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[Music] oh please there's no one like you tip Goku to trust in you it's all about you know forecasting on you thought about you know being lucky enough to feel the beating alcohol and know the pound on your wall that's what it [Music] [Music] and only you only you I need you [Music] bill hi [Music] in your arm I'm safe in stock you're my rock and my foundation my reward and my a star what about you just you know being rough enough to feel the beating of your heart that's what it's all about [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] no one no one else but you know all about you long it's all about you oh no results enough to feel the feeding of you huh and not a pound of your boy [Music] and [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's on that never grows old late again that melody v monster and it takes me away to a place the brain of where I belong and that song goes on and on and on named s late again can you see that old condom - not striking up the back breaking melodies and harmonies that sounds so crass I cannot sustain this sweet refrain this building in my ear and where is console there my heart is living inside of the other fingers late again that song that never grows old late again that melody that lips my flow and it takes me away to a place raised up where I belong and that song goes on and on and on late late again do you know that joy that arises up when you pray more there's your hot key puppies when you you feel the joy bullseye I can knock you still know people - I've seen before right now one scene is clear with your comment again that song that never grows melody that dips my soul and it takes me away to a place to break out where I belong and I've goes on and on and all day late again can you hear the sounds in breath the drums and the cymbals with my but you chime in my room you add my voice to the symphony [Music] [Music] and it goes on and on [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh you that I jump Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] No [Music] oh and uh tell me where were you that's a fine [Music] the song was heavy with anybody anybody everybody born on me Oh [Music] I know that too happy [Music] yeah they Oh [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the [Music] we have no [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] glory to God right ready at 20 thank Jesus for this great blessing you've given to us in Jesus name Amen you may be seated now if you are not going to do all these bad things all right by the with your youth what are you going to do what are you going to do okay and that is how we come by what you are going to be ready for now how many by the age of 20 you are no more virgin my eyes are blinking okay don't worry you know a lot of things isn't it some of you are almost like pornographic like actors movie stars pornographic movie stars you know everything by the age of 20 yeah think about that is that not amazing you know so many things and so if you can do all these bad things then you can do some good things from this meeting onwards you'll be doing good things I said you'll be doing good things [Applause] 20 is the Mac Chinese me too Book of Numbers have you found the Book of Numbers have you found a book of numbers I don't know which chapter let's go to chapter 1 some of you haven't read numbers chapter one before and the Lord speak my topic is ready at 20 and the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai are you there this one in the tabernacle of the congregation Wow on the first day of the second month in the second year after they would come out of the land of Egypt Wow how many believe this is an important time first day of the month when they've come out of Egypt okay second was the third day of the second month in the second year after they will come out of the land of what is that first day of the second month ah first of February Wow Thursday of the second month of the second year 2016 ves to take ye the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel after their families by the house of their fathers with the number of their names every male by the opposed all right what does that mean having every meal by their poles listing every man named by name one by one okay either the three from twenty years old and upwards all that are able to go forth to war in Israel from twenty years old and upward hmm I've seen the age day from 20 years old number them and list their names one by one from the age of 20 and upwards these are the people we are interested in 20 and upwards who are able to go to war not to pornography for war fight for God's nation God's kingdom but there are edges for things when you are 50 years old you'll not be listed for the army it's too old yeah 60 too old so another call you to be in the army I have one of their soldiers as is he coming is he coming yeah you tell you 15:45 press-ups a minute 50 60 55 some do 60 55 a minute come Ben [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ready go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] next is it Richard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whose neck [Applause] [Applause] wait Rick I did not supposed to go to that guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] sit down they've done very well but they don't do 12 [Music] and with you there shall be a man of every tribe everyone head of the house of his father and these are the names of the men that