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are you excited it's very excited defeated don't be plenty time to shout okay well it's a blessing and it's a joy to be here and to have this powerful camp with our own fire I said I will tell you when to shout okay I will tell you how to finish my speech then afterwards you shout okay so will you behave yourself don't cross over into this behavior okay so you're going to behave yourself now isn't it yeah so I tell you to shout then you shout I tell you to stand up and stand up till then be seated listen to me carefully and then we proceed from this so it's a blessing to be here are you ready for what is coming your way [Applause] are you ready for a powerful camp and a powerful ministration so our Father is in the house our pasta is in the house our bishop is here now on it is stand to your feet a workout they stopped by to the basketball wonderful let's pray let's pray father thank you for today guide us by a mighty spirit into all that you have planned thank you in Jesus name Amen all right great well we excited to be here sorry we are late our plane was late [Applause] from 25 some 25 the theme for our camp is ready at 20 ready at 20 some 25 that's one in you lord my god I put do I lift up my soul Oh God my trust I trust in thee let me not be ashamed amen you'll never be ashamed let not my enemies triumph over me yay less money that wait on thee be ashamed [Music] let that be ashamed which transgress without cause so shame is one of the things in life that God is delivering you from Abel show me thy ways o Lord teach me thy path teach me teach me the path of God because there are so many ways to go in life but God wants us to find his pack and then lead me and I choose and teach me lead me and teach me as a young person unfortunately unfortunately at every age whether 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 25 we always feel that we know what is needed to be known and sometimes when we think we know is the time that we know the least and that is why some 25 is a sound for this camera to show me thy ways teach me thy path lead me in thy truth right because God's truth is different from the truth of the world and it's different from the truth that is propounded in the world all right for thou art the God of my salvation amen salvation if you are not saved you wouldn't be here without being saved your life would be really terrible some of you have tasted a bit of what it's like to be to be in in this world without salvation and it's not a small thing to be in this world without salvation you keep going on and on and on into more and more darkness all right now are the God of my salvation on V do I wait all the day all the day I'm waiting on the all day now God is somebody who needs the respect of and the humidity of waiting for him even small me small me who is not important you may have to wait if you really want to see me if you really want to talk to me yeah you may have to wait even small me how much more gone so on V do I wait all the day waiting on you all the time so we really need to be people that wait on God now that these include shouting so far we are not in being any shouting yet remember O Lord thy tender mercies and thy loving-kindness for they have been ever of old God is very very kind very kind very forgiving very loving that is how come we are here if it wasn't forgiving if it wasn't kind you cannot be here some of us we know by 7:00 remember not the sins of my youth [Music] [Applause] remember not the sins of my youth nor my transgressions hmm remember not the sins of my youth Wow no my transgressions or the other version says do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways [Music] rebellion is when you are told what there is and you are against it either silently all you say it mostly silently but you are against it yeah so he says remember not the sins of my youth no my transgressions all these rallies and my rebellious ways according to your love remember me for you O Lord are good amen are you there now what I want you to notice right here is that by the time you are 20 years old right certain things are going to creep into your life one of them is your sins there are sins that are special specific specialized for young people and there are rebellious ways which are also specialized ways for young people so by the time you are 20 you see that you'll be a specialized sinner especially and a specialist at rebellion and disobedience how many think that what I'm saying is true huh yes so by 20 most people are useless to God multiple are useless to God by 20 they are almost wondering whether this person will ever become useful to the Lord because of these things you see 10 with me to second Timothy chapter 2 verse 21 if a man therefore purge himself from these he shall be a vessel unto honor sanctified and meat for the Masters use and prepared unto every good work verse 22 flee also youthful life youthful life like this last a specialized life for young people you get it yes that's why I talk about don't remember the sins of my youth now things that you are going to find out when you get older that those things are not the problems you are having I'm not that problem but other problems that's a problem there always be some as problems I am seasons like in a summer you can have a problem of heat like you are too hot and the winter I have another problem you are too cold you get it in the rainy season you have a problem as Joe's always wet or flooding you get it and then another time to dry it's always a problem that's why babies cry when they are born because there is so many problems in this world you get it the first thing you did when you were born was to cry you are so sad that you've entered a world where there will be challenges and problems all the way to the very end yes so now that you are younger you know you have to know that God wants you to be ready at twenty and you will be ready for anything to serve Him not to be a fool and not to follow just your youthful life amen now what are the lasts what are they useful what are the sins of your youth what are the sins of your youth the sins of the youth are the things of the flesh the flesh is strong the flesh is very strong when you are younger and when you get older the flesh is weaker that is why babies sleep a lot we sleep can't sleep 18 20 hours a day like lions and then the older you get the more you need more sleep they sleep more and more more rest the way it is he's resting now you hardly see a young person he's resting in the afternoon no no no no is active so youthful last has to do with your flesh which is stronger than it will ever be the strongest it will ever be when you are young so what are the things tend to Galatians 5 Galatians chapter 5 before we come right back to 2nd Timothy so Galatians 5 now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness you know sometimes it's good to preach even without giving examples because I know when you even give examples you even limit the extent to which the message can be true but you see that here he just mentions 1 or 2 and then some of the others we don't know what they are right which therefore helps you to capture all the other things that you know are also existing today adultery fornication the sex sex and cleanness is also something to do with text and lasciviousness also has to do with text and it starts at the top that atop our body and our body at work I may have sexual feelings those on this side this side we don't have anything don't marry anybody thought this size because they don't have [Applause] [Applause] okay all right 25 when you're 25 years old your sperm count is the highest your sexual whatever is the highest and it starts to drop after that so it peaks at 25 and then it starts to come down listen to what I'm saying listen carefully you know listen carefully idolatry I don't a boy can be an idol a boy can be an idol yeah like your laugh for him or a girl can be your idol your love for her has to replace the love for God God it doesn't come anywhere near that kind of love idolatry it is when you are young that there I don't love it's very strong yes you see the people in love with him with her whenever I got singing hi James you see you see that it has sex a lot of people yeah because James was an idol to the to the person in the song she couldn't even say bye-bye properly when she was saying bye-bye she she had two other I can't say that I can't say that I didn't love you I like being with you you made me laugh you made me cry she had to pray for the whole week such a big cry all week long she had to pray before she spoke but if she didn't pray she couldn't speak and even actual staying by decision she does the most even James I'm sure you suspect that he can come back [Applause] witchcraft witchcraft is when you use a power these are the works of the flesh which is strongest when you are young if a flesh is strong later when you are young witchcraft is when you use a power to control somebody or do something which is not God's power so the person is bewitched and I like a spell it's not only when we do charms and they speak to do that is not the only time that somebody's the which is the which - and the person is under a spell spell of your love of your word your control is the witched not thinking you wonder why you do what you are doing hatred hatred is what leads to murder most murderers are young yeah most murderers are young