Shake It Off // Christine Caine

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[Applause] hey church how y'all doing [Applause] i am so fired up i feel like i'm finally at my dallas home i mean like i'm home y'all on me your cray-cray aussie aunt in case you're wondering and um i have been busting to get back and um see your looks listen to be here where you are all here is like a gift from god to me i'm from the like the nation of california and all i want to say is it is nice to be in texas where i am free at last free at last thank god almighty i am free at last and you all came you all came to church and um which i i believe that the holy spirit is so gonna honor your faith and your commitment and all of you that are at home with cheerios just coming out of your mouth right now and you're getting cheerios in the bed some of you are on the treadmill you'll better strap yourself in because you're going to go at a whole new level right now however you've gotten here with your online in the room i'm so grateful that you are here you know nick and i and i i don't just say this we so love your pastors we have known them for so long um you know when you get into the decades of knowing someone you know that you are aging that's all i'm saying and so uh we have known them literally for a couple of decades and they have been such a blessing to us personally you'll as a church have been a blessing to us with a21 and um it is just so nice to be with family you ought to thank god you are planted in such a great church under such great leaders because they are stunning leaders stunning pastors i am here with the single most ravishing piece of masculine flesh uh on planet earth he is hot and um we in about two weeks have been married for 25 years which is awesome you're 25. i'm figuring in the 21st century if you could do anything for 25 minutes uh you're doing well let alone 25 years and um i don't know if we've got any pictures of my kids i've got i can't remember what i send anyone but if we do i have my eldest catherine our oldest catherine is going to be 19 on wednesday so i have a 19 year old which is hilarious and um and then i have a 15 year old and my husband is number 14 of 15 children all the chicks just freaked out did you notice that like it's his mother had 15 full-term pregnancies in 17 years i know there was like no television in that part of australia just in case you're like all wondering and so i've only got like two kids and so i would take my kids to my mother-in-law and i would take catherine and i would say this is katherine bobby and she is my alpha and this is sophia joyce and she is my omega and this is the beginning and the end of my childbearing listen y'all i i it looks i popped out popped out my first at 35 i popped out my second at 40. when you're like 40 you deserve a purple heart for popping out a kid that's all i'm saying so um we're loving our life y'all can be seated wherever you are how anointed is this worship team i'm like are you serious that song i don't get out much who wrote that song anyone know it sounds a bit maverick city-ish but i could be totally wrong it's just whatever it is it is anointed of god i'm not ready to sing that for the rest of my life like i don't know about you all you're ready for the word of god i am going to dive right in because i'm about to read more scripture this morning than most of you um have read all year if you are behind actually in your bible reading plan this year i'm about to catch you up that's all i'm saying um it's we're going to read a lot of scripture i love that you're in the book of nehemiah i vacillated with um bringing a message out of nehemiah because but your pastor preaches so much better than me so i'm going to let him do that well this is what i've learned as a preacher you don't touch what a better preacher is going to preach so i am not doing that and i'm going back i know in the month of january you all were reading through the book of acts and um for you backsliders that didn't do it i'm about to catch up on some of that for you all and bring you up to speed i love the word increase and that truly is such a great word for 2021 because what you have to understand with the lord is the lord always we go from faith to faith we go from grace to grace we go from glory to glory so increase is the will of god you can be in a global pandemic and be increasing you can be in the midst of challenges and obstacles and hurdles and continue to be increasing and to have a testimony of the faithfulness of god of the goodness of god and that's what we are all doing so we're going to go to the book of acts chapter 28 and so if you're online i hope you're going to get this because i'm telling you you're going to get excited about all of this chapter 28 is awesome we're going to get to that in a minute but we're going to start with 27. actually you can go anywhere you want in the bible the whole bible's good every word is inspired by god the whole thing is fantastic i feel so far away from you here so i'm just going to move this up because i'm rebellious and i'm like you want to put this pulpit right there i'm like what are you all going on about and so we're going to start in the book of acts chapter 27 where paul is on route to rome he's about to go to rome listen this has been the one year of my life i have not in 33 years this is the first time i've been in one country for an entire year i have not known what to do with myself and nick and i normally travel 300 nights a year all around the world we have 22 um 821 officers in in 18 countries around the world to 821 and our sofia bulgaria churches so it's kind of like we've got churches everywhere we've got 821 everywhere i've got a