How to Setup Active Directory Domain With VirtualBox and Join Computers - 2020

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hi guys as you know i'm kind of genius and today i'm going to be covering windows server administration step by step from beginning to the end now if you look at my screen let me just show you you have this windows here operating system windows server 2019 but if you go down you can see it belongs to the domain ktg.local if i move this way you can see another windows windows 10 enterprise also in the same domain as you can see now here is where it gets interesting if i move this way you can see the active directory management console that is very well known active directory management console you can actually get it from here the reason is because this is my domain controller everything i'm doing here is done at home i am setting it up at home and we are going to be doing it step by step with no step skips we have this ktg.local domain and you can see the the users here you can see my name right here and also if you go to computers you can see two computers right here and i have this computer you have this one now this is another one this is another domain controller in a different forest i'm going to be trying to explain this as much as possible in this tutorial now the step by step for this i've also presented it right here i'm going to show you if you go to safari the easiest way to get to my website where you have the steps is to simply go to google and type kinds on the genius so if you type kinds on the genius it takes you to my website so in my website you can now find this step-by-step tutorial this is my website you can find other things as well in my website you can browse around in my website you can also find some books uh although they are not free but you can also get them they are written by me as you know so you have this step-by-step how to set up active directory domain with visual box and join computers everything is going to be for free and if you go to the part one now if you want to set up active directory now sometimes you might be told that you need to go to a network environment but i want to tell you at this point that is not necessary you don't need to go to any network environment you need to set it up right at home for free using visual box i'm going to show you how to download all the windows you need and actually do it by yourself this procedure here is what i'm going to be following at this point so please if you are joining me for the first time hit on the subscribe button below subscribe to my channel if you have any challenges whatsoever following this lesson let me know in the comment box below and also like and share my videos because that kind of motivates me to continue doing it this is a complete windows server administration 2019 step tutorial by me and i would like you to stay with me and also let me know if you have any challenges whatsoever following my lesson now so for us to get started now i'd like us to start right from the scratch so i'm going to go to my visual box uh so let me go to my visual box and then i'm going to delete everything first i would like to move these to the procedure to my second screen so that i'll be following the procedure from there so i'm moving it to my second screen for you you can also open it in a different screen i'll leave this video open in a screen you can also follow the video along so i'm going to go to visual box and i'm going to delete everything so that we start right from the scratch so i'm going to go to visual box here visual box i'm going to right click and i'm going to remove everything so now before you can remove you need to power off so i'm going to power off power off and i'm going to remove so i'm going to remove it right from this scratch all right so i'm going to delete first i'm going to power up this one as well power off power off and also delete everything the reason i'm deleting everything is that so that when you start with me you are going to start exactly where i'm starting right from when you install visual box and that is what we are going to be doing now so let's delete this one as well so i'm going to remove this remove and delete all files i'm going to show you how to set up uh by yourself so power off yes power off as well as remove and delete all files as well so i'm gonna do the same and finally windows 10 i'm going to power it off and delete everything as well and then delete so when you install visual box for the first time this is what you will see so when you set up visual box this is what you'll see let me follow the instructions because i always always like doing step by step step one says install visual box uh um download and install visual box and create visual machine so to download visual box i like to go to let's say i go to google so if you go to google if you go to google uh let me just give me one second let me just come here all right so this procedure is here so let me just quickly move it across so you have this download visual box from from here you can get to the link where you can download visual box and also download windows server 2019 that is what i'm using 64-bit the evaluation edition so let me just go to the website so that you can see it right here in the case of visual box these where you download visual box for windows or for mac or for linux depending on the operating system you use now to download windows server 2019 you can get it right from here the evaluation edition you can use it for 90 days 90 days is long enough so you can see windows server 2019 and we have windows 10 here