Islam: Solution for the World? - Yusuf Estes

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[Music] uh [Music] [Music] i was sitting with one of my friends talking and he he hit me with it all of a sudden he said can you answer a question i said what is it he said what is it every human wants i said a beautiful girl he said not the girls i said oh yeah uh he said come on what is it i said money she said not everybody wants money so really who said peace that's it that's exactly what he said i said what do you mean he said because everything else will boil down to that one word you believe that happiness will give you peace happiness doesn't always give you peace does it you think it does but what happens when it goes away well you're having a lot of fun yay and then later on you're like oh man i gotta down over there we all want peace and this is why we do what we do because we think what i'm getting ready to do is gonna make me feel better i'm gonna feel that peace i'm not gonna have any pain i'm not gonna have any agony when somebody takes drugs for a few minutes for a few minutes they don't feel their body and they're like yeah that's what i'm talking about but then when it's gone it's like oh man it's worse than before so now they need more drug oh that feels pretty good for two seconds so now i need more drug and they keep going through this maybe you've seen somebody on drugs before you know what it's about it's not a funny thing it's not a joke because what they really want the drug gives him something like it for just a few minutes but then it gets worse and worse and sometimes the drugs are so powerful he doesn't even survive the first time this new crack that they got is really bad one shot dead islam is the solution because what because it speaks directly to the heart and solves the problems of the heart and the mind and brings the person together as one whole complete person giving him what he needs the tools that he needs in this life so that he can be the best human being that he can be that's what islam will do for anybody who will really understand it and put it to work um hello foreign bar wow this is exciting crowd here you know what here we are we're in oslo right as low now how you say it as slow or as low aslo yeah not too slow just as slow [Music] or slow with a shoe okay is that what you like i like it works for me we're here in norway and that's a good place to be i'm coming to you from helsinki in finland and before that we were in the uk you know where's the hook i don't know why everybody else spells it i like to say it ook uk yeah how did that i was listening to him introducing the the topic for today and he was saying that islam is the solution for the world did you hear that did he say that where is he there fahed ana dalil where is your proof [Music] you are going to give the proof oh i thought we're going to have like a dialogue i'm going to interview fahed and i'm going to ask you and you're going to tell me what the proof is make me look smart no who knows where the proof is first of all is it true is islam the solution for the world [Music] is it how let's take a vote how many say islam is the solution for the world yeah allah anybody not sure about it you guys are already convinced that i don't need to give a speech no i'm going to tell you a quick story before i get into the topic just kind of because some people are still settling down they told me don't start this program till everybody got back from salah so if you're not here yet raise your hand all right seriously [Music] well it's not very serious because it's a joke i'm getting ready to joke so not serious they said joha everybody knows who's joha right you heard about johar right yeah the one in sham vlad hashem everybody make fun of him they said that they got joha one time they said yeah joha we we need mahadra from you we need speech mahadara he said they said please come up and give us a speech finally finally they convinced him and he came up and he stood there like this he looked at the audience and he said [Music] do you know what i'm going to talk about they said well i know i said then why should i waste my time talking about it and he walked away when he got him and said come back come back please please and i got him back up again he looked the audience again he said do you know what i'm going to talk about they said yes he said then why should i waste my time and he left again so on another day they got him i said please please now the audience is getting wise now right so when he got up he said you know what i'm going to talk about half of them said no the other half said yes he said the ones who know tell the ones who don't know goodbye i like that one that's funny alhamdulillah anyway i was listening to the topic and i was saying i'm not sure i like the title i don't think it fits let me tell you why because i don't think the world is the problem allah he created the universe yes or no the universe isn't having a problem and he created the sun and the moon and the stars and the planet earth yes or no so that's not where the problem is where's the problem who will tell me what the problem is us right the human beings on the earth so can we i'm just asking it's up to you can we change the title and say islam the solution for mankind everybody like that one i don't like it no because he said mankind what about womankind you got to be i got to be fair yes or no that's right how about if we say islam is a solution for humans is that everybody like that one no because you still got man in there yeah human you notice that so how about if i said islam is the solution for everybody how about that is that okay but what about the people who don't accept it so let's find out two things are we really talking about it's a solution for who and we're going to find out by finding out what the word islam means so we'll start out with that what is islam um now we already know that a lot of muslims when you somebody ask them what is islam anyway they go islam is peace brother there's peace we love everybody don't hurt me right you heard this before right islam is bees does islam mean peace yes or no i can't hear you i got a microphone you don't is islam mean peace or no yes and no i have said no i've said yes you're working off that joke we just did let me let me try to straighten this out