Adding Windows Computers to a Windows Server 2012 Domain

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hello again as you know I'm Eli the computer guy and today's class is adding Windows computers to a Windows Server 2012 domain so we are finally starting starting to get to the fun stuff we are finally getting to the point where we have a real honest-to-god domain so we've installed the Windows server operating system at this point we've navigated through it we know how to get through the windows server operating system we've installed Active Directory which allowed us to create our domain so our server is now a domain controller when we did that we also installed DNS domain name system services so that we can map IP addresses to domain names and we installed DHCP which allows us to give out dynamic IP addresses so right now we have a server but we don't have any client computers so what makes a domain is both the Active Directory domain controllers and servers but also the client computers and users so today we are going to be adding our first client computer to the domain so it's very important understand is that when you're creating this domain is that you actually have to add client computers to the domain you have to join them to the domain so you could have an Active Directory domain controller and a Windows 8 professional computer sitting on the same network but unless that Windows 8 Professional computer has been joined to the Active Directory domain they will not be able to to to to to do security and all of that kind of stuff so the big purpose of Active Directory remember is to have a central place for administration for things like permissions security policies to be able to give people access to resources or to be able to deny them access to resources so once we created the domain controller we have to add de client computers to be able to build out that domain so today I'm going to be showing you a Windows a professional computer being added to the domain if you're going to be adding a computer to the domain what is very important to understand in the windows world is that you have to use a Business Edition version of the client operating system what that means is you can use XP Professional you can use Vista Business Edition or Vista Ultimate Edition you can use Windows 7 Business Edition or Enterprise Edition you can use Windows 8 Professional Edition or Enterprise Edition you cannot use the Home version so xp home Vista Home Premium 7 home premium those client operating systems do not have the component that allows those computers to be able to be joined to a domain so the first thing you have to remember is that you have to be using a business operating system yes and basically what that means is Microsoft wants to charge you an extra 30 bucks just so you can add the computer to the domain and you know what are you gonna do about it that's that that's just the way it is so today I'm going to be showing you this on Windows 8 Professional it's basically the same thing whether you're using Windows 8 Professional Windows 7 Business Edition Windows Vista Business Edition XP Professional basically you're going to go through approximately the same wizard if you've never done this before and you're using a Windows 7 machine just just go onto Google and take a look again basically the same as with everything slightly different I'm just going to be showing you a with Windows 8 today so the first thing that I want to do is I want to go over to our little digital whiteboard just so I can make sure you guys understand what's going on before we actually add the computer to the domain so what we have created so far is we have a domain controller we have an Active Directory domain controller that does Active Directory and DNS and hcp so basically it's Active Directory domain name resolution and being able to give out dynamic IP addresses so today what we're going to be doing is we're going to be adding a computer to the Active Directory domain so when I created this domain controller I created a domain called etcd dot-com when you created your domain you could have named it whatever you wanted so I created mine called it eat ECG comm so what we're going to be doing today is we're going to be adding the client computer we're going to be joining the client computer to the domain why this is important is once we have joined the client computer to the domain then all the security responsibility is the problem of the domain controller so right now when you have a normal client computer all the all the user accounts the security all of that is on each individual computer now if you're dealing with 50 computers or 100 computers or 10,000 computers if all of the information resides on each individual computer that means you would have to go to each individual computer to make any changes so if a user needs to change your password you would have to go to each individual computer by creating a domain what that means is you can just interact with the Active Directory services and be able to make modifications to computers all throughout the network so what we're going to be doing is are going to be adding this client computer we're going to be joining it to the domain so all of the security can be dealt with so what we're going to have at the end of the day is we will have domain user accounts so that means we can just go to an Active Directory domain controller we can create a Dame a domain user and then they can log into any computers that we give them access to and we don't have to go to each and every single computer to actually do the configuration so that's what we're going to be doing today we're going to be joining the computers to the domains so what I have setup right now I have got just e you guys understand what my lab environment is like so you guys don't get confused right now I have one really really high-powered desktop computer that I'm using VirtualBox for virtualization on so I have multiple instances of operating systems all within this virtualized environment if you guys are not using VirtualBox and you just have multiple computers basically all you need is you need one computer with a server operating system installed with Active Directory DNS and DHCP then you need a Windows 8 Professional computer you need those connected to a switch and then it's probably good to have a router on the network so this is all very basic networking