The Shadow Strikes (1937) MYSTERY

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[Music] [Music] [Music] foreign the little piece of lead stopped a brilliant career one of the finest men who ever lived i'm sorry i never knew your father sir he was a great lawyer henriks every racketeer in the country feared him that's why they got him but you're carrying answer go after a fashion but i'd give anything in the world if i could match that bullet would you be wanting the car sir yes [Music] he wouldn't keep affidavits in here steve of course not lawyers got brains too you think he could make a kid say this is as easy as a dime bank [Music] nothing to it quit patting yourself on the back sorry to interrupt boys hello yes okay i'll be right over another one of those calls come on kelly hey what's your game mister well it's a form of solitaire all right boys keep him up well if it ain't red hogan and he's able to play mate stevie going beat it yes sir things don't look right in there you better take them down i'll join you later okay come on get him up well what's this hello oh i'm uh i'm mr randall i must thank you for coming to my rescue say did you just come in no i was in my office to be truthful i locked myself in when i heard them working on the save hmm guess it's uh better to be careful eh oh i'm glad you're here mr randall i have a few questions i want to ask oh just routine stuff you know i'm at your service uh we might be more comfortable in my private office come in sit down inspector captain captain green oh i see did you form headquarters yes those papers in the safe must be pretty valuable aren't they to me yes i think all right got that don't shoot sir don't shoot this place is full of burglars i'm sorry to disappoint you captain that nervous individual happens to be on my side hopefully i see may i relax yes all right oh henriques uh take those papers to my apartment you know the ones i want oh yes sir and if you have any difficulty remember you're working for chester randall oh yes sir thank you there's your home mr randall yes thanks [Music] a hello yes this is uh chester randall i'm calling for mr caleb delter mr delton wants me to come to his home what at this time of night sorry about the hour mr engel but before mr dalton's lawyer left for europe he insisted that we call you in case of emergency well wouldn't tomorrow do oh i see yes well uh what's the address of captain thank you yes fine yes thank you i'll be over as soon as possible yes goodbye what's up i don't know well thanks again captain if you need me for anything later i'm at your service well sure oh i think i'd better go along with you oh i don't think that'll be necessary you don't seem to know what they want with you and perhaps yes i think i'd better go along all right if you think it's best uh pardon me i'll get my briefcase surely you ready captain yes uh would you mind locking the safe not normal thank you a few wait for us uh mr rangoon hi mr handle mr delton is waiting thank you anything i can do oh no sir it's really not that serious thanks for your kindness captain not at all glad to have been a service mr randall see i've been out in the sticks for a long time and we don't get to meet very many big time lawyers i was wondering why you hadn't recognized me didn't i good night headquarters that's your service mr dalton sit down please thank you that's all i'll let mr randall yes sir good night sir i thought there might be a possibility that you were in your office i'm glad i was mr dalton i want to be of assistance but this is rather unusual unusual that's that's why i need a liar this is my last will read it would you call that dangerous yes under certain circumstances i would i guess you think i'm eccentric maybe i am but i wanted one member of my family the eldest to be head of the delta when you have a new will written i suppose it's my advice you want yes it would be better to specifically name your heirs in the amount that goes to each instead of merely stating to my eldest surviving heir i leave half of my estate that's what i want to do mr ray fine well and if you'll stop into the office about 10 in the morning we can that may be too late i don't understand i've never been a man to let my imagination get the better of me but i have a feeling that my life is in jeopardy who knows the contents of that will to my knowledge young nobody with the exception of my niece and nephews i uh i told them about it a few days ago but i don't think that any one of them would deliberately plan to get me out of the way i wish you'd make a new will for me right now well i'd be glad to mr delter if that'll make you feel any better have we some paper yes who is winston comstock uh he's my nephew he's about 35 35 the eldest of the lot and humphrey comstock humphrey is uh his younger brother now uh marcia and jasper delfin are they your children oh i've never had any children there were my brothers he and my sister were killed in an accident five years ago oh i'll close it for you so many weird things have happened