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[Music] oh my God you're a [Music] girl we gave you a girl [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] well I'm currently 41+ one weeks and I think I'm over it we had a meeting with um Midwife yesterday and she everything's all fine she's um she's a legend Laura Lee we're chatting and she said that one thing that can definitely bring on labor is going to be castor oil with orange juice and a boiled egg which I don't know I don't understand where that boiled egg comes into it but I can understand orange juice to mask the flavor of the castor oil we've been tossing up whether to do it or not to bring on this labor or just let the labor come on on its own but I reckon we're going to give this cast oil a shot see what it can do I'm just um getting a bit over it now really want to have a bit of time left uh with this with this Airbnb booking to be able to really settle into our Caravan with the baby while Mom and Dad are still here and there's only about a week and a bit left of our booking for this Airbnb so pretty Keen to get things moving along sorry Ellis came in here he is yeah so we're pretty Keen to get things moving along bought some castor oil got the OJ going to mix them together I'm just going to I got to have 50 m of that castor oil OJ is orange juice so I'm going to have some orange juice do you want some did you drink your hydrite didn't want it okay so here we go I reck I'm doing it wish me [Music] Lu everyone else is down in the Airbnb I'm just up in the Caravan which is on the same block just relaxing by myself cuz I want a bit of a alone time this morning um they're all having their Brey so I'm just probably going to down this drink see how we go might even Chuck on some music get a little bit of Tiding done done in here go through a few things really just Embrace this time to myself could be the last day on my own without having a little baby hanging off [Music] [Music] me so the cast oil didn't work we thought that was going to be the the thing that was going to make it work for us cast oil didn't work so here we are few days later um back to the drawing board now so since about 3:00 mavo I've been having tightenings for um like they're about 10 minutes in between now they got down to 5 minutes in between allor right I'm just making hydr 5 minutes in between so spoken to the Midwife she just sort of said just take it easy toight have a rest put the kids to bed and go to bed so we're about to go to bed Jackson's actually already in bed waiting for me but I've also been told to hydrate so I'm making a Hydra light I'm just going to relax we put the kids to bed about 15 minutes ago and they're already asleep back in here the plan is to do the whole lot in the Caravan but we do know that water birth is quite good uh pain relief which there is no other pain relief available it's just music I've got a couple of combs to hold in my hands to um help with labor pains but uh if we're going to need the water bth we're going to head on down to the Airbnb but other than that we're planning to do the whole lot up here in the Caravan two cesarians previously which they actually call it's a double VB back or a VB back times two which I'm trying to do and that is a vaginal birth after cesarian so it's not so common um there is a few higher risks but like we have a very good Midwife the best Midwife in Western Australia we've been recommended to her Laur by so many people she's told us she's going to be quick to send us to hospital or call the hospital if if at any point labor sort of starts to slow down she's got her eye on everything but a little bit of a higher risk that we're performing v-back and let alone one v-back it's a double VB back so another thing is Bunbury Hospital actually already knows that I'm I'm going into labor like within this couple of weeks our Midwife she's a registered um home birthing Midwife by the way not just a regular Midwife she registered for home birthing she works really closely with Bunbury and bulon hospital we on both of the records at both of those hospitals ready to go if something some sort of emergency happens with me or the baby before during or after the pregnancy so and we're 15 minutes for both good thing about having like planning to have it up here as well is that I can just wake up when I need need to when I'm just having some contractions and I'm going to leave Jackson asleep leave the kids asleep back here and just do my thing and then wake him up when I need to if I need a bit of a help helping hand Eve's super Keen to be handson as well so she'll be a to help out with the kids if things go through to morning time or even if it's like night time and the kids wake up during or whatever she's going to help out with the kids so she's going to really really step up this thing's taking so long to melt don't I know if I've said this but we we're actually 40 41 weeks plus 5 days pregnant now so almost at 42 weeks pregnant um we actually have a couple of reasons as to why we think this could be happening one is my previous two births of the the babies were cesarians so one was a emergency cesarian that was Ellis the older one and then the other one was a plan cesarian because was only 13 months between the two pregnancies and they just sort of suggested we did that my body actually hasn't recently done a vaginal birth so it's sort of like trying to figure out how to do it again it's like basically like a first pregnancy the Midwife said so that's one reason I could be going over second reason which I think is more more so likely the reason now that I think back to the dates is that maybe we got the dates wrong because leading up to this pregnancy we actually had a a miscarriage um probably it would have been three Cycles before we actually got pregnant with this baby we had a miscarriage at about it was at about 10 weeks um and ever since then my Cycles were not regular they're about 6 weeks between when normally they're