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Peter price horses might end exhaustion or the cross but says he thought after extensive the Sun oh thank you lord [Music] Lord I come to you let my heartbeat [Music] [Music] he Oh that they've lord of come to know oh Oh [Music] [Applause] and we will piss it away Oh by the power of your love me around Oh make me to your side from where I'll write up my legal [Music] job services we are love laughter bad let's of laughs around me Oh Raymond we apply that and as my way to God [Applause] I'm Paris [Music] all lit up your hands and worship God [Applause] I said ah just like these [Music] Oh Oh how long [Music] I will go with you come on [Music] these cabin we're in of the world you step down oh my beauty's a face then pop up earlier for the right there I love the world step down co-leader Oh Oh you Here I am [Applause] lovely Oh everyone Oh here here let's go No ah here Oh Dubey have created Oh [Applause] okay and here there yeah Oh Oh No [Music] my ha Oh never learn girl yeah ah he might live [Music] the mother tongue your head wanna problem your lawyer and my god you get the lovely oh yeah Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] to preach and [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] me ah [Music] to make a confession Oh I was they haven't even let me Oh Oh ah ribbit I know [Music] you got him below oh yeah I was shouting oh yeah yeah you know it yes love me [Music] Oh in the face of all the challenges the figure loved me the world love me never [Music] number zero [Music] [Music] Bokke Oh [Music] just tell your landlord [Applause] [Applause] amen how many of you know that Jesus loves you please take your seat amen welcome your neighbor sittin by you tell me about Merry Christmas [Music] amen jeez let's all settle down amen are you ready for today's service oh are you ready for today's service let's welcome the film star [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Miss Mary and lo badger she just completed a investing like a beautiful young woman she was she had many suitors some we're lawyers and doctors somewhere even powerful rich businessmen but among all these suitors there was one he has longed for fo joseph job when you're except they start apprentice a long low pop idol of mine yeah I might you know law about bottle of wine yeah haha I got be Mary oh and for what you kept so long game what do you buy for me I know about you Bobby please and I got your ocular factories I see married like seriously you threw our pizza for an applet God you could have done better [Applause] Mary o is the one where for is nothing you should be worried about I know I'm not comfortable with all these people running around to an orthosis I feel like a sauna with flies around them I'm not comfortable I see this alloy as an applicator before you know me I'm a capita I knew you a graduation present of all these kind of things I assure you love me oh boy love you and you see all these men that come by you're not like you and for they don't love the Lord like you do they don't want to sacrifice their whole life like you were for and they don't think that's my song that you always think ma la la la me back Oh f-for sing with me me me now you I forgot your bike sorry let me cut it for you [Music] how about Mary hey wait for me wait for me ah so awesome so you know my dear are you supposed to send out for married to Mary that carpenter said that would be also my dad but you have to do something about it what do mine is this mine please what you've been talking are you give it a go Molly write it down [Applause] you think I'm blind like you and a mother of four I don't know when my daughter is pregnant how before we have for the past one week okay she's not pregnant I guess do you feel pregnant ideas I don't know if he ever since I had that vision when the angel came to me and he said I'll be pregnant things have changed daddy and I'm still a virgin so I don't know how it is Mike should be pregnant all I know is that sometimes green money who are hungry but I think that poor of you you throw food you've been gallivanting around with a go through him for food all of this would you keep I said you go about impregnation suppose like that you come in thinking you might be talking a copy what's wrong oh and what was wrong with me at first I wanted to come and tell you you see I had a vision and angel Gabriel came up to me and said that I'll give birth to a savior a very handsome little boy you and I fo and Hassan will save the whole world totai talking about pregnancy until AHA pregnant also with the responsible agencies Oh Mary so primary Tokra I now remember last time I was sleeping and some inter wearing wife is like you because in your head a new comic tell me that I you get pregnant so Holy Spirit something pregnant and you give up to the city of the world does the reason why living coming year how to come estas marriage issue this madness ah by with a Papa how to know the bride price and everything so that we can say marriage now you are talking look let let's go inside I'll get you the list of the things once I thank you very much Amala ha ha ha mr. Perham ah so Mary and Joseph got married and they had a beautiful baby boy whom they named in manual Kim Jesus Molly talk when yo yes makes us as a first love wedding reception [Music] wake up come how come we are no drinks to serve the guests this modem or portlet audience or Felicia oh you mean that no drink at all in town no please oh why she says please excuse me [Applause] [Music] Jesus there way that just told me that they are not doing she says again I am so confused like seriously mommy let me see you do you have come yes Melissa and water yes bring the cups of water you should just bring the car to actually say just let up and water [Music] give everybody a cup [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let