whole bunch of my team that are here just over there they're awesome and many of them are single so please go and see them afterwards and i it is always the will of god that i marry them off they love me when i do that so that's why i do it deliberately and um the fact is that paul let me just give you a little bit of context because we're going to dive in i'm going to read uh very quickly i you know i speak in case you have never heard me three ways hard fasting continuously so you will not fall asleep you might choke on your cheerios but you are not going to fall asleep um this morning and so paul had been a prisoner for a couple of years and uh in jerusalem what he had done was um he the church in jerusalem was suffering the church in jerusalem was going under such uh a time of persecution and famine and they did not have money and resources and so paul took an offering from a lot of the surrounding churches of the region and he himself brought the offering to give to the church in jerusalem now the point is everyone warned him paul don't do this don't do this because if you go back to jerusalem they are going to kill you because there are a lot of people that didn't like him and as particularly religious people they are going to kill you but paul so wanted to go back to jerusalem because it was a very dear city to him obviously this was a place where he had persecuted and and and been part of killing christians before he got converted and so he wanted to go back that this is the place where his messiah his savior was crucified and buried and rose again so it was a place of great meaning for him and so despite the risk he wanted to go back well he went back and exactly what they said would happen would happen they tried to kill him they tried to destroy him and how he actually was rescued was the roman garrison the roman soldiers came and they actually took him prisoner that's how he was rescued from being killed by the religious people so that he was a prisoner and while he was a prisoner he decided to say you know what um i want to go and i want to defend my case i'm a roman citizen as a roman citizen i want to go and defend my case in rome i want to stand before the caesar in rome i want to give my case in rome and so he had been a prisoner for two years finally he's about to get his wish and he's going to go to rome now i want you to hear this up front rome was going to be the will of god rome was the purpose of god paul knew in his spirit that he was going to go to rome he knew that he was going to stand before caesar he knew that he was going to proclaim the gospel of the lord jesus christ and if he would do that in rome the epicenter of the roman empire then from there the gospel of the lord jesus christ would go out throughout the whole earth rome was his goal rome was his purpose rome was where he had had a word he knew that he was going to go to rome it's just he didn't anticipate that he was going to go to rome as a prisoner see there are times god is going to take you to his plan god is gonna take you to his purpose but the route god takes to get us where he thinks where we think we are gonna go is often not like how we imagine and a lot of times we think because god seems to take a different route than the one that we thought that god has changed his mind but god had never changed his mind at the outset of acts 27 god was always going to take paul to rome it's just rome was going to get there i mean paul's going to get there as a prisoner so in that context we're going to pick up now in acts 27 and see what happens the bible says and when it was decided that we should sail for italy listen i read that and i was feeling and lamenting the fact that i haven't been to italy for a year i don't know you know when i think italy man i i think of the amalfi coast i'm thinking of positano i'm thinking of ravelo i'm thinking of sorrento i'm thinking of pizza i'm thinking of pasta i'm thinking of beautiful olive oil i'm thinking of italy i'm thinking of a mediterranean cruise i'm imagining a yacht this is going to be awesome and imagine if you are thinking of italy you might be thinking of province or you i mean you might be thinking of tuscany or you might be thinking of different re listen all i'm saying is don't think about that that's not this kind of trip that's it and when it was decided that we should sail for italy they delivered paul and some other prisoners to a centurion of the augustine cohort named julius and embarking on a ship of adremitium which was about to sail to the ports along the coast of asia we put to sea accompanied by aristarchus a macedonian from thessalonica which makes me very excited i'm greek every italian wishes they were greek everyone wishes they were greek in fact give me a word any word because that is what we do if you've seen my big fat greek wedding you've seen my big fat greek life that's me our 821 first office was here in thessaloniki greece so this makes me excited i love the way we pop up in the bible all the time so the next day we put in at sidon and julius treated paul kindly gave him leave to go to uh friends to be cared for so that's how good uh a um prisoner he was that they actually trusted him to go to friends to be looked after and then come back it goes on and putting out to see from there we sailed under the lee of cyprus because the winds were against us i want you to get this from the outset they're taking off paul is on route to destiny wasn't going to be very comfortable it wasn't the way he may have imagined he was going to stand before caesar he's a prisoner he's a prisoner on a boat with we're about to find out with 276 other people there's nothing comfortable about this there's nothing awesome