Octoprint 2021: Easier Installation, Raspberry Pi 4b, Configuration and Plugins

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hello this is irv shapiro with make with tech now if you were looking for dr vaxx i'm still the same guy producing the same material just with a new channel name a new brand to better serve the audience of folks looking to learn how to use technology specifically home-based desktop technology to make things today we're going to cover what may be the most cost effective important upgrade you can make to any 3d printer you can get started for 35 dollars by purchasing a raspberry pi single board computer and running a piece of software called octoprint now many of you have heard of octoprint before we're going to update you with some changes that have occurred in 2021 specifically changes about supporting python 3 new raspberry pi specifically the raspberry pi 4 new plugins that are available and how to use the octoprint environment to do things that will just make your print quality and experience better including how to use octoprint to improve the leveling of your print bed so make sure even if you know about octoprint already you watch to the very end because they're going to be some interesting new things stay tuned and let's learn something together [Music] now before i get started i want to remind you that i publish videos anywhere from two to six times a month and so if you want to make sure you hear about my new videos subscribe to the channel and click on the bell of course any of my videos are completely free and you can feel free to publish links to them anywhere you'd like now let's talk about octoprint and we're going to begin by describing what it is you have a 3d printer it's noisy maybe you're a little bit concerned about the fumes from the melted plastic but you have to take and connect it to a computer or today you have to take an sd card and walk it over to the printer you want to be able to put it in a back room somewhere and still be able to send prints to it that's what octoprint does for you as the first thing and it's only the beginning of a long list of capabilities it adds to your 3d printer so with octoprint running on a computer you can access that computer from any internet browser and use that browser-based environment the octoprint environment to download or upload i guess it's a matter of perspective files gcode files to your 3d printer then you can monitor those prints you can start them you can stop them you can pause them you can continue them but that's only the beginning with a series of octoprint plugins those are optional editions written by other people you can do even more and we're going to learn about a bunch of those today together gina hoska and gina i apologize in advance for my poorer american pronunciation of your last name uploaded the first version of octoprint to github about nine years ago since then there have been over 7 000 commits that's changes or upgrades to the code across 111 releases and 192 people have participated in the process with gina still writing the majority of the code a big change that made it easier for everyone to use octoprint was when guy shafer in august of 2013 produced something called octopi octopi is a package a distribution of octoprint specifically designed to run on a raspberry pi that made it easy for anyone to buy a 35 computer maybe with a 10 dollar power supply and connect it directly to the 3d printer now i'd recommend you put in a nice little case and i'll show you some options for that and then you can take your 3d printer and your raspberry pi and put it anywhere you want and access it from a web browser that's on the same network now we'll see with some exciting plugins you can further extend that to accessing it from a web browser anywhere even outside your home or office now let's look at how this fits together so if we look at this slide you'll see that on the right you have a 3d printer it's connected to a computer and that computer has to be capable of running a current build of python the current version of octoprint does fully support python 3. that means it'll run on windows on linux and the raspberry pi is running a variant of linux on mac os or other specific operating systems that support python you connect to it over a internet connection over and it can be ethernet or wi-fi and right out of the box it supports connecting to it on your local network then you just point a web browser at it and we're going to actually walk through the steps of doing this together now let's look at how it's used on a raspberry pi the raspberry pi has a number of usb connectors on the raspberry pi 4 it has two usb 3 and two usb 2 connectors it has an ethernet connector it has wi-fi built-in and that's the capability that i use it does have the ability to add a speaker to hdmi monitors and it has a usb c connector which is used for power now i'm not going to connect a keyboard or a mouse or a monitor to this raspberry pi because octoprint running on a raspberry pi provides an environment you access from a browser now i'm a fan of canikit because they packaged together everything you need um it's always worked i've never gotten a bad one if we look here at their website you'll see you can build by anything from just a basic board to a basic kit which includes a power supply to a starter kit which includes a power supply and an sd card to a complete kit that includes a keyboard and a mouse so you could use it as a multi-purpose a general purpose computer i generally purchase the starter kits which includes a raspberry pi it also includes an instruction manual and hdmi cable now the hdmi cable for the raspberry pi is a micro hdmi to full size hdmi it includes a case and it's probably a good idea to keep your raspberry pi in a case so we have here a case it includes a power supply and i'm a big fan of purchasing power supplies specifically made for the raspberry pi more met raspberry pi failures where they don't seem to work right or because the power supply isn't good enough quality it includes some heat sinks and those are components you stick on these three large chips that will draw heat away from the machine it includes a fan for the case and it even includes an sd card so if you buy the kit here this one's listed as 89 with a 32 gigabyte sd card and 2 gigabytes of ram that kit would be