A Shot In The Dark (1935) MYSTERY

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[Music] boy what a game that was this afternoon you know that gives us a championship i went two dollars a pair of us my fellow back home how about me taking you out all right with me we can get rid of the interference hello johnny did you enjoy the army navy game last week milton no army lost and i bet on them because i fell for a cadet and after all the years i've been true to the navy you should be here in midwinter why it gets so cold we could use frigidaires for toasters barn and charlie keep me still on the run i never mind the cold here i resent that selfishness monopolizing your company don't be silly ken as my brother byron's roommate you're just one of the family i wonder why bob wouldn't stand have t with us oh you know his moods he said he had a headache and was going back to the door oh yes yes i'll call him uh you want it on the telephone kim long distance nice sir pardon me i'm sure you'll find professor bostwick much better company i'm afraid kenneth has given the gross exaggeration professor yes please quite there where are you i came over here to management in business all right i'll make this a hotel oh and dad it's full house party you know and i've got a girl here yeah byron sister you mind if i bring her along okay we'll meet you later paul is over in barrington that's a two-hour ride from here would you like to ride over with me or would you rather stay here for the dance oh the ride by all means there'll be a full moon tonight and it'll be beautiful uh can this case come along why certainly uh if you like riding over rough country roads i don't don't worry i'd rather trust gene alone than leave an easy chair for a bumpy automobile seat i think we'd better start back to the end it's getting late i'm sorry you must leave your presence at my back reporters has been a genuine treat uh tell byron i should respect you all tomorrow that's very good oh my headache any better well no so much it wasn't for shane and that i'd go right to bed well don't worry about james i just dropped her mistake at the end he's gonna drive over the barricade with me after that that means a straight license case is gonna be left alone don't see me i'm going to stay right here what time you got to leave finished p so i thought we'd start now then we can have dinner with dad later why you sure there isn't anything i can do for you fuzzy i just want to be alone i've got some thinking to do and try them certainly in the dumps we'll take a hot drink and try to cheer up by the time we get back she didn't feel well the last minute so i left her at the end like a brother what do you mean by that oh moody and strange you know i never liked what little i've seen of him you know his father nothing mike he died when byron and jean were very young i didn't know what his business was but he left plenty of money money my boy has never bought breeding you know you've had bayern at your home several times as i know you've never been asked to visit him bye tells me his mother doesn't care much for company they're all right [Music] getting tired and comfortable they'll film me there stay up in the dormitory with us as usual there's this room of course there is number 29. you go right up and i'll take the car down to the garage i'll probably be asleep but door's always unlocked [Music] so dad dad all right all right charlie charlie what's the matter byron's killed himself killed what do you mean how look when did you discover him just a minute ago i couldn't get in my room last night so i stayed here we'd better get the doctor oh wait he may still be alive we better get him back into his room if the door's locked how can we get in well i know i'll climb up the ivy you go up and wait outside the door i'll be there in a minute i think you can pull him up alone sure you go phone dr howell i'll handle this that's right doctor 29 stonely hall you'll be right over get me the end please is mr joseph harris registered there thanks dad why not didn't you stay in my room well never mind now and hurry right over something terrible has happened byron's committed suicide all right that's a boss mosfet please you get the doctor father and bossy too they're on the way over how about my sister gene i didn't call her i think it's best to wait until the doctors examine it why do you think buy would do such a thing as far as i know he had no reason to take his life maybe he had reasons you know nothing about what do you mean oh nothing again ken tell me all about it if you can kenneth i still can't believe that byron would take his own life i heard it as fast as i could i'm glad you're here dad you remember father aren't you glad to see you mr herrera i'm sure kenneth appreciates your help at this moment this is charlie pendleton dad how do you do sir what made you change your mind and stay at the end last night there couldn't get in here because the door was locked after waiting some 20 minutes for you i left to the hotel when did you discover byron this morning i couldn't get in here either last night so i slept in charlie's room trumpet the body against the wall outside awakened did you hear the same noise no sir i didn't even hear ken come in i guess i'd been asleep for some time you were sleeping soundly in your clothes too well tell you the truth sir i had a few drinks at the dance last night and i can't be too sure of what i may have heard after that i was so tired i didn't even bother to undress that case your account last night wouldn't actually be worthless but