beauty haters are young Kilis most of them are young are you their variance which is quarreling hmm emulations arrive which means jealousy strong and all that girl she at a point you she was a look what am i dying over this guy if you want if you can have him with all the trouble hardened for the younger a younger one had a strong jealousy almost to kill you strife which is quarreling open quarreling that is why when God wants to send people to quarrel with the devil he wants young people here because you need some strength to fight the devil these young people they are good at fighting yeah one day I had a security guard and I didn't see him for some years then after some years he came around again said he wanted to do I said why not whiner be happy but as we were doing the work I realized that he was now older it was older when they were running see that he was it wasn't easy for him to run I like him as a security guard he likes fighting a good security person might like fighting yeah if you don't like fighting you shouldn't do such a job he liked beating and fighting but I realized I had become older but not as sharp as he used to be yeah so for all these kind of things you need to be young yeah seditions heresies and then Medes mostly young people drunkenness what the river who gets drunk in England what is their age 16 17 15 13 so there's a lot of things that is only done by young people amazing isn't it drunkenness revellings wow these are like patties Wow patty a nocturnal and riotous procession of half-drunken and frolicsome fellows who after supper parade through the streets with torches and music in honor of Bacchus or some other deity and sing and play before houses of male and female friends generally used of feast and drinking parties that are protracted the late at night and indulge in revelry yeah prevalence is it not so and we have gala like number of people sleep with one kiss and exchanges give you a drink to drink you sleep then people sleep with you different things this is young people duck and if you are leaving for tea you cannot do something are you understanding me yeah so today we have a lot of people all right who are struggling and your life is basically youthful lust and our current ones we have pornography we have masturbation or what else you have homosexuality and what else do we have huh what is new I don't know maybe there's something new drugs transgender a lot of things listen when you wake up and you grow and you become a certain age all right what happens is that you are strong you have energy see how we were shouting and screaming when I came when I go to a meeting with older people they don't they don't behave like that you get it the people at the door I did it in mine at all so this is this type of flesh energetic flesh full of life full of veal full of strength energy endless energy Satan looks at it and the Bible says that Satan was punished to eat the duck now what are you you are dust and I am dust when you die after 40 years if we dig up your grave with the only thing you are going to get a bit of your hair and maybe your nails everything else disappears you completely disappear with your bones and everything yeah you only see I was speaking to somebody who works at a cemetery and he they sometimes have to exhume people and he said by 40 years basically you may get just some hair have you left of you some of your hair and maybe some of the nails but everything else is going to in the bones completely becomes dust nothing there's nothing in the coffin yeah so actually you are that and second has been as a serpent now obviously it was not a it's not a physical serpent who came to speak to Adam and Eve or it came to speak to Eve but a spiritual serpent it must have been i've not seen as physical that when speaking before devils have various forms one of the forms is a snake one of the forms is a dragon France and so on and so forth so this parrot has happened has been punished to eat that which is you your flesh that's all you you become dust it like it so sometimes that Shepherds are biting you and you are feeling dreams and they are feeding on your life so if you when you are younger those spirits love you more yeah the devil is a lion a roaring lion what keeps Lions alive is fresh meat fresh me you are so fresh your flesh is so fresh it doesn't take anything for you to have an erection so brother it's just like that like instant coffee Wow is it not amazing yeah so you are fresh meat fresh that for these spiritual creatures to feed on and when you are Christians we find out that many of us at this age all your life is just going around in circles following one desire or another until you lock your head a number of times on the wall and you realize that it's moving away if you show that by the age of 20 you get it you are either a wreck you are some kind of useless emotional creature you cannot do much but after this meeting you are going to be ready for God ready for whatever he has in mind for you he said of being ready for the devil you'll be ready for the Lord amen sit down is a room cold yes can they increase the warmth a bit please whatever is secret to keep making the place warmer now overcoming let's came to Ephesians chapter 2 please Ephesians chapter 2 you have he made alive who were dead in trespasses and sins wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world amen verse 2 wearing in time past hmm you walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air the spirit that works now in the children of disobedience children of what disobedience is that you a child of disobedience children of disobedience the title you have given yourself child of disobedience hmm so children of disobedience are evil children and they are children whose main characteristic is disobedience and whose lives are mostly marked by the fruits of disobedience their disobedience comes out a path for them and make them live your life completely in a different way children of disobedience children of disobedience and there's a spirit working in them telling them to disobey everything that they are told to do among whom also we had our conversation in times past conversation is an old word in the King James he journeys to the best Bible if you are serious about God you must use the King James Bible why because the King just helps you to remember certain scriptures and also helps to keep the webs in your head and your mind and your heart as the scripture as against where it's just like normal English and then it just mixes up with your photo now you don't know what I'm just having a good photos the Bible for so having the King James where in you you know helps is always to remember for 20 30 40 years you will remember them so if those modern versions are good sometimes we'll explain a little all right but I King James is still the best so among whom we are our conversation which is an old use of the word because the where the meaning of the word changes sometimes over the years in times past our behavior in the left of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and we're by nature the children of Wrath even as others the children of disobedience become children of Wrath when you are children of disobedience you become children of Wrath like children who experience basically the anger of God because you are a child basically experiencing disobedience and then you go on and basically experience the anger all of these are for children children of disobedience become children of Wrath even as others and how do you do that by fulfilling all your life is fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind this is risk adjust that's what you feel you fulfill it when I still I fulfill it so Christianity teaches you to deny yourself deny you say no to yourself everybody in the world says yes what I feel I do Christianity is denial of self there is no possible way to serve God without sacrifice and without denying or saying no to yourself you get it yeah you gotta and as a young person for you to be at this camp you are one of the children of destiny who God God are destined for a glorious life different from this children of Wrath type of future yes so after the desires of the flesh you know even at 80 70 you still have the desires because I'm over 50 and I still have desires of my flesh I still have lot left of the flesh it's still with me it doesn't go but it diminishes in its strength and its importance and relevance a understand there's a type of chicken that cannot be eaten easily you know that chicken what chicken is it is the layers old layers they are used to lay eggs nobody tell me why can you not eat it the mix becomes very so one day I saw a thumb they had old layers a lot of them and I think they wanted to take take them off and there was no way to do nobody can eat it nobody that it's like chewing gum the flesh is different when you are older the flesh is different even a boy's flesh in a girl's flesh are different if you touch a girl touch the nearest girl do they feel softer touch the nearest brother do they feel harder [Music] so you have you have the boys flesh now the girls flesh you have all the flesh different types of flesh and it is in this state that your flesh is the nicest [Applause] you are not an old Lea [Applause] because of an old layer even when the second comes to stimuluses I don't have any feeling even if the feelings are there your thoughts to perceive the feeling far more easily yes your mind even