Steadfast Tin Soldier in English | Story | English Fairy Tales

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the steadfast tin soldier this is a story not that old Manu was a small boy who lived with his parents in a big house man who loved toys and had lots of them every time a new toy came in the market - parents would buy it for him this room was filled with teddy bears and Barbies and racecars once monos leather got him a box made of tin what's in it mama this is for my sweet little boy the tin soldiers now you have an army of your own they will protect you Wow my 10 soldiers inside were 100 small soldiers made out of tin out of these 100 soldiers there was one very different tin soldier hello this poor soldier has only one leg mama oh they mistakenly must have put him here he is defective I will take it back no mama didn't you say that being different doesn't mean we are bad or wrong then he is just different I will make him the captain his name would be captain tin rest'll look the same I can't name them I will never know which soldier I am playing with but I will always know who captain tin is he is a special soldier oh my child I told you well you are right there is no defect in him he's only different than us he is special mana loved captain tin and kept him in the Shelf listen captain tin you have to watch over all my toys when I am away okay we are a team we will never let go of each other Manu dinner is ready okay captain 10:00 I will see you later tin loved his human as soon as Manu closed the door behind him all the toys came to life tin was watching everyone the Panda stretched his back the giraffe who had fallen down very awkwardly stood up and stretched his neck Barbie turned her neck which was facing the wrong side he was just a few minutes back ah well I am a bat I sleep during the day it's not my fault but tin had stopped listening to them his eyes were stuck at a distance shiny figure there she was a beautiful paper ballerina in a huge castle she had different shiny sequins on her dress that which on the most was a red bright heart right at the center of her dress she danced on one foot with her other foot raised high behind her there was a beautiful pond right outside the castle the water shone on her face like morning dew on the grass hidden could not see anything else wow I have never seen anyone as beautiful as her trey the-- yeah she is T of always on one foot she is a determined ballerina oh I am sorry I didn't mean to disrespect I didn't know I was talking aloud oh you really are a good soldier humble and respectful I am honored sir thank you that's all he spoke to mr. dolphin but he would never forget what he had said Tracy the ballerina it didn't take time for Tim to realize that he was in love with Tracy the evening passed all the toys played and laughed but tin had not looked away from Tracy for even a second I should go and talk to her but what will I say will she accept me well I must at least try it's better than sitting here and thinking about it mr. dolphin will you help me get off this shelf I have to go talk to miss Tracy I have to tell her what I feel of course but if you don't mind can I say something sure Tracy of the most beautiful ballerina around and you were just a tin soldier with only one leg do you think she will accept you I am sorry but I like you I don't want you to get hurt don't say sorry you speak the truth but baring just one leg does not mean I don't have a heart she deserves to know how much I love her I can't decide what she feels she can reject me if she feels so but she has to know first right hmm I never thought of it that way you were right what others think of us is not important important is what we think of ourselves off you go good luck captain Tim Tim took a deep breath and started towards the ballerina he fell a few times trying to jump towards her but every time he got back up and just with the same energy he finally reached the castle he was nervous but he was sure of what he had to do just tell her how beautiful she is and that you would like to know her more hello miss I am here to say that I am beautiful no I mean you are beautiful I mean not that others are ugly but but but I mean nobody is ugly this castle is also beautiful ah this pond the giraffe and the Panda all are beautiful creatures not that I'm calling you a creature look I should stop talking you must be captain Tim you were not hurt you fell down a few times oh yes it's a little challenging to walk with one leg ah yes I am sorry oh don't be jumping is good exercise too yes Tracy could not move her eyes away from ten she had never seen a soldier who had such a strong will he was special indeed I came here to tell you that you are the most beautiful ballerina and I would like to be your friend Thank You captain ten and Tracy spent the whole night near the pond talking and laughing it was the best night for both of them come see my new toys I will introduce you to my new captain he is strong and handsome captain ten oh where is he mama did you see my captain Tim oh so many toys oh the Tim soldier wait he is broken I must give him a proper farewell let me send him off in a boat off you go soldier butterflies Oh No wha-what where am I going the water was plummeting full speed there was nothing tim could have done No Oh No I have to get back up there to my human and to Tracy but before 10 can think anything he was again falling deeper into the gun the mo of the water was slow now but in could neither turn the boat nor jump off it he knew he will drown in the water hours passed and the steadfast soldier kept trying to turn the boat but then no no no the water merged with the sea the boat was completely destroyed he tried hard but could not swim him drown to the bottom of the vest Tracy I am so sorry no but I will not give up I am captain Tim I will spend the rest of my life trying to get back to Tracy and Manu get over west 10 set up and started to jump to find his way a big fish came swimming oh no silly fish I am NOT food let me out the steadfast soldier kept moving inside the fish to get out the fish was so uncomfortable that it came to the surface of the water just then got it I was served good fish today the cook took the fish in the kitchen and cut it open with a big sharp knife Oh what what is this a tin soldier the cook quickly washed the soldier under the tap he wanted to show everyone what he has found after all a soldier had come back from his journey the pin felt differently he didn't notice the cooks face but he noticed something else why does this place look familiar how could it be maybe I hit my head too hard but tin was right he had been there before it was the same house he was back to Manu and his love Tracy that is my captain Tim I had lost him yesterday oh thank you for bringing him back tin was happy to see Manu but his eyes were searching for his dear ballerina and there she was standing exactly where she was waiting for him as tin looked at her his eyes didn't move he didn't realize when the cook slipped and tin went flying with a burning fireplace Oh captain 10 but it was too late 10 was melting but he felt no pain for he kept staring at his dear ballerina Tracy - couldn't take her eyes off her soldier if only she could go with him just then Manu had an idea he quickly ran to the window and opened it here the wind would blow the fire out but the wind could not blow out the fire what it did was pushed the paper ballerina to the burning fire Oh Tracy all the toys watched as Tracy and killed burned in the fire they had a smile on their faces they were together at last till the mother came the fire had burned the paper ballerina and the tin soldier nothing was left of them oh mama Tracy and tin are gone oh I am so sorry my child what is that is that a heart a heart it was a melted black heart made of melted tin it had a red colored smaller heart right at the center just like the one that was stuck on the ballerinas dress that's all that was left of her Manu knew his toys well he knew what had happened he smiled and kept the blended heart on the top floor of the shelf no one could now disturb tin and Tracy they would be together always and Manu would now never lose either of them Tracy and Tim we're now inseparable [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 1,571,088
Rating: 4.0737281 out of 5
Keywords: The Steadfast, Tin Soldier in English, The Steadfast Tin Soldier in English, Bedtime Stories, english story, stories for kids in english, fairy tales stories, english stories for kids, English Fairy Tales, Tin man, Tin Soldier and Princess story, New Stories for kids, Ballerina story for kids, Soldier and princess love story, Story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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