also for 90 days now you can use it for 19 days for free with all the features you need so you download the iso when it gets windows 10 enterprise download the iso all right so i'm going to move out these uh away from here as well so for me i already downloaded everything so if i go to my finder let me just i mean my local directory i'm going to show you i downloaded everything into this folder right here so you can see the three of them we have windows windows server iso windows 10 iso now the vhd is a different thing we are not using v80 v8d stand for visual hard disk you can also use it either use visual hard disk or use iso so in this case we are using the iso so that we can actually install windows right from the scratch at some point i'm going to be showing you how to set up the network to make your host operating system and the guest operating system actually communicate and be on the same network so i'm going to be telling you that in a short time within this video so please stay with me till the end of this video and one more thing i would like to mention is that all right so this is where we are now new visual box there is nothing there is just a clean slate so i hope you are following if not leave me a comment the first thing you want to do according to the steps as i mentioned please leave this step open open visual box and click on the new button so this is the new button right here give the computer a name so this is our server so i'm going to call it windows windows server and choose the type is microsoft windows and the version should be windows 2000 and 1964 these now windows 10 these are windows we are going to be using for our server okay so i'm going to click on continue and i would like to leave everything recommended now you need a system that is relatively fast at least memory of eight gig and above eight gigs is thingy is okay if you have something lower it might be a bit difficult or slow for you so i recommend edgy so eight or sixteen so leave the memory size the defaults so here leave it at crate visual hard disks now you can create a virtual hard disk from virtualbox just like this allow visual uh box this image and go next dynamically allocated that is fine and i'm allocating 50 gig to this machine i'm building right now i'm going to go create and it creates it all right so now it's created the visual machine now this is virtual machine with no operating system so we are going to now install the windows in this machine we created right now remember this is visual machine more like the the core hardware with no software so let's install the software from the iso iso is like a disk let's instead that this can install the software so to do that simply click on start and say normal start or you can just click on start from here once you click on start it now will ask you to specify the iso or the the location where you want to install from at this point i need to select the visual the iso i downloaded so i'm going to go to add although i added it here but normally i go to ads you select the location and i'm going to click on windows server 2019 iso i'm going to open and i'm going to click on choose and i'm going to click on start all right so from the procedure it says okay i'm following the instruction right here that is fine okay so let's wait for a couple of seconds and it's going to start up okay so now i the setup starts running right now so i'm going to go next install now now you can actually go to machine and the view and say scaled mode so when you say scaled mode is allow you to maybe increase a little bit we are going to correct this once and for all after now so in this page let me just increase a little bit in this page and you have four items how the data center and we have the standard sorry we have the data center we have the standard for the data scientist we have uh desktop experience and also non-desktop experience okay so choose the windows server standards desktop experience without desktop experience you only have command line powershell and solves you have to be writing the commands that is not what you want so let me go to desktop experience that is the second one i'm going to go next all right so i'm going to accept the license and go next uh so choose custom install and choose next all right so the installation starts right now at zero percent so i think i'm going to wait a little bit when it completes the installation then we continue so the installation completes and the system needs to restart so you can actually wait for it or you can just click on restart now so the site up uh so at this point you don't need to press any key so don't allow it to boot from the city so it's starting windows server at this point my system is quite fast for you you might wait for a few minutes or thereabout so let's see let's see what we have so at this point after i restart a couple of times you need to specify the admin password so i'm going to choose a [Music] password oh so require a complex password so let me see let me see if i can choose something good um okay let's see okay so let me okay so i choose something complex so this account now is created okay so this is same startup know that so the next thing you want to do is to go to impute now the keyboard for windows and mac is different so for you the control alt delete might not actually work actually it will not work between the hosts and the guests so simply go to impute go to keyboard and hit and click on send control alt delete and i'm going to use the password i entered and let's log into windows the next thing i like also do at this point is let's say the display