the last few days where do your niece and nephews live here with me humphrey's the only one who's home i want applause written that marsha is to be completely disinherited if she marries warren uncle i heard a shot mr humphrey he's dead wellington stand back i've got you covered huh henriques what are you doing here what happened sir mr dalton's been shot you do it but no certainly not well let's get back before you become involved that's precisely what i intend to do perhaps it'd be a good idea to pick up mr randall's briefcase but who could have killed him i don't know something i left him in here with mr randall aloy your uncle sent for him did you find any trace of the murderer no i didn't you're humphrey comstock your uncle said you were at home yes i'm somewhat dazed by the sudden it might be a good idea sir to phone the police yes of course get me police headquarters you're not going oh no naturally the police will want to question you yes of course hello police headquarters this is humphrey comstock speaking caleb dalton was just murdered what's the matter with you tonight marcia you've been so quiet and preoccupied all evening i don't exactly know when i i suppose after we're married we live scrapply ever after i'll be all right tomorrow don't come in good night goodbye why don't you call him dan get yourself somebody sleep wellington i i have some very bad news for you mr i wouldn't advise you going in take it easy marcia but he's dead i don't understand he was feeling all right after dinner when i left him uncle caleb was murdered this is mr randall he was here with uncle when they then you can tell us about there isn't much to tell we were seated at the desk and a bullet came through that window that's the police wellington that's the men yes sir you started to say something oh oh nothing this way dave smith i think you'd better hold that man officer he seemed very anxious to get away i think i can explain that what are you doing in this house your uncle sent for me that's right i was in the office when mr randall got the phone call as a matter of fact i drove out here with him pardon me mr humphrey but i happen to know your uncle was expecting him where'd the shot come from uh through that window captain all right kelly hey graham and search the grounds where's the telephone hello is this the corner this is green talking i'm up at the dell trains yeah mr delton right away get back i'm sorry old man forget it please i agree after this don't drive so fast we couldn't keep up with him someday i'm gonna be fortunate enough to lose you newshounds so delvin was plugged huh that's just what we needed a nice murder yeah well don't touch the body you understand i think we'd better go to another room who done the job don't know yet stick around davis these high binders don't get away with anything okay captain grab some pictures i'll wake up the city editor hmm taking a little stroll oh why yes it's a nice night for it isn't it yeah come on take a walk with us oh oh i can't do that i i'm going in there i'm winston comes doctor well now isn't that a funny coincidence that's just the way we're going oh really yeah come on here don't do that come on i don't know who done it it's a mystery i tell you now what's the birdie we found him outside uh what's happened to my uncle hold the wire well in case you don't know it your uncle's dead dead well he was quite all right when i left here where's brain in the other room green who's brain oh you find out soon enough come on they'd have a motive particularly the elvis winston we found them roaming around outside i'm sure there's been some mistake officer marsha who are all these men please explain where you've been i said where have you been oh out walking what where's your hat i presume you wear one oh yes i i left you to the cinema the the palace and the show has been over for two hours where have you been since then i don't remember i mean walking around you didn't stop anywhere where we could check up on your story no of course you're aware of the contents of your late uncle's will no that's a lie winstead while he told us about it only a few days ago here young man are you arguing with me you realize that i beg your pardon you seem to have all the matches may i have a light no no of course not thank you you're welcome all right take him in kelly hmm come on you mean to say that you were going to take me to what you're called your who's gow without what i would call my mouthpiece you got it brother i got what my hat come on come on come on come on hello hello give me a re-write man quick what have i got a story what do you think i got to say about this dance hurry up give me somebody quick hurry up well you cleaned me in a half hour hey rob ross put it among your souvenirs i remember correctly you owe me 10 grand oh well maybe my luck will change one way or another i want your account straightened out by tomorrow night by tomorrow night you'll be owing me money well adam you've dealt here in another ground yeah sure gordon's waiting for you