configure 2 routers in GNS3 so that they can ping to each other

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this part of the video deals with configuring the two routers so that they can think to each other fire up the genus three mention the name of the projectors two routers it lot might take the project directory path which we already are specified in settings of gns3 click on save and we Rams including Peters which we lens in cryptokeys click OK place the two routers drag and drop the first router r1 drag and drop the second router it will be labeled as I to join both of them click on this add a link icon when you click on this r1 it shows that the are on has two interfaces are F 0 / 0 and F 0 / 1 both are available that is why they are showing in red color click any of them similarly click on the router r2 here also this router r2 also has two interfaces fast ethernet links so click any of them let it be F 0/0 allow dynamics to communicate on these networks click on allow access click on this because it is still asking to add more links I will click it again so it don't ask any further now to label this Network let me specify a note click on this add a note icon and write that I am going to use slash 24/24 means the subnet masks will be 255 dot 255 dot 0 and since my network name is let me choose the IP address for router r1 s Li for r2 let me choose the IP addresses I can also find the interface interfaces names if I click on this Shore hide interface levels it will show that this interface is F 0 that's 0 and this interface name is F 0 / 0 I can drag and drop these interface labels this is just a diagram or network topology to actually provide these IP addresses or to actually assign this IP addresses to these routers I need to run this start these routers they will become green they will become green from they will go they will change from red to green in the topology some rebar pane click on start this will start all the here I don't need here I do not require to find Idol BC value because the Idol PC value have been embedded in this is is file and any router that I place of this model three seven two five the Idol PC value will be applied to them automatically since I have already calculated once to start the routers click on this start button the first router is on the second router is also on now to configure I have to get some console for that I need to click on this start console there was some error there is a booty I stopped working so my router 2 has not come so what I need to do is I need to close this and try to open it again control connect to all devices this is the console for my router 1 this is console for my router 2 to provide this here at the top it shows that it is using super pootie as a terminal this is for r1 this is for r2 to configure r1 to assign it an IP address or mask of 250 a dot 50 y dot 255 dot 0 I need to go to r1 run this command enable en then I press the tab key this will complete my command enable next I need to fire up the second month config press the tab key to completed sorry config press the tab key it becomes configure then T then tap key to auto-complete so the command becomes configure terminal right now what I can say is we show you one more thing if I have to find that how many interfaces are on this router r1 and what is the current status what is the IDS assigned and whether they are running or are they up or no so I can corrupt this one show IP interface brief it shows that are undoubtedly fastethernet 0/0 which is f 0 / 0 which is currently which do not have any IPS so far and this is down the status is status is down further another facet Ethernet 0 / 1 this also does not have an IPS and this is also down so we need to provide these interfaces IP addresses and to make these interfaces up for this I have to go to the configuration mode config terminal now the command prompt for this has changed to R 1 bracket conflict bracket close to provide the IP address to interface F 0 / 0 I have to go into this interface also to switch to this interface I have to type interface F 0 / 0 to provide it an IP address as mentioned IP address n dot 0 dot 0 dot 1 and then the subnet mask will be to put Y dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 now if I check the IP address of this router r1 since I mean I'm in config mode I can not type show IP interface brief command here to run this command from this config mode I need to prefix it with do to show I pin this do show IP interface brief now I see that this interface has been assigned this IP address but still it is in down status I need to up this interface for this I have to type this command No shut down this will make the interface F 0/0 up see here it shows change straight to up changed state to up that means that stated the status have been changed from down to up and or exit we can type and or control-z come out of this config mode now if I see the IP address show IP interface brief it will show that this interface F 0/0 has been assigned this IP address and it is up and running similarly for this r2 also we have to configure IP address for that go to our to type the command enable config terminal go to that interface interface F 0 / 0 IP address 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 no shut so that this interface can be brought up now now the state of this interface has been changed to up and now if we see the show the if you see the IP address using show IP interface brief it will show that the IP address of this router r2 been assigned that been assigned this IP address 10 0 dot 0 dot 2 and it is up so we can ping the router r1 from here that means from r2 we can from r2 we can ping this r1 let us say this thing pink on here the success state is 80% four out of five run this command again and it will be a few hundred percent and I was in five or five out of five similarly to ping from r1 to from r1 to r2 I need to do I need to go to this r1 I need to click on r1 and on this one King enter here it shows that the success rate is 100 percent or five out of five that means both the routers are communicating with each other right now we have created this diagram and we have also configured the IP addresses to both the routers and if we save this project then it will only save the say this diagram networ diagram but it will not save the configuration to save this configuration so that when we will open this project again and we want the settings or configuration to be retained in what we can do is right now this is I have configured so this is known as running configuration and when a router starts that the settings at that time are known as startup configuration so what I need to do is I need to copy the running configuration into startup configuration so that when J when we will open the project ingeniously second time the startup settings will be there and they will be same like this for this when we can first let me show you one more thing show start startup config for this router r1 we see here there the show show startup config which shows that the post-game is r1 and it does not show any IP address so this is known as this much this is known as startup configuration so what I need to do is I need to populate the current configuring settings into this startup configuration settings and let me also check the running configuration which we can check using show running configuration enter it shows that the hostname is r1 this was the command show running configuration this was a hostname it will also show you the IP address for the interfaces it is asking for more so press the space bar here it shows that for the interface f00 the IP address is this thing for the interface fastethernet 0/1 no IP address has been assigned and currently it is in shutdown status so we need to copy the running configuration into startup configuration press Enter copy runs start here it will ask that the destination file name it is I just need to press ok enter now the settings for our one router have been saved similarly I need to run here also copy run space start enter the are two settings have also been saved now if I want to check the start of configuration of this router r1 I can check this with show start it shows that the hostname is r1 and I interface fastethernet 0/0 has this IP address and the interface fastethernet 0/1 has no ideas and currently it is in shutdown status so I need to now I can close this terminal window stop and save this configuration and stop that offers close this window
Channel: jasbir76
Views: 49,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: configure 2 routers in GNS3 so that they can ping to each other, cisco, router, GNS3, Graphical Network simulator, Dynamips
Id: jYf7f1gAuQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2014
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