are stamped with you of the tribe of Reuben Eliza the son of shadow of Simeon Shalom ill the son of Zeus die of Judah Nashawn the son of amminadab of Ithaca Nathaniel the son of sois Absalom Eliab the son of Helen of the children of Joseph of Ephraim allischalmers the son of a me hood of Manasseh Gamaliel the son of peda zu of Benjamin Abaddon of Dan of Asha of god of nathalie these were the renown of the congregation princes of the tribes of their fathers heads of thousands in Israel and Moses and Aaron took these men which are expressed by their names and they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month and they declare their pedigrees after their fathers all right and their families and the houses of the fathers according to the number of the names from 20 years old and upwards yeah Moses took these people every tribe every tribe from 20 once you are 20 once you are 20 we are not for nothing you are not for nonsense you are not for sex we are not for drugs they are not so alcohol that were for foolishness once you are twenty and upwards you are for war for God's house God's people yes what's your 20 as the LORD commanded Moses verse nineteen so he not met them in the wilderness of Sinai and the children of Reuben Israel's elder son by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the numbers of their names by the oppose every meal from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to all once again is mentioning the age how many here 20 and above [Music] how many are below 20 how many are going to be 20 soon once you hit 20 nonsense it's over tell your neighbor one time 20 nonsense it's over listen serious life begins at 20 I think they are calling you to go to war at twinky you better be ready at 20 ah the ghosts call you go to what you can do press ups when it needs 55 press ups look at them dying at 16 16 press out they are dead and they don't even doing the process correctly it's very difficult but when you do it all the time they are able to do it it's very difficult very some of us wouldn't get beyond wrong number it's whirring possible at the time [Applause] [Music] every meal from twenty years old and upward that it is 20 that's really one those that were numbered of them even though the tribe of Reuben were 46,000 and 520 and upwards another churn of Simeon is not a go to the next tribe Simeon by their generations of from the descendants of Simeon all the men 20 years old or more who were able to serve or that were able to go forth to war and 20 years old and about able to go to war those are numbered of them even of the tribe of Simeon where 50 and nine and 350 and 9,000 and 320 and upwards fifty-nine thousand so in light house in fast love church how many of those 20 and above are able to go to war if half of you don't know even podcast and half of you don't know how to listen to messages so if we are here to prepare all of us who are 20 and above for God's war amen not killing people measuring people no fighting demons and destroying the strongholds of darkness say spiritual was at a physical war with bombs and guns I just need to make that clear because you see if I if you say it in a way in this era it even sounds something like something else but you must get it clear the Bible says that the father Satan is the father of life John 8:44 is a liar of your father the devil he was a liar from the beginning and he is a meddra it is the devil who is a Madren when you see meda were seeing sittin at work he says he was he he was a meddler his original role the original rule of satan is mega needed he was a murderer from the beginning it is how he started out as a murderer so wherever you see matter and people being added you are seen second in a sort of naked way and that's how to kill people are you with me yes so there's nothing to do with that that's not what we are talking about they're talking about winning soon to Christ changing lines but that is also a fight the spiritual fight not fighting with people physically are you listening to me yeah so back to numbers chapter one what that's where we want on it's looking for soldiers 69,000 is God huh verse 20 for and other children of God after their families buy the house of their fathers according to their names from twenty years old and above all that were able to go to war and those that were numbered of them even though the tribe of God we're forty and five thousand arrived forty five thousand six hundred and fifty so the number of the tribe from God if you if you change the the the tribe of that we got forty five thousand six hundred and fifty over twenty ready for war ready at twenty ready at twenty forty five thousand from God so from Birmingham how many already at twenty from Manchester how many already at twenty from London how many are ready at twenty Wow how many are ready and you think about the things you do and have done things that I think grown-ups don't know like it's not lent it yet like your parents having learnt about it but you know it you know sometimes the newer pastors Saddam clusters when they are doing marriage counseling and so on they feel intimidated it's like they are talking to veterans they are talking to expect sex expect and here's an innocent pasta trying to cancel an expert about something like six what to do you be saying your head your sex whirring good at the time [Applause] [Music] now you know you know it is a shame that when it comes to God's work you as a young person would would withdraw and sort of say in your psyche that