you need to learn Google Cloud RIGHT NOW!!

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You need to learn Google cloud right now? Why? Well, Google thought is set up to be one of the highest paying skills in 2022. Look at that. It's the top two spots beating AWS. So yeah, it's worth paying attention to, and you can learn it right now for free in a really awesome way. Hold on one sec. Coffee break. Okay. Now what I'm talking about is a fairly new thing called Google cloud skill badges. That's a mouthful kind of, and I actually just got one it's on my LinkedIn profile. Check it out. I'm proud of it right here, under licenses and certificates. If I click on see credential and boom, that verifies, I know how to do something on Google cloud. It verifies that skill I have. Now let me tell you getting this was not easy. It had to go through a lab and configure stuff, and then they graded it. It was hard, full disclosure. It took me a few tries, but it was awesome. It was fun. I was actually using Google cloud, but I did pass. And now I know it. And I have a badge, a skill badge to prove it. And I think you should get one too, because it's free. Are you kidding me asterisk for 30 days? We'll talk about that. That's not a big deal. Trust me, but you know what? I'm not even sure you can do it. It's probably too hard for you. Don't even try. I'm trying reverse psychology. Let me know if it works for real. Do this now, right now. Now, before I show you how to do this, how to start skilling yourself up in Google cloud. Let's talk about why, why should you learn Google cloud and why should you do it right now? Oh, and also real quick, shout out to the sponsor of this video. Manscaped um, we'll talk more about them later because you probably need it anyways. Quick coffee break. Let's talk about, Hey, what the junk has Google cloud and why do you need to learn it right now? The first? And you may have guessed this Google cloud is a cloud service provider. And I don't know if you know this, but cloud is kind of hot right now. In fact it's been hot and it will continue to be hot as burned up like you, it just is. If you're in it, learning cloud has become like the thing you have to do now. Now, as far as what is the cloud, I've talked about that a lot on my channel. So check out these videos, but essentially it's just someone else's computer, someone else's servers somewhere else. And you're paying that someone in this case, Google to rent it basically, instead of buying your own server, you're paying to rent his kinda like a rental car, but Google cloud or the Google cloud platform often abbreviated GCP. It's one of, three of the biggest players in the space. Well, one of four, if you consider China, but we'll talk about that later. The other two big players are AWS or Amazon web services. And by the way, they are the biggest, the heavyweight champion, the go-to cloud provider. So they're in first place and then a pretty distant second is Microsoft Azure. And yes, that does mean Google cloud platform is in third, the least popular of these two cloud providers. But seriously, third-place, ain't too bad here. They are on the Gartner magic quadrant. If you're in Nevada and they're growing like crazy, they increase their IAS revenue by 66% in 2020. So yeah, they are the smallest of the three, but they're still big. So now that begs the question. If GCP is the smallest of the three, why should you learn that over AWS and Azure coffee break? You shouldn't wait. What, what I mean is you shouldn't just learn Google cloud over AWS, or you also shouldn't just learn AWS over Azure or Google cloud. You shouldn't just learn one cloud provider, learn multiple, learn all three, a lot of companies. Now don't just have their stuff in one cloud, they're doing, what's called multi-cloud putting some things in AWS, other things in Azure and some other stuff in Google cloud. Now I know your first thought may have been Chuck. That's a lot. I can't even learn one cloud. You want me to run a three now? Are you kidding me? It's not as bad as it sounds. It does feel overwhelming at first, if you're just hearing this, I totally get that. But let me reassure you. If you learn one cloud provider, it's pretty stinking, easy to pick up the others. For example, I learned Azure as my first cloud, I got certified. I taught a course on it and then honestly, picking up AWS and now Google cloud was pretty stinking easy. I mean, yeah, there were hard things, but for the most part, that heavy lifting was over because a lot of the foundational concept of what cloud is the core concepts, like learning virtual machines and networking storage, and even things like Kubernetes. Those are remarkably similar across these three clouds. So yeah, that was really my first main point is don't just learn one. Don't just pick one, but there is a point where you have to, you know, pick one right now, right? Like you have to learn your first cloud. Why should GCP be your first cloud provider? Why learn Google first coffee break three points real quick. Number one, learning a less popular skill will make you more valuable to some companies think about it. If everyone has AWS or Azure certifications that makes Google kind of rare and rare skills usually equal more money because of their scarcity. Number two multicloud, we just talked about that. Even if a company is mainly an AWS shop, they may want to expand out to Google cloud. And that means they're going to look for someone who has Google cloud skills. That could be you and point number three, and probably the most compelling reason it's free. It's in free for the most part. And let's talk about that now. Coffee break. So here we go. Let's talk about getting you skilled up in Google cloud for free. I'm having trouble saying Google cloud. It's kind of a tongue twister, but first let me start with this. Google does have its own certification program, just like AWS and Azure. If you're looking at the associate level, AWS has their AWS certified solutions architect associate. I think that's what it is. Mouthful too much. Calm down AWS, as your has their Azure administrator associate much easier to say, what can you just do that AWS? And then