7IpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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