Watch the Flow Prayer Meeting with Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills

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for this opportunity to pray yes we do lord to give you glory lord malacca monday thank you lord thank you lord father we give you thanks yes in jesus name in jesus name thank you for this opportunity that we have to pray yes call upon you yes we ask you to lead us in this short time that we are with you yes lord bless us bless you in this great great atmosphere of prayer in jesus name we pray amen amen now in mark chapter 1 following the life of jesus we see many things that guide us amen amen bible says in him was life and the life was the light of men hallelujah so jesus life is your light do you believe that yes the life jesus lived and what he experienced is your light in him was life and the life was the light of men so i am a firm believer that the life is a light of men now why do we say that life is the light of men because there are different kinds of light that different people have for instance people have in their hearts different philosophy i had some people discussing um stealing they were going to steal something and then they said it's not wrong to steal from a thief do you see it's not wrong he said we are only stealing from someone who has also stolen you see because it's like the people that we are going to steal from the rich people we are going to they are also thieves you hear what i'm saying yes it's not robbery so i mean when i listen to them i realize that there are many ways of thinking about things and many if you like lights of this life but the bible says jesus christ in him was life and the life was the light of man amen and another verse in john 12 he says that i am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life like you have light for your life he shall have the light of life light of life amen notice that last with the light of life so instead of somebody giving you ideas what to do what is good what is not good why should this be why that's why there's a lot of criticism there are so many ways to do things you get what i'm saying like in america the democrats feel this is the way this other people the republicans also feel this is the way if you do this we are killing people we are saving people everybody so many options of what to do but jesus came as our light amen he shall have the light of life in him was life and the life was the light of man before we pray for anything else i want us to pray that we will have the revelation of following jesus in our lives in such a way that our lives will have light amen light of life lift your hand and let's pray for like jesus everything about jesus that is hidden from us you see will be revealed about his life and his life will become a light to us let's pray that jesus christ life will become a light light to our lives and for our lives father we thank you yes lord that jesus becomes the light of our lives hallelujah in him was life courtesy the life the life was the light the life was the light the life lord we pray for our revelation a revelation of the life of jesus that is our light mala bravo m in him was life in him was life in him was life pray for a revelation of the life of jesus pray for revelation lord give us a revelation a deeper understanding of the life of jesus the life of jesus when he was on earth oh yes that we can follow and we may follow to have the light of this life lord the light of this life lord rate renter sunderland jeremiah so in him was life and alive was a light of men the light of man the light of man parallel versus pray that god will grant you a deeper understanding will grant you a revelation of the life of jesus the life of jesus the life of jesus the life of jesus the life of jesus that as we read about the life of jesus we will have a deeper understanding we will know what to do we will have the light of this life lord we will have the light of this life pray serie fredo la manto cobo chandalama rama vida verena casilla de rene que se liana para lavodolo moshan derek in jesus was life in jesus was life is revelation of the life of jesus that is your light my god my god we lift our voices at our hands to you lord i am now we remember we we went we followed jesus into the synagogue and there was a man who was full of demons and then after that bible says he came out of the synagogue and entered into the house of simon and andrew with james and john but simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever and anon they tell him of her and he came and took her by the hand and lifted her up and immediately the fever left her and she ministered unto them amen and not even when the sun did set they brought unto him all that were diseased and that were possessed of the devils and all the city was gathered together at the door and he healed many we have a song with this all these he healed many that were sick of diverse diseases and cast out many devils and suffered not the devils to speak because they knew him amen amen we're going to pray for healing hallelujah amen against sicknesses and diseases and there are many many ways that i believe god is going to give us against diseases through the wisdom and through the grace and the power of god hallelujah that comes through jesus christ amen amen so let us now rise up and pray for healing let's start generally we're just praying for healing especially of the pandemic the diseases that are going around let's pray right now in the name of jesus christ prayers for healing prayers for healing prayers for healing proud prayers for healing undead we pray for healing healing lord valencia oh god heal us heal us of our diseases heal us of our sicknesses and he healed them that were sick of diverse diseases oh yes whatever the disease is god's healing power madove ranta hey hiya i need your healing heal me oh god la mo da la vasa yes lord rosh federer parallel healing them that were oppressed of the devil healing them of sicknesses of diverse kinds ma loshanda sandovaranakasa recreated lemon yes we are praying for god's healing power we are praying for healing we give you thanks lord as you heal us of the diverse diseases lord my god my god my god my god whatever disease it is pray for god's healing power god's healing power that you can be set free from it yes lord jesus christ father we thank you for yes healing healing from all our diseases yes lord in the name of jesus christ jesus amen amen now you may take your seed for a moment i want to say that uh when jesus encountered devils and sicknesses you must know that when you come into this world these are two things you will encounter devils and sicknesses and you'll be battling these two all the way to the end it's difficult to believe but i tell you and um in james 5 it says is any among you afflicted let him pray okay so prayer helps with afflictions of any sort including sicknesses and let him call for the eldest is any sick among you all right is any merry let him sing psalms is any sick let him call for the elders of the church and then let them pray over him anointing him with oil and the elders shall save the sick the elders shall save the sick no the prayer of faith shall save the sick so prayer saves the sick prayer saves the sick not the elder the savior the prayer the prayer of the elder so the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the lord shall raise him up and if he have committed sins they shall be forgiven amen so you know as we are already in deep into this i want us to pray uh for our days to be prolonged extension of life so that we would fulfill our calling and our ministry because when i look at kenneth hagin right i came into contact with kenneth hagin when he was 63 years old that's when i heard of him so he was 63 years old and was bearing fruits through me i mean like i'm one of his fruits so and i think that um when i think that he was he was 40 years old but he has not yet borne me as a fruit and therefore all the churches and all the fruits that are in this ministry at the age of 50 he had not achieved that do you understand yes so it tells me that fruit bearing there there are many things in your life you don't know at what stage you are going to bed certain fruits and that is why it is there is some importance in how long you live or in getting to a certain