[SUB INDO] QnA Syaikh Yusuf Estes Non - Muslim bertanya tentang perbedaan agama

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the Porta Hambrick good Naga on mom Tammy pure Vitas can do lubricant wacousta Dora so delicate I a non-muslim a de la Rica Langenkamp Oh Papa Papa a de my boo non-muslim Camila silicon welcome welcome welcome so I want to ask about opening dialogue between different religions and even different denominations within religions in my experience among people that I've met most religions encourage very similar core values about good things of course don't kill don't steal love your family so on but a lot of people focus on small details and differences and when you have so many different leaders and different systems saying that anyone who believes differently is being deceived by Satan how can you get people to listen to each other if they are taught that just listening to another viewpoint will lead them down the wrong path how can we open up more listening and communication that's a wonderful question and first of all I want to congratulate you on having the nerve to be the only Muslim non-muslim who stood up and said hey I'm not a Muslim you you're most welcome I'm happy for this chance to talk with you can I hear your name again sorry my name is Heather Heather yes so Heather if I can ask you what did not what religion are you currently I'm an agnostic from a Christian background my father was Southern Baptist and my mother was Catholic that's a winner right there in it where did you grow up I grew up in Florida in the say what city Gainesville Gainesville Wow okay I know games I was over there during right after the recent hurricane in Florida okay yeah we visited over there University the University I did my family and the Muslims there a few yes yeah I'm very very happy this is a great education for us to have a chance to talk to you but as far as your question goes there are a number of organizations Muslim organizations on the planet who are working very hard to do exactly what you said at the same time there are setbacks coming from the same people you also described oh I get into these little petty issues and especially groups small groups maybe but still there who don't want any dialogue with anybody else but I would like this opportunity to expound on something I mentioned earlier from the Quran which tells us about people of the book you grew up in a home Catholic and Baptists probably played the ping-pong ball back and forth like that several times in these discussion heated discussions that I can imagine would come from the Catholic and the Protestant yes especially is somebody being a Baptist minister that's it's too cliche but in the Quran is telling us that there are people from the people of the book who have Iman all we need to do is just open doors for them to see more about it you also mentioned agnostic this by definition and I'm not telling you how to think I'm just telling you how we see that word someone who believes there could be a God not given up on that but not particularly ascribing themselves to any particular belief or faith you know maybe maybe not it is what it is is that what you meant to me it means more like I'm not sure what label to attach to a faith it's not necessarily doubt that God exists okay so you might want to look at the word Gnosticism is the word that this comes from agnostic means without knowledge so it doesn't mean you without faith but it means without knowledge you means you don't know if there really is a God so let me ask you this Heather is there really a god no doubt in your mind about that yes okay so you're not an agnostic anymore okay not according to the word yeah I know what you meant because I went through the same thing alright the second thing is the God that you believe in absolutely real he created the whole universe yeah and if you have a purpose for us I believe so okay now you're getting a lot closer to faith than what you think seriously the God that you're just describing right now if is there any room for doubt about the God as far as existence is concerned no no all right another I'm sorry to give you this like third degree but I'm trying to help me understand and help you look at yourself from another perspective Heather your relationship with this God that you believe in do you want it to be that you serve him on his terms or that you want him to serve you on your terms of course his terms are better than mine his terms of course are higher than mine I realize that you probably know the Bible maybe better than I do definitely not better than you do well anyway in the New Testament there are two times it mentions what's we called the Lord's Prayer I'm sure you're familiar with it yes and there's a key in there just like there's a key in the fatiha that we read it Deena sought the most of the King the key in that one is when it says God's will be done on earth perfect okay I knew you knew it okay if you want God's will in your life to be the same way it is that he controls the universe in an Arabic this is someone who is move us from Islam doesn't have a word in English so we modify it when we try to translate it or we just don't even translate it we just say Islam example in chapter 3 of the Quran verse 19 it says in Arabic in Adina in de la Haley slam the translator said for sure the only religion with God is Islam I have a problem all the way through the whole thing with the way it's translated but I have the biggest problem with the last word because it didn't translate it because if you translate the whole thing more accurately more on what the Arabic is implying especially what is intended from Almighty God the only way of life that God is going to accept from his creatures is the one that he is prescribed for them in service to him doing his will in surrender submission obedience sincerity and peace and it's also related to safety and security but that's under this one with peace all of those things would you like to have that in your life of course now what you just said in English equals I want to be a Muslim doesn't mean it doesn't mean that I want to be an Indonesian or an Arab but it means I want to have the best possible relationship that I can with the God that I believe in and you are very far away from an atheist and very far away from an agnostic but very close to the original message that came with Jesus Moses and Abraham David and Suleiman and Adam and of