I am not old enough I'm for like maybe I'm just for school no I'm just for school it is in school that is it from 20 and above that this way you must be ready and you must be a pasta you must be a shepherd must be a leader like 20 like 20 that is when the whole thing starts reading I didn't write the Bible from 20 that is it there's nothing like oh I'm not sure you are maturing what okay some of you the bad things you know by the age of 20 you've been to the labor board to abort babies you've had multiple partners multiple purpose than zero you know more than we we can know after being my for 25 years but we can teach hey you know how to live with a man well at your age you know how to live as bad with a man and stay in the house with not only one if what your it is some of your parents have not did not stay with two people before but you are saying with one here one here one here different you'll be have varied experiences you can teach the muscles get a lot like there are desolate and less Allah [Applause] [Music] yes 20 I'm talking about what you do at 20 and say I know what you've done by Trinity when I say should be a shepherd by 20 and it passed by 20 working for God by 20 you look at missile and skill pasture it will be a UK never get you get that is the usual it's possible she here - yes who is it poison who's a duck in the UK in the UK [Applause] okay away it seems there's not from here I think in this area [Applause] hi Adam okay alright alright [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you know how to go and what we call the walk of shame you know what is the walk of shame [Music] [Applause] you don't know the walk of shame [Music] [Music] what is a walk of shame such a given by microphone Bischoff I believe that after after a night on the town after what a night on the town could be in a race I'm in a party or our boys house or girl's house you actually have to go home in the same clothes in the morning time so it's like everybody can see the state that you're in going home you don't you have to just walk home the day after so everybody can see what you look like sometimes you do have shoes on you've lost your heels your makeup is a mess your hair wearing good at a time and this is nice so it's a walk of shame [Applause] you understand the walk home in the morning is the walk of shame yes you can google it on the internet so called the walk of shame so you are wearing your nice clothes unlike the evening when you went out whatever and then early in the morning people see you going the walk of shame is called the walk of shame you've done the walk of shame several times and you can't be a shepherd it is because you don't want to be a shepherd is because you don't want to work for God is because you want to turn your life into something else yes by 20 I might say 20 I mean 20 if God is going to use you by 20 you better get yourself on the way ready at 20 gromicko you know different types of women different body shapes Hey [Applause] maturity at bite diner beef by 2019 and a half different types of boys you'll be calling one Freddie so sorry Sammy [Applause] but you you meant you meant to say something but you said Freddie at twenty you it is what you are doing at two o'clock 40 you are 2002 arduous you are calling one and by mistake calling another absolutely [Music] and you can't you say you can't be a shepherd you say you are still thinking about it you can't be a pasta you can't be a missionary you measure your parents when you are jumping all over the place or the apparent equal or to call parents parents why didn't you mention parents at that time weren't you having paper at the side I so worried you having parents at the time are your parents whirring there other time you worried having parents because your mind at the time of the radar at 20 at 20 we've had a gala you know gala you don't know gala one girl three boy [Applause] [Music] you don't come before how many boy one girl for four boys at what age our 15 [Applause] [Music] look at this place 15 you see what a pretty little reality to think that I've got freaking ideas like maybe a dim light glinting I'm imagining things at 16 so you've done one before for boys one girl gala this was your fault gala walk of shame you've danced and I just done what I've seen before you've done walk of shame before how old are you 17 something to walk of shame huh walking at 17 when I talk about mission work so I'm doing your masters and I'm still it's like I'm still in the educational phase of life do you understand what we're talking about pauses it was okay you know okay why don't they okay 5050 you go [Applause] [Music] that's 26 of the children of Judah by their generations after their families that's 26 by the house of their fathers accorded a number of the names from twenty years old and upward again from the tribe of Judah any tribe we are interested in 28 above any track any tribe don't a week ago least hey la de casa de boville Hashanah [Applause] are you know wanna buy out this guy okay okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] you cannot exempt yourself using any categorization type of juda type of gas type of whatever you can say UK hobo you waste let's go to the next one [Music] twenty savage both our number of the tribe of Judah with three score and fourteen hundred thousand and six hundred which is seventy four thousand six hundred in English normal good English of the children of Ithaca by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names again from