stage in your life so that you can bear certain fruits because it looks like you will not bear certain fruits at a certain time i just don't know why are you with me yeah so now when when kenneth hagin was 63 i think i was probably in maybe from five in secondary school or from four something like that you understand what i'm saying and so he was now reaching through somebody who gave me a book and a tape to a little boy in secondary school in ghana one day a brother his name was paddy he told me something he said kenneth hagin is so much of a blessing that it is as though he was born in calibur like he's so much of a blessing to us in ghana you know at that time at that time he said he's so much of a blessing to us in ghana it is as though he was born in kolibu kulibu is the main hospital the biggest hospital we have in ghana you know you can best so much fruit in another country far away amen that it will look as though you were born there but i'm saying that he bought those fruits okay brother with the phone no phone here we don't use phone here like that yeah we it was as though he was born here amen so you know god wants you to extend your life but as soon as you come into the world you meet devils and sicknesses and these two uh fight your possibility of staying long enough are you with me yes and so you see where jesus in mark chapter 1 where we were reading he met all these sicknesses first of all peter's mother-in-law you know that is peter's wife's um mother that's what it must mean all right simon's wife's mother so someone had a wife jesus didn't have a wife and he was able to follow jesus he didn't say do you are you married do you know what is in marriage do you not understand marriage you are a single man you don't know anything ah all right so simon's wife's mother lay sick and they told her so prayer is going to greatly help us amen so today i want us to pray concerning healing that is to come to our lives through different means amen and the first one is um sin that brings sickness in james he said if he has committed sins they shall be forgiven him now there are so many sins that we commit that you know if all our sins are to lead to sickness then most of us will be in a coma do you agree like most of us will be in a coma by now they say yes a permanent coma do you get it yeah but it seems to me that there are certain sins and it's something that i've sort of observed there are certain sins that lead to certain things do you see yes and so i want us to pray you know because god is going to through this prayer reveal to you certain things that lead to certain things let me just give you two examples and these are not examples from the bible but i think i also have the holy spirit and i can share something that i've observed once i noticed derek prince said he he felt that arthritis was caused he noticed it in people that were bitter and had unforgiveness do you see he said him it was something that he noticed i i i didn't say that i've really noticed because arthritis is not something so common that i've seen you know but it's just a comment that he made then another thing that i've noticed is that fornication you see it's one of the things i've noticed that it leads to a number of sicknesses which also lead to death yeah like fornication leads to hiv for instance i mean um before um you know they had they don't have a vaccine for for hiv but i was also a virus and it also spreads by fornication yeah multiple partners people have no idea the number of people they have had sex with and don't even know some of them i don't know it's like nothing's like shaking hands so you also have to be aware that it's like a particular sin that can lead to death do you see or even the bible says that you should be aware that for such things the wrath of god comes on the sons of man like the anger of god comes because of those things so i'm just saying that uh let's pray now as we are praying for healing because i believe that god is showing us certain things that lead to death so that i mean like even if you have two options which sin will i commit you see you can take d or c rather than maybe this one which leads directly to death i hope you understand what i'm praying you know um you may you may be going to fornicate but you never fornicated with somebody who is hiv positive and discharging the virus exceedingly you see so the particular person that you interact with will now discharge the virus to you exceedingly are you with me what i'm trying to say is that there are many things we are always singing then there is this particular one when you go into that line that's why i said transgression it crosses a certain line then you open yourself up to certain i mean spirits of sickness and disease in particular are you with me yes i think also stubbornness stubbornness you see i think that it leads to certain things i don't know what i would say at least but the bible says that he that is often reproved and hardened his neck will suddenly be destroyed so too much hardness and difficulty with you can lead to distraction suddenly so anyway we don't have in the bible any particular thing that says this leads to this this leads to this this leads to this but we can see that same committing sin does lead to sickness and it cannot be all saints they cannot because then we should all be in a coma in fact we should be dead by by the age of 15 we will all be dead so in this prayer time we are looking at the anti-sickness god should you know through grace and mercy even guide us and help us that we will be saved from particular things which bring diseases and if we have committed them he should have mercy on us amen yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and that you choose you choose rightly not that you are choosing sin but you choose you know to a particular thing say no not this not not this for instance treachery you know judas died you know he died he died from treachery yeah treachery is um okay let me explain to you you know he had the shortest life of the disciples they had the shortest life yes treason is when you do it is when you betray a group or you betray an individual when you do that when you betray in relation to your country it's called treason and then traitor is the person who does it and treachery the word treachery is is like a poetic word about treason or being a traitor the people who do that do you see yeah so you you you you you you you break the trust that somebody has so why not didn't think you you can do that yeah it made judah's life judas had the shortest life you know his life was very short you know so i don't know i'm just trying to say that maybe there are some things that like the result has to do with sickness maybe i think they have results to do with eternity and where you you have your house in heaven your mansion and so on but there are some that have to do with sickness and disease so we are praying that now as we pray for healing lord let me not cross certain lines and let me not walk into certain things for my healing sake amen so we are praying for i'm going to give you about seven things that are bringing sickness and the and the first one is healing amen through or against sick sin particular sin sickness causing sins yes sickness causing sins i hope you are with me yeah so let's let's let's stand up right now whatever look call your neighbor our primate is very short you know our primaries are getting shorter so by a certain time you see that by 7 7 30 we've closed so you may be thinking we'll be here till 12 o'clock but it's just a short prayer so rise up call your neighbor and say hey hey hey hey wake up the prayer meeting is is fast tracking now and we need to we are praying for healing amen healing healing healing healing healing healing any sickness causing sin lord let me escape putting my foot on it do you understand what i'm saying yes let's pray karma kabbalah yes prayers is have mercy have mercy forgive us of ourselves we pray that any disease that we have been afflicted with oh god whatever the sin is whatever the sin is forgive us have mercy upon us alone and heal us completely heal us completely low heal us completely low heal us completely lost pray to god pray to god yes pray against every sickness causing sin praise lord have mercy have mercy lord that causes sickness yes yes foreign foreign um