Using Reaper To Set The ACX Specs

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[Music] okay guys this is how we're going to use the audio statistic plug-in to check what our stats are using Reaper for the ACX we're going to come over to the master channel and we're going to come in here to the jas and we're going to type in a a and you'll see it brings up audio statistics we're gonna say okay now at this point all we're going to do guys is render this audio file we want this to tell us what this file is as far as the specs go okay we're gonna come up to file render we're just gonna name it one two three four we want to be in mono we do not need the tail we're going to be a 44 1 now down here the encode this is something new with Reaper we're going to change this to a negative 2 this was updated recently a constant bitrate we are at the mp3 we're going to click Add render items to new track and project we're going to say render one file now this is what we're looking for over here guys this is what its gonna tell us what our specs are the numbers you see up here this is gonna be our noise floor okay then the peak the left and right okay this is true peak and then our rms is right here now remember we want to be between a negative 23 and a negative 18 negative 18 being the loudest negative 23 being the softest our true peak we don't want any more than an a negative 3 I'm going to go a negative 3.5 our noise floor has to be a maximum of a negative 60 okay so we're pretty close with our specs right now so word a negative 24 I want to be at a negative 20 so I'm going to add 4.5 DBS to the volume adjustment plugin so work when to go back and we're going to come back over here going to come in here now and type in vol okay here's our volume adjustment remember now we're over here in the J s folder for the plugins when I say 3.5 guys when we when we start messing with the volume everything else is going to change this right here is always going to be the same I'm going to go a negative 3.5 okay now very important I'm going to take the volume adjustment left mouse click and slide it up I want the audio statistics to be on the very bottom of our FX chain and I'm going to say render this project again let me move this out of the way I've got to keep this up if I if I close this down once I start to render I cannot bring anything up I'm gonna surrender I'm going to say overwrite you and let's see what it tells us now now remember guys this is after you've done all your editing this is when you've taken all the UNH's and the ahhs and the you know the mistakes that you made as you previously recorded this is this is when you're getting ready to render this to the specs for the a CX here we go now as you can see we're at a negative twenty point seven nine right exactly where we want to be okay we're in between that negative 18 and negative 23 for our REM F's level we're two negative three point five one again the maximum is a negative three we just gave ourself half a DB of headroom that's all our noise floor is the negative seventy six point one two okay the maximum is a negative sixty so we have just now met every single requirement for the AC X all right take care now bless and we are out of here
Channel: Dana Tucker
Views: 5,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Podcasting with Reaper, Reaper DAW, Podcasting, Free Podcasting Course, Audio Books, ACX Training, ACX
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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