Lip sync in OpenToonz, with Papagayo

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[Music] hello friends and welcome to a look at how you can use Papagayo to help add lip-sync to your cartoons and that is to help you decide which version of a set number of mouth shapes you should be showing at what point during your animation today your cows will look like he's talking and of course this only helps with mouth shapes not with your acting or other staging involved in your animation that you have to choose to add later but using this can still be a good shortcut to get an accurate lip-sync and as this video is quite detailed I've got links in the description to each section of this tutorial so you can skip to the parts you want to see or skip back to them to re-watch them ok so let's get started so the first thing you want to do is to download Papagayo and install it there's a few versions of Papagayo out there so three versions of Papagayo here now downloaded version 2 beta and also a version forma Ruffner and these are the folks that also make their own version of open seams and I've got links to both of these in the description below and both are pretty similar but the original one at the top left here as a preview feature that I use that isn't in the revenant version so I'll be using this version to beat Zahir although this isn't perfect as you'll soon see and this latest version doesn't work with multiple voices for some reason but that's fine for today and the revenant version doesn't have the preview feature but it does work the multiple voices and also has support for more language breakdowns plus two different phoneme stats but we'll be using the standard Preston Blair set that's in both versions but I'll talk more about that later so do stay tuned to the end for that once it's towards run it and the first thing you'll need to do is to load in the audio file so to click the Open button and then select the audio file and I'll do the same over here so once loaded you see the waveform on-screen and you've got a few simple controls to play the whole audio to stop it to zoom in and out or to reset the zoom and at the right here you accept the number of frames to map the mouth shapes to which two Falls to 24 and this needs to be the same number as your animation so make sure you set it before you start working out the mouth shapes as you change it it changed which parts of the audio are played for which frame so this really must be right and then you can select the set of mouth to use to visualize your animation as you put it together as you can see we've got four in the version we use today but in the Murda version you have even more plus you can you add your own by creating the folder on disk in the our SRC mouth folder and they meet image after the mouth chain and then below that you have a list of voices and this is how you can map a conversation between different people but it won't be doing that today but it is really easy so take a look at the method version you just add a new voice by clicking the new button and then select each voice change the name of it to each character and then in the text area you add a text for each character and they can switch between them in the voiced list and change the mapping against the waveform but as for today's example we've only got one voice so we won't use them Ravin a version of Papagayo so I'll take that's out of the way and we'll use this version 2 beta so the next thing we need is to add the script for the audio and i've got the script already written out here in a document so the piece of text will go to map it's just this paragraph here so i'll copy that and then paste it into the spoken text area you see immediately this is mapped at the top of the waveform so if I just zoom out one and you can see it's all there so the first thing you take a look at is it's broken down each line of your script into a separate block in the green section at the top here and the shorter they are the easier they are to manage it's ordinarily you'll have one sentence per line so sometimes it's easier to break a sentence up into shorter pieces so I'll break this up here after the words user it's an IC that breaks off into a separate phrase and all of the words are spread across the whole animation it's what we need to do is to work from the largest piece through to the smallest piece so first off to align the sentences in green to match the audio they will match the words that are in orange to match the audio and finally at the bottom here we then match the phonemes to match each individual portion of each word so the sugar year you can listen to whole audio by pressing play but the easiest way to listen to the audio and to break this down is by clicking and dragging anywhere across the waveform good knows everyone so that's the first section so what we need to do is to move the second section to the right and we do that by clicking on the far left of this green section and you take one and then click in the center of this green section and drag it over to where the phrase is and then we just need to align it to exactly where that phrase goes so I'll zoom in to make it easy to see so I think that's about right so remember we're trying to position the mouth shapes so wherever the mouth changes shape you need to have the green section over that area so I think Lou's taken a breath or preparing to speak and you need to change the mouth shape when you think is about right if you double click in the center of the green section it'll play the audio that the green section covers good news everyone yep that seems fine so let's workout in the second section okay and then the final section good so again back to the first section and I'll zoom in a little bit more so now all the green is placed over the right section we've moved down to the orange so now you have to place the orange blocks for each word over each section of audio this for that word so here is where the end starts of news please have them ready for news there so bring this back new starts here so basically you want to just keep dragging over the waveform until you can hear exactly where the word starts and ends and then and then drag the end of the word rectangle to that piece of audio and again if you double click in the center of the word news everyone just to confirm words in the right place then finally is organizing the phonemes of each word to match the exact portion of that word so exceed Papagayo is already broken up the word good into these three mouth shapes which is a generic mouth shape ru shape and if you look at the cartoon on the right you can see him making the shape as you press it then again another generic shape there so if you just click and drag across the word so you can understand exactly where the mouth shape should change and then you drag these boxes that has the mouth shape in to the right place so that's not bad already yep okay news I think that you need some new black one and then as he starts to make the S sound that's where the mouth should change [Applause] so already I can see there's too many mouth shapes here because after the F shape we want to get to the each inch straightaway great we've got this etc in the middle now I can change that in this version of Papagayo no you need to do is to right-click on the word and then you get this pop-up we chose the breakdown of that word and at the bottom here is just a text box so you can go to where this extra etc is and we can just press Delete to remove it and you can either type the mouth shapes in here or click the bottom so for instance if you wanted another F at the end you can just press the F button followed by a rest followed by F followed by M however you need it so let's just delete those so now changed the phonemes in the word it's reset their