Shadows on the Stairs (1941) TURHAN BEY ♠ MYSTERY

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[Music] what [Music] anything wrong dear no no nothing I thought I heard something but it was just the wind [Music] a oh did you hear a scream sounded like it came from over [Music] there what's the matter what's the matter [Music] that great big man sees me Queen you must have had a nightmare oh you go back to sleep now miss you'll be all [Music] right and so I ran through the forest just as fast as my poor little feet could carry me but he was such a great strong man and ran so swiftly that I just knew I must be overtaken soon at last I felt him right behind me his breath upon my neck then his arms encompassed me and well I screamed I'm I'm so very very sorry to have Disturbed you all you didn't disturb me I'm sure I slept like a top all night I'm so glad how got you Mr Sing I'm afraid I'm very hard to awaken Mel in my country one is taught from childhood how to compose oneself completely both the mind and the body and you m armed it huh oh no not at all I fell asleep working out a chest problem mckin is number 40 no I slept very Sly thank you I saw in the times last evening that mckin is going to give a lecture at Helms tonight what Dr mckin the American why there's no other brain in the world like his I've been wanting to hear him all my life then why don't you go oh may I really I that's Splendid I might stay the night with old J started too he lives at homs yes of course well then I shall I'll check the trains and I'll Telegraph Jerry the moment we finished mckin is number 40 I'll ask him to explain it himself well if you'll excuse me I must get to work when the post comes will you bring my mail to my room Lucy yes sir why do I still waiting for word about your P yes but I'm doing another in the meantime Ah that's the spirit our stage of today needs new plays too why even the Pano's gone to pot since Mrs Armitage left it now Mr Reynolds Oh I mean it well I can remember seeing Sinbad the sail in Bristol 20 years ago and the principal boy's legs oh please Mr Reynolds did you ever do any straight Parts Mrs Armitage oh No Just pandim and musicals that's where Mr Armitage and I met when we were playing Little Red Riding Hood I had no idea you'd been an actor Mr Armitage rather a poor one I'm afraid but uh I admit I did once play and Charlie's Aunt one of the greatest successes of all time what part oh they a't they aun s be there you'd better see what groceries are needed over the weekend Mr bro will never finish his play unless you leave him alone pardon me and how are things with you Mr Reynolds Oh fairish I should say only uh collections are slow and I don't like being kept waiting [Music] what an earth the matter nothing ma'am do you call breaking all those dishes nothing it wasn't my fault well then whose fault was it may I ask well has the cat got your tongue I just said it wasn't my fault I don't care whose fault it was it'll come out of your wages no you can't do that it's all I got coming it'll be all you ever have coming in this house I'm tired of your insolence your months up tomorrow and out you go [Music] was your remark about being kept waiting meant for me what I meant was we've got to get I thought I'd never find my book was right under of my pillow all the time have you read it I'm afraid not I don't get much time for Light reading oh but this is so deep and fine let me read you just one passage here it is at the Finish when he who has known love but lost it renounces the world this then brother Francois is the [Music] end [Music] the here is peace here through the window of my cell comes only the Skylock song to rob my soul of its tranquility [Music] ah this is peace indeed peace Everlasting Exquisite isn't it yes it's very pretty it's Sublime I have to return it now but I'll tell the librarian to hold it for you very kind of you I'm sure goodbye goodbye what's the matter I've got to talk to you Joe I've got [Music] to what is it St what's the trouble it's my nerves Joe I'm half crazy because I never know what's going to happen next oh well that's all all it's enough to drive a person mad oh why won't you tell me what it's about Stella don't start that again surely you know by now that I'm not going to run you into any danger how do I know I don't even know what happened last night last night it was almost Dawn when you came in and you certainly are nervous I can't help it I'm sure I'm being spied on I feel I'm being followed by unseen eyes whose eyes I don't know that either oh Joe I'm going to break completely I'm going to steady now use your head tell me tell how long has it been since we made this Arrangement oh about 10 years I'd say it was you who suggested I should buy this house in the first place yes I knew I was through on the stage the Tom hadn't any money nevertheless you turned to me and my help all I asked was to have one room to use whenever it was necessary for my business but you really cared for me then Joe I still care but I don't think you do anymore of course I do anyway things have worked out all right haven't they you made a bit of money and I've done fairly well myself but it's how you've done