just says no this is this is a sickness coming your mind even works more on the sickness dunno no on the feeling when you are younger you don't have any sort of readings taken at all what signal will all die come on Sonny [Applause] I with me so in this stage where your flesh is the waste is is gradually going to turn into an old layer flesh not so able to enjoy a lot of things yes that this is the state in which God is looking for you Wow and if you mess around now the best around now it can affect you forever now listen many people don't realize wisdom is walking in righteousness he says all my ways are ways of righteousness so doing the right thing is not only good but it's also wise I'll say it again doing the right thing is not only good it's not only that is good but it's also wise like it's wise why is it wise let me give you two things okay are you listening whatever you learn how to your flesh lands in this stage is going to be difficult to unlearn yes so if you come from Congo if you come from Congo what is the favorite Congolese food please I took what you call it Chucky Madison anarchist watch out you bone to bone to bone to bone Dooku fondue fondue what is pull do what is it made of spinach like something yes fondue now if you give me Pandu unlikely to tell you that look I think I'm more into a fasted because I don't know Pandu I don't know what is it what is in it and I'm not into Pandu what about the best food in Zimbabwe Satar Sasha Sasha Sasha what is that maize meal and pounds but that buzzer if you give me sadder I would say the outside know that I'm passing by don't 209 but if I give models from Zimbabwe legacy stand up symptoms of other people then if I offer you such that now would you like it why because your flesh is being trained to eat such that and you mix it even yes satsang and then Pandu okay where the Congolese stand up Congolese them sit down Jim sit down Congolese you see now if I give you Pandu now you like it Wow they say yes from Ghana is offer you [Applause] if I offer you kinking [Applause] with such a off charlatan can you imagine a food something to eat that is called shit-talk 6:06 off and it's nice can imagine something called off and that's what people want to eat off and it has a kind of look like that also anything and some people want to eat it sit down which are the country Nigeria [Applause] what what is your best food found IBM agasshi I don't you but a super-efficient Nigerian stand up please wait if you offer me a bono soup a cushy and IBM I'll tell you that listen and full [Applause] by you if I offer you say wha now said everybody required don't speak a word listen if you grow up in this stage at this stage and your anus is weight is treated with sexual stimulation for listen that our people listened at a time when you don't cross over into foolishness listen you will always remember that feeling and you may never be able to not like it yes because it does a flesh so once you are you start to experience those things you see that your desires or it like the Zimbabwe the desires oriented towards that Togolese the desires oriented towards pandu the Ghanaian is directed towards kinky or off and then I just directed toward a cushy buh buh no shootin is like its oriented wait it's a rented listen do not do not fool when it's not time to fool okay please please so when you start to test things in a certain way you can't at a point you can't changes but that you can't but it's very difficult to say I don't like a gooshie skew again I don't like pounded yam again it comes back throw this thing Wow what I was doing with my anus once one time I spoke to a brother he was having different girls I said look let me let me tell you it looks like you are having a good time but one of the problems you can have is that you can't deal with one girl ever because it's not easy to stay with one as a boy it so easy for any man to steal with one person because does a paratus is difficult is a challenge how much more if you are used to sleeping with every girl you ever talk to that's what you know does the relationship you know so I say you think you are just having a good time and after some time you see that you've tasted something and all you do is desire to sleep with everyone that comes and there are people they can't stop it there are some people even they have been counseled in the Imagi just accept that he sleeps around and we just to just stay with it either I'll leave the personal activity that is how it is and I know couple dollar subsidy dollar I know when you go out this is hard because like you can't control you've been doing it from a child upward exams topic so why young person you are eating drinking a Alan used from the age of five he was drinking his parents made alcohol the local alcohol and he was told it that was their work so they used to give him tested brick so he started drinking from that and when he grew up when he died he had all these alcohol bottles or he just drank himself to death yeah great man of God but it came back see the desires it can't another man of body was also found with cocaine and it's what I write he happy tried so hard to stop it and he is succeeded by the desire came back yeah so sometimes you you get worried when these people are young and they are doing a lot of things now what you are doing it looks like I'm just doing so though God forgive me for giving you you know that that that the flesh has been trade this one train for fondue this was being trained for such that this has been trained for kinky this was been trained for potatoes this one's been trained for KFC I mean you've been trained and it's comes back that's the problem and you've been training for Necaise in syria you are training masturbation but training yeah people are meridia always masturbating they can't stop it this was trained in polygraph e training this because the pictures what they do is like you need it it's very very very well so it's not just oh god what a forgiving God will forgive you about how will you be oriented after look this are cooking you know drugs they've done experiments with animals they take them and they start them they make that map the mice drug addicts they feed them with cocaine so the mice need the cocaine to live always they want cocaine then they take them aside and start them off food and cooking and after two weeks or three weeks they leave them to come out this cat's mother have not eaten for three weeks here is the food here is cocaine they don't go to the food after three weeks without eating drinking they come out in the goat to the cocaine and they'll eat the food it shows you how through the desire is exercise abnormal that is right that is why you see as soon as these things are even in the Bible by the power that it has when its power is established over you it's not exporting its power is very big so you see somebody's holding it so it's a sort of care to him ever to look at the pornography because it doesn't know that habit by you it's always always with you it has trouble to do not check something or not look at something because you've lang six so while we are talking about already at 20 it survived ready for foolishness and ready for the flag for the flesh it will be that way and that's why God calls you and that's why I think the color God usually when you are young because by the time you have not trained your flesh in so many trees our God is causal yes what yah go you even see that you cannot at a point do it people really struggle to change really struggle to change that is why God tries to call you and train you when you are young so that by the time you are twenty you have not developed fetid painful and difficult to remove features I go can I is khaki you will not like it if you don't know it you will not like it if you don't know it you have to know it to like it almost all foods are like that I know somebody who left Ghana came and divert it to the camera but she can't stand potato she can't stand where this type of sauce without pepper and her no no she can't stand it at all I can't keep or to ezel I come back to Ghana yeah literally so what I'm sharing with you I'm trying to help you to rarely fear your flexure to fear it I tell you cousin as when I look at some people I realized the difference is I did in case know that I have to train but I am I didn t think that's why that's why that's why it took a problem or not that I'm strong like I'm a movie like Anwar no no it's a having stay steady and I think or even if up states that I haven't it doesn't I've not been trained in it if you are sampled it I have not been trained in it whatever evil you are being training that evil comes to an end to take Jesus a amen yes comes to an end it comes to an end from this meeting onwards whatever training you have hard training in the place which is evil God is delivering you from it now in Jesus mighty name Amen so if you girls you are used to getting comfort in a boy's arms [Applause] you are being from arms to arms are you an art dealer [Applause] I said are you an arms dealer [Applause] comes to UM Antoine Antoine huh no no no no I said to the buy/sell look it's nice you know all these girls you slept with this one you sleep with this exciting sounds nice it sounds a bit exciting to me out there with my flat photography that's exciting Wow but be careful this is when it stays with you yes you be in your house and an orange seller will be passing out and you come out of the end