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he directs hunters together a little misunderstood occurring when he given a Santos opinion tolling enemy Mukunda Santoshi maa laa la that tolling then he the next Santos of the rebels on the schwa recurring then go beyond Salva see the hair Allah he and the horizontal say Obama duck in the based on a guillotine pasado con Drupada parry apart chemically hallelujah my mother vitiation think I can hang in me make a martyr Donna rather the gamelan the peacock evening Angela my nanny the monkey dada hari an indoor akela now Superman you know David Mahanagar Anthea they again they are Amita they could it the Sun the supporting rain mama then began in a mood McGee loukoumades ah my Vivian WA Hansa gave watching the VN Mahon sharp attack attack underwater even now Rudy of artillery indication for the time I'm gonna put you three are on in a portable other than melodica either ignore the are Nagato varjak Vivian Rohan Sippy versioning up Ohama a cassia taffy Hawk had that name a hurry you can see it as sia curricula at any parrot areum the every of our till indoor theater cinema room for the Posada Vida mala Vidal a new trick Endora the saree and the trip Evelyn he did I mean he has a dementia living here then passive a little hoodie a cure put duck sub the garand Danna a hammer put the movie theater you can predict that cannot this again loco diarrhea I'm gonna not take a point of them our girl Unger Kate poor and the pay Chara Kukui from Apollo visitor are they polish at important I really pretty I close up a Samba Heidi no I can't happy they shake a hollow key no quadrant one are the rainy hello Seneca high key no English Sevilla Botha her under the pitch other Hollow and solemn for the ninja like amore vole equal to PA de ba ya ya know kick in the Silurian neither I don't know they are not a tivo Nadia Nicola kappa haaa you know some of the ghana not linear let us attempt along hallelujah hurry something like a here no Alleluia Serie A Level 3's at important Malamud Oakland the pool on the Gilligan what does moody my father think put that comedy Hebei but the other Yama think I be a happy surprise Karev oh oh yeah vomiting match in the DNA up a scene ELISA how did it mama may have a Karen Lang - come on Doc Antonio Bay British are a nun Caillou waited on Gloria or pinnacle Pauline Ali Shah Mardan vinegar of modena replica away to them and a hurry hallelujah he didn't attack happy Bishop back here at Mills were a papillae Gamow Riviera hunters - theorem in whom the police on Nadia dealer are you a turkey under oh dear Dawson ever ever hallelujah hallelujah let us pray father thank you for your blessing a picnic robust family but yeah she values a suti this morning new dancin guide us by your mighty spirit bohon Sookie Balaban top the tree aftermarket end of your perfect will Rohan's to get some pune comet that we are grateful happy ah gear carnival or greater works Bala battery events and ha that you are going to do for us about the crunchy and now in Jesus name we pray response to get up in a Fiat knockin man I mean you may be seated oh but I've already been to pull one please turn with me to Acts chapter 10 Matsumoto bogie Bible a Korea the Harvey departure the polenta and I want to share with you this morning on something very important me - about somebody that weather got there but I gotta Bala protein over amen I mean now in Acts chapter 10 there was a certain man in Caesarea called khan alias Yadav in apologetic in our cursor key and now Pradesh a lamp you see militia CATIA Cornelius Kyra a Centurion of the band and he had a vision invest three or Ciera mullah Danny available to Nene paddock you know the darshana club una can you can you lower his volume in this one for me lord please too high here for me and he saw in a vision an angel of God coming into him and saying unto Him Kanaly us all right and when he looked he said what is it Lord and he said your prayers and your arms have come up for a memorial before God so send men to Joppa and call for one Simon whose name is Peter astonied Arsenio doc Adel duty Kerala Jota kjelva Brigade on además de gay swab in behind Saavedra family at the minima and when you serve at your family shaky avala Seamon Petroski on Dagobah Lucia about a hunter over a cat a canopy no sir so you can see from this story that Cornelius saw an angel make atomic unit of repair of a Cornelius that do able to take that shanira and the angel was not allowed to speak to Cornelius about Jesus if they ever do that I was 11 ahead Cornelius the Usos once again a kataka runt and Cornelius was rather asked to go and get Peter even with a Cornelius Tokiwa abomination Yavana Pedro's pagina Gunther so Peter was very important in the will of God being done inside the AVN vahana he came at the some food event up a true skip a medium atomic weather got alotta Buena so in Sri Lanka in Sri Lanka V and in Asia even our CRV and all over the world became a low-key Emmylou Lima there are angels they will do to em City Nova all over hamas tanyaconnor working on kriya carnival for god debian behind sedessa recently I was praying and I saw angels in the house and outside where I was so many of them they were just wait they were just sitting there Muhammad are stricken Dhaka do do TNA grew hair to not grow him Peter that hammer Stanley Cup no rest velocity the angels are everywhere they ever do their hammers Taneycomo cinema but they are not allowed to speak not only available and haircut a current this great work of salvation may gallery my beloved creado has been restricted to people like us who are physically on this earth Cosima colotti Barack Obama malucia anta maple over to La Diva venado and this is a great privilege make a hot Varaprasad eeeh and today most Christians sits down clapping for themselves and doing very little domination Kristiania on Val Davila own a polygon in Cataumet ma Zulu Vera Carmen Cedeno thinking that the work has already been achieved on hitter neva Acharya then Thomas on Pavel ivory Kiana are you listening to me honk and Egon invited me over there sooner yes who can do no other most churches boast about the nappy with what they have achieved on Satoru not Parker Agata Buddhism body in revelations chapter 11 le drop o de alcalá zona pellucida best one Halloweeny Padilla bubbles describes the two witnesses I believe is instant hysterical massage Shekar and the director who were given power to prophesy revelations 11 best three draw a colossal opportunity patentable ado non-additive a key key enter they were given power to prophesy and to preach on w- aquakey on today's not granted and when in the seventh they finished preaching on - Nicola you are a pastor Anthony Padilla the Beast arose and killed them amore and agra tala album Arawa verse 10 the Harmony Padilla [Music] rejoice over them and make merry and shall send gifts one to another Pallavi G but the nomoreshame our nice umbrella pretty santosha Kinnikinnick are the tag who americana but after three days the mood of us to look at a passage spirit of life entered into them AG we are known to eat a to loot and they stood up on Sita gotta and great fear fell on all those which saw them Mahad Beauty hakuna that couch a mechanic madam a veteran the prime gotta so the point that I'm trying to make is that you know some hockey and hard rock are not am I just as in the case of these two witnesses min-suk Shikari and then negate crea of a gamer the enemies thought they were dead Saturday he to our own Merrill Aquila but they rose up after three days now a tuna dollar persona with Nikita and when the enemy thought they had the victory or the charitable Aquila the Bible says that they will rejoice and send gifts one to another Bible akira on pretty metallic in a car to take Mary oh so true we know but you see in the very next verse no te Lanka paddy they rose up to know about a persona that I get tomorrow name what am I trying to say because the Marquis and Haddon am saying that the church is behaving like these people rejoicing before time McKean estaba la mia mama mboga Karla de prata main unsoldered oner making merry and congratulating ourselves over pretty metallic in the carbon so true Corrigan dava before we should pay parity interpreter main these people mamo-chan rejoiced on pretty mucuna and made merry sorta to end the panga the very next verse young gay in lockup add a whole thing turn around see you know midi on each party Harouna so it is premature rejoicing in maasai catalytically between now pretty madhurima and it was costly to them yeah to me logically expendable in the same way ever gamer there is a lot of premature rejoicing in the church father to not call it a protamine pretty Muffy much better because because the here to this work has not been done make re Thomas on Putin hand thank God for the churches we've built up a good whacha Bhavan get a divorce a suit avail at the real work of God number two beyond the hunter gets a back I can assure you about but Akira has not been done at all Thomas on put a veil on hand if you really look at the situation Oh Bertram about our leaders of Elwood in the world today Aldo said oh here - you will not say that the Church of God has gone to the ends of the world and has preached the gospel everywhere Jesus asked us to preach bricky Annabelle's abhava Liu County dr. Laham autonomous uber and she - Nicola - binocular today at the Davos a missionaries are no longer sent missionary brutal duty on will abandon her most churches don't send missionaries vamos trabajan machinery burn marijuana in hand - anywhere create a lot most churches are not doing sacrificial things for God bababang kappa meme Kerman disadvantages make him marry and sending