it that's what worries me there you go again you know what killed the cat oh it's not just curiosity it's fear I tell you when I think that Sylvia is growing up I'm terrified she may find out I should say she's too busy making a conquest to bother much about anything else oh if you mean young Mr bromo he seems nice enough chap not very successful he can still afford to take her to the theater every Saturday night can't he you mean the cinema and they usually get back about 11: I believe so they should be out of the way by mid night oh I knew something was brewing I won't stand it I tell you I won't permit it you must St her this is important what is this this deal it's something different something big and if I put this one over it's going to be my last will you promise me that I'll give you my word if you'll help me how by seeing that Sylvia and young bromo get to their rooms as early as possible tonight how about Miss Snell oh she's never up after 10:00 Tom you heard him say he's going to that lecture at Helms tonight Splendid that accounts for everybody and you get to bed early yourself and sleep as soundly as a kitten too you do trust old Joe don't you I try to give us a kiss what is it dear I'm looking for Jerry st's address I got to send him a wire you know oh well your address book's upstairs I'll get it for you mhm what time does your train leave oh in about an hour's time I ought to be leaving to the station [Music] so Mrs Armitage was right you were listening suppose I was I had good reason I wanted to hear what he had to say about me you flatter yourself why should we discuss you you mean she don't know what on Earth are you talking about about you and me if that's what you thought I ease your mind Mrs Armitage knows nothing whatever about you and me I thought that was why she gave me the sack anyway she did so what are you going to do what can I do I'm only a border that's what you say I think different what are you hinting at you little fool oh I don't know I wish I was dead just imagine how you'd be if you were kicked out in the street without even a shilling unpleasant I'd say unpleasant is that all well let me tell you how I feel I'm fed up I'm sick of being worked to death and kicked around and I'm tired of broken promises too I Never Promised You anything oh yes you did promises I never even asked you to make so now you've got to help me stop that row I've given you more than you deserved already but it can't let me down now you don't dare you threatening me no I'm telling you then I'll tell everyone else then you'll go to jail for attempted blackmail Mr still got a few things to learn young lady yes I suppose I have there's something strange about you and this whole house what's that there's something queer going on here now I know you were listening what did you hear nothing honest I swear I didn't I thought you'd heard I'd ring your neck I didn't you talk too low then let this be a warning to you keep your mouth shut about me and everybody else around here I'll get out all right I'll get out but I'll not forget neither will you because I'm homeless and desperate now and all because of you and that woman so whatever happens you've only got yourself Sublime get [Music] out [Music] what's the idea of sneaking up on a man like a blasted leopard why didn't you come up to my room I couldn't get away Mrs Armitage kept me it was the housemate I saw coming out of here what if it was got more important things to talk about anyway last night for instance I'm still not certain that is more important what are you driving at you know our organization's rule to have no concern with women while engaging this work don't be absurd Lucy hasn't got enough brains to spy she has ears and a tongue she won't be able to use either of them here anymore Mrs Armitage has given her the sack which is just as well exactly now as to the box I can only say that it is in a safe place temporarily that's all I wanted to know but it must be brought here tonight how about the household they'll be out of the way by midnight now I'll explain the delay to Mr X of course but I wouldn't explain to any anyone else that sounds a bit nasty R am see if you think I tipped anybody you're mad if you did it's you who are made I would be if I chucked away everything this will mean to me there are always the enemy rewards and favors to be considered I've never even given them a thought then you are wise for once I knew a man who did yes yes then one day his wife received a package its content so shocked her that she lost her mind as well as her husband well I I sh worry about that sort of package we could just arrange for the other tonight well I'm on my way Mr Reynolds and as excited as a child well who wouldn't be this is the realization of one of my greatest wishes I envy you it's seldom that even the small one's gratified in this life well maybe you'd like to come along I would indeed but I have important business here well perhaps we can share a cab as far as I remember your office lies along my route to the station sorry I have an appointment in another part of town this morning doesn't journy oh thank you well goodbye dear goodbye have a nice time oh I shall I