Setting up the storage server (Stream VOD)

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today we're going to look at this server box which I already changed the motherboard in and we're going to have a look whether we can get it running some Linux now what is this first of all we've got a two terabyte drive here which will go in the front which I can show you uh oh my God this is painful unlock that please thank you so AO we have 12 Bri base this was not well planned we have 12 TR Bas here um and one of them will house my 2 TB drive as a proof of concept and yeah what else 16 GB of RAM I think 16 gbes yeah this is 2 * 8 uh who pinked me okay um 2 * 8 G B of ram this is my boot drive it's a very high quality boot Drive uh I I just hope it works if my camera were to focus it would look even better it's un continuous very rude of the camera oh there we go oh my God okay we're we're setting a focus Point here manually s set Focus yes so this is my boot Drive um it's a I think it's a Kia it is it's a kokia something something 512 GB something um I just I this wasn't my laptop it's not on my laptop anymore evidently so that's going to be used a very modern GeForce 9400 GT by EVGA this is probably the the best component this it's just a display adapter don't worry and yeah that's what I haven't put inside matter of fact the ram stick has not been inside of device I control um so what's inside you may ask that sounded not good there is cables let's put that away uh okay um what's inside here uh Seda cables 12 of them fans four of them I might add it's very loud fans uh obnoxiously loud so I'm thinking about not having these in there in the end there's three power supplies oh right they're locked in I won't show you the free power supplies but they're 300 50 watts each I have no idea how the redundancy works on them but it works like if we plug it in without all three connectors it beeps very very very loudly I just the camera like the side cam this cam um what else yeah we've got a floppy Drive and the DVD drive with ater um they're not going to be used obviously we've got these this motherboard this is probably the most interesting thing this is like a am AMD C4 High rnet um this is an am4 motherboard with a rise 1,00 I believe so it's really high end not um yeah I'm going to have to get my screwdriver I just found two screws from the laptop which is always good um so where Did We Begin I'm not going to change the CPU today orever uh we have the ram to install we've got the SSD to install the issue is I don't think I have the screw for the SSD so we're going to do it creatively and just let it dangle what is the goal of the today I have to set a goal I want this computer to boot I maybe want to install Linux but first and foremost I want to boot so let's start by installing thisd I don't recommend this but it should just should make contact like this should be fine you don't rattle it around and like it's a server it's never moving again um next I'll put in the graphics card if you can call it a graphics card at all and we'll put this IO Shield or PCI Shield whatever it's called here helps when you put the screw in the right direction scw that in put in the graphics card building computers is really easy um I say completely failing to pull in the graphics card okay there we go that's in we need a screw I have found the screw um okay Ram which way around does it go this way around so we shall put in the ram we have to unlock the ram slots first then we can put in the ram um I'll see if I have a screw there is a fun little packet that came with the server called screws says screws on it you can't see that you have to trust me it says screws on it and there are oh my God there's so many screws in there does anyone see a screw that little bit I do not oh my these are all too large these are for the hard drives for the hard drive cages oh no it flew away ah this won't fit I can tell that it won't fit no way in hell all right so that's the hard drive screws good that I took them out uh let's just see it boots what can go wrong plug in the evvi here and it just oh it's missing a standoff interesting okay so everyone I have to kill something anyways everyone beware it's going to be loud I lost my boot drive there it is so you come any closer you might actually be murdered um we need we have that plugged in we need a keyboard plugged in so we can navigate the wires okay we'll switch to this camera pointed at the screen because I can't record it oh my God you're never going to believe this doesn't want to doesn't want to okay so let's focus on this okay we're not closing down the finging so yeah let's just turn it on I guess and don't worry I have all three power supplies plugged in I'm careful like that I'm not careful enough to put on the cuz there's some really fast spams which you'll hear very soon if I can find the oh my God that beeped well it's on it detected oh my god it works look at that new C installed press y to reset if your have bit Locker uh sure let's press yes um I need to get into the food menu can I have my microphone a little bit closer I hope I'm not screaming too loudly at 11 all right hey data look at that just like words that's wild no why are you not booting oh there it is okay you can't see sh