about this he's going as a prisoner in chains to fulfill his purpose in rome and the bible says they sailed under the lee of cyprus which means they were very close to the shore so they would be protected from the wind because right from the outset we learn at the beginning as paul takes off on route to the next phase of his destiny the winds were against him let me just say we could be now in march 2020. we all started our year and this was our year of 2020 vision man this was the year that we were going to fulfill purpose this was the going to be the greatest year and we suddenly hit march and we're like wow it feels like the winds are against us little did we know he goes on as he goes through all of this and he goes it feels like the winds were against us and when we had sailed across the open sea along the coast of sicilian pamphilia we came to mira in la silla there the centurion found a ship of alexandria sailing for italy and put us on board we sailed slowly for a number of days and arrived with difficulty everyone say it was hard we've now gone from the windsor against us in march to april i don't know what happened but it was suddenly difficult suddenly we're on route with purpose the purpose of god hadn't changed the will of god hadn't changed the prophetic word of god hadn't changed the direction they were headed hadn't changed it's just the winds were against them and now it was difficult goes on and says to us and when they had sailed and we got there we it was we're going right down and it's all fantastic and i love this whole bible and we sailed slowly for a number of days with difficulty as the wind did not allow us to go further isn't it interesting he's on track with destiny but the winds the difficulty is not allowing them to progress at the speed at which they thought they were going to progress or in the direction that they thought they were going to go we sailed under the lee of crete of salmon coasting along it with difficulty just in case you didn't get it there was nothing easy about on route to purpose the winds were against them it was difficult in case you didn't get it it was with difficulty now we're in may 2020. we came to a place called fair havens near which was the city of la silla since much time had passed and the voyage was now dangerous we're well and truly in june now now we've got racial rights now we've got political instability now it is not just difficult it's dangerous still on track with destiny still on track with purpose but the winds are against us it's difficult there's danger it could seem like god somehow has left us but they're still on track with purpose the bible says that it was dangerous because even the fast was already over now that would be the fast the day of atonement so we know we're in the winter i don't know if you've ever been to the mediterranean during the winter but it's not cool i go to the mediterranean a lot we have a lot of offices over there and you know i'm greek so i love to get over there as much as i can but i have been in the mediterranean during this time we've had people rescued due in in this part of the world during the winter extremely dangerous where we're you know in order to rescue them the girls have been picked up from docks off the coast of turkey brought across into greece and the winds have been dangerous i don't know if you've ever been it's like you feel nauseous you feel seasick it is like don't don't be thinking like it's just like a little wind kind of thing florida category five hurricane we're thinking like this is like a legit wind it's not just something nice it's not just something small i mean it is you are feeling the winds you are being rocked to and fro you are wanting to throw up you are feeling nauseous it feels so much like 20 20. it doesn't matter where you went man you just like want to throw up overboard you like just get over here and then you're knocked over there and then you're knocked over and then you think this whole ship's going to go down and you go when is the wind going to stop when is the difficulty going to stop when is the danger going to stop it's just going to come from everything and the bible says since much time had passed the voyage was now dangerous because even the fast was already over paul advised them saying sirs i perceive that the voyage will be with injury and much lost not only of the cargo of the ship but also of our lives but the centurion paid more attention to the pilot and to the owner of the ship than to what paul said and so would have i because like paul you can write like really good books and you're good at killing christians you're not that great at like doing a ship thing and so and because the harper was not suitable to spend the winter in the majority decided the majority decided i love the majority the majority decided to put out to sea from there on the chance that somehow they just might reach phoenix the harbor harbor of crete facing both southwest and northwest and spend the winter there isn't it interesting how the majority decided i love our society because we just think man if the majority decides it's got to be right whatever the majority says has got to be right but the majority decided here we're about to find out it was not right now when the south wind blew gently supposing that they had obtained their purpose they weighed anchor and sailed along crete close to the shore but soon a tempestuous wind called the northeaster struck down from the land i mean this is not a swallow you can google the northeaster coming down from the land in and and the kind of storm that a northeaster brings in the mediterranean the aegean the ionian sea that whole region of the world i mean this thing is like