What's inside this early 2000s PC? Will it work? includes some fail #beige #retro #vintagepc #calm

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hello welcome to another video my voice has been going so um might sound a bit different on this one um but let's see what's in this PC you can kind of guess when it's is wrong based on the fact that it's got the year 2000 on the front and beyond that um your guess is as good as mine it's not got any stickers to tell us what's in there we've got a CD reiter 8432 floppy Drive power reset nice color beige as you'd expect and um yeah we'll see what's in here I suspect it's older than penum 4 um it's probably not a penum 4 but let's have a look what we've got so we're going to make this relatively edit free video I'll just pause it when needed um right so on the back you can see it's kind of a budget power uh case I guess because of this there's no sort of yeah and this is just completely flat which isn't normal well it's normal for this time period maybe but um it's not optimal it's not ideal and you've got the PowerPlay above where the processor will be in here we've got the keyboard and mouse two USB printer game Port audio and serial Port we've also got a dedicated graphics card uh there's no built-in Graphics here so we've got a dedicated graphics card that's a little bit interesting uh we'll have to see what we've got um got a modem as for usual used to be modems for everything and dial up internet was how you would get on the internet and if you've not heard um what dialup internet sounds like you should definitely go check out one of their videos on YouTube that um has that on so let's see what we've got um we'll also um have a look and um see if it works as well 230 volt oh this is interesting on this side I think you've got a one of these hinges here and you can this can fold out but then how would it do that you can well push it that way and pull it that way and then it'll flip down should we give that a try I mean it's also got all of this stuff screwed in um and I'm not sure how that would work with these um cards but that's pretty cool maybe we'll do that CU um yeah we'll give that a try that will give us a better view without having to take this power supply out uh we've got a ID CD drive at the top we've got a floppy drive here and the hard drives have been removed there's no additional fans in this there's no case F there's nothing here pulling air in there's nothing taking air out apart from power supply um I guess that's fairly normal for this time period uh it's very clean it looks like that is an ECS motherboard and this is an AGP graphics card and there's a via chipset here um and it says there a K7 V z a revision 1.0 K7 means it's a AMD system and I still can't really see properly down there but um let's let's find out what we've got so I'm going to just unscrew this in case that helps us see cuz the motherboard tray moves but this back plate is fixed riveted in place so whoops [Music] um how is the motherboard tray oh I guess I'm going to have to take these cards out first got the audio cable from the CD drive let's remove this graphics card and have a look at that so we have got an ATI rage pro turbo AGP graphics card from 1998 does not say how much memory as far as I can tell I mean that'll be a reasonable graphics card I wouldn't expect it to play much in the way of games but it's reasonable and then we've got a [Music] modem got PCI slots and then AGP and then I think that'll be AMR or there was another type of those sort of low end peripheral connections you probably can't even see that um but yeah this is the modem it's a a three com chip on it yeah it's a three comom [Music] card and there nothing much to say about this it's a modem you end up with hundreds of these things um let's see how we get this um motherboard out and if it'll let us we might have to disconnect these uh cables that's for your hard drive there might be enough sort of Wiggle let's give it a [Applause] go so don't know if you can see these instructions here rotate rotate uninstall install pull and push Etc let zoom in should give us a slightly better picture so it's actually quite a nice case on the inside um so I slide this this way it doesn't do that does it maybe I need to unscrew these things yep so that um slid this way and see if we can it to come down so the power cable for the um from the power supply is stopping us here out so I mean it's a good idea in theory maybe I should have just disconnected everything first and this um Cable's clipped in this is not something you see every day okay don't want to break that okay let's have a look at the mother if youve dealt with sort of old kit like this this is the time period when [Music] um you would have capacitor problems so these are the capacitors and what we've got here is these ones are bulging and leaking so this this this this this this this and this Are all uh bulging and that is bad it may work but it may not it may be intermittent um these four look okay but this is what eight capacitors that would need removing resoldering Replacements and I've done that before on other systems but um it's quite time consuming quite um fiddly um but it's generally very clean um an ECS motherboard as I've mentioned K7 V Za and let's have a look what we've got under here could be yeah let's have a look I'm going to remove this memory because just easier we've got SD ram 100 mahz this should UNP and we have got an AMD um socket 642 says there let's have a look at this this is a little um temperature sensor here to monitor the temperature of the um processor see we have got an AMD Duron and I'll just have a closer look this is an AMD Dron d650 so 650 MHz from 1999 should we see if this works oh it's got writing on the back maybe of when it was installed got these two corners to line up here just very quickly put some tiny bit of thermal paste on and the thermal paste there is still soft which is surprising it does look like there's very little actually on the processor oh and it's out of focus there we go and Thal paste application in three two one this this is um the actual CPU die and it doesn't have a heat spreader so it's got these little pads that are sort of designed to help protect that uh processor core the metal Square from getting damaged when you put the heat sink on um yeah you could you know quite easily chip or damage these if you weren't particularly careful so um last time if you watched the last video you know the power supply didn't work so what I'm going to do because there's these faulty capacitors here I'm going to test the power supply before actually connecting all up and switching out um okay that is the heat sink on this fun seems not good [Music] but uh I seem to have another hnc here so gu take this off maybe put a little bit of thermal paste on again and I've got another heat SN whoops with a fan that is um fine okay so this is the other heat sink F I've got roughly the same size I guess but with a bigger fan on top the wiring looks the same for the fan this just looks a little bit more Awkward this clip they don't