gifts one to another both of our pretty matter in akhira Katayama no only to discover that the rejoicing was to ally pastor tomorrow taro yan don't get pretty mad rima kallingal Aquila hallelujah hallelujah another mistake however a doctor my what we don't realize is that we are not the only people on this earth a potato gun metadata my opinion a mere Pallavi now a comma militia you see even science shows that the creatures that have been here with the jalapeno Tajiri mastani in the Latino yes Oh other creatures may not GV before the ones we are we see now Abbadon that can achieve intercooling I love all the planets that have been discovered so eager to be now agraja Lokomotiva this f may pro - beer has been chosen a Couture ganeti bear oh my god Debian ba also be seen to put creatures here G we missed an eatable Pedersen even the devil yuk Shah Baba he was cast out of heaven who was virgeen Peter Mandela he fell out of heaven who's virgeen vanilla miss Jupiter Jupiter palooka Allah amidst such a ruckus missed mass missed mercury it's been a mercury grapple and that missed Venus Venus kilogram that strike here kill him a maypole or Tamiya V and that's why we are having the problems we are ability because oh here look at the satiric made up Aneesa yes oh now recently not so long ago one of my pastas male Agadir could actually made a story Paulo creamy ricotta wekiwa he said this is in London okay we'll make a London Melissa deunan he said they were praying for some people some people yeah Oh yuck no cream Satya Mancha condom there was a white girl in London London Veloso to cantos idea she started to manifest a shock baking to speak in a Nigerian language about sue Duke on Taba she started to speak with a man's voice Omalu sheikh jihad in Qatar and Bahrain got in a Nigerian language by GDL Basha hockey when the demon was asked come out yeah sure take you away leading Mikayla then this is what happened mega tamo-guna and the demon said yuck Shakira have been here for four hundred years Mamma Mia style too harshly acadia I'm not going anywhere Momoko he returned in hand and they were shot all put them in a pot you see before they were born these are people are twenty whatever years old metal read out of his sight long before you came to Sri Lanka over Sri Lanka interpreter made or you came to wherever you are Natalie now start in the spirits that have been here on the carpet Iranian started to grow yes we are not the only ones up in America bar and they are watching us over belong we never know what we are doing on the new economy can see us own a preparer oh Jesus yes who sponsors come to this world may locate our way to save us of your galavan is gonna be a commission a cardiac bar dental a chop suey hallelujah and the more we believe in him a beautiful service economy the more we do what he say Asik in a car academically right not the blessing on our life forget about the very middle hallelujah hallelujah and he has told us vows of tequila to be our show abigai car is to go yonder not only priest but to go there's not an attractive a yonder today now say we measure churches by the amount of money they have appears Ababa Moreno determined on Moodle Kandra me but Jesus measures churches by the sending capacity not irresponsible marry me Aoyama Romani not the seating capacity on Val develop Ramon in the way sending capacity Java up Romani most churches you can send anybody Mosab our locality I'm under behead who is going to go anywhere Oh the karate Antony everybody wants safety himoto warrior a about prosperity so Pilate comfortability how to come insert into security Irish it reversed into establishment realize it into a sonogram should leave the big city a pico de melo coup de gras dolly and who should go far away a Piedra parity and me no no but Jesus somebody s responsive oh you are under go yonder preach random and the demons they come up with everything else apart from going and preaching yeah akka Volga River Janek additional kilometer when you preach things like what I'm saying you look out in the church today mama Caravaggio by - nakuru baba be able to collect by the pathway no why should I be awed in the church hey mama saw Bobby able to collect Wendy well the founder of the church said we should go and we should preach Sababa mullah Arabic European dilapidation occur on Tory why is it that preaching about money is what is comfortable in the church is the church a bank Moodle began additional chronic apostrophe needs about tuna sub Avila Bank what is the Church of Bank suburban quad Pournami how do you say oh all the leather is the Church of bank suburban quadrature University University with the church is a church about Venice Ababa oh oh and church things should not be strange in the church Saba Davis about to Lama to depend on other day lujah hallelujah God is going to bless us maybe on the housetop - we'll buy the currency as we decide to follow him upon subahu common occurrence - what only we can do avo give up it up America ran a poll on the Africa recruiter now then one day there are the most TV Wanda Wanda Stevie Wonder get a holiday barato the read English he sang a song I just kick a holiday know the older data Oh one day he came to our church Victor had also confessed about Allah and we said Oh what can you sing a song for us before you go appear ot undercutting up the scene to a key and a particular he came on stage and he played the piano ostatic revealed a piano Kagawa and then he sang posaga nicola now afterwards he de passe one of my pianist told me something a piano connect in America Line's a great lesson Mamaluke apart about Kiki regatta he said ok Wow Stevie Wonder is not Stevie Wonder is blind Stevie Wonder in LA and I said it's not like such a great pianist Oh hold on I'm a PR Ichabod record and applause Sangeeta nickname a it is amazing that he is blind and he can do what he's doing Naruto under Indiana thierry de Vaudreuil caputo Mia so I realized that the greatness is that you cannot see but you can do in Samara purim makeable Avantika barabra parinama that is what is fantastic Agatha my poutama cara de hallelujah hallelujah and for you and I were at matter what is fantastic look at the public holidays that we cannot see this angel abre made a routine appearing here we cannot see demons evident throughout the Payoneer we haven't seen Jesus a few years to sponsor medical and ahead we believe the peevish master he says go and we are doing things without seeing advance Sakura and Aquila Pataki know this is why the Bible says there's a Bible a kyani the elders obtained a good report by faith by Mahalo Adelina poverty baklava got a hallelujah hallelujah so we are going to get a good report from God in a separate area under house again you have our seventeen leave me more of the things develop a very pure wishmaster color that we cannot see I've been a pain in Athens we believe that they are real topic a mishmash connected hallelujah hallelujah and one of the great things we must believe a Polish mascara to the beloved there when Jesus says yes the sponsor Kiawah I will build my church ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Corina garantia Nava this is the only institution make a Tamiya Kamiya Taniya that Jesus said he will build yes Isfahan sake will master kundo Garagiola how many want to join Jesus in building the church she then I came to the years of sponsors a Maga is about Cunegonde eager to enter Mecca to sell apartment Oh hallelujah hallelujah now if you want to build the church over to Ernest Ababa good inventor you must know that you are joining Jesus is special projects but then again Tony here so sponsor give Ischia via put your summer Bassam bundle vernacular hallelujah hallelujah it is Jesus's heart beats yes uh sponsor jihad against one to build churches suburban good nagging equal church growth mega church church planting Sabha Vardhan officials abomino abomino furniture maker now these books may put tuna the mega church we shall is about where's the video man video Benicia codeine are you in front this one okay yeah beautiful now aha do you see that I wanna make up a another Oh Oh sounds like no and this one may Potter oh and this one may butter oh I'll say ow what about this one maple to pay another oh and this one may about the church planting tsubame Roper a Karima oh oh and this one may put the pay another Oh beautiful now if you read the Bible the Bible here would you never see the cow Adama dhakini cutting one church a casaba one big church oh look who's Ababa there's nothing like that in the Bible bah bah bah only see a series of churches for duck in the suburban mashaallah pramana Kiku Decatur yeah you don't see one Church obey a casaba doc you see a series of checks but that you know suburban mashaallah pramanya acts after nine Creon 31 I'm talking about church planting open agreement Katara Sri Lanka with a thousand churches Sri Lanka versa bandagi Cape Eureka plus another devil I said filling Sri Lanka with 1000 churches Sri Lanka the suburban dark again pure Americana I want to give you a vision material production event of 1000 chatters suburban targeted Arsenal with 1000 church buildings suburban doctor good- aha in this country made a guerrilla me some ago I'll do Galaga pretermit had a camp meeting in my church like it's a barbarous remarked Ebola and the topic was 1000 micro churches a Kmart ricotta my kudos abend aha it sounded fantastic because I'm they call it the Padma Carla softer Hannukah Hannukah but today now what are the dow say we have crossed one thousand churches a piece of Amanda Hippolyta barren and we are happy for ten thousand hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so I want to give you that vision in Summit audio