to start on there on the veranda and if it yes you see somebody was this scent on the house walking in the area once it's in a sketch uuuu that is your life yeah it is all my examples are real things that I've seen you go to work somebody will come and buy something from your shop then you just start wrapping it and then you see that you are and everyone you are not easy to is it free to find a girl who just stay with you as you do those things there's not so many girls can do that I mean it takes krytus something - yeah it's like oh you go around I'll come back I'll be the house when you come back whatever disease you bring I will be here I'll be waiting to receive it yeah I am injecting me with this that will never be your story so this is it this is it everybody in the world it is always remember officials 2 3 this is how it is to be in the world you just fulfill in the past the last of your flesh and the desires of your flesh and of the mind you just fulfill it but I feel like I do I wake up and I start to perform yeah are you listening to me yeah so that's why that's what virginity is good virginity is a very good thing like if somebody's a virgin or the president is not very very frigid it's not unimportant it yes is important it's important no I've ever been I was a so what it is good answer what you can't and so what my question are you betting or not it's this has its relevance and it is not what is one or two or one or two hundred matters why because because because listen oh look listen because even in the evil you may get into this once twice maybe three three people even 40 but it may be the sixth person or the sisters who actually train you well you see that now being trained and I know things yes strained your flesh yeah you didn't know it before yes enough tasted alcohol for doing communion you get what I'm saying do you have communion they're going to have communion we are we call you every day yeah I have to win every day why not amen hmm I've tasted it but I'm not I've not been training like drinking I know how to drink alcohol and all that no I don't know how I don't know what it's like so who messed up the drinks you arranged it doesn't even occur to me because not because I'm good like I'm powerful when it comes to the flesh but I haven't had that training that's not a damn good that's why sometimes God wants to just keep you so when he was calling Samson he said you not cut your hair you not drink you not do this from your youth upwards that's another right so all that is important and I know that I'm speaking to people here many of you have already done some of the things and many of the things some of you are living being strange this is why God is trying to retrain you and redirect redirect redirect redirect redirect redirect redirect redirect is when you are very sexual is when you can be very spiritual because they assess assess assess a feeling which doesn't make sense and spiritual things don't make sense yes so it is even a time you you you re capable of going into a non logical world yeah yes there is a fantastic thing to be a young person is a very spiritual moment of your life very spiritual very is a great test time of ministry yes is the greatest time of you you think that your place is worrying you buy it it's actually it's actually like it's like what is fresh meat this is what the Lion of Judah wants and the lion who is prowling around as a roaring lion also want that fresh meat all the two lions who want the fresh with ya you are the freshness of the meat Alliance on it I'll donate old meat it's a high unit pouches but Lions fresh bloody meat that was ramming you never fulfill the desires of your flesh and of your mind anymore in Jesus name children of disobedience go back go back - oh where is he one one children of disobedience children of disobedience yeah children of disobedience children of Wrath you want to be a child of disobedience huh you'll not be a child of disobedience children of disobedience children of disobedience children of disobedience a kendama see chapter no no go back to some 25 remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways according to your love remember me amen are you there yes now to not become rebellious easy I've tried to share with you there are two big things about young people one is there two three thing but two are negative the one is positive the two negatives that you go into very easily by default is youthful lust and for the sins of the youth and rebellious ways of disobedient ways of disobedience and rebellion so rebellion all right is something that you must overcome and it's disloyalty yes so how to fight rebellion number one number one is full persuasion amen full persuasion you need to be fully persuaded you see when you are young present you are constantly thinking so you're analyzing another fool you going to school and as you are analyzing you are realizing that hey you know this is what I think what do you think is what I think and you have a right to think you see so light out it demands full persuasion you need to become fully persuaded about the things you are believing you know so if you want to fight rebellion within your soul you have to think it through and analyze it to its last conclusion if somebody is telling you don't marry this person or somebody is telling you don't take loans or somebody is telling you pay your loans or somebody tell you don't live in sin look instead of just dismissing it have go deeper into it and find us for yourself your own situation and if you go to the logical conclusion of the thought you will find out that the instruction you are being given is the most important thing to obey amen are you with me yes 2nd Timothy chapter 1 2nd Timothy chapter number 1 there's 12 for the witch cause I suffer these things and nevertheless I am not ashamed okay for I know whom I have believed is he another shame I know whom I have believed and I am fully persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day all right if you look at verse 11 it says we're on - I am appointed a preacher an apostle and a teacher of the Gentiles for the which cause I also suffer these things nevertheless I am not ashamed I'm not ashamed amen I'm not ashamed all right I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus is there not so yes why because I'm fully persuaded so what is he when you're a young person you find out that there are so many things that are being taught things that are being said all right what about this or don't do this this is whatever I saw on it's a natural response all for my old man but if I get Moodle every stop having report on that is the point at which you start to go down when you start to despise your parents and whatever type of parent God gives you that is the ten in points of your life the selling point of your life is not when you filled your example the turning point of your life is when you start to go away from your parents and your father's instruction and your path that's way yes that's the real turning point of your life that's where you start to go down down down down down and the reason why you start to do that is because you are not fully persuaded you just listen shallow in a shallow way you don't you don't speak about it deeply if you go into it very very deeply you'll find out that you are being to the right thing I see to tell people about borrowing money you just flippantly dismiss what I said and they went on but it doesn't lead you to prosperity most of all those people have not really prospect they struggle up till today because they just flippantly dismissed what I was saying as nonsense one brother was telling me you know he said his father I think it's other was a priest his father used to tell him do not borrow money you know I have this here I have this one piece of lime here I have this I don't have much but I have here I'm okay and he said she just listened what his father said when you started working the very first thing he did was to borrow money like totally opposite of whatever he had land do you see and today all his problems trees can be traced to his death it's like exactly going against what your father said but if you wouldn't mind to just go through it deeply and think about it very deeply you may find out that it's quite wise yes so people are not fully persuaded rigid when I preach and I teach people about serving God by serving God and becoming God seven is the master key to doing well in this life is the master key to prosperity is the master key to your breakthrough and to become a Chinese Thai in this life it is it is serving God when I encourage people to serve God this flippantly dismiss world as though not everybody whose father and it's got everybody who's my it's not everyone who cut like that and he goes on and as you do that then why don't you think about it carefully if you analyze you find out how easy is it to prosper people have been to school is it those who've been to school or Irish what do you have what do they have what does anybody have after all is said and done can't you see that there is some supernatural element in making it in this life if God does not help you who is going to help you think about it deeply look around and see just look around you and see the souls which part each day look around and see think analyze and before posture I know who I believe and I am only persuaded so don't keep drifting don't keep missing don't conceal that also horrible okay