Pinocchio in English | Story | English Fairy Tales

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[Music] Pinnochio a long time ago in a small town there lived an old toy maker named Geppetto he used to make wooden toys and sell them all the kids were fond that he's attractive and colorful toys Geppetto always wanted to have his own child today I will create a beautiful puppet boy whom I will treat like my child Geppetto searched for a fine log in the forest and soon found a small pine log AHA this is just the perfect what I was looking for Geppetto took the log on his back like a baby and carried it to his house he put the log on the table and started to cause with his artful hands the log started to shape into a figure first the head of the puppet formed then his arms and legs followed Geppetto finally finished the nice beautiful puppet boy oh what a handsome boy I've made you remind me of my childhood son I will never sell you to anyone I shall call you Pinocchio might not it was nighttime Geppetto went to sleep with Pinocchio close to him Geppetto fell into a deep sleep as he was tired of the hard work he had done all day suddenly there appeared a fairy Geppetto you have given happiness to many kids with your creative toys I reward you with a special gift for your noble work the very waved her magic wand on Pinocchio and what a surprise the puppet started to move on his own he jumped right out of bed and bound to the fairy respectfully thank you very you have given me a life now I can walk I can dance yes my friend now you are alive you have to be a good child don't trouble your father and always listen to him if you prove yourself to be a good child I will give you a special gift oh really I will always listen to my father your father sleeping do not disturb him surprise him in the morning next morning as Geppetto woke up he saw Pinocchio sitting next to him staring at him and blinking his eyes Oh like my Buffett is alive my canoe he was alive yes Father are you alive Geppetto hunt Pinocchio I just can't believe this I have never been so happy Gepetto and Pinocchio started to have happy times together it was time for Pinocchio to go to school father now I am old enough to go to school like all the other kids please spare me some books in a pencil of course I will get it for you soon Geppetto did not have enough money to buy school stationery therefore he sold his only coat and gave the money to Pinocchio good father where is your coat oh I didn't wear it today it's too old and torn now I don't like to wear it anymore no cool dear son learn well and make me proud thank you Father bye spiel Pinocchio got on way to the floor with joy seeing all the shots the people and the marketplace is on the way suddenly honeybees dog crowds gathered ahead he slowly managed to make his way ahead to find out what it's all about whoa what he saw was a big colourful tent it was a circus tent a clown was standing on the gate Pinocchio was about to enter the gate when the clown stopped him you can't enter without a picket Pinocchio thought for a while and pulled out the money that his father gave him take this money and give me the ticket the clown gave him the ticket and Pinocchio entered the tent with excitement a magician was performing the magic show and affair was driving a unicycle Pinocchio was astonished wow what an amazing place this is the circus master saw him from the wing oh is that a living puppet I will go grab him and make him play in my circus now I don't need to pay puppeteers for puppet shows as soon as the show was over he smoked eel from getting out don't leave the circus yet now you will be a part of the circus my living puppet let me go I have to go to school why did you come here then instead of going to school I'm sorry I lied to my father my father gave me money for books and I spent it all to buy a ticket I will never do it again please let me go oh and be a good boy and don't lie to your father again the circus master gave him five gold coins to buy his book oh thank you you were so kind and generous Pinocchio took the coins and ran away happily while he was on his way a cunning cat and greedy Fox saw the coins in Pinocchio's hand and stopped him wooden boy where are you going in such a hurry I'm going to the market to buy school books hey school book why don't you think of buying burgers and milk ice cream and you can share that with a uh-uh-uh-uh-uh but I don't have that much money this boy looks foolish we can rob him good of course you do you have five gold coins but you can plant and grow a tree full of money oh is that possible yes of course come with me I will show you a good place to plant these toys Pinocchio believed it and followed the cat on the Fox Fox furtively ran away without being noticed after walking for a while they reached a farm I think this is the right place Pinocchio dug a pit hole he quickly dropped all the coins in the hay filled it with soil now this tree will grow and I can buy books and also a coat for my father I will get you burgers and milk