okay when i walked up here a few minutes ago do you remember what i said to you [Music] when i walked out remember what was it what did i say sedam alaikum huh and you said wale com okay i didn't hear anybody say islam alaikum did you no because salam is peace yes so what is islam and actually anybody have a translation of quran in english anybody have it anybody got one with you look in it i'm going to show you something no matter how good the translators work on bringing everything to english and they try they'll say god instead of a law which is weak that's very weak by the way they'll say religion for the word deen again that's kind of weak but there's one word in quran when they translate they don't translate it they leave it in the arabic language what word am i talking about islam in chapter 3 verse 19 go looking in a translation in adina in the islam right but when you look at the translation everything is there it says verily the religion with god is islam islam is still in arabic islamic [Music] this is chapter 3 verse 85 translation they will say you can look it up and see the most translated it will say god instead of allah that whoever wants a religion other than islam god will not accept it from them and hereafter they'll be with the losers but the word islam is still in arabic language the same is true throughout the quran we can mention a couple more uh um islam medina yep there it is again so what does the english translation say on this day have i perfected for you your even if they translate deen and say way of life which is pretty good perfected your way of life conferred my biggest the favors upon you and have chosen for you to submit to me in islam still says islam and this goes all the way back to the quran everywhere it says islam in arabic they just used islam in english and they left it the problem brothers and sisters actually i'm so much older than you i should call you kids right somebody asked me the other day they said you have how many children do you have i said i don't have any i have grandchildren they say well how do you get grandchildren you don't have any children i said well my children aren't children anymore they became adults that's how they got the grandchildren figure that one out you know okay you like that huh how about this i now have been told two days ago that my fourth great-grandchild is on the way and they believe it's going to be a girl maybe i hope i hope i like girls you like girls better say yes i don't want to open that subject up anyway let's let's focus on this word islam and find out why don't these people translate it okay let's go get a dictionary shall we do that okay there it is right there islam oh now we know why they don't translate it because it has too many words there's no single word in english that means islam it's too big it needs a paragraph or a page and i've even seen a whole book written about the word islam it's big it's very big so that's the reason but what about the person who doesn't know i was talking with some folks yesterday in fact today on facebook i had one that's coming to islam didn't know the meaning they said you know i believe in god and god's one but why do i have to go with your religion why do i have to go with the muslim religion well first of all it's not my religion and it's not the muslim religion what it is it's allah's deen right allah said that he perfected and gave us his nama his deen his islam he gave it to us so it's allah's way now what we found in the dictionary look at this first word surrender that's in islam did you know that heck we didn't know that that's amazing up to now we just thought there was something new like iraq afghanistan airport security surrender yeah but that's the part of islam there's still more in fact there's four more at least the next one is sufficient and this is where you want to agree to some terms and you're going to accept whatever god gives you it's his command you're going to do it you don't say why do i have to wear a job not for the boys but one or five times a day that's because of what allah wants it's a lot is how many times a day it looks fine minimum you can do more but not less and that's up to allah isn't it so that's the submission you're going to agree to that and then the third thing is to obey you will obey allah and the best of your ability whatever commandments he gives us we're going to do it all right and then what this is the one i love this one sincerity [Music] sincerity it's in the word islam you have to be sincere with allah it won't count isn't that true is it true don't have to be sincere with the law if i'm not sincere with the law then my islam is no good true or false you can go move your head like that okay there you go i know you can do it anyway you understand my point right or do you how many of you heard this it's land spread by the by the what we all heard the same word didn't we nobody said butter knife did they no islam spread by the but it didn't really did it in fact you know that amazed me it was one of the things that i did when i came into islam i was still comparing stuff in my bible to the quran trying to understand what's what and when i heard this i said let me go check that out so first thing you do of course i went to my bible and got the concordance of the bible strong's concordance of the bible lists every single word in the bible you can do that's very easy and even 22 years ago before there was google we could still do word search but it was on paper and i went through and i counted every time i found the word sword in the bible more than 200 times pay attention boys and girls i'm telling you something more than 200 times in the bible i found the sword and most of it in the new testament which is actually smaller than the old testament and guess who is saying get a sword get a sword jesus according to their book listen to this quote it's in their book they said jesus said i did not come in peace don't think i came in peace i did not come in peace but with a sword thus in their book and another one whoever doesn't have a sword sell your coat and buy a sword it's in their book and how many of you heard this if you live by the sword you will die by the sword that's in their book and he's telling them get swords and then another place when they're fighting and the ear of one of the servants gets cut