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father we are grateful for your blessing and Jesus name guide us my spirit and by the angel of sense thanks for your Majesties and blessings deliver us from evil thank you for your blessing in Jesus name Amen you may be seated ready at 20 number nine young people who serve the Lord should not trivialize the reality of Thiele youthful life young people who serve the Lord must not trivialize the reality of their youthful life second Timothy 2:22 flee also youthful life but follow righteousness faith charity peace with them that call upon the Lord out of a pure heart amen now the fact that the Word of God wants that the point is that young people should not trivialize like don't minimize the importance and the reality that because you are young you have certain wild lasts very strong it's in the Bible okay so one of your master campaigns as a ready at twenty soldier for the Lord is to master these last they are like strong rivers in you if you are a girl your desire for boys it's very strong yeah all those girls who say well I don't really I've not thought about it and so I'm just take no notice of them from now onwards all right it's just posing you're just posing the girls like us more than we like them family they just have this cool way of talking but don't let it deceive you idea so don't trivialize it tonsils it's not there it's there and it's wild very well rather plan to direct the rivers one of the things when they're making roads through virgin territories is to find the streams that are flowing you know recently they were making our road not too recently some few years ago between Accra which is the capital city of Kanna and Cate coast and I was wondering what they were doing for a long time we kept on seeing them making some little but playing some pipes there's no route but he kept on laying some pipes big combats big ones all across all the way and I was wondering because I couldn't see any revile in there but it looked like they had identified everywhere where there is even a small River maybe that comes in the rainy season and they had great respect for it and prepared for it and just have kinda go this way so long before they actually put in it down the road there was several of these things on the width and each of them is showing respect to rivers rivers have a lot of power when it comes and it's flooding you'll be blown away are you listening to me and that is how the what you call it rivers within you that's serious rivers the whole world is actually being ruled by by those rivers which are influencing people rivers of selfishness rivers of greed rivers of laughs you see people taking decisions okay I want this present to be my Minister for this or secretary for that but it's really a last River that is actually this I know that the person's good at economics well the person is good at secretarial work but it is I like the one in the pink shots she should be the minister for for roads and highways and it's a while yeah because she has a PhD in moon and stars but the reality is that I like the one with the big bottoms my favorite a lot bottoms unspoken you don't say nobody says that that is what is being said in a hidden way are you listening to me you'll never be ruled by an evil river rivers of desire rivers of what desire they are real they're real rivers of lust they are real you say I'm going on follow-up one day I saw a brother and he said he I asked we asked her why do you always go to visit the girl waterhole and you know what he said he said God has given me a special ministry to the system [Applause] instead of just accepting that there is a river that you have a natural affinity to the sister and so that oh maybe after then consider so that I don't always go there only value remember brothers to minister to them so you've rather spiritualizes and I'm saying that God has called me to sister so a vision Spirit is leading me to sister don't minimize it so that's why when I asked so other girls nice and then better to shout yeah yeah nice G when I say we like boys like girls yeah I'm trying to let you be aware of yourself don't say I'm not myself you are yourself when I see the girls like boys far more than the boys like the girls I'm trying to make you aware of yourself cuz it some of yourself is some way so you don't like to acknowledge that you're you're you are you are yourself it's like I'm not myself I'm a little more angelic than you think now you are you and you always do you yes one day a certain pasta got married and in those days you don't have preaching like this where you hear boys like girls or the girls like the boys the brother was very priestly the sister was very dignified so it was like two diplomats got married so when they got into the wedding chamber and the priestly brother he can to make certain moves the sister was amazed she said hey ambikada is that you you see they have both been pretending for a long time to be very like I'm not into second things I mean to God I mean two-spirit and into I'm into the realms heavenly realm I'm into the heavens the third and second heaven but what we are saying is do not trivialize the reality of these things as a young person and God is fully aware of that and it is index in that context that he likes you amazing yeah it is in that context that he likes you amazing huh ready at 20 you and many times you did mention the West 20 numbers chapter one sad brow episode 20 years old 20 years old please and upward for war that is the context and even me now that I'm I'm not 20 I'm beyond to fact some people have been with hearing about the campus or one that sent me oh I'm so I'm sharing slight snippets of the Comba I'm also ready @ 4750 ready at 47 he was doing bad things are 20 now you're already at 37 you will not be late you will not be late you will not be late [Applause] one thing that you are ready 27 years later in Jesus name number 8 young people who serve the Lord cannot be despised cannot never young people