more than adequate for use in building your raspberry pi environment now what are you going to need next well you have to put some software onto your raspberry pi and the way we're going to do that is by using a remarkable new program from the raspberry pi foundation that program is called the raspberry pi os imager and so you need to go to this page it's red www.raspberrypi.org software and download the imager and then you just take the sd card from your kit so i'm going to take this sd card right here and you plug that sd card into your computer so i have an adapter here on my mac i'm going to plug my sd card in and you'll see it comes up here as caniket now this sd card the sd card you get from canada kit i believe already have a raspberry pi operating system on them but we don't need that we're going to overwrite that so i'm going to go and run the raspberry pi imager let me make this a little bigger so you can see it here and i'm going to choose my operating system and i'm going to go to the other specific purpose operating system and you'll see here an entry for raspberry pi i'm going to click on raspberry pi and it doesn't matter which one you select here um there mirrors one or the other so if one isn't available you can select the other one and i'm going to click on raspberry pi now i need a special magic key sequence i'm going to hit shift control x and it asks if i want to pre-fill the wi-fi password from the system keychain i'm going to say no and then i can set up a bunch of specific options for my raspberry pi now i'm going to show you in a moment how to set up some of these options afterwards but the one we absolutely need to set up is enable ssh and i want to have a password for ssh and configure wi-fi and i'm going to set up for the wi-fi network i'm already on and i'm going to enter in the password and i'm going to select my country now why do you need to select the country well by law certain frequencies of wi-fi are supported in different countries this will make sure your raspberry pi only uses a supported frequency for your country and as long as i'm here i'm going to set that i'm in the chicago area of the united states and i'm going to click save now i'm going to choose my sd card now depending on your computer you might actually see on a windows machine you actually see all of your disk drives don't choose the wrong one you'll wipe out a disk drive you need to choose the one you're using an easy way to do that is to unplug or pull out your sd card go to this window then plug your sd card back in go to the window a second time and see what shows up so i know this is my 32 gigabyte card and i'm going to select write yes i want to continue and depending on the operating system it will ask for a password and now it's creating that sd card while that sd card is writing i'm going to add my heatsinks so i'm just going to pull off the double stick tape on the back here and these just stick right onto the top of the chips there's nothing magical about that okay now that i have the heat sinks on and my sd card is all done i'm going to exit from the imager program and it's already ejected my sd card so i can pull it out of the computer i'm going to put it into the raspberry pi and i always forget where that is it's right over here and it goes with the label facing down so it feels like it's upside down if you put it in this way then i'm going to plug in the power supply now the canada kits include a really nice little on off switch that you can add onto the end of your power supply cable so i'm going to plug that in and there's only one place it fits and it doesn't matter up or down and you'll see the red light go on and the green line blink and the blinking of the green light indicates it's connecting to wi-fi now there are two ways i could proceed from here because i've already set up the wi-fi and the country i can go right to the web browser and just continue from there if i hadn't done that i would have to edit a file on that sd card to configure my wi-fi but in addition to configuring the wi-fi there are other things you can configure on your raspberry pi let me show you that very briefly so i'm going to go into a terminal window and this pretty much works the same on a mac or a pc if you're running windows 10 or later i'm going to type in ssh pi at pi is the username i'm going to log in on this raspberry pi and ssh is a secure terminal secure shell is the formal name but a secure terminal environment i can connect to that and i'm going to connect to octopi dot local that says look for a computer with the name octopri on my local network and hit enter it's going to ask if i want to accept connecting to this i'm going to say yes and then i have to type in my password that's the password i entered when i did the control shift x in the raspberry pi imager and now you'll see we are connected from my desktop computer to this raspberry pi now i'm going to execute an administrator mode command that we can use to further configure our raspberry pi in our specific case we wouldn't have to do this because we did it with the control shift x command in the raspberry pi imager however i'm going to do this to complete your knowledge of this environment now the administrator mode on a linux computer is called super user mode so i'm going to type in sudo super user do and raspberry pi hyphen config and with this will run a program that's on our raspberry pi and you'll see there's a variety of things we can do here the most common is system options and this is where we could change our wi-fi configuration we could change our password or we could change our post host name now if you're going to use octa print on more than one raspberry pi in your network they can't all be called octopi they each need to have a different name when you change the hostname here you're changing the name on the network of your raspberry pi and in the future you would do an ssh to that new name we're not going to actually do anything here since we're configured the way we want already so we'll just exit out of this and then exit out of ssh now the next way we can connect over the network to this raspberry pi is with a browser let's do that now i'm going to open a new window i happen to be a fan of microsoft edge now i'm a big mac guy so for me to be using a microsoft product it has to be pretty special there are two