Shady Oaks Minecraft Server For Boomers

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hey everybody um what's up welcome to a live stream today we're jumping on the uh boomer server shady oaks minecraft server for boomers which i is i guess a category i fit into quite well i'm like the boomer you know so um yeah we got dan and thanksia they're on right now i guess they're gonna welcome me and tour me around and stuff uh i don't know like the exact frequency for being on here it seems like that you're usually on you know they do like a group session once a week or so um so i can try to make that and stuff but i just want to like especially with vault hunter starting back up next week i just want to make sure everyone knows this is going to be like an everyday thing that i'm getting on it's just you know just thought it'd be fun to to drop by and um and then and then we'll see where it goes from there it's open-ended you never know you never know i just don't want to like make commitments then people like you're not living up to your words so that said i think we can we can hop on and they're they're on there they're waiting and um yeah okey dokey i'ma hop in let's go all right hopefully i am whitelist and stuff oh oh disney weapons time hey hey a new boomer all right wow i'm really i'm old can you guys help me i need some assistance yes hello uh i'm my name is captain sparkles and i've been around for a long time i don't know how i got here i probably just forgot everything up to this point but uh hopefully guys can help me out yes welcome where have you spawned kind sir uh i near near thanks see ya we're close i'm out here oh there you are there you are dave oh wait there okay perfect hey so yeah new member the og captain sparkles hello how are you today i'm doing great man i'm happy to be here with with my fellow old folks yeah some of the old folk have gone to bed early or okay they're going to get up late just you know in their naps it's a bit quiet tonight but there'll be people around so i think we should maybe do like a quick tour very quick tour a quick rule session ah there's not many don't worry and then i'll try i don't even know if i can remember that many rules that's good that's fine there's like two main ones and then everything else has been broken up to this point so okay sounds great so where are we now all right well this is this is the mighty shady oaks okay and this is this is a building commissioned and paid for by bernie uh yeah we keep his uh shrine just in the just in here okay nice great yeah that looks that looks good yeah does someone have to actually uh like like build this or you guys you guys can put photos up whatever you want in here oh um i mean in general we can put photos up that's been used a lot yeah well i just i on this other server of mine where i'm like the oldest of the boomers uh everyone all the maps like people actually built the things for them and it's wild i didn't know if someone actually built this flat somewhere no we just import images here oh okay gotcha gotcha we keep it simple that's fair that's fair okay so are there retirement fee or their dues to like to live here if you want to live in here or what's the deal with that so this is kind of like think of it as old people's hotel uh we have like a little starting room in here we have function rooms which haven't actually been used yet but they will be uh up here is enchanting table community enchanting table and floor two sorry where was up here oh yeah i'll press it press the magic button oh oh wow that's really fancy we can't use stairs because we're old exactly no this is excessive energy so what do we actually have up here james i've forgot yeah i got the enchanting table i mean yeah we've got um uh i'll be honest like james thank you for the five sub gifts we don't use it a whole amount to be honest i'll be using the community enchantment i'm sure of it so oh yeah yeah that's probably the most uh the most used area to be honest and then out back you can see gardens oh yeah it's not bad huh we've got a nether portal back there it's the wrong way around but you can kind of just about see it yeah there's the um tower of obsidian that is at in fact community nether portal our nether sucks it's one of the worst ones ever but it's home how wait what do you mean it's one of the worst ones ever it's a stinker it's an absolute thing just uh yeah we'll show you when we get there it's bad all right all right in terms of shading like we we have like rooms but we've got beds in them but you can't actually sleep in them which is a bit of an issue but okay yeah so to be honest pick your real estate and get building as soon as possible and then yeah there's loads of space everyone's like building quite close to the place uh you've got a bunch of shops uh today is where did you young whiffer snap oh there you are no i must have not the button didn't work you guys are fast you guys are faster than i would have thought i can't walk this fast do a life alert system if i fall does anyone come to help me maybe we should add that this guy is really old i think we might need it yeah yeah right so so today is like a lazy saturday afternoon right not not a huge amount going on but mondays mondays are banging right okay so squid who currently isn't here but he might be here later has this place which is called kraken's hollow hangar let me let me just make it a bit more realistic hang on all right this is this is squid there we go why'd you just have his head like i don't know ready to go wait he lives in just uh this is a pit in the ground uh well no this is like his shop he lives in a hobbit hole oh okay yeah he does kind of live in a hole in the ground yeah he likes he likes living in holes but we have like this monday thing now where everyone is like a multi-vs type thing so last monday we had like a head scavenging competition yeah oh yeah we should probably explain that too we've got the the head dropping plug-in so if you kill a mob as a chance to drop ahead and that happens with players as well which is why james oh this is currently wearing squish head quite violent yeah i didn't realize that there was old people gladiator matches it sounds like elder abuse but okay just one day a week okay um and we have like these quest points so one of the big rules on the server is that there's no crafting of netherite items yeah um the never items are obtained via quest admissions and secrets and all that kind of stuff and there can only ever be one of each item on the server wow wait so like once you get one can you lose it or it's yours and then you trade it or you can do it but you could lose it you could trade it you could hide it someone might hunt you down for it who knows wait can you kick that are are there like hunts and like do people hunt each other on on this server it has it has happened it has happened uh what have i signed up for with this retirement gonna be casual huh i thought i'd be taking care of not be fighting for my life [Laughter] more or less it's nice and safe but currently good news there's only actually two pieces in circulation yeah and then this quest here the first person to 50 points will get the next one so there's only going to be like three so far so plenty of time to get some new items so what is this quest oh this was last week's so this was the headhunter oh this is okay yeah yeah like the week it changes every single week so the one before that was everyone had to go out and try and bring back animals which is surprisingly difficult if you can find a pandora on the server i'll be very impressed because it's impossible oh they're currently nobody's got a panda yet no no zero pandas were found oh wow and they were the big points as well they were the big points gotcha okay so what did you get for this so the quest points are what we get for the the monday quests quest points and then if you get the first of 50 we'll obtain a netherright piece so oh just like an ingot an ingot no no no either at all that isn't because currently we have in circulation a pickaxe and james what's the other thing god swords the sword the sword all right so you get to you get to choose what another right piece you get if you win the quest yeah i think so okay or it could be completely random who knows you might come in with a helmet and you might leave with a hoe like who knows got it got it hey hoes are useful now all right what's the line i mean i wouldn't say no to the hoe to be honest like i'd be happy with that you can break so much wheat with that it's so good you go to the never have one of them fungus gathering parties exactly i like to garden in my old folks time so a hoe would be great nice okay we know who's to give the hoe to i mean you don't have to give it to me i'm just saying like it has a use that's all okay okay so yeah that happens every monday and then he was using this like kraken's hollow for just other quests where she where you can get like one or two quest points per quest but he hasn't refilled them yet oh no wait never mind it blew up last week so he's rebuilding current oh no wait how did he how did this blow up dangerous uh there's incidents incidents occurred um a bit of a law situation to do with the pickaxe because the pickaxe had an encoded name but it was actually called revenge and if there's someone who knows about revenge yeah oh yeah i did that many a year ago just see what i did i like that yeah yeah um james is your guy yeah i'm sorry i'm so sorry oh i try to do those two we're gonna be competing man [Laughter] so i think like everyone's kind of got their own sort of little niche so we've got cupcakes she's like doing a she has like a bakery and she's building like a farmer's market right now it's kind of cool yeah okay uh dan started a cult which is a little sus oh yeah yeah a little side project of mine um over here above the fountain is gc golden clownfish and here's the all-being leader of the cult think of him as god but like a goldfish got it no that makes a lot of sense um good good do you have like a farm in south america or anything like that not currently but we have a church okay got it i mean that's it's got to start somewhere exactly yeah and when you get your netherite hoe you can come help us with the farm okay that sounds great see we're making deals already james this is great i mean yeah i i'm not part of this cult this is this is all you oh uh okay is that the is that your goldfish mascot over there oh no that's an upside down thing oh okay yeah that's uh that's squid's face actually right i was like it looked like this was like the mouth down here on the bottom and like [Laughter] oh i kind of see it now i don't like it yeah that's ruined forever oh no no this this is more like it this right here got the outfit okay looks are you allowed to wear your leader's head or like that's that is the attire when you're immune they're kind of like when you join it's kind of a gift so um i'm not gonna ask questions where they came from you just get them you know okay got it got it uh so this is my humble abodes my tower there's a a building on the right which is gonna be a casino it's not finished yet it's in progress oh what games so we're thinking roulette at the back can i can i go in you may yeah it's a little bit work in progress right now but roulette at the back then we might have a little bit of blackjack and then oh well james we have so much to like explain it's crazy i know the first game i had here was ah you know when you have like the cups the three cups you put a ball of paper under one cup you shuffle them up and you get sure yeah yeah i think it's just called the cup game the cop game exactly yes isn't it so i have one of those it's called what three card monty have i made that up uh the the the monty hall game show problem it's i guess it's kind of like but you're you can track the cups as they're moving right yeah uh yeah but not that so in my game i used chest so you give me an item any item as many as you like and uh i place it in one of three chests actually it changed to two because no one was playing uh anyway uh if you guess correctly where i put the item i will double it for you but if you guess wrong then i keep said item hmm okay okay we're gonna put that over here as well now if you're a casino though that that game doesn't actually favor you it's just even at the end of the day genuinely i have never seen so many people lose on a 50 50. it was ridiculous are you sure he hasn't rigged it in some way there's got to be a catch it's a casino i mean that's what the rumors were that was yeah some people have won and then come back and lost but that's not my fault i mean they yeah well let's prop up a casino because you always lose eventually exactly sounds like a good business opportunity to me but okay so they they give you the uh but but isn't the best you double the item if they get it right yeah okay okay so you give me a diamond and you guess right you get two back so you know uh the issue i just wanna like the issue with your thing here is that if someone has an unlimited bankroll they will always beat you what they will so if they keep doubling their bet eventually they will win in a 50 50 game and you will you will lose all right we're going back to the best of three all right [Laughter] no one else thought of that though so my my business was strong now until now you might have to like make it a low stakes game or something maybe it's like no you gotta you have to have the odds favor you slightly in order for this to