to be able to be full screen okay uh to be able to get the display to be full screen you'll need something called a visual box guest additions iso or something like that so if uh so yes click on yes whatever so now we have windows server setup at this point but there is a number of things we need to do now it's not full screen so simply go to devices and go to optical drives and go to these you know second our devices can click on inside guests at the show cd image that's what you're going to click so once you click on it uh this is just not acceptable by me let's go back to devices optical drives this all right so this comes out this pop-up and click on it and simply run this sorry if it's too small because we are just trying to correct this problem that just came up so there is something you need to do so after installing guest addition cd the system is going to restart and we are now will be able to have a full screen uh from the guest operating system to the host so let's reboot the system and then this problem will be solved all right so also go to impute and go to keyboards uh control alt delete uh all right so go back to machine sorry go to view and choose scaled mode after you choose scaled mode and just go to full screen like this so once it gets to full screen it's going to resize to feel the whole screen i think it's going to do that let's see uh yeah so it resizes to fill the whole screen but it's still not looking so good so what i'm gonna do now is to minimize this and go to desktop right click and click on display display settings once you click on display settings you go to change uh change the size and go to 225 so for me 225 is okay so i'm gonna close our server is okay at this point so if we created we've built our server the next thing i'd like us to do is to configure active directory directory services so we need to make this server to be an active directory to install the active directory directory services uh of course it's a is a role uh in this server so what you're gonna do simply go to address and features right here i'm looking at the procedure as well and go to next also click on next uh click on next let me make sure i'm not skipping anything so here choose active directory directory services and say add feature so once you go to add feature i go to next go to next again and go to next and say install okay so this is going to make this system to have the active directory directory services role and the next thing we are going to do after this complete is to now promote this server to a domain controller so let's wait for a couple of seconds uh let me just take a bit of a little cup of water and then i'm going to be back so at this point the installation succeeded so you can see configuration required insert installation succeeded the next thing you want to do is to click on promote this server to a domain controller however if you close this window before you do that no problem you simply go to the upper right corner and click on this and just choose promote the server to a domain controller so once you do that i like to follow the instructions so i don't mix up miss anything so as it tells you add to existing domain or add and add a new domain to existing forex and so on we are going to create a new forex a forest is a collection of a domain of of domains so let's create a new forest so a domain belongs to a forest and simply once you create a a domain it simply becomes one domain in one forest like that so i want to call this domain ktg now domain should have an extension like dot local uh like dot local or some or some extension so i'm going to say ktg dot local okay it can be it can be so but normally if you are working on a local test environment is beta to have it as dot local so i'm leaving interest dot local and i'm going next let me just make sure i'm not missing anything okay fine um so it comes to the next part um okay this is fine so we're gonna choose a password i'm gonna choose a password and i'm going to go next now there might be some info out some error not error messages some notifications that comes up so we have this verify knight bios assign name so wait for a couple of seconds is going to populate this knight bios a sign name on its own so it's ktg like the first part of the domain name you specify uh that is what it will be so i'm going next and at this point we are promoting this computer to a domain controller and simply go next uh let me just make sure i'm following the instructions correctly i'm going next as well and finally i'm going next and this computer becomes a domain controller we've created our domain and we have a domain controller right there so let's give it a couple of seconds and it's going to populate okay all prerequisites checks box passed successfully i'm going to click on install right so let's wait for a couple of seconds as well so i hope you are following please stay with me let's do this together and if you have challenges feel free to let me know follow the instruction on the website on the web page right here that is exactly what i'm following right now um actually we've completed part one but let's wait for a couple of seconds let the installation complete so that you can see the difference uh when you set up the domain controller and when you've not set it up you see the difference i'm gonna show you at this point all right so you can see it says you're about to be signed out because now you need to log in using your domain credentials so i'm going to say close so you're going to sign me out and i need to now sign in using my domain credentials of course it's going to