have yeah foreign oh i oh every you have a tendency to commit which also has a tendency to bring certain diseases in the name of in the name of jesus father we thank you for deliverance from those particular sins oh yes oh yes in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh yes thank you thank you lord save us from bitterness give us a bitterness save us from immorality morality you save us from stubbornness you save us from any case bringing sickness bringing sinners save us lord in the name of jesus of jesus we pray amen amen now we are praying number two i'm giving you seven maybe eight wow particular prayers for healing and the second one is dishonoring of fathers you know it's the only thing mentioned in relation to living wrong you know sickness is always an agent of death sickness is an agency of death it's one of the ways to die is to be sick do you see and that is why the pandemic is disturbing the world because it's like oh i'm going to sit on a plane and then i'll be sick then i'll die from that why i won't sit on a plane again so everybody has left the planes so the planes are packed the whole world is disturbed i'll go to a restaurant and eat with people then after i get sick and that's a direction should be there so everybody's in his house i should go to school and then obviously i won't go to school again so the whole world has stopped because at causing something has arrived into all our social activities do you see so not every sin has the same effect for instance i i don't think i don't know but i don't think lying directly causes sickness i please don't i'm just giving ideas and i think that the lying is so common that like if we were to lie lying will be causing sickness then most of us will be on that mission do you get what i'm saying we'll all be at kolibu right now from lying you understand what i'm saying yeah i think that there are certain things so among the sins we step on we should be delivered from the one certain ones that cause sicknesses particularly yeah i mean all sins we should be delivered from but we are praying particularly about sickness causing sins now another terrible one is dishonoring of fathers now you know the verse already i don't need to disturb you with that all right but in first chronicles chapter 3 the bible says these were the sons of david which were born the firstborn amon all right the second daniel davidson second son was called daniel all right of abigail the third son was absalom all right and the fourth was adonijah fifth chef taya sixth a dream by igla these six were born in hebron all right then in jerusalem he had another set shimey i told you all our heroes had many wives simia shabab and nathan and solomon four of bathsheba the daughter of emil more children than ibarra and elisha ma an elephant and no god these are all david's sons they had a lot of sons nephi jafia hey wake up wake up wake up and elisha eliader these were the sons of david beside the sons of the concubines these are the this is the one who said the lord is my shepherd you see he said man no my man so today's christian men who are restricted to monogamy you get it are going against a lot of natural things it's true and that is also one of the causes of the tensions yes now they were all the sons of david besides the concubines and solomon's son was real bomb and tama is the only daughter of mine so 19 children yes 19. now out of these we see one of them dying early do you see and we even know how he died do you see and that's absalom out of the 19 yes and we see how he died and in fact an instruction was given that he should not be killed yes i mean no instruction was given to about any of other david's other children that they should not be killed by instruction was given for absalom absalom should not be killed an absalom rode a meal and the meal went under the thick bowls of a great oak and his head caught hold of the oak and he was taken up between the heaven and the earth and the mew that was under him went away this is a freak event how many people have so much hair that their hair is caught in branches even girls today yeah we would have just come over and you have gone off just as you are with your funny head shape you would have passed through nobody i mean you'd have just looked funny and passed away but absalom was holding real hair and a settlement saw it and told you up and said i saw absalom hanged in an oak and joab said to the man behold thou sowers him why did you not smite him and the man said though i should receive one thousand shekels of silva in my hand i will never touch him for in our hearing the king charles d and abhishek saying beware you do not touch the young man absalom there was such a strong command to prevent his death wow are you there otherwise i would have wrought falsehood against my own life there is no matter that is hate from the king that's a clever man you know that this thing you are doing it will be new it's just a matter of time it's a matter of time there is no matter ahead from the king people think that oh i will hide this forever is that a matter of time and doubt thyself would have set thyself against me you even would have turned against me then said job i will not waste my time with you i may not tarry dance with and he took three dots in his hand okay and disobeyed the king wow ladies and gentlemen i just want to say one of the things that shortens and he killed he thrust them through the heart of epsilon he was good at that next time you see the dots try it and see you to get a bull's eye because if you thrust at that and it misses it will just pierce other sides but not the heart you need to slice the heart so the heart is torn open so when the heart pumps the next time the heart pumps the other body will come out so this very strange death you know and it comes through dishonoring of your father he went to sleep with your father's wives fought against him rose up fighting against him so let's pray now because we are praying for healing that whatever tendencies there are in us against fathers should be calmed down is praying for healing that our life will not be shortened by these things let's pray palakka paramana baba healing by honoring fathers yes and never dishonoring them yes pray about it i'm telling you praise god jesus heal me by honoring our fathers by honoring our father and by helping me never to dishonor yes a father yes yes sir foreign yes praying against sicknesses oh yes yes foreign lift your hands everyone praying father we pray against sicknesses sicknesses we pray against sicknesses that are caused yes by dishonorary fathers lord deliver us deliver us from these deliverance deliver us from the case yes deliver us from every agency of death yes nakara shortening of life dishonoring of all kinds of fathers save us from save us we pray lord save as we pray lord save us we pray lord heal our money foreign i mess you up on us lord and save us save us save us save us from sicknesses and diseases that are caused by god that have caused all god by this honoring hallelujah now 2nd samuel chapter 18 i want us to look at something more frightening there it says they took absalom and cast him into a great pit after he died and laid a great heap of stones upon him and all israel fled everyone to his tent now verse 18 and absalom in his lifetime had taken and read up for himself a pillar when we go to israel you'll see a pillar down in the valley then they'll tell you that that is absalom's pillar now why did he make that pillar absalom had read up for himself a pillar which is in the king's dale for he said i have no son i don't have a child to keep man which is unusual yes to keep my name in remembrance and he called the pillar after his own name so instead of a child he has a pillar and it is called unto this day absalom's place you see so it looks like there were other problems apart from dying early earlier than all the other sons he had no child for whatever reason there are many reasons for medical i don't know what reason but you see all these things you don't even know why they come but we are talking about honor thy father and my mother i remember when michael jackson died you know i was thinking that he brother was the youngest you know and he you hear him complaining about the hardship he had growing up and so on which was to make him famous you know