Setup and use auto lip sync in OpenToonz & Tahoma2D !

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hello friends and today i want to show you how to set up the auto lip sync feature in open tunes and how to use it both in open tombs and tahoma 2d using parts for shot from our recent entry to the 11 second club challenge so there's three steps to using auto lip sync first you need to download and reference the rhubarb lip sync program and this is already done in tahoma then create or import your mouth shapes or the character with the 10 mouth shaped positions and add one of them to a column and then third apply the audio to that column and you can see these steps written in more detail in the description below for your reference so first we have to set up access to rhubarb the program that does the actual work and this is a similar process to setting up ffmpeg so to do that just go to the rhubarb lip sync release page on github and the latest release is shown here at the top for me it's currently version 1.12 so click on the appropriate zip file for your operating system so i'll click on the windows zip and now this will download a zip file to my downloads folder so just unzip it and then open that unzipped folder and then copy that to somewhere obvious on your computer where you can find it later so i'll copy it to the root of my c drive as i have for ffmpeg and then run open tunes and go to the preferences dialog in the file menu and go to the auto lipsync section and then copy in the path to where you just copied the rhubarb directory so that's the folder that has the executable inside it so i've got to send my c drive rhubarb and if you want to you can also increase the timeout to give rhubarb longer to calculate the lip sync so i'll increase that by an extra zero from 600 to 6000 and then just restart open tunes so now we're set up we can use the auto lip sync so load up your scene and i've got the second shot for my 11 second club entry here so i'll just hide everything except the talking character so here's the scene if i just play that hi i made macaroni if you want some so i've separated the mouth shapes from the head and body you can see here there's a column called cook which is the body and head of the character and a separate column i've called mouth which is just the mouth shapes but you can have all of the drawings in one level if you wish so whether you have a single level for the character or you have a separate level for the mouth what you do need is to have 10 separate drawings for the different mouth shapes and if you're importing drawings from another program the mouth shapes need to be imported as an image sequence that is being named in a way that opens recognizes as a sequence of images and ideally you'd have the mouth shapes as the first 10 drawings in this level or in the image sequence and you'd add them in the right order to make the process smoother but we'll see the order in a minute so you see my mouth column here it has an animation key on the first frame and that's just to put the mouth in the right place so i can move that around here and if i select on a drawing in the mouth level at the right hand side here you'll see 10 separate drawings in the level strip for each of the different mouth shapes and they're all drawn over the top of each other so they'll sit in the right place when placed in front of my character in the timeline you'll see the final chosen drawings that make up the speech so if i play the animation you'll see the movement here i i made macaroni if you want some and i've got a copy of the mouth here locked so i don't accidentally delete it so i can see exactly what the mouse were in the final version so if i delete all but the first drawing by pressing delete on frame two and i can select the bar on the remaining frames which highlights them all and then tap delete because you only need one of your mouth drawings on the timeline to set this up so you can just right click on that first drawing and then choose from the lip sync menu apply auto lipsync to column and then you'll see this dialog so the first thing to do in this dialog is to select where the audio comes from and if you've already added the audio to your timeline you'll see it added here from the column or you can choose a file on disk if you want to use an external file and then choose which of your drawings is to be used for the 10 different mouth shapes here so you just click through the arrows choose the right drawing and this is where it's useful to have the drawings already drawn in the right order it automatically selects drawing one for the first mouth shape then drawing two three four and so on so this is where it's useful to write down the order of these 10 shapes before you draw them so there's nine shapes first for the different sounds so there's an a type for sound then e o u f or v where you're biting your lip then l where you can usually see the tongue m or b and w which is kind of a tight pointy lip shape and then a generic c d which is kind of the mouth open slightly finally with the rest position which is the position of the mouth when your character isn't talking and the final thing i tend to tick the box at the end here to extend this rest drawing to the end marker so it has the drawing of the mouth being closed added up to the end of your animation and then just click apply and then just wait a minute for rhubarb to evaluate your audio clip and when it does it'll choose the mouth shapes to show and add them into the timeline and this is the the default set of mouths that it's chosen here let me play this through hi i made macaroni if you want some and it's not too bad it's hit the main beats of the speech but it's not quite right so then i'd go through and fix this to make it clearer by holding some mouth shapes longer so you can see them better by taking out some of the shapes to make it less flappy sometimes it can move too much and to add some mouth shapes to show the mouth opening and closing so as a gradual changing of the shape to be smaller wider wider wider and then going smaller or smaller can make it look more natural and the main technique i use to do this is to move to the right frame on the timeline and then press the q or w keys to cycle through the mouth shapes so here's the final version hi i made macaroni if you want some so that's it an easy way to set up auto lip sync for your animations so i hope that was useful if so you know what to do and if you want to examine this further then you'll find this project available to download my patreons here on my patreon page so do check that out and for more details about manually adjusting your lip sync then this next video will be exactly what you need so do take a look at that so i'll see you next time for another video and that's a guarantee
Channel: Darren T
Views: 12,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, opentoonz, tahoma2d, auto lip sync, lip sync in opentoonz, automatic lip sync, automatic lip sync animation
Id: itib-Vt9nkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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