Seven Crows in English | Story | English Fairy Tales

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[Music] the seven crows once upon a time there was far away amid high mountains a green valley the valley was crossed by a clear stream and the woodsman had built his stone house on its shore the woodsman was married and had seven sons and one daughter bye dear bye kids he often had to travel from home to work and his wife had a hard time bringing up the children alone oh [Music] what a nasty bunch actually the daughter did not cause her any trouble because she was kind pretty and helpful but the boys were the cause of her problems because they were rude disobedient and quarrelsome they had no respect for their mother and she was very worried for them kids are for old people mom when the husband returned from home tired after a week's hard work the poor wife couldn't bring herself to tell him of his son's mischievous behavior because she didn't want to worry him further oh poor thing is so tired I must not disturb him with such petty things so the woman kept her sorrow to herself not realizing that by doing so her son's would only get worse and worse as a matter of fact when their father was not home to punish them the boys kept on taking advantage of the situation which continued to get worse brothers please pay heed to mama shut up stupid girl their sister suffered most because she loved her brothers even if they were wicked but she loved her mother especially being the youngest however none of the brothers paid any attention to her reprimands one day the seven boys got into the biggest trouble yet in the woods grew a dangerous grass which causes the animal stomachs to swell the woodsman had always told his sons to make sure that their goats never ate any the cruel boys filled a bag with the grass and then mixed it in with the animal's food I'm dying to see how our goats swell up if they instead of bleeding me later on the goats and the cow fell ill their belly swelled eight and they could not stand up oh mama look animals are so sick Oh what has happened to the poor beings we won't have any more milk we won't be able to make any cheese how will we survive then stupid these animals are looking their son's laughed maliciously and did not realize that evil they had done until the woman at the height of her desperation cried when she spoke these words a mysterious cloud overshadowed the Sun it was 17 a very chilly and the boys turned into seven big crumbs croaking oh good lord what have I done the woman was so frightened and felt such great regret that she fainted Oh mother what do I do now when the father came back from work the day after he found out the truth and was very upset nevertheless he tried to comfort his wife oh dear it's not your fault our sons were nasty and you were bound to lose your cool but the house was filled with sadness and despair a long time passed and the little girl grew older she still remembered her brothers and rarely smiled one day she asked her mother's permission to go and look for them no way dear I cannot lose you too I will find them I feel it I feel I have to go and that they are expecting me let me go mother and give me your blessing okay dear the mother could not resist her daughter's please and the little girl left home with a little bundle of provisions she walked for two days through the woods climbing towards the mountains where are you guys her provisions were getting over pretty soon she had no more food her clothes were torn and she was cold and tired the third day at dawn she saw a strange little cottage in the mist somethin attracted her to the house even though it had a gloomy and uninviting appearance when she was inside the house she found a little table with seven bowls on it and her heart beat very fast maybe she had found what she was looking for can it be she went ahead and saw there was a large pot full of wheat and oats on the fire oh the little girl was very hungry and so she poured a bit of food in a bowl and ate it avidly then she went upstairs and found a little bedroom with seven little beds each one with a different colored blanket blankets of their favorite colors with tears in her eyes the little girl realized she had finally found her brothers exhausted by the trip and the commotion the little girl laid down on a bed and fell asleep I must wait for them later on seven chattering brothers pushed open the front door and sat around the kitchen table someone is some of our soup but he'll it ever come up here we're condemned to be alone on these mountains forever nobody will ever come to look for us when they finished eating the crows pulled on their sleeping caps we went upstairs and found the little girl in one of their beds but one of the crows said after delicately touching her braid with his beak that's right this is our sister our sister our sister at that moment the little girl opened her eyes and when she saw herself surrounded by the big and ugly birds she was frightened but out of one ugly beak spoke a kind voice are you our sister oh you are sister or you are theft or are you our sister the little girl got up and opened her arms my brothers thank you I thank you we're together again and lust the seven crows looked at her sadly don't we frightened and disgust you the girl hugged every one of them I love you very much and even if you've turned into crows you're still my brothers when they heard this the crows were moved and began to cry don't cry please we miss home family why don't you come back home with me we would like very much to come back we would like very much to come back we like very much to come back and we were great our evil ways but how can we show ourselves to our parents like this mother would accept you all the same I am sure of it she keeps crying and thinking of you in spite of what we did yes that's being mother she has yet not forgiven herself for the curse brothers come back but she will be most happy to see you all the little girl insisted and convinced her brothers to come home with her okay then we shall all go home and she began to walk down the mountain there's no need to walk back up and down the mountain sister we will fly there and carry you as they were about to leave the youngest brother said wait a minute let's bring mother all the sparkling stones we found as a present he goes in and brings back bags full of beautiful stones wow they're really beautiful do you like them very much they might be precious you know when we crose see something Sparkle we cannot help ourselves and take it and see this one sparkles more than the rest maybe it's a diamond yes maybe it's beautiful brother they finally laughed the world was very different from above at first the little girl was scared don't worry little sister we won't let you fault no worry little sister we won't let you fall the seventh rose held her firmly and flew safely when they saw the valley the stream and the little house where they were born the courtyard was deserted and when they landed the little girl said you wait here and I'll go and call mother let's surprise her she silently went into the kitchen and saw the poor woman leaning on the table and weeping she hugged her and kissed her saying mother I'm back and I have a big surprise for you oh my dear dear daughter you're here at last I thought I'd lost you forever the poor woman was so happy and moved that she didn't know whether to laugh or cry the girl wiped her tears and brought the mother to the Courtyard in the courtyard she found the crows poor sons I missed you so much I am so sorry to have added that curse a mother should never say such things against her children no mother we deserved it we regret all we have done we very much regret our wickedness oh my family is together again they were all crying over the past when suddenly another miracle occurred the Seven Brothers boys again Oh Dylan brothers you are back to your old self the father who had heard voices ran out of the house thank God I can see my children again father we are so sorry father we are so sorry for the daily he cried as he hugged his sons and his daughter the years passed and the boys became more and more responsible the stones the crows had brought to their mother turned out to be precious after all and the treasure allowed the family to live a better life [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 2,184,374
Rating: 4.4207563 out of 5
Keywords: Seven Crows in English, English Fairy Tales, english story, fairy tales in english, english stories, english fairy tale, fairy tales, story in english, bedtime stories, fairy tales english, english fairy tales stories, stories in english, story english, english, the seven crows, stories, english tales, fairy tales stories in english, fairy tail, stories for kids in english fairy tales, the seven crows story, story
Id: FW5rvgy3CHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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