twenty and the light twenty everyone hit twenty twenty six twenty no matter the tribe we are after you for God and for his war no matter that cried no matter the color no matter the background can't oh oh we are we are from where the Bob will also be proper who wants to escape from the war where are they bring her bring her to the phone we here I wrapped embryo [Applause] Sonia I use turned up in bubbles I exempted from here ADR 20 why should you even suggest that the two of you are on the bubble okay [Applause] Vercetti of the children of the Zebulon tribe the balloon the balloon the balloon these are ways away by their generations after their families according to the number of the names from twenty years old and upward all that we're able to go for war those that were a number of them where fifty and seven thousand and four hundred a ways where are you you say you will go to war will you go will you go only one the rest are not only enough right be hidin right behind it doesn't want to be helpful you not go so what were you hiding come forward you don't want to go you don't want to work for God I'll go go on to work for God Oh 20 is too young yeah it's not too young it's not true but when we were calling for why do I write I was putting my book and my problem you want to like you to lie in the face but live in the test whatever one okay [Music] verse 33 those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Ephraim where 40,000 this one even also sounds like a well it starts with E who are these different Nigerian [Applause] you are not gonna watch 50 people stand on wait wait look it's hiding look this one is hide it with weight this was hiding comments and you say what I want [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] verse 34 of the children of monitor by their generation after their families by the house of their fathers according to the numbers of their name 20 years old and upward these are Jamaican Jamaican second wait all the makers to the front if you really want to make an Sun here if you know you either make a stand here line up line up line up lift your hands up do you surrender go back go back do you surrender or not are you ready at 20 are you ready are 22 say they are ready so we should know fire them but in spite of that try other okay the statistics of the tribe of Benjamin behavior generation quiet please from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go to war able Benjamin who are the Benjamites Botswana random where are the people Evangeline is here so it is press-ups into the mode setup where the people from Botswana [Applause] [Music] yeah hiding [Applause] with sweet country back and on media but come come whereas when I Mason when I come when I mentioned some yesterday when I'm Mason Botswana and you can see that there's no body here for the promise and you are from Namibia and you are nearer to for trauma why don't you own a fire girl okay [Applause] okay sit down [Music] [Applause] of the children of done done by their generation quiet please after their families buy the house of their fathers according to the numbers from twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war done the tribe of dan dan dan no [Applause] five five Marissa Marissa Marissa Marissa [Applause] [Music] [Music] you see now this is a gal going to war and some of you buddies yeah at 20 like who you you were you are from wherever right here are you girls are going to walk okay and from the children of Asha these are Asante by their generation twenty years old and upward the children of Asha if you know you are honest aunty line up here line here turn around if you are not sent you here line up line up [Applause] wait [Applause] do you when you go to the wall or not you go okay granted [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a census comeback lineup [Applause] robot robot why is it that when I released you hey why is that quiet when I released you you shouted victoriously right as though you are better than your other friends such a such a feeling that I have like do you feel superior lift up your hand fire them hey what are bata ok sit down best 4142 of the tribe of Naphtali that is namibia even those who are 20 years and above and those that were numbered and those that were number which Moses and Aaron numbered by the princess of Israel being 12 men each of the house of his father's so we're all those that were numbered of the children of Israel by the house of their fathers from 20 years old and upwards ready to go forth to war in Israel yeah look if you can't and don't serve God at 20 even though you may want to sell him later you're likely fine it's going to be a big difference there is a very big difference between those who serve God from the IU's and those who start serving God when they are older there's a big difference and it's a difference in what we are able to achieve what they are able to do and even the burdens they carry with them if you when you get to heaven you're going to see people who seemed to be disgraced on earth who be very honored in heaven they will be very honored because even the things that seem to be a disgrace actually was a victory like maybe their father they only sell 14 times it's like they should've even for fallen 14 thousand times based on where they came from and how they came out you know because honestly once your flesh starts to taste certain things you start to have certain battles you just don't know that's difficult so by 20 you must be a servant of God you