work long term but anyway you know thank you you're welcome i will make that i'm just trying to help okay he was clever because my people joined the server like they would go and get their first diamonds they would come to dan sharp and then he would take them so he was kind of like no no no no stop stop they would lose them in a fair game well yes but um not my problem right so this is my other little corner with the dumping hole uh there used to be something here and i just blew it up and it stayed as a whole so yeah just chuck stuff in there yeah oh no i've got to explain this james um this is my villager breeder the squid is called the red and bunk there you go chad we've already got a bonk on the server yes we have so this is where i supply my um my farmers my future workers it's legal i swear it's i mean it's it's a little human traffic related but whoa so how how does one uh retrieve the uh children from this oh we just like make a make a hole they jump out you stick them in a boat and then they just get shipped off uh yeah could i could i buy some of these people oh at some point is this a trick question are you wondering i mean no actually no on this occasion i wouldn't mind a few uh helpers sure yeah yeah yeah we'll talk all right all right cool cool business so if you need any villagers you know um you know where to come to okay so like this is free free for use you can just you just read them if you want to no i will sell them to you oh okay okay got it got it got it right on but on the topic of villagers the the other rule apart from the netherright one the most important one is you can't trade with villagers no because it's too good it encourages like player shops trading uh it's just too good the villagers wait so what are the villages for just looking pretty wait so i can use them for like like i use them over here for my my bread farm you can use them in that way okay but you can't trade with them oh all right which makes mending books very valuable oh yeah yeah wait i get so you can find those oh yeah okay yeah and see if it's already on something and fishing but it takes a long time oh boy i should get lucky wait so what about these netherrite pieces then huh so you just you get them and you there's no way you'll ever want to use it mean yeah yes it's a risk yeah it's a risk it depends who you know you're friends with who you're not friends with what plans you make well i guess you can fix yeah you can you can yeah yeah okay that's probably the best way to get it yeah yeah me and dan got it in like 20 plus minutes fishing but then someone like squid literally spent days and didn't get single ones so it's a little it's a little dodgy it'll be me so yeah there's super rest if you get one of those lock it away mm-hmm like how big is the theft problem here it's not oh we have we do have a rule no no stealing no grief in oh okay yeah oh yeah that's another real important rule yes it's quite quite big i'm pretty sure squid steals from me every now and then but yeah but i think it's kind of like a yeah it's more of like a borrow or a lend maybe just without anything ever coming back um yeah yeah it's fine and if you've got a horse just be careful is there a courthouse by any chance yes there is okay cool cool there is we can uh we can take you to the courthouse it's not far oh whatever whatever order you think is best i'll leave it up to you guys um yeah what should we do next i mean if you want to be like a real big bowler on the server i would highly suggest you build your entire house out of honey blocks oh yeah you would okay you would and is that that is because you would profit from this i assume yeah it just so happens we have a nice honey shop here it's not open just yet i'm still stuck in but um yeah he has like an do i hear bees are they like under here oh no i just got some like decorations oh okay there i got you yeah dan tried to sue me already for copyright so i had to oh my god yeah i had to uh improvise slightly because this doesn't look like dan right no all the stuff we're saying is like very intimidating uh suing murdering stealing uh i mean dan kind of sounds like the mob boss between the casino and the uh the humans and you know like this does he charge does he charge a cut on like any transactions that happen here uh not yet not yet but if that's what do you offer protection services against yourself i could do yeah i think i might need those soon gotcha i mean there has been some some hits hired by various people that actually has oh that's a little list hitman yes there's lots going on here actually someone in chat great name don tdm so we've got a gun powder shop at the back and there's a paper shop which is like for when you get a lighters and stuff um we've got an old english pub which was built by squid yes oh okay and we had a darts and drinking session in there for a couple weeks we did yep i've never been inside an old english pub before well welcome my friend wow this is my first ever experience do you have old western dudes inside your old english pubs that usually is this to be the owner oh okay the bob yes this is squid here this is his donkey it's called gandong yeah i don't know where he is currently i think he's gone missing to be honest again yeah i think at some point this is going to be a potion shot but he's named them after like craft beers but kind of um so oh are these actually beers in the in the uk no the national health system beer [Laughter] why didn't you call it nhs is that like a healing bush it's a healing potion oh okay these are all custom squid drafts right here which will be purchasable soon i think i just got real confused for a second like do i have a resource pack installed up here and then i was like oh no that's oh that's smart map magic yeah oh it's like cool you should you should see cupcakes places oh my god yeah oh does it just look like some high-res texture pack in there yeah pretty much yeah it's insane yeah she's built see like all the uk people didn't know what this was but she's built a speakeasy i think it's called uh-huh um so yeah she's got like a trendy bar and squid's got like an old man pub so whichever one you fancy most go for it okay um i mean i think we i think we'd do a uh stand-up night soon i think we were meant to do one of those yeah i might have to uh i would bomb so i don't know about that i'll just watch trap door for that i think if you bomb you get ejected out of the bomb wait what's on the uh what's on the oh everyone has an issue with it apart from me but it seems like you're fine oh okay yeah i know it was good totally worked fine i don't know what what is this ladder to know we're going to do see uh this is unfinished currently oh i see i see walking on a penthouse but it's under construction oh oh i wait wait i missed the floor now i'm burning oh wait uh there we go oh wait is there a doubt oh there's a downstairs there is there's a little basement where i store my things oh wow that's no nether pool so if you're going the wrong one you might end up here okay at least i won't be confused yeah at least you know your way out this is just a very popular map isn't it i just want to oh yeah he put them everywhere that way so that it looks right yeah that one looks proper now yeah we have a gallery dedicated to squid uh which i won't make you go to it now but i think that there is there is a squid gallery if you ever get bored oh okay he's the artiste on the server got it well no i i uh individually hand painted these uh and he posed for me basically oh okay makes sense yeah yeah um oh should we head to we could do squids then wrap around to cup quakes then to yours i think that's it yeah i mean yeah whatever we've got the echoes would you want to see the courthouse you did mention oh yeah oh absolutely yeah so echo is um the shady oaks judge he's currently residing as a was he elected he was he was actually yeah fairly elected uh that's so cool there was going there was gonna be a trial actually he built it for a trial that never happened because the fugitive ran away and that was the guy who also blew up uh kraken's hollow too so we already have on the run who is this it was uh justin think noodles oh okay gotcha has he has he been seen in a while or he's escaped pretty well no he's gone he's fully gone he's somewhere on a desert island with some margaritas sipping cocktails yeah yeah yeah here's the courthouse pretty ominous step inside wow yeah it's pretty cool oh nethery huh oh oh who are these wow they have box seats for trials okay yes they do you're just being looked down on and judged my god yeah it's pretty ominous so especially if there's any shenanigans and someone wants to take you to court or vice versa yeah here's your place and that was there going to set you up is there any pit like so that when someone is they're having a verdict red like they stand here and then a pit just drops out if they're guilty and then they fall into lava or something i like this guy he's on our wavelength so right here right here my friend oh and this oh there we go city encased driveway type thing that goes to a jail cell yeah straight to prison stack yeah oh this is great this is exactly what i was hoping for oh yeah so you know we've got you covered any dramas anything like that straight to court easy okay brilliant if anyone bullies me they're going to trial if life alert doesn't work i will sue the ceo of life alert for failing to deliver on their product uh yeah echo's house is right here kind of looks like the pub but i think they built at the same time i mean squid definitely built it after him so definitely yeah definitely yeah this is the prison down there actually for some reason the prisoner is in his house why would he do that he was just really committed to the role i think oh that wow wait who's in prison right now oh i thought that oh it's just a it's an armor stand i thought there was actually someone in prison rules must set spawn inside the cell must empty inventory before entering must wear orange jumpsuit no breaking or places so what how do you how do you get out of prison who knows serve your time so no one's actually ever been to prison then not yet not yet oh um oh you guys need some drama oh we've had we've had a fair share of drama to be honest we've had a fair few like like i said uh dodgy deals murders but no one's actually taken anyone else to court when we tried it they fled so wow if you feel like bringing on the first court case let's let's do it okay the jail cell is like a relatively recent thing as well so we didn't really have it at the beginning um oh oh fancy yeah i think it's only one person at a time hey there we go first time nice all right no embarrassing slip-ups yet wait if i say i bashed my chin uh flying up there could i you know sue the owner of the house which happens to be the judge and put them on trial for irresponsible inaccessible like staircases that's a good point yeah what do we do then we need like a secondary stand-in just in case the judge gets sued right what exactly is food as well what if they're both sued oh god we'll cross that bridge when we get chaos absolute chaos oh man um i guess cause good see we might as well just have a little poke inside why not yeah um this is squid's lake i think it's called prime pond this is where he fishes for prime subs oh okay yeah feel free to use yeah yeah wait so you're telling me if i if i catch stuff in here there's a chance that it could be a new a new sub okay ask your chat if i if i had a fishing rod i'd let you give it a go get a fishing rods see if your chat's down for the uh the task yeah okay okay i'm up for this idea i mean i might have to do it later today because we want mending right that's valuable i can get ahead if i fish for that um but yeah this is his house in here no he had a shop but apparently oh who was it that came in and just nicked it all i don't i don't think he really announced the shop to anyone but me and you so everyone else just kind of took things yeah i thought there wasn't supposed to be theft here there isn't that swear now it's just there isn't but we haven't caught who did it yet are you saying that theft doesn't exist until it's caught uh i mean so you're saying that if my if my bike is stolen it wasn't really stolen unless the person who stole it gets caught i mean i guess you're not getting it back unless you find someone so yeah i swear down just stuff will be safe i promise i'm really this is confident yeah uh this is squid's little hobbies oh nice squids what he really likes is when you come in here just like mess with these flaps a little bit yeah oh that's such a good idea every time every time you just come past just give them a little little flick there you go see perfect i'm learning real quick people love this um what else have we got we can go to cupcakes quickly crosstalk quakes yeah okay see like everyone's everyone's pretty close so we've got like yammy who's on the other side uh yeah echo there we've got cody who kind of half quite far away yeah yeah it's massive though now is this all just free real estate do i have to pay for a plot of land how does this whole thing work no first come first serve okay don tdm not going to charge me for it eh nay not yet but i might try and take off you later just saying i almost tried to build close to dan yeah so i feel like there might be a bit of turf war going on yeah yeah i think yami's path is in my sights first ah okay very close to my casino oh careful yeah they're they're a bit i always forget about those