the water [Music] are they so what the wedding based sort of wedding [Applause] Wow Wow this is unbelievable this is so amazing how did your son do it I started here to it he wasn't wine and it is really good to my god with the way I think more more voice I younger I don't know I thought it is that a hostess to faithfully walk with God I must have God well in fact in fact I'm booting to stop the Lord it is very quick to fund a lot a lot I checked amen thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you see a brother mantle and wears a hat we have you see after foundation by the way your posture off away Oh everyone [Music] a peril by the people [Music] Oh [Music] smile [Music] oh yeah I'm just in [Music] [Applause] amen Papa John's got a funny Sarah as we welcome Preston our welcome princess [Music] not in you I wonder way we'll ever see the one who ready and never never never [Music] [Applause] [Music] and have not you I wonder [Music] we'll show the love itself hello cats making here is not for you how will they love one new trainer hope and your door is free [Music] [Applause] the one missile never knew [Music] yeah [Music] you [Applause] ever [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen Oh how many of you want more let's welcome Justina [Applause] [Music] and all the people who have a good [Music] I'll pass oh the gay little rising nice luxury of life and take my time time it finally nothing is on cable but heads kicked off away to fly and then the love I bear [Music] my winner boström for sweetest dreams of all my moves beyond okay I build my eyes and across that crystal Oh goddammit leave your enemy I've been waiting for you too so much I want you to see I don't Oh heaven [Music] risk of me [Music] he built the kingdom [Applause] [Music] when I die [Music] I'm flying to heaven [Music] I'm flying up to heaven when I die [Music] Oh [Applause] how many of us enjoy the singing welcome captain [Applause] [Music] I remember that you never leave me in times of trouble you [Music] sometimes I feel my pain Oh [Music] I will to you and I'll just [Music] haunting song with you [Music] how to pull away [Music] see I know you said that I'm the apple of your eye hey love me [Music] just walk away on the travel fund we must save [Music] in love with you Maceda I just throw away [Music] [Music] you're way trouble parlor see our morning sir I'm calling back fall in love with my teeth I'm falling down falling love you [Music] [Applause] Lisa Stokke offering high among all those other work pieces that we are offering father we thank you for the opportunity to give bless our seed in Jesus name Amen as welcome the mascot give us a song [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not [Music] having me [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I'm going [Music] [Music] baby [Music] we could be afraid ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but through that hiding-place women see my gosh babe I find a strength to go on dr. house don't you know he carries me ah [Music] [Music] [Music] the Lord is my hometown and you know what don't you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no need to be away [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] me no me no me my god Oh nobody [Music] Oh on the [Applause] [Music] you don't have to buy everything Evernote every night okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for chess Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day and will forevermore because I cannot go in Bethlehem so the Holy Bible say [Music] what [Music] and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] by night they feel fries Oh [Music] Oh No I keep mine [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] my [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa-oh moment the world both of those horrible run down there with it up door and lots of people shot me welcome back [Music] okay so Bentley [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh moment the world was on globe or the bell run down there were tears of joy and love the people Charlie level 3 weapons for or to try pain oh my lord you send your son to save us all my lord your very self you gave us all my lord nothing made out of favor and lovely ray one more oh my lord they have begun mm oh my lord what do you know about you oh my lord they were so loved without you they needed you so bad save us money on your bag itself to save us all my that wing nothing wrong Oh [Music] they were from the prodigy they did it [Music] okay crime what grandma and must will me whatever more big ha [Applause] [Music] amen how many of you are blessed already a menace time for the way they met last week our Father shared with us something very powerful and I cannot wait for today I believe another powerful weather service so why don't you put your hands together and welcome back [Applause] Wow let your hands and thank God for his great and powerful blessing on your life today thank you thanks for your blessing your word Holy Spirit [Music] we love you Lord Rachel [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for your work today we are blessed already and Jesus a baby speaker Alleluia well it's good to see you all I thought you wouldn't come to church today [Applause] we will not leave this place without what you came for [Applause] amen [Music] [Applause] so every time you come to church right a determinant is determining something a determinant is something that determines the future the outcome your promotion your listing your rising your shining and the greatest determinant you can find in the Bible ah word faith words of faith blessings of faith cases they are the things that determine the outcome really I mean hard work and not listen I know a lot of people who work very hard telling you work very hard till it don't you know a lot of people who work very hard for every from morning