it looks pretty but you can't see that'll have to be enough let's turn it down that's better so we want to install Arch Linux in normal mode so you have we booting into Linux that was way easier than I thought it would be could you stop trying to focus on on stuff when you're not focusing on stuff all right yeah Linux is booting it's like completely adequate let's start with the most important thing NE fetch not found Pacman minus s s y s y newed oh right we don't have Internet uh okay we're deleting the boot the root positions here I need to do that maybe that improves the legibility of the display come on you have other to focus on thank you yeah this is really not that loud anymore I thought it would be louder it's it's blowing air so it's doing something um um FIS slash slnb m0 N1 M the most important thing ever uh I want to create a new GPT boot partition okay now we want to list the oh that's the wrong thing uh list no petition types there free on petition spaces print the petition table nothing that's cool so add a new petition one yes all the way yes right and there we go that's cool we just deleted whatever was on that drive which I don't think was important uh so let's uh Arch install because I'm not smart enough to install Arch myself I will use use AR install mirrors were not reachable okay we really do need a um network connectivity which means I need to find network cable that's long enough one moment please oh my God yeah you don't see the bottom of my screen oh my God here we go that's better that's more useful anyways where was I oh right network cable be right back all right I sure hope it don't dox my IP address or something okay it's blinking hman DSU suu y hey that's cool no s y NE CH new petch Arch L let's let's do this right near fetch is it on screen oh Arch Linux uh a 20m motherboard and S AG sure Orizon 3 1200 with four threads I think it's two course and four threads or it's four course four threads I don't think I can check that um uh Nvidia gForce 9400 GT and 60 GB of RAM everything's there hard install yes go download the newest Arch install script yes mirrors I don't care locals defined that's fine this configuration best effort we want to use that but rers yes would you like to yes no dis encryption boot loader grub sure swap through poost name Arch Linux rot password okay user account add a user Lena should be a super user indeed and confirm and exit profile type server don't need the cockpit don't need Docker hgbd I don't need that light PD whatever that is no no oh yes I want SD okay back Kels Linux additional packages okay network configuration use network manager that sounds fun time zone UTC automatic time sync through uh actually let's put us in Europe I think we can say Europe Berlin and oh man the excitement I kind of like watching art Linux install it's kind of fun oh you should probably look at the bottom of my screen again I should just choose another lens to be honest that's wider angle so you can see the whole screen at once without me having to move the camera constantly one interesting thing I have to consider is what I'll actually flash on this so this is going to become a Nas which is obvious because what else would you do with a 1200 um but I'm not sure what to do with it like what do I put Tunas on there it's like difficult difficult question indeed no I don't need that I'll just reboot so this is going exceptionally well man these power supplies are really strong okay that's to Lena and the password that you don't get to know and we're in that's cool oh you didn't okay um so what now it is working it's amazing I'm actually surprised now we have to build a S driver on there so shut down now minus H oh it shut the S quick okay I suspect that this let's just do that I suspect the this here is SATA one I hope this is SATA one and just like put in this drive here um there we go no yes there we go so this is aligned perfectly I'm still yelling because it was so loud just like blew my ears out uh I should probably do this under the camera so you can like watch me screw in screws which is so exciting I can't hold back my excitement I'll just screw in two you know I don't think it's any use to screw in more screws than too I am of that opinion hot take I know um this does this have to light I am I think this has status lights but I'm confused because where would it get the power and stuff and information if you may Focus now yeah thank you very kind and yes oh one camera just stopped recording that's great the other one is at six minutes left as long as the stream is working I'm happy go in okay that's in let's turn on the monstrosity again can find a button so hopefully this should just SPO into the Arch Linux it spoed into the AR Linux let's switch to here again and let's say SL death slash SD okay we don't have a l SL isn't registering which might mean that this one slot one but I don't think I'll figure that out today I think this was enough being silly and I'll just shut you down and we'll see you next time same bad CH Time same okay no I'm not going to do that bye
Channel: LukeChriswalker
Views: 282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eSHMA51xbXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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