stuff and again if you don't understand what I'm talking about we are at the intermediate level so you know go back and learn about switches and routers and stuff because we're not really going to talk about that a lot today so what I'm showing you today though just so you can conceptualize what's going on so you don't get confused is I have one desktop computer that has these int multiple instances of these operating systems in VirtualBox on it and they are connected to a virtual network that way but one way or another you need you need a server computer you need a Windows 8 Professional computer connected to a switch somehow so that that's just just so you guys understand what's going on there so let's go over and actually take a look at the system now so we can start talking about it so ok so right now we are looking and we are at my Windows 8 computer so this is the Windows 8 enterprise evaluation Edition computer that I built before so it's been around a little while now so just to you guys can can see right now this computer is not part of the domain so if I go to search I go to apps I go system then I go down to settings what we're looking for is we're looking for this system configuration page so we're on click on system and from here we can look at the information about this computer right now this is what we are interested in today computer name domain and workgroup settings so we have computer name test - PC full computer name test - PC and we're group is work group so we are going to be changing us today we're going to be putting this computer in to a domain so let me minimize this and now let's go over to the server so this is my server 2012 so this is the server that has the active directory the DNS and the DHCP installed on it so what we are going to be go doing today is we are going to be going over over to this little Tools drop-down and what we are looking for today is Active Directory users and computers so this is what you're going to be doing to manage users and computers within the Active Directory environment so tools Active Directory users and computers so we click on this and we are going to get the nice NMC snapping so these are the Microsoft management consoles the snap ins now depending on what's setting there you know whether or not you've been in this before these little dropdowns will either be open or closed the main thing what we want to look for is we want to go to our domain so my domain again as I said was called etcd calm so this is what we are dealing with today and we are going to click the little arrow on the left hand side let me expand this out for you so now as always we're going to get a lot of different things here so we get built in these are built in accounts we're not going to worry about that today computers this is what we are going to worry about today so this is a listing of all of the computers that are members of the domains so when you have when you create the domain you create both user account and computer accounts so every computer that's a member of the domain has a account on the system so once we've created an account that will be here we can also look and we can see the domain controllers so right now I only have one good domain controller server computer blah blah blah principles were not worried about service accounts are not worried about users we'll talk about probably in the next class so these are the different users within this Active Directory so the user that we're dealing with today is the administrator so that's what we're dealing with today so these are the computers so right now we're going to go back to our windows a computer so that we can add it to the domain so I'm just going to minimize this and I'm going to go back to my Windows 8 computer so right now you know I have this this this box is open and from here I can start adding this to the domain but before I add it to the domain I want to check something I want to make sure I haven't done something really really really really dumb now as I've talked about before and the other classes you want to make sure that you have turned off any other DHCP server on the network so your router your ISP modem has a DHCP server built into it you want to make sure that thing is turned off because you can't well you can but it will cause a mess you do not want two different DHCP servers on the network so what you're going to do to make sure that you don't have any other DHCP servers on the network other than the server 2012 DHCP server we're going to go to the command prompt and we're going to type in ipconfig and we're just going to press enter now what we are looking for is see this connection specific DNS suffix see how that says eat ECG comm what that means is that I'm pulling this DHCP address from my 2012 server so although this is not a member of the domain yet it can pull that DHCP IP address and it has pulled it from my server so if this says anything other than your domain then you need to go hunt down the DHCP server and turn it off so the only DHCP server that can be on the network right now is the one that that should be configured on your 2012 server anything else shows up here that's its own networking problem you have to turn off the other DHCP server make sure the DHCP server on your Windows 2012 server is running and then come back so once you make sure once you've made sure you've pulled an IP address from the proper DHCP server then we're going to go and here we are at this system page and all we need to do is go here and click on this link that says change settings so we click on this link and then we get the system properties so anybody that's done Windows for a long time has probably seen this I think this has been around so it like Windows 95 so the system property page has been around for a long long long long long long long time what we are going to be doing is we want to use wizard to join a domain or workgroup so what we're going to do is we're going to click on this network ID button this is the one we want to click on so we click on this and then basically we just click go through and start doing x next next X next so this computer is part of a business network I use it to connect to other computers at work so as part of a business network yes so we hit next my company uses a network with a domain yes next so all the information are going to need so what you're going to need is you're going to need the administrator