must be a man of God yeah young man of God but a man of God I think about it what fighting over all the soldiers and the people were but you're all young people they're all young young young young young men when England went to war after the Second World War after they were one of the side effects of the war was that the men were finished there were no men to remove me they'd all died in the wars it all died there is Prince writes about it in his book when he came back after the war it was like all from a certain age on where non-existent in the country was that the women and the few the children and so on but the men of all section of the society was gone because the effect of war so war is fought by young people and God has called us to fight a good fight amen and not everybody is going to go to work just because you are 20 but it says 20 years old that were able capable capable capably to go forth to war able ability ability what gives you the ability what gives you the ability huh what gives you the ability that is why we are here so that nobody would tell me any taboo story about being in the UK about being in school about being in that full-time ministry if it is unsub times an unfortunate distinction that comes about when we talk about setting god I have been in full-time ministry look when I was in school people would tell me look at your time take your time you think you could to heaven by being a skeleton when I was fasting do you think you go to heaven by Venus Gilligan I've been a servant of God for years it's not about receiving a salary long time collecting money or receiving any kind of income from the cat is not what makes you a full-time minister I have some people in full-time ministry that I don't think should be in full-time ministry and from time to time I try to I try to psych them I suck some last week oh yes as like I said go go go go to the world and find a job yeah being in full-time ministry you have to tell that I am more in full-time ministry people who are working in secular jobs there are more full-time minister and somebody's being paid the pay distorts what makes you a full-time minister when a church is big you all have all lot of so lot of people who are not really interested in God they just want to be received as a payment from the chest they don't want to work in the cycle our family before that pay me no no no no I've been in food people have been telling us take your time for years take it easy you're taking it too well cap I saw God we are taking to well other universe our universe stop we are going to play that the best eleven from Saturn and Jupiter it should come yeah integral I see Wow are you there so this is a wonderful thing and I believe that God wants us to be ready at 20 to fight for him and go fight for the cause of Jesus Christ how many think that is a good idea very good idea somebody ask nice as you and as young as you mean what are you going to do as fresh as you not like fresh people God has been working with fresh people for a long time amen if you think oh I need to be mature I need to have gray hairs you know when I was younger I wanted to be older when you get old I want to be younger well you don't have a beard you really want a beer to come most of those who are doing beards are very young that is why they have their beard is trying to show some kind of whatever it's almost a complex to leave a mobile room gear to can ensure that challenge of doom [Music] true are not true some 87 ready at 20 because you were born in the house some 87 verse 1 so I'm moving to in chapter 2 his foundation is in the holy mountains you see God is raising up people whose foundation is in the holy mountain of God that's where your foundations are the foundations are not academic foundation also my family oh you know we are from Zambia you know Zambians are like this you know I'm half half Italian and half Nigerian so I had a good foundation in West Africa shut up your foundations are the holy mountain your great foundation is the holy the holy mountain that God raises you up on it's the foundation that you stand on today I am standing on the scriptures and the foundations of holiness that God brought me up on prayer tell him pray they wave the hand shall we pray and you pray so does it like this money were praying let us pray no need to break no need to stop keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying that's a foundation that we were brought up on stand here and pray let us pray and then you are on it till whenever people would keep the chapter tops and go to town and come back and the price is still going on his foundation is in their holy mountains the mountains that are holy that dedicated places the fellowships the ministries the churches that they be catered places that is where your foundations are best to the Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob the Lord Lois's before as to the Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob you know Zion it's a very important place Mount Zion you know when you go to Jerusalem you find my Mount Zion there but the Bible teaches us in Hebrews that we are come to Zion to the innumerable company of saints to the spirits of just men made perfect so the address the spiritual address the IP address or whatever was IP address Internet Protocol address uh-huh so your address may be UK or whatever like you may be some about your IP address is something else is like it's your computerised address we also have a spiritual address there's sp