microsoft products i use a lot i use microsoft edge on all my computers on my iphone on my macs and on my windows computers and there's one window computer i use and that's a surface go which i think is the best portable little computer the size of a tablet but enough about that let's go and connect to h t t p colon slash slash octopi dot local now once again if i change the host name the name here would be different i haven't and since this is the first time i'm running i'm accessing this raspberry pi running octoprint it's going to take me into a setup wizard let's go through these steps together next restore from backup no do i want to add a username and password to octoprint i do i'm going to make it irv shapiro and enter a password and click on create account now i can go to next i'm going to allow gina to see the use of octoprint so she has some sense of what's going on so we enable this here by clicking there before we say next i'm going to leave the connectivity check enabled i'm going to only install plugins that are not on the blacklist i'm going to give it a name meet with tack and we'll call this o2 and now i'm going to click on finish and now we have octoprint running on here all we need to do now is take a usb cable and connect this to our printer turn our printer on and connect and i'll show you that in a minute and optionally we can take a webcam plug it into this port here and i can show you that right here just to give you an idea you'll see we have a camera on here which i can point at my 3d printer which will be over here in a moment and so i can watch this as it's printing okay now that we've shown you how to set this all up let me go ahead and connect to a different octoprint instance this is one that's connected already to my ender 3 version 2 and i'll demonstrate some of the more interesting capabilities now because this octoprint instance running on a raspberry pi is a camera i can click on the control tab up here and i can see my actual printer next i'm going to click on connect when i click on connect it will connect to my printer over the usb cable if it doesn't work in all likelihood you have a bad usb cable usb cable some of them are designed just to provide power and not data so you have to make sure you have a data capable usb connection so you'll see here this is showing me the temperature of my printer it's currently off my camera if i had loaded a model it would show me it here a terminal session with my camera and you'll see here it's displaying temperature reports coming from my camera potentially there's the ability to do standard time-lapse photography with octoprint with no add-ins and what this will do is it'll take a picture every x amount of time now you'll actually see the printhead moving around and everything else there is an alternative an add-in called octal apps i'm going to show you in a moment that does something sort of magical but has a downside so how do you go about printing with octoprint well one way is you can drag a file a g-code file so i'm going to drag this file doctor print it'll say upload locally i'm going to release it and that file will now be listed right down here and then i can click on the button that says print and it will start printing but if you use most of the modern slicers they have plugins to directly integrate with octoprint so if i'm using cura as an example let's take a look at cura here i can go to the cura marketplace right over here and i can look down here for the plug-in for octoprint and you'll see octoprint connection i click on that to install it into cura now once the plug-in's installed when i go to a printer by clicking on the printer names here and say manage printers you'll see an option called connect to octoprint so i'm going to have my printer selected say connect to octoprint and it will look for the different instances of octoprint that it finds on my network now if it can't find it for some reason and sometimes it doesn't because if i've given it a proprietary name it won't find it it'll only find the octopi names i have to give it the name and the ip address so how do i get the ip address well if i've added the ip on connect plugin i can scroll down here to notifications and i'll see the name and the address so this is so i'm going to go back to cura and click on ok and now i can click back on that and i can request an api key so the first step was configuring it now i have to ask octoprint for permission to talk to it so i'm going to click on request and it can require that i log in to verify that i have permission and you'll see here i have a pop-up window that says allow or deny i'm going to say allow you see now that i can connect to that instance so i say connect now that i've installed the cura plug-in and i requested the apip i click connect i'm ready to print something so let's see how we do that well it's the same way you would normally slice a model from cura let's slice this puck used for not hockey set with a cubs logo so i'm going to click on slice and you'll see here there's an option now to either save the disk or print with octoprint i'm going to select print with octoprint it's going to show me my printer why because there's a camera there's a webcam on my raspberry pi so now if i go to my octoprint instance from my browser i'll see the same picture that i saw inside cura this same picture here and you'll see the temperature is starting to go up because it's currently setting up to print this puck it says that the print time will be about an hour and it's now heating up the printer okay we see here that we're getting very close to the temperature that's set in the g code and once we reach that temperature and it stabilizes we'll be able to see our printer begin to print now this g-code has is all set up to level the bed first with the abl system so we'll see that occur okay now it's printing the purge line and in a moment it's going to start with our actual print now one thing you will notice the difference between the raspberry pi 3 and 4 is with the 4 the video does seem to be a bit smoother now it's printing our brim and if we go to the g code viewer and we can say zoom in on model we can actually watch it and if you've installed the plug-in for octoprint everywhere this plug-in right down here let's show you which one that is octoprint everywhere and if that's installed you'd be