restart the system as well so i'm moving now to okay let's give a second so take note of what happens when it restarts it's gonna be really interesting just take a look at the screen what happens exactly when the system restarts so now here is the thing the the the system now is a domain controller now let's say the same or control all delete mean well i can actually press ctrl or delete on my keyboard if you are using mac is actually function command and delete and at this point you can see now is ktg slash administrator we are now logging into our domain let me enter my password right so so we have our new domain set up at this point now there is no computers added to this domain this domain is on its own it does is not connected to our host operating system we're going to be creating the network connection at this point so let me move to part two because this is actually two parts so here in part two we are going to be setting up the the the network we are also going to configure the network creating a user and joining the comp our computers to the domain so what i want us to do at this point is to go to manage let's create a user that is not an admin user actually a user that have admin privileges so that that user can actually be used as the account to add uh computers to this domain so i'm going to i'm going to tools i'm going to active directory users on computers please subscribe if you've not subscribed and also let me know if you have any challenges because when you subscribe you don't miss any updates from me so at this point please drop down at this point and go to users right click and click on new new user when you go to new user enter the first name the first name is kind son the last name is and the logon is kind of lowercase is always better to have the logon to be lowercase kinds on i'm going to go next and i'm going to use uh my password second all right so give me one second let me just make sure of something okay i think everything is fine i'm going to uncheck these so that users must change the password that next lock on at next log on i'm going to remove that so that i'm not going to force the users to change the password that log on all right so finish so we have a user now created and we have our active directory domain setup now for us to be able to join computers to this domain there is a number of things we will do for sure we need a computer to join to this domain so let's go back to this place and create a new machine as well i hope this is going to be a bit faster so i'm going to call it uh windows 10 win let's call it [Music] windows windows 10 let's just call it windows 10 okay so in this 1064 beat i'm gonna go nice everything can be the same i'll go next just exactly with exactly the same way we did when when we created the server so i'm going to click on start and i click on start it's going to ask me for the iso so i'm going to select the iso just click on add and choose windows 10 enterprise um that is fine and go continue right i think it should start okay perfect so we are doing exactly the same thing with this we are trying to set up windows 10 on this machine so i'm going to allow it a bit of time to start okay so we're going we're going next uh maybe i'm going to just try to make some room i'm going to go to view set it to scaled mode go to switch so in that way i should be able to resize it a little bit so i'm going to install now i'm going to use a custom installation so that i installed a fresh operating system just like a new machine so let's see how it goes so i'm going to accept the license agreement i'm going next i'm going to custom installation next and yeah so the installation starts up right now while the installation is going on so that we save some time let's go back to do a bit of configuration or a bit of check on our server so let me explain to you what the network configuration is all about so the network configuration makes it that the both the server machine and the windows machine are on the same network for them to be on the same network without you having to worry about creating a new network you'll need to configure it that they can join your home network in my home network here i have a wi-fi local network i have my router out there right there and then it has a dhcp ip address addresses are assigned automatically so i'm going to win the server right click and go to settings and when you go to settings go to network go to network and go to attach to and choose bridge adapter bridge adapter helps you to connect the machine's local network to the host's local network so basically you are connecting in a cable a visual cable from the from your virtual machine to the host to the host os so i'm going to say okay you're also going to do the same thing for the windows 10 so do it so that everything is on the same network so i'm going coming to here going to bridge adapter let me just make sure everything is fine okay i'm going to say okay so it is fine at this point and yes so network configuration is not complete but at least we are making some progress let's check the up the installation so for you to see what is happening you can just right click on this and say show so it tells you what is happening here so it's at 98 now um that's fine so let's go to do something so we can actually turn off the firewall from here so that we don't have any challenges so let's just turn off the firewall so in normal in the real production environment you may actually not turn off the file firewall you can actually set the firewall based on requirements of the network but for now i'm just going to turn off the firewall