What Is The Anointing? - Desire Of All Nations - Nathan Morris

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the following program has been made possible by the Covenant partners and Friends of shaken nations ministries [Music] [Music] coming up today on desire of our nation's the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10 that God is faithful he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your own abilities how many people are trying to do today's work on yesterday's anointing God wants to manifest his glory to the nations of the world but God is looking for you the vessels that are willing to say yes to his calling hello and welcome to desire of all nations I'm evangelist Nathan Morris and I believe today the Lord has a word for your life coming up on today's desirable nations I have a special guest pastor Jim really who I know is gonna truly bless your life coming up right now we have faith talks I'm gonna be right back later in the program to pray with you and believe for your miracle we'll be right back after this [Music] [Music] at some point in our walk with Christ we will all face temptation the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that no temptation has overtaken you that is not common with man temptation is a weapon that the devil seeks to use in our lives to bring us into defeat but let me make this distinction temptation is not sin only when we succumb to temptation do we fall into sin I want to show you today that we can be overcomers through the power of God's Word the Bible says in 2nd Peter 1:3 that his divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness this is the truth that through his spirit in us we can overcome every temptation that the devil seeks to bring you into defeat the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10 that God is faithful he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your own ability but with the temptation will give you a way of escape I want to show you today that we can overcome through the power of God's Word so how do you overcome temptation the Bible says in James chapter 1 verse 14 then a man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed and when the desires are conceived it gives birth to sin and sin when it's fully grown gives birth to death we must never allow our desires to become the forefront of our vision we must bring into captivity every thought that stands against the Word of God in this we become overcomers so what are some keys to overcome temptation the Bible says that Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil he faced every temptation possible how did he overcome he declared it is written we overcome every temptation through the power of God's Word in us never fight temptation with what you think or your emotion you will always be defeated Psalms 119 says this your word have I hidden in my heart that I may not sin against you we overcome through the power of God's Word the second key is prayer Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane said to his disciples watch and pray lest you enter into temptation when we become sleepy when we become lukewarm we are susceptible to temptation Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and in that prayer we call it the Lord's Prayer it says this leaders not into temptation but deliver us from evil when we pray when we enter into God's presence we are strengthened with might in our inner man this is how we overcome the third key is repentance I want to speak to those today that maybe a fallen you may feel like you've given in to temptation the Bible says this in 1 John chapter 1 verses 8 and 9 if we confess our sin he is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness it's time to get back on your feet and begin to walk out your faith remember learn to recognize temptation overcome it through the power of God's Word and the power of intimacy and prayer I see unique [Music] [Applause] [Music] three two [Music] I want to welcome you to today's face to face you know God is moving all over the world the Bible says in Luke chapter 4 that Jesus stood in the temple he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor God is raising up a generation right now he's anointing them for purpose I believe we're in the days of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit on today's face to face I'm joined with a special guest a dear friend and pastor pastor Jim Raley is the senior leader of Calvary Ormond Beach they have several camper campuses across the u.s. but today he's here to speak to you and I know he's got a word in season pastor Jim is so good to have you on face to face I'm excited to be here and excited to see how that God's doing through your ministry all praise God you know God is raising up a generation right now we're seeing God move like never before you know people are always riding into the ministry saying we're so hungry for God we're so hungry for the Spirit of God in our lives I want to talk to them face-to-face about the anointing being separated unto God would you just speak to those that are watching this and and just tell us what God's laid on your heart you know God is really calling a generation into the uncommon and into the supernatural and God gave me a revelation a while back I'm actually writing a book on it on the uncommon anointing I've never seen a time like this in my life when people are more hungry for the supernatural in particular young people youth and young adults I'm amazed I'm 55 years old our church has been in Ormond and I've been there 21 years but our church continues to get younger because there is a generation crying out for the supernatural manifestation of God I was telling you I preached to 13,000 kids just recently on the