um oh if you want to see how cool the map mods uh plug-in even this is awesome apparently cupcake's got a box full of really nice things where did you get that good guy why is it just why is it just sitting out there i think oh it's a gift what that's a fancy gift what's going on here good guy echo gift yeah don't have to ask me about that what the yeah i think one of the things that's broken oh my god oh my god oh no very loud jc jonathan thank you that's one of my sub gifts much about creating that that's where she gets all the item frames from yeah easy this is awful it's so loud so loud god how are they not how are they not cramming i mean if you actually come to the top of the machine look down it is don't open the thing yeah so if i get a piece of wheat i can kind of bring them together cow singularity it's interesting she's got this image she's built this image is like a really wholesome family friendly bakery and then she's just got this sort of let's be honest this is that's that's not yeah actually it's not very free range gnar is not that's true that is true oh god it's a court but if you come down this picture oh yeah this is where it's at this is the the the i think she's calling it the slippy pickle slipping pickle yeah i think that's what you like oh this is your you suck tank yeah yeah yeah talking to the pickle um okay and uh yeah we we're yet to have a a a night here but sometimes people host events so we had like a horse race um we did we did these maps are so fancy ah yeah this is what i was talking about so every single pile is a map yeah yeah and an item frame behind that yeah yeah you get too many of those and it gets a little laggy it's holding up well though it's holding up so far oh what the no no no i wasn't going to bring attention to that what is what's uh what is this this one i got glasses and then day one squid photoshopped my face onto harry potter and then cub quake photo photoshop myself onto harry potter and i live in the cupboard under the stairs that makes sense nice it does who wouldn't want to be harry potter though come on oh god the noise get me out yes yeah we need to leave i like how it's engineered though it's engineered though so you only hear it if you're on the employee side you're a customer you don't hear it like very yeah very well thought out not bad you just have to avert your eyes that's all yeah you have to invert your eyes and just oh yeah this is the farmer's market i think she's making oh um so she's okay i haven't seen this yet this is insane yeah it's quite big but you can definitely though oh god yeah i feel like she's gonna have to move this cow cause he's really gonna put off customers i think um yeah yeah gives off the uh the trendy coffee shop vibe in which i feel like a lot of the uh customers would be conscious of trying to be nicer to the cows i'd agree i'd agree but she's got oh she's got a bread thing as well if you need food everyone struggled with food at the first so she's got like a bread vending machine i think on the side as well um there we go they made major stones in the early early days it was like one iron for one bread but no one had anything to eat apart from berries i mean her prices in there were like golden diamonds for coffee that was pricey oh yeah yeah that's true that's true and i don't think we've got much else to show you this is my place this is my honey farm um yeah this is called honeycomb farms this is your house and your farm yeah yeah i just i just sort of chill okay around here i've got a zombie grinder but then echo built an enderman one so now this is completely pointless but it looks kind of cool um three cookies though free cookies okay so so there's no mending books oh i guess that makes sense you can do enderman grinding so once you get the mending books there you're set oh yes you're good yeah it's just getting the books oh i had a little honey in here it was messy i cleaned up for you you're welcome fantastic okay what has happened uh i had lots of decorative honey around here but i guess it's been cleaned up this is where we are cleaner yeah and then this is my actual honey farm it's impressive wow many bees this is pretty free range actually is it i mean bees are a lot smaller they're smaller than cows and they have a larger area so i'd say yes okay cool yeah we won't report you yet no we like to have you know a nice a nice clean image here at the farm so everything's legit above board very cool thanks yeah i've got yeah this is just paper i'm doing paper as well man okay you've been busy yeah yeah wow it's even like oh you got the honey honey block accents and stuff it's very nice very pretty thank you thank you mm-hmm uh and that's literally it my only other room's a storage room and then that's all i've got up to so far okay oh yeah here's the heads by the way so if you if you kill stuff you get heads oh wow um so it's pretty cool are you a monster i mean you've you've taken down some wandering traders and llamas okay yep yep uh charge creeper that's impressive though that was fun squid's got a trident so whenever it storms you can go and make the supercharged creepers and we can oh gotcha now are those like more valuable than other heads no i think people just collect them yeah well i guess the charge creep is pretty rare ender dragon no one's got a guardian are there wither skulls yes yes okay oh from the actual boss yeah not not with her skeleton skulls wither skulls oh oh i don't know that one's yet to be you have to be attempted on the server i think yeah okay wait so no one's actually responded with her not yet no oh yeah is that being saved is that off limits it's not off limits no i don't know just haven't got around to it yet fair enough yeah is that because the nether sucks i mean it's i don't know actually honestly i don't think anyone's been brave enough to do it yet just in case it goes very very wrong yeah understood but james yeah what is this one that's a that's that's a donkey oh you killed why would you slay a poor donkey like that yeah what is wrong with you and gandon is missing you've got some explaining to do so i'm gonna use it one day to like why is this what is this head over here this just this one it's horrifying oh is that a horse that's a horse it's good as well because all the different colors drop all the different colored heads um so you could have like a collection of horse's heads which is probably not a good thing with don tdm around yeah oh yeah true i might have to collect some of those okay yeah that's that's it for my place it's good very nice yeah it does i mean i i'll probably just build a box somewhere so uh that's fine um sb actually has the most diamonds on the server the most the lighters on the server but no house so you're good oh okay he just leaves his stuff somewhere in the hall or something like that yeah it's not a great idea do you see the the the house with the balloons on it's espy's house is like behind the house with the balloons your render distance must be very high oh i've got the zoomy thing oh is it like way i see a silhouette on the top of the hill yeah yeah so behind that is it okay but he was housed in there for like three weeks that that was justin's house think noodles but okay he's now abandoned because he's he's a fugitive right um yeah so we've got like the plains biome we've got the savannah there's like a desert that way and the other way there's a swamp pretty close and there's a flower forest so it's just really where you want to build okay we have a decent amount of biomes close by actually yeah there's a bunch except for pandas oh yeah pandas are an issue yeah pandas are an issue right yeah right me and echo must have gone to the jungle because we couldn't find the bamboo version right apparently they spawn in the regular jungle so we must have spent like an hour and a half each flying around the jungle doing everything not a single one spawned yeah i've had my fair share on a server trying to find pandas before uh even in even in the bamboo area it's oh like not even it's guaranteed sometimes they're they're difficult and then you have to get them out the bamboo area which is the nightmare then you need to get them into the nether push them through the nether yeah it's just oh yeah thanks yeah well i think the because it was part of squid's quest he does them on mondays so we had to get a arc of snow fox so dan i got the parrot uh sb got a dolphin back and what else was there oh yeah the panda no one got a panda yeah yeah no i don't know if he'd still give you points for the panda but probably might be worth it he might do another event because no one got the panda is so hard just a panda search please no please don't but i think that's it for structures actually yeah are there any rules against commandeering a fugitive's house really i guess not we might need some things for evidence in the future uh if he ever comes back but who knows i'll have to take a look around it because we haven't gotten up in close um what about the uh the nether do you want to show me why it's terrible yeah yes yes yes we can do that cool oh we're supposed to do a welcome kit too ah i love welcome kits it's not just the chicken i get more than just the chicken that's incredible more than the chicken i was already so content oh yeah um yeah what else is that i think there's so yeah we've got like team houses here we can do some team events at some point but not just yeah um whatever let's go back oh the pharmacy here we go pharmacy oh yeah how could you not have a pharmacy everything you'll ever need it's not actually a shop it's kind of just more for decorative but it looks kind of cool um this guy's been here day one this guy yeah it seems to be even like an enderman farm oh is it not the enderman now is this uh like crazy though is this all covered by the nhs or are we having to pay for it like over here um what kind of territory on here i'm not actually sure you know um i'm saying it's fine i don't see no prices okay fair enough complimentary ibuprofen easy we have there's nyquil in the middle simple bandages okay so covered by our tactics that's your thing yeah whatever you want yeah oh laxatives okay nice nice i didn't even know those were those uh what what are these nondescript logins lozenges what are they what do they do are they for your throat are they for something else i mean oh yeah true they need to be labeled this guy needs to you need to step up your game pharmacist come on i don't think his heart's in it you know no one ever comes to visit him he's just like yeah he's like you know what if they want it they can just have it right let's see yeah this faces the wrong way but if you go inside uh the next we'll find what hey oh oh my god i started falling oh god from time to time i was like yeah it really does suck [Laughter] so basically we're uh that way yeah we're 85 blocks in the air and this is the biome we are yeah if you come over here you can see how high up we are basalt delta's always great yeah it's really nice oh nice so sure the only nice thing that echo built is over that portal over there there is an ice bridge to get to a fortress which is quite nice this never sucks and so i mean have you guys you found all the different biomes though i i assume right yeah yeah okay alicia is probably the best way to do it that makes sense yeah you guys have electrodes you're good so is this does this go to the end portal for the enderman grinder or something uh you know what it goes it's easier if you go through my nether portal but if you go through my nether pool which is wait so don't follow the arrow that says follow me for the best grinder at shady oaks no no it's a lie advertising um if you want bones though that's a good one for the old skeleton farm there's a bunch okay that's true yeah there was a skeleton farm through there um so this pool over here that you can see if you head dead straight from there and then over a very risky bridge straight straight this way or straight that way so that way the way i'm facing okay gotcha gotcha so you head this way and then there's like a very risky one block bridge nice i'm all about this one i'm just completely naked with a bit of chicken yeah just be careful so be careful lots of slimes knock you in uh there's that nether pool don't go through that one keep on following the bridge you'll get to like a makeshift house go into that nether portal i think that's how you get to the end paul i think give it a try see where you know it's such an easy way to fix that problem it's called torches um but i guess oh i guess just everyone's got electros now so it doesn't matter right yeah kinda okay cool cool i've improvised though i've made you a nice big purple arrow so oh thank you oh that's that's a good indicator yeah nice it looks a bit like a religious symbol but that works too yeah not another cult please no yeah that's the right way isn't it yeah yeah that is right yeah i got it wrong yeah so that's the way to end pool uh go at your own risk i guess okay i mean i'm i it sounds like i'm gonna have to very soon you guys you guys all walking around with elytra's so so there is a uh for the grinder like the xp grinder there is a price i think because echo owns it so i think it's like a diamond or three diamonds per 30 levels now is there anything that's like prohibitive of building your own no no okay there isn't but normally when we kind of like when someone builds something we can't just honor that as the one to go to you know got it yeah it's just uh just like a bit of don't