production is for you tie bomber in tackling 1000 caches suburban da and 1000h buildings in Sri Lanka in Sri Lanka Bangladesh hallelujah you can do it over a cranapple WA you can do it Oh breaker and Apollo and God will bless you Vivian Vance Oh Brad she bother catch planting sabar opener planting of churches tsubame Roper agreement Acts chapter 9 verse 31 Creon omnia paratus equity body and then had the churches not church churches emitter is suburban suburban urban suburban rest throughout all Judea Galilee and Samaria and were edified Judea Galilee Samaritan Osceola suburban or Vardhan event apparent got a hallelujah hallelujah Acts chapter 15 verse 41 Clea pulusu departure the haughtiness equity father and he went through Syria and Cilicia confirming the churches Syria versus initial reading carbon-carbon double bond Shakti mater and burrata acts 16 and verse 5 crea Dawson apology the pacifist so where the churches plural churches in mrs. suburban Iike Bachchan Elsa Bhavan Romans chapter 16 Roma - civil parishes past 16 ever given a souvenir Padre Romans 16 Robidas a salute one another with a holy kiss you get a Churches of Christ salute you the church's unique artists will be making our cha-cha recurrent Sababa uberta sharkarosa Bhavan first Corinthians 14 verse 34 collect your women keep silence in the churches iike currency diet reduce a trainee Padilla o bogey can taverns abhava to learn in chapter verse winter hallelujah hallelujah churches homogeneous evangelist Corinthians chapter 16 verse 19 a kokorin Tadasana parachuted the Honda marrapodi the churches of Asia the churches of Asia salute you ASEAN is Sabourin Austria is evolved an uber touch our carnal are you in Asia Asia absolutely churches tsubame not one big church a collusive economy with one famous pasta maker procedure for Greek a creamy churches pastors second Corinthians chapter 8 the current apartment purchase 23 and 24 mr. tuna Padilla obviously after anybody it says in Stanek here we have sent whether do inquire of titus he is my partner he is my fellow helper and our brethren be enquired of they are the messengers of the churches of the Churches of Christ response again Miami nothing like one church a Kosovo garrachova Sudan brain in my Bible Maggie Bible attitude hallelujah hallelujah and that's 24 BC hysteria Nevada where for so heed them show you to them before and before the churches independent of your love own dependent current Oberg a Promethean now Sathya Sai Baba Italy second Corinthians chapter 11 verse number 28 currently a Colo soon apology they will see at a mini paddle this is Paul speaking about his his burden means a power will Katara no visa holder and get what is Paul saying because the pollyanna sighs besides all those things that are outside paternity be novel serum error on that which cometh upon me daily that was pitama Peter permanent novel take care of all the churches seal mahabhava and rackable organic many churches for suburban there's nothing like a church a casaba Aquila DNA was not looking after a church ba-ba-ba-ba-ba gotta connect me looking after cheese who's above Raja Bala gotta hallelujah now look at first the solonius chapter 2 verse 14 DeCoteau Salonika developer chili de otra parte de balón toe it says in sonic year veteran Sahad Rainey you became followers of the Churches of God in Judea in Judea which is a small place hot churches Judea Nevada predation Avada Kedavra dishes tsubame reject abouna Wow judges tsubame not one church a casaba economy 1000 charges suburban da ha I prophesied negative arc Achilles pickets America Tucker need to come to pass practically make a permanent yellow prayaga cover hallelujah hallelujah Galatians Delta 1 Galati portions chapter 1 galati parallel parishes number two everybody let's read from best one colony Penelope Chioma from best one shaken by man monastic to Lilith Tori but by Jesus Christ I'm what year's Christmas God the Father ever give a PR and raised him the death Oh Marley negative and all the brethren which are with me we are writing unto the churches of Galatia masamori no children a pacala:the Venables above adult a lira a small place like Galatia a number of churches Galatea neva could a Pradesh it's above an Russia FIBA yes o churches Sababa plural hwacha knee God is into building many churches Vivienne Babu suburban good nagging to someone develop any when a pasta has one big church he is famous and it is nice a cappella corrector Lucas about staccato procedure where Michael I'm sorry God is building churches the Maldivian Mansur Shah Baba Raja good nagahama revelations chapter one and best number four elder law paulo parque de hitori Nevada John to the seven churches which are in Asia Johan Asiata Venice Abbas at italiana seven churches which are in Asia Accio to universe evolved on Saturday not the one Church in Asia our CEO to be no because of our enemy the seven churches in Asia vamos hacia to be no suburban hospital so God is going to raise you up inside the B&B also go negative on Tierra become a shepherd oh but the indirect Filipinos and a builder ever give a good nagging equator a megachurch a shallow Sababa and that is what I wrote in this book about the mega church Yaga Tom I'm a poet Emily wait mashaallah sabaki neuropathy hallelujah hallelujah I think this is mega Tameka official sábado mega big church after Bashar Assad oh and a big church yes official service by having many churches yeah three shells about we had a neighbor who saw Bob Encarna coroner how many are ready to be involved in becoming a shepherd Oh Bucky the neck indirect when the pseudonym the Bogalusa Lapine mundo a shepherd a direct way no Sudan and Paulo correct - Sudan and a teacher guru an acquaintance Sudan and off the word Debian behind soggy Bachchan attend with me to Hebrews chapter 5 man Sam again here bro possibly palsied repellent Hebrews chapter 5 hey bro past many part shaded that's $12 Sweeney paddy and it says in Stanek you know for the time when you ought to be teachers you have need that one should teach you again so there is a time when you ought to be a teacher in Stanek you know of a guru Eric went to the car every Latino Oh baked in a car to Grandma a penis a key and a guru a wreck went over a collie activator amen amen and God is expecting the venerable operator that many of you ba ba-da-da would become teachers of a guru a regular of the word maybe an Mahalo Suki Bocchini now there's at least a thousand people here and if we have a thousand teachers of the word we should have a thousand churches me astonied are Kouta militia Unova but dhamma guru renew not a bit above and on you should have one of the thousand churches a better dying Saba von Konig and Apollo amen I mean don't worry whether you are called pasta title is not what we need we need the work to be done Oh Berta rocky rocky Nevada at the connect again a callable event a puppy dog taro true enemy Abaddon acharya karate man mamita work to beat an avid or acharya current whoever is doing it a canola mechanic just do it make a current and let us fill the nation apadeshi of promo with a series of churches suburban russia Kogan now then what is important because the weather got really is to know how to do the work of God David Maharaja Hari Oklahoma the Quranic in a container gardening how to do the work of God Hazuki Carly Quran in other words we're not fashionable now to build churches Mohammed the survival good Lang money amen I mean how to start a church this is chapter 8 in this book home addis ababa good member nickim airport a after many parish a daily relative in number 8 make up very parity the molarity how to start a church come home addis ababa Caramba quran me amen I mean you see people say dudududu manager Kira Quran the Quran the Quran but how do you do it now much cocoa butter bake granny how do you do it how many currently how to start a church home addis ababa car 8 of this book me report they are too many polish ad now i can tell you the motto very key and apple one to start church Sabich Arabic Quran Aquila is very simple ok Talmud masala number one Paula we need a count the cost 18 ee of a canonical a balance amen 14:28 look that way we see a tree but if you intend to build a tower obey MKC cunegonde hands down first Islamabad will count the cost a camellia got an air current when I started a church in Ghana Ghana bah-bah-bah Caramba caneva take was a student mama Leszek and it meant that when it was holiday time I would not be able to go home for holidays bobak Arabic neva do call him a together a until I been a name that was the cost to me Agatha my mother given the tea without million and I counted that cost mommy Amelia Ghana Nicola and I knew from 10 Universal mama there are a dozen to be there on Sunday mommy did Adele say sorry in Toni I was enjoying my holidays mama Maggie Nevada was Satoru but now but now then I was committed mama kappa velocity ax count the cost Amelia Gannon a current anybody here who wants to be involved in the work of God it will cost you something miss Donna the viedma Hikari event or whatever connect oh but Amelia given to venema amen I mean you know we have a nice big churches in Kenya today Oh Peter Allen Carozza Bob antiviral dowser Kenya V but you know I once had a disciple he was living in London but a goal a kitty extra calico who England achieve attuning a good businessman on the via parquet and we always had me preaching how many - my dish not gonna get one he wanted to work for the Lord also this assay vehicle I told him it's a mitotic you I want to send you to South Africa man Cambodia Buddha cupric out the island to go and start a mission ela missionary survivor I mean sending people Jonica gotta be spoken again when you don't send people a