warranting investigation but without there's no professional criminology has always been my hobbies although i'm a corporation lawyer so i've understood mr harris i'm sure your knowledge will be invaluable angulation by hanging is a very nasty death i want to choose particularly with the rope as heavy and rough as this are you getting at me terrorist the heavier the roof the more difficult it is for the knot to slip sometimes it doesn't slip at all however it's certainly working poor vibrancy now it's up to us to discover why he chose to hang himself gentlemen iron coat did not hang himself he was dead before the rope was tied about his neck sorry to disturb you so early in this case but i've got to tell you something something you'll have to tell gene about her brother byron he's dead when did it happen doctor says about midnight i found him early this morning hanging from his dormitory window then it was suicide well we thought so at first but the doctor's examination proved he was dead before the rope was tied around his neck there'll be an autopsy this afternoon and we'll know more definitely i'll why byron's mother you tell gene no i'll handle everything for this end of the family mrs coast is a helpless person if ever there was one i'll told her and follow what instruction she may give this is a terrible situation you think it's murder don't you let's not say that yet until we really know well it's obvious the person can't die and then hang himself later there's nobody considerable excitement here today so professor bostwick is offered to give us our meals at his house so we won't be annoyed by outside you tell gina and i'll call for you at lunch time that's kind of the professor we'll expect you at once i'll go up now and wake jeans she slept quite long enough if she came in when she said she was going to i didn't know she went out last night she told me she had a cold was going right to bed i don't know anything about that she suddenly decided she was going to walk over and see her brother and be back within an hour let's get all the facts straight after you dropped me in front of your dormitory put the car in the garage that's right you stopped for a sandwich the campus grew yes and from there i came right here and couldn't get in come in and i just heard the news see i'm terribly sorry oh excuse me mr harris that's all right bill i was just i think leaving go downstairs and have another little chat with charlie pendleton and i'll meet you later professor bostwick isn't there anything i can possibly do we're all by you fella i certainly was bill well roommate too i can hardly realize it but i only saw a buy and spoke to him at 11 o'clock last night you did where why right here i leaned out my window and asked him to go eat with me he leaned out and said he was half undressed and was going to bed well i pulled around a while and then i heard your door open and closed i thought of course it was you so i went to the window and yelled a second time for you i looked out and said you weren't then so i asked him if he was walking in asleep he said no he had a visitor and he laughed and said good night bill that visitor might have been by's murderer dang i never thought of that was buying pajamas the second time he came to the window yeah and a great bathrobe too and i saw the stripes on the collar of his stripes sure why well he had on plain blue ones when i found him this morning no stripe pajamas here now that you mentioned it i distinctly remember but i've been wearing a striped pair the past few nights this is the robot i'm wearing ken funny you should hang it up look blood you must have cut himself shaving you don't cut the back of your neck when you shave bill let's come tell your story to my dad before the local police get in gum up everything well i've seen the president of the college he's waiting for the coroner's report to share his instructions says to the verdict agrees with what we think he's going to conduct a meeting tonight and announces the entire student body very sensible procedure students have no news except from these papers it would make a terrible mess of things still smart has just told me something which may be of great importance well sir i talked to byron twice last night once at 11 and again a half hour later at which time he had a visitor i thought of course it was ken yes i'm in the lobby chain you and miss case are to go to professor boxworks with me fine hello sam came over here looking for cam i'm going to see ken in a few minutes over at bossy's house why not come along oh i can i got quiet rehearsal in five minutes i might tell ken this i heard someone going to their rooms last night around 11. my door to see who it was well who was it i would rather wait and tell that to canon the proper authority listen hell came to meet me right after aquire rehearsal all right sam i'll see you later who is that boy you were speaking to just anderson a classmate of ours he has some important information concerning by's action last night seems to me everyone has a finger in this pie except the police you're wrong this case i understand the sheriff and his men have been on the case all morning and that's all i know except that i met sam anderson at the end a short time ago and he wants to see you after choir rehearsal sam says he knows who prize visitor was last night wouldn't they tell you who it was no said you or the police would get that information i don't fail to see that i can it's most important i've all heard kent and bill's story of a mysterious visit in byron's room the missing