have to you don't have to but okay got it yeah everyone's got like one type of everything so like i've got zombie one echo's got the enderman one i've built a lot if you need that a lot of enderman grinders uh i feel like i know it pretty well at this point yeah the leaf one yeah yeah yeah i think it's like literally literally the leaf one but it's insane so quick it's it's so good sweet oh yeah you're good okay cool here it is pest problem apart from that i think that's i think that's almost any everything yeah pretty much i think it's just a case except for the house that i may or may not commandeer ah yes yeah yeah the word of warning about that house is it's made all out of um concrete powder so you can't actually oh anything without the hole from falling down yeah be careful where you mine or where you place water actually that's happened a few times too wait but wouldn't that that would just turn it into concrete which is good right i mean i mean yeah it wasn't for the original architect but you could start out got it got it yeah i think that's that's pretty much everything to be honest that's it cool feel free to make your own destiny here on shady oaks it's good to have you here oh it's great to be here i've always wanted a nice peaceful place to retire and yeah i don't know if this is it but we'll find out [Laughter] what's the best place for uh more food [Music] follow me follow me okay so i'm going to exit stop this one cool okay so this ends up in my house oh wait yeah right there was a starter kit right yeah it was uh we've got to make but we can put it together now um uh do you know what i've got um i got some gifts oh oh wow yeah there's more chicken okay i'm not sure how good a mending iron pickaxe is but i'm sure it's worth something okay we're starting off with wood oh this thing done no you're just unskilled it's been here for a while oh no i got here oh wait someone said echo made a bunch of um star kits so i'm just going to check quick oh is there a star kit there already it might be because i think he throws golden apples in them oh yeah i'd like something else we didn't show you this so everyone's got like a bedroom in here i guess it's just like a way of seeing who's on the server but um we need to add your name to it oh uh yeah i mean i better have a bedroom in here oh yeah yeah trying to find where we're up to yeah what number i think it's this one so this is 10 11. number 10 hasn't been used yet uh okay wait is it 10 am i 10 or 11 okay i'm 10. cool you're 10 because someone messed up the order sb is 11. get ready there's actually something in here oh you get a nice view as well who put this in here i mean enjoy that's decent it's a cool starter the starting kit random stuff in here these um beds these beds are they're very solid very firm mattresses it's just for the uh the backs you know all the people okay i should work on my posture you're right why is that i think we might need to restock on the old uh the older kits there's a uh rotten flesh in this one uh he's been using him in random rooms as well oh oh oh jordan this way there's there's a real starter kit there you go ah there you go oh beautiful okay i think someone took some of the tools but i think yeah i'll make i'll make do with what i have now yeah yeah i'll be good looking good so cool now is there any way to oh no okay okay never mind everybody's signs are black i was like it doesn't stand out like the blue but we're good it's everybody's oh you want a fancy no no it's fine it's fine i was looking at the room number sign is like really nice and bright but then don't worry about it don't i'm not i'm not picky okay yeah that's uh just check and see if anyone else is fiddled with a chest you know uh if the nurse's office seems to really be lacking on medical supplies it doesn't seem up to standard just head to the pharmacy then you're good yeah okay don't take the unnamed lozenge oh squiddy opens up his pub sometime soon and boom yeah true yeah take a beverage instead awesome so what are you what are you guys doing today on here i need to finish my casino that's pretty much it actually i need to finish that thing okay i just need to um sb has ordered 5 000 honey bottles from my shop excuse me um yeah he's a hungry guy he likes his honey so i'm i'm trying to make honey bottles that's a lot of calories a lot of calories that it's that is bulking i think you don't need protein to bulk right yeah so yeah i'm trying to fulfill my order which technically would make mine the most successful shop on the server so far with a single a single order i'm trying to fulfill that because it's been i'm about a week and a half too late but i'm gonna get there and how far in are you uh i so i worked it out i need eleven and a half single chest full of sixteen bottles oh my god and i think i'm on eight right now so nearly oh that's so bad actually okay yeah that's a lot more than i thought that's just i would have had them but i i made all my bottles into the honey blocks just because they're like squishy yeah big mistake oops oh you can't bring him back yeah when you come and buy all my blocks though don't you'll be fine wait do i have do i buy your blocks any of you want to i mean they're nice accents we'll see we'll see i have to i have to get rich are these are diamonds the currency house uh diamonds will uh maybe diamonds or iron it'll probably be one other two yeah okay yeah yeah oh yeah where's this iron farm and what's the car like what do you trade oh i have one so pretty much anything i think i've been i was i traded james for some i traded for some quartz if if you need iron i'm your guy okay where where is that at oh it's this oh just come see me uh it goes okay this pipe goes straight into my basement so i've got the stock just come to me and we'll make a deal got it we're making this like a big ufo yeah i need to build the ufo i'm currently obviously you know duty right now but i'll get there yeah the ufo would look cool all right well if you need any uh uh you know help with the casino game design you can listen for a small consulting fee i will i will associate okay i like this you're gonna fit in well here that's what i like to hear yeah at least with the casino game yeah oh nice yeah i think that's yeah that's everything oh dan falling in again oh every time you do this i don't mean to really really wait you need an airlock oh my god oh he's only gone and done it right ready you don't think that i actually did that do you no i know james is shenanigans day one he's already fallen in could you be wait wait wait there you go oh i'm gonna get joint i've been knowing just throw it to the guy he'll he'll sort it oh throw it to him oh good call good call yeah i forgot i was like oh yeah you don't need to actually till that wait you do need to till it or does he do it i can never remember all i think oh no yeah i think you need to kill it yeah i actually can't chuck these seeds over come on i've got a terrible arm on me this is this is embarrassing very embarrassing what are you are you just trying to get on the wallet just jump from these no no i wasn't uh i didn't see anything no every time oh sorry oh you exit the fancy way that's right yeah we don't get stuck in there no more yeah yeah right we're good okay yeah feel free to either build or commandeer accommodation okay and you're good to go sounds good sounds good okay cool cool all right guys well thank you very much for the tour and i guess i'm i'm going to look at the balloon house okay all right you guys you guys stay like just muted in in vcu how do you usually uh i usually do it uh normally just like just ask so like vc or like private message someone on the server or just jump in like yeah you can do slash message to ask someone or we just type it in chat have you seen it i would just like to stand in front of someone and just look at them without moving that's normally a good sign they're like yeah someone wants to jump into pc yeah cool cool all right guys much appreciated i'll enjoy your time i'll let you know if i have any more questions otherwise uh casino consulting yes yeah that's on my list all right awesome i guess i'll catch you guys a little bit all right good luck all right everybody um well we gotta we gotta find ourselves some accommodations here yeah cool cool also though um um let me catch up on a few of the uh notifications you know where where did we leave off on these oh we've been on for almost an hour wow okay cool cool um we had unlived i lea with a year happy anniversary carson j with three months of summage let's go dude brayden with a sub pepperoni pizza with 10 months of subbage bracklight with 10 months hey sparkle ever had chocolate in the shape of mushrooms it's an oddly specific question and no i have not um conor p92 thank you for 13 months of submit i will have some fun violet ice with six months you're not a boomer also cool new server oh i'm a boomer come on it's okay you don't have to try to sugarcoat it t mullen thank you for the sub well she gamer the 11 month ago can't believe it's been 11 months already and james thank you for the five sub gifts silencer dude with the 20 months that hackish guy with 16 months of summage falling with mars with seven months of subage lizzie with the sub much appreciated spartan potato with uh three months of subage little cloud with the 21 months of summage full grown sub very swick and alt bb with the two month savage i think you're pretty cool thanks dude i appreciate you're pretty cool too snookered d with a uh two months finding amy with three months of savage obligatory message about the length of my watch time uh monkey wee with five months of savage judah denos with a sub giftaroo and um call me big shot with the six months of savage love the content been a long time fan finally up to six months of summit have a good day thank you very much jc jonathan with the five sub giftarus monami with nine months of submage um hugh mcc with 13 months mackin plays with the four months subject what's up dude and uh rachel anito 34 months of submage read if cringe with six months of savage good job uncertain frowny face um diane pm with the nine months nine months already twitch baby name i have a hard enough time naming cats uh gertrude you don't hear that name enough it's uh that's very fitting that's definitely a like a very boomer name and we're on a server for boomers oh gee pirate bob thank you for the 27 months mr matt rg with 12 months happy anniversary one year on twitch eight years youtube subscribers certified boomer heck yeah dude uh hydrangea with nine months of savage a child inky uh ink hearted with seven months of savage skunky blitz with four months of savage an anonymous cheer with 300 bits mary pippin with 300 bits well we see a temple of ionide on this uh i don't think so um at least it's not like my idea oh make an og jerry's tree i could actually do that that could be fitting uh pizza with pesto thank you for the 200 bits um hello my man do you like pesto and pizza i think i've ever actually had a pesto pizza before tbh maybe one of these days we'll change that up i think og jerry's tree could be interesting i don't know if i'll actually come and dear the house or not but i just want to check it out because i feel like it's one of the only structures that i haven't actually seen yet so let's go check it and then i'm going to have to go snag some resources i guess i got to find a jungle if i want to get jungle saplings as well i don't know where the jungle is okay so is that this is where the up house was right did i remember my directions correctly i think so uh squat until the house is finished we'll see oh there we go yep this is it mmm there is very delicious so i could unlike this horse right here right now and i could get one of those creepy looking heads from it hmm okay all right oh yeah we got an elevator all right they're prepped for this they're prepped for this comfy zara thank you for the two months so much happy to be a part of this been watching you for ages keep up the amazing quality content my dude thanks mate i appreciate that very sweet okay oh this it's a very abandoned looking up oh oh that's fancy i guess since you're not allowed to use netherride it would make sense oh boy oh it's a heck of a drop off there um i see all concrete powder very interesting cool though i guess the balloon must have been made before the rest of the house otherwise how would you pour the water over the balloon unless i guess it was made unless the concrete was made off-site and then shipped in oh this is kind of oh this is creepy oh what the frick is there skeleton in here a bunch of tnt what the what is up with this place bro get it what's up with okay anyway cool just there's a skeleton in this house oh god i don't actually have a weapon uh ring around the rosie ring around the rope frick hey man got it got it got it got it um i'm gonna need a uh i should make a sword shouldn't i anything else in here oh wow a lot a lot of concrete a lot of concrete okay oh wow there is a lot of ender pearls okay a lot of silk touched stuff uh some tools interesting very very interesting i could squat here potentially i feel like if i'm squatting though i can't i can't actually if i'm squatting and i clean the place up then technically it will give me ownership of the whole thing because that's how squatting works actually is that if you squat somewhere and you make what is seen to be a a measurable improvement to the property then you will actually not be able to be kicked out very easily