full-on and it says that when the ship was caught and could not face the wind we gave way to it and were driven along we could not take this any anymore you ever felt like that when it got to september and october and november and december it's just like man i'm just being driven along i feel like i've got no control i feel like i don't know what's coming next i don't know what kind of trauma what kind of drama what i'm just driven along with what the winds of 2020 are blowing and paul says we were just driven along then we were just driven along he goes on and says running under the lee of the small island called counter we manage with difficulty there it is again in case you didn't get it to secure the ship's boat after hoisting it up they used supports to undergo the ship then fearing that they would run aground on the cities they lowered the gear and thus they were driven along since we were violently storm tossed anyone anyone feel like 2020 we were violently storm tossed oh it wasn't just a little breeze we were violently stomped us there was not one sphere of society that was not impacted economically socially morally environmentally politically every realm of society was violently storm tossed he says we were just driven along man we started on our way to italy we started 2020 and we were in the will of god we were in purpose we were on route we started this business we thought that was what god had said we we got that promotion we thought that's what god had said we had had all these vision and dreams about church and campuses and we were sure that's what god said and suddenly we get to the end of the year we're like whoa violently storm dust violently storm tossed it goes on and the bible says that they began next day to jettison the cargo now this is a cargo ship that's how you transported prisoners in those days there wasn't cruise ships there was only cargo ships and cargo was their economic means so now they're throwing all of their profit overboard some of us that's how we felt like man i'm just throwing it overboard god that entrepreneurial ex that opportunity that that that 401k that it's just like so many of us felt like in order to survive i had to throw things overboard things that god had given me things that god had promised me and i feel like i lost everything it's just like thrown overboard off the ship we go on and he says when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and no small tempest lay on us all hope of our being saved was abandoned when neither sun or stars now now this might not mean much to us but we are talking it is pitch black they are being violently storm tossed they cannot see if there is no sun there is no stars we're in darkness now you know this is pre-gps so their entire navigation system was the sun and the stars now all they are feeling is the nausea all they are feeling is the wind all they are feeling is so disorientated they cannot see in front of them there is no gps wondering god where are you anyone in 2020 wondered god where did you go where did you go i feel like no navigation i feel like i can't see anything god i can't hear you i can't see you where did you go you abandoned me and all i feel is this violent storm tossed wind don't know what i'm going to wake up to don't know what i'm going to go to bed to and the only thing i know is there's no sun there's no stars god i can't see you i can't feel you i can't hear you you put me on this boat you were taken me to my purpose you said i was going to stand before caesar this was going to be for your glory this was going to be for your goodness and here i am and i'm in total darkness anyone besides me anyone god where did you go so it goes on and since they had been without food for a long time paul stood up among them and said man you should have listened to me but he's so humble i love paul it's just awesome said no woman to her husband ever but anyway that's another man you should have listened to me and not have set sail from crete and incurred this injury and loss yet now i urge you to take heart for there will be no loss of life among you but only of the ship for this very night this drew before me an angel of the god to whom i belong and whom i serve and whom i worship and he said do not be afraid paul you must stand before caesar i love this he says in the midst of the storm in the midst of darkness he didn't wait till get out of it he got out of it he just stood there and he said listen i need to tell you all all of my unsafe friends at work all of my unsaved neighbors all of the people that i need to tell you something i'm feeling the same storm as you i'm feeling the same difficulty as you i'm experiencing the same danger as you but i need you to know there is a god in the midst of this whom i worship there is a god in the midst of this whom i serve and i need you to know this angel of the lord turned up and said paul you must i don't know what your you must is he didn't take him out of the storm he didn't take him out of the darkness but in the midst of it he reminded him of a word listen when you can't see feel or hear god what do you hang on to a word you have a word from god you hang on to god in that midst of that darkness i remember when all this started i i pulled out every prophetic word i had gotten and i'm so old i'm as old as the dinosaur so we had them all done and cassette tapes and i've had all of the words that i've been given over my life transcribed and i've brought them all out all mine and all nicks and i brought them before my daughters and i said okay girls i don't know what's going to happen we've got 22 821 offer we've got 18 28 21 offices and we've got churches all around the world hundreds of staff so i'm not