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hi everyone i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today i'm going to show you how to make a quilt this is from me and my sister designs and it's called slice of cake it looks really fun to make it has all these different flowers and they're all made from layer cake squares this is the layer cake that i'm going to use this is called prairie dreams from kansas troubles quilters and these prints are what we call civil war style they're dark colors and they're reproduction prints there's a lot of florals and there's some textures and that should make a very interesting quilt the only other thing we need is some background we need five yards and i'm going to use this nice tan color because it matches these fabrics well so our first step is to pop this open now we only need 30 squares and this layer tape like most has 42 so there's 12 squares we're not going to use so i think i'm going to pick off the ones i'm not going to use and it's going to be these light background ones because they won't show up against here we want prints that have a lot of contrast and all of these will look pretty good i've gone ahead and picked out all of the layer cakes i'm going to use and i've just stacked them into stacks of six because they're all going to get cut exactly the same and i can cut six layers fairly easily you may want to stack less if your comfort level is with less pieces of fabric now i can't give you the exact sizes i'm going to cut them to because it's not my pattern but i've made a lot of me and my sister designs patterns before they're very easy to follow once we have all these layer cakes cut our next step is to cut up the background [Applause] i have all of the layer cakes cut i have all of the background pieces cut the one last thing we need are these little tiny squares that go in the middle of the flowers and the pattern calls for an eighth of a yard to cut those squares from but i have a scrap left over from cutting these pieces and this is big enough so that i can cut those little squares from some of the scraps i also might use one or two of these extra layer cake squares and that will give me a variety of different fabrics in the centers which i think will be a little more interesting and i won't need the extra eighth of a yard now the easiest way to make this quilt is one block at a time so i'm going to grab everything we need there's one piece of this one of these guys one of these big squares and two of these rectangles i'm heading to the sewing machine with the two rectangles and the big layer cake piece all we have to do is sew a rectangle onto each side so it's going to fit like this i'm going to put them right sides together and they are the same length so i'm just going to sew down here with a quarter inch seam and then put the other rectangle on the other side and i like to finger press the seams right now so i'm going to press all the seams towards the darker fabric so my seam allowance is going to go that way and i'm just going to kind of pulling it open and running my finger down here and that helps the seam stay going the way we want it to till we get it to the ironing board which is where we're heading next now i'm just going to press this seam towards the middle same thing with this one and give a little steam now we're going to sub cut this into four strips and it's a little bit wider than we need which is good because that way if you're sewing or you're cutting wasn't perfect before we can cut a little bit off of the edge here and then we're working with perfectly straight pieces so i'm going to cut off a little teeny bit and then i'm going to cut four strips out of this so now we've got four strip units that are exactly the same now i'm going to take the big square and i'm going to cut it in half diagonally so i'm putting my ruler on both corners cut right down the middle i've got both halves and one of my strip units and we're going to stitch that right in the middle so the easiest way to do this is to put this piece on the bottom and then this is going to go right sides down on top of it now the strip is a tiny bit longer than the triangle so i'm just going to eye it up so i've got a little bit off of the top here a little bit excess there and the same thing down at this end and you don't have to be 100 percent accurate with how much is here and how much is at the far end because we're going to be trimming off quite a bit extra when the blocks are done anyway so just carefully stitch this on using a quarter inch seam and again we're going to finger press the seam allowance we want that seam allowance going toward the darker fabric so i'm going this way with the seam and i'm going to just squish it down with my fingernail or even the pad of your finger now this piece has to go on here so i'm going to put them right sides together and again instead of sewing with this on the top actually i think it will be easier with this this on the top so i'm going to center this up so i've got about the same amount here as i've got here and you can also look at these corners to help see if you've got it lined up and i'm going to stitch it on and again if it's not 100 percent accurate in terms of centering it it's not going to matter so press those seam allowances again toward the darker fabric we do want to press this now and it's easiest again with the wrong side up so i'm going to hold that fabric down with my iron and then pull it over pull this over just a little bit then use my iron to just get that seam allowance flattened then i'm going to spin the whole thing around and again i'm just going to pull it open just a little and then use my iron to flatten that down and once it's pretty flat now i'm going to flip it right side up dry iron and then i'm going to steam it now this next step feels a little funny but just be brave we are going to cut this from corner to corner again we're going to cut right through