to evening in the Sun and they are still very sick yeah so it's not hard work spaces and there are people who learn a lot fill they cannot pass by you apart you will not fail you will not fail I will not fail you will not fail let me hear your louder hey man [Applause] listen there is a word in the Bible that is very important and many people have overlooked it's important and that is the word amen amen is different from a Amon is different for all Amon is different from IG Amen is different from Wow yeah Amen means let it be so let it happen practically many Christians have what things start by them only to follow the person behind [Applause] but it will not bypass you again all right my soppec is it is a great thing to sell the law and I am explaining to you why it is a great thing to serve the Lord number one because there is a difference between those who serve God and those who do not and if that difference is not apparent to you now it will become clearer as the years go by you will see that there is a difference Malachi 3 verse 18 says then shall you return and descend between the righteous and the wicked and between him that severed God and him that said that him not and that defence will be clear in your life as the years go by number two the second reason why it is a great thing to serve the Lord is because serving God with joy resolved in the abundance of all things amen and I want you to turn to Deuteronomy 28 Deuteronomy chapter 28 Deuteronomy chapter 28 and look at verse 46 and verse 47 what does they say they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a Wamba and upon thy seed forever that's 47 because thou serveth not the LORD thy God with joyfulness and with gladness of heart for the abundance of all things notice you see God was warning the Israelite he said he wanted them you know about so many problems that were going to happen to them in Deuteronomy if you read let's read from verse let's say 44 of that 23 these are cases you know and the reason why there are about seven reasons seven ways I can show you that blessings faith blessings and faith cases are what determine the outcome of of life you get it one of them is the words that Moses spoke over the children of Israel if you go to Israel there's a museum called a yeah Yad Vashem Memorial Museum it's the museum of the Holocaust and you see you when you go there next time you go there take a Bible yes you will definitely go there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just me now you see you can hold your Deuteronomy and read through it you see the stranger that is within thee shall get up above the very high and thou shalt come down very low you see some of these things actually also in in in certain countries certain countries you see that a stranger get up very high I sometimes go to say they can see that Indians are very high or Lebanese are very high because they are visitors but they'll be very high they owned the things Chinese and so on they come that's 44 he shall he shall n2d those are not led to him he shall be the head thou shalt be the tail so you find out that white people would come to this country and they will lend to you buckless baggage white man lending to you you shall not lend to him and all the banks verse 45 more all these cases are come upon thee and HUD it's like you are escaping by this chastening like we went to school to a scaler it follows you to the school you did a master's I did follows you still did it really still follow you and overtake thee till that be destroyed because tau happiness not unto the voice of the LORD thy God to keep his Commandments and his statues which he commanded with these cases come upon you because you didn't believe a god you get what I'm saying yeah verse 46 and they shall beat upon thee or a sign and for a wonder and upon thy seed forever so you and to be for a wonder like these people just mother the Wow why why why you know now the next step is really the best that concerns us the spot e7 is it is one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible it says because thou servest not the LORD thy God with joyfulness and with gladness of hat for the abundance of all things you see when you serve God with joy and with gladness God is going to give you the abundance of all things you should have chose them to serve God with joy and with gladness for the abundance of all things yea serving God is not a demotion 7ko it's a great thing to serve the Lord for the abundance of all things amen that will be your story from today you will look around you and you realize that as a television I have one is it a fridge I have one is it that carpet I have one is it a chair I have one is it that car I have one the house I have one and God will be asking you the after yourself what was it I was just to serve God with gladness easy but notice we don't serve God without gladness we don't serve God grudgingly don't do anything for God with a faith don't even come to church with our attitude don't sit here with a bit please faith or attitude like we've been back yet from where you were having fun to come and sit here and be bought no serve God with joy with gladness it must be with great joy that you serve the Lord for us for the abundance of all things look you see God is nobody has said God and not being glad that he says a lot Christianity is not a religion of money he understands and money is a very delicate thing to have because it can really it really affect you as a Christian if you go to Europe where they have much more money than we do and many more things 99 percent they don't even believe in God so there is nothing like God this is up to here we don't have what I'm gonna plight we do have this one habit we believe in God Ghana is a very Christian country you get it yes so richest have a way of distorting and destroying your beliefs slices promotion seems to change us so much so if