off in the big battle and they said okay put the sword down sword sword sword we're hearing about the swords right so okay let me go look now in quran now in quran i'm going to try to be fair and i'm going to look for any word in arabic which means sword everything even khanja you know kanji the dagger safe muhammad how many words 13 14 15 words right so let's get all the words in quran that have any meaning of sword or dagger or something like that add them up and see how close we come or more than what the what the bible has how many i'm gonna let you guys guess how many times is the word sword or something like that in the quran more than 100 how many say more than 100. [Music] how many say more than 50. how many say zero there's no word for anything like that in the quran at all so if you're saying that our book preaches something like that then and you're saying that whichever religion is doing this having this then i'll ask you to figure out which religion spread by the sword [Music] [Laughter] ow ow that had to hurt [Music] so sincerity now can you spread sincerity by force somebody come to you and say listen you're going to do it and you're going to like it you can say i'll do it but i'm not going to like it you can't make me like it i can fake it right i really like it no i don't huh you cannot make anybody have feelings you can't do that you have to be the one to initiate that sincerity has to come from you that means nobody is a muslim unless they want to be nobody is a muslim unless they want to be is that true or false because if they're being forced that's not islam and now let's take the fifth word so the fifth word is peace it's there salaam is there but it means the salaam that you're going to have between you and allah after you do the other things surrender submission obedience sincerity and then no matter what after you did all of that after you did that what is going to be your position allah maybe give you a disease or allow maybe you lose your job maybe some drastic thing happens in your life and you said ah but i came to the right religion and i'm doing this how come allah did this to me this is not islam it's not this way it's not is that the right way no because all of us have difficulties and sometimes it gets really serious and allah does that for one reason only you know why are you going to turn to him because if you do you win you win and prophet muhammed he said what means in english he said ajib which means amazing astonishing the condition of the movement [Music] the movement the believer astonishing condition because only good is happening to them only good is happening to the believer because when everything comes his way that he likes it he says alhamdulillah he's happy with the law and he expresses it properly he give the credit to allah this is good but if anything happens there's a difficulty for him some calamity some big trial falls on him he makes suburb he'll be patient you know the story of the prophet ayub right job in the bible this is similar to the story that we have in islam ayew was so patient no matter what happened to him he was still patient believing in the law and he didn't complain to anybody yeah imagine and prophesy salaam said is continuing the hadith that it's good for this person even though even though he had a bad difficulty with it because he made this patience then it's all good for him but it's only in the case of the believer so this is a beautiful thing in islam and it's a part of the word islam itself so the things that we're finding out about in this conference and different things that we study about islam we find it's all in the word islam itself because if you understand what islam is meaning to believe there really is a law the one and only creator sustainer of the universe the one and only who really knows what's inside of you the one and only that can solve your problems the real god to believe in him [Music] and surrender to him submit to him obey his commandments and but do it with a sincere heart really do it out of you know what allah want me to do i'm going to do it [Music] and then be in peace with whatever comes from that now truthfully i can see where that really would help all of the human beings on this earth one of the ways is to have the correct belief when we talk about the belief in islam it is not just that we believe in god because almost every religion has a belief in some kind of a god right they all have that but almost every time you find that the god is something in the creation or somehow connected to the creation or not perfect whereas for islam he's so uniquely one there's nothing in the creation that's like a law nothing is like allah even when we try to describe allah we can't do that we can't because how do you describe allah he's for us indescribable we can say what he said about himself if allah says in the quran you'll find this in i think surah nur allah is talking about the face of allah but even then we don't want you to come up and say yeah you know it has a nose or cheeks and stuff wouldn't do that because it didn't say that you just say what allah said we we're tough on that aren't we i mean somebody say it the wrong way would be like hey hey hey brother that's not the killer work on that huh because it's serious when i was a christian people didn't care they didn't care if you said oh you know and i've heard them say stuff like you know god was talking to me the other day and you're like what i don't know if any of you remember the famous debate with jimmy swaggart and ahmed didat have any of you seen it have you seen it yeah in that debate if you got the whole thing some of it has abbreviated but if you got the whole one on it at the end of it jimmy swaggart says the other night i believe god is talking to me he's saying to me saying jimmy now you tell them muslims are you serious he even gave him a louisiana accent i mean it was like i can't believe this guy [Music] i wanted to focus on this though because the the most important part about islam is what we believe [Music] because a lot of good people out there they do good deeds they're kind they're generous they're sweethearts we like them even they're not muslim but they're nice and you know easy to get along with and people will say well why can't this person go to paradise i mean he's nice he didn't do anything wrong