Setup Active Directory, Domain Controller, Configure DNS, DHCP and Join Computers to Domain

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so welcome to this complete course in windows server administration it will be a complete call simple uh simplified series by me and is going to cover how to set up virtual machines install windows server create and configure domain controller configure dnas join computers to domain create domain user accounts configure failover cluster remotely manage computers from your domain controller so this is site up i want us to use and if you go this way you see that i expect that you have visual box or vmware installed in your system so we're actually going to be downloading windows and installing as visual machines so this is the setup we are going to be using we are going to be installing windows 10 uh in one of the nodes and then this is going to be windows server 2019 actually through windows server 2019 and one windows 10 so i will expect you to be with me stick with me throughout this lesson because after now you should be able to write a windows server administration exam be able to set up windows server our domain controller set up the systems be able to manage our computers on the domain and this will be very easy for you i'm going to break it down again if you want kind of the step by steps it's right here on my website as well although it's kind of scaled down so if you go to kind on the uh you can always find my website so uh that is my website i mean kinds on the genius and you can simply uh get into my website let's wait for a second while we are waiting i would like to remind you to subscribe to my channel if you've not subscribed to my channel please hit on this subscribe button below in that way you don't miss any update from me and also if you have any questions following any of my lessons uh i will always be there to help you as well so this is what we are going to be doing today although this is a part two but you can always find the part one all right so let's go ahead to get started so let me put away this in the second screen so so maybe you can just copy down this or maybe draw it out in a sheet of paper so that this you have in mind that this is what we are going to be doing so the first thing i'm going to do i'm going to take out this powerpoint because this is just a powerpoint presentation so i'm taking it out so if you don't have visual box you can actually go to the browser permit me to also take out this uh internet browser so basically you should go to i internet explorer let's give me one second so i'm going to move this back and open a tab and type virtualbox download virtualbox now uh runs both on windows and on mac so i'm running it on mac so if you have uh windows you can also download and install virtualbox and be able to follow this license so it runs on windows or mac and on linux distributions so what we are going to do uh sorry let me get back here so have it installed and the next thing we are going to be doing now is to download and install uh windows so if you go to microsoft windows windows server 2019 download windows server 2019 uh downloads just put download right there so you can actually go straight to get the file now if you go to windows server 2019 download you have about three different options to download so you can see it right here you can also find the link straight to this page right from my website you have azure you have uh iso you have v8d the one you are going to download will be the iso so when you download the iso that will be good so i'm going to enter all of these and then all right so my downloads have started right now so this is windows server 2019 downloading and the next thing we are going to be downloading is windows 10 so i'm going to also go to windows 10 downloads windows time down load now we can also get windows 10 uh to use for about uh 90 days or thereabouts so let's see so the addition we want our windows 10 confirm and it takes us to this place so i think i'm going to choose english and confirm as well so the link aspires okay so i'm going to download windows 10 64 bits so it looks like the download completed successfully so let me just close the this windows and i'm going to go to the download folder um so let's see so i think i'll have to do this so in the download folder you have these two items i'm going to actually copy them and place them inside the folder so i'm going to copy the two items and just change this view to something else and maybe create a folder i'll create a folder somewhere let's say at home uh okay yeah let me create a folder here and put them so i'm going to call it isos windows isos okay so i'm going to place the two downloads in here so i'm going to paste okay so let me rename them so it's i'm going to avoid some kind of confusion because you can see how the name looks like uh how about windows 10 how about calling this windows server one line and i call this one windows 10 and it's actually 64 bit as well okay so these windows isos permit me to just uh copy it and put it right in my document i think it's going to be easier for me from my document all right so windows isos is right in my document and in my download folder i'm going to delete them so let me just delete them from here from my downloads and also i think i have them in home as well let me just do the cleanup so that i can just continue so i have that i have it in my okay so let's say i think i've already cleaned this cleaned up okay so here i'm going to clean clean up alright so i have in my document uh windows isos if i go to date modified i think i should have windows isos right there let's see so you can see i think it's down down so let's see let me just do this so you can see windows isos if i open it you can see the two of them all right so let's now go to visual box so i'm going to visual box and i'm going to say new i'm going to create a new virtual machine i'm going to call this one node 1. node 1 is going to be windows it's going to be my domain controller sorry so let me call it dc so the first one is going to be dc is going to be dc and it's going to be windows microsoft windows and it's going to be a windows server 2019 64-bit and so here is fine so i'm going to click on continue um i think i should leave it at 2gig for now i'm going next so create a virtual hard disk is trying to give a name um okay so i'm going to say create v8d visual hard disk yes visual box disk image dynamically allocated is okay so i think i should use uh 50 should be fine or maybe since it's my domain controller maybe i can use 60 gig and say create so once you've created it it's powered off um so i'm going to maybe create all that nodes and later on i'm going to power them on at the same time so i'm going to click on new and this time i'm going to create node 1 node 1 and it's also going to be windows server 2000 as well so it's going to be this