Building out my NAS

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e well well well yes hold all the lines hi B hi Hulen how are you all how are you all um let me just put away my phone uh and check that the audio is working uh yes it is that's great that makes me extremely happy and now let's transition and move the microphone over a little bit that's better hello hello hello we've got things to do so I've got an nice well not here directly but I've got it over there I've got to get it but I'm scared of moving it so I want to have that on camera so if something goes wrong that's going to be fun um yeah and we're putting hard drives in the nas not one not two but four or got them today finally after a month there was issues with um ups but yeah we're going to put those in so let's just open them up check that their all the right uh size and stuff oh my God crinkly crinkly crinkly oh my God come on the last one ripped really easily I've got to get pair of scissors please wait Snip open them in parallel well not really in parallel but as parallelized in stages that's a good word did did the I think it's the sticky thing in mag the tape that's what it's called just stole some of my nail polish how extremely rude how extremely rude give me all right so this crinkly sound is probably really annoying I hope it's not too loud on the audio well this is well packed I'm I'm very glad to see um that the company sending them did pack them pretty well this is not the only packaging they packed it with more foam and stuff another 8 terabytes ye I could just pull it out like that I guess give me oh my God I forgot the coffee yeah I'm I had issues with my computer um as in it kind of panicked so I had to reboot it so I didn't have time to get coffee well I'll have to live with it for now and I'll have to take a little break later on oh my god there so much bub Bubble W I'm going to have so much fun with this bubble wrap I'm going to have to take a break later to get some coffee but now we're um opening up our computer or the hard drives 1 2 3 and four all 8 terab they're going to be in a sets cluster and it's beautiful I've waited a month for this you you know it's it's been a while um yeah let's let's just open them up I guess I would prefer a different kind of anti anti-static bag one that is resealable because I like those I like to reuse them but I guess that's not what I'm getting oh man these are beautiful these are just beautiful so what am am I going to do today I'm going to put these funny hard R into the the Nas and I'm going to install true Nas that's the plan at least so can't really delay it anymore can I uh I can show you I I've got I've got a thing um okay it's cable is too short now my light is wobbling I've got a thing I've got a bird camera I can go to camera free and why are you not turning on now you're turning on I'm can say cut look at that look at those magnificent hard drives just beautiful anyways put that camera away let's let's do the thing I've been dreading let's put these hard drives off to the side um this side yeah also got a blanket so I don't scratch my dinner table because I don't have a actual workbench precariously Stacks the hard drives let's put the scissors away um oh my God I can like do the thing wait this is going to be amazing please [Music] wait actually I should probably show you when I coming with the server please wait regardless of me using the wrong scene I got this trash on it oh this a book here's my Jesus Christ this so heavy I'm backu this I'm wow that's this heavy this is very heavy jesz sorry I've got to take a Brea uh that was a lot anyways let's put it here careful that's not break anything look at that can I zoom out I can zoom out maybe not zoom out that far that's magnific isn't ah yeah that's my Aton it's amazing why is my phone ringing all right so everyone who missed the stream last time and didn't watch the world for some reason I'm most disappointed and this is my server um we've got ayzen uh I think a ryzen 1200 it's a crap proess we've got a loose NV SSD that's just precariously put in there 16 GB of RAM only two slots um I was hoping maybe this motherb might have four slots but it doesn't and drive Bas wait I've got a thing I can put you on front view oh my God [Music] go all right um oh my God my lens is falling and now we'll say scene two water I love this um no that's worse that that's also bad let's just try it like this out maybe we should put away the thingy magic plate let's pull away um yes drive base we've got four uh four 12 of them and we going to put hard drives in there currently connected are four uh namely one 2 4 probably 0 to three p I know four of them are connected because I only have four SATA PS that's why I have four hard drives which I know I know uh everyone who's already commenting on it is not the best configuration for a CFS pool because normally you would have three so to to storage one redundancy or however you want to see it I think it's equivalent to rate Five anyways I'm sweaty let's install the drives which I don't need the cover