hold does there's a lot that says a lot stand ye in the way and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk II in it but they said we will not work enough study in the way and see you see start looking and thinking ask questions ask for the old paths look for the new path the old one the one that they walk on and they go to their destination up for the old car most of the new passed out for the old paths and walkie in it which is the part that was worked on what's the past what's the way and tell me the winner and look see the size I see then the next one is ask ask for the old paths like the question you ask is can you show me where the old ways excuse me excuse me as a constable you know where the old passes where they manager it is where the demon where is most of the people go what was the old way can you show me the way that has been used since 1940 that's the way where is the good way yes so you you need to start convincing yourself of things that we are preaching or just hearing on the Sabbath that difference of shouting you need to convince yourself you need to hear things and go into the Bible yourself and convince it in sync analyze what is a good way my father told me to be a doctor I think I like animals up to to the airline animals I'm buying I'm buying animals all the time I like I like having animals yes one of the places that we we have meetings I got I just got 10 cups little kisses I love them yeah feeding them drinking milk oh so sweet yeah I'm always trying to see which animal I can have I want to have rabbits I wanted to have pace wanted to have all kinds of animals I like them yeah and I told my father I want to be a vet it's always been the fella I like animals white people like animals yeah why do you like and my father I told my father I want to be aware my father said no be a doctor rather we are medical doctor he I'm so glad I'm the doctor another vet what is a vet [Laughter] if I was a vet and anybody was not well around now so if you were cut I would be able to tell you this if you are a dog have to be able to help you if you a cow you are how many times do I have six cows or six at the old path ask ask and if I was to think about it carefully what my father said be a doctor and I'm still now following my animal desire I'm still doing it on the side that's rally yeah so what if this is that we are not fully persuaded of other things but still be a missionary so you love him when they say this you know they listen to this kind of music in the head but they come to judge me why don't you start thinking what are your brains for are you having brain failure stop thinking about the things that are being told to you start analyzing asking questions and does not deserve what somebody belief as what you believe and remember there is no group group winner England sends people to the Olympic Games it may send a contingent of 70 people it is the one who wins the race who get the prize not the group though we all went to the political y'all got a medal stop deceiving yourself iso group rate anywhere it is individuals who are giving prizes so you start thinking for yourself because if any matter will be given to be given to you as a negative one are the group so stop thinking correctly and going to in your head it's not what we all think is what you think about what we are talking about how communication English team we are going we are running Kenyans we are all going and they'll give 1% long jumper the person has got a bronze medal that means the person who got the brunt but who goes for the bronze medal one of the test one session yeah we all father you are nothing you are doing javelin you are doing shot to tell you alive you are getting nothing you are coming back home so you need to be fully persuaded yes otherwise you're going to go back you know Jesus was accused of so many things but you have to have your own personal conviction about who he is it was accused of being a a bad person and he was accused of such crimes you know of being somebody so bad but what do you call it they wanted to kill him and they killed him you know so what do you think of Jesus is that what we all think of Jesus what I think of Jesus want to give me my price and that's right Jesus asked what do people say that I am Oh some people say some people say you are this fabulous okay your pizza what do you say what do you personally sing as soon as we get the right answer that is his - form correctly you are the Christ plus a solid earth your mind is completely adjusted to the right spot and he said now I am appointing you at the head of the church so it is your personal conviction your personal belief because our belief it's not that this London group of this Manchester group is you what do you believe that's what gives you your prize general prize we go look we've all got a street prize prizes are given if it is otherwise that I'd be wise for dice out are you there oh you are leaving amen nama true your loyalty must be to the higher authority yes first Corinthians 11 verse 1 followed my example as I follow the example of Christ 1st Corinthians 11 verse 1 follow me even as I follow Christ so you follow people and you're following someone is based on the patient's loyalty to the one above if I'm not loyal to Christ you are a fool to follow me you follow me up and only if I'm following Christ if I come up with the nonsense do this do this do this your duty is to not follow me that's what festering us is everyone to follow me as I follow Christ if I follow Christ then you follow that's that's always what is supposed to be amen so now if your parents are telling you to do something and what they are saying is not contrary to Christ to the higher authority I do not understand why you want to make yourself a rebellious child yes I don't understand it choose to like your father just tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu how is my son give me your heart not your shouts not your claps not your laughter my son give me your hat for this I use me my son give me your hand I think 2326 under data yeah my son give me your heart is that it for us 23:22 sure my son give me thine heart and and let your eyes observe my way your heart should be there your heart should be there yes my son give me your heart look once your pasta is following Christ your loyalty should be to your pasta it is no more following Christ that's it so loyalty and disloyalty if you see that it teaches you and helped me to fight rebellion within yourself yes loyalty is to the higher authority so if you are in it in a branch in a church and the pasta is not following let it in in England but it's not following Bishop Richard you should we should repel against him say you know the comments you are making is not the right comment we don't have that in the church here I'm going to call Richard Richard Lynn telling what you just said about him [Applause] what do you think allows you should be to the higher authority it is the process not following crisis you call them the lot a lot I want to inform you this a man of God he is not doing the rising anymore what shall I do amen soul i RT to the high authority so you just keep watching so don't be rebellious but look and see this person is not going against the Word of God it is going against the high authority then you say hey red flags are coming up amen number three loyalty does not withhold information lawyer is it when you are not rebellious in one of the ways you learned not to be rebellious is to be the person who brings information about rebellious activities look in every family there's a child who comes to say mommy I want to tell you this [Applause] in the family of Jacob and his children Joseph was the one who kept coming back to say this is what they are doing yes yes he was the one doing that are you there yeah not withholding information amen I want to show that to you Genesis chapter 37 verse 1 and Jacob blot in the land wherein his father was a stranger and these are the generations of Jacob Joseph beans that I'm talking about la Ossa does not withhold information when you are rebellious that's when you hold withhold information these are the generations of Joseph Joseph Jacob just up in 17 years old was feeding the flock of his brethren and the laterals were the sons of Bilhah the sons of Zilpah his father's wives and just have brought unto his father via evil report a brother a father I said it I said it Joseph brought to his father they are evil reports how so if you are loyal here is your duty to bring the evil report it is the daddy's boy who does that the daddy's boy and the daddy's girl daddy I want to tell you [Applause] would you rather be loved by your brother or your father that's a good question isn't it would you rather be loved by your sister or your father I would choose a father if I have to have to choose but in the house you find out people join we we think you know we are with the young people with the children we think this and that and there's one child who say no daddy what that is saying is right you know that is not as stupid as you think that is knows what is going on that is a it's not at all that you think that it is that it is a pasta dish of this is like that there's always one like that does they see that one does the darling boy you are the next darling boy or the next alley boy in Jesus name [Applause] darling boy vestry now Israel loved Joseph more why do you think he loved him more than all his children he