Ant And The Grasshopper in English | Story | English Fairy Tales

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the ant and the grasshopper anybody not enjoy this summer is here with its grass and fruits at war grass this is Raghu Raghu is a grasshopper who loves to sing and to play and to do nothing but lie around he loved summer in the green grass Raghu is a happy grasshopper the fresh smell of grass the fruits the walking fruits wait what why is the fruit walking Raghu was scared viciously crept towards the walking fruit tell me who you are goosed magic the fruit kept coming towards raghu slowly sliding against the green ground then suddenly hell the fruit is running towards me the fruit is attacking me wait what is that noise as Raghu listened closely he heard some voices giggling and there it was a dozen ants right under the fruit I wasn't afraid don't you know I am a grasshopper I am supposed to be running and hopping oh yes mr. Raghu are you sure the fruit didn't scare you oh please hopping is my job you silly ants just like your job is to get a dozen ants just to carry one fruit I am big and mighty I don't need anybody's assistance to carry a fruit do you tiny ones need help to finish the fruit very funny Raghu but we are not carrying this fruit to eat we are collecting look there and collecting they were as the aunt pointed out raghu saw more than a dozen ants walking in lines towards a big hole in the ground they carried tomatoes berries corn and also baby carrots every end would drop some food in the hole and return to help others the lines of food were endless Raghu was now curious what are you all doing why are you dropping the food in the ground of the fruits gone bad come no not at all we are storing food soon the summer will be gone and the winter will be upon us the fruits and leaves will be gone we have to be prepared for that or else we will starve Raghu you must store food to all these fruits and the green grass will be gone soon oh you are also time it that's why you need a whole season to collect and store food I will do it in a matter of days till then I will enjoy the breeze and laze around the river the ants knew that ragu is making a mistake but they also knew that ragu will not listen to them they wished him well and carried on with their work what silly creatures they are missing out on the season winter doesn't end the world surely we won't die there will definitely be something to eat why worry about tomorrow ragu paid no attention to the aunt's advice he hopped and skipped the whole day and chewed on the fresh grass he lays down the river and whistled carelessly weeks passed and ragu grew fatter one day as he was lying on the thick layer of grass he saw a long line events carrying twigs and leaves what is this where are you taking these leaves and twigs we're taking this to keep us comfortable during the winter you must collect two ragu winter will be very cold winters are always cold you silly you are so many that's why you have to work so hard I am just me I will surely find something the aunt knew that ragu will not listen to her she turned to leave just then ouch my leg Oh what happened are you okay Oh late hurts I can't walk now Oh come we will take you home no home is far away now and you all have two weeks to carry that's fine you can sit on my back and I will fly you to your home you will do that oh why not come on now Raghu flew away with the ant on his back the ant had never felt so happy she saw the green lands the waterfalls and the rivers she felt the breeze on her face as they reached home Raghu saw at least a hundred ants bringing leaves and throwing them into a big hole Raghu was surprised he sat down and the baby and slid down his back Thank You mr. Raghu okay baby aunt hope you enjoyed your ride off you go take care of your leg hello rug have you begun your collection of food and leaves where will you live in the winter oh I am big and mighty I will find something when the winter comes why worry about tomorrow Diez passed and the summer was ready to leave trees started to shed their leaves and grass had begun to change its color and Raghu was growing fatter each day he lazed around the water on a dry leaf looking at the bright sky eating the little green leaves that were left I don't see any ants anymore maybe they finally took my advice and decided to enjoy the season whatever is left of it anyway they have missed out on a lot and then winter came snow had covered the whole ground gone where the green grass and the ripe fruits ragu searched and searched for a single green leaf but could not find any he searched for a warm place but snow had built layers and layers upon the warm ground weeks passed and ragu grew thinner and weaker with each day he had no shelter and no food he then remembered that the ants had taken a lot of food and twigs under the ground he found the place and knocked on their door anybody hear me it's cold out here I'm hungry do you have any shelter and food for me oh but winters are always cold you silly aren't you the one who had laughed at me once and said this you're the one who kept saying why worry about tomorrow what happened now hey I understand my mistake I I should have prepared for winter please give me some food listening to all the commotion the Queen and other hands came out of the hole we all have our share of the food even if we give you some food you cannot come down here and live this place is not big enough but I Oh what happened to you regu had collapsed on the ground with a thud oh no we have to save him he will starve after all he did help me once when I had injured my leg the ad narrated the incident to the Queen she explained how raghu and helped her which she was a baby [Music] bring out some leaves and wrap him up let's quickly build a small house for him from the twigs we have it will keep him warm we have enough food we can share it with him the ants wrapped up Raghu with some leaves to keep him warm they brilliantly built a house from twigs and carried Raghu inside it they fed him hot soup and some fruits soon Raghu was back on his feet thank you your highness thank you for saving me oh you my life you are a nice insect too Raghu you helped a member of my group we will help you for this winter but remember always be prepared for the future I know it now your highness you should not worry but always be prepared for tomorrow never be lazy [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 272,306
Rating: 4.6010141 out of 5
Keywords: Ant And The Grasshopper in English, English Fairy Tales, fairy tales in english, fairy tales english, english fairy tale, fairy tales, the ant and the grasshopper, english tales, english stories, english fairy tales stories, fairy tales stories in english, english story, stories in english, fairy tale english, grasshopper, fairy tale in english, kids story in english, bedtime stories, ant and the grasshopper, fairy tale stories in english, fairy tales in hindi, Story
Id: yq_J78PjsBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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