off for why did I take it off all right here we go oh and I need screws as the previous owner so graciously noted um can we please thank you screws and we need to focus on this this is really difficult to focus why is this lens so difficult to focus okay um right I just plock them in I guess do I have to think about anything do I just take the hard drive and slott it in there somehow well it's sloted in let's get the screws out I just realized that was a bad idea because I have to put them back in again and let's grab a trusty LTD store screwdriver and put the screws in I hope this is the right kind of screw I mean it goes in easy enough um which is always a good sign when the screws actually go in now which should I screw I'm going to do two points because I don't want to screw anymore than that way too late for that oh cool I love server Hardware right let's put her in you're going to get the whole experience here well you didn't see much probably oh yeah you did cool back to top you we've got three more of these to go the one cool thing about this uh drive base what the I just found a nest drive I think I put that in last time I thought I had taken it out and then I couldn't find it so I guess the the the conclusion was I didn't take it out the conclusion should have been at least it wasn't I fall just disappeared because things in my flat just disappear it's not a rare occurrence but I should have considered that all right three drives to go okay seems good oh come on give me the screw um so we've got I'm just thinking about what what else I have to do I think nothing I've got my power ready and should just be able to boot booted last time grew in you and this hot rep is in the way uh okay there we go cool I didn't mention that I love server Hardware also I love that I'm just casually putting in 32 terab of storage into a server that oh right I didn't I didn't mention this server isn't going to start yet well it's going to start but it's not going to run well it's going to run but it's not going to run permanently because I don't have power for my Nas which is annoying um so I've got a wreck and that wreck um does not have power or rather I don't have power at the rack oh I just thought of something um I got to I'm I'm going to screw in these screws and then I'm going to text someone screw screw screw screw screw screw screw screw screw please hold the line while I text someone if my phone will will unlock come on um right uh just screw is in one two good I catch no didn't catch the blanket last drive and even if I wanted to I couldn't put in the um I couldn't put in the two terab drive I have lying around because I don't have enough s ports you probably all know by now h right which one do screen okay left to left to left to left come on go on there all right that's all the screws I needed I shouldn't have thumped them all out oh well back into the bag these the rest of the screws go which of course I'm doing now because when else am I going to do it I'm sweaty why am I so sweaty this annoys me um um all right I think the only thing left is to grab a keyboard oh and I'm really prepared this time I've got a USB stick with truna on it I'm so prepared let's plug in the keyboard go change the camera angle all right and that's looking good we've got to plug in the evvi port the right way around plug into USB stick with the iso um and careful it's going to beat now probably I'm going to be death keeping thank you all right I hope you can still hear me clearly um I can check that right oh that's so much better I love headphones yeah yeah that's good I mean I'm oh my God why am I clipping so much oh that's awful oh well I think I'm audible uh can we turn you down why didn't anyone tell me how how awful my audio sounds now I'm quiet I think um so let's turn this one up let's turn this one up okay I think that's fine uh doing the best I can with my limited resources which are not quite as limited it's a bit it's very distorted uh oh well um why are you not displaying anything oh uh oh stupid me uh I plugged it into the wrong um DV pod because I don't have a a DBI port on my or a graphics card in my uh thing m j thows this up so I put in uh Nvidia 8400 GT I think it's a very modern card from I'm going to Google from when it is um Nvidia 8400 g t specs maybe um 2007 so it's a very modern card um so it's a bit distorted is just a little bit salty about that anyways let's plug it back in those power supplies really do make a record don't they okay we've got to change to source and oh we should probably press the A Buton you want to it's not doing anything yay oh no come on why are you doing this to me well hard drives seem to be booting can hear them at least maybe it's doing memory training or something very unhappy me uh in the meantime I'll try to turn down the compressor a little bit to like 8 PB um which is stilled that looks better now I'm probably quiet wait ah no I didn't want to do that uh it sounds pass I don't oh go sorry that was loud um yeah it's still not doing anything so I don't know what to do with that that's an