address amen and your SP address is Zion that is where when I like done Badawi started his church it's called the tsiyon tabernacle it's your spiritual address and the Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob he loves your spiritual address more than your physical address the dwellings of Jacob are you still there yes he loves your address your spiritual address more than he loves your physical address amen so Zion is a very very important place you find all over the Bible amen anyway let's move on best three what is this threesome glorious things of tea has spoken huh glorious things of thee are spoken Wow it is not amazing this is a prophecy about you glorious things of the as spoken amen look at Hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 but you are come unto Mount Zion you know verse 18 actually you are not coming to the Mount that cannot be touched and that burned with fire not unto blackness and darkness and Tempest okay so God is saying to us you not come to that physical mountain which cannot be touched when the Israelites came to the mountain they couldn't touch the mountain it was so smoke there was fire they were all scared so that's not where you've come you're not chance the man that cannot be touched verse 19 and the sound of a trumpet and we're still frightening things that you cannot touch our handle verse 20 and they do not endure that was commandment commanded all right it's even a beast touch the mountain it is stoned or killed that's 21 so terrible was the sight of that mountain that Moses and the children of Israel went to that Moses said I exceedingly fear and quick verse 22 but you have come to Mount Zion that is where we as Christians have come true that is the spiritual address because we are not in Maori in England most of you have never been to Jerusalem but we have come in the spirit to ss3 address to Zion Journal son and what is that and the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem that's where we asked the ritual II that's why I've ever said that we are seated in heavenly provincial you are standing in London or assisted in privilege you are sitting also in heaven that the spiritual address which are you take your laptop your laptop may have been registered in Nigeria but you are in the UK now so it has a Nigerian IP address and a UK physical address and FP address Mount Zion to an innumerable company of angels for those whose eyes I've ever open they often see a large number of angels I was in a town I believe it was a town called the MOOC opening and there was a group of white you know the whole Commission was black but his wife South Africa divided in two colors so there's this white group of pastors and we were sitting in from that and when we finished ministering presence of God was there and I left the lady came up one of the ladies came up to see the pasta doctor go and told him listen God has given me a kiss I my eyes open and I see angels it's especially angels she said that were mainly many many angels in the room yes in South Africa lynnie when I was ministering kevro angels all over the place ministering amazing and this is what but if your eyes would open you would see spiritually where we are you've come to Mount Zion to an innumerable like uncountable number of angels when I read Rick Joyner's book about when God walked the earth he described how Jesus came went to the world on either there were so many angels all over the place there has to be they have to be because if there were not we wouldn't survive yes to an innumerable computer yesterday when we were on our plane you know the devil didn't want us to come here first of all they said the plane was delayed so then we sat on the plane outside it was delayed and so on then I've never really experienced that before we taxied we went to the runway when we caught to the runway the pilot just look at the plane and he said no he took a decision he said my plane is too heavy yes he has load that they have done the calculations everything and taxi to the runway and just at the point of taking off he analyzed and took a decision says no this bling cannot go up do not fly full of people yes so then he took a decision again and decided I'll come back after we taxi to the runway I will type the planar Center for sense for all those please drop us back at 1 a.m. after we already led by two hours drop us back to the place and packet open the doors again as we are back home yeah he took that decision after 1:00 a.m. in the night that's a crime we got here when we got here without getting here very early in the morning yeah you know when KLM crashed with Pan Am this that was how it was they were delayed and delayed delayed and delayed like that finally they gave the Callum go-ahead to take off so he took he went to the end of the runway yeah too late so my feeling people have gone to town and come some people came and they had closed the doors and they were moving said truly three three people lost understand LF what kind at least well this is what we are going with the plane has left us and the Kalin took off and another that yes kalum took off and then the Pan Am also was given the go-ahead to catch it's the run the runway is the same as another one runway so if you need any path buying a book and then this one had in speaking - he speaks Dutch they speak English on the thing okay go is just go wait and the fog it wasn't clear the English were in clay and sand just some 40 seconds one minute difference was all and then he had you can