pajama singer we've also told our individual stories of where and you kind explain how it was i saw you into the hotel as i was registering about two o'clock this morning i i'm sure you're wrong i was in bed hours before that i'll vouch for what this coach has said she's not in the habit of wandering about strange hotels at such an hour i'm very sorry to say one of us is lying i assure you isn't i dr howell is calling his hair upon him hello speaking understand all right goodbye the autopsy has just been completed byron was killed by a small sharp instrument piercing the brain just under the back of his skull and now removing that instrument i think gene and i will retire if you have no objections [Music] men and women of the college it is not the custom to use the auditorium for an announcement of the type and nature that i have but something has happened of such importance that tradition must be dropped one of your classmates last night at his death in a dormitory of course i cannot go into details at this moment but this i can certainly say that indisputable evidence points to the fact that the boy siren coach was murdered murder is a terrible thing particularly terrible when it is found in a college where youth and the highest ideals are supposed to prevail this tragedy will naturally attract unwelcome publicity to the college but cornwall i can certainly say will hide nothing and i request that each and any of you will come forward and tell the proper authorities all that you know relevant to this case friends i oh you realize who that is it's sam anderson the fellow who is going to tell us about byron's visitor last night this boy has been murdered so that he couldn't talk some of you boys list him up and carry him into that side room poor anderson was killed in exactly the same manner as byron naturally proving both crimes are committed by one person that's a bust we have you questioned the members we require as i requested i've talked to the six boys who stood closest to anderson their individual stories are valueless each were knowing nothing but the sensation of seeing anderson fall no motives no clue no just as i expected as you both know i went to the mall with a body and while there i met the sheriff he asked me to help him in these cases i nearly mentioned this those will not misjudge my questioning you you really think anderson was killed because of what he might have disclosed there could be no other motive again if you have a flashlight in your car well yes listen i think i'll accept the invitation you extended me a while to go stay in your house and tell me what if you could lend me the key to the auditorium is organist you have it why yes of course it is only if you're going there tonight i'm afraid you'll find the place rather eerie kenneth i think knows where the switches are thank you we'll be back later is there a way for me to get into the back of the organ yes there's an interest to me the side of the pipe yeah don't you want me to go with you no i'd rather you wouldn't i have a theory i think i can work out better alone you go back to your room and i'll be there in a few minutes and you can drive me back i saw the man i think we want come on quickly follow him head for moving above we've lost the trail well what do we do now we go back to the auditorium and this time you're going in with me and we're in luck you know what that is why it's a needle hey maybe it's the murderer instrument or the brother do it come on let's get out of here and try to prove our theories good evening doctor good evening miss harris glad you're here the sheriff left a while ago for your son's room in the dormitory and i suppose you have somebody to report or show me i have the autopsy of the second body has been completed the result was identical to that of the first dog each man was instantly killed by a violent piercing of the brain at the base of the skull in the brain of each body we found one of these now they're exactly alike tell me this doctor die with a force in my bare hand kill for the aim and plunge one of these needles into a skull little result i doubt it it might be possible but not probable well then your theory is i'm not theorizing this needle was so deeply embedded in the brain he had a cutaway bone to extract it the very force of its entry proves that it was shot in what sort of any smooth i'll keep these until the inquest tomorrow morning at 10. you'll be there certainly good night doctor i understand the college has retained you to take charge of the investigation of the two murders only unofficially and nothing's been said about second death well that's a small matter saw one and you saw the other oh i'm not sure about that i don't understand you mr earth i'm just a country sheriff with a hardware business as a sideline i don't know much about the murder mysteries except what i've seen in the movies and i'm not ashamed to admit that me and my men are a little over our head in this thing what do you mean sheriff well i hope you won't be offended mr harris but i suggested to the president of the college this afternoon that we call in several police detectives from the city as the official representative of the county that's naturally your privilege now hold on president said that you were the mighty clever man and that for the time being he preferred your methods through that of the city police now offered me here willing to help you of course we're not the smartest sluice in the world are we margaret he's never had a chance to find out up until now no one around here does worse than like traffic