How to setup switches in GNS3

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so I get this question a lot when it comes to jean s3 and you know i always recommend gns3 to people when people will say yeah but you can't run a switch in gns3 you know I get this all the time especially you know what some guys are just starting out with genius or you're just starting out in their their network studies and they want to use gene history but they just don't know how to do land switching they don't know how to do layer 2 and everybody has this belief that gene s crew doesn't do layer 2 could not be further from the truth gns3 absolutely does layer 2 there's probably a handful of features that genus 3 doesn't do well in layer 2 at least in in the current version and you know by the time you watch this video that may be true things like you dld gns3 doesn't do well in layer 2 things like private VLANs gns3 doesn't do well in in layer 2 and there's there's one or two other things that in layer 2 just doesn't work so yeah you may need to go out and buy yourself a cheap managed switch or or you know see if your company your enterprise or you know if you can acquire some type of switch that supports these I mean it could be anything it could be a thirty five sixty 3750 I mean heck it could be even a twenty nine sixty for some of this stuff so for the most part though gns3 absolutely does layer two and it does it in a few different ways and I'm gonna show you how essentially you can do any type of layer two in in gns3 so I've just opened it up you can see that I have my my my screen here to either save my project and whatnot I'm gonna cancel it because I'm not gonna save anything now before I open up my switches here's the disclaimer I work for an organization that allows me to use some very specific cisco images that are not available to you folks out there in the world so if you're working for an enterprise and you know just some some privately owned enterprise organization you probably will not have access to some of the images that I have I mention that because I don't want anybody to ask I can't deal with you know the comments sections I can't really reply if you ask me hey where do I get that image I work for an organization that allows me to use them so just be aware of that when you when I expand these okay so when you expand your switch button in gns3 you'll have a number of different options here you can have a frame relay switch your frame release which would be just that it's it's a kind of a bare-bones dumb-down frame relay switch that's built into gns3 that allows you to actually set up your dowel seas with a point click so if you bring this in here you click in I'm actually gonna select my server not my localhost but you can select your localhost if you have it set up that way you would right-click on it say configure and here is essentially where you would set up your del sees right so you would say okay you know port 1 is gonna go to del C 101 port yeah you know 12 is gonna go to whatever and you would just build those del C so you would say add and then you would add another one and add another one I mean you could add you know a bazillion of these if you wanted to and this could this will actually take the place of your frame relay switch if you don't necessarily want to build one on your own using a router right so let me cancel this one we'll get this guy out of here the other option that you have for layer 2 switching is the built-in gns3 layer 2 switch and again I'm gonna choose my my server so I have a remote ESXi server I have everything set up to run in ESXi in gns3 so i'm gonna select that host here and we'll say ok and what I would basically do here so let me just move this name down here so I have a layer 2 switch right let me go to my routers here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna I'm gonna drag two routers in here and let's connect them and see if we can get connectivity going across this side of the switch so I'll go ahead here we'll select gig 0/0 we'll put this guy on port 1 will select gig 0/0 will put this guy on port 2 right and what I can do is I can right click here and I can say configure and here I can set essentially what I want to do so you can see here that I can either set this to a dot1q port or I can set it to an access port so for example let me actually we'll move this over to the side this way maybe we can see both the topology so suppose I was going to run sub interfaces on this router so maybe I was gonna actually start tagging frames with dot1q and some sub interfaces here on router 1 I could go to port 1 and I could set this to a dot 1q rather than an access port ok or I could set this to you know you'll have to you'll have to pick the port here so I would say port 1 whatever VLAN I want that to be a member of let's say that I want to change port 1 to VLAN 10 I would go ahead and do that and you can see here how VLAN 10 is now changed for port 1 so we connected router 2 to port 2 right so I need to change that it will add that as well so here what I can do is I can double click on this port or I can go ahead and the port and I can just type it in and say port 2 if I want to for the VLAN I can use the up arrow or I can just enter it in and again I can change it to whatever I want either dot1q or access port once I say add it overwrites whatever that original access port was so you can set up your VLANs that way and I can go in you see right here that it's that it's an 8 ports which essentially but it doesn't have to be I could go ahead and I could say you know port 9 port 10 11 12 13 14 I could keep going here and I could add you know a 24 ports which if I wanted to so now I have a 24 ports which they're all VLAN 10 but you get the idea so you can mess around with this switch and it's all point click and you can change these two access ports so example maybe port 9 I want it to be that dot1q port so I can say dot1q and boom it changes to dot1q so I'm gonna say ok here just for kicks let's go ahead and start up this topology and we'll have router 1 and router 2 let's go ahead and console into these guys so in theory we should have our secured CRT pop open and let's see if we can just get basic reachability between these guys so come on little fella just get the little dory you know a little fella anyway so config T interface I think we did gigs zero right do you show lumpy interface brief yeah so I'll say interface gig zero zero and I'll say no shut IP address we'll give this guy a slash 24 because who cares we'll go over to router to do the same thing config T interface gig 0 0 no shut IP address want to have an IP conflict although we could who cares right wait for that to essentially come up we'll say do ping 10.19 one-to-one let's see if we can get reach ability through our switch and and there we go so this is one way that you can do layer 2 switching in gns3 if you're not looking to have a managed switch and you're just looking to do more routing right because may you're studying more layer-3 maybe you're studying your routing protocols maybe you're studying those different concepts you can go ahead and just use a simple unmanaged