go ahead to take off and this Pan Am was also coming on the way to meet it they couldn't see so the Kaelin went up when the Pan Am pilot saw that they were coming he said this man is going to kill us so he turned off to the glass plate this biggest the servant was that the one with access oh and the Pan Am was also the big one to seven plus of the one with the upstairs three four stories high when you are updates about four stories high but the KLM was doing and he tried to go up back doctor will touch there that was it and he passed it and he came back into the airport and the panel to those in the front the first class is those in the front where they were ahead of the crash so the wheels hit after the first class so they survived those who played the first half paid extra for their lives so easy I know all these toys I've read them so yesterday atomo set on the exact see today when we are we are bathroom rah I ready go again come the train is heavy how do you know that it's heavy how do you know other this heavy bad it's good as it sounds and innumerable company of angels an innumerable company of angels you will never he says the number of your days you will fulfil that's 23 to determine Assembly and Church of the firstborn that is where we come with your spiritual address this is the spiritual please come to all these people are they all these things are the address you've come to which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect just men the spirits of just men made perfect are here present certain mantle of people that were here on either are gone there's a spirit here the spirit of Elijah does rest on him the spirit of Elijah Tov rest on him the spirits of just men made the basalt are admitting like this the spirit that was on kenneth hagin is here the suit of hagun yes spirit of just men made perfect because as a those are the spirits at the mantle that are working here yes because that Munsell is one of the mantles that God has placed on me that's how come I'm be able to do the things I'm doing so when we gather that in spirits are they certain month of our presence and our working you can recognize them yeah spirits of just men does this creature undress so back to some 87 less to he says in similitude in verse 2 he says the Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob so the spiritual foundation that the spiritual address is more important to God that is why God wants to give you a good foundation in lighthouse and in first love church you are receiving the best foundation for your life best three glorious things of TR spoken verse three please be very fast is the person knew who is there you need to be fast and when I mention a verse you go to wait who is doing it's time I let me see you stand up let me see are you fast are you slow I need a very fast present please when I'm preaching okay so change it toriel things of the ash spoken all city of God seller before I will make mention of rehab and Babylon to them that know me behold Phyllis fear and tire with Ethiopia okay this man was born there this man was born where there you see I'm going to make mention of certain people all right and people don't know me and what we are saying about them is that this man was born day yes I want to mention certain people when you see the word semicolon or the semicolon what devices you what mangage weren't good enough what is it for know what is it called punctuation punctuation yes my English weren't good at the time I with me Wow Wow that's five and I found it shall be said this is that man was born in here this what this one is one of the babies of the first laughs she was found there and this man yes you see where you were born and where you were brought up very important look at this one again his foundation is in the holy mountain your foundation is in the holy mountain the foundation this is the holy mountain that's the foundation of your Christian life the foundation of your ministry the foundation of everything you are doing and will do is in the mountains it's in the holy mountains are you with me yes go back to verse 5 and of Zion it shall be said this and that man was born in hey you see then one day people will say where you were born again and where you grew up so this man he was born there this is how he came to be where he is as where he grew up yeah this way his highest spiritual genes this way he was brought up amen and the highest himself shall establish hey God Himself is going to establish you in the work of God that God Himself Allah stamp the highest no no man can say he has published me in the ministry nobody no man can say he established me in the ministry who established me now if I give honor to somebody it doesn't mean the person established me I'm a beginning on adaptation doing what I'm doing doing what I'm doing was not it's not because somebody rose up and made me established no most of the time who didn't understand what I was doing I with me yes they didn't understand it Muslim didn't agree but have been forced to agree amen they are being forced to acknowledge what the Lord has done people who don't like you and don't even accept you will be forced to acknowledge that the Lord has a travesty amen the six the Lots accounts as you see he keeps on going back to your foundation the loss accounts ah the people yes when he right up up the people he would say that this man was born there this way usual you came to know the Lord this is how this is where your foundations are look at this one again that's