and he was like the father was a bad person and he he the younger one seemed to go away earlier the other ones are there still still around so it's it's wonderful sometimes you you become you you can you can be a child who you are always upset with parents it's like you're never happy with them there's always something wrong with them yeah there's something wrong all the time with your father your pastor your bishop your the spiritual father they are never good enough you know and that's what i'm saying that we whatever tendency we have to cross certain part because when you grow up you realize that you are a certain way like you are the fornicational type mercy or you are the dishonoring for this type you are the stubborn type you are whatever type of mandala mataso and you see what it is is that it is what causes you will cause you to be sick and to die before your time yeah so that's why we are praying a lot we are not even praying yet for the sickness that the thing that leads me to be like that that will lead to the sickness may you deliver me from that thing amen when you see somebody who is overweight go for dinner with the person either in our lunch you will now see the course it's true and then you realize that the person genetically likes cake and genetically likes sugar it's like genetically likes particular things which leads to those things yes it is and you see that it's like you are made that way yes i remember one husband said that my wife wakes up in the middle of the night and goes to steal chocolate from the fridge when everybody is asleep whilst everybody is asleep it's like the person is a drug addict and the drug is chocolate so i'm just trying to say that even before praying against the weight is like the desire for particular because people see chocolate and cake and tell me i don't eat cake i don't know i'm not i'm not a cake person are you listening to me yes so we are instead of praying about the sicknesses we are praying about the things that lead to that thing so you can pray about that so if you're overweight you can pray about their desires god should reorient your desires when you see vegetables you say aha myself has come when you see cake and things you say oh what is the use of all this how does it help us and you just move on and you see bread bread tends into oil yes if you dissolve it will turn into oil it is carbohydrates yes yeah and rice it turns into oil how do you think you can get oil out of corn and oil out of so many of these seeds yeah it's just so when you eat the rice it just turns into oil and the bread is a wheat as you can see oil you know just it's like a drink one cup of oil please so we are praying you get it for the thing that leads to the thing we are blocking it from the back in jesus name every stand are you people part of the prayer meeting rise up now we are praying there's just a few other of us here in the studio but it's very important prayer meeting it's black midnight over here but we are praying seriously in jesus name lift up your hand and pray we are praying for healing anything that causes me to have a tendency to do things that will dishonor fathers and bring death suddenly and prematurely deliver oh we are praying against sicknesses and praying for healing sickness is caused by dishonoring fathers jesus any sickness and any disease caused by dishonoring fathers oh god deliver us lord deliver us lord have mercy upon ourselves have mercy upon us lord have mercy upon us yes in the name of jesus in the name of jesus father we thank you for delivering us from the tendency yes the tendency to dishonor the tendency to be ungrateful the tendency to cross a line that brings law death and brings diseases yes and and strange things lord upon us forgive us for all that we have done in the past forgive us to dishonor forgive us and to be ungrateful forgive us in the name of jesus christ of jesus nazareth we pray we pray thanksgiving amen amen number three we are praying against food-borne diseases diseases that come through food through today's prayer god is going to give you what to eat wow amen amen john chapter 6 verse 50 this is the bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die so this is the bread that when you eat you will not die so that means that there's bread that you eat and you die yes there's bread that you eat and then you die from eating it and true many many diseases are caused by what you eat even this corona virus touching things putting your hand in your mouth and so on many times causes death all right so one of the divine guidances that comes into your life bringing healing is what to eat yeah genesis 2 verse 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it in the day you eat it you shall die so there are things when you eat you die are you there yes there are things when you eat at least to death so for instance in japan they like raw fish japan raw fish i've eaten some before in a restaurant japanese food raw fish now cancer of the stomach is common in japan and it is believed to be caused by the raw fish that they eat do you see many many many things you see that commonly those who eat this get this disease those who pellagra was caused by people who eat rice which has been scaled or purified or whatever they're taking away i don't know what they take off the rice so many many diseases come from what breast cancer i saw the headlines on one of the newspapers in england 60 of breast cancer they claim will be gone if people lose weight yes yeah so it's like eating causes that many diseases many cancers are caused from being overweight i mean it's amazing so one time i had benny hinn or somebody was talking about the person who discovered omega-3 you see they found out that those in alaska don't get heart attacks and heart disease because they eat the seals the seals that are in the sea the big animals and they are full of fat a certain type of fat which has omega-3 acids in it so it's like eating that would lead to whatever not getting sick so i mean there are so many things about what you eat yeah and in today's prayer you get it god is going to show you eat this ate this eat this for healing and for life lift your hand let's pray father every food-borne disease yes we are healed of it we receive your healing receive your hello ready remember praying against sicknesses caused by food praise love grant me guidance and wisdom wisdom lord wisdom law wisdom law and your guidance oh yes and deliver me i pray less pray against any form of sickness caused by food pray lord deliver me deliver me deliver me soca television the tendency of going for the same food atamosa that is causing any sickness and causing the disease in my body i pray lord deliver me deliver me deliver me deliver me and save me lord deliver me and save me lord deliver any disease that is ready to shorten my life through food loss i pray i pray first deliverance and for mercy my underlapper jeremiah we receive your healing and your mercy lord guide us alone as to what to eat and what not to eat low parameters give us wisdom as we call on you and as we pray to you lord that you have mercy upon us and guide us and show us what to eat and what not you told god to follow me in a minute okay the first help us the prayers of faith lord we offer them to you that he may heal us lord grant us healing show us mercies deliver our so-called every hand lifted up yes pray god show me what to eat show me what to eat should pray about the lord show me what to eat and whatever is negative okay and not good that i like hey that i've not i've grown to like a bad thing save me from that thing save me from yes that i would not like it anymore and i'll be guided lord yes how to eat what to eat oh ah one day i remember asking the doctor i said why is there so much cancer here where they were it was in america and it said to me it's from the meat from the beef yeah it's from the beef you know so you never know whatever maybe that's also what you know one day i went to buy um some uh orange something years ago the water where i was living the water didn't taste good so i always put that thing in so one day when i was buying okay to me that i hope there's nothing bad in this thing that i keep adding to the water because if there's something bad in it and the way i've been drinking it i don't know what's going to happen to me