shall haven't you done the bedrooms yet I was going to do them now well then go and do them and remember your month's not up till tomorrow and I won't have any Shing even though it is your last [Music] day Primus Hill 6420 hello this is 7 who's [Music] speaking tonight we try again at 12 meanwhile watch Reynolds watch his every move from now on tell number nine he's not to be [Music] trusted put these in the living room Lucy I'll take up Mr bromos come in here it is H from Clayton [Music] Productions well aren't you going to open it uh yes of course but anticipation or a fear of rejection oh not fear I assure you well go on open it all right here [Music] goes [Music] oh you can't fool me I know they didn't return your manuscript so they've accepted it I didn't send return postage oh you I'm sorry but I've still got hopes lots of them so have I and faith in you you we'll just have to begin thinking about your new play now I have been thinking of it for some time good what's it about or you would call it a problem play as first do you think the Public's interested in that sort of thing well they ought to be it's good for their minds maybe but not for their entertainment people like mystery Thrills and romance plays that take them away from their everyday lives why the horror is sold out for weeks in advance rather sticky isn't oh I'll admit there's blood all over the floor but think how much money it's author made £10,000 I heard a man could work for years on a play at that price and they say Dwight Winston wrote it while shaving Razor Edge wit I suppose oh no joking a part you ought to do a thriller as a matter of fact I've been thinking so myself Splendid what's it about mystery murder and sudden death of course where will you set it oh there's no place like home Lucy tells me this house is positively creepy oh rubbish a mouse in the pantry is the most exciting thing that's happened around here since I can remember but Lucy just told me while she was making my bed oh Lucy would say anything mother just sacked her but do you know why of course breaking dishes for one thing well that is definitely not Lucy's version she said Ram Singh made I drop the tray on purpose well I can vouch for Ram sing's sense of humor and it's certainly not that bad but he didn't mean to be funny that's the point Lucy suspects some Sinister connection between raming and Reynolds both interested in old China I suppose especially broken sets well but Lucy said ramsing made her drop the tray to delay your mother in Heaven's name why delay mother she never hurries about anything as it is in this case she was going into the Hall where Reynolds was and raming wanted to see Reynolds before he left anyway that's Lucy's story oh Lucy says Lucy does Lucy thinks she's got an imagination like that why don't you get her to write your play for you come now I didn't mean it like that it just shows how the simplest incident can be exaggerated and distorted that's all I see by the way your mind's working you are going to do a thriller yes yes I think I shall that is if you promise me just one thing to say yes if I sell it you oh I see you don't want any romance in this play yes of course I do but I well I I didn't expect it to be introduced quite so suddenly then you agree to my proposition uh well uh my mother said I never should play with the Gypsies in the wood I [Music] agree [Music] I told you to stop sling up on me like that we shouldn't be seen together anyway you said everything was arranged it's almost 12:00 M Armitage and the old girl are coming up now the maid went to bed hours ago they D and Miss Armitage they'll be in any moment if they are not the car can keep on cruising till you answer it signal my it's almost midnight not really and the sunset is so gorgeous sunset oh I'm sorry it's this wonderful wonderful book it's just to have oh well then why not take it up to bed with you you see it El is the heroin has been driving young man positively mad with jealousy that he suddenly snatches her in his arms and says you tantalizing little devil I A J with mine too oh dear me what a sleepy little girl I am isn't it fortunate tomorrow's Sunday you'll be able to sleep late mhm and I think I should be quite naughty and have my breakfast in bed that'll be nice good night good night good night why AR silia and the young man in they said they'd be in early when they do come get into their rooms right away and if you should happen to hear a bit of movement on the stairs later on don't worry what will it be to hear oh never mind oh Joe I'm so so nervous you do promise this is the last time don't you don't start all that again all right but this is the last time I'm going to put a stop to whatever is going on for Sylvia's sake no matter what I have to do I don't like your tone Stella if you're trying to frighten me you're making a mistake got it bread and butter bread and butter oh they left the light on for I promised Mother we'd be home early well let's turn it off she'll think for our rors you know you look very lovely in the Moonlight sounds like a Gilbert and Sullivan song no I mean it moonl softens and subdues stairs when's emotions still stop that Brattle s we are yes Mother