Setting up a basic network in GNS3

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hey guys wanted to take some time to talk to you about setting up a basic network inside of gns3 genus 3 is the simulator that I've used for probably the past oh I don't know five or six years I'm gonna use it starting with my CCNA getting all the way up to my CCI and and routing and switching and and I've used it for pretty much everything I've you I usually for my customers you know my customers will ask me hey do you remember what that command is or you know where exactly it is you know they'll say any idrp named mode do you remember exactly where that is and all load up gns3 real quick I'll drag a router in I'll light it up do a quick syntax I mean literally takes me two minutes and I get what I need and I just close down the project so that's kind of what I'm gonna do now just to show you kind of what I do all the time so when you first open up gns3 assuming you've gone through the other videos that I have and you've seen how to load up the appliances and how you know how you actually install it and get your different iOS images installed and all that kind of stuff this is a basically where you would start and this is gonna be a long-term project if this is something that you're working on for a customer your labbing up their network you know you would go ahead and you would give this a name and you would give this essentially where you want it to be saved and it could be saved anywhere I generally put mine in Dropbox so that I can get to them from anywhere and when I crash my machine they don't they don't go away forever right so but you can put them anywhere you want so I'm gonna say cancel here now the whole idea here with gns3 is for you to be able to click and drag devices of your choice whatever you have loaded in here and there's many many different things that you can have I mean I only I only have I would say probably 50% of what you can actually have in gns3 probably not even that much but you can add you know you can actually connect gns3 to outside hosts if you want to you can add different VM images if you want to I actually have some ASAS added in here so that I can do some firewalls and I can lab up some customer networks if I want to but the whole idea is that from the tool bar here you can click and drag essentially any device that you want to so you have your routers here your switches then you have some desktop hosts you have so your security button here for free or your firewalls and then you kind of have an everything button and this everything button was just gonna list all the devices that you essentially have loaded I usually don't use that one because for me it's just easier to go down by device and then the last option that you have is going to be your link button so once you and all the devices in here you're gonna need to connect them together just like you would physically cable them in your data center right so across the top here you have some toolbar buttons you have a new project if you're gonna open one you can open up a a saved project here you can save it I think this is the snapshot button if I'm not mistaken let me just click in here I think yep that's the manage snapshot buttons when you have all of your devices added in here you can see what interfaces they're actually connected right on the topology screen here I close there's a by default there's a tab view right about here that will give you all the devices that you have what they're running and if you can click and expand them it'll tell you what interfaces you have connected but I generally will leave that closed so that I can lab up a bigger network that I have more workspace and when I need to I'll just click this take a look at the interface or hover over it this button here is a console to all device so generally if you have 14 devices rather than right-clicking everyone or double-clicking you can just click that button and it will connect to all the consoles it'll pop you know putty or secure CRT or whatever you have and will allow you to do your thing now you have these these four buttons here so this is going to play all of your devices if you click this and you have 14 devices in here it will turn all of them on I'll get to all this in a second you have your pause button your stop button and then your reload right so we've all gone in and done triple-a configurations on a device and loops we lock ourselves out you can click the reload button and it'll reload all your devices or you can just reload that one device and then you have some cosmetic features here so you have different pieces here you can draw some boxes you can draw a rectangle so if you're doing like OSPF right you wanna maybe you want to have like a you know an OSPF area you know you can do something like this and say okay this is area 0 and you can say okay this is area 1 you know you can you can do those kinds of things if you want to right you can do the same thing with the square you can insert a picture if you want to I've actually done some some diagrams for customers in the past where they wanted me to have a gns3 topology but it what needed to look like their network and so you just add a pic so let's actually get in let's drag some devices in here so what I'm gonna do is I want to drag some 7204 right so what I want to do is I can left-click hold it down and drag one device in there and that's so well and good but what if I want eight of them right well I already drag once we need seven more what I