that patchwork so just line your ruler up with both corners hold it firmly in the middle and cut it now i'm back at the machine with the two halves and one more of the strip units and we are again going to stitch that right between these so i'm going to put these right sides together and this time it is for sure easier to put the triangle on the bottom because it's a little bit bigger so i'm just going to stitch right down the side here still want to press that seam toward the center or toward the dark here now we need to sew the second half on so i'm going to put it right sides together this time it's easier to have the triangle on top and that's because we are going to use these seams here to help line this up so in other words i don't want it way up here i don't want it way down there i want these seams lined up with those seams and that'll help us center it so i'm going to center it in the middle here smooth over to the edge hold it there and then start stitching up here and you can put a few pins in if you want it's really not that long so you don't have to put pins in if you don't like and it's all straight stitching so it may look complicated because the pieces are odd but it's very easy and the blocks are very forgiving one more finger press toward the center we're going to iron using the same procedure we did the first time around just pull it a little you don't want to stretch it you just want to hold it open there go down that one seam turn the whole block around do the other seam and by not stretching it keeps the block nice and flat now we can flip it over you can feel with your hands that the seam allowances are all going into the middle again open it up just a little i'm just pulling a little then add your steam now we're going to cut the block in half not along the diagonal but right down the middle here so i've lined it up it's pretty much on some lines here and that will help me line up my ruler but basically i'm going right from point to point there so i'm right in the middle of the block and just slicing away and i know it feels uncomfortable but just cut it i've got both halves and one more of these strip units and that again is going to get stitched right in the middle so i'm just going to put those right sides together there now if you there's quite a bit extra here so you might want to fold this in half make a little fold mark so you can see where the center is and then you could do the same thing here or you could stick a pin there just something so you know where the center is and then it's a little bit easier to line this up with the center it doesn't have to be perfect but you do want it pretty well centered so i'm going to stitch this piece on and again we want those seam allowances going toward the middle now to get the second half on it's real easy to line it up so this is going to go here but when we put this right sides together all you have to do is line up the top edge and line up the bottom edge so it's real easy to get that to fit just perfectly we again want to iron this it's just the same procedure we used before we need to cut it one more time so i'm going to put it straight on the cutting board and again we're going right down the middle here and now this piece is going to go in the middle but before we put it in the middle we want to put this piece in the middle of this strip unit so we're just going to cut it in half now the easiest way is to fold it in half and then you can just put your scissors in here and cut it in half now we'll stitch that piece in i'm going to line these up use a careful quarter inch seam seam allowances are still going to go toward the darker fabric and we'll put this second half on now we've got the center of the flower right there i've got the pieced halves of the block here and this is going to go right in the middle now it's easy to put this in the middle because we can line up these seams so we know exactly where it goes on so the seam allowances are nesting meaning they're going in opposite directions so i'm going to line up that first seam allowance you've got a bunch extra sticking off here that's okay we'll just take it over to the machine line up your intersections still finger pressing towards the dark or towards the center here now we just have to put this last piece on again those intersections they're all nesting those seam allowances they're nesting so you can feel with your fingers if they're lining up and then these raw edges here of the block line up again making it easy to get everything centered match up that last intersection there now let's take it to the ironing board and give it one last steam press all right it's nice and flat now we're going to take it to the cutting board because it's not completely straight and it's got all these extra pieces sticking off of it and we're going to trim it down to 10 and a half inches it's about 12 inches right now so we've got plenty that we're going to trim off so i've lined up the middle of this piece on this darker line on my cutting board and i'm going to measure over five and a quarter inches because that's half of the ten and a half i want it to finish so i'm going to cut off that there now you can measure over from this line to ten and a half which is going to be right here quarter inch beyond this line here and i'm using my ruler to line up on my cutting board and that gives me a nice accurate size here so it's exactly ten and a half inches wide now i'm going to use the same procedure this way so i'm lining it up so the middle of this piece just by eye is on that line there this line is in the middle and i'm going to measure over five and a quarter again that's half of how big my block is supposed to be and then i like to just measure from here ten and a half again you could measure five and a quarter from the middle but i find this to be a little more accurate so ten and a half is right here so that is the finished block they're very forgiving if