able to monitor this from your phone or from a remote computer located anywhere so you could go back and watch it you could look at the g code you can see that the temperature is staying stable now down here on the left you'll see that my printer is at an i p address of i know that because i loaded a plug-in to show me that what are plugins if you go to this little wrench up here in the corner and click on it you'll see listed down here all of the plug-ins that you have loaded and i've loaded some rather interesting ones one is called the bed visualizer we'll go to that in a minute display layer progress will show me how far along in my print my print is as it's printing firmware check is built into octoprint it's provided by gina octoprint everywhere that's a plug-in i loaded so i can access octoprint from outside of my local network it is in essence a form of a virtual private network that allows you to connect to octoprint from anywhere the way it does that is when octoprint loads this program reaches out to another server so the other server doesn't have a way to come into your network this program reaches out to the other server which is much more secure so if i go to octoprint everywhere and i log into my account and i'm going to log in to drvex we'll see here that i've connected my raspberry pi through the plug-in to octoprint so i can go to this website anywhere and when i say connect i'll get the standard login prompt and i'll see the same thing i would see on my local network so these are basically two connections to my raspberry pi next i've loaded octal apps i'll explain that in more detail in a minute printer dialogs and printer notifications are standard virtual printer is standard and here's the other thing that i've loaded in here that i find very useful is ip on connect now how do you load a plugin how do you find the plugins you want well if you go up here to plugin manager you'll see all the plugins you have loaded in and you can delete any of the plugins or disable them via this screen but you can also click on get more and here you can search for a variety of additional plugins now let me show you one more that's quite interesting that i already have installed here bed visualizer if we go here to bed visualizer let me close out of the settings and if we go and click on the hamburger menu over here we'll see that the additional some additional plugins i've installed one is bed visualizer this will show you a graph of your print bed areas that are high will be shown as red areas that are low will be shown as blue in an auto bed leveling system when you have a bed a sensor measures the distance to the bed at a variety of points and it creates a matrix a grid of those numbers so the bed visualizer uses that grid of points to produce a graph that's what you're seeing here so because my graph is basically all green my bet is pretty darn level so what i do is i run this command i do an update mesh to see my graph then i will adjust the knobs under my bed and run it again until i get a pretty much solid green image here now when doing that you have to get your orientation right this is zero zero so the zero zero on my ender is this corner over here it's the front left corner the front right corner is actually this back corner here so if this point here was coming up red that means it's too high i would tighten that screw to pull the bed down if it's coming up blue which means it's too low i would loosen it up in order to raise it up so this is the goal you're looking for now let me talk about one more interesting interesting plug-in called octal apps and the best way to understand that is to actually look at the results so you'll see in this video that the print looks like it's just building from the bottom up and the print heads always in the same place if i do a traditional time lapse video you'll see the printhead moving around this is done with optilapse now what optilapps does is that each layer change or each trigger a trigger is a complex algorithm they use to determine when to freeze the head they actually move the printhead to a known position then they take a picture now there's a negative to that in the earlier versions of optilapse that sometimes did it based on time every time you moved your printhead your print layer your actual plastic would start to cool down it would take the print head and then move it back that would potentially cause a lot of additional stringing and a lack of layer adhesion between the layers so i stopped using octal apps a couple years ago for this video i tried the latest version and i'll tell you it looks like it works quite well they fine fine-tune the moving of the printhead in such a way that it seems to not impact the quality of the print so i'm using it a lot more now than i did before and these octalapse prints are beautiful to watch well folks i hope you learned a lot i hope you learned that octoprint is more than just sending prints over wi-fi to your 3d printer it's monitoring bed visualization that helps you get the bed perfectly level it's time lapse using regular snapshots or using optilapse to get those magical time lapses it's the ability to remotely monitor from every anywhere if you add one of the added plug-ins like octoprint everywhere so it adds a lot of capabilities to your printer thanks so much for watching this make with tech video and if you want to discuss this go to forum.makewithtech.com and you can leave notes there you can post images there it's a free discussion forum for members of the make with tech community you obviously can leave comments click on the bell so you're notified about new videos and let's continue to learn things together
Channel: Make With Tech (MakeWithTech)
Views: 27,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, 3d print, 3d printed, 3d printer, 3d printer review, 3d printing, 3d printing for beginners, 3d prints, guide, install octoprint, installing octoprint on raspberry pi 4, octolapse, octopi, octoprint, octoprint and astroprint setup, octoprint installation, octoprint on raspberry pi 4, octoprint raspberry pi 3, octoprint setup, octoprint setup tutorial, printing, raspberry pi, raspberry pi projects, setup octopi, wifi, wifi 3d printer, wifi 3d printing, wifi module
Id: qMrQQMMAsl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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