coming right [Music] up [Music] good night syvia good night Hugh going to work on your play not tonight I'm not in that sort of mood I feel more [Music] Lu strange she didn't even look at us she couldn't help having seen us you suppose she was sleep walking well hardly puts on a sh to walk and sleep wonder if she takes anything what do you mean well nothing I was just thinking out loud maybe she's upset because she's been dismissed maybe poor thing I think I told her mother about it Sylvia get to bed at once yes mother right away good night good night [Music] Hugh [Music] he's gone it's a [Music] trap whatever happens they must get it [Music] good morning mother oh why you look s finer what's the matter matter enough Lucy's gone just walked out without even fixing breakfast and there's no chance of getting anyone until tomorrow at the earliest well I help then bring up Mr bro's [Music] tea Miss Nell I'm afraid you won't be able to have your breakfast in bed Miss Nell this is Mrs alage [Music] Mr thing this is your call it's [Music] 9: [Music] good morning Mrs Armitage oh good morning well I'm really relieved to see someone about I've rung my bell a dozen times at least with no response whatever I dare say that's true Lucy's gone that's why my tea wasn't brought up oh she's an ungrateful little beast but that's not all neither Miss snail nor Mr Sing are in their rooms and a lement you suppose oh it's most peculiar because I know Miss snail was planning to have breakfast in bed and Mr Sing always sleeps late on Sunday mornings they're probably both a gret n green right this minute oh no joking Mr bromo I can't understand it I can't get any answer from Mr Reynolds either you're certainly knocking loudly enough you suppose he's gone too let's have a look and see I can't his door's locked let's try my key maybe that'll do it oh oh yes it will they're all the same that makes it simple oh maybe it's locked from the inside see it's just struck me her syvia oh she's all right she's bringing up your morning [Music] tea de he's murdered murdered no I can't believe that now there's nothing you can do just try and calm yourself no no he can't be dead it isn't true mother are you will nothing you to worry about she had a shock shock in there Mr Reynolds what happened he was murdered who did it that's not for El to say can you take care of her while I go for yes but hurry there's usually one on the corner cable come here [Applause] quickly I didn't do it I swear I didn't it could have been anybody in the house but I didn't kill him where's the body in that room there now see here Mrs arm you just got to control this I didn't do it I tell you I did didn't of course you didn't now relax relax how can I ever relax again how can I murder it is a no mistake sir you got a telephone here in the living room downstairs I'll notify the inspector but remember you're all to stay right here where you are did you see the way he looks at me I know he suspects me how could he be reasonable I am reasonable that's why I'm afraid and you Hur I'm sorry but if I did he was just trying to stop your hysterics mother you must be calm because we all have a lot of questions to answer oh questions there I am Under Suspicion and you know it ins Spector will be up presently and while we're waiting I'll take down a few particulars But I'm warning you anything you say now will be taken down in rting and possibly be used in evidence Hereafter now then who's the here at this ear house this lady here your name Madam Stella rosabel Armitage married a single married married your husband here no a see Liv in a part eh there I told you we jump it on warranted conclusion nonsense mother he didn't understand my father was away at Helms for the night he'll be back this morning sorry m'am my mistake but no offense intended you are uh Miss Armitage yes I live here and help with the house we take Lodgers was the deceased to lodger yes how long did he lived there oh about 10 years I'd say on and off what was his name Jo Joseph Reynolds business oh I'm not sure some kind of broker I think you know buying and selling things well we'll look into that later Eddie any relations no I I mean I I'm not sure I didn't know much about his private life well I'd say it was an idea land lady man you know I had a land lady once only had it for two weeks though she knew all about me if Hest said another week should have had me up but not knowing anything about a loger for 10 years that's quite a record do you doubt my word no need for you to get up at here now now then Ed he any uh particular attachments what do you mean by that well was there any lady who M of the you know oh no no absolutely no you sure of that yes I mean I don't know I told you I didn't know much about his private life but why do you keep staring at me like that I can't bear it I'm being very I'll take her to her room until she's recovered she'll have to see the inspector later you know of course she'll be all right the minut now then may I have your name Hugh bralo B r o m i l o w Mr bro one of the requirements of the Metropolitan conary is a knowledge of spelling I be your pardon occupation I write stories and things yes yes yes what do