and how about using capital letters nodes 1 like this continue the same the same uh yes we shall box this image next and let's leave it at 50 gig and that is fine so we are going to go ahead to create node 2 it's going to be windows 2019 as well so i'm going to click on continue everything should just be the same and finally okay so we are we're also going to create node three because we mentioned that we are going to have three nodes it's going to be running windows server and then we are going to also have a fourth node that is going to be running windows 10 so i'm going to click uh okay this should be fine okay and finally the last node that is going to run windows clicking on start okay now this is important i've clicked on start so let me show you the start window [Music] for some reason the start windows doesn't show up in this screen so now we click on the visual machine and we click on the start button and the nice thing we want to do at this point is to select the iso file we downloaded and the first the first file we want to select is the windows server 2019 so we are going to click on add this key image so you see this uh icon with a plus sign we are going to click on it to to select the disk image we downloaded and i actually had these uh isos in a different folder but let's use the one we downloaded in this folder called our windows iso so once you select it and you say open and just click on choose and at that point you should be able to have the windows uh starting so once it starts running it simply goes uh the normal way you install an operating system so i'll allow this i'll kind of install the windows and then once it starts installing i'll simply allow it to complete so do the same thing for all other nodes uh i install windows and other downloads for me i'm going to just complete this installation i'm going to also install in all the four nodes and then i come back so from for now let me pause the video and complete all the installation and hopefully you should do the same thing as well if you have problem or any challenges you can let me know we have set up all the computers so this is node one as you can see here and this is node two as you can see this is node three and this is node four are running windows 10 so you can see um let me see windows 10 as you can see another windows is windows server 2019 as you can see right here so we've set up all the virtual machines now the next thing we want to do is to set up the domain controller that is the next thing we are going to do at this point so this is my domain controller um so there is it and this is fine what i would like to do at this point is to um uh go to so the setup is the main controller in this computer so you have to go to start and go to server manager right here and we are going to add the active directory domain services role so let me close this first so wait for a couple of seconds we are going to add active directory domain services role so we are going to go to add rows of features go to next and click on next as well now you have this computer name i would like to change this computer name to dc first so i'm going to go to change this computer name to dc so i'm going to this pc and go to c properties and go to change here and change the name to dc so i like the name to be dc right okay perfect so so we actually need to restart for this to take effect so i'm going to restart right now and after restarting we are going to add active directory domain services and also we are going to add dhcp services as well so it restarts uh quite fast so i'm going to enter my password all right so we go to the server manager dashboard and go to add draw some features go to next next and next now you need to choose active directory domain services which is active directory domain services so i'm going to click on it add features now there are other two features i will like to add i would like to add dns as well as dhcp so let me add dns say validation process found pro our problem so let's hold on with dhcp for now so let's install dns no static ip as well okay so let's go ahead to configure static ip so i'm going to right click here and go to open network settings and go to first i'm going i'm going to check the status ah there's something we need to do first now if you have computers on visual machine that has to be on the same network then you are going to change the network settings to use bridged network so you're actually going to come here and change to bridge adapter so that means that the the guest operating system will not be on an internal will not be beyond a private network inside the host if you're if you leave it an n80 it means that the guest operation will be kind of imprisoned inside the host on a subnet inside the host under the host but what we want is for the guest operating system these visual machines to be able to communicate with other virtual machines outside the host operating system so that way you are in that case you are going to use breed adapter and going do the same thing for all of them all right so we've configured uh bridge adapter for this uh for our computer of our domain controller and for the computers on the network so let's get back to the domain controller which is this one and yes we are going to click yes i think we should do the same thing for other computers as well so i'm going to click yes here and every other one all right so for now let's install active directory domain services i'm going to click on next and click on next as well and next install now we need a static ip address now i need to check on my local network to get a static ip address to use so active directory domain services installed successfully i'm going to simply restart the system but before we restart we are going to come here so you can see right here it says promote this server to a domain controller so that's what you are going to do so for you to make this computer a domain controller you are going to first um select deployment add domain controller to existing domain add a new uh domain to existing forex or add a new forex for now we don't have a forex we don't have a domain to leave it at a forex specify the information for this operation uh so i'm going to call this ktg dot locale that should be the domain name normally if you are using a local domain on your computer you can you normally add dot local so that's a convention um so here you can just leave it uh the way this you actually do needs domain names of our specified domain controller capabilities um so here we can just enter passwords and click on next a delegation for this dns cannot be created because the authoritative parent zone cannot be found all right so what we need to do first i'm going to our bots and we need to actually um assign a static ip address to this computer so let's abort this for now so i'm going to go to the ip address i'm going to go to network settings and