baptism of the Holy Ghost and had probably 5,000 or more filled with the Holy Spirit I just preached at 3200 on the anointing and the glory of God feel that place I preached over 10,000 kids in the last few weeks it's an amazing thing to see this generation rising up hungry for the anointing what does it mean to be anointed pasta juice you know in the Old Testament the anointing is two things number one is God's endorsement number two it says in dumit in other words when someone was anointed in the Old Testament it was God's Way of publicly saying I have chosen you David was anointed with a hint of the anointing or that's over six quarts it was a public display that he was chosen by God but the second thing it represents was God's in doing power so in other words when God anoints a person he publicly says I've chosen you to do a thing but secondly I've empowered you to do a thing and so what we need our leaders that will rise up and publicly show that they've been anointed to do what God has called him to do and then their people will rise up in that anointing you know I I used to study the Scriptures because all I wanted was God to anoint my life I still do today that's all I long for is that I would be anointed God spoke to Jeremiah he said before you were in your mother's womb I knew you I set you apart what does it mean to be set apart you know when you're set apart I believe you're called to do something significant for God he he pulls you apart he identifies you you were set apart but then he anoints he gives you what you need to be able to supernaturally get that work done the anointing is powerful David said I shall be anointed with fresh oil that Psalms 91 10 think about this David was anointed as a teenager with six quarts of anointing oil he literally had to stand there as the Prophet poured that old over his life but all throughout his life he said I was anointed back then but that one anointing is not enough he said every time I can I want to be anointed with fresh oil how many people are trying to do today's work on yesterday's anointing I want to tell you and the viewers that are watching us right now God has a fresh oil annoying study the word and you'll find out that david was anointed in one chapter and he got in a fight in the next chapter he's anointed in one chapter later he's in a fight with Goliath see what I want to show you is this people say I want to be anointed I want to be anointed I want to be anointed for what see if you really get anointed get ready to fight because war follows the anointing and when you receive that anointing that fresh oil anointing you are then empowered to walk and and become everything God has called you to become David was set apart he became more than what he could have ever been without the anointing so God anointed this young man and God is anointing people who were hungry today for those that are watching this today and they they really don't know what this word anointing means can you go a little bit deeper on what is the anointed hey listen it's one of my favorite subjects because David said I shall be anointed with fresh oil of the word anoying one of the words is the word bhalil and it literally means to mix and a-mingle it if you study it deeper the word means to confuse and confound so check this out that word anoint to mix and a-mingle when God anoints us he mixes and mingles his supernatural power his super with our natural his supernatural power comes on a natural man he mixes and mingles his ability his authority his his a miraculous power comes on a natural man and all of the sudden were able to do what we could not do before we were anointed all of a sudden we have access and we have power and we have authority because he mixes and mingles it's when we become more than what we are by ourselves when he anoints us it is a supernatural thing that he brings on us it means to mix and a-mingle but check it out the next thing it means is to confuse and confound well what does that mean that means when someone was anointed it literally changed the person the Bible talks about the oil of gladness the Bible talks about before the priest went behind the veil he had that oil rubbed in that anointing or was rubbed into every part of this person he literally looked differently after he was anointed let me tell you this before we are anointed we look one way to the devil after we are anointed we look like something completely different so we we confuse and confound the enemy he looks at us before we are known and he says I can take you you're an easy mark you I can bring you down I can destroy your marriage I can bring down your family I can cause you to be addicted I can put you in bondage but after you are anointed you confuse the enemy you can found the enemy you don't look like the same person you look differently in the spirit realm after your anointing you know how do we stand without anointing because I believe that our generation need to grasp the revelation I always preach from when Elijah was following Elijah the Bible says that he went through a place called Gilgal the separation the cutting place preached to this generation for a moment on how to to stay set apart how to be separated from the things of this world you know we don't hear a lot anymore about the word sanctification the word separation we don't hear about holiness we don't hear about the fact that when God anoints us and sets us apart that there are there is a lifestyle change that happens there are things that we used to do that we don't do anymore I'm afraid that we got pastors that maybe well-meaning in church leaders that maybe well-meaning but they're afraid to address sin they are afraid to really talk about issues because they're scared of their people they're