you do for a living just right occasionally I sell something I've written oh I see casual employment that'll be the inspector now now need for you to come along sir I'm quite able to admit the inspector be where's the polican he's letting the inspector in that's Dreadful there's so much I don't understand mother's behavior is so peculiar She's suffering from shock that's all no it's more than that she knows something she won't tell that may be true but it isn't guilty knowledge at least nothing to do with the CME F no no of course not just stick by her meantime I'm going to do a little detective work myself starting right from the top you'll be careful I will which is Lucy's room the one at the top of the [Music] stairs I took the liberty of writing down a few particulars sir you know names in the discs and such I'll have a look at them later this is Miss Armitage the land lady's daughter inspector Greg himself I'd like to see your mother too she's lying down for a few minutes and I look over the victim's room first whatever is feel better now don't you dear oh I'll manage to face the inspector I suppose well you won't be alone everyone will be questioned but where is everyone where's Miss snail Ram Singh Lucy I want to see Lucy myself does she smoke cigarettes oh yes I've CAU her at it several times told her off to and there goes my clue may we come in please do this is Mrs Armitage Mr bromo and this here is inspector Greg himself Mr Armitage is away I understand are there any other Lodgers yes there are two Ram sing an Indian student and I'll see him first only he's not here oh where is he I don't know he was gone this morning and his bed hadn't been slept in which is quite unusual the other lodger Mr snail a maiden lady she's always seemed very quiet and refined but of course you never can tell is she here no and the odd thing about that is she'd asked we serve breakfast in bed and yet was gone when I went to call her to seear both of them disappear at this time have they lch Keys yes nip downstairs tell the boys to keep out of sight to let anyone come in but nobody out very good sir now how about the servants well we have just one I mean we had just one you're not saying she's disappeared too precisely I'd given her notice because she was Sullen and insolent oh that's her s eh she was supposed to have stayed until today but she was gone before breakfast said she had a headache last night and went up to bed that's the last I saw of her there seem to be something queer about it made and two Lodgers disappear and the third one's murdered oh I shall never forget the way he looked when we found him he didn't answer my knock Mr bromo came out and we used his key to get in Reynold's door was locked not d That's Right inspector I opened Reynold's door just as Mrs Armitage says inspector I just been on the telephone that all she had on ased dist he won W by six lengths all by himself what did he pay unfortunately he was disqualified so he didn't pay nothing he want anything in the F no when was Mr re's last seen alive I said good night to him in the hall just before midnight then he went to his room where was Miss Nell then in her room and the Indian gentleman I don't know and the maid was in bed to the best of my knowledge but she wasn't Miss Armitage and I both saw her just at midnight where was that in the upper Hall as Armitage and I had stopped to say good night Lucy came down from the attic crossed the hall and went down the stairs where' she say she was going she didn't say anything she was wearing a Shaw around her face and staring straight ahead most peculiar fix there she never even seemed to notice us think she might have had a drop too much to drink perhaps oh so that was it I might have suspected as much that's why she was so Sly and Sullen and smooth now mother don't jump at conclusions we don't know that it's enough for me she'd been drinking and got to brooding over some fancied wrong Mr Reynolds had done her and then she killed him I don't believe Lucy could possibly do a thing like that she'd have been able to see the knife that was used too when she was cleaning his room because it' always lay on his bedside table that may be it nobody but a person under the influence of liquor or drugs or with a heart full of hatred would have been so vicious would have stabbed their victim so many times oh so many times I didn't know that how goly how horrible sorry man I didn't mean to shop you I shouldn't have spoken so frankly C circulate a detailed description of this made Lucy and the other two Lodgers at once someone's [Music] coming just a moment please you're Miss Snell AB yeah you don't see to understand this this here is inspector G oh you can't do that there ear you know it's all right Miss n it's just that something unfortunate has happened and the inspector wants to ask you some questions that's right Miss now if you'll give me the name in full you needn't be nervous Miss Snow just one or two simple questions I'm sure you'll be able to answer them quite satisfact it's the law you're trifling with miss you must answer you know unless you're ill is that it are you sick she got an impediment in Her speech not that I've ever noticed