i'm going to go to turn off firewall and go to here turn off and go to turn off as well so that connections can come through easily without much configuration because this is not a security uh tutorial is our administration tutorial all right so um so let's check our installation so this continues okay okay one thing i forgot uh you need to also check the ip address of this computer so i'm going to go to the ip address because we are going to be using this ip address uh for the setting of the client so ip config so the ip address is okay this is still getting ready okay let's wait for a minute all right one thing i remember we need to use ipv4 right so i'm going to uh cite the both the server and the client to work with ipv4 so i'm on the server system i'm going to i'm going to this place i'm going to open network connection and i'm going to internet i'm going to change the adapter settings okay so i actually go to okay let's so you can see that our windows 10 is restarting and that is fine so but what we were trying to do here is to change the network setting uh to be able to use ipv version 6 i think that's what i mentioned but yeah so let's just do it before we continue um so here i think the system is kind of slow but uh okay so let's continue with windows 10 setup we are going to get back there so i'm going to go here click on yes at this point uh just click on yes uh skip okay so this is what i was trying to get to so i'm going to go to properties here and you are going to turn off ipv version 6. i don't know if you can see but in the list here you can see version 6 so uncheck the check box against ip version 6 and say ok and and then close all right so that was what i was trying to do on the statues i want to know the i the ip address uh i've checked it it should be uh we are going to be using it on the client system to be able to get the client system on the same network as the server all right so when it comes here [Music] so you can just don't enter anything here just go to join domain instead and just click on it join domain instead that's what we are going to click ok so it asks you for your name uh i'm going to enter kinds on the genius uh kinds on the genius and i'm going to click on next password so i'm going to enter a password uh yeah confirm ah security question wow so sometimes i really don't like these um what's your first part's name uh let me just enter anything there because i don't need to tell you all this let's enter anything go next uh and uh what is your childhood nickname okay all right i'm going next and question number three was these and this all right because this is a test account uh just what demo papers is up to now i'm going to decommission and maybe start creating a new tutorial so as i used to say please uh join me subscribe to my channel let me know what you think of this my lessons helped you let me know in the comment box below if there's something you want me to improve let me know in the comment box below as well so in this case i say no i don't need them to configure anything uh not now because we got no time so not now the step-by-step instructions say that the next step is to turn off firewalls on the client system but i think we have to wait for a few minutes or seconds so we have the windows windows 7 to be up now let's install the guess addition so that will be able to make it full screen so for now let me just reduce it and go to view and set it to scaled mode and that will be able to have a place to start from okay it's on scaled mode but not full screen so i'm going to go to uh devices and go optical drives and go to inside guest addition cd image so once you do that so sometimes it takes it doesn't work so simply come here take it out and come back to devices and insert it back so this point is should show okay i'm going to click on it i'm going to run it run uh yes next next install so once it installs we can now make this are the the view or the screen to be full screen so let's go to install so it's also going to restart your system and when it restarts be able to set it to full screen um okay so i'm going to click on finish to reboot all right so this is same start so i'm going to sign go to impute and send of course okay here continue genius now um kind of genius uh my password is all right so we are now going to set it to view full screen i think let's go back here right click and show let's wait for a second and see okay so it gets into full screen and i'm going to right click and go to uh display settings and i would like to set it to 200 that is the skill and layout or 225 is okay so as i mentioned you will need to turn off the firewall so that we don't have any problems at all so i'm going to go to firewalls at this point and let's turn off the firewall so that the connection becomes easy all right so i'm going to go to uh properties here i just go here turn off so click on off private profile off apply uh public profile off as well again this is something you don't do in production but for now this is demo so we are i'm doing it at this point all right another network sighting you want to change is to be able to allow the system to for remote connections will be able to come into this system so i'm going to close up this and i'm going to go to this computer i'm going to right click and go to properties so in properties now i'm going to change settings from here i'm going to go to remotes and say allow remote connections and apply i'm going to change this computer name to be windows 10 so let's go to computer name and change uh change it from here i think from here the computer name is going