in the office give me give me keep your shirt on ah it's too late for that bracelet take it easy kid what's on your mind i just talked with red and steve it's about time they showed up where are they in the tank the cops picked him up at randall's office what happened the shadows stepped in i'd just like to know who he is mr jasper came home about five minutes ago miss you wanted to know thank you wellington [Music] hmm maybe winstead is innocent i guess we better phone the police we can't do that humphrey no what do you suggest this mr gross is a very popular man sir and he's even wanted in china yes the clever chester randall will never get him these affidavits won't help much the prostate seems to have an alibi for every occasion hello who mr randall welcome hello yes this is chester randall oh hello hello or what's the trouble you can't tell me over the telephone well that's all right yes i'll be right over goodbye i gave her my telephone number she said she'd keep it confidential i sincerely hope she does sir maybe i better come with you what's the matter you afraid i'll invite brian to tea or something oh no sir i don't think you'd do that thanks for your faith in me henry by the way i've got a job for you go to the palace theater get the head usher see if he found any hats there last night and here go to this place barney's cafe find out if they know a winstead comstock and in the meantime if you want me i'll just i know miss delta that's right i hope you didn't mind my calling oh not at all it was a pleasure to hear from you i hope you'll telephone again i thought you would help otherwise i wouldn't have phoned you don't worry please everything's going to be all right hello randall oh hello i still think we better call the police yes i think that's a good idea hello is captain breen there oh at home catching up with some rest i see this is chester randall speaking is that you kelly could you give me the caliber of the gun to kill mr delton yes i see thank you goodbye well uh this is not the gun that killed your uncle i'll answer it shall i put this away for you put it in the drawer of the desk the desk in the library and partly mr barringer martial why didn't you call me i'm sorry warren there's nothing you could do really mr randall mr warren banger how do you do so you're a warren pardon me may i suggest that i fix a little breakfast won't you join us uh yes gladly says the boss was there i thought mr randall was out of town yeah there's something screwy going on here well it won't take long to find out what it is give me police headquarters gee this is exciting maybe the guy's a crook or something may i talk to him captain green please i'll take you kelly hello captain green speaking uh i'm miss hughes mr randall's secretary i read in the paper that he was supposed to be in town last night but that isn't so captain he's on a vacation oh yeah sure i'll take care of that miss hughes thanks very much for tipping me off goodbye mom stalkers are both places like your thoughts there you sir thought i'd find you here glad you dropped in captain yeah you and that pelican face stood yours are pretty slick but you can't get away with whatever you're trying to do captain i don't know what you're talking about your secretary called me oh did she yeah and she told me that chester randall is not in town well there must be some mistake i'll say there is so you're a phony certainly you can prove who you are yes i think i can uh captain would you mind phoning my office the number is madison6432 ask for miss hughes my secretary yeah thank you hello is that human i'll speak with her all the while thank you hello uh hello miss hughes uh this is chester randall oh no it's me all right it's nice to hear your voice too no i'm sort of hiding out in town i thought perhaps i could get a better rest here than at one of those resorts but i'm still on my vacation i know i'll be in the office in a day or two oh well if the mayor telephones again tell him i'll get in touch with him the first of the week please now hold the wire a minute uh would you like to speak with her again no no that's all right miss hughes yes thank you oh and remember i'm still on my vacation yes goodbye i'm sorry mr randall nothing to it captain i'm glad to know that you have my interest at heart thank you uh oh by the way henrik's checked on winston and found out that he was at the palace theater last night and then then went to barney's where he remained until shortly uh before he was picked up here in the ground i'll phone bonnie right away if that's true the murder of delton is still at large yes uh captain don't you think it'd be a good idea to see barney personally naturally who want an affidavit yes that's right i'll go with you all right glad to have you do you mind if hendrix remains here i'm expecting an important phone call and i'd like him to take it no no not at all see you later henry uh you'll take care of that for me won't you yes sir certainly i'm sorry i'm later but i'm not as proficient in the art of connecting poems