really sure what's going to happen but all i know is that i've got a word and here's my first prophetic word from 1989 that god gave me and that same god gave me words in 1990 and 1991 and i don't know what's happened but there's so much girls i want you to see all the things that have come to pass and i want you to see all the things that have still got to come to pass so i know there's a global pandemic i know there is political instability i know that there is so much racial injust i know there is so much pain there is so much loss there is so much grief there is so much suffering i don't know how god is going to make a way but i know that i've got a word and i know the same god that was with me in 1990 is the same god that was with me in 91 he's the same god that was with me in 92 he's the same god that was with me in 2010 he's the same god that was with me in 2011. and that god said christine you must you must and some of us have forgotten the promises that god gave us in the light because we're in the darkness and paul stood in the midst of the storm right in the midst of it the worst hadn't even happened yet and said you must and he looks at them all and he said listen i could just tell you about this god that i serve and this god that i worship i'm in the same storm as you i'm feeling every bit of the pain that you're feeling every bit of the suffering i haven't been exempt from it but the god said you must i'm here to remind you there's some you musts out there where did you forget you you must where did you think the storm obliterated that you must i wonder when you can't trace him can you still trust him when it is that dark and there is a pandemic and there is pain and there is suffering and there is lust can we still trust him when we cannot trace him paul says you must and there are times god says i need to take you off course to get you back onto your purpose oh you were so obsessed with your course that you forgot your purpose so i'm shifting some course to get you back on to the purpose that i've got for you so he goes on and he says you must thank you i'm trying and then he says he goes on he says yet now i urge you to take heart i've come here shoreline city to urge you to take heart to take heart see because if you do not proactively take heart in this season you will lose heart you will it's the default setting of our lives and so we we take heart and he goes on and he says so take heart men for i have faith in god it will be exactly as i have been told but we must run aground on some island how's that for you it's going to be exactly what god said but we must run aground what happened in 2020 is god's like oh my purpose over your life it will come to pass everything i promised all the promises of god are in christ jesus yes and amen they shall come to pass but there are some ships in your life that need to run aground there was some friend ships that needed to run aground there was some relation ships that needed to run aground there was some ships that needed to run aground he says it will be exactly as god said but it must run aground the things that you thought you lost and that forfeited your purpose and that forfeited your destiny that was just the ship that needed to run aground because your hope became the ship rather than jesus that was driving the ship and jesus said i might just have to let some of this stuff run aground because somewhere along the line you thought the ship was the thing that was going to take you to your purpose i never said it was the ship i said it was me i have not changed just because of all of this storm and you're gonna discover that i'm still gonna take you to your purpose i'm still gonna take you to your destiny i'm still gonna fulfill my promise over your life but your hope was in the ship and my hope was never in the ship it's in jesus he says but the ship must run aground if you lost it you didn't need it the ship had to run aground when the 14th night had come as we were being driven across the adriatic sea about midnight the sailors suspected that they were nearing land so they took a sounding and found 20 fathoms a little further they took a sounding again and found 15 fathoms and fearing that we might run on the rocks they let down four anchors from the stern and prayed for day to come and as the sailors were seeking to escape from the ship and had lowered the ship's boat into the sea under pretense of laying out anchors from the bow paul said to the centurion and the soldiers unless these men stay in the ship you cannot be saved someone needs to hear this and this is why i've come here today because the fact is they thought if they jumped ship they would be rescued and somehow it did not make sense thinking man it looks like this ship is going to run aground this ship is going to hit the rocks and so many people during this season have been jumping ship jumping ship on their marriages jumping ship on their relationships jumping ship on their churches thinking that's how they're going to save themselves but i'm sitting here to tell you today don't jump ship don't jump ship your hope is on the ship stay on the ship stay on the ship paul says you'll be safe but stay on the ship i know you think it's gonna sink but stay on the ship he goes on and says as the day was about to dawn paul urged them all to take some food saying today's the 14th day that you have continued in suspense and without food having taken nothing therefore i urge you to take some food for it will give you strength for not a hair is to perish on the head of any of you and when he said these things he took bread and giving thanks to god in the presence of all he broke it and began to eat it what did paul do in the midst ships about