so pro tip if you want to live somewhere for free then just live somewhere until nobody notices it or make sure nobody notices that you're living there spruce it up a little bit and then you're in then you're gucci it's your your place [Music] yes of course consult with an attorney um before attempting to squat make sure that you're approaching it the right way and all that good stuff um but yes that's that's simply what i have read in articles it's how i've educated myself is that it's um if you make an improvement to the property then it it grants you some sort of like interest to it that makes it more difficult to remove you from it again only what i've read only what i've read all right well i i think i don't want to mess this up at all it's just a good place for shelter how about i sleep here though let's mark the spawn point it's kind of inconvenient you have to enter the back door i'm gonna be honest with that that might be my measurable improvement to the property as soon as i get some wood i'm gonna actually reinstitute a front door policy here and then i will have made such an improvement that can i oh okay cool i can actually set my respawn here is that a problem when will this say your bet is uh obstructed or do i need to do i need to get rid of these cobwebs or uh sleep in a different bed is there a bed downstairs i just overlooked hold up is it not oh it's not covered in cobwebs this bed is so much bed or okay i'm gonna put i'm totally gonna put a front door on here i will work on a jerry's tree but in order to do that i need to actually go to a jungle first so it's gonna be a little ways away for now for now this will be my house store some stuff in here no sense starting completely from scratch on a place with such a nice juicy house just asking to be lived in the house told me it's very lonely and i feel the need to accommodate it okay and then after that we'll have to pick a plot of land for our jerry's tree recreation but you know the boomer minecraft server feels like it could use a little bit of nostalgia on it in the form of jerry's tree 4.0 how many jerry's trees have there been now there's been a lot with jerry's tree 1.0 in the original survival series wow that is fast leaf decay i love it we had jerry street 2.0 which was the pimp my minecraft renovation we had jerry's tree 3.0 on maya knight and then would this be jerry's tree 4.0 there are there others that i'm forgetting it's been a lot of it's been a lot of jerry's trees in my lifetime still more to come jerry's tree hasn't seen its last iteration not yet hey chicken how you doing oh look at those horses over there they're very pretty wait how is their horse blue wait how how is that house or at horse how's that horse blue what oh it's lev oh unlike leather oh i totally forgot about that right right right unalive leather duh duh right right right right course of course big dumb big dumb no it's like i'm just i'm used to old minecraft i was like lappy's armor i didn't know that was the thing guys when did they add that to minecraft why didn't you use the lamp these in order to make armor that's so cool uh you don't mind me gucci anyway i'ma mine into this mountain here yeah look at that i'm sure they're really impressed by my progression only like 20 minutes after we've uh 10 minutes after our tour ended and i've collected stone you don't see that sort of progress often okay you just don't unheard of be proud be very proud all right heck yeah i know we geared no we geared no we gucci wait i don't want to use my mending iron pickaxe on just mining regular stone no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay cool i need to find some iron there we go i know dude i i progressed so hard i progressed from iron to stone like that's honestly crazy there's probably there's a better way to do this isn't there there's a mine somewhere that i can just go into there's gotta be where should i go hey guys where's the mine where is the mine huh oh apparently one of the long time subs here actually helped to build a shady oaks mermaid hedgehog casakara has said oh yeah there is the ravine i did see the ravine true dad true dad did i just plant the berries give me that give me that i could have just harvested that actually that was silly wait no i didn't plant that i planted that one i'm dumb don't worry it's chill hey by the way if you're not following here at captain sparkles make sure that you do that also sub to captain sparkles too hit the like button if you're watching on youtube and just a reminder i said this before i think the notification went out to most people who tuned in live um but i i don't i don't know the exact uh uh timing of how often i will be on here i just don't want to like you know vault tundra season two is coming up next week that's gonna occupy time and stuff like that so i just wanna be clear that um like i'll try to get on here and stuff but it's just like it's not gonna be an everyday thing it's i don't know we'll see oh yeah go flex your lytra yeah whatever dude i see how it is too late expectations are high yeah why am i not surprised hey can i just um yeah let me just oops i just planted one oh i'm giving back to the community al uh okay so yeah where where was that ravine huh where was it you said it was me it was near dan's house right why don't i why don't i remember where that ravine was um why don't i remember oh don't no no no no no no i i um i do i have memory loss it's because i'm old that's exactly why i have a oh my god you guys every time that i like do something stupid or miss something or like forget a crafting recipe i have a per like it it's just part of the rp here i'm old it comes with the age all right that's just how it works fish for some primes i need to find some spiders where are the spiders at uh order some salmon yeah salmon's good brain food right bro where where where is that where's that oh oh i haven't been over what the what is this place i have not been over here what they didn't even highlight this in the tour what is this what are this is a parkour thing i have no idea racecourse is it a race oh maybe it's a racecourse i think it's a racecourse you see yeah yeah yeah oh cobwebs from the up house yes you're right you're so right about that 100 right about that oh you know what whatever i'm gonna just go down here this kid this cave doesn't lead anywhere horse race track nice you know one of these days i'll i'll find where that ravine was one of these days unless this cave leads somewhere no that's just a creeper explosion it's okay i'm really old and it's hard for me to figure out the difference between a cave and a creeper explosion now so yeah mine straight down that seems really dangerous for an old boomer like me dude i don't think i can do that i think i'm bound to get in trouble oh give me you know what give me a spider yo what hey spider come here i give you some string oh okay okay don't let me on fire don't let me on fire please i'm on fire oh she wouldn't light me on fire no you picked up the string oh my god you would give me that there we go we good by squid's house oh it was by squid's house okay that wasn't that's not dan's house dan's house and squid's house aren't the same thing oh god i have to run all the way around here why don't they add additional entrances can you imagine if an old person walked outside got lost got super tired had to lay down in the grass over here and there's not even just a secondary entrance to shady oaks you go all the way back around to the front oh god ow this is so dangerous to have i could dr ow i could trip and need life alert life alert's not working either like if i scream help i've fallen and i can't get up i don't even think anybody comes to the rescue there's gonna be some lawsuits inbound man let me tell you that much wait this is squid's house is here where the frick is the ravine i'm over it i'm about to just dig somewhere oh his shop where was his shop again uh well you know his shop was bro i don't even remember oh the shot oh you mean the shop at the lake i went to the lake though there wasn't a ravine i don't think i don't remember maybe there was oh wait right here right here got it got it okay we're gucci now we're gucci we're super gucci now oh heck yeah there we go now we got ourselves a ravine now oh it's a double ravine it hit the mother lode nobody's been here before this is all new brand new there's even iron oh yeah nobody's been here this is unluted it's crazy a lot of natural formations hey man i'm gonna forget how to get home after this okay in fact i don't even remember why i'm here what am i trying to get oh yeah iron and probably other things too and uh ye branagh with the 200 bits here's a welcome gift from one of the shady builders super hyped you joined tdm whoop also your oh that's an emote i just read an emote um also your qc socks are amazing and so is mermaid that's pretty dope well thank you for welcoming very swick and uh schmidty thank you for the four months glad you caught the vid as well dude and diva doodles with a year happy anniversary uh let me get some of this gold though and mickey mole with 10 months how high maintenance are the clones do you feed them food or batteries little combination a little mix of the two things that are um high and like alkaline because it it conducts current better that way rylis thank you for the 15 months of submage much appreciated i might be an active member i will i will do what i can with what time i have to a lot to allocations of timing there's that's my answer hopefully that clarified things for you uh for today i probably have another 40 minutes 40 minutes of setup i had about two hours and then i and then i got a probably dip but um but we gucci okay we've got heck heck loads of iron this is looking pretty slick and then oh look at this oh look at this i can just get string this way wow people haven't even harvested these suckers i'm going to corner the string market actually you know what i know that i've talked a lot of talk about egg coin okay and that i really disappointed with it but that's natural that's natural for a cryptocurrency to disappoint right so um what i will probably maybe this will be the place that i i could turn egg coin into a reality beyond it just being a channel point system right now but you know it's pretty i think it's pretty normal for a crypto to not live up to its hype right and what i could do is okay you guys you guys can't share this with anybody because it's highly confidential and the legality is a questionable nature but i could i could make egg coin a bit of a ponzi scheme right okay keep this on the low down but i could basically create a market for it where you know it's the people the new people funding the egg coin purchases are essentially like they're inflating the price paying out the previous investors and then i own the most amount of egg coin out of anybody and so with their trades and then the new money flowing in it will keep raising the price until i sell all of my egg coin supply thus crashing the market but i cash out because i make the first move and everybody else loses all of their funds but i'm the one who gets to dump the uh my my hoarding of the egg coin you know all right all right so i can create the uh egg coin exchange here on the server and and then we can just corner the market okay all right you get it you get it that's the plan right cool so we'll see we'll see see maybe earlier on it wasn't the time it wasn't the time we had the crypto was in the it was in the bear market when we were on uh s p live now though we're back in the crypto bull market okay and so it's time for egg coin to shine you've got it you've got to hit it when the market is ripe for it and now the market is ripe for it okay it's now is the time for a ponzi scheme cool let's uh let's get some more iron so we can finish up our attire here get a furnace oh my god we're progressing so much nobody has ever seen this much progress in such a short amount of time it's not egg scheme it's egg coin okay but this like this all everything we've just discussed here it's very confidential snitches get stitches and i will pull a dawn tdm on you if you go snitch on this okay i ain't playing this reel oh baby it's an iron sword that's the thing though like what we can do is we can make can make a building and make the we make the egg coin exchange and in the egg coin exchange what happens is we put up we put up some buy orders we put up some sell orders right and then when the people come in like they can they can just put in a market order and then that'll that'll go right up i'll go right up the order book it'll increase the price and then i just keep setting up a bunch of these whether or not they're real orders is one thing but like people think that oh there's so much demand for the egg coin and then they'll be tempted to buy and as they buy it's going to raise the price because it'll be filling these these limit orders that i've set up myself from my own stash of egg coin but then when they make their buys the price will go up and they'll be like oh my god i've just made so much money off of my investment instantaneously i want to buy more okay and then they'll keep buying more it'll keep increasing the price and then more people come in because they've they get a fomo they're like yo i see all this look at this huge run-up that egg coin has i'm gonna buy it at the top and they're gonna buy in on it right and then more people are gonna buy in on it i blackie says are you planning something irl uh no dear