then promoting money within the church has destroyed something very important in the church do you see but the fact remains that serving God and you will not have good for nothing you will not serve God for nothing you will serve him for the abundance of all things expect abundance only [Applause] abundance yeah expect abundance as you serve God expect it until it will be your portion in can I have an amen from somebody yeah I cannot say that God has deprived me of good things because ba7 no no no no no no no no no no there is nothing like that God will take care of you and even if there is no heaven even if there is no heaven take it from me it says it did not feel like heaven and all that we are going to see is what if here it is wet and have been web having the Lord all these years so thank God don't shy away from serving the Lord you are shine away from your own abundance you count eggs in the house and you'll be surprised to say 1 2 3 now each one to be have tomorrow you'll be counting the eggs yes today by the grace of God I don't know how many eggs I in my house I have encountered them and I don't know it is not a problem now today I don't know how many corned beef in my house and I've been counted it and I don't know but there was a day but I counted Oh yeah and some of you I in that day are you going to stop amen doctor shot I [Applause] yeah I don't know how many ideal mills are in my house I don't know today I don't know it doesn't matter that is that is the fader of wish yeah but some of you who know a slap with one's water [Applause] some of you if you are going to drink tea you have to send somebody to town to grab my milk before tea can happen in your house because of that you stop drinking tea but that will not be a story forever [Applause] you came to change to church for a feminine change your story is about to change after your story is about to say keep watching keep watching yeah keep watching the things you are counting today are TCS and the Dodgers and of something certain change in your life we are at this yeah and ending that Falcon of the policy Sadam [Applause] because you would not serve God for the abundance I didn't write a Bible the abundance of all things notice that the desk appetit or the lack of all things the abundance of all things you see for me when I tell you that I don't know how many if there's even one or zero or ten or twelve I don't know because there was a time that around this time in the afternoon I would be sitting down with my wife to calculate and to count to put together some money I was married to count if we can put some money together to buy one tin of corned beef so that she can make convinced you so that we keep yeah there was a time but God has blessed me so much like today if you come and put a pattern of calm vividly by a front of my step is really much mean much to me I would have even counted of all I have to do is I save on beef that will be your holy [Applause] you will never be hungry again up at this year shut up [Music] [Applause] number three the bad reason why it is a great thing to serve the Lord is because it is an honor it's an honor damned honor and honor that God is bestowing on you Hebrews chapter 5 verse 4 you are being honored by God when he is asking you to serve Him yeah look at Hebrews of the five and as for what let me see it says no man or even let's read from verse one because I will help you to understand Hebrews by the Bible it has a lot of he says every priest or high priest ik is taken from among men is it people who said God as chosen from ordinary people they are not they are not special people who were born with Bibles in their hand there are not people who were born caught in scriptures by the age of kill [Applause] there are not people who are born in the past where this book was Jesus instead of instead of mummy they said Jesus no people who serve God ordinary people taken from among men read your Bible that's it this one taken from among men ordained for men in things pertaining to God so they are ordained or but they are second from ordinary people so as you see me sunnier I have been taken from ordinary people and myself fill ordinary best to who can have compassion on the ignorant and on them that are out of the way because he himself is compact Oh surrounded by infirmity now the reason why God chooses ordinary people is because a priest is somebody or pasta a leader is not supposed to be a wicked patient if you cannot be a good leader if you are too strict strictness will not help you to look at God's people God's people don't need strictness do you understand God's people don't need to be pretty sure you know what it needs to be pretty sure [Applause] God's people don't need to be prudish God's people don't need to be pretty you know pretty it's also an English word pretty pretty pretty sure prudish to be priggish means to be exaggeratedly proper yes you are too proper exaggeratedly proper prissy also means to be exaggeratedly proper or easily disgusted a good passer cannot be easily disgusted oh oh oh now that is why a goodly that he himself is compact around with weakness and insanity so that when he sees weakness he understands oh yeah he has a feeling this is when he sees you are just like me Oh as his feeling mobile for you is feeling mobile for himself [Applause] do you get it yeah so that's why I got to these ordinary people and then there's three and by reason of that as for the people so for himself he offers four cents or he makes a sacrifice for the people and then also for himself so that path I pray for your sins to be forgiven and also his home Hey that is why a pasta if you become as you grow you become like Paul Paul initially when he was angry with some people he told them I don't come behind this day I don't become behind the list of apostles in other words I'm a mega apostle but at the end of his life he said I'm the