yeah so maybe there is something you like you get it god is going to reveal to you do you believe you have to believe yeah god is going to show you maybe you you like eating rats is your favorite food or some other thing but god is going to show you wisdom today and you believe it amen in jesus name all right we are now going to pray for waterborne diseases amen any sickness that is coming to you through something you are drinking yeah second kings chapter 2 verse 19 and the men of the city said unto elijah behold i pray you the situation of the city is pleasant but the water is not and the ground is barren so they brought him and he cast salt into the water and said thus says the lord i have healed these waters they shall not be from dance any more death they will not be from fans any more death or barren land so water is not going to bring death anymore now you know in the medical profession we have what we call water bone diseases airborne diseases food-borne diseases many diseases i mean the simple food-borne disease that we know that tie for it yeah like in in i went to a certain african country recently and they they you know instead of appendicitis they have tie for it instead of yeah malaria they have more thai for it and because they have more flies they believe that if the fly doesn't go on the food the food is not good but the food is not nice it doesn't taste nice or it's poisonous that's why even the flies know that the food is not good so in that country instead of malaria they have time for it like when somebody has a fever so it's more tight for it than malaria because they have so many flies on all the foods that if life doesn't go even the flour has seen that there's something wrong with the food are you with me so food borne you get it food bone water bone yeah water bone most of the things that they are doing in the pandemic now i've always objected to them i've always sort of done them and people found me odd a lot of the things that people don't do this don't do this now the current protocols yes you see how can a toilet how can how can you go to a toilet okay and then when you are coming out of a public toilet you are holding the handle and then even opening it and pressing hard or turning a hat do you know how many people have come to the toilet before you who didn't watch dance and even don't know how to watch that so even some people watching their husbands just touch water with it like that that is what or some don't wash their hands what are you talking about washing your hands please and many things i don't want to say them on whatever but you see there are many practices god can show you this thing causes this so everyone whatever water in your life drink in your life drink in your life yes it's causing one day a man saw his eyes were yellow his eyes were yeah the doctor said your eyes are yellow let me see your hand look at his hands ah yellow then look he said what is it that he's been drinking alcohol a lot for a long time his liver was spot jaundice from drink most diseases they'll ask you do you drink do you smoke lift your hand and pray waterborne diseases are ending in your life god guides me every poison in my water yes dura massacre yes water that is put in plastic bottles in the sun apparently has something that causes cancer yeah when you have plastic bottles in the heat in the sun for a long time we've been drinking them and they sell it the lord is delivering us amen lift your hand amen amen amen deliver us from water diseases yes waterborne disease yes oh a hallelujah now before we go to the next one we are going to pray a special prayer and give a special offering to god amen about it listen anything that you like that is dangerous i believe god god is going to give you a revelation amen and grace to stop eating that thing from now and this prayer although we are praying is also wisdom that is being imparted one day my mother told me a story she said my father went to las palmas and he ate something and that thing is one of my favorite things to eat yes i will not tell you what it was she told me that he almost died yes from that thing that he had he almost died there you know and then it started to educate me about that particular thing i know you like me to say whatever i will not tell you yeah so i if i look in my life now i can see many things i like that i've stopped eating yeah for instance there used to be sugar in my house and i don't know when the last time we bought sugar i always had sugar like if you are drinking tea there's sugar now we don't i just years ago i thought it was sugar there's something wrong with it so it's like we stopped buying it yeah it's not all the bad things that are gone but i'm telling you the victories that we have those are testimonies yeah there's nothing like sugar in my house and there's nothing like coca-cola in my house yeah it's not that yes i got soda that one cook is six cubes of sugar oh wow so how does it help us so i believe in god with you that god is about to reveal to you amen and he's revealing to you that this thing is not good qatar one day i was invited to a wedding dinner and they brought the food it was a beautiful restaurant everybody was so beautiful then i felt the spirit say don't eat hey everybody was eating i was there i said i will not eat the sickness which came on everybody at the dinner by the next day and i was just wondering wow allah said don't eat this food so you are being given divine guidance take your special offering you know our primitives are not so long anymore so we are getting towards already ending so take your uh offering amen let's give specially at this time i want everybody to give and this offering is a prayer lord lead me in my eating lead me in my drinking lead me in my life why because when jesus came to this world one of the first things he started to see around him was a lot of sickness a lot of suffering and a lot of death and that's why god is leading us to pray and he's showing us different things that are causing all these amen take your special life offering this is i call it a life prolonging of life healing offerings healing offerings take it take it out i'm going to pray with you especially for healing and i'm going to give i'm giving you i told you i'm giving you about seven things amen seven things beautiful and then we are continuing amazing and next time maybe on friday we are going to pray about things to prolong your days yes prolonging days prayers prayer to prolong days and that also has seven points so take out for healing and i want you don't give your offering yet i'm going to pray with you it's like this offering lord lead me in my eating dile leave me in my eating. how many are realizing that most of the death is coming by what we eat and what we drink if so many cancers come from food and they found out that food that has been processed meat that has been processed they have confirmed that once you process the meat it's one of the biggest causes of cancer yes once it goes through any processing the wicked people you see that the things in the teens the things in the tens and the the things they've made into sausages there's different things all those things that have been processed once it's processed the wicked they put things in that's how some of the older people see that they only eat i mean animals that are living you see the one walking outside and that's the one they eat yes all these kind and special fast food and things they don't have it hamburgers and whatever you know receive wisdom you are eating the right thing everyone should be praying well we are praying seven i'm coming to the next one but i need everybody to take your offering in hand and we are going to pray right before you give it everybody take it you're praying for healing today's a healing prayer time amen healing prayer time healing we are praying jesus's life and ministry was in the midst of sickness everywhere there was sickness but he was bringing healing and i believe that you are also going to encounter all these things all around and through the power of god healing is coming into your life in jesus name all right lift up your offering and let's pray father thank you for a grace to give and to believe in you for healing today in the name of jesus christ let there be supernatural power supernatural grace supernatural healing and