i'm going to go to ethernet and change adapter options and i'm going to right click on this and go to properties now you need to pay attention here we are we need to disable ipv6 and we are going to configure ipv4 okay so uh the ip address for this computer is going to be 192.168.1 sorry is not typing 192.16 dots now if you look at this assignment you see that uh say ipip version ip address so don't worry about this i think i will check on my access point and see if i can get a free an ip address let me see give me a second all right so i think i can use 192.168.1. let me see start with uh one zero one one zero one so this ip address is free on my network and this is fine the default gateway is going to be 196 168.1.1 so basically 0.1.1 so basically the gateway for uh the gateway for other systems or which is your access point which is assigned in these eyepiece is what is going to be the gateway for the ddr for the dns now the the address for the dns is going to be the ip address of this computer as well because this computer now is going to be the dns so i'm going to say one nine two one six eight dot all right i could actually just make it hundred so i it would be easy to remember that this is our uh the domain controller which is also the dns server and we're also going to use it as a dhcp as well so i'm going to say okay i'm going to say close and now it shows network down but it's going to only show this temporarily so statues oh this is fine there is no problem with these i think is fine so but i'm just going to check one more time ip version 4 uh dns let's just check for dns here dns is okay yeah so this is okay so at this point we can go ahead to add uh to promote this computer to a domain controller from here so i'm going to say uh promote to domain controller add a new forest the root domain is kt g dot local and you are going to go next so at this point we hope uh it will work out fine so um so it takes for a yeah a few seconds i'm going to enter passwords next so delegation for dns so i'm going to say um next so i'm going to actually ignore these as well [Applause] next [Applause] and next and finally next so it says if you click install the server automatically reboots at the end of the promotion operation that is fine okay so it says opera with the prerequisite check pass successfully so install so i'm going to click on install so to be able to allow my client computers to connect to this system i'm going to kind of turn off the firewall because this is a demo uh in production environment you probably uh would allow the firewall to remain to be configured or to allow uh connections from your local network uh maybe other other security con configuration will be made but for now i'm just going to turn off the firewall completely so you can see that the network is perfectly okay i'm going to close so it's going to actually restart the system i think so yeah so it restarts and that is fine now we are building the domain controller uh after which we now have to join computers to the domain controller all right so the system restarts and i'm going to enter my so you can see now once you make a system to be the domain controller you now have to log in uh to the domain so i'm going to use my password voila we now have a domain controller working perfectly how do i know if i go to tools i can actually now see active directory users and computers right here let me let me start by closing this it takes a couple of seconds let's just wait for a second all right so you see this uh active directrix snapping tool uh right here you can see it says get you that lookout we go to computers for now we don't have computers in in a minute we are going to be adding these computers uh these computers we are going to be adding it and you will be able to see it right here okay great and now let's see let's go to we have the dns now we want to make this system a dhcp as well so i'm going to go to i draw some features and go next so keep in mind by installing first active directory domain services which is this adds we also added dns so that the computer names in the network and can be resolved from the ip address and then we are adding dhcp now so i'm going next so you can see this is installed i'm going to say dhcp add features and next normally i like a leaving framework uh 3.5 and i'm going next as well and then next uh you need to specify alternate do you need to specify alternate path missing source files and destination the server will try to get source files from windows update so this does not matter so let's just go next so the installation for dhcp complete so you have this uh complete configuration now let me just explain to you why we need the acp right here if we don't use dhcp here then it means that the ip addresses for the client is going to be assigned by my access point that is the wi-fi here in my studio and that will be difficult to keep track of the ip addresses uh on your local network so it's better that we have the ip addresses of these computers on this small network managed by uh internally by the domain controller dhcp services so here i say the following steps will be performed create the following security groups are the sap administrators the http users authorize the sap server on target computers if domain join so basically it's saying that once a domain when a computer is joined to this domain this dhcp server will be able to manage that computer as well so i'm going to go next use the following credentials this is fine uh ktd administrator um yeah um yeah so let's let's keep it simple so let's use the defaults this is fine i'm going to say close okay perfect i'm going to close as well now i would like to take a look i think we need to restart uh installation succeeded installation succeeded i think we need to restart but let's first take a look at the um [Music] okay we never created any user uh but let's just take a look at the active directory users and computers and if i go to users uh here i think there is nothing to check okay everything should be fine okay you can see dhcp administrators dhcp users uh so have the sap accounts that will be able to manage the computers on the network and these dhcp users are members of of the users of the local computers of the network so for now we don't have any computer on this uh joining this this uh domain all right so just to be on the safe side i will like to uh let me make sure everything is running this is running this is running this is running this is running perfectly well great if i check the services that is not running so it says download map so we don't need it and this one as well maps is okay all right so let me see let's start joining the computers to the domain i would like to start from node one so now to start from node one uh first we are going to change the network configuration to be able to see the dhcp server as the prefate dna server of course that dhcp