to run around filling the storm in the midst of it all he broke bread he took communion he said you know what do you know one of the greatest testimonies we will be as the church of jesus christ we're not going to be exempt from the storms that the world's in not economic not political not social not moral not environmental in every realm of life but when we can have our peace and break bread in the midst of the storm it says to people oh how god's still god the bible goes on and says that they were all encouraged and ate some food themselves were in all 276 persons when they had eaten enough they lightened the ship throwing wheat out it goes on it says now when it was day they didn't recognize the land but they noticed a bay with a beach on it and they planned it possible to run the ship ashore so they cast off the anchors and left them in the sea at the same time loosening the ropes and tied the rudders and hoisting the foresail to the wind they made wait for the beach but striking a reef they ran the vessel aground wins against them difficult difficulty lost everything then the ship ran aground sounds like our 2020 doesn't it ran aground dr luke writes this in the book of acts he was sitting there with paul i just want you to see the very from verse 43 the bible says but the zaturian wishing to save paul kept them from carrying out the plan he ordered that those that could swim jump overboard first make for the land and the rest on planks are on pieces of the ship and so it was that they were all brought safely to land i want you to catch this the ship ran aground man they're jumping off and hanging onto planks some of us that's how we feel like we came into 2021 i'm just like on a plank i just got here barely made it and yet at the end of this whole chapter the way the doctor look ends and he says and the rest on the planks and so it was that all were brought safely to land he doesn't focus on all of the negativity and all of the loss and all of the fear he says no no how we are going to put an exclamation mark on this trip on 2020 is instead of focusing on all the losses and all the storm and all the nausea and all the pain i want us all to remember that we were brought safely to land i said to our daughters as we came in i said oh no the banner over 2020 for us it's not going to be covert 19. the banner over 2020 for us is our god brought us safely through our god brought us safely through we were brought safely to land and as if that is not enough in chapter 28 luke starts after we were brought safely through just in case you didn't get it in the last verse of the chapter before in case you forgot that in 2020 our god brought us safely through we're here he says let me remind you how we're going to start 2021 after our god brought us safely to land there's a purpose that god brought us into this year there's a promise for us in this year and he goes on and he says we then learned that the island was called malta we then learned we had no clue anyone felt like that in 2021 what is this called what oh my gosh i'm in this year i'm i mean malta what's malta paul's never planning to go to malta malta is a little island 17 miles long nine miles wide i've been there it's in the mediterranean tiny island paul was going to rome the epicenter of the roman empire paul was going to talk to caesar but now he's in this dingy little place called malta he never would have gone there himself the painful storm the nauseous storm the loss of the ship the loss of everything brought him to a place he never had intended to go and yet there was a revival waiting to happen in malta on the way to rome and many of us are missing the revival that god has for us in malta because we're lamenting that we're not yet in rome you will get to rome the purpose shall come to pass but there's a revival waiting in malta on the way to rome and had there not been a storm had there not been a shipwreck you never would have gotten there where's your malta right where you are now your home your neighborhood it's not just to be watching church eating cheerios as a good excuse not to get in the car you're in malta we couldn't travel this year so nick and i we socially distanced we would have happy hour every friday and our street became the street our house front yard became the house talking about jesus to to malta because we couldn't go to rome so many of us are missing what god has for us in malta because we are so angry that god didn't get us to rome yet he goes on and he says the native people showed us unusual kindness and they kindled a fire and welcomed us all because it had begun to rain and was cold when paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and put them in the fire a viper came out because of the heat and fastened on his hand when the native people saw the creature hanging from his hand they said to one another no doubt this man is a murderer though he has escaped from the sea justice has not allowed him to live he however shook off the creature just want you to know before taylor swift there was the apostle paul he just shook it off shook it off he shook it off not onto social media he shook it off into the fire and suffered no harm they were waiting for him to swell up or suddenly fall down dead but when they had waited a long time and saw no misfortune come to him they changed their minds and said that he was a god that's what the crowd's like very fickle you're satan one minute you're a god the next the same people that like your post this week are going to cancel you next week so be very careful about what you feel about the likes on social media the bible says that a viper came out what do you do when you've lived through the storm of 2020. what do you do when