position and spaced them out across that space we're off said the word everyone belongs so I need to just reset these up again it's everyone so think that's about right so check I just double click on the phrase here good news everyone good I think that's about right so I'll just go ahead and set up the rest of this script now okay and while I do I just like to mention a few things to remember when setting up a lip sync firstly when lip syncing be aware of the shape of your mouth as you speak so for instance when same words with a B or M in them the sound occurs at different times although you have to make the same mouth shape for both so when say in the word book for instance mouth makes a B shape before you hear the sound and it's only when you open your mouth the Ashley hear the B try it yourself look look but if you say the word mouth the M sound comes out while your mouth is closed mouth and this is why some books recommend putting the mouth shapes a couple of frames before the audio but really it depends on the word so you really need to consider what your character is saying and don't just put the mouth shapes where the phonemes are and bear in mind that different characters will enunciate differently so you might need to do this differently for different characters and if you can repeat the sounds while looking in a mirror so you can see the shapes your mouth makes because although Papagayo offers the correct phoneme views in each word you'll notice that it makes the animation of the mouth very fluffy in reality your mouth won't move as much as this suggests with it song making much of the sound so take out as many of the phonemes as you can that makes sense so the mouth moves clearer as I showed you you can do this as you're editing Papagayo or you can do it in open tunes later when you see your character using these shapes finally it's worth emphasizing the shapes M F and L by showing them on-screen for a couple of frames longer so they have time to read better because these shapes seem to form the basis of your viewers following speech then you may have noticed i simplified quite a few of the words to remove so many phonemes there's quite a few words are duplicate etc z' in the middle of the word which makes it difficult to align up as well as some mouth shapes that we just not needed so i've saved the project as a PG o file but now to be able to import itself in students need to export it as a data file so if you created more than one voice and you can select them from the voice list select the voice you want to export and press the export button and then just give it a name that are nameless after the scene and the character that's doing the talking so I'll call it scene - a - prof it is the professor talking so let's take a look at that so here in the assets folder is well saved it and here's the data file and if you take a look inside it so it's very simple list of frame numbers and mouth shapes so from frame 1 shared in the rest shape then 1556 etc there is the U shape etc u shape and it works through to the end of the file where it finishes at frame 276 with the final resting so the next thing is to import that into open tombs so here we are in open toons and I've already drawn the professor and it's ten mouth shapes and I'll show you I chose those shapes in a second but the first thing we need to do is to add the audio file so let's drag that in from an explorer of you drops in here and I choose to import it for this occasion and here you can see the length of the audio so let's just extend the professor's body to that same length and next we just choose the appropriate mouth shape to match the audio file so it's really simple you make sure you level there has the selection of ten heads in is selected in the current column and then you go to egg sheet menu item and click the apply lip sync data to column and that brings up this dialog and here's where you choose the ten mouth shapes I'm going to drew the mouth shapes I drew them specifically to match this order so draw number one is to make the a and I sound draw number twos for the e oh you etc through to rest shape I'm drawing them attack so because the audio starts from frame 1 and so does the Papagayo date file we'll leave this option set to inserted frame 1 we want to have the rest drawing go into the end of the animation which means after the final mouth shape is done it'll include drawer number 10 through to the end but all there is to do is to select the data file so browse to where you save the file from Papagayo which is in the assets folder find the dates file hit choose and then hit apply and then to scroll down and take a look at this you'll see the droid number 10 the rest frame has been a search that start and then you can see lots of different mouth shapes going through to the end where it ends on the rest shape now fortunately it doesn't extend that to the end of the animation sometimes sometimes you have to do that manually yourself that's not a big problem so we'll save that and then we'll hit play I've invented an instrument that gives the user the ability to control remote electronic devices that's not bad for a first pass through so now I can see the mouth shapes moving on the actual character we can then adjust them as necessary so here's the start so you can then just scrub through on the frames so might decide to extend that frame one more I reduce this one by one so that the sound comes in later so I'll go ahead and continued just in the mouth slightly to make sure his mouth hits the frames exactly when needed and then I'll add some animation to him so he's not so static just so he can move forward and backwards a little bit and emphasize certain words by moving his head or his arms and that'll be this part of the animation complete so that's Papagayo helping to set the lip-sync for complicated speeches and you can do that manually in open toons so I'll create a video then you show you a few tips there so mentioned earlier that we're using the Preston Blair mouth shapes am I using Papagayo I use the Preston Blair cartoon face and this is because he wrote a clear description of how to lip-sync cartoon characters in this book cartoon animation and in it he talks about the phonetic chart and I can convert that to a set of ten simple mouth shapes and he then discusses exactly what make good talking animation and gives a great example of not only mouth shapes but of how you might employ acting while speaking but this book is so much more than that it has lots of examples of how to draw different characters with character movement and of the 12 principles of animation and there's so many examples is hard not to get it right so again as I mentioned last week I've recently put together a list of animation books that I own and I'd like to recommend to you including this one and in the description below you can see a link to all of my kids which includes these animation and drawing books as well as the tablet I currently use and a cheaper tablet that I buy today avows after a more affordable and portable one so do take a look and see if you can find something useful and again yes these are affiliate links if you follow them to the UK or us um as in pages which means if you decide to buy something while you're there I'll get a small Commission and it's not much but it'll help support the channel and don't worry you won't pay any extra for it but if you do want to help the channel further you can also follow the next link down to buy me a coffee or even a Darrin tea you [Music]
Channel: Darren T
Views: 19,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, opentoonz, lip sync in papagayo, using papagayo, lip sync in opentoonz
Id: dK6qg58xNzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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