sec this is all satirical on a video game server and nothing has monetary value at all and there are no plans for anything monetary to be exchanged anyway so hello sec it's good to have you here um this is all um completely legit okay cool cool so uh we got a little bit of that let's make uh i guess we could make an iron axe you know we might as well cool cool all right very nice very sweet and now i think we are ready to try to find ourselves some high value diamonds you know we gotta this is just you gotta start off some way on here right you gotta start off somewhere and then i'm gonna have to go to the end i'm gonna have to get myself like an elytra in order to keep wait what are they what are they doing about the whole electromending such man like that's i guess the primary need for a mending book is isn't lytra oh oh man that's gonna be rough bro that's gonna be real rough i'm still kind of confused about the whole need for villagers if you well you can't trade so i just i don't whatever i won't question dan's uh logic in in his business enterprises i won't i would i wouldn't do that um 36 man we're still so high off the ground uh i'm hearing a lot of bad bad boys in here though look i just don't want to mind down i'm lazy okay i want to use the natural formation to to bring me down so that i can then get lost no i know phantom membranes can can fix elytras wow is this another oh my god there's another ravine this is gnarly it's ravine central wow this crazy oh dude there's even more iron down here oh all right as a boomer this is a very nerve-wracking a stunt to attempt i'm not sure if i should do it or not but here we go okay the old man still got it yeah that's what i'm talking about okay okay let's get that iron i can't believe like people just passing up perfectly good iron what are you doing what are you doing uh rylis thank you for the 15 months of summage zoomillion with the three hundo bits wild haggis with 10 months of summage oh hey this happened this is in fact happening right now al right now ow um so yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay so there's there's a few little strip mine paths out here i can see that i can see that now there's got to be some places that people have not mined right right it's not just gonna be perpetually running into other people's strip mines no no no no no way no way it's gonna be that way right there could still be diamonds around here and um let's see bach breathes with eight months thanks for the amazing content cap keep up the good work i will do my best thank you very much mate 12-61 with 20 months of savage that is a lot of months of summage and uh lucy with 15 months of subject jardoon you are my king finals are next week but your stream is greater than coding projects yeehaw i am glad that i can be greater than coding projects that's that's pretty pretty sweet much appreciated oh okay so there's a strip mine over there i'm like i don't i don't know what the best strat is here when it comes to strip mining i don't know where people have already cleared out maybe i should head like away from spawn i don't know oh rip there goes that one huh okey dokey also we'll have to get in on these like challenges so that we can obtain the netherright no maybe let me let me go the other way because i think this way is heading back towards spawn um so what if i dig over here yeah wow someone just like gave up real quick all right just oh let me see if i can find some diamonds i've made it five blocks in no diamonds what the frick i'm giving up this place sucks gotta stick with it man i've mined for like hundreds of blocks and not found any diamonds you gotta stick with it it's like gambler's fallacy gonna do you in this is why i'm consulting for the casino business here on this server is because i know all about the gamblers fallacy and so you just gotta know that if it's a 50 50 odds and you keep doing your same one eventually it's gonna hit its same odds every single time right you know you just gotta you just gotta stick with the plan stick with the plan so how's everybody how's everybody doing how's life how's it been for the last 80 years since i've started making videos until i've landed here on the retirement server hopefully you've all lived long fulfilling lives and um yeah we can all we can all enjoy being retired together unless unless you're not you're not old yourself you're probably not older yourself yeah yeah pain i'm an adult now decent busy hungry man sleep at 3am busy um i like the unbreaking three shovel i'm a little hungry too tbh and i even like i had a little bit i had a bagel in lox i'm still a little bit hungry that's so sad one of these days i'll find it or vein some kind wait can you call them actually there we go i've just done it can you call them or veins anymore now that oh it's your boy i see a boy that's what you see you gotta stick to the plane you don't just give up after you mind five blocks into the wall you gotta stick with that dude you gotta stick with that it's a boy all right monumental occurrence on the server everybody better take note of the time that the old man found his first diamonds let's get rid of that um what else i can get rid of that and i think i can um i don't know my inventory is going to start running out pretty soon but here we go here we go would be good to have fortunate that would it would be great to have a fortune but you know it's fine it's fine we gotta we gotta get our pickaxe and stuff started before that anyway can i get a congratulations no well they're all too busy with their stuff to congratulate me i see how it is i see how it is and with that i have mended my pickaxe simultaneously wow okay nobody wants to pay attention to my monumental achievements of finding diamonds so quickly all right or whatever i see the disrespect no i chad i appreciate you guys thank you thank you i was just thinking i don't know maybe some of the other people here they'd be like whoa dude that's so cool that you found diamonds but no they've just gotten so used to them they take them for granted they just take those diamonds for granted hey you know where to bring those if you feel like doubling them hmm may need a bigger bankroll first he knows why he's educated first bit of advice is free beyond that i start charging for my casino expertise i've lost enough money at casinos to know how to make it if you're the casino you know just do the opposite of just do the opposite of what i do be the casino and you will make money that's all there is to it and before you get concerned i haven't lost that much money at casinos like yes overall i'm down at casinos but it's not like a it's like a few hundred dollars all right it's okay i'm we're gucci there's nothing to worry about all right and people like when you say you've lost enough money at casinos to know how to make it if you're the casino like if you you okay you need to go to uh meetings or something like are you sure everything's chill we're kind of concerned for you man you're not talking like tens of thousands of dollars here are you like uh i don't have any good casino stories i am so risk-averse with most things that like it's it's just it's boring right it's it's very boring i don't know how like i i look at wall street bets on reddit and the the amounts that people are willing to throw at options are just like oh my god i don't know how you and like these are not necessarily people with just eight figure portfolios who should be doing it it'll be it'll be like 99 portfolio allocation to a weekly option and i'm like oh my god if this works for you you're gonna make so much but i i just i couldn't i just couldn't do it i just could not bring myself to do it oh my god like i'm i am i'm probably far less risky than most people when it comes to doing like gambling and casinos and stuff like that um yeah i feel like most people are way more willing to just go and do some crazy throw down that is probably not really wise to do but it's like ah whatever dude it's chill if i lose it then whatevs you know then i just have to pick up an extra shift or something like that whatever it was worth right um you know the better the better strategy usually in life is to not uh be super risky with things but yeah yeah hey man people who just yolo into doge it worked for it worked pretty well for them the thing is though for like every one person who you see have a very very successful uh extremely risky play there's like another hundred of them who have not posted about losing the entirety of that attempt because it doesn't feel as good to share the although a lot of people to be fair they will share their losses on on wall street bets um there's a good amount of that but i feel like it i guess that that's probably the better way to do it though is you share when you lose because that at least at least you get like the one benefit of uh getting internet karma points for your failure whereas like if you post your win then you're running the risk of people wanting to try to get into your account right if you post your loss then there's nothing of value and you just get free internet karma points um so that's a way better strategy that's what that's what i would be scared about is like the the dude deep forking value who like did the big gamestop trade just i'd be terrified because i don't know it was probably he probably didn't want his identity to be released i have to imagine but like now that it is people know what brokerage he uses and it's like they know that there's that much money in that brokerage account there's got to be people who like try to do bad things with that it sucks that it's actually something you have to worry about but i have to imagine um yeah i'm just paranoid about that sort of stuff it probably stems from like obviously having so many different accounts on different platforms that while they're not the biggest follower accounts it's enough that like it would it would be desirable for someone to try to get into it and so i'm just like overly paranoid when it comes to things like that um and i guess if you're like not used to that and all of a sudden you're just thrust into the spotlight then that maybe you're it's probably not something that you'd consider as much jordan you're uh paranoid about everything historically whatever i'm just a cautious person all right geez um quayle louise thank you for the four months in my day we had to walk 20 miles uphill both ways for diamonds yeah now all i have to do is just drop into a pre-existing mine and mine a few blocks you know how it'd be soup dumplings thank you for the five months of summage much appreciated i mean hey my recommend always always i've said it before but it's always good to say again because there's some people who probably haven't heard it when it comes to websites even if you don't have accounts that are of value unique passwords for every single one and do like do like random strings of letters numbers symbols uppercase lowercase just totally random lengthy strings um and then you're you're good you were for the most part you're good because the only thing that you have to worry about at that point is either a database breach on a on a specific website in which case you are like you're part of an entire group of people who've been compromised and usually you'll have enough time to change your password and information before like your specific account is affected um or uh like like that's one way i guess there's social engineering as well but that's very targeted to you so unless you have a high profile account it's not really an issue so like yeah you just you keep unique passwords on everything then you never have to worry about a database breach affecting all your stuff and then you just like track all your passwords and uh i don't like i'm the only thing i'm paranoid about is like you know there's sites like lastpass right which password managers but the thing that i just can't i can't bring myself to use something like that because well what if that password gets compromised what if their database gets compromised then they've hit the holy grail motherlode of like every login for everything ever and what do you do right because i'm sure that there's some extra protection that goes into those that i'm not like i haven't looked into them and i'm not familiar enough but i'm just like what if that itself gets breached yes two-factor authentication obviously i use on all the valuable things as well um that's another another thing but don't do two-factor if it's text message that's actually more vulnerable i don't know if i've mentioned that publicly before um but yeah two-factor with sms authentication is actually worse than not having it so unless you're on a website that like forces you to do it and there's no way around it do not do sms uh two factor it's very bad um because there was this light there was this service i read an article and maybe it was overblown i don't know if i didn't fully understand everything um that goes into it but there was some like there was some company that just had like full-on master key ability to do sms forwarding um like if you just if you signed up for this service you could just like put in your number that or put in your phone number um and and it was like allowing anybody to forward anybody's messages because this company just had like blanket permissions from the cell providers to do forwarding for any number if it was just input into like you just sign up and they would basically take your word for it that that is your phone