loved because he was the son of his old age and he made him a coat of many colors and when his brothers saw that their brother loved him more than all his brothers they hated him and could not speak peaceably unto him loyalty that's always hold information to all the other children were rebellious boys and girls yeah except Joseph yes and Joseph thing was that I've come to tell what you are doing what you are saying yeah I remember one sister when years ago we were in school and I was in school but I think she was in school and one of my pastors know he was talking funny in a way she came to me and she told me she said pastor I just want to tell you notice what so-and-so said I don't think he's thinking I don't know what he's thinking but I don't know what thinking I always remembered her yeah I know this discount loves me so some years later you know something came up opportunity came and I called her and I said this sit in this chair yeah well I remember the only for that thing yeah and it what she said didn't really change anything but the peasant was already some way the person who said to me I will not say anything about anything anymore she's the one who came and told me about him let's just help the whole church he said I'll not say anything about anything anymore she the one who came in together yeah and if then after today she owes her life to those two that that time when she came and said pastor I think I was pasta or something the pasta this is what whatever yeah this person this one you know he said is rather than he came he said all these and Wow I said okay thank you Joseph brought to his father by evil report you know you have to choose will I be the favorite of brothers or favorite of father physical pasta even not working when you go to work you know you should always choose cause to the people complain about the boss look at it faces evilly welcome is over the head allied who the head and with it head on you can join those who like the boss this wiser yeah and whenever there is a meeting at your workplace huh and the boss is explaining something stand up and explain say this what he's trying to say is resist and say the same thing is that you don't have to have a dear eyes devastating you will become a pivot in that workplace I'm telling you it will be a favorite they will always remember you I'm giving you keys to prosperity the old way and I agree with him because even when you disagree what he wants is what will be done and you will be mocked at at the center so loyalty does not withhold information it is the rebellious one all the other boys Ruben this day all those guys they all were rebellious that is why they were hiding in secret speaking against your father great person like Jacob a great person like Jacob god bless Everett Isaac and Jacob they were all rebellious against nicob somebody on whom there was a great blessing all the children were some weak only Joseph was loyal to his father is he honor thy father and thy mother that it may be well with you okay that is nice it may be well you see uh he became the prime minister it was in the I was in the prison scratching his head and they came to call him I think you are the next prime minister his brothers were following good in the world that is still he had left them at the same spot where he last saw them they were there in a WestEd starving whatever fixes you to an old spot that you cannot climb out of is cut off today you never be found at the same spot again after all these words amen so loyalty is a good thing wise wise I've been to churches and I preached about loyalty nobody likes me they catch only the senior pastor no point you know through the years I've been invited to many churches I'll preach I don't care if they don't like me but the senior pasta usually he likes me yeah because here's the only one who can call me back and you cause me to come back amazing isn't it oh there are many church i go i will all of the process don't like me oh yeah yeah yeah they don't want to be at all when they ceiling but the senior pastor is so happy that's how to become a darling boy you choose whom you are going to please in the system when people don't like his own doesn't like me this one doesn't like with this order it doesn't matter I have to know where my loyalty is I'll show you how to prosper yeah I'm showing you how to prosper I've been to places I can preach and talk and establish the senior pastor they'll all be looking at me I'll tell them to honor him to be looking at me our quality now explained to the assistant puzzle that we are all like a beard which can be shipped off and the person is just as he was what I shave off muscle doesn't change anything they will be looking at and said they are not happy at all because when you shave your beard it's like you are the same if I you look at in mita without the beard they'll be looking at me I'll tell them God called Abraham alone what are you were there or not it doesn't matter huh yeah that's how to become a darling boy your loyalty is to the high authority one day a man of God had a Bible School and he appointed an around gue as a lecturer in the Bible School [Music] so this pasta was lecturing in the Bible school of this great man of God so one day it was time to teach about administration so he started to teach about administration good administration and bad administration so when we go to bad administration he said now I'm sharing with you about fat administration an example of bad administration is here this is this this church is a good example of bad administration bad administration so you can see his mind was some way so when I heard about it I went and I told the senior posada your lecturer you are like to write your lecture who is the head of your school these are what he is teaching is using you as an example of every bad administrator with a bad administration yes I don't care if you don't like me and years go by you see that that's it that please I am to having a good relationship there that fellow I don't know where he is shaved off you'll never be shaved off how many want to be like Joseph he decide to become darling boys and darling girl your fathers are more important and your brother the owner dies Dada and I sisters that it may be well with you honor thy brother and I sister that it may be well with thee honor thy father and thy mother and Joseph on that his father brought the evil report they were wicked moist these people are you there all right that's carrion number four loyalty is based on principles and not emotions amen layout is based on principles and not emotions many people don't think when they are following disloyal things amen when you want to walk in loyalty you can't just do what you feel you see we once had a church here I think it's this town with about 70 people in the church and one day the pastor decided to leave and he went away with most of the church members do you understand I think this is the right time among the rest yes yes he went away with the members you see but what you have to know is that so I really like him you know I really like it was oh is my father's cousins success brother but loyalty is not based on which my relative well my art is based on what is right yes that is why there's so much conflict in the world there are certain people in the world if your brother is the one video but they say teeth they will always defend their balance if my brother is right even though if the teeth yes because they don't go by the principle of what is happening so they are going by is my brother once is well that is why politic police politicians or politics but when there is a dictator and it comes into power and he overthrows somebody he comes for all the relatives because they assume that the relatives will not think of what is right or wrong the dazzle you are my brother so I'm on your side that is why they clear family relatives relations any kind of connection you will be wiped out because people don't follow what is right they go by families I think in this country you have some people standing for elections one bad ass on this side one balance on that side of you has saga it's unusual usually there's a brother and then the whole family's behind you yes and you you know that the family is not thinking about anything I said that is my brother and that's why when somebody is being voted for so our president is come from this town so all of us we know used impasses about this our brother look we just we want him that is how it is and Seoul IRT is not based on that and until you grow up Jonas and and not at the lot is not just because this is this is this of this is that then you cannot never really build something serious for God because all your main works is that you're my brother you're black and and all yeah half cup so half castle I want to have cut to be my with me yes I don't have anything that we don't have anything like that in the church that is how come is also a lot a lot of other people to come really though it's my relative so this is my brother so this is my cousin so this is my wife so and so so that is that's nothing like that even my son Joshua I came to come to Ghana so you want to be the visual apply is that you have to write a letter I prepared to go for interview to see whether he'll be taken or not and giving a job everything like everybody else and rise through the ranks I gave him a check well status check his stutter and an open air that's all it's got a few people