you had a little more here than you had here it's not really going to show even if your seams didn't line up there it's not going to show because it's floating in the middle so it's a very nice neat satisfying block to make i've got all the blocks done and i'm ready to lay out the quilt so the blocks just get laid out in rows and i'm just going to alternate colors if you like you could group all of the gold down in one area and all of the green in another area so that's simply a matter of preference i like to just lay them out at random and try to mix up the colors and you'll notice i'm leaving a little space between all of the blocks because we're going to add some sashing the last thing we need to do is take these sashing pieces we cut earlier and they're going to go between the blocks this way so all of these rows these long rows get sashing like this so all you have to do now is sew all of these blocks and the sashing into one long row you do that with every row then we have some longer pieces of sashing which are going to get stitched into one really long piece and the pattern tells you exactly how long to cut them down so that they will fit exactly between the rows then we're going to take some more of this put it around the outside get everything stitched up and get it onto the quilting machine i've got the top all stitched up and i've picked out some thread colors so we can see what would look good on this pattern we do have a lot of empty space but i don't think i want to go with a dark color sometimes when you have a lot of negative space like this it's nice because your thread will show and all of these will match but i'm a little worried that something that dark will take away from the nice flowers so i'm thinking one of these golds will look good now that's going to blend right in this is the same color as the background probably not going to show at all this is a little bit darker kind of a mushroom color now that is one option let me move it somewhere where we can see more of it okay so that's going to blend in pretty well won't show much there and then i have a bright gold this again it'll show a little bit we've got it right here i think that this one here i think that's my best option for the quilting pattern i'm going to use this one called star flower swirl i like that it has flowers i love this little part here and the whole quilt almost all of the prints that are in it do have flowers the blocks have flowers but this is a little softer than the hard geometric lines that are in the quilt so this will look really good on this quilt [Applause] so something a little unfortunate just happened i put the new color of thread onto the machine here and i tied it on and normally i then pull it through so the new color is showing but i forgot to pull it through so it started quilting with the cone that was already on the machine which is this gold color so when the knot came to the needle the machine stopped stitching and that's what made me think oh i made a mistake here so here's my options i can either continue to quilt with this gold thread which is what is on there or i can pick out all this stitching and re-quilt it with the other color now that i'm looking at it i think the gold actually looks pretty good so i'm just going to continue on quilting with this color luckily the thread that was already on here was pretty close it was one of the choices that i could have used to quilt this in if it had been black or green or purple i probably would have noticed right away but because it's close i didn't notice till the thread broke the slice of cake quilt is all done i really could not be any happier with how it turned out it was really fun to make and the pattern is quite forgiving so when you put your blocks together if you don't have everything lined up with all your sashing you really can't tell at all because the background is all the same color and then when you quilt it everything comes together very very nicely now on the back side i used a real dark print and the quilting in the gold thread just looks great i love it when the quilting shows up on the back side the finished size is about 59 and a half by 71 so it's really nice for a throw size it also would make an awesome big wall hanging now i did think about making this with a dark background and light or bright flowers and i think that would look really nice so if anybody makes this in a different color combination send us a picture because we would love to see how that turns out thanks so much for watching our tutorial today we hope you enjoyed it now at the end of every video we always do a giveaway and right now we have our biggest giveaway ever going on right now so you could win a 500 gift certificate you could win 100 gift certificates we have five of them we also have five finished quilts you could win or we have some quilt kit bundles those include kits and fabric for borders and binding this is our 500 000 giveaway because our youtube channel almost has 500 000 subscribers so it's very easy to enter and you only have to enter once to be able to win any of the 16 prizes right below the video there's a link here and that will take you to the giveaway page click here to enter put in your email address and your name and that's all you have to do so good luck and we're going to be giving everything away once we reach 500 000 subscribers we're pretty close so if you'd like to subscribe we'll get there that much sooner happy quilting you
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 268,832
Rating: 4.9267559 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, slice, of, cake, cakes, layer, learn, fun, easy, fast, technique, techniques, stitch, needle, thread, howto, simple, giveaway, contest, win, arts, crafts, hobby, hobbies, wow, make, simplicity, teach, how, to, build, love, threads
Id: c4fvI_s0xB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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