Setting Up Your First Raspberry Pi 4 Docker Server with CasaOS - Episode 1

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this is casa os casa os is an open source home cloud system based on the docker ecosystem and is designed for home scenarios they say they're committed to building the world's most simple easy to use and elegant home cloud system so i recently discovered casa os because i signed up to get notifications about the new zema board which is an x86 development board similar to say a latte panda or something like that so as part of zema board's promotional material they recently sent out an email introducing the community to casa os and i immediately had to take a look when i saw just the dashboard itself so if we take a look at the dashboard here um i really do like it's it's apple-esque uh layout and aesthetic here look i'm not an apple fan at all i don't like i don't like apple they make great products i just don't like the way they they micromanage things however their interfaces are usually really really good and i feel like cos os did a really good job of kind of taking inspiration from that to build this now if we start if we just take a quick look here you know right in the middle we see all of the apps that we have running above that we've got the option to synchronize our data across multiple devices uh i think backups might be a good use case for this uh they've also got some stuff where it says in the top right that uh they're they're working on a way to smarten up your home above that there's a google search uh there's there's been some some talk about uh having that search bar there or possibly changing uh the the search provider just kind of based on the skimming that i've done in their discord uh of course we've got some more information over here on the left side where we've got the time and date our cpu usage and our ram usage and below that we've got storage that is on our system now i'm using a a little usb stick uh basically just one of these little guys right here it's 128 gig stick that i'm using for my operating system and all of my docker storage now you can toggle what information is available here by checking the little hamburger menu and toggling these things on and off as you see fit so there is some customization that you can do there i will say i should pause here i will say that this is still in fairly early development there's still a lot of things going on behind the scenes but the reason i wanted to bring this uh casa os up is because uh it's december now and uh that means christmas is just a few weeks away and i feel like there's going to be a lot of people out there getting raspberry pies for christmas and um sometimes you don't know what to do with a raspberry pie or you do know what you want to do with a raspberry pie but you don't know how to do it or where to get started and that's why i want to make this series introducing casa os on a raspberry pi 4. as i mentioned earlier we're getting from their website they're doing everything they can to try to make this the most easy to use docker setup and they really have done a great job in making a docker container deployment very very easy so starting from scratch once i had the operating system installed i was able to install flame dashboard as well as next cloud with a mysql database in about eight minutes flat and that includes uh downloading all of the images that it would need extracting all of the images uh setting everything up including setting up a separate database for next cloud and going through their full setup process and even installing all of the recommended apps in next cloud i was able to get both of those different applications both flame dashboard as well as next cloud again with them array database installed in about eight minutes so they've done a really good job as far as making this super super easy to use so uh let's kind of let's kind of cut the intro here and explaining what casa os is and explain how to get it set up on a raspberry pi 4. now as it says on their website casa os fully supports a zima board intel knock and raspberry pi also more computers and development boards with the following architectures including amd 64 arm v7 and arm 64. cos os is fully compatible with ubuntu debian raspberry pi os and scent os with a one line installation and that's what we're gonna show here next but first we're going to get our base operating system installed and for ease of use and and just simplicity of install uh what we're gonna do is use raspberry pi os from the raspberry pi imaging software so in order to get to this screen uh with raspberry pi image right pressed ctrl shift x on my keyboard and it brought up these advanced options and the first thing i want to do is set my host name now you can choose whatever host name you'd like so the next thing you'll probably want to do is enable ssh and to go with that you'll want some sort of authentication and i used password authentication however you could also use uh ssh keys if you wanted to do that as well uh below that you've got the option to configure wi-fi if you need to connect it that way however i won't be doing that as i'll have this plugged in directly to my switch so we'll go ahead and scroll down and set our locale settings and then we'll go ahead and make some adjustments here with uh skipping the first run wizard ejecting the media that sort of thing you can change as you'd like next we'll select our usb drive so then we'll go ahead and write the os to the usb drive and then once this is done we can go ahead and pop this into our raspberry pi and boot it up so once your raspberry pi has booted up you'll want to find its ip address and then ssh into your raspberry pi using the command that you can see on the screen there and then give it your password it will be brought into a prompt where we can then enter the command that we see on this screen as we'll just go ahead and paste that in there and press enter and this will take a little while so you want to get comfortable or maybe go go grab a snack or something and wait for this to finish up and then once it does finish up we'll be able to go over to our browser and get started so the script is finished running and it says that cos os is currently running at this ip address so we're going to