as i might be well you can practice in your spare time thank you sir have you brought randall's papers yes sir yes sir very good we returned them you mean go back in his office sir yes sir certainly sir i guess my secretary didn't discover i was here evidently not sir fill it up hendrix miss hughes i've been sort of uh hiding out in town i thought i could get a better rest here than at one of those resorts you know me sir don't you think to be safe if you spoke to miss hughes some other place oh what's this what's what's that memorandum look at that second notation sir ross wants him to call that's fine i probably think he can buy mr randall officer it might be a good idea to drop in and visit brassett freaks i think it'll be better if you waited for me oh yes sir certainly sir can i do something for you oh yes i'd like to see mr bronson i think he's in his office this way thanks come here he wants to see you is it okay yeah mr brossett yeah i'm mr harris mr randall suggested i pay you a visit oh i did huh yes i've joined his staff of lawyers oh phil gordon matters how are you mr gordon fine sit down thank you what's on your mind nothing i thought perhaps you had something on yours justin randall is still on his vacation i figured i could take care of what you wanted my business is with renault i can't use your harris well i'll have to wire the boss our office was broken into no i just said it was and peculiarly enough the situation was saved by i think the underworld calls him the shadow that's interesting have a drink mr harris no thanks but i'll have a cigarette if you don't mind how you doing kid well i guess you better let me have another granddaughter that's your guess i'll check with the boss i hear the shadow's been making it pretty tough for some of the boys you evidently get first-hand information jasper delta want some more chips on a cup yeah i wonder if that fella knows he's playing for keeps i've gone the limit with him and i want the dough he owes me paid tonight don't tell him that rossett has his own way of getting what's coming to him well business is business yeah i see you gentlemen are engaged i shan't detain you any longer thanks for letting me in and you're going to settle tonight well you might give me a chance to get even you know what's good for you you better get even with processing your jasper delton aren't you yes i'm a friend of your sister i'm on my way to visit her now why not join me well i might as well nothing i can do around here but give it let's go for the delta and henry what's it i said to the delphi oh yes sir you know i was with your uncle when he was killed oh so you're randall yes i wouldn't have recognized you from my sister's description no he said you were handsome with a charming personality and uh most interesting well that's encouraging i suppose since winston's been freed the police have practically moved in on you yes indeed the house has been infested with them all day have they any clues no but they're under the impression that one of us murdered uncle caleb yes i thought so too for a while the motive for the crime points so obviously in that direction though that i'm afraid someone's taking advantage of it have you any suspicions no not exactly tell me do you know if your uncle ever received threatening letters from a racketeer or gambler no i know about your activity in that field i'm afraid process going to force your hand i'll get it straightened out just as soon as i see winston i see you're still on the job captain yes where's winston i haven't seen him for about half an hour he's in the library sir wednesday what are you doing there where have you been come on get a side angle we got a swell idea for a feature story it's called the house of murder and all the heirs gets killed the same place as a wrinkle no no you didn't tell me that of course i didn't if i had you wouldn't oppose come on hansel it's your turn sit down will you get out of here well how do you like that you're the guy that want his picture in the paper yes get out of here come on let's throw them up maybe we better get out these guys are half cracked i've got to have 11 000 11 hmm fancy that where are you going to get it why i thought you'd loan it to me either i well you have another thing coming young man and gambling again huh now please don't lecture me what i need is that money let's take a look around for us shawty right you're not going to get it from me i've got to have it tonight my dear jasper you have my utmost sympathy that's an equal to you you're pretty sure of yourself since the police let you go why shouldn't i be you know winsted there's such a thing as hiring a man to do a killing are you accusing me of something that we all know that you are trouble is that we haven't had a fingerprint or a clue of any kind [Music] it's rod chuck jasper winston's dead well at least we know who killed this one i'll get him kelly but i didn't do it what are you doing with that gun picking your teeth oh i thought i could force winston to do something for me put your