one again his foundation is in the holy mountain of God have I pull the cable maybe sorry Tech's foundation is in the holy mountain Wow his foundation is in the holy mountain amen this man was born there you were there you are the camp were born at the camp we were born in the church were born again in the church you were brought up in the church this is where you a trained with training camp this man was born there Wow Lord himself shall establishing the highest the highest son establishing the highest himself the highest himself you are being established by the highest the highest hand will write and publish you amen the six the loss account when he righted up the people he will write and say that this man was born in the last days as one of the singers yes fingers and the players on instruments shall be there Wow singing musicians is it as why you are here in the beautiful songs that either is thinking these are songs that a spiritual father they speak to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs no songs that don't speak when the song doesn't speak the English very clear the message whirring clear are you listening to me yes even the musicians and the players on instruments shall be there they will be present they will be counted as people that came from those same origins a time is going to come many people will sing either songs mainly they will be singing them all over the body of Christ the singing then people will be just singing that nobody didn't know where it came from so the song that I had it is nice song I love this song I like the way it's nice sound to me sounds nice to me and all my strings are in B you see Springs speak off seeds you seeds that spring force and gotta say my Springs my seeds in you Foundation I am you great seeds are planted in you and this company great seeds are planted in you amen are you excited about that Wow let's really some 87 again from this one his foundation is in the holy how many are glad your foundations are in the holy mountain vests to the Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob how many understand that down is your spiritual address your what address st address Wow and God is my father back also I come from book home I come from chaco I come from gana I come from a Giacomo Cohutta but how could I come from the second see look he enjoys there they are interested in the gates of Zion more than the dwellings of Jacob yes I believe the gates of Zion mode I needed Wellings or Jacob we are more interested in how you came from this you are this or did your mother kiss your father is this your answer is a shoe a half is really a happy sleep we are interested in the gates of Zion more than the dwellings of Jacob [Music] that's three glorious things of the ass for him people are going to say glorious things about you floral things about you glorious things of the art Okun Oh City of God Oh City of God Carrillo st. Sophia's cooking what a poor thing they will say they will say lighthouse or first love has really given birth to a son where God has made you into a national hero who says first love really give that is a real fest love dibela giving birth to a daughter tourists in of t us what happened negative thing have been said about you is replaced with some eighty seventy you are your piece of PR talking or city of god Oh City of God best for I will make mention of rehab Babylon to them that know me Felicia and tie with Ethiopia this man was born there you know this place is the amazing are not good places not good places where input at the time very good at the time thank God he's taking something that it negative God is wonderful oh and he would take these places yeah and it will be said this man was born by impossible impossible because you are not born day but he is giving you a new bed like you see there's nothing about you that looks Israeli or Jewish you are not Jewish at all but one day we said you are born in Zion that's five a long sound shall be said this man and that man was born in hey you see these strange people how did they come from Zion look at us look at somebody like me half God neither recognizing in my home gana or in my home Switzerland no recognize in either of the two each of them sees me as a foreigner as I own is my real address I really and the highest himself shall establish a whatever man cannot do for you to establish you God is doing for you to cover verse 5 the Lord shot counts and when you write it up the people that this man was born there you were there you were there you were there you were there you were there you ever the servants as well as a single finger two are going to be noted a wonderfully originated from a certain spiritual vineyard settings the ritual field is going to be for the second type of singers and play it on instrument all my Springs are indeed my Springs when a man ejaculates this is his prints but us bringing forth since all my Springs I envy god is saying that my spring defeat yeah flag getting to you as I'm speaking gasps ringing for pizza printer for your [Music] blessed in Jesus name
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 7,163
Rating: 4.9766083 out of 5
Keywords: 2016, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, MACHANEH, UK, STEVENAGE, READY @ 20, READY AT 20, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Id: qpw7m5TVDLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 41sec (5801 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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