and he's building it slowly like everybody else look is the bishop son with a vicious friend is a vicious cousin the missiles listen if you do that you have a different kind of system yes if you build a lot of places are built like that especially Africa true or not true true you are not true so you have to grow up and know that it's not just by this is right all this my friend is my cousin is my sister is my brother this matters no what is it right is it not right what are the principles involved in this really do you have people and this is that that also fights you when you get married because sometimes when you get married your spouse can be very wrong very wrong but because of your mind that I don't have to ever say anything you'll be defending and naba you know what is that about you know now about have you heard of Abigail ISM ahead of Abigail Abigail was made to neva neva was a fool his name means food and he was a fool sometimes you might a fool you don't know that is a full body the food and it's wrong what is saying is wrong and David asked sent a messages look this is a time of habit for you and so on we've been guarding your flock we are like the unofficial guards of your flock we know that we use not appointed us we are area boys just if there's anything you have for us something small for the boys think about it we will be happy to accept anything you give us another said who is David did two stupid people they get up yes that we asked you why should I give what I have to this guy nonsense and David was so angry and he decided to attack and as he was going Abigale his the flyff of now about the food had about it that David was going to come and attack so she dress up quickly took some food took some things and so on and came ahead out of the house away from the house and met David and spoke down down and told him listen God is going to use you god is good if you come and you do anything it's going to be some blood on you you don't want this my dear King you will be the King one day I can see I'm not a prophet but I can see that you are good to be the king you know please accept look at bread yes meet my husband look between you and I he's a fool I she really wrapped him and David said blessed be thy advice you've really advised me well thank you you saved me from doing something wrong and he turned away and that day never had a patty was drunk so his wife didn't bother to tell him any cuz were so drunk when the morning she told him this what happened when he she told him he had a heart attack his heart became like a stone a stone doesn't move you know how to move he was terrified and he died and when David heard about it he said oh wow and he called Abigail and said I'll do you a favor by marrying you the great river to marry you it's a known operatic as an honorable epic favor to be married you a widow whom are you not that is before we do to get somebody to marry is well past that time but David said Oh Mario it's a favor a good favor it's okay in and current chemistry in the house I'll look after you let that be the advice and then how do you get into this story what are we even talking about principle principle yes it's a look it's my husband - is some way he is some way but there are some peoples of my husband oh he's always right sometimes it's wrong true or not true yeah sometimes you have a husband who's become a no rangu and the wife does not want to follow him we've had several knots ever about a number almost everybody who has become a noron who has come back later to say sorry just one more to have not but almost everybody has so when the person is behaving as I'm around you and you say that's right what my husband is saying is right and later he comes back to say sorry then you are a fool because the cooler and then you should have just kept quiet just prayed about it yes but to support it and to quarrel also no or to just maintain your stand up what you are doing is wrong I'm your wife I may be forced to be with you but it is wrong but and I don't agree with it but I'm really supposed to be with you yes so loyalty is not based on you are my brother you are my wife Rama that is why some men can not lead even their houses because the only base their ministry based on their levels my wife so have I gotta do anything anybody since that's it doesn't want to go so be careful but Jesus even was not like that he didn't have a weapon his closest to having a wife was Peter Peter that was his closest to having a wife Peter was his number one choice for the world when Peter said you have that price up I choose you based on how you see me I see me great I see you pleased to see me great I feel great you like me I like you they are powerful I'll make you powerful so went went went went went went went went weak I chose Jesus as a greater Christ and because as Jesus also choose you at the head of the church that was just a best above verse 14 but three verses later Pizza was so exhilarated by him being chosen that he said when Jesus was talking about that cross Jesus Peter Peter said no no no no we've decided that that cross idea cannot come on it's a bad idea and Jesus immediately immediately corrected him and rebuked him with one of the strongest rebukes if I come to any of your nice quantity of face and I say Spectre would you like it if I come to an Isis take that who should I choose here to use other this is why even afraid of the example same time but that's what we did to pizza he says kata there are times the person you've chosen closest is second yes and it's not by emotions is it your fact layup is not based on emotions is based on realities what you are saying is seconds why even though you are my main man - my main my second you are the wife I have chosen but what you are seeing is shakin titties so my husband bought your face double you get it that's why some that's why some ministries never climbed because their loyalty is not based on principles and the realities but it's based on all this my brother my sister my wife my days my dad and it goes like that and you just ended yes my hometown are from this is she sincere for my count we are all brothers we are how come you leave these entities y'all Google is one of Isaac oh go little happy here a little a camera we are to do hey no no are you listening I show you're listening so let your life to be sonic be fully persuaded in your mind because it's your personal persuasion that's going to get you your prize you don't go all go all of us you are not going to get a prize when we all I finally get into heaven some will be given a prize some will not be there so all the group who had that camp you all come for one medal know if you some of us who gather I said no no no it's not fair how many will get up and say it's no fair you can give us all a joint made our first love metal layout is based on principle it's my husband but is naba it's my wife but heshes Satan no but there are four people that are called Devils in the Bible who the word satan is useful one of lucifer what is Satan himself what is Judas have I not choosing one of you is a devil the one is pastors wives oh you don't know this you don't know this and the other older women yeah ah my book is not out I wrote it but I didn't release it yeah but I mentioned it huh it's a book yeah yeah is it and that deacons wife should not be slanderous you know the one who wrote it couldn't write Devils by the West Langer is the same Diablos because I should not be Babloo she's not is there should not be media many time beer yeah many times yeah Satan in the house or outside they look nice all that beautiful have you seen a girl who is not beautiful before gotta beautiful forever more a girl's a final is that nice girl near you [Applause] [Applause] Wow number five why LT will cost you relationships and friendships yeah lyova cost friendships loyalty will cost you friendships relations Joseph relationship with his brothers was sports based on his loyalty to his father I'm loyal to my father it cost me my friendship with my brothers choose loyalty cost friendship cost relationships affect relationships that's how loyalty is so when you are not everything your son your father made up to love you but your own brothers and your own sister in the same house may cost you your friendship and your relationship even with them and that is why I said deliver me some twenty five by seven from the sins of my youth and for my rebellious ways the NI diseases yes is it not true some 25 hey who's the man in the screen NIV who's the one during the screen remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways my ways where I a lot where I was rather choosing to be rebellious against you my father and be friends with my brothers and sisters so now the whole house can gang up against their father the whole house can gang up against the father all the sister and if the mother is also you know parent you can't you can't really understand the relationship between parents never think you understand it by what you see in the house this many things are hidden you cannot see understand this looks different your viewpoint depends on your point of view if I look at this girl from here value it with judging me all I can see the black mat that I saw like as if from here that's all I see it from this viewpoint looks like this from here I see a human being from here I see something different so your your viewpoint determines your point of view so we might want of music my mother