everybody likes him what's wrong you know what's wrong uh first of all we're not the ones that created him are we we're not the ones that created him the one who created him is waiting to get his rights allah's right is that we worship none but him alone without partners that's what means so no matter how nice he is to us on the day of judgment what's he going to collect from us she'll be like hey you're a nice guy so what i can't help you out you didn't worship your creator allah said in the quran clearly noel is so clearly allah is telling us i did not create the jinn and mankind except for ibadah for worship now some they want to attack islam did you know that there are some people attacking islam no really yeah right one of the things they will say is well what kind of god needs to have create people just to worship him you get the wrong slant on it you miss the point actually he has angels that worship him day and night that's all they do their whole creation they don't want to stop they just want to keep worshiping allah they're happy to do that but allah created us so that whatever we do this is going to be our test whatever you worship and every soul worships something check it out i didn't say everybody has a religion but everybody has a deen and there's a difference religion you know man-made religions and so on we know what that is but everybody has a deen because d means what you do your way that's what you are that's what you're all about whether you believe or don't believe you still have a way things that you do there's some people who worship rock sticks stones bones stars planets fire they worship those kind of things and that's pretty easy to knock it off and say you know that's not real that's not god that's not god but other people who will reject religion they will reject the belief in god but they'll still make an illah illah is the word in arabic for god not allah in the illa is what anything you worship this could be an education [Music] huh yeah you want to get a phd so bad you'll do anything to get it you want to get a degree so bad you don't care that you stole money from your mother you don't care that you rip people off you don't care you cheated people you don't care what you did to get what you wanted you got what you wanted yeah man i'm a doctor now you're gonna say doctor when you see my face come in here [Music] that's because that's all he wanted and there are people like that they want their position maybe he wants to be a big shot in the military huh [Music] maybe he wants to be big shot in the neighborhood i got a big car see my car when there's a great big stretch limousine going by the rest of us are walking right we're like okay whaley runs out of gas yeah for sure there are things that people worship besides a physical illa like you might think about it could be a house a car could be a job could be education could be their position in society but everybody worships something especially those who claim there is no god at all now [Music] do you know how many of you heard that last week the atheists in the uk now have declared that they are a religion did you hear about that they're a religion they're allowed now to act like a religion they have their meetings they have tax exempt they have yeah they're saying we're doing everything we just don't believe in god but we got everything else going on believe in philosophy believe in theories they believe in monkeys became people things like that this is their thing i see a lot of youth with us today and i'm so happy about that and i don't want to bore them so i'm going to wrap it up pretty quick but i want to come back to why is islam really the solution for human beings because it also provides something for us there's something inside of us that knows when we make mistakes if you want to call it your conscience some people call it their conscience some people will say it's like they're uh you know record keeper keeping up with what's going on something that tells you between good and bad but everybody has it you know when you've lied you know when you've cheated you know when you've hurt somebody's feelings you know when you said bad things about somebody all of us do every one of us knows that we do that and inside of us that builds up and it has a tendency to do what our prophet saw islam told us clearly when a person lies it puts a black mark on their heart and they continue lying until the whole thing is black he said in another hadith that there's a morsel of flesh inside the human body that if it's good then the whole of the matter is good but if it's bad then the whole of the matter is rotten and that morsel of flesh is the heart so this is how important it is for us to understand why human beings do what they do [Music] do you know why because they want to [Music] that's why they do what they do why does a person smoke because they're addicted no because they want to why does a person drink alcohol because it's fun he looks cool and blah blah no he wants to that's why he does it bottom line it's because this is what they want to do the addiction comes later but even then if they really wanted to they'd find a way to quit human beings really are operating out of something inside of them just tell them this is right this is wrong this is right this is wrong and when you go against it then you'll start having problems that you can't solve and every single human being wants the same thing who knows what it is [Music] huh [Music] what happiness not exactly you're real close though huh success you're also real close but that's not the word i'm looking for huh pleasure you guys are on it though you're getting around this thing it happened to me many years ago maybe 50 years ago i was sitting with one of my friends talking and he hit me with it all of a sudden he said can you answer a question i said what is it he said what is it every human wants i said a beautiful girl he said not the girls i said oh yeah uh he said come on what is it i said money he says not everybody wants money so really [Music] who said peace that's it that's exactly what he said i said what do you mean he said because everything else will boil down to that one word you believe that happiness will give you peace [Music] happiness doesn't always give you peace does it you think it does but what happens when it goes away well