scared of losing donors they're scared of the folks that are sitting in the congregation but the truth is I'm 55 years old I've been doing this 35 years I'm not scared of anybody that's sitting in the house so I'm ready to tell people there is a sanctification there is a separation that calms and when that comes there's a stronger anointing that can come on our lives because we are set apart to be used greatly by God David said I shall be anointed with fresh oil this is something that we need continuous I've been doing this a long time and I've never thought that I had it all I've come to realize that I need a perpetual anointing to come in my life and if you want to be continually and perpetually used by God you need to seek that anointing every single day you know there was the outer Court the inner court in the Holy of Holies that's the wilderness Tabernacle the picture there is powerful you and I were talking about it in the outer court everything that was done there was done in the natural realm it was where the Sun shined it was outside the tent all the sacrifices all the priestly duties were done because of the Sun you it was it was the natural realm it's to see it touch it taste it fill it in here at room most of the church lives in that realm but then sometimes we'd go to the secondary realm and as much as that represents promotion in the end there was a table of showbread and a candlestick that priest had his foot in that outside world leading somebody to bring in bread for the table and oil for the lamp but I want to prophesy that the next place God's gonna take some people and the next thing he's gonna do in their life and the next thing he's gonna bring into their life a man's not gonna bring it to him and a man's not gonna make it happen a man's not gonna bring you this breakthrough there is a realm behind the veil of supernatural miracles well you can't explain what's going on how the cancer dried up how the family was restored how the son got delivered how the life turned around how the season shifted but it was accessed by one man one man who received an uncommon anointing he was anointed the entirety of the priesthood was anointed but before that man went behind the veil into the miracle realm he received an uncommon anointing God wants to anoint people he wants to anoint people with an uncommon enormity they might see miracles in their lives listen you've been watching face to face today it's time to rise up God has an anointing for your life the Bible says that the anointing breaks every yoke I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking to you right now this has been face to face we'll see you next time [Music] hi I'm Mauricio Canales and this is latest news evangelist Nathan Morris was in the revival meeting in the nation of England with the Holy Spirit for from countless miracles there was a woman in that meeting that have fell on her knee she could not walk straight and needed crutches to walk as the healing virtue of the Holy Spirit fell upon that building this woman was completely healed and she got rid of her crutches it was a blessing to see this woman being helped to the stage but afterwards she was able to step down from the stage on her own we are believing that a new wave of revival is coming to the nation of England one of our highest viewed videos on our YouTube channel I'd shake the nation's is vile idiom aro singing forevermore we ever seen testimonies of how that song is being a blessing to many people I love that city because at the end evangelist Nathan Morris makes an altar call and we receive testimonies of how people are responding to that altar call and receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives you can follow Lydia and know about our upcoming events at Lydia s Merrill com we are doing more gospel campaigns than ever before and that's because of the faithfulness of our covenant partners we are in covenant partnership with each other and we're here to help you on your walk with the Lord that's why we have a u.s. office that will provide support for our partners in North America but we also have a UK office where they're there to help you in that region you can call the number below and ask for prayer you have access to resources that will truly be a blessing to your life together we are reaping a mighty harvest of souls for the kingdom of God we are literally receiving prayer requests from across the globe and we are also receiving tests our God is saving Muslims in the different nations of the world we want to encourage you to keep sending out your prayer requests to prayer at shake the nation's calm share your testimonies we are also receiving prayer requests from pastors evangelists and ministers listen we want you to know that we are coming in agreement with you and believing that salvation will come to the nation where you are living at God wants to manifest his glory to the nations of the world but God is looking for you the vessels that are willing to say yes to his calling as evangelist Nathan Moore says those who received a harvest are those who are hungry for God and thirsty for his outpouring let's respond to his calling and see an end time harvest of souls for the kingdom of God until next time this has been latest news [Music] [Music] you're the God of all creation it's broken to existence humans and the earth with your command you are the author of salvation the source of our invention your precious blood has washed away I'll say so Lord for all that you are and for we live not song to you [Music] you're praised forever for you you are restoration broken with just one touch you bring the [Music] sighs and [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're joining is right now in the desirable nation studio