is Mike my father is the guys because of where you are standing from the one who is sitting my hair we have a different point of view from the one who is under hair so that is nice to be a child but no nice to be a husband of the same person a wife of the same person are you there are you understanding what I'm talking about huh what are we talking about I know what we are talking about this travesty all sudden see if you could remember what we are talking about it costs something yeah cost something friendships relationships yeah and Joseph paid for his whole life for his loyalty to his father he went to prison because of that he went to Egypt because of that he had a new family new group of friends his original status when no more Hispanics Egyptians in prison business for the first 7 the other house boys where his friends and brothers and Egyptians even his wife for solution adesh from hadami apart for me also renamed the wife his slaves it did you will also pay you know you'll never be loud to somebody and keep all the old people so that's why I thought that well we see your friend we know you are not correct like when we see the person you are moving with other you are not correct and like like you you're moving with this guy the movie with this girl hey you are not correct Oh Oh like like we don't even have to talk to you to know the fact I got moving with this person and we know that the right correct person loyalty's have at price molarity has a reward it was a price and a reward the reward was the blessings blessed Joseph was really blessed honor thy father another father that it may be well with thee every way when everywhere he went it was well with him everywhere it's just well with him even in Potiphar's house it was well with him it is kaizo is the 41st wife loved him like girls were falling in love with including the boss's wife like she she fell in love with him he was so cool money he was so he was so he was so nice I mean what if sy said wow these guys are my husband [Applause] I like to have Java that just about my boyfriend the slavery slave guy like he was he was attractive the favor destruction receive the ability to attract it is d violent business these are some of the syllabus and some of the side effects of the attractions Cuenco past to attract Potiphar's wife it wasn't acceptable it was well with him everywhere another father and I mad eyes may be well with thee prison it was well with him the prisoners are you know you lover is kicked give me you are I'm sure the prisoner to look I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong personally between the two of us I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong you know something here's a key to the prison just look after all these people I like since you came everything is going on well here it was a darling boy in the prisoner was a darling boy the prison God gave him the ability to interpret dreams and he got it right you know one man was your good who died one who's going to live he could have mixed them up because both of them could mean either thing and as some greens you can't tell what it really means but I gotta write what about it I got it wrong you will get it right you work at it right [Applause] look at it right you get it right you get it right for my darling boy he became a national hero yes that's why a savior of the whole nation he became a national celebrity and national hero it was with God was with him Todd was with him you see that these are rewards of being loyal to your father everywhere when he was just flowing and by the time he came out he was Teddy wasn't like so much like some yes and all that was taken was like was now they gave him a posh girl [Applause] there is nice it was now being treated to Egyptian pancakes [Applause] it gives some pancakes Kairo massage [Applause] ah pyramids delight [Applause] Alexandria drinks [Applause] you should have seen yourself having a night swim in the river now whatever we forget Fanny also the pilot cornea is SS panty attack they were swimming in the Nile for sure dekhti Japanese subpoenas Vanya and he was in backstroke as dr. Nathaniel was on top of him [Applause] in the river now he's a rebel now in the river now you'll be the one day [Applause] [Music] then he was given a special boat to go for personalized cruise on on the river up to today they are still doing the crew run area and he was sitting there with stop enough you tend to has his Debbie I never thought I'll be here you know [Applause] and as I go by down the river now with a lung ten in the boats and the other people will be paddling he was telling here you see this horrendous that's where purchases how I used to be in the house I was staying in the Bois Forte something happen one day I was there when the madam of the house came she said hi baby [Applause] Wow he said I immediately had an erection [Applause] a son a young man on his 20 and something said to me something said to me no no no no no no no no no no no no no no if you do that it means you don't love the Lord do you love the Lola you don't love the law then he draws up enough Ponyo come nearer I'm afraid of that day what I remember that the amateur held something up pania and so that people behind faster faster baby what's going down when other points up enough money I said I'm scared why cause in the new justice that don't worry we have protective security camera controls on the pasta I toughen up funny you'll be there one day some people here are going to go on cruises on the river now when you go for a cruise on the river now put your foot on the boat and massage the potency I had it at ready at 20:00 that I'll be ready at 20:00 and you have been practically you would tend to yourself enough pania there's up enough I had this at ready at 20 that I'll be here and look at us we are here can I let me kiss you quickly [Applause] Wow loyalty has its rewards it was well with him prison Egypt is fair everywhere darling boy another darling boy national hero whatever he always rose up attraction she was attracted people liked him but he was good well civets he got it right what about it he got it wrong otherwise yet mix it up when he went when the gout of corner he said there was a guy who prophesied that how die but I escaped that guy's a very wicked man that's what would have happened if you had got it wrong if you had mixed up the dreams then it's a guy you bring detects our school and I'm here loyalty is a wonderful thing amen item loyalty may cost you physical things loyalty may cost you physical things Wow amazing YRT has it cost cost him his comfort it costs to set his home yes sometimes your loyalty to God or your loyalty to the church will cost you something or allows you to the higher authority you may lose something Joseph lost his home he lost his family he lost his brothers loyalty cost you something physical his loyalty to his father but as a child Lennox he is a darling boy of your family did you hear me I said be the darling boy of your family and choose that route it's not hard hard at all whatever they say just do it just do it yes and even if it comes upon where they are saying something contrary to the Word of God you have a way of going about it if you don't have to rebuke your you may obey the Word of God which may mean disobeying what they are saying but you don't do it in a way to rebuke the person so I will go what I usually what is that just calmly say I understand what you are saying you still have to come to church worship God on your way home from wherever the understand yeah is it amazing loyalty cost you something and number seven loyalty demands analysis analyze analyze huh somebody want to be disloyal to your father your mother your posture just think about the past what are the bad thing has he done to you for you try to help you somehow hmm isn't it some of you the reason why your parents haven't been able to help you miser they don't have anything to help you with yes be careful the kids you may also have nothing one day and you may find yourself struggling struggling are you there you're going home how many love loyalty yes I'm just reaching for my book on loyalty and this loyalty lessons on loyalty and disloyalty chapter three I believe it is amen chapter 4 it was lessons on loyalty loyalty demands was the first one loyalty and on full pay situation number two higher authority and number three while he does not withhold information number four and suppose are not emotions who can that affect that one why are these based on principles not emotions huh family friends husband wife brothers sisters it's not bad about easy teeth it may be a brother buddies a tea and so and we may be a mother but amiss is a tip I know somebody who's fun other their their their daughter is a thief I mean she's actually not automated that she's at if she stole this is prodigious dosage is in prison right if the epic teeth is somebody's child F if it is somebody's child it didn't just come into the world is it the truth every prostitute is somebody's beautiful daughter who is tending to this thing amazing amen
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 16,090
Rating: 4.9305553 out of 5
Keywords: 2016, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, MACHANEH, UK, STEVENAGE, READY @ 20, READY AT 20, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 21sec (8781 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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