cream too you fool go away these are my coins in fear Pinocchio ha ha and fell into a big pit cat God help me somebody help me it was a trap which was set by the Fox you still thinking that I'm here to help you you fool the cat and the Fox removes the coin from the hole and escaped Pinocchio was left all alone what have I done I've only did the wrong people I didn't listen to my father so the cat and Fox told me I deserve this all of a sudden the fairy appeared what happened to nokia how did you fall into this pit I I was going to buy schoolbooks and cue cunning animals caught me and throw me into this all then they stole my gold corns as soon as he said this his nose began to grow longer and longer uh what's happening to my nose why is it growing long is because you lie your dose will grow longer each time you tell a lie Pinocchio was ashamed and stuffed the whole truth to the fairy as you started to speak the truth is know started to become normal now that you are speaking the truth I will set you free and let you go to your father the fairy waved her magic wand on Pinocchio and he flew out of it thank you dear fairy god bless you be a good boy don't ever lie again [Music] Pinocchio started walking home on his way he met his friend Romeo wait wait Pinocchio where are you going in such a hurry come along with me I'm going to Toyland toilet where is that and why should I go there it is full of toys and sweets and chocolates no parents to scold you there no one interrupts while playing and no studies that sounds awesome let's go Pinocchio joined a trainer and went to Toyland Pinocchio and Romeo started to eat sleep play on life and have fun they stayed in Toyland for many days one day Pinocchio felt there were some strange transformations happening in his body he had a tail and big ears like a donkey uh what is happening to me there is something fishy with it place at a distance he saw a man driving donkeys walk faster I will fill you in the market you fools Pinocchio realized that it was a trick the Toyland was actually controlled by an evil donkey trader he lured kids with grease and toys and then transformed them into Joseph's and souls in his market Pinocchio ran away from the place as fast as he could he heard some gossip as he reached the market in the village did you hear about Geppetto he searched for his son in the entire village but he couldn't find him so he one else's see so what for yes my version both more cows thing hearing the Pinocchio felt very sad and guilty so he ran and jumped right into the scene without the beer being drowned as soon as Pinocchio repelled and selfishness he transformed back to his normal self no more tail and long ears as he was made of wood he was floating he swam and swam without knowing where to go as he reached the middle of the sea a big mouth came out the waters and swallowed ah it was a big whale Oh where am I it's all dark in here Oh father what have I done I wish I could meet you once more of course my son I'm here for you father Pinocchio's father and son hugged each other sorry father I'd like to use your body to watch the circus Pinocchio told him everything honestly it's fine I forgive now we have to escape from here father you have a matchbox right yes and we have so much shipwreck floating inside yes I will like this wood on fire and cook the fishes this way Lee that's how I stayed alive for a long time okay then we have to light a fire with all the wood in his stomach till the smoke reaches his throat and knows what great idea Pinocchio should have tried this before they collected a big heap of one enlightening news slave black smoke came out of the fire the whale started to feel a burning sensation inside the cylinder he cut off the pedal and Pinocchio both belong to the seashore Kim see I'm your son it's my duty to protect you proud of you at that moment the fairy appeared to nokia finally you have proved yourself to be a good son you say your father as I told you earlier I'm giving you a special gift the very way dramatic loss on Pinocchio uh something is beating and my skin I have become a human my heart is beating Oh fanny you gave me a son thank you for your tightness it's for your good work if you do good deeds the universe will always shower his blessings upon you thereafter Pinocchio and Geppetto lived happily and made more beautiful toys for children [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 822,812
Rating: 4.5664163 out of 5
Keywords: Pinocchio in English, English Fairy Tales, pinocchio, pinocchio english, fairy tales in english, pinocchio story, bedtime stories, pinocchio story in english, fairy tales, english story, fairy tales english, pinokio story, english fairy tales pinocchio, pinokio story in english, english stories, pinokio in english, pinokio english, pinocho english, story of pinocchio in english, Story, kids story, cartoon story, kids fairy tales, pinocchio story in english for kids
Id: P5tQQaDVmeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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