who serve the Lord cannot be despised cannot why because the Word of God says first Timothy 4 verse 12 let no man despise thy youth not let let no man despise you amen nobody should despise your youth it is your youth that people cannot despise some years ago a brother came to visit us in our church and preached and he said your church is a giant youth group when he said that I was offended I was what offended ready might judge you can about a daughter I wanted to feel that my chat had mature people captain material seller furniture sellers carpet dealers second-hand car dealers I am Ross and stones dealers and he said we are children what do mean but today I've rather chosen to come and push to the children because there are certain qualities that children have and younger people have that like by default seem to go out of grown-ups yes in this generation will never lose those quality [Applause] Wow this generation will never lose those qualities youth if you see what it is about many times we miss with diagnosed why we have certain things like for instance you may be like maybe a choleric then it can be mistaken for spirituality you see that really is your natural color ISM there's a lot of that because I live there naturally color so they look like they are doing better in God you see but it's actually nothing but your temperament that is working back well some people are maybe they are melancholic now Milan colleagues are more faithful than non melancholic I hear but they think deeply it is think deeply you be take for if you think deeply you'll be grateful it's when you don't think deeply that you you make certain decisions while you are a deep thinker melancholic sad people who become missionaries all of the famous mister to Omelas like you think deeply about God and how he died for us and some people are then you know there's no one's coming to save them and how can we sit at home and can we be justify staying at home when others are perishing we must be instant in prayer you must go out you must do what we have to do sort of time who's going to tell them is melancholy them that God uses so sometimes we don't recognize which is also from God God given natural traits actually working seem to have it seem to be even spiritual the melancholy them seems to be a spirit and what I'm saying is that young people when you are young you don't as I said let don't let anybody look down on you vino it's rather be young that allows you to do certain things like love it is young people who I love let me talk about love you should see all the people it's like if this is a data room with a switch the room of life and there's only one thing in that room a big switch on and off on switch of life of the switch of life and many older people it in from just a bit into the phases it is been married for a while they go into the room of life and switch life off the switch off not so my interested in dressing anymore not so much interested in my do my hair not so much interested in brushing my teeth I'm not so much interested in batting [Applause] but when young people marry at the very beginning of the match everybody's trying to be impressive and good they brush their teeth they but they do everything cause they're young they're trying to get a good impression for the first few days after sometime around 12 that it is not even brush their teeth so they are moving around the house killing mosquitoes with your breath when they breathe mosquitos died twice I [Applause] please die life diet coke roaches time I'm saying that being young is like almost having a group of spiritual qualities put in you naturally you get it is like naturally some group of qualities are just in you automatically that's why I don't despise that you hey somebody's laughing at you because you are young rather if you didn't that is your good thing that is your good to you see you see what you born use it as ours it was good that I was young and you start shaving your beard as I want to be young you start shaving your beard you start doing look at the gate of nain decide to look nice not running it's right try to do their hair naturally and we are doing they are looking nice listen oh we have two types of looking nice I [Applause] said we have two types of looking nice the first type is to look nice so that you are insect pollinated flower [Applause] we have two types of flowers wind pollinated flowers and insect pollinated flies insect pollinated flowers attracts the insects and wind pollinated flowers are pollinated by the wind with our trucks insects yeah windy brothers the wind just blows around but why have you come here because they are young the old people will not come here young people will come by the old people are self-conscious like [Applause] [Music] is it true or not true the switch of life is where oh it's up down dr. miracle it's up down or up of the sound on this app perfect energy to switch it off yeah so there are two types of looking nice one is to attract the insect there's a young one later on when they are looking nice is to impress but not is not for to attract insects [Music] [Applause] we'll go gradually so when they mature they become wind-pollinated like they are not trying to get any insect to come near them because they've already been pollinated by the insect and when you want insect pollinated flower you have nice colors Mel nice well positioned to draw the insect that's the first step of looking nice second type of looking nice do let me try to look about not for you at all it's for the wings it's for the atmosphere you can impress the weather so when we go to the house that's when you see but they are not trying to pollinate be pollinated twelve taking the afternoon not yet brush their teeth [Applause] this side their hair looking like Captain Haddock [Applause] you see them in the house with ten people Wow try taking a selfie in the house I send it people up is that a cancer patient [Applause] is that somebody on death row that person is dying are you there