Lumix DC-S5 Review: Compact, Full Frame, Mirrorless

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[Music] hello and welcome to this video on the Lumix DC S5 I bought this camera a little while ago and I've been playing around with it a lot I got to take it on a shoot and I've been having loads of fun with this so I just wanted to talk about the camera and kind of how I feel about it and whether I can recommend it to other people first of all let's talk a little bit about The Superficial stuff we've got a relatively small I'd call it mediumsized camera a full-frame sensor with an L Mount the sensor is 24 maps and supports up to cinema 4K video in fullframe mode it can do 30 pictures per second in 10 bit in cinema 4K and in apsc cropped mode it can do 60 frames per second in 8bit mode with the same resolution and it's supports various different formats for filming like Vlog hlg like 709 so Rec 709 and other color modes I wise it has a mode selector it has a drive mode dial dedicated mapable white balance ISO and exposure buttons a front button that is really nice uh chys stick and a wheel in the d-pad really cool about this camera is that every button is remappable or most buttons are remappable but we'll come back to that later after we talk about the flash or rather Le there off like many cameras in this price range it just straight up doesn't have a flash because who wants a buildin Flash no one needs this the display swivels outwards and around so you can have it facing you or facing the kind body or use in selfie mode or turn it down so you can shoot from top or lift the camera high up it also has a USBC charging or data transmission Port where you can access both SD cards and an HDMI micro Port as well as a headphone out and a microphone in it also has a remote control Port but I never use it because I don't own a remote control for it lastly on my list is Bluetooth and Wi-Fi pairing you can control this camera via Wi-Fi you can have a live view preview on your phone or you can control it via Bluetooth where you have limited capabilities but enough waffling let's get to shooting a little bit and I'll show you my results here's some video in Vlog and with a lot from Panasonic to convert it to rec 709 applied and here's an example of video with stabilization off and stabilization on now one thing I forgot to mention is that this camera supports dual ISO in Vlog film mode that I'm using right now it has a native ISO at 640 and 4,000 this case this is 4,000 ISO and here's a footage with 640 ISO this this is what the microphone sounds like when talking from behind and this is what the microphone sounds like when holding it at arms length and this is an example of nightm footage with an eyes of 25,600 an exposure of 50th of a second and an aperture of 2.0 on a 50 mm lens back from the shoot let's talk a little bit about what I think of this camera overall I love it it's easy to use relatively uh it has a lot of buttons that are all remappable or most of them at least I really love the display articulation it's really handy uh for example the Lumix S1 doesn't have as good display articulation which is always a bummer and overall it fits really well in my hand though it's a little bit small maybe but my hands are large and I got used to it over the time on the negative side it has micro HDMI micro HDMI is a horrible connector that should not be used I get that wanted to save space but the gh5 managed and I think there's not lack of space on this camera I would really like to see a full-sized H myod as they have in the gh5 and the S1 because micro HMI is just it breaks easily way too easily especially when you're in in a cage or have it mounted somewhere it also doesn't have a flash sync connector I don't really care about that but it's worth mentioning I think and it only has one UHS 2 slot so when you're shooting in a high resolution and you're running out of space you're likely to not be able to continue shooting on that high resolution on the UHS one slot so yeah that's my little overview of the limix DC S5 I hoped it was helpful to you and I'll see you guys around [Music] w [Music]
Channel: LukeChriswalker
Views: 128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MQ7u2GxL30Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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