chef is not powerful sebab all about training yes Oh see you can't send ten year old children over a bed of the died a question am i way under the church is full of like ten year old nine year old babies plenty Sabha or una mierda hyperbolic ampere Lainey you can send them anywhere Oberon the karate man can't do anything only a calendar man when you can send people no no Cheryl you run up along with shows that the church is full of soldiers a companion or survivor Soldado on appeal Akiane yes oh the church is full of armed men summer sevens Sababa Povich Hammoud on you during a biblical sandable John the Palawan Warriors run a common game so I called him I said I will send you to South Africa here's our candle a monk you Avada Kedavra katya Mandela dr. Cargill appalamma and he was afraid to go who Biola under because he was a prosperous businessman mikoto without the support via parking and he did not want to leave his business in London Oh doornail London relative energy operator land another time I was I came to Malaysia I was more talk about Malaysia table and he said can I come with you I said yeah I came diplomatic you a window one night we were walking outside there are three capital diversity right I told him mama hudecki well said my friend Demetria you will lose something by all means if you want to save God over at the VA and also save a current owner Bukhari overran a TV no there's nothing serving God without losing something you see by jaquenetta no karada viedma hand caesarea karana cracked Nahan by all means there's something that will be lost you can't have everything young-kyu Sathya cobranet even tiara oh come oh my dog on the behalf and he says o matic you are that was the moment that night him other than my Eritrean he knew in his heart ok hallo delegate to self if you say where I have to lose something but I am kiss jacket our interpreter and he decided to keep up his life in London Oh Tina calendar will get you the Italian to go to Kenya Kenya with the enter to start the church there instance of our karma calendar and today are the Doce we have churches just some buildings I put a good negative the town's King Yami came from Ghana Pradesh now they can normally body karate has to have to lose something yam Castagna price Lilia given Tony you somebody would have to lose and pay the costs of ministry know how to save it a given to the Millea given to sit there it off so if you're a young man I mean it's overpowering lady Tony Hawk now and God is calling you they are also booked and there is no way you see cro-magnon you have to pay a price over Emilia given to Manama to serve God they say you have to fast open in a Halloween to to pray to pray for hours we're gonna yak the current they get a gun Tony oh there's nothing like ministry without the costs millionaire to say we act Nahan yes mater I'm pissed at me a given to the maintainer not about what you can catch over Alibag and upon the enemy oh man it's about what you can lose oh but an attic oregano Paloma caught the killer weather yesterday I was introducing my book to you losing sorry losing suffering yeah that was about a protocol ladawna here the other ones losing suffering nothing you're facing with the main kappa be most ahah Maroni yes thank you and you see Oh over the pain of the potent odor oh oh the pain order Oh Lucy not occur again even suffering due Queen Deema sacrifice you Jackie River time Sam ARIMA losing Nettie Craig animal suffering the Kadima sacrifice you Jemima times Amelia you lose open a tomato so if you want to start the church in surah Baqarah but qur'an torn down you will over to lose something I'm to the arc net event yellow back to my book here on the mega check chapter 8 now that our category perigee that artificial esophagus number two there any creado do not be desperate but daddy woman avec aims to identify yeah there is no rush you say AHA this yuck name when you are studying a church but Sababa Caramba chronometer amen I mean you cannot start churches in desperation for money over the best abhava Caramba Quran to Moodle Oh Marissa you know you know the ministry is not a business survey I will the via power glory so when the church work becomes a business Sabha rather be a Perec Adama and you are looking for your profits over began lobbying return what you are going to get about eleven Democrat the key-maker get about let me turn loose the ability to minister over the Savior current event hockey our native animal yes Oh when you calculate but they were kilometer Oh what am I going to get look at the Megamart eleven when I put this in mommy gets all the demo and I invest this Omega L general what is my return the malleability lobby that's why people don't have Crusades enzyme initial crusade powers Panetta oh that's what people do do so many things emmalution behold ever karate yes that's what my books are not a business in summer get a business come here to do it via Parliament you see the mark of the beast amore did not pee on this church amore Jia Jia's Allah khuda means evolved at that event on the land how many do you know what the mark of the beast is another movie I guess alikoum caught the killer you know what a mark of the beast is with another movie I guess a lucuma cardigan of the beast 666 hey nobody can buy or sell without that man yes turkey Lurkey some character melody gun trigger on that bear is a lacuna tool so it is a map of business in the sake of via Paris a lacuna and a mock for business we are party sold kuda once the church becomes a business suburb of iraq parapet Adama and profit making something ever given la Vella back of the piece giorgia is a lacuna is subbamma TV Latino and that ministry in Syria is the Mac of profit making a callable a baby Sunday and Sally Malathi getting emails are beginning making profits ever given Lobby payment and that mark has come unfortunately on many ministries in the world today yes a la cara de hacer lo que pase our master ability Baro buy sell make profit get something out of it Villa de Gunther we couldn't label hunter a km decla bargain hey do you have that Mac this ministry may say vomit is alko no TV no other all the red many ministries today have this Mac Baba and Metallica's you must get some what you get because the matter making lemonade you can invite certain people they'll give you a bill $400,000 over demolition ARA the rock around a bear on the building a levee block shot erica to breach this locker I invited somebody once he sent me a bill of 250,000 dollars mama character anaconda Cal additional Quran Tobin like a well Ishida Kamara I have to pay in advance mama Callie hotel dollar luxury condo magneto um may come watch you on video rather yeah all over Hamilton Eva the mark of the beast tsubame to what you are doing the church way many Mugatu survivor the Quran step number two is study in a church every Thomas about Rhonda relax be desperate for money Obama dalu this arcade recurring in Depok you're desperate for calculations Oceania there's so many places in Sri Lanka that cannot afford to have the change sri lanka hasta la subasta band another to kuranda buddha Linehan but they need the church Naruto the Sababa avishay they cannot afford to survive another two grand Hills the building could negative and we're gonna need the building neguin la vache and somebody has to go and build it for them how irregular the second egg will grow bigger every just above each other less accosted by the Labonte River are you listening to me step number one is Mallory Nico you forgotten count the costs Melia got any current he has already forgotten point number one I'm gonna get the Enderman with the Koala part number two every acre don't be desperate but that is a shark incident a path for money moodle Odessa number 3 - new mini acre two or three people are enough to start a church Sabich Arabic Quran today magnet and tune the negativity yes Oh Matthew 18 verse 20 mata Hari repulsion divisive anybody amen I mean where two or three are gathered they make on the neck across even Astana I am in the midst of them mama a medicinal amen I mean I mean I mean I am in the midst of them Naeem Adisa Teno so innocent you need to have two three people in Subramanian then echo tune the next interval Shay that's all we need to have a church I'm concerned is to upwards non-corrosive irregular it happened three now so long one person is not a church hey come on shake Sabich nervous from two people number then making the love you've got a church over the sabbatino then three it is growing don't delay come guru take care of our the never know yes oh and micro church is thirty people who does about history economic it's working Korea 20 is mega had a very lavish Addis Ababa hundred and going it is super mega see I wish Oliver Thomas but officials abhava yes you are going to the mountain of the Lord to Drake regression Ora I am vomitoria never Matthew 13:31 Mathilde alternative second Kingdom of Heaven Swarga Roger is like a mustard seed a carburetor customer a very small seed atomic Okuda idea do you have mustard seeds in Sri Lanka we are better to be rather small isn't it atomic Oh could I you know what somebody blocked me summon it spilled on the ground you can't pick it from the gun is so small Akira better together like a bee mulligan the tomorrow each other for a glass how the churches here me there's time I saw bottle it's like it's like nothing when starting good but you give it time Naruto big Rakhal event you know one day I had I studied churches in London icterus about sabaki per capita Michaela London Villa and a pasta came from a certain country a local a collector are attacking and he was interviewing my pasta whom I sent to London mama London Berta Paula could have a