also supernatural wisdom lord what to eat to drink what to do lord every sin we have been committing that is one of the sickness causing sins we thank you that today marks a turning point where we are strengthened to walk away from those illnesses do those those things we are strengthened to be separated from those sins thank you thank you thank you for your blessed blessed healing that is coming to us today as we pray in jesus name amen amen beautiful now the next thing we are going to pray about is healing through rest and sleep amen yes now do you know that a lion when a lion is left in the wilderness to live do you know how long he lives do you know how long he lives when you leave a lion outside in the wilderness to fight to run to work to follow food every day do you know how long he lives average eight years that's his life now when you catch a lion and you keep him in a cage all right without running and mostly sleeping he lives for 20 years you see so you see that the difference between the rested lion and the lion that is moving always up and down is eight years and 20 years yes so this is one of the studies they did to see the importance of sleeping yes and for me i remember a man told me one day a pastor i was in lebanon and he told me he said you must rest and he said don't forget that the judgment for not keeping the sabbath is death that's what he told me he said don't forget that the judgment for not keeping the sabbath is death i should not forget that yeah for not resting on the seventh day the punishment for it was death that's what he said to me yeah so i'm saying that to you i'm sharing with you amen you see many people when even they comfort and they feel they must work every day don't realize that it's a very unfortunate thing yeah you shall keep the sabbath exodus 31 verse 14. it is holy unto you everyone that defile at it shall surely be put to death yes for whosoever dwelt any work therein that soul shall be cut off from amongst people six weeks six days may work be done but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest holy to the lord all right whosoever does any work in the sabbath day he shall surely be put to death wow and the bible says it is vain to rise up early to set up late to eat the bread of sorrows for so he giveth his beloved sleep from today your sleep is coming amen and those who are sleeping too much is not coming it's going every rising we are praying concerning sleep your life is being extended from eight to twenty like a lion you are going to sleep like a lion now amen a lion in a cage in jesus name lift your hand and pray for the grace of god to receive sleep with deliverance from anxiety and useless work useless things that are draining your life mata para every sleeplessness yes sleeplessness yes is is banished from our lives in the name of jesus christ is foreign yes peace where is where is foreign remember oh now we are praying against sicknesses that are caused by lack of taking medicine yeah now there are some medicines that god expects you to take or wants to give you the wisdom to take amen isaiah second kings chapter 20 verse 7 and isaiah the prophet the great prophet who said by his tribes we are healed said take a lamp of figs and they took it and laid it on the boil and he recovered so there are certain medicine that will block the work of the devil amen now malaria is chloroquine it's a plant chloroquine is a plant is from what they call the sinchona tree and it has been used since 1600 about 400 years 200 years ago it has been used and like somebody said the cure for malaria may be in your backyard and by the way malaria was it's wider than um corona covid far wider when it was i mean working you see what what you don't realize is through immunity and repeated infections from childhood and the treatments with this drink which is from the the back of that tree the back of the tree in chona tree so that tree is cultivated specifically for getting chloroquine queening prema queen queening chloroquine and those queens that is it's been it's originating from peru and it's it has been used for a long time you get it so it's like it's a plant and god wanted to show you that plant that eats this he put the lamp of pigs and when he ate it he was here you see so that's the basis of many uh that's it sinchona tree many healings there are certain things you should take and you will not take it and you may not die so you know one time i had a uh somebody was working for me and i said are you taking this you know and it was nothing i remember one of my pastors he was about to travel and he came to see me in the afternoon you know he was he was going far away and i just said ah are you taking this are you and when i check his uh blood pressure it was the blood pressure of somebody who's just about to have a stroke 200 and something over 200 something you know and i and i said i will not let you travel so he was actually on the way to the airport i said no and then i so it's like i then gave him many people have given them emergency take this yeah take this now and it's like saying like the prophet saying eat this fig tree because that's what it is it is this tree that thing is dark and many things are like that yeah so whatever you know one of the things i said if i had known i would have taken this medicine and that's what i said sometimes when somebody was she taking her medicine was he taking a medicine so whatever medicine or tree or figs you are supposed to be taking do you see you'll be taking it and that's why when this pandemic started i'll encourage i said swallow your chloroquine and even after they bring the vaccine you see you see that cloaking will still be necessary yeah because it has some effect and they haven't done trials on many things now what will you do yeah it may help so by the grace amen i've never seen a disease that has been become so political yeah but that's the blessing of the lord amen so something like this when the missionaries came came to do what the work of god all of them died as if god didn't send them until one of them trusted the local man who had this local help that take this thing this is what we have been taking here and he survived and went on to do the mission so i believe that god is giving you wisdom amen in today's prayer meeting anything that's hidden from you maybe you are supposed to take maybe for your eyes maybe something is happening your eyes are becoming something but there's something that if you were to take you will save yourself from going blind god is giving it to you today amen amen lift your hands makata bara nola masha and alababanda pray against all diseases that need medicine that maybe you are deceived about and you are i don't know traditionally not going to take whatever but god is healing us right now healing is coming right healing is coming healing is coming right it's coming healing is coming right my god hey in the name hello lack of taking in medicine hey la oh yes to live long to live life god show it to let me not be blinded and cut off from what is necessary oh yeah for my life reveal it to me reveal it help me to have it give it to me show me lord show me wisdom lord show me the faith you will go away reveal the medicine to us up foreign is finally we are praying number seven prayers for healing today and we are praying for against any sickness that needs a special key that we don't know about special wisdom key amen so in other words we are praying for healing through wisdom special wisdom keys all these ones you can change them to prayer for uh prayer for healing amen that come through sin prayer for healing that comes through this from sickness that comes from these honoring prayers for healing in sickness that was caused by water sickness that is caused by lack of rest sicknesses caused by lack of medicine sickness that is caused by the lack of a special key in man now one day paul said to timothy drink no longer water but use a little wine for thy stomach's sick and then often infirmities now you see wine is not medicine wine is wine but wine according to paul's wisdom at that time he felt that if he drank a little wine it would um help his problem and you have drunkards who want to use this as a reason to drink if you're a drunkard pray for healing for the drug being a drunkard and stop using misusing scriptures you know