with our special guest pastor Jim really we've come right now to the point of the program where we believe for your miracle we're about to pray for prayer requests that have come in from around the world this is your moment let's believe the power of God is being outpour right now I feel such an anointing in this studio pastor Jim it's been such a privilege to have you today talking about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit ask for rain in the time of rain oh it's been supernatural and it just reminds me that we serve a God who can send us what we need when we most desperately need it and I feel like we're in the middle of a time of rain you know I don't want to change scripture in any way but ask for rain in the time of rain I feel like the Lord is saying ask for healing in the time of healing ask for salvation in the time of salvation what an hour we're living in right now where God is pouring out his spirit across the nation it's true that's true listen we're believing right now we're gonna join with you if you're watching this and you need a miracle call upon the name of the law right now let's call upon the name that is above every name the name of Jesus listen we're gonna be praying for penny you're sending your prayer request you need complete healing from your urinary tract also Louise has cancer in the blood we're believing for a mighty miracle in her life also Simon he's had a massive stroke and a bleed on the brain listen Simon we're believing for your miracle right now pastor Jim you know somehow the Bible says in Luke 1:37 with God nothing shall be impossible what is the word nothing it's two words no thing for with God no thing shall be impossible Tori your dad is dealing with Alzheimer's right yes Alzheimer's is not impossible we speak to this dad who's 85 years old and we call healing into his body right now Lesly deliverance you say I'm fighting demonic strong hopes and this one needs to be delivered I'll break every attack of the enemy nothing is impossible for the Lord there's not a demon or a devil that has more power than the name of Jesus Christ so we speak deliverance in the mighty name of Jesus I'm reading here about about Kelly and and the battle that's been aggressively taking place she said I've been dealing with attacks and demons have been wanting to block and steal out what I've received in the name of Jesus we want to tell you something greater is He that is in you i bind every demonic force I take authority over it in the mighty name of Jesus and I'll loose victory in your life God is releasing victory right now I'm telling you demonic strongholds are breaking right now addiction strongholds breaking right now rebellion strongholds breaking right now I command every demon to take his hand off of the miracles and the people of God that will manifest the mighty power of the Lord in Jesus name you know sometimes posture when we're praying I actually see images of people and I just saw a woman named Rose Marie I believe you are 58 years old and you suffer with severe panic attacks I I saw you almost having a seizure with fear in the middle of being studying in public I rebuked that right now God is setting you free this word is for you you're watching this this word is for you right now Rose Marie be free in the mighty name of Jesus Lord we lay hands upon these prayer requests from around the world we join together in agreement lord we rebuke every sickness every infirmity I speak to every cancer every Juma in the mighty name of Jesus shrivel up and die right now we command every disease Lord we ask for blind eyes and deaf ears Lord those that are suffering with pain blood disease diabetes I rebuke right now in the name of Jesus Lord we speak to those with strongholds with addiction right now father in Jesus name through the power of the blood of Jesus Lord your word declares that you came to set the captive free so we speak freedom right now in the name of Jesus right now listen we have a few more seconds if you don't know Jesus if he's not Lord of your life I want to tell you that he died for you he shed his blood for you because he loves you with an everlasting love pasta would you lead those that want to say the prayer of salvation listen this is a prayer that will change the trajectory of your life pray this after me pray Heavenly Father in Jesus name Jesus forgive me for all my sins take my heart wash it clean wash it in your precious blood Lord I receive your now mercy as my savior and I declare from this day forward this thing I'll never be the same again I'll never be the same again never the same again do the same in Jesus name Jesus name listen if you prayed that prayer why don't you write to shake the nation's calm we're gonna be coming to a city near you if you want to join with us on social media you can join us Facebook at evangelists Nathan also Instagram YouTube Twitter at shake the nation's you can get ahold of this USB over 38 messages partner with us today we'll send you this for free we love you and we'll see you next time on desirable nations god bless you Jesus this broadcast was made possible by the fateful support of the Covenant partners and friends of shake the nation's ministries if you would like to help us continue spreading the gospel please consider becoming a monthly partner today visit us at shake the nation's calm to learn more about upcoming events and to find ministry resources follow us at Facebook and evangelist Nathan or on Twitter and shake the nation's we look forward to hearing from you [Music]
Channel: Nathan Morris - Shake The Nations Ministries
Views: 5,982
Rating: 4.9033818 out of 5
Id: jPOAP75S2lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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