sambuca Saket Chowdhary Nietzsche and he asked him how many churches do you have ok Ababa and he told me we have 12 okay well don't act a bit on so he asked him how many people are in each church a casaba aji de aquino the Kilauea how many I need la cosa volcano them have five people okay Sam how about a pastor Nick in the ROM ha 20 some house of Allah be sucky low 70s America we have 100 people see ya kudos Amharic a way then this man it was some a malicious this preacher Mageia he said oh wow this preacher mr. Baba he said this Shakya yeah he said these are not churches he told me he told him these are not churches you miserable serve under me five people money shall pass 20 bositis about me okay well may have every last about camp out on Astana fellowships how about come table stands above under me didn't say okay Paul Graham good Q&A but boot Apostolic America's a balcony my five people that muggy Manu sham pasta my two people Maggie Marchand in de and my malicious is to deny 23 people visit undara is a mustard seed a carburetor and big powerful sail under Willard Oscar and suburban areas I mean this same pasta me a Paula koriyama he came back to London oh no to Thark London vltava and he said can I preach in your fellowships oh hello bogus the hop I'll get to a limited a shock another pool under cuz he wanted some offering every corner ELISA okay Paul Graham who a monkey older he was a big every now look at her now he need to reach it all churches they go to our office abomination a Quran he called me a woman too hard in there then he came back again episode there at that table hey to preach again would either stuck around all order he was inviting himself oh no the power comb additional current are on the Makara so I told him look tell him we will invite him when we need him Oh Dicky under a patrol arm up you Hotaru than I can yes you shouldn't be inviting yourself to preach an additional calendar amen I mean are you still here you are leaving but mastani know that I you know other are you hear about me astounding do you understand my preaching monkey radish now over the pad you later are you sure but if it's positive oh oh the nether yeah you see you can laugh at my two or three people but one day you'll not be laughing oh but Apple Amagi Mohnish and then they took the leg and he now in debate that was a couple of empty underhand hey man you can laugh at my two or three people open up again a - did I get any love in the pool 101 d'you not be laughing now Scooby now in hallelujah I'm going by Jesus thunder mama years to sponsor game October targum onkelos three then make that Antony it's enough in Cathy for a church Saba kudus hallelujah hallelujah and called with blessed Vivian Vance a grouch about the current year hey man I mean wow tell somebody I'm starting a church soon I'll connected to a Dalek yonder shadows about Fort Wrangell now number four Katerina Coronado number four don't be in a hurry Hatari carnival Hadees event Emma don't be in a hurry Hadees event - yes don't be in a hurry how this event upon a church it's not something that you have to be in a hurry for Sabich every no Hadees event or overseas 28 verse 22 he tapa de servicio de mr. Decker proverbs 28 and verse 22 he tapa de servicio de partager they've is there anybody hallelujah what does it say it's time for the hyun-hee god hey Stef to be rich has evil eye I know what then take my mannequin out now put a sock to be no I mean so I ask for church work Saba Vicari until you do not have to be in a hurry but how this event to her than a hand I mean I mean you have to take your time Oh Baba get colleague and Tony and God Himself will do it Debbie and Mahon same acharya quran Tiana amen I mean now anybody who is in a hurry please resign from this church work tomorrow how do you save a line now only mechanic hatred I would say look it's evolving in the last winter there's nothing happy to miss Donna Khurana palanca say that is why God wants young people in South America and Mahalo on authoritarian rule because it takes your whole life because they cooperate Meucci vtm I gotta work of God Davion Mahakali Quran - there's nothing that will be achieved quickly intimate but car gonna put on that name Amen I mean it takes your life a bogey Malucci be timid into the church sabado goonter gunther yesterday I met past editions father yeah that was a pastor - anger tamo-guna gonna do you think he used two years to build this church Oh bud rode out the car got tequila miserable gonna ghanta your life Isabella buggy gvt whole life goes into building Auto game will achieve it emails about guna Gunther so if you are in a hurry Haseena so people manage and depend on corundum look yeah it's a big church and Amanda Lucas Obama yeah is something whatever Mendham okok are there then you don't understand it up ahead another hand the work you are involved go to the Sun bondola to be Nikola yes oh I see people mama Della's Abram Aleutian they want things quickly Oh Tony development them to be rich Nava Trento Eggman Marikina has an evil eye at Annapolis October no the church is small like Luke nine Leviticus 19 best 23-19 sebab every good eye 23 Donna may be stupid hmm when you start coming to the line oh boo me attend Evita and shall have planted of trees vacay khakkhara gasps ropa Nicoletta been a meter then shall you count the fruits every to obey a polygon as uncircumcised it shall be and circumcise unto you a Paulo but a book to me the Doudna it shall not be eaten about to not can I can't get it 24 you see after dinner parties in the fourth year I was hotter in our routine all the fruits se llama palate shall be holy to praise the Lord without even house refresh and soccer ante Vasudha 70 animal first continue verse 25 I mean the person about the past when you see in the fifth year as reality you shall eat of the fruit thereof over a polar orbit a book to be in the pool that it may yield unto you the Impala Oh Berta because they could not read their penises I am the Lord your God to be unboxing the see a beautiful activity coming to the land boom in the family yes cope I obey like you don't touch it Oh make it palatable to the law bienvenida Tom I think that you start to stitch the increase of the work that you are doing over keropok re Apollo but the commandment of the law because Debian bahan say Guiana for farming is agata when they came into the land only a boom in the feminine Riveter what is this word for because the meritocratic Iran is to show you how to plant over the pen you can become the Pelican what to expect double apple tree if you are going to be in a hurry in the nevada kappa ducky never taking candy but now it may be five years from now language allowed to park a marina Paulo that's the fruits of these books may put a lot of a novel colors what I am saying here Mamma Mia Stanley it may be five years out of the park and a plural event timings avian monster Venus Kali and Tamira for increase daddy be muscle huh look 13 Louis's a publisher they hire anybody look 13 and best six look to new topology the hive anybody he said six in his fee Mia Oh give me the about the Pelican me and so every like a palace a won't found none you say para combo name on to the dresser oh I think I'll come up come seeking fruit mama Paulo stroganoff find a moon had continued it down why combat the ground and he said swami $20 we didn't a year out of the catalyst you can see some changes over a I'm finished wind aji de pluim and I shall think about it and dang it mama covet a Tahara like fruit like a pallid Arawa if not I will cut it down in one year there is some changes there are swimmer 2011 we can see changes in your ministry about you save to live in extreme pain in hand after a year our developer say we can it's the increase of your fruits of your ministry go get severe Paulo but a book till dinner after 5 years ago and now the passage is like Chinese bamboo Sabah very latina demo Chinese bamboo sheena bamboo that no Chinese bamboo Jurgis who knows Chinese bamboo he the wreck she knows you know how they communicated and Nevada who put it in the ground Omega be murdered anima you water it obey get about through that hammer lemon - yes seven out of the dollar nothing you see Daphne oh yes shattering out the five years Australia rotate then it starts to grow here the bursa for duck gardener that was keeping a kapa haka meet reactive in America yeah oh that's how the church is like Chinese bamboo every determines abhava Cheney bamboo actually to play I would in one year in Korea after the war in the country Colin which was the current us the timings of God Vivian has to get Collier its were happy practically you can simply went you know prior become a man I'm in tell somebody I'm learning how to start a church what are you and Obama Sabich good Nagant are imboca Rantala baba yaga right step number one is what ask them halloween if he ever caught the Saba vicuna gave me paulina peeler they should say it out loud they should see it so I can shop the nega under the educator henna producer Pallavi de Piedra step number two they're very PA bara guide the guy to Nike River topic in write the unique or novel a guide the guy tonight don't be desperate for money without a letter that he our service identify number three don't minicar Nava two or three then the negative rather read it from here read it Chapter eight hey are you prefer this one you prefer this one this was somehow a car mechanic appallingly pura vida magaman Vida Megan and karana matica khyativada Magana in calendar number Radhika villopoto soon ubervita partner on Dominica dedenne coho tuned Enrico pramana Bhatia histrionic bandha bandha beautiful number five passionately pray for and recruit pillars can do any magician