How To Installation GNS3 2.2.27 Version | CISCO router IOS Images | Configuration

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hi this is jason rafale welcome to my channel learn more and protect today i am going to show you how to install genius3 and how to download router ios file in your system so let's go in the bryo browser and type your [Music] and enter [Music] right you can see here the interface of genus tray you can download from here what you have operating system okay yeah if you have windows you have mac you have linux you can download from here so before download you have to clear the account in genes3 then later you can download from here so this software genes3 already i downloaded in um in my system so let's uh let's go for the install okay you can see here this is the gns3 this version is 2.2 point 27 click on that okay yes next and this is the you know this is agreement policy license agree [Music] and next [Music] next next okay now starting [Music] so you can uh i have to wait for it you can see it on the screen this is you know microsoft visual right it's taking some time to processing [Music] [Music] so okay now next would you like to get your 3d license from the solar wind and stand tool set right so if you want cs if you know then yes finish so now it's going to opening open js3 [Music] so so [Music] so you can see genus 3 icon like that like this uh if in installing your system you can see like this icon so it's going to open it will be take the time [Music] yeah you can see here engine s3 on the screen so okay so you can see a local server connecting the server local like port 3080 okay you can see here everything's name of the this is the name on title whatever you want you can edit here which project your create you can give name and location like open project so everything's okay so okay uh project on title it's already in location c okay just change it like some static routing type here so now the project okay so you can see here uh my you know laptop qc eq united queue with nine enemy c051 gpu my actually my cpu observed like 30 43.8 sometimes it will be increase and and decrease the percentage so okay i removed it so now you can see here you click on there so you you can't to see your router right so you can't to see a router now you go to another browser switch so you can see here the atm switch everything's delay so ethernet switch and uh ethernet hub you can see here pc like a cloud net and pvcs okay you can see atm okay so you can see here the cable okay this is the cable so actually there is not showing router if not swing router right because of your uh no are you not downloaded actually router ios file in your gns3 so for that you have to first download from the browser router ios file okay in your system so so now let's go to the browser and type here router ios image you can see here first download genus 3 ios image click on that ok so scroll down so my guys you can see here a lot of like uh modern difference to router like 3725 3745 you can see here so you can download from here if you click one link then you can download all modal ios file like a three seven two five three seven four five like this okay this ios image i already downloaded in my system so let's go there right see here you can see here gene is three ios click on that so you can see here the different model right i i found seven zero two seven zero zero like that so again let's go there gns3 okay so uh you can't see at the file lives router so go to their edit right and go select the preference okay now select the ios router right because of your uh like you know where download the ios 5 router so click on that and select new okay so new image go to browser and click on there in one model like i chose 7200 and open fast just wait wait wait wait okay see here then next okay again next so default ram uh 512 next okay you can this is the slot 720 i1 fe you can select another slot also you have a fee tx like that and next and you can find from here besides file suitable for your system or not so yeah you can see the notification idle pc below this one this video has been found suitable for your ios image then okay and finish and go to apply and okay so now and and now you can see here that your ios image is added so again i go to try to another ios image go to preference and here the ios router ios router a new one new image browser and select anyone like uh i select this one 3725 3725 okay okay okay next next see here you can see that this is in the ethernet switcher router okay so you can select here uh ethernet router see if i selected here you can see the ether switcher router here so it's better don't select next and you can see the default router 128 next and this is already selected one slot you can slot next one here like this one next and like this one when we i t and not id one t and 2t [Music] next and check from here so okay see again same notification like comment for your image okay if not suitable uh email ios image for your system then you do not getting this uh like a message so okay finish and apply and okay see here this one also added in your gns 3 3 7 to 5 model right so so now i am going to do some configuration in the gns3 so select the router router 1 router 2 and next select the cable now you can see when you click on the router there is uh you know showing uh option like option you know this is the interface of router interface port you can say in interface port first ethernet zero slash zero and zero slash one like that then select this one zeros less than zero and go to second router and click and select this one okay now you can see this both router is now shutdown mode you can see on this uh right you know a red signal it means the router is saturn mode right so now i'm going to here and i give the ip address 192.168 and next router okay and now uh this is a shutdown mode and go for one time to both router you can to do onboard from here so click on there and are you sure are you sure you want to do a start all devices yes okay now you can see in the green color green sign uh to both interface port it means both router is on mode so now i'm going to configure first router you can you know option in console so wait for it opening like a solar putty okay you can see here uh this is solar putty for the configured configuration and next router also okay so i am going to first router for the configure right so enter [Music] type your config config enter and i interface interface f zero select zero enter and ip address ip address 192 192.168.2 and subnet mass enter and no shutdown shutdown okay so now go to router 2 [Music] okay type your sim like config configure or not okay zero selection enter sorry a interface yeah zero clash one okay and the ip address ipad rash and ipad dash and subnet mask 255.255 [Music] shut down enter so now you can see here to both router is configured so you can see if you give the ip address interface everything so you can get a you can getting a notification like this one link three of my interface ethernet zero system like this right so now i'm going to ping from router 1 to router 2 okay so ping here pin typing and ip address which ip address router 2 because of you are going to ping from writer 1 to router 2. so you have to keep here type here after 2f address 192.168. dot 10 dot 3 and enter no no sorry first you have to outrun my configure configure and then you know this is now configured mode so exit it right exit again exit so now we can now we can do ping so you can see you can see it live from the router too here you can see it you can see a route for a reply from the router too so you can this is you know this was the just a simple configure just a simple configure right like you know test so it's working like that so thank you for watching my video and subscribe my channel thank you guys you
Channel: Learn More Infotech
Views: 597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Love Learning, Configuration, Software, Networking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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