course Mohammed this is what I found when I looked at Islam had a little trouble admitting I was wrong that's hard to do especially for men I think you know that right yeah on another on another note have you ever been in a car or with a man who's driving in circles and he will refuse to get advices to stop an estimate nope I know where I'm going all the time that's us but sometimes you just have to break through it and say you know what I'm wrong I need him to guide me and I'm again a personal question but in your heart have you ever asked Almighty God guide me guide me you've done it I hope I hope that you don't fall into desperation at a last moment and say it because then it's too late but by asking him in your heart not for my benefit not for anybody else's benefit but your own heart with him silently God guide me gangway and he will because there really is a God really is a creator and he's one the only one that's been there all along and whether or not I understand who he is or what he is doesn't matter what matters is what do you understand does that make sense that makes sense to me personally but I'm thinking more like in the greater world view when so many people are fighting about you know can you and this detail can you do that being true then they don't listen to each other I've been through that one too you know what the answer to that one is because we are our world of individuals who all have the same right that you do that I do they will always be making their choices some good some bad and there's no way that we will ever overtake all the people and change them but we should change ourselves so that we have the right perspective she's in charge and if you want to continue to do what you're doing now I supported 100% we should have more dialogues we should have more people who concern that want to help others to know or at least have a chance to explore their own feelings and their own thoughts without some kind of criticism and negative criticism and I support what you're saying a hundred percent if you want to know more and would like to work with our organization we have over 4,000 websites but the main ones are Sher Aslam calm which has a plethora of all kinds of information and it's done with images audios and videos to make it almost like a video game we'll go through these basic websites very easy to manipulate Sher Islam calm the other website you might like to know about is called volunteer for Islam calm and when you sign up just let us know that your background a little bit and what you want to do by the way Heather where do you live now and I'm out here telling you how to look at English it's okay I don't speak Arabic so that's I don't speak Arabic either I speak text and more all right if you take the time and effort I'm sure you're gonna find right here in this community even in this room a lot of people that share your emotions and your feelings and would love to have a chance for dialogues and I encourage that the one thing that we are not allowed to do as Muslims is ever to push somebody to make a decision now if I see somebody standing in the street and the cars coming I'm gonna push them out of the way but as far as trying to trick somebody into Islam this is absolutely forbidden and or to get them to say something or do something and if you felt like that that wasn't my purpose I just wanted you to feel and know that what you are saying you're not alone in the world there are a lot of people even in this room who share exactly what you say that I want to know more about my lord I want to be closer to my Lord and I'm ready to open up discussion about it and I recommend to some of the sisters maybe if they have organizations programs here invite you over and sit and have some chai would you like better tea or coffee both you don't have to make that choice I love that all right Heather thank you for a good question thank you for a good conversation I enjoyed it so much before the before you leave before you leave the microphone I wonder if if I say a prayer I'll translate it and tell me if you like it okay all right and if you like it you can say Amen all right if not don't worry Robina I did not be doing your husband what feel like Turkey has in Joaquina Adel Bernard we said our Lord give us good in this life and give us good in the next life and save us from the punishment of the fire are you like that amen amen so we have hold on have what's called Fatiha the opening you're familiar with the Bible I'm sure you've heard this that they said that jesus said seek and you will find ask and it will be given to you [Music] what is the rest of it that would be knocking knock and it will be opened right yes okay now listen to the translation the first Arabic all the blemishes on regime bismillah r-rahman r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen a rock man Rahim Malik tell me Dean you cannot do I hear candor Stein adeana sirat al-mustaqim sirata al-ladhina and I'm - I laid him I Roma do ble him of the darling the translation could be plus or minus in the name of Almighty God the most gracious the most merciful all the praise glory and thanksgiving is to Allah the most gracious the most merciful the owner and ruler on the day of judgment you only do we worship and you only do we seek direction guide us to the straight path the path of those who have your favour not the path of those who have your anger or are lost amen amen you just brought a reality for everybody in this room you know no maybe this is what we pray five times a day actually 17 times in our 5 prayers were saying these same words I hope inshallah that all of us will benefit from what you just said amen - and again congratulations thank you so much thank you and by the way next time somebody asks you your faith say I'm more Muslim than anything else because you really are mashallah thank you
Channel: JakartaMengaji
Views: 892,887
Rating: 4.8636103 out of 5
Keywords: ceramah agama, ceramah singkat, pengajian ceramah, ustadz, ceramah agama islam, pengajian islam, kajian islami, salaf, kajiansalaf, salafi, kajian salafi, tausiyah islam, motivasi islami, video ceramah islam, kajian islam, tanya jawab islami, konsultasi agama islam, ceramah bagus, video islami, ceramah ustadz, jakarta mengaji, jakartamengaji, kajian ilmu, cermah singkat, tausiyah, jakarta, mengaji
Id: DnuboUlyBfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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