Google has something long. I have to read it. Now the Google certified associate cloud engineer. So those are their administrative level certifications. Now the path to getting these certifications is not easy. It involves learning a number of skills and it does take time and also getting certified isn't free. I know what you're thinking, Chuck, you said this is free. I'll get to that. But the certifications, they're not free. Sure. You can find free training, but when it comes time to take that test, you gotta pay for the test. But here we go. Here's the free part. And I love Google for this. They do something unique, something different that the others don't do. I think that's unique to them anyway, for now. Here's what they do. Along that path, that treacherous path to getting certified, they give you a chance to acquire skill badges for the individual skills you will learn at each point. Let me show you. This is what it looks like here is Google's cloud engineer learning path. And I want you to notice a few things here. First of all, at the end, we're talking about getting that certification. The associate cloud engineer certification exam. That's the goal. But along the way, as you're learning, you can gather these skill badges. Look at these pit stops. You have each one of these is its own individual badge that you can earn and show off. And the best part is these skill badges. You can get these for free. Like right now today, I just did it. Now I'll show you how to do this and get access to everything. But first, let me tell you why I love this two reasons. I'm sorry for being so aggressive. I'm excited. I love this. I love a Google's doing for one. It gives you milestones. Getting a certification is stinking hard. It's a long process. You have to learn a ton and it can be kind of discouraging. It feels like a lot, cause it is a lot. But having smaller goals for skills that you can verify and get a badge for is awesome. It's so encouraging. It keeps you motivated. You can show off your skills along the way. I love it. Now. Number two, you may not want an entire certification. You may not need one. You may just want to verify one skill that your job is looking for. And with Google cloud, you can do that, which is so cool. Now I don't want to discourage you from getting the certification. You should get a certification, but if you don't need it or you can't afford it, you don't have to get it. You can just verify your skills with a badge. And again, I can't emphasize this enough. You can do this right now today. Like I knocked out one within a few hours. You can do it too. Okay. So now how do you do it? How do you sign up for this and get free access coffee break. Now I mentioned earlier asterisk. It's free for 30 days and that is true. And after 30 days, yeah, it's not free anymore. But before you get on that and say, hold on, it's free to sign up. You don't have to put a credit card in like a cloud provider. It's not none of that. It's just free to sign up. You, you, you just put your email in and then you try for 30 days to get as many skill badges for free as you can, which I think is pretty stinking awesome. And Google even calls it their skills challenge. They want you to go crazy for 30 days and try to do this. And by the way, I would love to see how many badges you can collect. Like you've got nothing else going on. If you're not studying anything else, dude, just go for it, put it on your resume. Your LinkedIn go nuts. So anyways, let's try this right now. I want you to do it. At least get signed up. I've got a link below. Get signed up for free, fill out the form and they'll send you an email. And this email will have an access code for you to claim the offer. So click that claim, offer button. They send you and use the access code to get access to stuff. That stuff is a subscription you get for 30 days free again. And you can do as many badges as your heart desires. Now I do encourage you to start at the beginning. And one of the first skill badges you can earn is the create and manage cloud resources. That's when I got, let me show you what it looks like and legit, it's the coolest thing ever. They call these things quest. And at the end of it, you can take their challenge lab and try to get your badge. And each quest will have a lab. You have to complete they'll show you how to create a virtual machine, which by the way, you're not just like being told how to do it. They're making you do it. Let me tell you I'll jump in there. I'll click on start lab. And normally this would cost tokens money, but because you have a subscription, you can just use that. And it launches and it actually uses real Google cloud. Like watch this, I'll click on open Google console. And you're going to log in with a Google cloud account that they provide you. Here's the username password and bam, I can start going crazy. And this particular lab, they have you opening up the cloud shell and they'll show you how to do some stuff. And then they have you configure an engine X web server. And the coolest part is once you do all that, you have to click on, check my progress and actually checks your stuff, your project and test if you did it right. And if you didn't do it right, like watch it. I didn't do anything. And I'm going to check my progress. No, I didn't do it. So each lab is like this. I'm going to click on end. And this quest teaches you quite a bit like a cloud shell and G cloud Cooper in Hades. You actually set up a Kubernetes cluster network and load balancers. And then finally you have this challenge lab, which kicked my butt. Let me show you this one. Doesn't show you how to do things. You just says, Hey, do this. And then you have to verify. So you have to actually configure Kubernetes. You have to actually configure a load balancer. It gives you an hour to do it and you have to complete it. How cool is that? And it's again, it's free, which is kind of, it's kind of crazy. Cause I don't know of any other vendor that does something like this that gives you free access to learning a lab and then it verifies your skills with a badge. So yeah, dude, just go for it. Go crazy. Get as many badges as you can learn something new today