number and they would just start forwarding the messages from that um i think when i read the article it it had been fixed but it was like how do you what you how do you overlook the idea that someone could just sign up for a number they don't own and all of a sudden you're forwarding all those messages are you kidding what like it sounded so blatantly stupid how could nobody at this company think of that possible abuse and how bad that is and so i think it was fixed but the fact that that was even an exploit it's not even an exploit that's just like calling up google if google had customer service and being like hey google i was locked out of my youtube account the name is captain sparkles can you give me the login details and google being like oh yeah cool no you sound like you're legit here's the login info uh i don't know about that one um but anyway yeah uh two factor sms don't do it do not do it and if you have two-factor sms like again most of you watching you not i like how is there how does everybody say this without sounding like a i'm being elitist like my accounts matter and they would be targeted potentially um and yours wouldn't necessarily be but [Laughter] just as good practice just disable it and use a very unique robust password and you are much much better off um this has nothing to do with finances it has i'm just as far as like how many followers some of you are watching this right now maybe we're getting lurked by someone who has a a lot of followers or something like that um i mean obviously dude all the avengers are watching my stream we play amungus all the time so you know any of the avengers out there if you're watching right now and you want a little bit of security advice um because maybe they're not all tech savvy they can't all be iron man right uh just just use unique passwords but if it's authenticator app supported 2fa then you're gucci all right then you're gucci all right let's make uh we've been dilly-dallying enough here let's make some iron armor and uh continue the mining hopefully get some more diamonds should i make a pickaxe like a diamond sword we'll start off with that and then uh next batch maybe we'll do diamond pickaxe or something it'll be good okey-dokey uh i got 20k subs my channel was hacked due to bad password no two-step that sucks um hopefully you were able to get it resolved yeah that's real big bummer dude okay i don't think i need that oh do i need the iron sword anymore i don't think i do i don't think i do and egg the eggs are gonna be important for egg coin in the future though so we definitely we're definitely gonna need those okie dokie and the strip mining continues little bit although i don't know let me think what else do what else is there to do what else maybe i could just use the iron not the mending iron but regular we're getting enough iron that i think we could keep a healthy supply of these dude egg coin now's the time for it now i think it's just it wasn't the time wasn't right before now it is shield oh yeah don't worry don't worry we're good there we're good there i hope that like a bunch of the end city structures haven't been looted all over the place i don't know how far out i'm gonna have to go in order to find more elytras we'll see i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get the electro today but uh yeah we'll at least um we'll set up we'll set up a chest inside of the ye old up house and then we'll uh we'll use it to store our stuff until we get jerry's free going i think the ultimate objective is going to be jerry's tree 4.0 right and uh we got hameslord with 200 bits please make your house a block of tnt a creeper or fallen kingdom for that escalated really quickly make your house a block of tnt okay attainable a creeper okay attainable or just make fallen kingdom for old time's sake um yeah dude i got i got this fam let's start off with jerry's tree because jerry's tree 1.0 pretty easy to recreate and that's that's how we can begin uh chimken nugget thank you for a year much appreciated happy anniversary blue blue jay foxes six months of summage and jordan's circle with a sub gift ah yes good old jordan's circle um i'm just calling cranios i don't know if crineos is boomer enough to be here there's a there's a very it's only a very specific crowd who is boomer enough i think to be on here so i'm not sure if craniosa is boomer enough i'm normally not a very like exclusive person but i also have no say in who gets on here at all so yeah but it's okay it's kind of a compliment right like crineo still has a lot of his life ahead of him i'm on my last legs okay so really the qualifications for being here it's i'm not sure it's a good thing you know i'm not sure it's a good thing all right you know what uh i feel like it's about time we make a pit stop back at the up house so let's go let's go do that put another torch now we can get a little bit organized yep hey irl sure i may be 29 and that might not be last legs um although i do know that when it comes to fitness and weightlifting it is gonna like i am at the downhill portion now oh wow this is like this is so reminiscent of like boomer old people server and then jerry just in the mine wow that's like so cool dude this is this is like a sign that i need to make jerry's tree because it's like this is jerry on day one in the in the mine on a server where we're doing a nostalgic old people let's play that's so cool i don't think i can i don't know how to keep him i don't really think this is gonna work i don't have a name tag i don't really i don't really think i can do that but i'll let him be maybe he'll stick around we'll see it is a slime chunk so maybe he'll he'll stay slimy stay slimy my friend just i mean i can try to make a boat will that work actually hold up i've got just enough wood for it nice okay chill there my friend chill there my friend and perhaps one day we'll come back with a name tag all right there we go there we go okay back up uh what is the way out is this i think these these they're slowly gonna make it like harder less and less real estate to drop down oh yeah the chords everybody are um it's like negative 115 233 i mean it's a big ravine right we'll definitely find it again probably maybe i'm gonna get this iron though i can't just pass up on some good iron this way is jerry gonna okay that's just a very very disappointing poll for you to make why would you make such a pessimistic poll like that don't even put that energy out there it's illegal energy oh my gosh okay where did how'd it get back up i could always just you know dig straight down at those coordinates whether or not that is good idea probably not is not a good idea but ace whatever oh it was flamey flamey making illegal polls oh my goodness fate repeats itself oh my god now the energy is out there life is ruined there's no point oh we made it hey wow how did i i found my way out so good so good at finding my way out that was incredible all right and then up house is over yeah what is that over there it's great house nice house i passes over yonder i'm getting the directions i'm getting the directions good really good i'll uh i don't want to be too needy right now i've already gotten like i've already taken a house i've taken a good starter supply kit like there's a lot of stuff that i have taken advantage of so far i don't want to be more needy by like asking for a name tag okay i got to give it a little bit of a cool down before i'm on the before i keep doing needy things okay um no wait what is what are this i don't think i've been here before am i going the wrong direction i don't know what this is oh wait no no no this is out back okay no i'm going in the right direction i know what's up i know what i'm doing my sense of direction is impeccable oh yeah it's right over here it's right over here ow freaking berry bushes the worst always trust my gut my sense of direction is always correct and now i'll never ever forget where that ravine is again in fact i wonder if i could just like they're not even are you they're not even attached via leaves they just stay here bro i could just use this in order wow you're oh oh oh oh i'm so sorry get off the berry bush my apologies mr horse my my sincere apologies i was about to insult your jump as being absolutely trash but now i'm um not going to because i feel too badly about having done bad things to you oops this is fine nobody has to know you guys hey you're already under nda from the whole egg coin situation so um you better not say a word okay better not oh hey bud what you doing i think not dude i think not okay nope i need more wood i've just freaking stupid berries see that berry bush i oh god i just added another you see that barry bush i eat you i eat you for breakfast frick i eat you for breakfast don't mess with me i eat your kind okay you damage me i damage you in my digestive system all right um let me just put some stuff i'm gonna i'm just open floor plan oh [Music] right it's okay i can fix this i can fix this i can fix this i can fix this i can fix this also okay this this is unnecessarily dangerous okay my house is got a pest problem right okay um yeah no don't worry i'm just i'll be right back with more wood in order to fix this issue [Applause] it'll be a beautiful acacia door who wouldn't want a beautiful acacia door only weirdos actually never mind these acacia trees are too big i don't want to deal with having to break every block i'm gonna get another kind of door um well thanks for the thanks for the five bucks much appreciated um okay fine i'll just do this one all right we gucci doesn't sound like many of you are fans of acacia doors wow what you got against orange okay orange you gonna apologize to the acacia oh oh he oh he's in the he's in the house wait is he flying what where he go he has gone he has vanito okay uh well anyway let's let's get this working and then look yeah oh okay uh all right there we go yeah now that's turned a house into a home that's what i'm talking about right there what did you need something at my house yes it is very colorful you were just there um i'll set up my own chest against this wall here yeah unless these are empty are they no no right right those are the ones with the stuff yeah okay cool um i see okay just seeing if i moved in no no no no no no and then um i guess let's get some furnace action going a little bit of fur is there any uh furnace action oh there's no furnace action okay i guess i'll have to put some up here i think this place is very cozy don't you it's a delightful place i don't know why anyone wouldn't want to live in here not spooky not dark with mobs spawning nope not anymore no more mobs spawning in here my house is gonna be lit fam ah yeah look now it's lit fam okay oh i need one more torch don't worry oh oh was there a uh was there a bot thing heck yeah we we love we love bots we love bots on twitch why is that such a common thing now and they don't even they don't even like do anything right they're usually not even like promoting anything it's like if you're gonna put all that effort into something at least promote something you know at least try to sneak in the link to your crypto scam okay i can't be the only one here with egg coin popping off all right yeah hey actual actual real people watching this uh who aren't subbed i appreciate you no obligation to be subscribed at all i i much appreciate it no matter what okay you're you're chill sorry that we had to uh go sub mode for a moment hold on this will be the uh special eggplant chest right there we're building up the initial liquidity for egg coin in that chest all right swix wicks wick colin williams thank you for gifting a sub anonymous thank you for gifting a sub as well wonderful kale thanks for the 15 months hey jardoon it would be sweet oh you're right why don't i have shaders on oh my gosh i so big dumb yo shaders turn them on oh my god this is like this is a perfect server for shaders wow sorry i was just they were off because i was doing the uh next episode of minecraft but it's kind of it's kind of dim in here tbh but outside i'm sure it's great um i was doing the next episode of minecraft but everything i touch explodes and so i wanted shaders off for that because of the need to potentially evade catastrophe but yeah this is uh oh this is very pretty wow you know what this seems like a great thumbnail photo you know possibly maybe wow look at that look at that that is extremely pretty either that or i'll take an actual thumbnail screenshot of shady oaks itself for uh for the thing but we'll see ya shady oaks itself would be a good thumbnail you're not wrong but whatever i'll do that too okay we'll get some variety in our thumbnails right yeah okay cool so that's good i i'm gonna need more wood i think yeah i was a little bit low but it's cool okay let's she will uh what else can we do with this iron i guess we don't need to make any more tools right now i guess maybe a shield though but i don't have enough wood for that so i'll do that i guess i can bring this furnace places just so we have it if we're in the mines and stuff like that pretty dope and uh let's see munchie dumpty thank you for the eight months hope your day is going well beanie's looking like thank you very much it'll be available at some point in the future at i did not misspeak it will actually be upgrading from qc athletics and zero instinct thank you for the 19 months of summage appreciate that hope your day is going uh how many egg coin for a turtle egg well see probably probably like how many turtle