to be windows 10 alright so for now i'm just changing the name i'm not joining to domain i'm just changing the name it's gonna prompt me to restart so i'm going to also restart as well after restarting we are now going to join the system to the domain so let me just check that i'm not missing any step okay yeah after the system restarts now we are going to set it to be able to communicate with the domain uh in terms of network connection to the domain so we are going to set the preferred dns server address to be the address of the domain so basically if i go here this domain there is a domain computer and the ip address is and this dns server that provides dns for the clients so let's go these are windows 10 clear i'm going to go to keyboards control alt delete i'm going to enter my password and login so we are going to go to the network settings and then we are going to change the uh change the nitro uh configuration to be able to connect to the to the server also the domain all right so the first thing i would like to do is let's go to the network and let's remove ip version 6. let's uh uncheck ipv version 6. so i'm going to go to 8m8 if i go to item 8 i'm going to change adapter options change adapter options and i'm going to right click on these and right click and go to properties so in properties now first uncheck ipv6 that's fine and go to [Music] uh version 4 go to properties now here is where you are going to say use the following dns server address we're going to be 192. let's just make sure that one the 78 and for the alternate dna server just enter anything or anything is okay this is fine and say okay and say close so to just check that the communication goes through i'm going to try to ping the the server using ping so i'm going to ping ping and you can see that reply is coming so it's communicating with the domain all right so finally let's join this computer to the domain there's a fun part so i'm going to this computer these computer properties i'm going to right click uh sorry of course there are a number of ways to do that but one easy way to go to this pc and say properties and go to [Music] uh change settings go change settings and go to change in this place so you are going to select domain and go to and enter the name of the domain ktj dot local and say okay so it's going to ask of the username and password of a assist an account that have access to the domain so i'm going to entice kind so if everything goes fine it's going to welcome us to this domain so you can see it tells us welcome to the ktg domain so everything should be fine at this point i'm going to say okay and it's going to actually restart so i'm going to close and i'm going to restart now all right so at this point the system restarts and it's joined to the domain i'm going to go to impute keyboard and go to uh control alt delete here i can see if i go to other users here you can now say sign into ktg domain but it's fine let's let's use the same username we used before so now we have the system joined to the domain to be able to verify let's go to the domain and check the domain computers and see that this windows 10 is there so here is our domain and i'm going to come here and i'm going to kind of close this close this as well close this network uh window so let me go to tools i'm going to tools and go to active directory users and computers and we are going to expand the ktg go to computers and you can see that we have windows 10 computer jointed domain and that is really amazing if you have come up to this point congrats and thumbs up to you you've done so well i'm very proud of you if you have some challenges for sure we all have challenges from time to time please let me know in the comment box below what i'm doing is being informative for you in some way please subscribe to my channel and also leave me a comment trying to motivate me to do more because this is what i do in my leisure time because i'm i work as a researcher as you know and um finally we also added a user right here this user right here so there are other things we can actually do with a domain uh but for now i would like to stop here remember i'm kind of on the genius and just to remind you uh this is a website where you can always get uh everything you want that's my website i like to go to so let me go to my website so this is google so to get to my website as i normally say simply go to google and type kind of kind of the genius it takes you to my website and you can always uh get everything you want from my website you simply need to search if you need any of my books please leave me a comment all just uh buy it because the books are actually not free but if some problem you have please let me know but i would like to see you uh letting me know that you've benefited from my uh my courses these are courses i created right here some of them are actually still being um modified for now so this is what we worked on and i'd like to that i would like to thank you for being there i like to thank you for viewing i'm kind of genius as i said before and please uh let's meet in the next lesson and if there's any other topic you want me to discuss please mention it in the comment box below and we see in the next part all the best to you
Channel: Kindson The Tech Pro
Views: 18,451
Rating: 4.9431281 out of 5
Keywords: Windows Server Administration, Windows Server 2019, Active Directory Directory Services, Domain Controller, DNS, Server Administration Tutorial, VirtualBox, Virtual Machine
Id: gjhOhPIQ4DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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