issue what if I press hor again oh now the microphone's in the way do it like this that's good uh no it's it's running off the the S boards on the mother board I think the um motherboard does have a raid controll but I'm not sure so I don't quote me on that don't quote me on that um well right ah the audio is so much better when it's off and you you even have noise cancelling so when I turn it off I mean the audio will sound a little bit better when I turn it off but um overall it's not fun with the server running the that right finger I think it did um let's plug it into a different USB header got my vent I've got that connected well there nothing left to do but try again mother B is working um otherwise it it wouldn't uh oh God I turned off the noise caning on next um otherwise it wouldn't boot on power on okay oh my god it works it livs not just o spamming the button you can watch me I'm spamming it [Music] still not doing anything hey I got all output um something H the f I don't know I don't think that's necessary all right so what have you all been up to today kep listening to me rambling and barely understanding me actually maybe it's better for that I think it is a little bit better why is my computer that's rude that's extremely rude one may say extraordinarily rude out I'm pouting and pressing the button slowly um I'm going to take off the headphones oh God that's loud I hope I don't start yelling well the read lights on fre of the drives are on I think I'm going to leave this for a second and I'll be back in a bit while this loads uh and you you get to listen to some music and watch me drink coffee uh in a recording [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] still booing by the way oh my God I yelled sorry um still doing this it's still lighting up the R huh it's speaking we oh man the excitement waiting for a server to build okay we're taking out drives seeing if it works then uh oh God that's it's so nice to have the um to have it be off so loud right let's disconnect one drive after the other or rather connect one drive after the other let's see if it boots with one drive on what is that can't it's just oops what is that supposed to portray is that an octopus huh well let's turn that back on and yeah I think we're good to start it again yay oh got the beep there's sweat on there EX tied octopus dance battle okay well it's blinking it's doing something but not what I wanted to do oh my God yes okay okay everyone stay calm I'm not we've got a boot we have got a boot so we've got a ryzen 3 1200 with 16 GB of ddr4 3,000 RAM and hardware monitor no um I'd really like to see my storage ah 8,100 and we not present why is my nvme not present now could it be because all right let's turn off again um have a look inside first unplug it because we're good like that and because I don't want my fingers to be hacked off all right let's put you here take off the plate put it here so the nvme is not being recognized which is always bad especially when it's it like this um where did where did that go okay um sorry I forgot to change the the that um so going I put the here the e drive is not detected I can't mount it correctly because it's I just have the most horrible idea and you know what happens when I have an aity I'll be right back this is my horrible idea electrical tape I don't know if this is the issue but my solution to the issue that I don't know if it is an issue uh is electrical tape just like some generations use hot glue for everything I use electrical tape for everything so um let's just oh God where's my scissors yes I need scissors to the cut electrical tape I don't want to take it put it in my mouth it's gross I don't know why people do that um okay how bad is it oh God it's falling can I get a shot of it oh God that's my light um um come on focus on the right thing it's magnificent oh it's magnificent and it's not working it's not holding as well as it wanted to um because it's electrical tape it's not supposed to hold an SSD down be right back I'm getting liers look I'm just using the resources I have on hand there's nothing wrong with that oh God this is going to be horrible thank you this is the worst idea I ever had oh have it be known that this is an awful horrible crap idea give me that give me that so we are going to pull it down this and we're going to ah here you go is it going to screw in where is it there it is I was it this is such a bad idea this is an absolutely horrendous idea but if it works it's not stupid no one convin can convince me otherwise oh God go in there who would have thought the screw is not made for piercing electrical tape I could pre it Sim removal tool so going to stick it through there carefully electrical tape is also not designed to be pierced so there's that let's put that same removal tool back and try this again other hair on my fingers I'm very stressed this is stressful as hell oh my God so actually that come on screw in you ah it's fine good enough it's going to hold down trust me I'm a doctor and being an idiot but doctor nonetheless um no I'm not a