quite the contrary maybe she doesn't want us to know our full Co name no that can't be it because her name is on her cards phebe inan snail yeah but she's got to answer for herself Miss perhaps this will convince you how serious it is there's been a murder committed in this house Mr Joseph Reynolds was stabbed to death last night he's lying in his room right now as stiff as a macro perhaps that'll make you speak we know youve nothing to hide she had nothing to do with this awful thing oh you can't be too sure Still Waters Run Deep you know now will you answer for the last time if you don't I'll have to take you to the station Great Caesar's ghost may he oh yes certainly the poor dear what's it all about she woke up early this morning and got a guilty conscience because she hadn't been to church before Sundays so she decided to go to early service well well go on well she got to the church door and suddenly realized she'd forgotten her tea you wish to speak to me I believe yes watch out for an now spect she's got her Snappers in you're Phoebe singen SN actually it's Phoebe Maria sing I usually admit the Maria too many names seem a bit pretentious don't you think inspector Greg is doing the thinking around here miss what time did you retire last night just before midnight which is rather late for me but you didn't notice anything unusual last night no nothing at all only only what I had such a very Vivid dream I was bicycling through Spain and the prime minister of all people behaved so unconventionally that I yes yes yes but nothing that concerns this case no now did you notice anybody about this morning when you left no not the Indian gentleman [Music] or that may be raming now it is are you [Music] Ramsey you were lucky Mr bromo you might have been killed landing on top of him broke my fall it's coming around now boys bring a stretcher very good [Music] sir my leg it's broken you should be glad it wasn't your neck now perhaps you'll answer my questions I've done nothing to answer your actions upstairs hardly support that I was nervous I'm a foreigner and not familiar with your police methods well you'll have a chance to learn now cuz Mr Joseph Reynold don't you believe him he would say anything to save himself he hasn't saved himself in fact he's trying to though if he accuses me yet this was all his idea from the beginning was it I can prove it I'll tell everything I'll turn King's evidence oh so you do know something about our laws anyhow now then where were you last night here until midnight then when the Box arrived I I went to get rolds but his door was locked and he didn't answer why that's what frightened me I thought he'd gone and tipped you off that the money was here I see and this box took it away again you don't think I'd leave half a million pound for a rat like Reynolds do you half a million pound where'd you get it I lost the questions Mr bromo I big go pardon only it seems such a huge sum it does where'd you steal it I didn't steal it it was sent here to be used for the cause so that's it foreign money Bank of England notes and gold that's it don't you see English money drawn from Banks abroad because if anyone would threw that much here it would be reported and the government would check to see what it was used for sabotage exactly that's it isn't it let Reynolds tell you Reynolds will never tell anything he's dead de he's upstairs in his room now he was murdered how those are details that we expect you to supply I can't I never saw him after the bux came and he never told you about it he never told you anything you trapped me perhaps I did trap you but you trapped him and killed him no no I didn't kill him I swear I didn't that may be true inspector if he committed murder would he have returned here I told you to leave the questioning to me sorry now as to your organization I'm through talking I just want to know what Lucy the main had to do with it nothing we don't employ women and we on a strict orders not to have anything to do with them fact is I had to remind Reynolds of that yesterday why Mr Reynolds could never be involved in that way I'm sure nevertheless Lucio was with him in here yesterday I heard her M as she left she seemed terribly upset she said she'd show him and make him feel sorry for everything too oh you shouldn't talk like that about a man who's dead Mr Sing he's not talking about him he's talking about Lucy and now that she's disappeared I'm beginning to think that's it Lucy killed him I told you she was threatening him and she seemed absolutely insane she always was a suen sort probably had murder in her heart All Along come now you're just jumping at conclusion I'm not jumping at anything it's as plain as a nose on your face and that's plain enough I must say how dare you I won't stay here and be insulted I'll go to my room if I may good riddens to bad rubbish oh there's other rubbish to get rid of here too Mrs Armitage don't forget the disgusting food you serve and the lampy beds and other things I'm too much of a lady to mention as for me I shall leave this place as soon as the police will allow now what could she have meant by that I wonder seem plain enough enough to me it's as plain as