laws man [Music] stories matter of fact i've written several of them but i've always thought i'd never be an amateur book detective no i never smoked opium i played the violin i know no one connected with scott and yard and nothing about the french secret police i've never owned a magnifying glass and i've never worn okay tell me any suspects not at the moment have you we have a couple of ideas markers right but our theory concerns the second murder doc howell says that those needles were fired into the brain by some sort of a gun now no one ever heard any shots did they go on well right there shoot things doesn't it and when we think of compressed air we've got to think about that organ which is full of it now i ain't mechanically minded but it's possible that a certain contraption could be hooked to one of the pipes of that organ so that when a certain note on that organ was struck it would release and shoot one of those needles who was that the keyboard of the organ what it says would you mind sitting in the exact position you were in just for amazon certainly not sure your hands weren't on the keyboard no you're seating the tunnels i'm positive i was preoccupied listening to the president's thing staring at the music before me although i sat at the organ i saw no more than they did well i'm afraid that eliminates the sheriff's theory i understand completely i wish i could be of more help i haven't had a chance to talk with you alone james inspire me don't ken i know how you feel i certainly had a friend in you so you did i want you to let me help you not only for byron's sake but for your own i know it's no time to talk about what i'd like to do no don't say it ken at least not now but if it'll help any i i feel the same way father will be here in a few moments huh i knew it more third degrees oh he'll be very important of course but not overbearing jason i have been making all sorts of wild guesses about poor buyer and that anderson boy you see i wasn't there and no one has really told me about anything that's happened yet i want you there miss case i thought i saw you when i came in yes i was but i sat so far to the side i couldn't see a thing father may i see you for a few minutes of course you know i want you to talk to me about violence just so i never met the boy tell me about his habits his friends his home life our home life has always been very pleasant you mostly of course to the adoration we had for our mother brian i were great companions you see father died when we were awfully small my only remembrance of him is of rubbing my cheek against someone with a face that scratched are you any photographer several mother still keeps a huge album in the living room it's the scrapbook habit from the stage i guess oh was your mother an actress he used to be and a good one too he left the stage when byron was born but he was quite a famous concert singer abroad in fact it was in paris that she met father at least that was where they were married but have you any remembrance of living elsewhere in boston oh my yes we traveled extensively until 10 years ago when mother felt we should settle down so she bought an old house in the most sedate part of boston it's a nice house but a lonely one lonely why well mother isn't boston if you know what i mean but can you tell me the financial condition of your family oh there's plenty of money but as i understand it the greater part of it is held in trust for byron and i never knew that that means of course a byron would have inherited a considerable estate coming of age why today was his birthday he would have been 21. you're right miss case i forgot all about it we're getting someplace now byron's murder was planned and timed perfectly just a few hours before he received word of his inheritance somebody wanted that money for this are you insinuating i'm only insinuating that the murder was committed for the reason that most crimes are for money coming of age i don't probably receive word of his inheritance now can you ought to know something about his mail do you ever mention receiving such a letter no although he did receive mail the day before he died then we'd have to go through his mail and find out for ourselves just a moment i am probably betraying a confidence but if it will clear up this point here is a wire which i received from byron's mother a few hours ago you may read it and do as you wish i don't want to be involved any more than i am later later come on quick later let byron keep his nails there's nothing here and someone's rifle this dead why these drawers were filled with five i i had to speak to you can i i want to tell you how sorry i was about pirates i know he never liked me but i like him it's horrible to think thanks for feeling that way george this is my father father this is john messeroff how do you do sir how am i staring at you lately your resemblance to buying coaches positively yes i know that sir weird feeling being the living image of a dead man you of course are not related to him oh no sir i i belong to a french family living some few miles from here your pardon me i shall say good night i want to extend my condolences thanks again john what do you know about that boy nothing much dad he's in the junior class and the son of a frenchman who runs a roadhouse near here not generally light and byron was particularly antagonistic toward him because of their resemblance i used to say he rather enjoyed his own face and didn't care to see it spread around him jealousy is often the mood for crying surely don't believe that mezero would kill by