Best Solo Board Games I Single Player Board Game Top

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sometimes you're all alone but you want to play board games what do you do then you play these board games i don't need nobody in this video we're gonna pick 12 different board games that work perfectly well playing solo and six different categories we're gonna do it in a very unique way we are going to draft them and whenever a game is drafted it can never be drafted again so we're gonna run out soon very soon the first category is going to be a small box game something you can just easily take with you whenever you go a trip on an airplane or you know wherever yeah three two one three two one oh where's the champagne so my pick is orchard janice actually hasn't played it i haven't heard of it oh all right this game pick two cards and try to add them together so different trees overlap in the same color and whenever you hit the same color you add points for it add dices on top of it and the more trees you can kind of combo together the more and more points you get that's unique is it's super small and quick and i love it my pick for the small game is friday a game based on the book robinson crusoe this one's a solo deck building game start out with a small deck that has a ton of bad cards and you're trying to get rid of those cards so you can you know fight off pirates not starve and all kinds of different things but all in itself it's just a small deck building game where you're trying to optimize your deck you know if you actually get rid of the box there's just basically a deck of cards it's it's really really nice is it robinson cruzo or cruzo or how crouzo i think i think it's french it's crouzo all right the more you know grizzle next category is the best story solo game is that a fool full name of that well mine's gonna be fallout fallout is not necessarily a solo game but when you play solo it works perfectly fine there's nobody else there it feels like there's a story even though it's not a game you would necessarily call a story-driven game but there's quite a bit of story and since i'm a big fan of the video games as well i felt it translates very well fallout is a pasta clip for those who don't know fallout is a post-ecolyptic video game series on to which this board game is based you're just playing a character who's trying to survive in this weird world and the board game try to simulate that you're walking around you're completing quests you're fighting mutants and you know just trying to survive mine is super story driven game most of it is story and it's house of danger it's a cooperative adventure game and i found it's best with one or max two players you don't want to play it with more people and it's actually like reading a book you go into this story to solve this mystery here it has five scenarios that uh go together with so they're like a mini campaign mini it's a mini campaign how long does one session take do you think it was around an hour i think okay fairly quick you can likely just go through it and really get the correct places correct items just on the first try spoiler alert i didn't and i fell in a pit and died so that can happen next category is the best solo war game so my pick for the war game is zulu it's a war game about being in a siege and it's based on real history huge event that actually happened where british soldiers were protecting this let's call it fortress from uh invaders which were zulu you win if you hold long enough for reinforcements to come and help you out but the problem is that there's a lot of soldiers coming at you i think you can start with this one and see if siege games is something you would enjoy if you haven't tried it already my pick field commander alexander there's a series called field commander and there's field commander rommel field commander napoleon and this one's alexander based on the battles of or should i say campaign where alexander the great is conquering different lands you just take one board and they're like four boards and each of the boards is like one campaign but it doesn't take too long to play so you're trying to invade the whole territories or maybe there's some other objectives you have to accomplish along the way and if you do you win or if you don't well you know so in a way there's like four mini games in one because there's four boards i found it quite thematic with all the events that can happen and things and the way you fight it hit all the right spots that's the one favorite from those series and my favorite solo war game it sounds the best as well field commander alexander playing game solo is freaking awesome but even awesomer is having company and you can find a company right here in our channel board game hangover so please subscribe don't go stay with the the best heavy solo game well mine's heavy both in actual weight and actual rules and that's kingdom death monster a story driven and i think it's called boss fighter game there's a genre now where basically one session is divided into three parts first part is you do the story encounter thing where you encounter different kind of story elements by the end of which you're trying to find the monster to fight and then you fight the actual monster on a board and if you win you move on to the third part which is the settlement development where you use the parts you got from the monster to build new buildings to equip villagers and so on and that's it i don't know anything else about the game the story of the game is that you play these people who don't remember anything they wake up and you're attacked by this huge lion that's just how the game starts and if you lose this encounter and the lion kills you that's over you're done with this campaign and it is a very big and expensive game costs like 400 so all in all fantastic game this could have been in the story category as well for me but it's just epically big i thought