greatest of sinners so if you are supposed to graduate in your thinking about yourself downward that's four that's four notice best hole that is best for and no man takes this honor this honor of being chosen from among the people by himself no nobody can do that himself so if you find yourself in a church like this where the month of here or the anointing here is always encouraging you to work for God you didn't choose it yourself God has chosen you and God has honored you God is trying very hard to put honor on you yes and if you accept his call and his offer when he says to you that it is a great thing to serve the Lord if you accept it then you will leave this place without shame or shame and disgraceful parts of your life will be left behind and rather it will be replaced with honor somebody like you why should anybody honor you think about it and even in school you can see people who are eldest chief elders and just eldest you see that even from amongst you your own students you see that little you think get respect from fellow students just because the honor of setting God is on you somebody will call you chief and if that ana it's on you stand up look at a little girl like this they'll call you chief and if a little girl can be on it in school how much more do you think the honor is going to be as you progress in life and all your life you are saving God the honor is going to multiply and multiply and multiply and look when I go to places and people are happy to see me when I go to places and people are happy to see me the thought that comes to me all the time is the holy spirit reminds me and tells me don't because sometimes you know people can sort of jump on you in a way or harass you in a way then you almost become harassed but but the Holy Spirit tells me don't be harassed be happy yes and you know what he tells me then he tells me if you are working at man-portable clinic nobody will ever come to meet you or nobody will be happy to ever see you or look at you so be happy and I'm always happy when somebody is happy to see me I say Oh God it is the honor your baton I will be on you never again will you be without honor [Applause] yeah I've been to restaurants I don't I hardly go to a restaurant but I think it was even that very last time went to a restaurant and when it was time to pay the bill and I said to the waiter bang the bell we are where we want to live with us at all they are paid last pay so that there was a table they were sitting there when they saw you they said what Wow that is going to be your thorn in the side [Applause] yeah sit down [Applause] [Music] there are times I've been on a plane when I pack I sit sometimes I'm at the back of the plane I'll sit in at the back then somebody will come and say please your cities are the front Oh No I've not paid for the front I've paid for the back no the manager when we saw you you cannot sit here we are not happy for you to be here this is what is right with you you will always be updated in this life I think you will always be a because it is an honor when you are when you are working for Gordon it is not like just doing that you are actually choosing to be honored in this life it's an honor and you experience it all over sit down one day I was in Dubai yeah and I was walking through the airport all alone suddenly I saw a man kneeling in front of me what is this Donavan said when I saw you I said I cannot go I said please get up get up yeah never then he had an envelope with money because it is the biggest yes an antelope it's a look I don't know where I would see you again as I've seen you now all the manga I want you bless your ever I said Wow I said no no he said I beg you please I don't know where however silly where you don't know me but I'm blessed by it were happen to you many times and I said it's happening to you many times I started to happen to you many times [Applause] [Music] your association somebody will see us are you know the one who would happen this I want to bless you your story is changing in 2008 I said your story is changing in 2015 hallelujah number four number four it is a great thing to serve the Lord because it is of great benefit to be near to God it is a great better one you serve somebody you'll be near the person oh yeah oh yeah many men have married they're seven oh yes many men have married they're seven they are maid servants why because she was a woman who was near and ministering to him and you will love your servants uncle James told me something many years ago he said service is beautiful anybody who saves you you will like the person and it is true anybody who sets you on ministers to you you you eat the peasant ministers to you properly you like the better that is why many patients also meridia nurses [Applause] Wow [Applause] in fact in John Wesley's time they were mostly marrying messes so as this white I believe was at nest somebody and he went somewhere he wasn't well and she was an S to him he got well and one of the things that been a seven does that it makes you near to the passion my seven comes to my room are you cannot come to my room yes but my seven come to my room I said when you become a servant you'll be close to God and you better follow me to some 73 to see something there some seventy three best 27 for behold all those who are far from thee shall perish thou has destroyed all those who are unfaithful to D but as for me as for the American Bible yeah as for me the nearness of God is my good the nearness of God is my good I have made the Lord God my refuge but in itself of your way offer me the nearness that are near to God is good for me yes the nearness is it being me is a good thing look the richest man in the world was identities to Bill Gates one of the richest of the richest when I went to Seattle where he lives somebody showed me his house you know across the lake you you could see said that where he is