you've lived through the shipwreck of 2020 what do you do when god gets you through a storm and a shipwreck and you're about stepping into 2021 and you're doing everything you believe god's called you to do and then out of nowhere as you get hot for god the fire burns a snake bite comes and attaches itself to you see because the enemy didn't take you out externally through the storm and the shipwreck he's going to try to take you out internally by getting the venom on the inside of you in 2021 and if he couldn't take you out from the outside in he's trying to take the body out from the inside out if i can get toxic anger and offense and bitterness and unforgiveness and rage and gossip and slander and anger on the inside of you i will poison you from the inside out and we the church need to do exactly what paul did we don't need to get on social media and rant and rave we need to shake that thing off in the fire and say no the shipwreck didn't take me out the storm didn't take me out the snake fight is not gonna take me out and then what happened publius the most famous influential man on the island his father was sick and what paul did was god used paul to heal publius father and the bible says every single person on the island that was sick was healed see god had a revival waiting in malta then what happened he put him on the ship the bible says they also honored us greatly when we're about to sail they put on board whatever we needed and paul ended up in rome what am i saying to you church whatever you lost if we do what god wants us to do right here god will give you a new ship god will put everything that you need on that ship and you will get to rome just do not miss the revival in malta on the way to rome there is a revival waiting in malta on the way to rome [Applause] friend i wonder if you know this jesus i need to wrap up we gotta another service and you need a bigger building so we can go later and i can preach longer but here is the deal church you haven't gone sometimes god took us off course so we can still be in his plan the promises of god in christ jesus yes and amen might look like we've lost things but let me just tell you god will get us to rome if god said rome just don't miss what he's got here in malta because you're so angry that you're not yet in rome oh god brought us safely through our god is faithful friend i wonder if you know this god that i'm talking about today online in this room not do you know about him but do you know him and if you don't right here right now i just want to give you the opportunity to address the spiritual condition of your heart the opportunity to put jesus christ first in your life friend you were created by god for a relationship with god it's jesus that connects us to god and it's jesus that connects us to the grace of god friend only jesus christ can give us forgiveness for our past a fresh start today and a hope for the future and if you don't know him right here right now i just want to give you the opportunity to make your peace with god to have a fresh start with jesus christ some of you if you're honest today you're watching online you're here in the room and if you're honest you've been away from god cold in your heart maybe even backslidden today friend i want to invite you to stop running from him come home to him make your peace with him put jesus christ first in your life he loves you so much i just want every head bad and every eye closed wherever you are even if you're watching online just right there on your computer on your screen on your device whatever you're watching this on i just want you to take a moment to consider where you stand spiritually and if you say to me today chris i want what you're talking about chris i realize i i want a fresh start with jesus christ either for the very first time or i've been away from god cold in my heart but today i want what you're talking about chris i don't want to run from god anymore i want to come home to god i want to make my peace with god i want to put jesus christ first in my life friend if that's you i want to pray for you just a very very simple but powerful prayer online if you're watching in the room if you say chris would you include me in that prayer i want to say yes to jesus christ this morning just so that i know who i'm praying for would you just raise your hand wherever you are in the room thank you i'm seeing dozens of hands beautiful hands going up all over this room online i'm believing that god's touching you right where you are that you're saying yes if you're able and you're comfortable just wherever you are you go i'm just going to raise my hand in front of this computer you just do that jesus sees that hand right there i'm going to pray a prayer you can put your hands down i want the whole room and online i want you to do this too i want you to pray this out loud after me as people say yes to jesus and those of you that say chris i'm a believer pray this in agreement with all of those people that have raised their hands and all over the world that are saying yes to jesus right now so church let's do this together dear jesus i raised my hand today because i recognize my need for you i ask that you would forgive me for all of my sins that you would give me a fresh start today and a hope for the future i want to be a christian a follower of jesus christ every single day for the rest of my life in jesus name amen amen come on let's thank god as pastor comes
Channel: Shoreline City Church
Views: 4,667
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Keywords: shorelinecity, christinecaine, shakeitoff
Id: 29DkdlPESuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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