about 28 days between Cycles um and so that could that could mean that they've calculated it on a 28 day cycle which therefore means that I'm they actually think I'm due two weeks earlier than what I really would be due if I'm on a 6 week cycle rather than a 4- we cycle or I could have just gone over by two weeks which isn't so uncommon really they call it a due fortnite that's what our doctor when we went and saw a doctor called it not a due date it's a due fortnite so any the fortnite around that due date Havey baby probably wondering also why I'm not even like in pain with these tightenings that I'm having they're not really painful they're just I can feel them happening and they're a little bit dis like of discomfort but I can still talk so I think unless things progress really fast I think we we should still be able to get a good sleep tonight fingers crossed hey we've actually decided too that if nothing sort of progresses during the night we're going to do that castoral thing again in the morning which was actually quite nice I didn't mind do we have orange Ju juice I'm going to have a rest I'm going to go to bed probably see you guys soon good night good night well we made it to the morning time as you can see uh 2:00 in the morning I was getting some pretty intense pains and I thought Jeeps were going to be go time soon so didn't wake Jackson up I think he woke up with me like sort of rolling around in a bit of discomfort but then it's like like my body just knew I needed a bit of rest so I actually was able to fall back to sleep till about 6:00 this morning so I'm still really freaking tired hey um then the boys got up Jackson took him down gave him some Brey and then I've just been resting in bed all morning my contractions or tightenings have sort of like subdued a little but I'm thinking it's just my body having a little rest and I think they should pick up again a bit more today we'll see how we go I'm going to go down with everyone with the family just still rest but um have a bit of Brey have a bit of a relax bit of a bounce on my on my ball and um have some food yeah have some food just chill see how it go speak to the Midwife but um hopefully things pick back up again [Music] today [Music] [Applause] [Music] where for me [Music] whoops I was in bed and um just trying to like squat through some contractions and uh then decided to have a little bit of a rest and I lay down and actually felt like my contractions were going to stop like slow down so I um thought I'll sit back up and as I sat back up felt this like big pop and my Waters broke holy hell that was a good feeling but um I'm not getting much time between contractions and my contractions are like I can't talk through them now so thought I'd just take this window of [Music] opportunity to just let you know about that cuz that was holy hell that was really nice that stuff coming out such a [Music] relief [Music] oh [Music] Bre Bre good go help [Applause] [Music] help I'm going to [Music] die [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is it h out it's not Oh [Music] Me [Music] Oh head up head [Music] up [Music] back [Music] moving [Music] [Applause] [Music] go is she okay is she okay okay okay oh my God oh my God oh my God it cry cry oh my God [Music] it's I wanted to cry I wanted to [Music] cry B believe believe [Music] happen [Music] pleas my oh my God what we got jaon [Music] oh get [Music] get oh my God it's gring I haven't even looked at her yet and she's still cry she's she's fine she looks so healthy and so oh I can't even oh my God oh my God I can't [Music] believe oh my God you're oh my [Music] oh my God I believe you here you so beautiful [Music] Beau [Music] too happy to stay when I [Music] sing Oh my God look at you oh my God this beautiful [Music] we just made into this bath we did [Music] [Music] is [Music] it's a little [Music] girl maybe [Music] to baby sister no [Music] look at that be careful that Dad sish she's got [Music] mix forgot to leave on her hey look she she's trying to eat her hand but if it eats your hand he'll get done no it's because she wants mommy's booby in her mouth to suck on but I haven't done it yet so she's trying to find anything to suck on be careful she might suck on your finger or your hand or your nose if you get to see on the baby on the baby sister yeah when we get down somewhere else you can everyone's [Music] honestly EV I think are her favorite I little but it's still sticking out a little bit cuz it has to have time to go down probably I got to film baby mhm yeah welcome little girl hey good boy that's not right [Music] bushy and you got to shake her a little bit shake her she loves her brothers and sisters doing it you're doing it maybe we can try the B with the baby oh yeah we will show the buttles to baby we a look at you you got to shake her a little bit good [Music] boy what are you doing come running this is the first time you've been wide awake with me you're always sleeping you're always sleeping she's Beau she's so beautiful P I love her so much can I'm a kiss come up here give me a [Music] kisses she smells so good [Music] after 3 days we were itching to get back on the road this may seem fast for some but just like leaving hospital for home after giving birth we left for what we call home the [Music] road [Music]
Channel: The Cartwrights
Views: 72,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travelling family, travel australia, full time travel, overlanding, adventure, travel with kids, home birth, natural home birth, raw, unmedicated, vbac, water birth, birth in a caravan, the cartwrights, the cartwrights australia, the cartwright family, the cartwrights caravan, full-time travel, travel family, travel vlog, offroad, adventure travel, water birth at home, home birth water, home birth vlog, water birth vlog, vaginal birth, home birth video, double vbac, VBAC
Id: AtcQ9Ezt3m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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