so what I'm saying is that when you are young it's like about four words spiritual qualities come naturally to you very wild spiritual quality view love hard work hotness test nothing hard to a young person like sometimes our church friends love Chester with clothes go home why should we go home go to grown-up churches Simon's are 30 minutes 35 minutes as you are procedures I think I cut in flight I promise self-service one and a half hours 90 minutes your topology we went five minutes all the time today [Applause] when the Bible teaches us to wait upon the Lord there's nothing like which we are not hurrying up on the Lord yes zeal love hard work joy joy - Michel have I told you that story before can I tell you again one day I went to the Denmark or Sweden one of those countries and a pastor had invited me to preach he had he used to be in Ghana many years ago but he was now outside and he had been looking at the church on the internet so when i sat there by him you know he said if I was in Ghana I'm not in an abyss I wasn't gonna I would join lighthouse window is a past I set out to Eliza he said because there is mission vision means happiness there's mentioned the Bible says with joy you draw water out of the wells of salvation the kingdom of God is righteousness peace joy soul of even I would even add one more but if you like let's give that last love which is like first love is dream from Lavo like Tesla Tesla fedorov is when you are mad whatever they tell you to do you do it it reminds me of a song that I just things about PETA the lover the love of you want to get a song laughs phew I thought you don't even say is like these are worth three chakras this which people preach for three hours about any still doesn't enter you but as a young person without even praying for it it is in you they love in you there is dealing you there is hard energy and happy with you and there is joy these awful the kingdom of God is righteousness peace and joy so you see you have been so concerned about your life because it's like but you see that is like a side effect of being young every is a side effect of being young it's like is like taking part at all well not all this makes it and they go away never subside eater but most of the time the side effect doesn't come by this day so you still have to be careful yeah so being a young person is life is a having four mighty ribbiting you both powerful spiritual qualities without even praying without added prayer you are zealous already without without even finding scriptures about deal you are zealous without even knowing it in one scripture where the Bible says without dialogue therefore and repent you know where it is do the way you know where you know you know you don't know but you are zealous you sit down without even hearing the difference those were the back doors about the back there why they are not interested in what is going on talking why are those people down [Applause] address of non Stella's success don't come the other for it to be a young place not a small thing when you realize I don't I prefer to be young still joy that's why old man you see one day I asked a certain lady where is mr. social in sauce house mr. so-and-so because I originally thought mr. so-and-so was staying somewhere but apparently mr. so-and-so was not staying there was he was not staying in his house so I said why's mr. social and sustained he said oh he stays with his friend and I said mommy says also a source oldest like in his 60s so I said why does he not stay in his house where his wife is I don't know his friend he has a friend and his friend is the one who brings him small small girls [Applause] mr. so-and-so who would I you don't want to listen to company so that means he likes going to stay at his friend's house because his friend brings him small small girls who make him who make him happy but the wife is always angry he's always tricked has become correct correction of the stocks he's a strict face yes very tense so he was what's most more girls I got more gas a song joy be giggly [Applause] Hey I did notice sometimes some of the mothers in the house they are always angry [Applause] I didn't slide mr. so-and-so went to stay with his friend but his friend was bringing him smoke modules who are making him happy they will come and be giggly in the house listen that's why God is going to bring small small boys and girls to his house God has come to brings most more boys and girls who make him happy who like him will not be in a hurry to go home excuse me sorry we well you said you starting at 5 o'clock I've been working with and I'm sorry about that go sorry I have to leave so you have to leave you know we can't be here all day you know yeah we have many things to tell you now what you think you would you think we're doing all day a lot of things to do you know some things to do Lord I've got things to do you know so the man like to bring small small girl as soon as the girl than the house nor smile by the wife [Music] you see and that is the Nazis that is a natural transition you you are giggling and happy here wait listen also you get a blessing you may miss the blessing what I'm about to speak a blessing over your life I'm saying that it's much more girls that is how you start but you become that angry version never happy version except you [Applause] [Music] alright whatever turns a girl from a giggling happy flowing person into an angry always stressed always never excited always tired always correcting our shouting always finding something wrong type of person whatever does that conversion it is blocked today listen listen it's amazing God is also looking for people who come to check they are not always angry now it's corrected at yellow yesterday you started from this point you realize you one day after finished preaching another lady call me she said listen the week before you went over these five points and this week you went over the same points again and God she told me and you started again from those points