really give you much room to work with CU you've got these capacitors right up against the Heat thing and the sort of better heat sinks would would use all three different connection points um whereas some just have the sort of one connection point and then you need a front head screwdriver to put it on okay let's uh that is what you don't want to happen so may have just damaged this U memory slot okay let's try and do the exact same thing again okay let's get a proper screwdriver these um heat sinks Clips were a nightmare back in the day and they continue to be a nightmare um this one's got a nicer sort of little um thing you can use where is this one does not so you have to apply quite a lot of pressure pushing down and also Twist It Forward slightly to go over the thing or pressing really hard so you're kind of like worried you're going to crush the processor whilst also fling off in some Direction with the well you would be normally using a screwdriver and it clicks in like that so yeah they were not good times dealing with these things although you'd probably have a screwdriver the right kind of screwdriver ready if you did this all the time so let's put some memory in let's check if the power supply works and yeah I've got the PowerPlay tester here and we'll pan up and see what happens so for this we just need a power cable and I'm going to plug this in let switch stuff of the back here going to connect up the power tester almost put done and we're getting nothing so again I think we've got another that power supply nothing happening this would normally switch it on straight away so let's get rid of this par Supply the uh funny thing that I didn't do was actually switch it on so maybe that's why let's try again okay or did I no I must have cuz it just doesn't work so I must have like switch St afterwards okay back in um 2000 1999 Etc P BL didn't really have um qual ratings in the same way that they do now you would just have a power supply and a lot of system Builders would just use the cheapest components cheapest supplies it could find um which is why you had a I guess cheapest possible capacitors um which eventually failed um and same thing with power power suppliers there pasts in there and if they're cheap and power suppli is going to end up failing this is definitely um been built by a system builder because all the cables have been cable managed with cable tires so they've tried to do a good job oh look it's deer Computer Company Limited with a picture of a deer um but you've got you know there sort of C and FCC and various um safety type markings but uh you don't have like um any other thing other than sort of voltage and amp levels um and 250 W Max you don't kind of have the same standard of power supply that you have today such as efficiency your you know various different safety features back in the day if um something blw and you know you'd end up losing not only the power supply but various other parts as well oh look they've um printed deer on that bit there's nothing R rattling in there like the previous power supply um right let's get a power supply so I've got a Corsair power supply here this is a branded pass supp and although it's a vs450 it has generally been Fairly reliable for me I haven't had any problems and I'll just see if we can power this up and get something on the screen and hopefully we won't have any further problems so this is a um 20 pin power connector on the motherboard there's no additional connections for the CPU it's all through this 20 pin lead and we're going to need to connect up the graphics card so that we can connect up the monitor excuse the squeaky chair so we'll just focus on this at a moment and then if we get something on screen I'll move the camera I'm going to switch the power supply on now we've got a light down here green light so that's better than the other power which didn't do anything um and if I find the power switch made some noise I haven't connected this fan which means I need to switch it off straight away so that I don't um cook the processor okay let's do that again sting it on green light here um and we have liftoff we've got a beep we've got uh up here 650 mehz andd [Music] Chum got no keyboard no floppy disc 65 Meg showing up and bias from 2000 so it does work um despite these uh bulging caps let's switched off I'll see if this um other memory slot works or whether I've U damage that okay so it still says 65 megab um so this second memory stick hasn't worked I'll try in the um third memory slot and we've got 131 megabytes so these two memory sticks are working but not in the middle slot um looks like that got damaged when I was fitting the heat sink so yeah should we um have a look in the bias just grab a keyboard connect up the keyboard nice little beep just going to go into the setup can you see that standard camos Advanced bar Advan let's have a look at PC health status uh that's showing us uh temperature 26 for the CPU which is fine then there's the current system temp 23 CPU fan speed is 5,000 RPM and voltage is a 3.3 Vols 4.95 Vols 12 Vols and Vore of 1.64 so um it works um I don't know how stable or reliable it would be without installing Windows on it uh but if you like me to do a video try and install Windows on this I can do that um might end up having to replace these capacitors um yeah let's see what else I can see in here it's got a y 2K Monitor and a virus warning options D timing PC 100 h4x mode on board USB onboard USB 2 enable USB keyboard because why not arm chip sound arm chip mod can't see whatever um ID P all the sort of usual stuff Sound Blaster onboard Legacy audio that's pretty cool you can enable a sound blaster support for uh do games and stuff like that game Port power management oh yeah the other thing um down here the game port on the back I think you can use it as um MIDI controller mpu 401 my memory I might be wrong about that so let me I've got that wrong frequency and voltage control CP doesn't look like there's actually much control in here oh let's save wonder what the um story of this PC is you know did the power supply die and they they just stop using it maybe or did the upgrade and power supply died at some later Point um there's nothing to beat from on this system so nothing connected no drives so there we go that's what's inside this PC a Duron 650 it's um I guess not the most exciting system uh the graphics cards not one of the more desirable ones um and it's it looks like a nice enough motherboard it's very clean but the capacitors um might mean that it's not really uh worth fixing but let me know in the comments if you think it is and um yeah thanks for watching um and uh I've got another system another old system um it's got a peni and 4 sticker on the front so I don't necessarily think it's going to be too exciting but it's quite a neat little case it's sort of um yeah I'll be doing a video on that at some point okay bye
Channel: Joshua Waller
Views: 801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7EeWrDbWGn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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