in Seattle where he is you know many people there are millionaires his assistants and so on there are billionaires you see in boob washing you are far from Gaza [Applause] a book wash you are found from Seattle [Applause] that's right file and we know - yeah so the mirror you are - something the more likely that there's going to be some spill over yeah so in that church you know that I thought I was preaching in you know after I finished preaching I push up a Lazarus and the rich man then the weak just millionaires send a message to me that is the best message that he has ever had including his busted messages he wanted to cause problems in the chest anyway so the the man who had been assigned to take me around he told me do you know what this other man said that this millionaire and I said yeah yeah they had about that he say not all sorts of things and he told me though that that guy is a is a Semien millionaire I said what do you mean by stealing he said amongst millionaires we have ranks and among billion as we have level you will always be at a higher level yeah that a most millionaires Bella and this guy is other so I said what what what do you mean that all like you come here millionaire 20 million 40 million 50 million 100 million and then so this guy's over 500 million get injured alone millionaire history caesar is like a very high level millionaire is this so where you are based it with a dumb song and what-have-you it's not likely that you may think that a job there yeah to get nearer to where that big money is where the next person you are talking to is a billionaire and millionaire yeah and when you try and try and try and try and try and try you up from where the thinnest you see so nearness to things is very very vital even me I I can see the difference between people that are mean and people that are fun if I have a blessing in my hand and I tend to my right as visa must be blessed but souls who are far off you can even even remember them yeah you see when you fill a bottle with oil and you pour oil the oil out there's still some left for the bottle and smaller for the bottle itself so being the bottle is of a great advantage yeah thank you where you had a bottle that was used to share the oil let me tell you nearness to God is the best thing yeah the Lord is my light my salvation the Lord is my light and my salvation me the Lord is the strength of my god alone the law oh I see a lot of my stories execute the last one says the Lord is my life is the law study doesn't put on the light when darkness is descended over it is God who is under life in an environment the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I see the Lord is the strength of my life [Music] the afraid the Lord is the strength of my life like when I'm looking for Sprint is the Lord that's a lot is far from you how would it be your strength when the wicked one even Miami throws up against me when one near God is the one who will rise up to defend you and to help you the nearness to God will be the good thing when president our president became the president everybody who knew him who was close to him with the waving closer and those who had no clothes try to establish some closeness it's true [Music] I even met somebody who said yes go in the north he was a material person of doing something he taught him some yes'm hey everybody's trying to connect and say I am here yes my onion and your lack of nearness has cost you what maybe you didn't think you would need and we don't know who is going to be the president tomorrow so that's why sometimes when people are not potential president these people start trying to get me yeah because they nearness to the power source it's always good so those of you who sit at the back you have established yourself a backbencher always living in hiding always never is it what what prevents you from coming to sit in the front what prevents you from coming mirror I'll tell you the reflex you have right to always go to the back to outside and to hide is an evil thing in you the first reflex from same is to hide that is why I soon as Adam sinned when God the Lord God came Adam had been playing freely in in town with his wife but as soon as sin entered he covered up so your reflex to hide and live in secret it's usually evil so for instance even me I mean is it in my position I cannot go by what people look like or say to me no long time ago I stopped one of the things that you can see when like the logos who told you are you hiding why are you in the darkness why is your life in shadows why are there so many secrets yeah so the good thing it's a sign we didn't notice this person in some way you can know nearness is good nearness is good you are in a catch your name is not the way when you see the curly hair or you or madam or sister it's not a good thing many times questions are asked me you know so this person is a and why is that and if I don't know depression I don't know and you cannot even get involved because you don't know who is the passion nearness is a very look it is one of the most important days if you can't get anything right get it right that it is good to be known it is good to be in the life it's good to be seen it's good to be known me and look is the ass for me the nearness of Mike of God is my good recently one of my pastors came to me or was was around and I said come to me you are one of the one lay pastor who comes to me happily many of my labor that they just hired away from me and I say how can you hide you why'd you hide for me because they feel that I want them to be full-time it's so funny to me so when I seal a pass as well so free with me I'm so attracted to them so come around whether you are one of the only passes you just feel so happy to be around I can be let's go yeah because I am I am your best supporter in whatever work you are doing my rather you feel like Adam I must hide now said