doctor I don't have PhD don't worry someone with a PhD couldn't be this incompetent it's not incompetence it's lack of materials I'm lacking an SS of the right size so I'm being not very smart oh my God is it actually in oh I'm surprised all right as this is mounted very shadily um let's put you back on and where is my where are my pliers oh there they are okay put the keyboard back up here attention the airplane is lifting up well you can't hear it really because of the noise counceling but you know or noise reduction imagine it's lifting imagining airplane is is rising from the ground that's about how this sounds I need a coffee this is way too much to not have a coffee on hand right now come on that's R you thing thank you so Advanced start configuration nvme configuration I read that SATA M21 and that's wrong the NVM Drive is just detected anyways we've got a nice mounting solution shrug all right what happens when I just push one of these in SATA hold plug is disabled we want to enable that um and let's restart the second Drive is lighting up blue and not green and that makes me worried like I just push this one in and it's blue and not green and I am scared that something's wrong I hope it's just reading a drive and being like okay going to think about this drive a little bit going to update the thinging Magi and the poopy Boop and do the B oh my God yes okay storage configuration oh uh there it is my second pre I'm hoping that every driver thank you B have fun bye B have a good evening let's try all drives right now okay deep Brea before we turn it on again so this is going to probably take a while to boot it's probably cataloging every drive so I'm going to make some coffee you can watch it um tell me if something funny happens I won't know that you told me but I'll be I'll know that you told me when I'm back and you better tell me when something interesting happens here enemies be right back e poppy in hand I'm ready H something just flashed by and I'm confused by what it was I think it was an optical illusion with the lights but some did something on my screen maybe it was like I don't know weird there we go let's put the copy on the computer okay let's not do that storage configuration yay it's it's good we're happy are we happy I think we're happy so once again reboot and this time we need to go into the boot menu oh wow that was much quicker than before um I forgot to plug in the USB drive so yeah it just needs to check that all the drives are connected or something boots quick pretty quickly okay that didn't work how I wanted it to work [Music] I'm texting but why okay one second [Music] I don't know I mean f overo adapter usb flash drive oh my God vento is loading that's good creas fot in normal mode yes please oh my God okay that's cool we thought we can install true Nas now that is pretty POG isn't that POG we want to install on the Kia drive you need to select Le one this oh okay select one more d tuna should be installed um I think that means the install medium um nvd Z you can't use nvd Z for sharing data installing on Sat s e flash media is recommended USB flash sticks are discouraged proceed password oops T can be booted in here we want to put in UAP yes create a swap petition I'm so curious what ters will actually look like I'm hope it's going to be be fun installing BOS I've got an issue I have no copy left that's slow 90 oh we're done stamping EP loader changing password okay reboot system uh well there we go my boot Drive oh my boot Drive tuna oh we need to keep an ad um sorry um sorry for obstructing The View but it's generating a key oh my god I've been streaming for an hour Christ oh my god get this key of my stream thank you anyways that was my um DH uh not did Jesus uh I don't know what it mean oh my God 10 176 we're good to go let's put our finger mic microphone like this and say we're going to go to desktop and we're going to go 107 oops 10 17 16 uh Advanced I'm just going to check that there's nothing bad on there I'm going to enter my password okay transition so we've got tress running now I want to check that we can make a pool and create new pool create pool other one two 4 um all of them oh other zero to three rather R C2 no I'm not too fast about uh what is stripe okay uh we've got that uh data vabs why can't I create press create oh name uh HD pool one great cool the this will be erased that's nice all right that's just going to that's just going to go I think I think this is going to take a while because this is for 8 tab drives it has to erase them and it's probably going to take a bit so I think we're going to go finish this for today uh thank you all for watching that was exciting more exciting than if I'd done it alone I mean I can just wait which let's take this one um bye anyways I'm being silly um I hope you enjoyed this I hope it was interesting um yeah see you around bye
Channel: LukeChriswalker
Views: 134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 24sec (4104 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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