who this arc Nakuru even have a body of a god amen I mean Phyllis Carlucci malucia a pillar is what you need ever given time about hours to build this building Megan Aguilar gonnigan - we need that pillars Oh Peter Kahlua washable a tribunal these are the pillars like this one Mia what americano may forget even this is holding this whole building make aa memo good Nagila my leg in a turban on and you don't need so many one two three four five six seven eight pillars how do I own mmm you look good Nikki Letterman the whole building depends on eight things mundo carnegie limit on top I was in a car do I talk matter yeah I mean so in when Jesus was building his church here's the sponsor one sixteen mark polytope algid also unibody he says as he walked by the Sea of Galilee in stonagal Emily a diamond and untrue his brother would maha's to see Moses a bogus Audra and Rebecca hallelujah hallelujah and the 17 and Jesus said to them that the particular year so special to me bad winter and I will make you fishers of men Bama noburo emotional an anchor on Tarawa and Mark chapter 1 and verse 19 mark Polly repulsion and Mary Padian he went a little further into James the son of Zebedee yeah cause problems so hope you saw Audrey are you hon Rebecca amen I mean so to build a church sabado Cunegonde tanam jesus recruited Simon yes Mon C Mon Andrew got James Yakko Bogota Johanna gotta pee less Halliwell game Aisha you don't need many people oh but a good luck mono channel in a hand many people sometimes give all the trouble malucia Thomas about la Cucaracha again you get it well apparently we need people good solid pillars over Torre that mashach team at Calima holds the church Saba good now get up it is what we needs a capital ship yes Oh solid one person come on Russia one pillar a cocoon one how many you are going to be the pillar for the check pila one pillar what might it be like a Kabbalah vodka walk twenty animal yes look at that each so Simon Simon became Peter has the same on the about let's see what James wrote the book of James Jaco Blanco totally wobbly it's so John you are Radhika Jang yu-hwan became a pillar ohkawa Cunha yes oh so you don't need a lot of wishy-washy people and so but a no-good they will give the militia no you are not a politician Oh baby Leticia phallic nickname a politicians need a lot of people there's a park near the garage minestrone to support them all the sahaja Yogi's enter but we don't need a lot of people now at a pataga rock militia to do anything you said they are kuranda you need God Oh buddy and my house servo when God is on your side maybe on the house / get past you never to be against you so step number five five is a Sweeney carmelotta my recruit pilis highway me a prayer yuck novel I mean prayer yuck now prayer is very important Jack Narita Mathematica why are ye because without praying for the ark now in a tool your ministry is nothing but ok save a Matthew chapter 6 Mateo high will apologize to show you some prayers you must pray Barack knock around tourism hollyrock novel pen Valtierra you pray thy will be done ok come at the Corolla babe Akili ahkna grant you pray thy kingdom come okay Roger family of Aquila dr. grant you praise some to verse 8 he asked of me and I will give you the heathen for an inheritance and Ibaka in London obey me the chart in the NME kindergartner you pray Ezekiel 36 increase them with men like a flock a security scientist attorney for the relic metal giggling a very current ER Cochran hallelujah hallelujah and you pray as soon as Sion travail she brought forth her children's Eon preserve a drive in the silly Maggie Darwin Bedoya you must pray in the spirit about me to Ladakh knocker and Tony amen I mean and build the church through prayer ever give a yak now - Lisa Baldwin again - hallelujah hallelujah the most important work for you is to pray rather God but they overreact now Kanaka yes Oh Christians don't pretty much every Rock now most of us don't pray people who are a rock knock around and most of us don't pretty much who are very rock nah corundum we just come to change pinnacles about arrow without praying knock-knock Rhonda - most of us have not prayed today a people I added also knock knock a lot the most basic prayer is to pray for one hour a cover Mullica react now my pet rock mechanic oh yeah oh five minutes pray Bernard upon a acknowledge is not enough a comedy to be to pray lachna connect your HH Sababa cadenza amen I mean how many want to work for God dealing with demons spirits under karateka you come there Oberon Genoa and you don't you are not into into prayer over yagna crimenet we know Jesus said this type yes response q amir alhabi it does not respond British our document in the head - just talking katomina except you pray and fast obey your songs will never move net now somehow shocked shocked by a live at man from where they are also now started hell of a live at man are you listening to me monkey and a hugger didn't me odd that demons in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka yeah shot but in no other oh me oh that yeah now demons all right action they respond well predator Decorah to military rank Hamad Al Bateen not an adulterer yes because they arranged all the table to be naked remember when Jesus was casting out the devil from the madman Jesus mark chapter 5 mark pastor departure the militia again divya bahasa yak shot maduro kilometer huh the demons he asked him what is your name also you shaking who began a monocot and the devil said Jacque Jacque you were my name is legion Miguel romera la lagune legion Laguna which is a military term a Villa Hammoud ami bacha Nia yes it's am illiterate Yokohama da mayor Virginia used in the army ha Moodle pouch Akasha denoting rank it's been doused on Ypres you cannot study so the armies of the devil arranged in ranks you say yakshagana muda up in America to Mozilla tyranny and they Oh native and avocado to do a dorama yes oh you see when the sons of sceva way to cast out Devils yes Cablegate patria yeah Andrew Carnegie Yama in the book of Acts the opposite the demon said no how dare you talk to us like this merkat I cannot tell you talk like that houses who mother Peggy Valley Little Nicky and me who are you Oh back out and the demons pounced on the man akshay emmalution Master Paragon beat up seven grown men is a hundred two hundred I began one.iu listen to me thank you they'll get in me so how do you become a man of authority is it come over the body particle to be anomalous check with me you need spiritual power over heart because if a telemarketing about the powers data in this country Akash I'm irritated and I wonder karappa Roger not going to come by having meetings Iike permanently analyst whimpering enemy talking haha car making enemy you have to know how to pray oh but then I got into the comedy knock-knock ironic yes follow s knock knock yes oh I learned how to pray for three hours do I have a book on prayer in there 40 is there a prayer beautiful yeah transform as well how to pray dr. Khurana to pray knock knock can accommodate how to pray yak Nakatani kilometer hmm how to pray Jack mechanical model oh oh oh the devil is always afraid that Christians will learn how to pray you actually have written by buying in the Vatican taking a gander kitten one two and in this book here may potty is called transforming your pastoral ministry Oh boghei polikov a severe parivartan academic in apathy again they receive a poly Martin Aragon Akita potty Oh your ministry changes don't you save a parable today when you learn how to pray oh boy ahkna Quran dig in a Gotham is you know I you must know how to pray for three hours everybody say three hours hamona can appear to not now I is the basic to little by mulac about an hour a kapa haka muna comedy one our prayer you got my Malika darkness s said yes what Sakura what who do not watch with me for one hour over a Capac Muslim Govinda very Radha Matthew 26 you couldn't pray for just one hour mother is an apology the overtake Appa Yakka cranberry Radha what a shame waiter omelette Java huh one hour a cappella you can't but the octa-core in a bit you can't pray for one hour break a pact that can only be a pasta you know the pollak recommend or neighbors who beat you up reaction of Rapa holiday I said that demons will beat you up yuck shall develop a holiday yes oh that will be reactions the charity pentia nama reaction so the charity engine I'm over get a British are yes there are always reactions in the spirits big Italia charity bear oh yeah oh you can't pray overreact nocturnal bear I learned how to pray for three hours when I was in secondary school mama David a deer in the court am i again I gotta go home at the path to look a rock Nakatani Kayla yeah I went to a classroom at two o'clock in the afternoon they came upon the camera gear and I prayed from two to five oh my gosh Nicola they came the lapa challoweenukah I was a teenager mama had to go to a Tony yeah that was my first time of praying for three hours you got my pal in the partner mama I'm have to knock knock knock I use the watch logical start and finish without a watch I say you can't pray without that well how do you know when you finish praying over a yak not gonna be lava then I gotta comb the loose Rock Netta how do you know when you finish a karate louder because God doesn't speak in an audible voice Hunsaker get a break at a coronation so you have to know that I prayed up to five o'clock and it's enough in Sabadell gondola Marieke knock-knock allah dengan tequila let's be serious apiece tell somebody let's be serious how can I take yonder make overcoming Khurram oh let's be serious happy water coming Karim then I learned how to pray for seven hours in a person