because of their resemblance to you why they had nothing in common but appearance somehow i feel that this resemblance has a deeper bearing indication we know however i shall investigate him in the morning after the interest meantime there's something i want you to do what byron's body's going to boss in the morning and you're going with it oh dad i don't want to do that if things as they should be byron's mother will consider that her last letter possibly to suicide and i want you to make her keep that father until we find out downtown i can't see him i couldn't stand that i'm going to try not to be sentimental i know you share my grief and i want you to tell me all about it you see they wouldn't let me see the papers and i know nothing except what the face told me over the telephone i found byron hanging outside the window by the rope that's huge in the fire escape darling now that he's gone i can only remember him as a child have you ever seen his photos will you bring me that album over there please thank you i want you to know byron as i shall always these were taken when he was three years old full of life and play here he is the day after his first haircut the day he lost his baby curls and became a little man there he is a young man entering college my boy your roommate oh we just think would i've killed him no mrs coats you're not to blame at all oh yes i am you don't know you haven't any idea but you're mistaken well then he showed you my last letter his birthday no should he have shown it to me no i should never have written it i thought he was a man now and could understand and forgive me i was very close to violence perhaps if you told me what that letter contained i'd know how it affected it no no that letter's been destroyed now i worried that it should be something i've got to tell you something this case tried to honor your telegram but there was no letter to be found the desk was broken into the night your wire arrived who took it out who took it we don't know but we wish we did and mrs todd please don't get upset but byron did not kill him he was murdered and the murderer wanted your letter this is coach must not be disturbed further i'll call a cab for you heather if you did a clever bit of work and on anything that's conception from the college grounds wasn't the bad bit of sleuthing but i do say so myself i also found out it belonged to professor brand i had bargain tell him to come up here come in gentlemen professor brown can you identify this peculiar weapon why it is a new invention used in the killing of cattle a western packing house sent it to me for exhibition purposes in my economics class all very interesting professor but explain how i found this thing buried in the campus near the auditorium that i can't answer i've been in new york over this past weekend returned today only cause of these tragic deaths don't worry professor our question is only to determine who used that gun in your absence or she read in the papers that these boys were murdered to the penetration of steel needles in their skulls because of my present anxiety you see this gun is the most uncommon instrument to my knowledge the only one within miles of here that could have shot those needles did you ever shoot that gun yourself yes into the woodwork of my classroom for demonstration purposes you see the packing house included three needles as ammunition to the gun during the needles were found in the bodies this is head yes i believe it is i'm positive hey where did you get that needle you've been holding out on the law never mind never mind i'll explain that later now professor there's only one more question can you explain how that gun was taken from your possession i can perhaps i made a serious mistake but iron coats saw me demonstrate the gun in my economics class after the lecture he asked to borrow it over the the weekend student i granted his request with no other thought in mind that he wanted it for further study hardly professor you have to keep the gun as mysterious hello dad i just passed professor brandon in the hallway what's he doing here dad he was identifying his murder weapon first part of my case almost complete learn about your trip to boston well there isn't very much to tell the trip was a flop as far as getting information was concerned what about that did it i couldn't find out what was in that letter but she did show me some very interesting photographs unfortunately you couldn't learn the contents of that letter undoubtedly contained some very starting news besides the inheritance facts whatever that news was probably instilled the thought of suicide in violent minds this unique and silent weapon was demonstrated while he was in his move he painted and kept in his room to the night of his death and he professed to have a headache in order to have privacy he was interrupted by the arrival of an unknown visitor whom sam anderson claimed was here wherever this unknown visitor was he both saw and used the opportunity to kill byron with a very weapon that siren himself produced that's a right smart theory but what about the second murder where does it come in why was byron hanging outside his window where are the pajamas he wore second murder was a murder of necessity to cover the first hanging was an amateur shepherd to proclaim the supposed suicide dharma was removed because of bloodstain these are easy questions my friend difficult one is who was the murderer well i'm going to clean up before we go over the bosses there professor roderick was called away to holy hope for an organ recital