so just get on with it - cool or move on with this message to the other point grab I shall get on with what with it get on with it is it nice but that you see she's a grown up so she could see my fault but I was not getting on with the message I was Tilly darling so she was correcting me but a young person would be slow wow it's nice mr. Casas and so moved to stay in his friends house because what he's the one who was bringing him what much more care you will always be a small small girl to the law [Applause] how many understand why the man was bringing the small small girl giggling with happy they're making noises cracking noises fighting noises cleaning noises all noises noises noises get a lot of shy [Applause] God likes it when he comes in our method there are people making choices and are people making noises and are people making and are people making banging noises people making scratching noises [Applause] and don't go by the pulpit if you have fun by the pulpit some to happen to you scratching scratch your head got your head these are scratching noises brothers others are brothers in the house would you like to have be married to somebody who makes noises and somebody who makes two noises and somebody who makes sit down Sansui business up to five [Music] now listen wide submit yourself officiants 5:22 unto your own husband I'm see I'm teaching you something listen Leno length in the midst of whatever we are talking see those things yeah wives submit the reason why that man went to bring this much more girls the ones who have brought they all stop making fists and rest and sit and sit with us man jump with us man happiness oh yes I'm showing you something in the Bible in fact I'll go to the end and come back so that you will understand it for the husband is the head of the wife has done at the boss as Christ is the head of the church so is the savior of the body there for us the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husband's in Ableton a twenty five husbands lose your wife even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself one of the most difficult things is you find someone you can love if I keep my what will you do with it if I love you we to love me back many of you watch it upon look many of you don't realize how unlovable you are if I love you we don't love me back from today you are declared laughing [Applause] being beautiful is different from being lovable dream beautiful is different from being somebody who can be loved as some people that we can even be happy when you love them when you love is it all you can happy you love them so I love you okay I love you assassin all right I love you who are you say too much you say too much Wow are you still there I you dear buddy might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing when you are young you have the spots out or not there or there for you oh no wrinkles wrinkles were in there but that it should be wholly without blemish holy means special yeah if you check the dictionary the dictionary meaning of holy special the dictionary says it you will call something holy if it is special as kept specially for a religious purpose since when is kept specially for something then its holy that is representing holy and black without them so ought men to love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife loveth himself oh no man ever yet hated his own flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it even as the Lord the church for we are members of his body of his flesh of his bones see I can I'm going to show you more things you watched the series one for this cause a man shall leave his father's man I mean this the time we don't need fathers and mothers looking up what are you doing what are you doing I had some scratching noises are you spoiling my wallpaper [Applause] this palette I'll leave his father and shall be joined unto his wife and the two shall be one place you know I'll say I'll tell you something you will but notice verse 32 this is a great mystery I speak concerning Christ and the church you see you and God is this last thing be worth we're talking about this one if you ain't got you ain't got the whole marriage thing is to reveal you and God and some of the sadness of marriage is only a revelation of you and courthouse services is it that they be one flesh you watch people Christians when they are married people are mind the only way you can be one flesh is when the flashes are connected you see the mind / stop connecting flesh stop connecting they lie there when you ask when you either have you been having settled private personal personal private Wow wives don't submit is a revelation of how we are not submitted to him flesh not connect to that it to be one flesh to be one flesh I know the last time you were 1/1 flesh meat having sex this into this is become Godwin Abuna t what I'm saying is mysterious huh place one flesh when was the last time you and the Lord we're close close all the sufferings of your marriage and of your future marriage are rebuilt in the sufferings of the relationship you having now between you and God and the matter of flow between young people and God reveals how the natural flow between a young person in the marriage and God there's some joy days of zeal they some Bluff there's energy and the deadness of our relationship with God is short in marriages every dead marriage marriage where one is lying here one is lying here they don't agree when you say this is all though oh it's like table tennis when you speak then as lets you play the table tennis back back you are not going you two are not good are you coming to the why don't you rather comfort are you clean up you to clean up we always we always [Music] well God is trying to lead us he can all lead us it's gonna be happy you see people become happy when they are flowing he said I wanted to leave you if you have allowed me to leave you that has so much peace and happiness people are happier when they submitted and flowing so fast love marriage