right now, now. Sure. After 30 days. Yeah. It's not free, but it's not like a cloud signup. You didn't put a credit card down. You're not gonna be charged anything. And after your 30 days you can sign up for a subscription. Let me show you, um, what it looks like. You can buy individual credits. You can get a subscription, so that is available. But I think it's cool just for 30 days, you can go crazy and get some skills shoot. In 30 days you can learn enough to then take your certification exam if you want to. And then that will cost money obviously, but the learning process and all the badges that was free. Now I know some of you are like, I don't have to learn this right now. Chuck stop saying right now, and you know what, you're right? Some of you don't need to learn this right now because you've been kind of shirking your other studies. Haven't you? Yeah. You know who you are. I'm talking to you, Ben. So yeah, when I say right now, keep in mind. Some of you don't need to do it right now. So you need to finish your other stuff right now. Also some of you do need to study Google cloud right now because maybe you've been lazy. You've been unmotivated. You've been playing too many video games, making excuses. I've been there. Dude. That's been me a lot of the time. No shame. Just get up and change and why you should do it right now is that this could be the difference between you getting a, raise a promotion, a new job at whole stink and new career for free. So just do it right now. Anyways. That's all I got. I've had way too much coffee. And let me know what you think. Are you going to go for some Google skill or Google cloud skill badges? Let me know. And if you do get some, please let me know in the comments. I want to see it. Let me know on Twitter, Facebook, Tik, TOK, whatever. And also how do you hacked YouTube algorithm today? Let's make sure you do hit that like button subscribe, notification bell. You got to hack YouTube today. Ethically of course also, speaking of things you need to do right now, I like to think the sponsor of today's video, manscaped the global brand for men's grooming and hygiene products. So like an infomercial anyways. Here's what they're about. And also keep in mind. This ad is focusing on these specific grooming needs of men. So children, infants, curvier ears, the Google cloud portions over. We're talking about some man stuff. So mute the video and just pretend I'm saying coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee. It's probably what you hear anyway. Anyways, let me show you what I got. I'll be right back. Okay, here we go. I. Warned you. This is going to be some sensitive conversation. Manscaped they offered the best tools for liquid formulations for the big three odor zones, your body, your butts and your balls. I can't keep a straight face. I'm sorry. Anyways, they sent me some stuff on there. All in one performance package, 4.0, let me show you what I got. First thing is the, this bad boy right here. They call this the lawnmower 4.00 yeah. Can you hear that real quick? Look at that. You have a light because you know, you might be going into a, some dark spaces. This is manscaped fourth-generation electric waterproof trimmer with advanced skin safe technology because he needs some, he needs the protection down there. It will reduce Nicks and cuts on the most sensitive region of the body. I think you know what I'm talking about? We've got this awesome cordless charging system. I mean, there is a core to the charging base it's in here somewhere. I'll find it later, but you just pop this bad boy. And they're in a charges, got a nifty led light to show how charged up it is. Dang. You actually get 90 minutes of use time with a full charge. That's a lot of trimming. Again, some of us need that amount of time. That's pretty cool. It's got a travel lock. If you hit the button rapidly three times 1, 2, 3, it won't turn on. If you accidentally hit the button. So that's, that's actually really handy. So you don't shave your clothes. Um, and then just hit it three times to unlock. And we're back in business. Now let's talk about some more, uh, sensitive things. I've got a two things in here. They sent me, I needed it. We have the crop reviver in the crop. Preserver, AKA the preserver is a bald deodorant and the reviver is a ball toner things. I didn't know I needed, but I needed honestly, the crop preservers. Pretty cool. It's a use it after the shower. It was like a deodorant for your balls. This was called bell deodorant. And um, it keeps it fresh all day. And then the crop reviver is, um, well it revives you when you have had a rough day down there, we'll swampy. It's a nice refreshing spritz and gets you back to normal, better than normal. I can't emphasize enough that kids should not watch this portion of the video. They also sent me a nose, hair trimmer. And uh, I think it's ear hair as well. Now some of you guys, this is important, especially it guys, for some reason, your nose hairs a crazy, we can see them trim them. I'm talking to you get one of these. I just actually use it before this video. They're amazing. It's got that same skin, same technology as the groin trimmer. Cause you know, it's sensitive up there too. So anyways, men get the stuff, women get the stuff for your men. And for a limited time only you get this awesome travel bag. The shed like the name because the lawn mower shed anyways, and they gave me some boxers [inaudible] boxer briefs. So again, this limited time, if you want to get these, hurry up. These are actually really nice. So anyways, awkwardness almost over I cave and meet your eyes. Go to today and get 20% off and free international shipping. Just pretty cool. And you get two free gifts when you use promo code network, Chuck at checkout, manscaped always use the right tools for the job. Okay. I'll get you guys later. You can stop watching now.
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 304,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google, Cloud, Google Cloud, badges, learn RIGHT NOW, manscaped, GCP, Cloud Provider
Id: YJwhQowT84A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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