that somebody has to take the bullet which game with that so all of our viewers can stop saying hey where's this game it is the top rated board game of all time right now which is gloomhaven no way oh yeah wow yeah so it made it onto our list finally yeah it finally did but it is the top-rated game in burgundy for a reason uh it's really really brilliant design and you have your basic character that you can level up from each round each level is completely different so there's a lot of stuff for you to explore and do and each game will be very unique but it's great for solo as well almost always it's like defeat these monsters or get to that place without dying find these treasures there but it's a really grand game and that works really really well this is actually a fan service right you're just you know giving it to them so yeah yeah okay that also is a good game all right next category is best solo euro game you already know what i'm picking recently i received finally in my mail terraforming mars the card game and i absolutely love it if you have played the traffic mars the big version then this one is just that without anything extra with few things changed but the main engine building and all that is still there and it is awesome to win this card game you have to score at least 50 points or something like that there's like a point threshold that you need to overcome and of course you're always competing against your own high scores for those who haven't played terraforming mars terraforming mars you are a person that's sent to mars by these corporations to terraform mars draw cards and build the best engine by buying these cars and putting in in front of you the most efficient player will win because he gets the most victory points it's very very unique for me at least because it's the only game that gets me that satisfactory if i have built this thing and it always works it's always fascinating for me and you win or lose you just feel good my euro solo game is going to be lahar i'm on the french names is a port in france which loads and unloads the ships so you're going to be sending your workers out to get resources to build buildings that you can use to get better resources and you will have to feed your workers a sequel of sorts to agricola the pressure you know from that game where you're always like i need that so some i hope nobody goes there and oh and i also have to feed my family kind of translates into this game so why i like this solo better because nobody else can see me squirm that i don't have enough food to feed my workers so you know it's just me and my shame and the last category for this solo draft is going to be the wild card my pick for the wild card for the solo game draft is going to be p29 super fortress all right that's that's the name sounds wild that's actually an airplane that that is used was used i don't think it's used anymore to bomb things so it happens during the world war ii and you're playing the commander of this b29 super fortress they're flying to their objective hopefully sometimes you might not make it and trying to bomb it and get back safely this actually is more of a simulation than a game there are decisions you make for example the first decision i ever regretted after first time i played this was naming all the crew members of my in the names of my friends because not all of them made it because my first mission was a total failure i ran out of gas midway back you put in guns you put in crew and then you're flying and you have to make decisions and the results of those decisions are just basically you rolling dice and seeing what the result is so in a way that's a simulation i mean you can't plan ahead try to do the best you can outfitted it but still the other things are gonna go totally wrong and you're not going to make it like i did and most of my friends so don't name you know your first crew in the name of your close friends yeah that's a dumb idea who would think of that yeah really my wild card is ratcatcher how you played it okay are you naming real games this draft or orchard rat catcher what if rap catcher no i did not know in this game i never heard of it what is this ratcatcher is a fantastic little game where you try to find cheese before rats do and you fight rat to bosses and monsters i would actually call it like a mini mini mini mini gloomhaven but it doesn't sound like a real game it is real and this universe people have invented amazing magic cheese which gives people like special powers a bit but also really attracts rats and now the city is overrun by rats and the cheese gets scattered around the whole city and you try to find it before the rats do because if the rats do it first then you lose the game and it's all bad every time you get cheese you can upgrade your powers and get stronger and stronger not a real game it is no is this what first april special my favorite thing about this game is the look of the cheese it really looks magical imagine magical cheese that's how it looks well i guess that's it for this draft thank you for watching please subscribe and like this video tell us which solo games we missed some of those might be in other draft videos so check those out see you next time and thank you for watching yeah see ya [Music] you
Channel: Board Game Hangover
Views: 53,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Board Games, solo board games, best solo board games, boardgamegeek, top 10 solo board games, top solo board games, single player board games, top 10 board games, board games 2020, top ten board games, best solo board games 2020, solitaire board games, best 1 player board games, best single player board games, top solo games, top 10 games, top 10 solo games, best solo games, best games, solo, solo gaming, board games, solo games, boardgames, top 10 list
Id: ij-4ocsiD4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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