sex staying together if it's a mystery which is a revelation of our relationship with God I speak concerning all these own wife submit your husband as not love your wife this should be one flesh listen up it's all a mystery and mysterious revelation and mysterious revelation of a love relationship between Christ and His Church the struggle even the divorces is all a revelation of her we are breaking up with him we are breaking up with Christ as a Christ I won't be with you again you know I can't stand you incompatible what it is called incompatible reconcilable irreconcilable differences when God wants to love us and he comes to us and he at loving us his hair by you not allowed me to do this not allow me to do this I always say we should do this we shouldn't do this because I love you God so loved the what's wrong in serving God is just and so a lot a set of rules don't do this don't do this don't do this don't do this whatever he says we should do we find it wickedness why don't you let us be free to do what we want to be free to do yes we want you to change a move on to love that's why I say young people look the most important thing even in serving God is loving God marriage to God God wants to marry us you become caught wife God becomes your life you become both wife what is the husband and you otherwise when he touches you like this in flu it's called autopilot when it touches before he calls you answer it just looks at you like this only the eyes the Lord is looking for me I'm gonna be with my lord I'm going to lie on the flame pray I'm gonna pray lie down pray I like my lord I'm close to him find him I want to listen to his wet when you love somebody you like listening to the patient yeah he want you like listen listen to talk if he went ah hi James when she was living she said you made me laugh you made me cry that I can't deny I'll miss you you made me happy yeah I feel drawn to you it's like maybe you're always talking about astronomy and the Sabbath level senior study for like I don't know why it's nice to me I like all the things you talk about talk to the nothing well it's love they start talking one guy he was found dead in his in his room then they wanted to find out what time he died and by the time they found him it had been some time so they wanted to find fine they found the girlfriend when was the last time you you spooked it well you gotta focus I was on the phone from around after midnight till 4:00 a.m. we're on it and then she said and I told him you got to go to wake six so yeah we let's just quit and say goodbye for tonight she's on the phone talking and talking talking and talking talking into that love is this love it just love that I'm feeling it is love what is talking know people who don't talk you don't laugh for him so when they did the catheter he died at six yeah so we could the hotel hotel people don't love they don't talk just oh yes yes please yes what please you have any did you say no no please wow you made me laugh you made me cry I just loved it being with you true or not true so God does God make you laugh that he makes you cry yes he makes you laugh it makes you cry you love it being with him eating his house it's a great list any time we speak about love and love relationships which are so much both joy and pain disappointment fulfilment dissatisfaction discontentment contentment is all a revelation of our relationship with Christ how unsatisfying if it's even to God maybe maybe God gives us the satisfying relationships and marriages to reveal to us how how far we are maybe not half an hour release extend so funny maybe maybe it yes that's how we have to wet him and say have Jesus had yourself how about yourself have a taste of your own medicine [Applause] relationships gone bad relationships gone bad amazing it's a great mystery if you started wives submit it's a mystery what is this what you tell me the mystery is that look it is a revelation of how we have to flow with him he says come come go go save me stand up give do this lap I mean look stop such as I make people swear and husband I said do you have autopilot or what is auto power you have power steering power stare you see a big truck you just cut it out of the water just start i this touchscreen but when your wife doesn't have power steering when you touch her she said you use Albion back foot bed for track they have a wheel on another hotel man laughs friend to get you to do something for him it's not a small thing yeah to get you to pray come let's talk Lord come let's talk together huh I wanna talk to you blood was to talk to you mean some other people huh I don't enjoy your talking enjoy your preaching I don't like preaching Ranger you're talking I like radio I like The News BBC like BBC Mario Marie CNN al Jazeera let it marry me wow it's a mystery you will be the most power look when you marry when you are in the relationship tell your beloved I am I have power steering in me when you touch me like this I mean when you say to me what you say the wet food it's gonna be power power food will come to do some powerful that is why we will be telling you to learn how to cook and you say that oh wow the UK you know we we don't really need to know how to cook you know so we can always buy food you know I say freeze Rhine Tesco you'll always buy lots of stuff lots of food you know listen chips you know it's not like Africa you know Bishop is not an African church you know look at look at look at you power-steering cream just touches her ha then she look at you say food I you sir and you say and you say but I don't know what that means but when you are mother and your baby who doesn't speak English doesn't speak when she cries yeah yeah oh she wants food well yeah yeah yeah he wants to sleep yeah no he's like yeah now he wants to bath how come you know all these ones so when you are married you don't know what they need to know when they need sex you don't know anything you don't know everything but you know everything else it's a mystery it's