one day i met a brother he was in a wheelchair he was being pushed in a wheelchair and he was in a wheelchair because he had a terrible back condition and he couldn't really walk so he was being pushed in a wheelchair and he was going for um an operation so i told him i gave him a key i said let me give you a key if you believe what i'm saying you'll be okay you will not need the operation but he was in a wheelchair i'm talking about somebody has gone as far as wheelchair and i gave him a key and he believed what i told him and he did what i said i will not tell you what i told him he's normal by the grace of god yes and he will always tell you so um sometimes there is a wisdom key you know one day i was somewhere and i also had a back ache and there was a lady there i didn't know she's not a doctor or anything she told me something about that it is being caused by your shoes i was angry with that i was well you don't know what you know about medicine yeah and it was but it was true because shoes caused back back pain yes shoes can cause back pain so you see there may be a special wisdom key all that you need that somebody had a sinus problem one day and i said the lord said drink seven cups of water and declare sinus one time i met stevie wonder and he told me a key to cure sinuses yeah in just a few times seconds i interacted with him yeah so you see there are many uh wisdom keys so whatever wisdom key there is you may be going for to do an operation because you you think operation is you in your mind it's like a plug that you take something out of a socket but you don't know if that's not how the human body is remember it's not like a socket you just i'll remove this and everything is the same it's not like that so we are praying for healing any special wisdom key father i am opening myself guide me show me tell me let somebody tell me help me with special wisdom keys for healing like you gave to timothy through paul like you gave to hezekiah through the prophet isaiah give me special wisdom keys that will deliver me from sickness and disease lift your hands and pray we are ending this prayer time of praying for healing very soon but just pretty quickly this is a very important prayer special wisdom yes yes no rather than choice oh princess foreign pray for healing that comes to a special wisdom oh god oh god everybody lift your hand and pray for healing healing pray for healing lift your hands yes father we are praying for you we are praying for healing in our bodies in our bodies of every disease oh yes that comes through sickness and disease that comes through sin amen that comes to dishonoring fathers that comes through food yes yes yes that comes through water that comes together comes through lack of rest lemonade pray for healing that comes from medicine yes we pray for healing that comes through a special wisdom lift up your hand yes pray right now for the power of god your mother yes m foreign hey to serve you properly without tiredness without premature death without sudden death without unexpected disasters thank you from the viruses from the diseases a thank you for healing thank you for healing thank you for healing of our bodies thank you for mercies lord thank you for life lord thank you for healing amen amen hallelujah how many are glad to pray for healing today what a blessing to pray for healing amen now we are moving on to the next important topic go back to jesus's life and ministry and we see he healed many that were sick of diseases and cast out many devils and suffered not the devils to speak because they knew him and in the morning rising up a great while before day he went out and departed into a solitary place and there prayed so now i believe that god is guiding us to pray even more you know one of the things about christian life is persistence in something the persistence it's not about starting you know or being excited about something you know we are we are we are so exuberant and excited about oh god yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know but it's about continuing to pray yes so jesus was not moved by his victories in the miracles that had just happened but he got up and said it's time to pray no meanwhile he's had great victories he's fasted already and started preaching but after the victories of this plenty diseases peter's mother and then they brought all the sick people to him and healed them all now time to pray you see we will say i'm going to pray because i'm going to preach but he was praying after preaching are you listening because prayer is you it's your life so there are some people who even used to be part of the prayer meeting that have fallen off out of tiredness or out of exhaustion actually it's too much we can't continue actually look we are tired we are sleeping you see but no our prayer life are going to rather go higher after the victory amen how many believe that you are overcoming this pandemic in jesus name but so we are going to pray about our prayer life but before we do that i feel the need for us to bind the evil spirit that is attacking us through the virus viral diseases and epidemics in the name of jesus we banish it from our presence from our life you know malaria was the frightening disease of africa you can imagine white people coming here they were really brave where people just die after two weeks after three weeks after well another two weeks they would die like six weeks four weeks six weeks they'd be dead it was called the white man's grave africa was called a white man's grave and they came for money and they came for business and they came also as missionaries all right so we cannot stop we cannot end this particular prayer without praying about the current plague that is warring the world but there has always been but i think we are shocked because of the way it has stopped things we feel that is the wildest ever in the world but it's not it's not at all malaria has killed far more road traffic accidents in ghana have killed far more people than this pandemic so there are many problems that have befallen mankind but today we are faced with one big one and we are praying because i say lord let this thing not come now us we bind the effect of the devil's work and we bind the demonic powers that are killing people through this virus yes thank god for the science thank god for vaccines thank god for chloroquine vitamin c and zinc by the way these are the three chloroquine vitamin c and zinc it goes together if you don't take the zinc it doesn't work if you don't take the vitamins it doesn't work you don't think the chloroquine doesn't work all three please make sure you have this wisdom keys amen now we are binding it yes we are rejecting it we are cursing it and we are banishing it let's rise up and pray jesus it will have no effect on us yes in the name of jesus wherever yes we rebuke you yes we banish you we punish you we repel you the spirit of the wave of death yes in the name of jesus yes foreign impending death spirit of coming death yes spirit of approaching death yes by day by noon by day after day month after month we drive it out in the name of jesus we're driving out in the name of jesus we intercede against the power oh my my god my god lift your hand and repel the power repel the power yes it will not happen to you because of your prayers today yes yes with your holy hands lift your holy hands foreign by the saving power of jesus christ no matter where you are whether you are in america whether you are in canada england switzerland germany wherever you are south africa the blood of the lamb the blood of the lord it's a covering when i see the blind for recovery in i want us to pray something i'm hearing in the spirit normalization normalization normalization realization because everything is abnormal normalized everything is abnormal normalization nothing is normal yes even where there's not much coronavirus shaking things are not normal and i sense the need to pray for normalization normalization normalization are you hearing me yes normalization of your life or ministry this thing has brought like something strange into the whole world something strange into the whole world something odd something funerals are strange weddings are strange chat service is strange everything is strange it's amazing lift your hand normalization power of normalization by the