you're having a lot of fun yeah and then later on you're like oh man i got it down over there we all want peace and this is why we do what we do because we think what i'm getting ready to do is going to make me feel better i'm going to feel that peace i'm not going to have any pain i'm not going to have any agony when somebody takes drugs for a few minutes for a few minutes they don't feel their body and they're like yeah that's what i'm talking about but then when it's gone it's like oh man it's worse than before so now they need more drug oh that feels pretty good for two seconds so now i need more drug and they keep going through this maybe you've seen somebody on drugs before you know what it's about it's not a funny thing it's not a joke because what they really want the drug gives them something like it for just a few minutes but then it gets worse and worse and sometimes the drugs are so powerful he doesn't even survive the first time this new crack that they got is really bad one shot dead so this is why according to the psychiatrist they tell us that this is the motivator people will do what they do for one of two reasons either they will do something hoping that they're going to get a reward a benefit or they won't do something because they're afraid that they're going to lose something they boil it down to this fear of a loss hope of a gain you want to gain something but you don't lose anything kind of like playing the stock market trying to like betting on horses all of that's not in islam but you get the idea how it works what does islam give us that will solve the problem this is what's so key brothers sisters listen closely this is the end of the talk and you need this part to share with the world if you really want this to work don't leave it in here don't leave it in this old winery with the beer barrels out there whatever those are take it home with you and use this islam is the solution because what because it speaks directly to the heart and solves the problems of the heart and the mind and brings the person together as one whole complete person giving him what he needs the tools that he needs in this life so that he can be the best human being that he can be that's what islam will do for anybody who will really understand it and put it to work there are many muslims who have a name like muhammad abdelaziz or sarah yes mean something like this but that doesn't mean they're muslim it means they have a muslim name many have it on their passport muslim and when they fly on an airplane they get a muslim meal but does that really mean they're muslim the fact that you don't eat pork doesn't mean you're a muslim jews also don't eat pork true or false vegetarians also don't eat pork because they don't eat any meat at all the real muslim is the muslim in the heart first true or false but but as soon as it's real here it needs to manifest on the outside so i don't want to hear this stuff about well you know talk to a sister about hijab and all of a sudden she says i have hijab at the heart hey my job's in my heart call a heart surgeon over here get him over here and get that out of there quick what is that and for our brothers that are shaving off the beard i don't know if you know this or not it's a hadith telling you not to do that it tells you clearly listen it doesn't say grow your beard it says leave it alone [Music] it says leave it alone leave it allow grow it if it doesn't grow it it's not your problem but don't be out there whacking it off you might say well that's a small thing all the small things add up to a big thing don't they because it's the attitude that you have have you said well i could get one little tattoo huh i get one little piercing you know huh but you know and i know this is not something allah likes so if you know you're going to be meeting a law one day why would you take that risk why would you gamble why would you put yourself in such a position for no good reason because truthfully nobody appreciates you doing those silly things oh your friends will be like oh that's so cool you look so doesn't that look cool and as soon as you walk away they go idiot they'll make fun of you look him poke throws those holes in his face drew all those pictures all over him when he tries to get it off it's not cool whether it's drugs alcohol tattoos piercings lying cheating stealing all of these things are wrong and you already knew that before you started and i know because i get a lot of emails every day from you guys or your age group anyway ask me what about this what about that what about this what about that one of the things i used to get a lot of asking me from the sisters is it okay to shave the eyebrows you know pluck the eyebrows up i usually get that one like all the time [Music] why because you knew there must be something wrong with it otherwise you wouldn't ask something inside of you is telling you there must be something wrong with that let me ask if you find yourself asking the same question everybody else is asking what does that tell you inside of you so islam speaks to the inside of the person it speaks to the mind it speaks to the heart and it solves your problems provided one thing one thing you have to put it into action so let us ask allah to make us to the people who will really surrender to him submit to him obey him be sincere with him and then be in peace with him whatever we get let's be the examples to the others to see what real islam is in our lives what do you think huh i mean i mean allah give us the success the topic [Music] we ask allah that he make it easy for us in this life don't burden us with more than we can handle give us good in this life and good in the next life and let us be the examples the real examples of our prophet muhammed to the others inshallah um [Music] bye
Channel: Islam Net
Views: 13,617
Rating: 4.8190956 out of 5
Keywords: Muhammad (Military Commander), Religion (TV Genre), islam, muslim, Allah, koran, quran, Muhammed, Muhammad, peace conference, Scandinavia (Location), oslo, norway, Prophet, Sheikh, islam net, islamnet, pcs, power, 2013, 2015, dawah, invite, invitation, da'wah, solution, world, Yusuf Estes (Person)
Id: Py4uCYmx3ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 27sec (2727 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2015
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