Getting The Sound From Your DAW To Your X32 Mixer

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welcome to the behringer x 32 rack facebook group my name is dana and i'll be your host hey hey hey what's going on guys this is dana coming to you live from dnl recording studios llc right outside of a little town called montross in a little subdivision called glebe harbor on this particular video and i see this a lot on the online communities you can get the audio into your doll but you're having problems getting it back into the x32 now it doesn't matter really what series you're running myself i use the rack and this works for the console the compact and i believe really all of them okay so uh this is my template i have up i do use the x32 live card but with reaper uh it's simply just a matter of going to your routing your routing matrix and here you have everything to where you have to actually put this in okay as you can see here's all my inputs and then all my outs are over here don't apologize guys i'm going the wrong way and there we go starting over here okay so you have to set this up in your doll first and i can't go over every doll out there i'm a reaper guy okay as far as pro tools man i hate to even say the word uh audacity you just ain't gonna be able to do this okay so let's go ahead and close this back down so uh with reaper you know i've got my 32 tracks here and regardless of what it is when you come up to any track your input as you can see it's on input number 10 and that's coming from the x32 that would be the 10th channel okay so let's go back here to number one and i'm going to arm it and then i'm going to arm number three and number four i have these two channels linked number one is a shure sm57 i love using this as a vocal mic i just throw an old sock over top of it believe it or not a winter sock a nice thick wool sock it's it makes a great pop filter so the three and four is uh behringer c5s that's what i use for my overhead or my room mics so i've got them armed so let's go ahead and record just a little bit here and there now if you notice i'm giving myself a little bit of uh room tone there and that way i can go in and do some clean cleanup if i need to you should always do that with your recordings and if you see my meters down here jump and you go man that's a lot of background noise well not really because my meters are actually set to 92 decibels okay a negative 92. so you'll see right there when it comes down my noise floors normally runs around a negative 68 negative 70. okay so now that we've got our audio in there let's go ahead and stop that and we're going to save all three files and we're going to uncheck this now you're saying okay man that's great i got my audio in there and i'm just going to make a loop here so i don't have to keep coming back and forth to it and we're going to play this and it'll stay inside that loop once it gets inside okay as you can see it's coming up on my meters here so we're going to go ahead and stop this and we're going to go into the x32 edit now okay so here we are in the x32 edit as you can see here my microphones i do have signals coming into it but you if we play that with reaper you won't be able to hear it okay because you've got to come in here and change your routing and it's going to be on the input channels so i'm going to be silent and i'm going to start it back with reaper again and let it play and then i'm going to come up and show you how simple it is to do this routing so you can hear audio from your doll back through your x32 okay because my meters are actually set to 92 decibels okay a negative 92 so you'll see right there when it comes down my noise floor is normally one's around a negative 68 negative 70. okay so now that we've gotten our notice i'm giving myself a little bit of uh room tone there and that way i can go and do some cleanup if i need to you should always do that with your recordings and if you see my meters down here jumping you go man that's a lot of background noise well not really because my meters okay as you can see guys it's that simple okay so after you listen to your playback you you really need to make sure that you set that routing back where it belongs okay and we're simply going to come over here and you can see where they're actually highlighted so we're just going to put it right back where it was and we're done that's it okay it is truly just that simple all right take care god bless and we are outta here
Channel: Dana Tucker
Views: 2,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Podcasting with Reaper, Reaper DAW, Podcasting, Free Podcasting Course, Audio Books, ACX Training, ACX, Home Studio, Home Recording, Remote Recording
Id: TKnOnmbGu90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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