switch that's pointing click but let's face it that's not what everybody wants so let's go ahead let's turn off our our topology here we'll go ahead and delete our our unmanaged switch and let's go back into our switching section now again a number of images I have in here I'm allowed to use because of the organization I work for and and so you may not be able to have those but this one here you should be able to get if you have access to the viral appliances or you or you have the ability to load these appliances is that gns3 gives you if you don't know how to do that I have a video on my youtube channel that will actually show you how to import those those appliances right from viral so the layer to iOS V switch that comes with Viral you can absolutely load into gns3 I find gns3 a little bit easier to use to be honest with you it could just be because I've used it you know for I don't know since since day one so here what I'm gonna do is I want to have a managed switch because maybe I want to let I want to light up some VLANs I want to light up some SV eyes I want to have maybe I want to have switch one actually you know take place and layer 3 routing I mean who knows so I'm gonna go ahead and click my link button I'll click my router one will say gig zero zero and I'll set this to gig zero zero will set this guy gig one zero and maybe will put this guy on gig 0 1 or Mable to say gig 1 0 so we'll have them both on the same side just so we don't forget well go ahead and click the button air to label the interfaces so we'll leave those there like that and we'll go ahead and turn this guy on once we turn it on our links turn green and we'll go ahead and get the console button so that that we get our secure CRT pop-up let's delete our old options here well our switch should be booting in theory there we go iOS V we'll go ahead and hit enter so in the meantime here what we're gonna do is let's go ahead and let's actually get the the IP addresses configured on our router while the while the switch actually boots up so we'll say config team interface gig 0 0 no shut IP address will say 255 255 255 0 through show IP interface brief e assigned and so we have an IP address up up good deal and I think this guy was one zero right that's what we use to config t interface gig one zero no shut and we will say IP address 10.1 Oh 102 and we'll do slash 24 do use your IP interface brief e assigned ok cool deal let's check our switch let's see how mr. switch is doing here looks like he's still booting up sometimes you know the iOS v does take a while it doesn't boot up you know instantly so you know it also depends on on how many devices you have running how many things you have going on you know if I had 47 routers here this which may take a little bit longer so what I'll do here is I'll pause the video and I'm just gonna wait for this guy to essentially finish booting up and give me a command prompt all right so the switches finished booting up and you can see by this screen here that I got some error message here for a duplex mismatch there are some ways around that for now what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to turn off CDP so I'm gonna say config T no CDP run and this way we won't get that message I'm not really interested in showing you guys all the different ways that we essentially we might be able to get around this sometimes it depends on the image depends on you know the interfaces you're connecting to sometimes you'll get it sometimes you won't I've found that in gns3 sometimes the layer 2 is really hit or miss so I just turned it off not really concerned with CDP in detail only because I can see what interface is run here for those of you guys that might be studying CDP again there are some ways around this you could turn off CDP version 1 you could turn on CDP version 2 and you can also Google some of the images that you're using and and sometimes you'll find that there are ways to fix it you could try hard coding your duplex but this is kind of a common thing I usually just turn CDP off on my on my layer 2 switch so I'll go ahead and we'll give this guy a hostname we'll say switch 1 cuz one up now right now if I say do show VLAN brief again this is a layer 2 switch right I'm running the iOS v image that came with Viral I'm running it inside of gns3 and so what do I want to do here well maybe I want to do VLAN 10 just like I did with with router 1 and router 2 so I can say VLAN 10 let's go ahead and give it a name we'll say layer 2 cuz why not we'll say exit do show VLAN brief and what I want to do is I want to set the individual ports to be in that VLAN so I think we used gig 0 0 and gig 0 or gig 1 0 right so we need to put those guys here we have gig 0 0 and gig 1 0 so what we'll do is we need to put those guys into that VLAN so we'll say interface range gig 0 0 comma gig 1 0 and we'll say switch port mode access switch port access VLAN 10 do show run interface gig 0 0 and there we have it so we've automatically now placed both of these interfaces into VLAN 10 and we've set them to access ports ok so let's go back over to switch 1 and let's see if we can ping you can see that I get the duplex mismatch is here as well until I turned off CDP on the switch and again that's it's kind of a common problem I expect that I usually do that but again I have you know back in the day when I was studying CDP you kind of work around it for those of you guys that are struggling with budget I mean you can either go spend a couple hundred dollars on a switch or you can just deal with the fact that sometimes CDP might not work right but again there's a number of different workarounds and you can find those out there on the internets so let's say do ping you pyong do ping sweer on router 1 will ping router 2 and let's see if we can ping through our switch and there we have it so 80% now we have 100% we should be able to in theory if we really want it to let's let's see if we can light up an SV eye so we'll say exit interface VLAN 10 IP address 10.11 3 255 255 255 dot 0 no shut just for kicks do show IP interface brief e assigned and we have our layer 3 switch virtual switched virtual interface SDI on our switch and we should be able to ping it from router 1 so let's actually up Arum will say ping dot 3 and let's see if the switch actually responds and there we go so you can absolutely run switches in gns3 again most of the time I will use the the viral image of iOS v in there and it works pretty well sometimes I'll use other images that I'm permitted to use but again you can absolutely run layer 2 switches in gns3 and that's how you do it so basically you'll either drag your the the unmanaged switch in gns3 that that comes with it or you can load that iOS V viral layer to image which if you have access to fire well you should be able to get you can pop it in gns3 and boom there you go
Channel: XtremeIE
Views: 56,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Setup Switches in GNS3, JP Cedeno, Cisco, CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, XIE, XtremIE
Id: 5gAAEq6S6jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2016
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