hands up please walk a little faster gentlemen if you don't mind i was afraid this would happen warren barringer where have you been out my garden having smoke get your alibi already huh not me sir what mr behringer said is the truth as a matter of fact a few moments ago i overheard winstead giving jazz for a lecture about gambling they were having it hot and heavy one may i see that gun captain all the cottages have been fired we interest you to know that we saw this gun this morning miss delton saw it too one of the cartridges had been fired then you can make a paraffin test and see if it's been fired in the last two hours what in the world are you doing henry i caught them running from the house sir it's a little trick i learned when i worked for the telephone companies they may be the man you want captain i found this in the carter risk him kelly they're unarmed come on jessica you'll have to come along my brother is not a murderer i think captain breen will find that out for himself in the meantime your brother will be in a safe place and please don't worry i don't want to see jasper punished if he's innocent but don't forget he's gained the bulk of an eight million dollar estate through winstead's death that's a lot of money all right take him in kelly come on oh this document is more valuable than ever uncle caleb's will yes would you please keep it in a very very safe place marcia i don't understand what has changed you so completely in the last few days it seems only natural in the circumstances doesn't it yes i know but your whole attitude toward me is different probably your imagination is working overtime possibly what is that man doing in the hall oh he's in the telephone company excuse me having a little trouble a little i had a bad connection here yeah somebody yanked this card out and stuck it back in place with chewing gum well yes i remember someone calling and telling me to hold the line but then we were disconnected well that's all i wanted to know miss hughes and thank you thank you very much then he isn't randall i'm positive that he isn't i'll send that bird on a vacation of the first part of the second thought now let's see good morning henry are you taking up law not exactly sir i was just looking up the penalty for one man impersonating another good old henriks i wouldn't worry about that if i were you pardon me sir you don't mind my saying so but you have other work to do yes i know but there's something about this delphin case that fascinates me she's very charming sir i wouldn't be a bit surprised if he had something to do with the murders too maybe it's a good idea my imagination worked overtime i only knew where i could get a hold of him do you know i'm sorry but i can't help you get hold of him i'm so glad that you have my interest in heart captain i guess you can't talk absurd i see they get built too i'll try and swing them shadow get them chuck didn't say they're both in with murder charges against him oh itchy trigger fingers eh you better go see what you can do and tell those two mugs that burt webster's my mouthpiece not them there to keep their mouth shut okay russell i've got to talk to you well hello there get inside quick [Applause] [Music] something wrong the police are looking for you why they found out that you're not just a random i guess it's dark enough to venture out hendrix but you promised ms delfin you'd remain here sir yes i know i wonder if you'd mind my talking to not as a servant but just man to man oh not at all sit down well i suggest that you stay undercover until this randall situation cools down a bit and then get out of town no henriks i'm going to carry on as you so actually put it but you're wanted by the police now you have both sides against you you evidently forget that none of the gang leaders know who i am how long do you think you can keep your identity a secret i never cross a bridge before i come to it well it's about time you started you want to get brought it you'd match your life against the chance of getting a man who killed your father but well you're only defeating your own purpose now don't think i don't appreciate your great loyalty and interest you still intend going out sir i do very well i'll get your hat set thank you and where do you think you're going with you sir good old henry you better let me do this alone henry i'm sorry sir i have a little carry-on to do too oh that's fine old boy so drive the car around to the alley behind barack's office be careful and remember what i told you yes sir certainly sir yeah hello brother ah i was in the neighborhood and thought i'd drop in see the publicity here boston yeah have they caught the fella that's impersonating him no it's a funny setup isn't it magenta coming back tomorrow i guess you play golf process i talked with randall on the long-distance telephone i don't think you'll have much difficulty getting him to listen to reason well that's what you wanted isn't it i'll talk to randall about that okay hi hello lord hello i've got a little business with prosecutor