mahira gotta pay Hatake ignorant in secondary school as well mama knows the topic even know it seven hours haha it's one of the come on easy prayers it's seven hours prayer ethical Agnetha my producer I thought believe a doctor from 10 in the morning with a higher dollar to five have a Shopaholic akka and i close now my service and color and that's all I was talking about prayer and it was I mean I can't do such things Kotaku Aquila Ahmed Ahmed no wonder his church is just having a few people okay Saba polygon in in SATA my each person in your church reflects a person who has been captured from the devil it will get about it now hammer connect by yakshakas Farragut output California Jerry Colonel Oh member hammer kerygma is a captive oh I had a got token e from the devil Jacques Jacques Attali got the Hokey knocked him out it doesn't come people who stop being compacted all of us Srilanka a McCool 11 Mona Shelly the house 20 they will lift the handset they walk into the church and say I want Jesus Christ I want Jesus Christ I want to be saved oh that socialist about every day like every year so sponsor or Mohammed or Aquila then I learned how to pray for 12 hours either personally regatta pathologic narcotics yes oh six to six that's the high end Ellis also Hanukkah 7:00 to 7:00 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. oh then after that I learn how to pray all night on my own ear opossum Amira gotta taniyama Mubarak night bull Eritrea from the sun is shining we rode our Navajo till the Sun Goes Down yerba Hellenic on and comes in the morning personnel - there's venom still brain mama atheon occurred on 24 hours service yatra karma Chaka yeah la ba hey la mascota bah bah bah bah bah metella yarmulke she Calabar bah hey mama sutulova kaya came acaba kaya Kalam Asuka Jakob and Allah pray in the spirit [Music] yeah people don't like Jesus in Surrey like it's not true you are the one who is not praying Nick availability of Nepal Sri Lanka bill co-starred Rene kilo but about Nanette theory ring you are the one who stopped praying over the Maracana coronet they rise up and pray over negatively darkness can rise up and pray daily rakhna current rise up and call on God Nate let the viendo homologous onto I want to show you something in one of my books transform Maggie put a youngster codependent Quranic Amity Perry Martin Akira potty you say many pass tests before Paula Quran they don't pray much on very rock nah Quran yeah but from today no doubt soon Allah i prophesy prepared Avakian who are entering into transformation Oh Polly Barton air to Nineveh yes you are entering into transformation of altitudinal and Sri Lanka power to Jesus real and cover years who sponsored an element you son of a devil Sri Lanka will bow to Jesus Jesus oh sponsored another Monte Rama hallelujah hallelujah people will just be saved you know you can you never you can never explain over a Vista Quran does very reminiscent I can believe in Malibu amen I mean I want to take this book transform your pastoral ministry began the era save a part of our 10 acre organically report a chapter number what did you say 10 the harmony part shaded yeah nine steps to pray for a long time instead Akira pee over enemy during a carnival Act naka unta nine steps on how to pray for a long time Yoga college yagna current appeal enemy oh wow nine steps the other enemies on how to pray for a long time they go cardiac knock-knock grant appear banana Mia a man I mean do you want to know how to pray for a long time over then I got on the big of a loud knock knock erotica home in tequila how many ones who know how to pray for a long time he'd returned ethereal carnival act mechanical indicated event number one Paula we need a except that that is less than one hour is not good enough they were saving hakuna separated when cognac now a trauma subi she a shock not know about Billy Gunther it's in the book a couple thirty be no you have to accept it Omega pill again to qhapaq nan Kabaddi if it's not one hour it's not enough namida Yagnik Ronnie Kabaddi you cannot say you break your neck L Aquila pastor comedy number two the ammonia I always use a clock have a little close to a pouch Chicago watch ok Paulo so far knock-knock current yeah when I stop way I look at the time how much about loss of the abala know I need the time matter Villa I was sure otherwise I cannot pre I don't know when I finished the Quran Aquila yeah I know yeah oh so look at the clock in solo so this island is it right now I'm looking at the watch because I have a time to close you say this a belonging to the Quranic II that's the same with prayer come otama yak nah we can't see God but the Roger friend has no way to know there are gonna be the acne that you need to pray o Barack knock around 20 meter stop pray never given the octagonal Quran Doric number three - we need a pray with preaching tapes is not party Volta salon de manana Quran yes Oh amen amen listen to preaching if you listen to this conference in the background you see that yes yes yes Oh pray with you so you are walking around and you see yourself rising in the spirit me too and becoming Wow over Balaban take pero ya number three too many days listen to music sangeeta Duncan de manana current Christian music Christian Sangeetha I put it on a cavada negrodamus Collins you are praying by ethnic rebel avi it gives an environment echo Bravo cotterpin Ilocano you to pray in a yak naka de pinna son don't pray in silence nice shot the tally-hawk knockin on the palace why your prayer is shot in South America yak now became shot okapi for anything useful beloved there Quran develop innocent number five house we need a pray with preaching videos - luckily my video party a ke ke Akua Quran yes Oh put on the video video card on this conference me miss I'm only plain assessment Facebook live Facebook icky life to be naked on to whatever yourself a man of contouring you know but another yes ago a lugar de prata me I realize my motel room gotta I cannot somehow about our little into bed I have to take my own atmosphere mama Maggie I'm about Tonya starting any and Tony with me Matt some ago because there are setting things you cannot do well somehow there's no break unless you have the right atmosphere but her about our Aneta you see I like this one day I went I went to London I stayed in a hotel in London Willa Gill extra dose cohort Allegan a troll and the hotel had nothing but the television Hotel akikusa dead people narrow point we try to be when you put on the television only bad things come on Oboro polydemic america devil we try any and if i put it off the place is silent silent mamiru pond and he was some poon and he shoved authority billion study prey but not a function neighborhood from that time a motive ella i decided my material can carry my atmosphere everywhere with me mag avatar among your Hamilton to McKinney enter I call it my atmosphere creator Maggie no Maggie have authority nice positive katakana yes my own atmosphere right now as I'm in the hotel have my own music on everything memo to the hotel Akhil Reed amar gamer Sangeeta McTavish can hammer they acquiesced a little bit on I put on music and I am in an atmosphere let me have a governor I mean an abortion yeah cream in a bath on little mama knock knock on oh yes so are you listening to me no matter home can't dig in adeney yes sometimes have to go away from the presence of somebody somehow attack our in Astana bath in Tony Hawk knocker and to be spiritual I'll be coming up innocent yes Oh if you are married sometimes you cannot be spiritual when your house is there somehow drove it out becoming the bear book its mom pushes the body or inhibitor yes you know I used to think there was something wrong with that Mahakali somebody came in kenneth hagin he trouble okay one can even praise more Oh very poor Enoch Nakano when he comes home okay the rap was priceless okay yak never do you know because he's at home with everybody go to Hokkaido a moment Echidna pray buttock knockin under been everybody's present hammer will give me metallic when Jesus wanted to be spiritual here's the sponsor Africa mentor ulama he asked some of his disciples to go out with master master key : Gil Valle and McGee so that he could raise the dead well muharram alone when I get to her producer the others if they were present the dead would not have risen Monica is done he on America Donna eating in hand so there are some people when they are present they they be spiritual eyes you some are emulsion inevitable yak to kebabian are Luca nama spirituality Goes Down oh yeah the Cabal we are doing Amma and you become channel over monster Karina Ashley a Comanche kuvira and that is why Jesus went away in Sirte my years of political brain the wilderness a cantar yak narco-hypnosis a great well before Dean in that I'll humor interpreter main he will go to the mountain when Mahathir condor like he'll go away from people understand gain a fella you must have a mountain over the conduct event Tony one day that lots will be where is your mountain also do some again whoever gets underway will have a mountain oh but a conductivity to go to pray Jack McCullough producer hallelujah hallelujah are you there what based on usage no matter I want you to become more spiritual Obama becoming to ever share the powers of darkness in this country me Loretta Brenda wonder Cara will bow to you about an element e anima you know why you don't have power over a Ballarat Dakota and you speak to people they tell you they tell you all Oh nobody qiyamah I see watching me but I have a different religion oh but you know they matter they don't matter Maggie amalgam Athena yes oh they can even beat you up under par de anima yes Oh for attempting