eggs per egg coin you know because egg coins gonna become incredibly valuable the goal is to make egg coin like more valuable than diamonds like if everything goes according to plan egg coin will be worth like a block of diamonds at some point if everything everything works it'll it'll be very valuable and uh people will be scrambling to get it and let's see push crow thank you for the sub much appreciated much appreciated pretty swick all right cool cool yeah i need i need wood i need wood pretty badly would you look at that uh we do have some saplings maybe put those down out front no no egg coin will be a minecraft it is obviously yes there is the part where egg coin is um [Music] it's the channel points but it will also be in minecraft you have any acorn for me sir uh these are eggcoin miners and every now and again they uh they mine an egg coin and then they give it to me so it's pretty cool i've employed them to be out front it's dope uh okay let's put down some trees out here okey dokey very nice very sweet you should also get a thumbnail over at the uh shady oaks building yeah espy is making diamonds crash in the market well that if there's a big surplus of diamonds though then egg coin is going to be the perfect solution to that everybody's got tons of diamonds and they're looking for something like if diamond inflation is taking place then what combats diamond inflation well putting it into a deflationary asset like egg coin so it's going to be a very symbiotic relationship between me and sb then probably you know um all right uh yeah dude you i mean it's the better your graphics card the better you'll be able to mine egg coin um because as you know like better graphics cards get better tick rates in minecraft and the more ticks you have the more that you get eggs and egg coin so they go hand in hand ow frick i feel like shady oaks needs oh yeah no there it is there it is welcome to i guess welcome to shady oaks would be good hmm why is there an enderman inside of shady oaks someone is just someone is hijacking the shady oaks blocks they're literally they're literally stealing blocks from shady oaks oh my god that's unbelievable dude that is unbelievable bro oh dan's gonna raid me i'm actually i'm actually near the end um i'm actually near the end retro should i take this this man's is stealing this man's is stealing from shady oaks i think i think this requires some punishment this isn't this isn't the receptionist is it i just want to make sure i'm not like they're not name tagged right okay no they're they're gone you can't do this you can't do this to shady oaks sir you can't do that day one already protecting the facility okay already protecting the facility dude bro he was stealing blocks why are you guys so why are you guys so upset he was literally stealing from the oh my god got to be kidding me you guys cannot be upset at this are you forgetting enderman grinders okay that was that was tame that was mild it was extremely mild oh hey what's up everybody coming over from dan how's it going uh super sorry we're actually we're actually near nearing the end on my end as well um but it's good to say hello appreciate being welcomed onto the server and all that good stuff dude um bye bye but uh ye so hey i'll tell you what though i'll tell you guys what i'll give you a little tour of my house my house which you've definitely never seen before you've never you've never seen this house ever i do i need wood actually let me let me like some wood really quick here also i should have made shears so i should hey man i'll leave you bee i meant to i could use wood um yeah i definitely made my house it definitely wasn't made by anybody else i just i went i collected a lot of blocks in the last hour i mean it's crazy the amount of work that i i put in in order to it's up there you can kind of see it that's my house i made it i made it really good you guys see it like it's it's really colorful it's like a looks like the op house you know are you proud that i made that so quickly such a master builder really oh but you guys this is very secret secret news but you know i'll tell you here but you can't share with anybody else yet i will be making a cryptocurrency on the server called egg coin and it's going to be very valuable it's about all i can say it's going to be really valuable and um you're already here you've heard i'm just repeating it for the people who came for the raid okay so yeah but again this is secretive this is very secretive okay uh you can't go you can't go sharing this with with other people until it's ready all right yes cara egg coin again it's gonna be this is the time that it's gonna work and go through all right don't doubt me what you never invested in egg coin nobody invested in egg coin last time egg coin never really became a thing on s p live here it will oh it's gonna it's gonna become a thing the egg coin exchange will be real all right we got some wooden planks and um i think we're good i think we're good so we got full iron armor we got a diamond sword oh you know what i could now i need more i need more levels before i can do the uh community enchantment table should i go to the end and uh i let me you know what my last act of the day i'm gonna find out where the end is and maybe i'll log out in the end this is like it's a real risky play i'll be running across a one by one bridge in the nether oh god i don't even know where it is they were just like i kind of go over that way and i think you run into the end i'm like okay sounds good real nice specific directions guys thanks so much for that i'll try not to fall off into the lava with all my with all my stuff yup uh spike thank you for the 14 months miss two hours because of no notifications i'm sorry to hear that dude skull rocker thank you for 30 months of summage okay here we go i feel like this isn't gonna work very well my heart for the second time that's gotten me god why does it do that super not cool jesus all right where it was over where was it again is ah god i can't remember it was over in this direction right it's they've gotta fix that they gotta fix that please whatever is over here oh yeah there's there's there's the arrow just oh approximately over in this direction and uh you're bound to make it unscathed just try not to get shut off or punched off into the big drop by oh god he's over my head just try not to let them attack you and everything will be great you know what i'm gonna do the community a service by putting some torches down here uh uh cool to have you here i'm seeing a bit monday will be a good one with squid's quest same time as this one bring your game pants i'll have to rename these to game pants okay heck yeah dude it was a bit of a sans voice i guess oh i didn't bring any coal well this sucks oh this is why is the pad why who even made this path the way it is why is it like this why is it all like not just in a uniform direction why is it all over the place all right i've made it out unscathed is it this is this the place excuse me i'm gonna go through here and see what happens oh god you just walk just leave it open so that if you don't realize that you're not walking oh it's actually really close hey okay we made it that's dope all right you love it you go back through and it's just like you could walk into the lava it's absolutely no chill hey just i need an electro really badly maybe you can get an electro on this particular outing i gotta have food i don't see why not yeah let's let's go oh not dangerous at all okay all right all right uh wavy thank you for the seven months okay grandpa let's get you to bed hey don't worry i'll i'll be getting to bed in just a few minutes i just feel like i to i want to get like a few ender pearls hop into the end gate and then we'll be guilty yes yes i should have brought more i brought more stuff for uh i can make stone big axes i should have brought more iron for more iron pickaxes but you know whatever it fine how about we do one of these and then just look at a couple mans sb rated pretty much everything are you kidding me like he just went to every can you guys tell me what direction he went in so that i can go the opposite and not run into his husks of end cities every every trade he went to all of the directions uh-huh did he actually do this west and echo went east you need to travel like 30 000 what go to the enderman farm i can't drop down to the enderman farm without an elytra that's scary i don't want to go down to it bro i am not going to go down to an enderman farm without an electron i'm not about that uh-uh that is this is going to be no that is going to be a big big no for me ow um enderman farm has water it's safe there's water yeah but i don't i don't need this for now okay i don't need this for now i just i just need an elytra i don't think it's gonna help me going to the enderman [Music] all farm i'm not trying oh you guys are saying go to the enderman grinder to get the pearls um gotcha i i i get you i get you i was just doing that so i got a few ender pearls to go in and out of the end gateway that was all aight let's go see where we end up are they they've actually only done one dragon huh there's only one end gateway there's yeah okay crazy yeah yeah i know i know wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute hold on hold on has this are we actually so boomer that we haven't we haven't done this wait a minute yo dantdm raiders i'm about to blow your minds i can't wait yeah why why hasn't this been done yet who why why hasn't this been done yet hey man i may be old but who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks jesus that is a terrifying place to end up spawning um why wait of course you can use a pearl i know this don't say pro but seriously you can just use what do you mean you can just use a pearl it's way better to do the trapdoor method mechanism you don't have to use an ender pearl i feel insulted saying bro you can just use a pearl no that's the whole point the whole point is to just use a trap door and you can do it every time oh my god okay this is a this goes wow okay so um well uh hmm i don't know which way to go is it really gonna be it's gonna be 30 000 blocks you're kidding me right because if it's 30 000 blocks then i i don't have enough for i'm not gonna have enough to get the resources to do that there's just no what is that uh chords on this negative one thousand comma three hundred and five oh boy oh boy um south okay south is that way if you say so i will go south it's 30 000 blocks bruh i'm gonna be here for a while why are elytra's so valuable why does sb have to corner them it's fine by the time i'm done here an elytra that'll only be worth like a tenth of an egg coin like if you want an egg coin you're gonna have to trade like 10 elytras for it so that's all i'm saying that's all i'm saying dude uh we'll have to it's gonna be so expensive we're gonna have to figure out how to do fractional egg coin that's how crazy it's gonna be okay echo will give you one yeah but where's the fun in that eh where's the fun in that okay negative a thousand on the three hundred negative a thousand comma three hundred remind me everybody negative one thousand on the three hundred all right i'll give sb a good offer i'll be like yo one egg coin for one elytra he'll be like what this doesn't even doesn't and i'll be like yeah but you're getting it on the ground floor and sure you might think it to be a bad investment now but i'll tell you later on oh boy you're gonna be happy you did it you're gonna be happy you done did it see if i'm following these tracks though then i'm just gonna i'm just gonna end up like running into places people have already gone that's creepy it like looked like it just the bridge just disappeared um dragon egg is a million egg coin oh true that's not the worst idea though it's not the worst idea i have to find a new path and like go my own way i think this is gonna be next time though honestly um i think for now i gotta get rolling so yeah it's been a pleasure though it's been good uh good to hop on here this is actually i feel like over the course of the last few months get on shady oaks smp has been the number one chat request i have seen as far as joined this series you're not a part of uh even beyond join like dream smp or something like that so um happy happy we could be on here dude and yeah we'll uh we'll see where it goes we'll see where there's bridges out in both directions oh my god man can people just stop looting the dragonite fell into the void oh uh backflip on tick tock is number one chat request that's a good idea i should do a backflip for tick tock i could just re-upload the minecon backflip dock that might that might work too i don't know anyway hey make sure to like if you're watching on youtube also make sure you're following at captainsparklez to tune into these live and subscribe to captainsparklez2 hit the bell for all notifications so you never miss a video ever ever ever and playlist in the description if there are more episodes and you're watching this in the future and you can like jump straight to another one or any of that good stuff um cool all right guys i'll see you in the next episode
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 86,208
Rating: 4.9827905 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft, dantdm, thxcya, shady oaks
Id: PK1iXfogiFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 20sec (8540 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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