hope you don't mind i see you putting me out again huh well not exactly okay see you later so long well what'd they say for themselves whether to talk to them they claim they didn't do the killing but it'll bail them out tomorrow but i learned a couple of very interesting things yeah yeah the shadow had nothing to do with it well there's something anyway what else chuck told webster about old man delthorn's will it seems jasper's in line for an 8 million dollar cut yeah i just read about it i thought maybe we could muscle in on it somehow without that will i guess the estate will be divided equally huh yeah i guess so the answer is more simple than i expected it all we've got to do is to get that little piece of paper my friend jasper will pay and pay plenty the wheel's probably at the house but if you hurry you won't have any trouble gordon tells me brain and kelly at the station house right now questioning jasmine anything happening henry i say henry what's news what's new sir my brother sent a couple of men to get mr delton's will he figures he can make jasper divide his share of the estate somehow oh he does huh what are you going to do sir i'm going to the dolphins oh you can't do that sir police will but i'm not going there as the man the policeman good evening that's so fast we want delthorn's will all right over there copper what's the meaning of this i know the old man's will why i haven't it don't tell me lady we no different it's upstairs i'll get it that's what i call a smart girl hey this is either the right part let's get going stay where you are gentlemen drop that gun leave that paper in this house and he waited for the police and then disappeared what gets me is how the shadow knew what we had in mind say what about that guy harris yeah he left here before we did any talking hey take a look at this there must be some connection between that guy harris and the shadow you were quite right warren when you said i changed i didn't realize it myself but i do want to be fair with you why martial you talk as though it's all off between us that's exactly what i'm trying to say oh i'm sorry so am i so you aren't going for this mysterious tall dark and handsome are you to be honest i don't know well i guess there's no use to hang around here there's no need for you to hurry goodbye marcia and good luck you'll need it goodbye one thanks i couldn't help overhearing it's a peculiar thing wellington my competition happens to be a man of mystery most mysteries are sold sir thanks good night good night well anyway we definitely know bros is the first class blackmailer sir i feel certain we can get more on him than that henrik well here's the ali sir do you think we should return there i know what i'm going to do how about you maybe you'll come back you wouldn't have the nerve i know there's a car it looks like harris give him a chance to get set turn out the lights guess they went out yeah or they might come back come in gordon i thought that that guy harris was on the level he had me fooled too it's a good thing for us that i checked up on him no sergeant hello russell talking send the squad over here right away i think we can pick up a man you'd be very interested in getting have the boys drive in the alley and back on my place i'll meet them there anything wrong sir we're calling it a day henry foreign [Applause] [Music] all right for the alley around the corner wait a minute follow that car [Music] put the car away oh hello wellington i'm here to kill you i rather expected you to come here but hardly to kill me open it if you even hint that i'm here i'll let you have it hello hello brother i'm surprised to see you i thought you would be the shadower oh that i wouldn't move if i were you mr shadow i've got you covered welling what what keep him covered hendrix and sue i was mad i guess i hope to kill you i wanted my son to get some of the dolphin money your son yes [Music] my son then i'm forgiven mr randall there's nothing to forgive i accomplished more by taking a vacation than i ever could have in the office and that's most generous of you and thank you mr cranston for upholding the name of chester randall good day well i guess we better shove off too oh don't rush away there's no hurry you haven't forgotten you're coming to the house for dinner have you no uh dinner at eight o'clock you could come earlier thanks i will goodbye so long i found this bullet in the wall sir it must be from blossom's gun thought you might be interested thanks where are you going henry i thought i'd throw it away sir i wouldn't do that if i were you there may come a time when we can use the shadow again you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 520,021
Rating: 4.7808414 out of 5
Keywords: #classicmovies, MOVIES, FREE, FILM, filmstruck, classic movie, PUBLIC DOMAIN, crime, Movie, CLASSIC, classic movies
Id: KB3_jB-Kb2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 40sec (3700 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2013
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