he won't be back until tomorrow for the inquisition well we'll go over there anyway why should we go to bosses if he won't be back for tomorrow i can't isn't that the dressing room that byron had on when he died without thinking what's right this let us a byron from his mother the one we're looking for i'm alone here give me that letter i represent the university now wait a minute remember miss coach wanted this letter destroyed unread i'll prevent that i demand it as evidence have it in two times understand your feelings ken take the letter to gene she should read it your mother's not as a byron has just informed you've decided you should be the first to read it because of his evident personal content you of course realize that i was instructed to destroy that letter do you not there's nothing to stop me from still doing so your obligation to justice will stop you before you take this in the living room and read it well i think it's merely a family skeleton if so i asked the right to tear it up but if it has any positive bearing on bob's death i'll give it back to you and you may read it to everyone here you and me are the law but we don't get no evidence or clues so everybody else is through with them yeah and i don't like it you'll have to assume the responsibility for this i don't want to know what's in that letter under any circumstance so i'm going to take a walk on the campus until the whole thing's over stand up get water quickly yes you're all right oh i'm a succinct i'll be all right in a moment did you catch him the deputy no he came in to get the letter but i think i fooled him now jesus tell us just what happened i was sitting in this chair with my back towards the door as i started to read the letter i read the first page when i thought i heard a faint noise behind me you'll take no more chances you read it aloud ken and at once dear aspirant happy birthday you are now 21 and that not only means that you are a man but a wealthy one the boston bank waiting for you is an inheritance from your father your share is over half a million dollars i guess we should have stayed with the sheriff's car on the main world but i've got a hunch that this will lead us to something more than a pasture this is the river override charlie you know the one that leads to the old deserted roadhouse we'll stop here the place is just around the curve nobody's lived in that place for over a hundred years bill that must be the fellow i'll stay here you go back and get the sheriff and the rest of them if anybody tries to leave that house they'll find it unhealthy i'll make it as quick as i can [Music] now byron you know for the first time that you have a half brother john shaw he would be a year older than you are now although i naturally haven't seen him since he was placed for adoption with a french family by the name of mezero 15 years ago please understand byron dear that you and gene have my complete love i've forgotten john as i forgot joe his father who deserves me many years ago when i learned my marriage to him had been faked and illegal at the time that i married your father he accepted and loved john to an extent that made him legally adopt him then as you know father died soon after the birth of gene and pat reading of his will disclosed that he left john an equal third of the fortune you and gene were to share that is why i paid the mezro family to take john hoping his identity would become lost his share in the will forgotten poor mother making blunder after blunder in her effort to do right byron you will help me rather than misunderstand won't you you will still call me your ever-loving mother your mother always was mostly logical showing favoritism towards children is a bad habit as far as i could hear from the letter she had no reason to be ashamed of your half brother thank you john measure always by his brother after all and how by disliking that letter completes the missing part of my theory again young mizrah was undoubtedly guilty of both kind in some way he found out the contents of his stepfather's will and determined not only to have his share but byron and even possibly jeans but how could he have learned of the will mister has not very simple byron read the letter and voted out the news to measure this first opportunity that opportunity being when mezro came to see him the night he was killed we don't know who he is but the follow we followed is in the old roadhouse on the river road come on i'm going to no you mustn't jane no fight right tennis she's not enough excitement for one night yes sir you stay here we lost we found a sheriff where he's in the old deserted house on the river road whoever is in that place is still there he shot at me twice i did a little exploring and i found his car i ripped the battery out and i tried to get in the house that's when he shot at me i think he was alone well it's hard to say there's one sure way to find out by going to the house going up there mistake buy something else first you are fair this is the law speaking i'm giving you a final chance we've got you surrounded better come down peacefully maybe this will convince you that we mean business i guess we'll have to chance those stairs parker and i will leak great i'll call him by name john mithril john shaw throw your gun on the floor and raise your hand i didn't kill him but can accuse me of that and i arrest you for the murder of sam anderson yes i did kill anderson i had to i didn't kill pirates he was my brother and who did it miserable tell me oh shoot i thought which one of you fools killed this boy i have