grab that ip address go over to our browser and type that in press enter and then once the page loads we'll be brought to this prompt that says let's create your initial account so we'll go ahead and type in a username and a password like you would expect and then we can go ahead and press create there it says everything is done so that's good and here is our fresh dashboard with nothing installed on it so of course the next step will be to install an application or applications as the case may be here and there are a few different ways that you can do that first off you could come over here and click on app and select any of their featured apps that they have listed here by simply just clicking let's uh let's install that just by clicking there it's like hey here's your default username and password you can just click ok we'll give this a second you've got a couple of options you can just sit here and watch this or you can let it continue in the background i like to keep this up just so i can see what's going on with my install and there we go now we've got this application installed and we've got the option to just click this and it will take us over here we can click on the three dots up here we can open it that way as well or uh we can click on settings to modify any of the settings that we need to modify there let's go ahead and close that we can uh uninstall it from here as well but let's go back to settings for just a moment so that we can take a look at our terminal and our logs so we can see what's going on in each of our applications there we can also export this app file uh what it will do is actually generate a a json file there that you can actually then use to deploy this on another system if you wanted to do that now of course that is just one way to install an application if we come back over to here and click on app again we can click on custom install like so and then we could manually fill out each of these blocks as you wanted to with the docker image that you might get from for instance you can then give it a name the icon url that icon url is actually what will show up right here you could put in just a standard url from some place where you found the image that you'd like to use uh here you can uh put in a port or like it says a path to the index where you'll be accessing your application you can choose the networking mode you can add ports volumes environmental variables and devices with the appropriate add buttons over here you can then select cpu shares uh basically what priority should this application have what do you want your restart policy to be and then also the app description and once you've filled out all of that information uh you can then click install and go through that same process again yet another way to install applications here is once you've clicked on this screen and you see install a new app manually you can come up to the top right where it says import and you've got some options here as well if you wanted to you could use the docker cli here so just as an example we'll use linux servers cloud nine and down here you can see docker cli so basically all i've done is i've highlighted this you can right click and say copy come back over to here and just paste that in there just as it stands just like that and then we can click submit and it's going to say hey this is only going to help you along the way so you may want to go back and check your settings here so we'll go ahead and click ok and then we come up to the top we can see that it filled in the docker image the app name the icon url so the next thing we want to do is put a port right here this will be the port that we'll access the application on i'm going to say 8005 just because i'm used to pertainer using poor 8000 so i'm going to say 8005 but of course the internal port will be 8 000. then you can put in the path to your code wherever you'd like that to be stored so i'm going to say for instance home slash cloud 9. like so uh it's also going to depend on the docker socket so it went ahead and put that in there uh your puid and pg id are both uh pre-populated however if you need to change those definitely do that below that we've got a time zone so i'm going to change that to my time zone there's a get url as well as putting in a username and a password like so you can keep scrolling down again you can select additional devices your cpu priority your restart policy and your app description and once you've got all of these things filled out you can come down here and just click install so one thing you will want to keep in mind when you're deploying applications in casa os or really any docker environment is that you need to make sure that your images or your containers are compatible with your cpu architecture and the way you can check that is if you come over to their page very often if you come over to the tags area i've actually made a short about this but um but here it is again basically you can see the os and the architecture here if you see arm v7 or arm 64 v8 you'll probably be set to go with a raspberry pi this is also a reason that i really do love the linux server team is they are great about making sure that almost all if not all of their images are compatible with both desktop and raspberry pi or arm processors so here it looks like cloud9 is up and running but if we look up here at the top we can still see that the cpu is is still doing something in the background uh so we may not want to try to hit that just yet because you know it's still doing stuff it's still loading in the background so we'll wait until this calms down before we try to access our new application and i guess while it's doing that i can then show you yet another way to install an application so let's go ahead and remove this this application right here we're just going to click on uninstall and click uninstall we'll give this just a moment so it looks like our application was uninstalled so uh this gives me a chance to show you yet another way to install an application in casa os uh we're gonna start over here at add app just like we did before we're gonna go back to custom install we're going to come up here to import and then we're going to say app file this time it says drop your app or click here to upload so i'm going to grab this container