pass username so administrator and the password for your administrator account that you created for that Windows 2012 server and you're going to need your domain name whatever it is eat ECG comm now what we're going to do is we're going to click Next type the username password and domain name for your domain account so what we're going to do is we're going to do an administrator so that is my domain account administrator so not this particular computer what is the domain information then the password whatever that is and then the domain name so what we need is each ECG comm or whatever your domain name is so this is all the domain information whatever you plugged in this can dis computer before don't worry about this this is the domain this is the stuff from the server then what we're going to do is run click Next and then it's going to say type the computer name and computer domain so Windows cannot find an account for your computer in eat ECG comm so you can create a computer account before you add the computer to the network but I figure why do that that's just extra extra headache you can also just add your computer account directly when you join it so what you do is you just leave your computer name so whatever you want this computer name to be I'm just going to leave it as it is test - PC and again the domain so eat ECG comm so test - PC will be added to eat ECG comm or whatever your domain is next now it's going to ask you for an account with permission to join to the domain so that will be that administrator account on the server and so that's administrator whatever the password is and the domain eat ECG dot-com then all we're going to do is we're going to click Next or okay so now it's going to ask you want to add the following domain user account to this computer so if we're if if we're in a real domain environment there will be multiple user accounts on the network we may want to add a different user account but right now we are simply going to add our particular user to this computer and click Next then it's going to say what level access do you want for this specific computer and we are going to make it an administrator right now just to make our life easier click Next and click finish then what we're going to do is right click ok make sure you click OK you'll notice changes will take effect after you restart this computer this is a very important thing these little stupid things people forget about they go oh ok and then they go about their life and they don't restart the computer and then it will not become a part of the domain so what we're going to do is we're going to restart now so during this restart process it will go through and it would change the configurations to make this part of the domain so we just sit here we watch a little little thing spin around and let's see here should come up in a second so there we go and so now you can see up here for the username it now doesn't say user it says eat ECG comm slash administrator so that is now the user on this computer so I can use my administrator password and now log into the system and depending on on what you've done with the computer before it may go through a little process but now we can see that as the administrator we are logged on to the system so the domain administrator account is logged on to the system if we go up you do the search thing again we go back to system you go to settings you go to system we will now see under computer name domain and workgroup settings that we are now part of the eat ECG comm domain so the full computer now name is now test - PCE tcv comm so this computer is now part of the domain now if we go back we minimize this we go back to the server we can go back to the computers do a refresh and we will now see that test - PC now has a computer account in this domain and we can go in and we can take a look at the properties so so this is going to be some more complicated stuff will do in the future but we can now see that this is in fact a member of the domain and now we can start playing with the computer and making configuration changes and such so that really is all there is to adding a a computer to the domain so the main thing to remember the main thing to remember is that you have to have a Business Edition Windows computer to add it to the domain this way so again XP Professional Vista Business Edition with seven is it business or professional eight professional Ultimate editions you cannot use any of the home versions if you're using Windows 8 all you do is you go to search you go to system you go to go to a change and then you go through and basically you run through the wizard past making sure that you're using a business grade operating system also also make sure that the DHCP address that your client computer has received has come from the Windows Server and not from a router or an ISP modem or some other DHCP server that is floating out there it's very important remember to turn off any other DHCP servers on the network or you will have all kinds of problems so basically what we did today is we joined this Windows 8 PC to the domain and then we were able to log into that Windows 8 PC using our domain administrator account so when we go into the next class and start adding users and playing with users you will see how this becomes you know pretty powerful pretty quick so basically any user can just sit down a computer they can log in and as long as it's a member of the domain they automatically get all the security policies and all the resources and all the permissions and all that and and you don't you don't have to sit at that computer you can just do all the configurations from the domain controller and it makes life so this class was adding a Windows computer to a Windows Server 2012 domain at this point you can add Mac computers Mac OSX you can add Linux you can add UNIX to Active Directory domains but those are their own classes and and so that that will be something we'll deal with at another time this is just for the Windows computers which frankly is what you'll be dealing with most of the time anyway so as always I enjoy teaching this class and I look forward to seeing the next one
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 658,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy, Windows
Id: h9fmQ0crCsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2013
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