can do is I can hold down the shift key left click and hold it drag this in and then I get a pop-up box right so I want eight routers I can just click seven here and now all of a sudden it will automatically auto magically drag in the other seven that I want giving me a routers total so you can do that you can hold down the shift key and just click and drag this in right and so your routers here whatever templates that you have loaded you can go ahead and you can drag those in and you can modify them in a number of different places so let me show you that quickly let's say that I want to change the default template the easiest way for me to do that is to right-click on the actual router here and actually say configure template this is going to be how I actually configure the naming convention so you'll see all my devices here they start with our one or eight this is where you can set that up you can change the default image that you're using you can change the default configuration that you're using you can change the template name so if I just wanted to call this JP's router I could do that the memory this is where you would adjust the various different you know memory allocations that you have for that individual device and then the slots the slots are going to be obviously the cards that you have installed so you have Ethernet you have serial interfaces gig interfaces whatever you have but this is the template meaning that every device that you drag in here is going to pull from this so all of these devices are exactly the same if I want to edit one so let's say that on router one I need more Ethernet interfaces well maybe I'll go down here and I'll say well give me eight more Ethernet interfaces but just on router one right I could do that and now this just takes place on router one if I go take a look at router to router two still has the original serial interfaces that would have been installed right and it takes a while to understand you know how to do this it just takes practice right now let's grab a switch now for me I'm gonna grab will grab the viral switch that I have loaded here you'll see that I do have my images now by the way I do work for a customer that has rights to be able to use some of the images that you see in my gns3 don't ask me where I got them don't ask me how I got them I do work for a company that is allowed to use them so I'm permitted for you guys if you don't work for a partner that is specifically allowed to you would technically be illegal so don't try to copy me so I'm gonna go ahead and grab a switch and I'm gonna put it in here this is actually a switch directly exported from viral so if you have access to viral images you can watch my appliance video and learn how to install that genius tree if you don't have a switch also comes with a kind of a default switch that you can load up I don't generally use it but this is an unmanaged switch so you can add various different ports and you would just basically create a VLAN ID it's all point click again I don't really use it because I use a real a real managed switch now once we're done once you drag these devices in I mean heck you know we could drag in an A essay if we wanted to but we don't care at the moment once you're done with these guys you need to connect them so you'll click on your add link here and you'll you'll see this little red stop sign perfectly normal when you get back into your workspace you're gonna see this little plus symbol here all you're gonna do is you're gonna hover over the device you want to connect you're gonna left click once and that's going to give you the list of all the available interfaces that you have so I would pick maybe Ethernet to zero and once I do then I start moving this around you can see I have this line that's now attached to my device all I need to do is I need to click the next device that I want to connect it to maybe I want to go to router 2 I would click on router 2 and I would connect it to router 2 once I do that you can see that I still have the plus symbol I can't do anything else unless I go back over here and I click the the link line again once I do that I get my mouse pointer back and I can click this guy to go in different areas if I want to right so now I have router 1 and router 2 connected maybe I want to connect router 2 to the switch so I'll click over my link again click router 2 maybe I'll say Ethernet 3 1 go over to the switch and I'll click you know whatever particular interface that I want to right now suppose I forget what interfaces those are I can hover over the interface button I can click on that and it will show me where those interfaces are or essentially what I've connected if I forget if I want to see it up on the screen at all times because I'm labbing I can go ahead and do that you can move these names around as well so you know for me because I have OCD I always like to have my router names in the middle the router so I'll kind of sit here for 20 minutes and get it right you know uh so that's basically how these devices I'm gonna delete these guys because there's no no need for them essentially so you can just highlight them all right click say delete so now I have kind of this small network going on here where I have a switch and I have two routers and now if I want to turn them on I can either individually turn them on by right-clicking and saying start on that individual router or I can click the plus sign or I'm sorry the other place I'm once I click the play button what we should see is we should