file that we created a moment ago and drag that up there and click submit now again it's saying hey make sure that you verify all of your information here so we'll go ahead and click ok and here we can see that it's filled in all of this information for us again based on our last settings so let's say you get an application uh file from somebody and you don't want to use their settings so what you can do here is just change this to be oops let's let's delete all of that and say home slash we'll just say qb and then we'll do the same thing uh here we're gonna say uh home and we'll say qb downloads just like so and then of course we can change these uh to america slash denver um and although the rest of it looks good so we'll go ahead and click on install there and then it will go through the process of downloading and installing that application as well now this time i am going to go ahead and click on continue in the background like so and then let's see if we can access our cloud 9 yet there we go so i'm going to type in the username oops and password just like so and right there we've got our cloud9 application up and ready to go so we've covered quite a bit in this video uh first obviously we talked about what casa os is uh then how to install it and then four i believe four different ways to install applications in docker using casa os and i think having multiple different ways to install a docker container using their interface really does lend itself towards what they were saying on their website as far as them trying to make things as easy as possible to use so i think that casa os is a great way for somebody who is not familiar with docker to kind of get their feet wet and kind of get the experience of getting familiar with docker without a lot of overhead or having to have a lot of base knowledge they've done a great job with making this system super user friendly so i will be releasing more tutorials on how to use casa os in the future i'm going to try to get a content schedule set up so we kind of know what days to expect these videos to come out but definitely in the comment section down below let me know what applications you would like to see us install on casa os now i do want to say that there is one little caveat that honestly i forgot to mention until just now and that is that costs os's dashboard resides on port 80. they don't actually have any plans to my knowledge based on the research that i've done to to give up that port so that means in order to get remote access to your applications uh when you're away from home you've got a couple of different options the first option would be to set up another raspberry pi or another low powered single board computer like a raspberry pi or something like that to set up nginx proxy manager and then point uh that device to this device and kind of have a two device setup [Music] i've done that i actually kind of do that now i've got my nginx proxy manager on its own vm that handles all of the traffic that comes into my server so i don't necessarily disagree with that but i know that that's not going to be for everybody for a few different reasons first it involves another piece of hardware also it involves opening ports 80 and 443 and sometimes that gets complicated uh whether your isp doesn't allow that whether you've got like a cgnat issue uh whether you've got an ip address that changes regularly all of those different things can affect uh how much a person might want to use something like nginx proxy manager the other option for remote access based on what i was able to find in their discord is to use a service like zero tier or tail scale just a software-defined local area network to gain access to your applications remotely the advantage to doing that is it is another level of security you have to authorize users to get on your network on your on your sd lan um in order for them to be able to access anything so there's there's that level of additional security where you get to control who is on said network also it doesn't require any kind of dedicated ip address also it doesn't require forwarding ports 80 and 443 uh from the internet to your server so that's again another kind of perk in my opinion to uh kind of their thought process here as far as using a software defined lan other advantages to this include you don't have to have ssls installed you don't have to have a domain name installed you don't have to have a lot of those extra things that can make getting into self-hosting a bit more daunting to try to learn how to configure and set up and those sorts of things so i i definitely will be doing a video on how to set up remote access to our casa os install but that will be coming at a later date once we've got some applications installed on casa os and that way it kind of makes more sense uh as far as how we would access each of those different uh applications on a software-defined local area network setup so as i mentioned we have covered a lot in this video and that's kind of how these intro to videos tend to go is there's a lot to cover so that when we get into some of the some of the application specific tutorials there's not quite as much to go over and cover so hopefully you found this video helpful useful interesting uh maybe you learned about a new service you didn't know about if any of those things are true it would really be cool if you guys give the video a thumbs up just to let me know that you're interested in this kind of content also as i mentioned earlier let me know what applications you'd like to see me set up and deploy on casa os leave all of that in the comment section down below but i think with all that being said i'm going to go ahead and wrap this up so as always thanks for your time i always appreciate your support and i'll talk to you the next video
Channel: DB Tech
Views: 11,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CasaOS, CasaOS Docker, CasaOS Raspberry Pi, CasaOS Raspberry Pi OS, How to install CasaOS, How to install CasaOS on a Raspberry Pi, How to install CasaOS on Raspberry Pi OS, self-hosting on Raspberry Pi, intro to docker, intro to self-hosting, intro to self-hosting on raspberry pi, raspberry pi self-hosting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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