sakari Magana to change their religion on the argument we must kill him again number six how many carnival three most of your prayers in tongues Oh buggy yak davon very pure korrasami about shaman yagna current amen I mean how many of you don't speak in tongues Oh Bucky the neck enjoyable shaman Yagnik Araneta how many of us speaking tongues bikini calabash Armagnac knocker no other you must pray a lot of your prayers in tongues oh yeah very pure kota srinivasa we knock knockin on tawa say Amen Amit and there is going to be great release of God's power Vivian husky valium heartless to be the husband tiara number seven read the Bible Hanukkah Bible a Kiev and read other Christian books v not Christiani he wanted as you pray o Barack knock an emotive read the Bible Bible a key event in other Christian books I have Christiana photobook event take one of these books may apotheca began to read it make a key event whilst you are praying by knock knock a demoted walk up and down the yellow part IV govern Kelantan and be reading bah-bah-bah-bah bah-bah-bah-bah bah-bah-bah-bah bah-bah-bah-bah that you have to stop me as you bump into something novel and own a taco hairy body gala hallelujah hallelujah you know I learned this from Kenneth Hagin by making against the Kenneth Hagin he said one time he was praying okay well that was a cognac area he was reading the book of Mack Oh mark put the kiramune sit here the whole book of Mark mark some puta puta once he was praying Oh yuck not gonna bitching waiting on God even on seeking a ballerina its reading the book of Mark knock put the key on a magenta one pollen apology 16 Sunnah father knew his prayer time okay knock knock a little that's what I do Agathon mama can I read books Naposki I read the Bible you listen to tapes preaching there's now honk under I can put a Derek Prince on here throughout the night to me the whole night advising me the whole night Oh moon rod three American oh wow nearby acre Wow BMI and I become charged mommy can deliver Tara with a Word of God in advance to give actually come last summer she was about become charged like a battery mama battery I forget charge you know in the spirit bigot alley oh yes oh yes oh oh la banda lava god is going to do great things in sri lanka Subala whatever current you know sri lanka v i say hallelujah number eight have any car now disconnect your phone okay do look at the name is sandy cal at the end turn off your phone okay Cassandra 9 Dominica put a sign on your room Oh bogey camera Sihanouk don t do not disturb coruña Calaca Roderick random ah do not disturb corner Kalakaar the record on Depa you know when you are pasta over Paulo correctness some time people think you don't wake some other man he throw a reckoning when I became a passed on my wife my wife would go to my wife with was a lawyer veteran Swamper then Medicare Annette de la coruña maha moment and a veterinarian and we had this we have a servant in the house he also felt I was not working maken-ki - Apogee drea T to America and Aquila yes I think to a money dog named aquila so one day I wrote a sign and put it outside my door in cephalic lemma get during Elliot a boy I used to pray most in that time most of the time I pray in the day look at the head Kalima Mary put me knock knock around the valve allow it so I put a sign in some I'm an actor if you knock on this door Obama don't are to color receive no response from within rattling QC procedure act la Bonita do not continue knocking the Gravatar to Grandpa or call for me in America to attend depe if you do anything that contradicts this simple instruction maker and a chocolate or breakable accordion be it known unto you Omega then I get up in a circle and this door will not open unto you may adorn over a Vientiane in a hand I put this notice outside repeated in them for the servants it may occur one and one day he get up top to Quran upon I'm glad I open the door mother Ella and I told him about the hero next time Elin depart you knock on this Obama don't article us your last day in this house that is the last day tamale mega dragon timid also Indian he never knocked again Apple Kodava takk Elena yes people think pastors are sleeping man is Janet and Apollo Karuna Diego Nokia one day tradução Christ saw a pasta mama de Coppola correct whose Church was not growing ok sub are livin in the hand so I decided to ask him what do you do any salmon go home to Ronnie he told me Oh Malik you won in the afternoon BB la vie i watch movies mama Chitra party bolero movies sheet Roberto bolaño ramble ramble and James Bond James Bond gets it Revati so I said how come your church grow as you are watching movies in the whole afternoon every day watch movies in the mouth you all but that all will have a son purity Tripura values above ordinary course why your church is not growing mainly South America's above are driven and a process are watching news some are evolution some are parkour approachable no please Chitra Parimala know what are the new films they have these days what film do you have a popular film in Sri Lanka Netflix what do you have never get all the reactor get rope on it they were yeah every country has a lot of films that everybody is watching how matakovich intrabody male group on Resident Evil Amano shamballa cannot be spiritual but article in the behind Bollywood yes bollywood bollywood films in the in the Chatrapathi how can you be anointed coma Diwali Pella Barney when you are spending your afternoon watching movies available Adam so their friend spirituality someone 110 he table associate 110 he died some 110 eat a legacy at the higher look at it it is beautiful yes tonic you know five people became Ellucian shall be willing on cannot even Tiananmen in that day of type power over Hunter gable Avantika Madonna say hallelujah in the beauties of holiness good Mizuki shoot the camel on the womb of the morning my people who ask emmalution thai people shall be willing people will be willing to keep your life to Jesus Venetian camel 20 along achieve that they will answer them to in that day of when there is power palliative in Nevada City without power Pollyanna Toa nobody is going to be willing to give his life to God how root on get cheated they not so than the camera 3 nla yes oh that's what people are not getting saved in Sri Lanka in Sri Lanka Malaysia and gallery with a Class A salvation is by power look at the gallery be enabling power Pauline yes oh you need real power over that the Bolanos it's not an argument in Kerala Starkey economy if you give the bible bible du somebody say believe God our debris shotgun I also have my holy book on kill matter Maggie shut up for the tomorrow is it not true maketh Alameda that's every religion not half a holy book tomorrow gamma gamma shoot the photic net yes no oh the nether hammer argument we should the products tomorrow my book is different vehicle you both Amagi portobellos nobody's going to be saved by acumen how old are cane gallery with a Bundy underhand my God my God is my religion is better than your religion you know so bro down there ya go around like you water pally power poly from on high healing and nobody people militia will be willing poly double said Vivian Mahan circuit and the power I believe it's released you can either husband when you pray but not gonna be when we pray happy are to be safe understand elevator without reason hi it's rakhna to just see them coming to check open the Commodores about denim I feel like coming to the church but I hang you know this about endo Nakia I feel like giving my life to God you know no get you that then also then 20 people will be saved gallery man stand to your feet everybody I'm almost a gun too I believe we were talking about how to build a church mr. Bahuguna gonna calm the Killa Kitab jacala amen I mean we are going back to that I'm giving you the last point on that one witnessing and follow up up in our instant asana diverted enema subang jaya prakash the Quran to own super surpassing yonder witnessing sasha daddy mr. ha new grab negative following up a new governor kill him is the next thing you need yeah well she landed a guy to build a church tsubame good Nagant what is point number one to build it how to build a church in your book Sababa Cunegonde Bashar Kaba Cunegonde apollomon Carnival cada Vida Meghan imbalance Matty interfered imaginable on to the carnival opportu Sulu Bobby Patna Wanda Dominica dedenne coho Tunde Niko pramana Bhatia Hellenic vandevander aluminum Aleutian Odessa knock-knock Romania by the wagon to Jack Nevada namaka Toronto Sasha Derry mr. Hyuga manikyam Oh hallelujah hallelujah let your hand and ask God to fill you with his spirit to pray [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pray about shoving pray to be prayerful to be prayerful sorry [Music] dear Sheila Lurie and Eris and Arabic al-arian de rehén de culinary and arabic allah la la la la Rionda Hamdi darren darabond lalalalalala radar Abbasi Rehan be recycled Arab Assyrian dhaba hallelujah father thanks for this great opportunity to pray and be prayerful knock knock repeats applaud apical in Assam before a bronzer called out Nativity a mighty name of Jesus I believe Anthony mean amen
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 2,549
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: 2018, Dag Heward-Mills, Give thyself Wholly Conference, Sri Lanka, free Download, pastoral training, anointing, Dag Mills, Dag Heward, Holy Spirit, church workers, prayer, preaching, teaching, healing, loyalty and disloyalty, Anagkazo
Id: -spirliUbQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 45sec (6465 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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