see these links essentially start turning green and what should happen in theory is I should be able to console into these guys so I'm gonna go ahead and click the console button and we should see secure CRT actually pop open and let me just go drag it open a little bit so we're gonna go ahead and hit enter here to start iOS and be this this sometimes takes a some time to start well that's okay so here you can see that my router wanna start it up start it's up pretty fast and so I'm gonna say show IP interface brief will say II assigned I have no IP addresses let's actually back this out we'll say show IP interface brief so here's all my interfaces but what interface that I use again I can't remember well Ethernet to zero so let's go ahead and assign that guy an IP address so we'll say compte interface Ethernet to zero will say no shut and I'll say IP address let's say and we'll give this guy a slash 24 right do show i'm pieter face brief e assigned so we got this kind of IP address now let's go over to router 2 and see what did we use we use the ethernet 3-0 over here so let's go back to our CLI and we'll hit enter a few times config T do show IP interface brief and so what do we want we want three zeros so we'll say interface Ethernet three zero no shut IP address and you'll see guys this is exactly like running the real you know a real device in fact it is actually running the real image that I would that I would run on a real 7200 router if I say douche over they do show over you can see here it tells me hey this is the image that you're running we're not running a virtualized image essentially we're running the i OS that we would run on a real router and this didn't cost me any money all I needed to do was obtain the obviously I needed the machine to run it on so there's your cost you need a desktop or a laptop right but essentially here this is basically just the cost of having the desktop and having access to these images anyway so say IP address say two five five two five five two five five zero and let's say do show IP interface brief e signed and we should say do ping 10.1 I wonder 1 and we should have reach ability in theory there we go 80% do it again we have full reach ability to see what our switch is up to it's mister switch await yet it is so if we wanted to now we could say config T we could say hostname maybe switch 1 and let's say you know VLAN sometimes this does happen in some of the the viral images so don't worry sometimes you'll get some root images not the end of the world but we'll say VLAN I don't know 15 will say name I don't know gns3 right exit do show VLAN brief there's our VLAN that we created so here I mean essentially right now I have all my layer 2 capabilities I have all my layer 3 capabilities in fact let's actually just do this let's say router yeah ARP 1 let's say Network all zeros and we'll go on to router 1 and we'll escape out of here router yeah ARP one will spell like a normal human you had your p1 and network all zeros and we should see ya ARP come right up there we have it let's create a loopback just for kicks interface loopback will say 0 IP address let's say 1.1.1 I gotta learn how to spell I'm rushing because I want you guys to be able to get going in lab and stop watching me too many ones 5 and in theory we go over to router 1 do show IP interface brief e assigned ok that's all I wanted do show up you're out yeah ARP and there's the loopback address that we have advertised so we now have the exact you know the exact interfaces that we that we want we have all the capabilities that we want we have a little mini network here running in EIGRP or in genus 3 rather so this is very very easy to get going it's I mean we've this vid right now is only about 13 minutes and already we have EIGRP going between router 1 and router 2 we have a VLAN created on on switch 1 if I want to add another device here I could go ahead and do that so I can add router 3 let's connect him in so let's go ahead and we'll say we want this guy to be gigs 0 we'll connect this guy to gig 1 oh I got to turn the switch off sometimes you'll find those limitations not the end of the world we can turn it off and we'll connect it sometimes you may find that so we'll say gig 0 we'll connect this guy to gigs 0 1 and we'll go ahead and turn this back on so you know you'll find some of those little things like oops you know I forgot to do that you'll turn it back on but now you'll have all of your lair to your lair three capabilities everything you're gonna really need for your studying whether it be you know your network plus whether it be you know your something like your CCNA or your CCMP like I said guys I use gns3 for my CCNA all the way up to my CCIE in in route switch and I think the only thing I ever really used a real switch for was a handful of features like UDL D private VLANs you know I had to 3750 s that I acquired from a company and as long as they supported the features and I could learn the commands I had those sitting next to me I think I've turned him on probably half a dozen times since I've gotten them over the five years that I've had them because everything else I can do in G history hope you guys enjoyed this video
Channel: XtremeIE
Views: 49,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Setting up a basic network in, Cisco, CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, GNS3, Basic Network, JP Cedeno, XtremeIE, XIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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