no gun because one of you shot interested he was about to tell a name a bar and coats murderer break those guns open there was only two shots fired from all these guns not counting the one which killed measural guns don't show nothing this is the third killing that's happened in three days this one was done for the same reason that the second one worked keep somebody's mouth shut if john mitchell was not killed by anybody in this room shot in the back by a bullet fired from up above come on barger our turn to do the shooting you go that way parker i'll go in here well now that i've gotten keen off the bed what is it you want to talk to me about about father in this case when i was in boston i discovered father's picture in mrs coat's album it was an old one taken in paris i'm joe i remember she said in a letter to byron that joe was the name of the man who picked her into marriage and then deserved it you can't think what else can i say why would his picture be in her album there's only one way to prove your fear you must get mrs coats up here to face him at once that's just what i'm gonna do i'm gonna start for boston right now and if it's humanly possible bring mrs coats back here tomorrow you're a brave boy kenneth and good luck or rather sad luck to our suspicion ah miss casey just the person i want to see come come come mr harris more questioning no no not exactly i want you to send us mrs coats immediately what well well that's a coincidence tennis has just left for boston together tonight why didn't you tell me you were coming oh my dear girl i should have been with you all through this oh father was in the dining room when we had breakfast he should be here any minute here he comes now well young man it's about time you showed up dad i want you to meet byron's mother mrs cote how'd you do cool why'd you stare so i'm sure we've met before i don't think so so we should have with barden and kenneth rooming together for so long you'll seem to sit in the past i have it i'm have it great heavens lucious long the concert singer supposed to parry don't you remember me i was a student and a mutual friend brought me to your dressing room we had some of that evening and the next day we were driving and you were speaking of getting out of the carriage joe had it yeah oh now i remember you know i still have a picture of you somewhere at home no what a coincidence meeting like this we must have a long talk later on but you cannot say ramirez of course miss case and i will help you mother we'll see you at professor bostwick i certainly am sorry that i had to be away while all this excitement you were speaking of took place or young literal this is the third life though cruelly taken good afternoon are the others here oh yes and professor pastrick is back from holyoke too this is coast i want you to what do you mean sure that's professor boss week that man is john mesaro's father so sure the man i thought i was married to him i demand you hold this man to the murder of byron coats and john mitchell and as accessory in the murder of sam anderson you're a darn tootin i will but i don't know what you're talking about sean mitchell committed all the crimes you accused me of why did you kill him i'll tell you you killed byron's coat so that your own son sam anderson saw you leave the scene of the crime and you forced john to murder him unfortunately for john he was about to disclose your guilt he was the third victim murder of your own son killed the chances of you ever getting your hands on the coach inheritance if john had lived he'd probably been your next and last victim wait a minute get a very clever man mr herrera the blue seal hadn't recognized me your case against me wouldn't be worth a copper on the concert in my dear successes it was all a couple of electric chairs yeah i interviewed the mezros yesterday and discovered your identity as john's father for myself hello gene i don't know how i'm ever going to thank you for all you've done mr harris well it's ken who deserves most of your thanks i did what i could through my interest in criminology the reputation of the college now it's all over there's something i want to ask you you're the mystery yeah where were you the night byron was killed you told ken you were going to bed i saw you into this lobby 2 o'clock in the morning i i'm sorry i lied about that you see i did it to save someone's feelings what i broke a secret engagement to him because well i like someone else as no one but ourselves are involved i lied to ken so that i could meet charlie and tell him how i felt well my dear love affairs and murder mysteries are not strangers by any means who's the lucky man here comes ken don't mention what i told you oh no no i said he detected love to find out for himself if he should know oh dad dang well things are very quiet on the campus there hasn't been a crime all day gene is guilty of a very common crime i'm in the 2000s before i find out what you're guilty of let me make a confession now wait ken let's not get all confused tell me what you wanted to say the other day the other day oh yeah i remember ah [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 126,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic movies, Edward Van Sloan, Robert Warwick, Charles Starrett, FREE, Charles Lamont, A Shot In The Dark (1935), filmstruck, classic movie, #classicmovies, MOVIES, CLASSIC
Id: uUM6VxUeC5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 5sec (4145 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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