the nose in your face sergeon will set your leg soon as you get to the hospital be careful how much the left [Music] one is ter I'm better to get out of here I have been nice this is bad who are you I I am chant sah from the freight bur McQueen who stabbed you it was Ram Singh Ram Singh Why'd You Come here I came to collect wages was afraid I would tell tell what did he kill Reynolds too I do not know but he would kill anyone for take him to the station see what they can do for him I'm going to I'm not going to stay in this this slaughter house another [Music] minute well we know who killed poor Mr Reynolds anyhow F I can't agree with that a sailor was wounded by a skilled Knife Man such as RAM Singh probably is but as I said before Reynolds was killed by a frenzied novice which brings us back to Lucy once more I still don't believe she did it no woman bent on murder would ever parade around the house and show herself to everyone who happened to be up just prove she's mentally unbalanced she got past thinking about herself and why' she wear a Shaw you think she'd rather be hang and catch a cold oh you writers always tried to build a mystery into everything Mr arm is Back Sir show him in dad Stella they told me what happened to think I was away when you most needed me it's all over now anyway Tom but who could have done such a terrible thing and why Lucy Lucy you killed Reynolds all the circumstances point to her Mr Armitage what girl she must have gone mad Qui now it's your own movements me a matter of form of course I stayed the night at Helms with a friend of mine Jerry start it have to verify that yes of course you'll find him at 39 Marine Terrace now Mrs Armitage I'd like a more detailed description of this girl losing you needn't bother Mrs Armitage inspector you can judge for yourself what's that just take a look in there [Music] [Music] Lucy dead has been for hours a oh Luc oh how perfectly awful how' you come to look in there oh I don't know just idly curious I suppose that clears up the case anyhow I'm not surprised she committed suicide I fancied the river you're sure it is suicide naturally she was an hysterical type we know she'd killed a man and she couldn't bear to think about it look at this inspector it was him who made me do it I warned him and perhaps he's sorry now whatever anybody says he drove me to do this awful thing Lucy Tim well we don't need anything else that's sure the doctor's here sir he's gone up to renold's room I'll be right with him may we go to our rooms now inspector certainly we close up this room until the doctors had a chance to examine her uh may I have a look at that letter inspector trying to make a Sherlock Holmes out of yourself are you I just want to see the effect of a steerer on the handwriting go ahead only hurry that's strange she she starts with it was him made me do it the word it starts with a small eye well she was just an uneducated girl didn't know any about it that isn't the real reason look at this paper it's half a double sheet with the front torn off what does that point to probably found the paper in a waste paper basket tore off the side that was written on when are you through would you care for a little drop or something Mr Armitage we've all been through a rather trying morning yes yes I'd be glad to join you not more than two fingers Mr bromo you'll be charging yourself with the [Laughter] crime you know I think Lucy's note was only part of a letter the last letter of a suicide who wanted to disgrace the man responsible for her death that's quite likely yet there isn't much point in disgracing a dead man is there well only perhaps to justify her killing him even so why should she destroy the part of the letter that named him what's your idea someone found that letter after Lucy was dead saw the chance to pin the murder on her and tore off apart to make it read accordingly rather farfetched I'm afraid especially in view of her mental condition which you say you noticed last night that I think was a deliberate attempt to mislead us to make us think we saw Lucy getting ready to kill Reynolds while Lucy was dead at the time I don't quite follow him I'm afraid Mr Armitage you don't want to what do you mean by that who in this house could have impersonated Lucy well there are three women there miss Snell sopia there's my wife but I think it was still another person someone who'd played such a role before a role such as Charlie's Aunt are you accusing me before I actually accuse anyone I'll ask you to explain this I found it on the floor of the sitting room in front of the cupboard where Lucy's body was hidden you always carry your little chest set with you even on such a trip as you took yesterday that's true brother it's also true I killed Joe rold but in Heaven's name why I discover that he and my wife are in love when did you find that out yesterday just before I left to catch the train I saw him kiss her did they see you they didn't know I'd seen the kiss for a time I managed to hide the shock I carry it on as usual automatically mechanically and then the thing got me what thing oh jealousy jealousy a Monster who kept shaking to me to kill then it softened and began to whisper