rejection of the coverage yes entity that has come to walk in the air oh yes it's rebuke and repaired oh yes in the name of jesus the name of jesus christ take up a chant in the spirit wherever hey normalization normalization normalization foreign foreign okay is my i want to show you something yes as we deal with this thing finally you know apart from everything yes all right the coroner has come to bring a spirit of fear that's the that is one of the and fear has torment and fear paralyzes you remember when gideon was going to war he had so many people backed out they were they were not able to function do you see now in the uk how many people have died of coronavirus does anybody know so far does anybody know how many people died at corona somebody should find out how many people died of corona in this year i mean corona 52 52 000 people have died yeah now many times do you see uh the corona is blamed it's like a devil that is blamed for everything because let's say in 2018 all right 616 000 people died in the uk normal dying 616 000 people died that normal dying no corona so many things sometimes it's like it was just present in the person when the person died or it contributed to the person's dying or it was just it was just there it was a sight but the present day of something else that the quran made the thing worse so when you i'm sure you're surprised to hear that 616 000 people die in the uk only in one year the average is about six hundred thousand so apart from everything there's the fear and if they were to be announcing every day six hundred thousand divided by uh how many days in a year 365 how much you get 660 1600 if every day they announced on the news thousand people have thousand people have died today thousand six hundred have died today another thousand six hundred and sometimes two thousand people have died i'm just that small uk island you see how terrified everybody will be yeah so apart from everything and the reason i'm saying is that because when the corona came there were certain things that i wanted to do but i realized that there was some paralysis of fear in the system you can't even do things normally yeah not i don't mean meeting so i mean like something i could have things i could have done privately like work but it's like you become afraid yeah it's like there's something can you imagine if every day we announced 800 people have died in the uk today 600 people have died 2 500 people god they must be die every day in huge numbers so let us come against the spirit of fear god has not given us a spirit of fear whatever that spirit is trying to do to lead you away from the right thing is bound today in the name of jesus lift up your hand against the spirit of fear and paralysis and allah m hey foreign in the name of jesus fear of tomorrow yes throughout the future of sudden death fear of illness yes fear of sickness yes of tomorrow in the name of jesus christ foreign ah oh when i was in medical school they taught us i forgot the name of the subject but something about it was something to do psychological something but they were talking about the effect of disease that disease has other effects and one of the effects that it affects your finances too okay yeah so disease can eat away so this this virus is the spirit of a canker when a permanent to eat up everything that we have yes but you see do you see and there's also a spirit of deception in the thing how many are surprised when i told you 616 000 people died in the uk in 2018 every year is about 600 and something thousand that means thousands 600 every day supposing they are not your area 100 have died this area 40 have died this area will you'll be afraid every moment it's very wide and 52 000 have died that is 52 000 out of the normal number of 600 000 that is the current corona in the uk so there is an element things are attributed of course people are dying but there is an element of i don't know what you know what so every palmer when are you that has come to suck up eat up your blood yes eat up your wealth eat up your good life yes in jesus name jesus let's lift up our hand and begin to find powers that have come to eat up your life eat up your future eat up your ministry eat up your existence eat up your family eat up your money eat up your savings eat up your business eat up everything that is about you in the name of jesus christ foreign lift your hands yes oh hey my great army which i sent among you include the locust the locals the locals did he say he said i'll restore the years so the year the locals at the whole year something has eaten up 2019. the whole year is gone eaten by the locust eaten by the palmer eaten by the cankerworm the caterpillar lift your hand right now begin to arrest caterpillars spiritual caterpillars that eat up 2019. they want 2020 and they want to add 20 21. marrow foreign my foreign i rebuke ah hello foreign oh yes jesus oh yes yes father we thank you for the end of coronavirus i want every handle that i thank god for normalization normalization normalization the punishment in the name of jesus yes we bind its power and its influence in the name of jesus name of jesus savior of the world father thank you thank you for hearing our prayer in jesus name jesus name amen amen take your communion take your holy communion jesus oh yes everybody wherever you are we have prayed for healing but now we are taking the holy communion and we are believing god for healing amen thank you father your word says that every time we receive the blood and the body we do show the lord's death until he comes the broken body of jesus let this come as a blessing to thousands that are part of this service let us come as an answer to problems that have no solutions that has come as an answer for our prayer for healing today thank you jesus thank you for the cross on which your body was broken broken wide that we might have life your life was taken that thousands of us might have life we honor you lord living for jesus thank you for healing let miracle power now move through this holy communion and minister to your children across the world thank you the body of jesus christ if you wanna be my disciples now lift your hand and receive his power his blessing yes lord whatever stinking smell is associated with you goes because of the blood prayer changes things and prayer changes your destiny and now comes this vlog to wash away legally everything that is against you all ordinances writings evidence reasons the blood of the lamb the most powerful blood precious blood the lamb of god that takes away the sins of the world may your sins be taken away and transported away from your presence the blood of jesus be my disciples receive your healing receive your rest receive peace yes receive grace receive grace and rest rest rest from your battles rest from conspiracies rest from meetings that are held against you rest from wickedness that is lifted against you rest from the arm of the enemy that is exalted over your existence in the name of jesus i rebuke the hand that stretched out against you and i said come back oh and go back go back the hat that is stretched out to resist you yes in jesus name i rebuke your resistance in the name of jesus i rebuke your thank you in the name of jesus may the lord bless you may the lord bless me now is the time may the lord keep you the lord keep me may the lord keep you may the lord make his the lord lift up his countenance over you and give you peace be blessed be blessed rejoice for the lord has taken from you the smell yes the failure yes the difficulty the smell of difficulty and has changed upon lives and the smell of your life therefore lift your hand and rejoice but the lord thy god in the midst of this is mighty it strengthens you today amen he saves you today he rejoices over you with joy he joins over you with singing thank you father thank you for your blessing in jesus name deny yourself you
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 8,179
Rating: 4.9858656 out of 5
Keywords: Dag Heward-Mills, Evangelist, Prophet, Flow, Prayer, Meeting, First Love, Prayer Meeting, Psalm 1, Nations, 190 Nations, United Denominations, Loveliness prayers
Id: ft-cu2CzmtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 47sec (13787 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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