a mystery so God wants me to go hard you know because I know him I'm operating with power steering with the Lord what I can sense it I don't have the data I know what you want yeah I know I know where the Lord wants me was it to be only me and him yeah only me and him two of us please I don't understand water at another time I don't know son I don't know how you know all these foolish sit down how a steering wives submit husband is the head of the wife know equality when it comes to you and God know equality husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it the example of love has already been shown to us in the church through Christ the example of Christ huh example of Christ's love and give yourself that's when a one husband two dozen a one has been right there a one we love and you give yourself also few brothers were stingy the doll you go out for dinner everybody say for himself you pay I pay to people oh you pay and I feel look at you it's a pity it's a pity anyone that beloved in the UK who's that frugality puts a little galaxy you suck brutality this guy it's a fatality when I'm teaching you how to do whatever fire girl excuse me let's sit down kingi you want to marry a girl without spending money on her is that is the how price love you try deny even give his money get his blood [Applause] when Saddam when Saddam you are keeping your money reserved [Applause] if never bought anything before [Applause] well sit down let me tell you I'm a 1 a 1 beloved a one husband not allow your bill your beloved to buy anything I'm taking care of it even though I may be a poor man in the natural I have all things in the spirit [Applause] I'm taking care of you [Applause] friend for yourself beloved daughter you buy i buy you say I see how are you trained such people are not in the first object where's the damn what's enough [Applause] [Music] it's a revelation it's a revelation sit down and listen I'm talking about our relationship with Christ price has said the ultimate azam he's paid all the bills with his blood paid all the bills is showing us love sorry I'm faith when Christ had to pay the bills the price was blood so you just use my blood check his blood faith finishes pages pay the bill with his blood when he was redeeming I said we are redeemed not with a silver and gold but with the power the blood of bullabbai we have begin with the precious blood of Jesus why but he might sanctify and cleanse it he might have something like back and clean rigid where's the scriptures that he might sanctify sanctified speaks of smelling nice now you see sisters you would think that they will be smelling nice you can easily think they are smelling nice but that time that they smell we're in good at all [Applause] from the crown of the head to the middle of the body to the soles of the feet where is good and maybe God gets people smelling people to see what it is like to have a smelly Church as we come to God smelling of urine urine one day a certain brother got married to a London beauty [Applause] [Music] London do TLD not an LP and LB after some time he couldn't become one flesh so one flesh wearing possible at a time so they asked him brother London Beauty now you have married what's the problem he said pasta it were in good for me to describe a region of smell [Applause] [Music] regional written off swamps it's wearing good at the time london bt l be so but I think it's a revelation of how we have come to grow who are you I am there's no excitement it's like that's why all these patterns we have they have different names allele beauty and what fashion alien guilty fantasy production production under the name of the perfume you like the scent is supposed to have that obsession not a smell of poopoo of urine oh no a smell of 48 days of sweat in the hair [Applause] I don't want to ask anybody to smell your new best hair all right all right all right it is it is good don't let anybody despise your youth because it's a revelation of love what are the four things that a young person has that it's like you would think it's a spiritual quality guys actually like a natural quality that it looks so spiritual are you listening to me amen you have some testimonies all right Sherman over testimony hello hello hello ah okay um I grew up in Ireland and time time time and I grew up on a Catholic background we went 30 minutes a week you'd go for a long day and forget about it the next day you know what I mean so I had no faith I didn't believe and I got to the age were clothing fornication all that became very appealing and that was my life for a while I quickly realized that wasn't it wasn't a satisfying life so I quit drinking I just had to start working on self-improvement going to the gym trying to be consistent life and following my passion which was music that brought me here which is what I study right now and luckily enough I walked I met a few people from first love church that was Ruby Katherine um Mary Bell Maria keep that Nadia but yeah so they invited me to breakfast and I wasn't gonna turn out there I took a holiday breakfast thing I was going to free food you know what I mean sir it was it wasn't gonna say no to that but so I came and they invited me to church the next day and I went with Tanya and I wanna Kim and I just I guess hit me the passion you had for your faith and it really uh jet dancing and music and everything and I was like whoa I like this place so I started sort of coming back one day I want they owned give it a go but of course you know time goes on you start backsliding as a vet and I'm a back to the life force club and again drinking fornication and I think I didn't even like the drink you know what I mean they're just because my would drink so that have water 20 I'm at hope already at 20 but not not in that way and that have one or two changes but yeah it wasn't from me I knew though something missing so I am yeah I think it was Alice's testimony a few weeks ago and that really hit home and maybe think about consistency and because