a plan I followed it I went into a shop and telephone Jed started he was a lifelong friend I knew he could be relied upon for anything your alibi [Music] yes and then I paced the streets for hours with that monster always by my side then I came back here you were all at dinner I hid in the Attic across from Lucy's room hours later I crawled out Lucy was already dead yes and that's what gave me the idea I changed into her clothes and pulled her Shaw across my face then I showed myself to you and Sylvia but why after you killed Reynolds did you move Lucy oh you see Lucy died before 9 and I killed Reynolds at midnight I thought perhaps the doctors would be able to determine the exact hours of their death but you knew she would be found eventually oh I plan to take her away the first opportunity and even if she were found I thought the letter would perhaps cover [Music] things oh felt like ours carrying Lucy downstairs you see I'd used up all my strength on Reynolds I felt like collapsing but I'm glad I killed him anyway no no tell him what are you saying D it isn't true it can't be just tell her I'm afraid it is but no one would have ever known if it hadn't been for Mr bum you how could you be quiet someone's coming ah so here you all are just wanted to tell you the case is all cleared up doctor pronounced the girl a suicide poison it was and of course we know she killed Mr Rens so that's the for verdict unless our friend here has made some new and vital Discovery Well speak up you're not going to confess you did it are you no I'm not I hope you're not trying to cover anybody else either no inspector that won't be necessary because I did it that's the answer to everything oh what on Earth are you saying man just that I killed Joe Reynolds and Mr bro could prove it if this is a joke I warn you anything you say may be used in evidence against you I'm taking you to [Music] headquarters you'll come along too Mr bro yes I won't be a [Music] minute Sylvia I'm sorry I'd have given anything on Earth not to have had this happen I know you you'd even have protected him if he' let you but how would it ever have been possible for you to do such a thing that's very easy to explain it's just that I had the best and sweetest reason in the world oh you and so Hugh turned to Sylvia and his smile was as eloquent as his words I think I have the best and sweetest reason in the world well that's the story you it's wonderful I only hope no one's offended I I had to dramatize a bit of course oh naturally you certainly made a very unpleasant character out of me oh Dad where have you been I've been over at Helms with Jerry started you just finished meeting us his latest story it's a shame you missed it he made you a terrible killer huh he did did he I'd like to kill a man who invented this chess problem you made me out quite a lad with the girls how many times you say Tom stabbed me 28 cut your throat a couple of times still how do a man smoke with his throat cut and I resent your fiction that my teeth aren't my own so just to prove it h i have a c you better go and see my dentist tomorrow dear and I assure you sir that no one is more loyal to the Empire than I it would do me grave injury if my name were to appear in your book as that of a traitor all names will be changed before publication I promise you I'd like to have my name in a real book Mr you you would would you Lucy well we'll keep it in maybe use your pictures of front of piece too what were my young men side you didn't give me much to do I want to talk to you about that excuse [Music] that syvia you remember that promise you made me of course but that was only in your story I'd like to have you make it again now why not you mean it didn't it well I'll make the announcement right now but wait there's nothing to announce that promise depended on a play not a book I know that but it's going to be a play I only wrote it as a book first because it gave me greater freedom of action but how do you know it'll be produced as a Play Just Because you sold it as a book because everything Dwight Winston writes is produced Dwight Winston y TR you're Dwight Winston but why should such a successful play iide come to a little lodging house like this for two reasons my dear first to get color and characters secondly to find a wife might be hurry we've still got time to get a license before the registry office goes but I can't go like this she go I don't need a head that's right [Music] why M who are in a hurry yes I am yet maybe we should pause for just one more minute excuse me Governor but I was looking straight ahead sir and I didn't see a Blooming Thing may I be forgiven oh I wish I was 5050 again if meet a bud coming through the [Music] r [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 601,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic movie, Paul Cavanagh, classic movies, Movie, filmstruck, CLASSIC MOVIE, FREE, Frieda Inescort, #classicmovies, MYSTERY, CLASSIC, Shadows on the Stairs (1941), Heather Angel, MOVIES
Id: 15sVeTpq6bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 6sec (3786 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2013
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