server which is our domain controller is also the dna server so i'm going to go to alternate and change adapter options and right click on this place and say properties here i'm going to switch off ipv version 6 and configure ipv4 now the ip address is going to come automatically from the dns which is what we configured the dna server ip address should be coming from here so here we have the dns server ip address now this is not up to date i'm going to uh kind of refresh it so let's go to let's refresh it by rerunning the snap this snap the the snapping tool so i'm going to say apply so you can see everything changes we have the domain we have the domain the logon server we have the uh the dns server which is its own dns server but now we need to use this computer's ip address as dna server for the clients so this computer's ip address is so i'm going to come here in my node one i'm going to say 192.1 ah it's not typing this is very funny and this now will make it that this computer is going to connect to the dns which we configure and obtain an ip address because the dhcp which means dynamic host configuration protocol is running there so i'm going to say okay and i'm going to say close and this should refresh so you permit me to run the snapping tool again so i normally like this to always refresh so if i apply you can see that everything changed you can see dns saver change at this point okay so the next thing we want to do we want to join this computer to the domain permit me to also ping the domain controller so if i go cmd i can say ping dc and it's returning so the dc which is the domain controller is actually responding perfectly well let's now do the important part let's join this computer to the domain so what we are going to do i'm going to say this pc and also we are going to change the name of this computer to something meaningful we don't want this name that says wayne l three nine f a da da da we don't need it we need to call it node one so i'm gonna go to settings right here and go to change yeah i'm gonna i'm going to call it node1 so it makes some sense domain here i'm going to now specify the name of the domain ktg dot local so this is all you'll need to do and say okay so if everything goes fine it should be able to join the domain uh so ktg uh okay i think i should have the name to be administrator normally we need to create another account that should be able to do this thing though this join into domain instead of using the domain admin account so i'm going to restart this this time so let's see that this system is joined onto the domain right so let's login so [Music] login so at this point this system uh should be part of the domain again i like to uh i don't like this coming up so i'm going to close this close this okay so you see this i'm going to kind of adjust this by rerunning this so what we simply need to it will update the computer name because that is what we just changed so i'm going to say apply so it changes the everything updates perfectly well now let's now go to the domain controller and check that one system is added to the domain controller so i'm going to go to the domain controller go to tools and go to active directory users and computers and let's see so if i go to computers now you can see we have note one as you can see so here you can actually manage this computer you can do a number of things to be able to manage this computer now we've completed the face part of this windows server administration beginner series so we've completed this first part and i want you to be able to do this for all these other computers on your network okay so once you complete it that is fine if you have challenges please let me know by leaving me a comment in the comment box below i want to know okay cannot be money verified the network part is okay available network firewall okay that makes sense to me so what you also need to do let me just make it play so this is not one if you go to windows firewall for this series of tutorials we are going to turn off the windows firewall so go to firewall windows define the firewall and simply uh turn it off so that makes our landing our landing uh our lan the landing process to become seamless and we don't have to strike so much so we should be able to manage this computer remotely at this time as you can see so what we have here now is the remote computer management console if we go to this disk management we can see this actually is for the remote computer so you can do a number of things you can see the services running on this computer uh you can see the services running on this computer you can turn them on or off and you can do a whole lot of other things so as you can see right here i've added all the four nodes onto the active directory and that is something you should do as well so once you've come to this point i think you've done so well and we can actually continue from part two from here so you can see all the computers are joined to the active directory before we finally round off we also going to create a user that we are going to be using to manage or to log into the computer so to create a user simply go to users and go to right click and say new and say new user and give a first name let's say me and last name now you need to specify a username as well so username can be this and then you need to specify a password so i don't want the user to change the password so i'm going to just say nice finish so this is i created now i can actually try to use it to log into one of the systems for instance i can come here and maybe log out of this uh this system and try to use the user i created so i i can come here and then let's say sign out so i've signed out i can now try to login using the use i created so i can just say you can actually click on other user and it says sign into ktg and you can now enter the user you created and say the password let's see so you can see that this user signs in which is it recognize the first name and the last name and at this point we are actually signing into the domain so this is a domain account we've actually used to login so i think everything went successfully well so i'd like to stop here for this part one i'll be starting part two any moment from now please subscribe to my channel if you've not subscribed because this is a beginner tutorial made very easy for everyone and i would like to thank you for viewing um remember to like and share this video i remain kind on the tech pro and i see you in the next part
Channel: Kindson The Tech Pro
Views: 26,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Windows Server Administration, Active Directory, Tutorial, Domain Controller, AD DS, Domain Name Service, DNS, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, DHCP, Windows Server 2019, Domain Services
Id: UgbHVywuvUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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