I've always thought of a consistency in life like even to Jim or uni or whatever and I'm just thinking that if I want to own it truly sort of God that I have to be consistent in all aspects not just come every Sunday and I think I just feel is so important to just have every aspect and like just pray when you don't feel like praying just pray do it don't think about it just do it and even the mornings where you just don't feel like it pray read your Bible listen to the podcast [Music] and it's just I just know I still I still got some demons of still got got troubles and and things but you're consistent now you're fluid what class you're happy in church now everything's coming together I'm slowly getting there in there Wow improving why what for brother Sam oh thank you looks like this giving a half I suffer claw huntin hi guys my name is I Shaw um I should come to the middle Fleming food Thank You chef straight into that might be like a originally I started in Northampton before I found Christ I was a soon all I like I even have a tell you saying Lord forgive me because I'm a sinner I was a really bad sinner um fornication I used to depend on guys for that comfort I didn't notice it then but I do now if I didn't have a boyfriend I was going on dates or I was talking to someone I was never really by myself and then when I got to university just fast forward in in 2013 it was only by God's grace and some other stuff but um um yeah I got into University and then I met a friend called Sheila she's not here right now unfortunately but I met a friend called Emma Taylor and which I met through a mutual friend and each other and she bought me two first love originally I was just like I'm not singing I'm not worshipping they're just too loud like it's not that deep don't throw me though it takes me I was looking there I was running away but my elder Esme she just she just she was just so consistent and all the other first lobsters were they were just so consistent every time they'll backslide every time that I would just ignore them they'll always be on my case so I left University in fed in first year I said I wasn't going to go back I didn't do my exams essays nothing but by God's grace I still passed and in second year I don't think that same because you know me and education we weren't you know like that and so so yeah in second year which was last year said moon no more so at first I went to lighthouse in Tottenham and I liked it you know it was really good but my heart was we first love so my friends owner will connected me to pasta bin and then I started to come to first love last year some more but then I started to backside again my partner went into prison I started to go to visit him on Sundays and on Saturdays that's like a compromise Church basically by the time that he came out I was back to doing you know he G hug on staff I was our smoking I was having sex my mom listen to this [Music] [Applause] alright Cabala um so yeah so they're in them anyways aside just living that life I was one Bonnie and Clyde ride or dies kind of like girl but anyways in he had come out the day after the miracle service in November was it last year and then that is when everything sighs but shortly after that I came back to a possible I was literally crying I was at pibil I can't do this anymore I was constantly dreaming I'm I was currently going bed in fear I was always in fear this is my last night I don't know why but I just felt like this is my last night every single night for about two months and I was constantly scared I was really really surrounded by fear so far been just that said literally just straight-up block and delete him and just come back like Raven just like really block and delete and come back and you know he encouraged me to pick up and stick and to stay committed to a lifestyle that is surrounded with prey or and doing your quiet time and I just want to encourage you thought because the main thing that I did was my habits I changed my habits and that allowed me to grow faith because the even in the Bible I think it's in Romans pin that's when it actually tells us that how faith comes by hearing and even their like conversations that I have now with my Christian brothers and sisters which is usual and basically it's like it's just so encouraging and the lifestyle that I live now is totally different so I just want to encourage you so to change your habits instead of watching all those reality record shows listen to podcast yes listen listen to podcast do your quiet time share it I will also say find the Shepherd's that is so important find a shepherd if you don't have one when you finish the day we better just go before sea and finds one because literally yeah yeah because if possible Oresme doesn't talk that whatever they told me to do I do it if they say say sorry I say even if sometimes I'm I use me but yeah um if they told me move I move stop and I thought like that is how I have been grown so ever since last year I have been last year December I've been planted in the church and by God's grace I'm growing and I'm flowing out joint ministries and I've made new friends and I haven't back Feliz in Wow good it has enough for I saw thank you Wow why don't you scream a shot a welcome sister Ida [Applause] [Music] boyfriend 1/2 you want my heart [Music] give myself or you [Music] he came into my life a dream come true I did everything he told you to do I just wanted us be together I would cover him with some mannequins whoa [Music] love wear him down Peter Lovell he would not take [Music]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 3,249
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2016, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, MACHANEH, UK, STEVENAGE, READY @ 20, READY AT 20, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Id: XPB4G2At1uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 26sec (5246 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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