Adam hid himself amongst the trees in the garden he joined the trees will see me - some of you have joined the people it's all a sign of evil messy Wow what is in your heart what is in your heart check what is in your heart you see the heart it's a very deep thing sometimes there are things in your heart you don't even know yeah that's why the Bible is set your heart it is something deep in your heart that makes you hide yeah but you don't have to hide you have to come out into the light the hiding is not going to help you it is a reflex for evil it's a sign of think about your parents you'll be dodging your parents you have when they come you don't talk anymore you're hiding your speech you are hiding your real way of talking how you really speak at what you really do what you really see so you are just quite hmm if I I know but you just wait you go here we go just now so when you go yes Daddy yes Daddy yes but I okay so it's all a sign of evil yeah it's all a set of evil so when you I experience and you meet people who don't talk you that's also lends to know that this present something wrong with the present yeah learn to come out of the shadows I hear in heaven even when you think it is broadcast so those of you who have been hiding when you get it you'll be surprised you think when you think about some annoy to be announced [Applause] [Applause] [Music] one day I saw I said in butter he was so quiet doesn't talk to anybody and he look so dignified and after some time we found how many different people he has been sleeping with and I was worried that this guy who is so quite when you see amazing how trapped they are sweat but when he sees you swept out but it is you that he doesn't talk to when he talks he talks might stop somewhere but you he decided he has a mind about you not to talk when he sees you yes because I said you have to write about you that you are an enemy so when he sees this place quiet right but you have so many girls you are able to wrap them and got me traps to convince them Oh girls you don't need raps do you need some rap [Applause] [Music] I mean there are few girls that don't have to be wrapped most girls need some average amount of wraps you will be near from today in the name of Jesus as our shadows in your life are banished you are leaving this church today without darkness nearness is your portion you will no longer be found in Jesus Auto take another back tend to each other as a nearness to God is your portion you have made yourself professional backbenchers you are cured of that evil spirit in Jesus name [Applause] listen the only reason why you should be at the back is because there was no space in approach but notice for some of you when the front is empty you still go to the back [Applause] none of five it is a great thing to serve the Lord because when you serve the Lord God will take delight in your prosperity prosperity hmm Wow some 35 is 27 let them shout for joy and be glad that favor my righteous cause yay let them see continually let the Lord be magnified with have pleasure in the prosperity of his seventh Amen you have become to rise I said you have begun to rise why do I say that you began to rise because you began to serve God yeah you began to serve God so you began to rise because it it takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant me as a small boy as I am I feel happy when I see people that work with me having nice cars yes I want them to have good car I take pleasure use excites me and I'm sure God is also happy to give me a nice car yours is coming soon [Applause] the prophecy that will happen is the one that you believe the wonder you don't believe is the one that will not happen so one day you say you see as a joke that the one that will not happen to you when I say that your Christ's coming and he sees I said to it will never happen to you sit down he takes pleasure he takes pleasure he's so happy when he sees your prosperity you will not be hungry anymore those of you have been hungry in 2014 your days of hunger are over you will never be hungry again in 2015 little God takes pleasure like he is very happy is they really liked it to see that his seventies is prospering Hey look at the only thing able to serve God is to be demoted when I say say it's a year of serving God God 2015 is a year [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Dow God takes pleasure it takes pleasure and like is very happy to see his servants prospering yes believe it this is not take pleasure to see people prosper - cc7 his seven those who are his seven to suspect him day and night those who sat in the house of the Lord those who sing for him those who play those who do so many things for him those who said those who carry instruments it takes pleasure he takes pleasure to see the prosperity of his server I cannot see I have not prospered by being his seven let me tell you a story do you know do you know we don't have McDonald's in Ghana but we have KFC there so something like KFC I remember some years ago I had a friend of mine I was him I think I was in medical school and my friend was in London working at it McDonald cares one of those thing and he told me brother if you come to where I am this my station I will give you free free hamburger Wow I'm talking about prosperity I took a train I took a train I'm talking about prosperity I'm saying your rising is about to begin I'm a quality where I've risen from yeah you also write your story is changing awesome speaking it is upping it practical your life sit down you know I took a train about one hour because you see I had I had a a path that could let me travel free I went all the way there when I saw him it was inside the seven I stood no Sally Sally I'm here yeah and he gave it to me today I don't need to travel one hour if you've been right now I see I'm hungry hey more than 100 chickens will they'll die for me today more than 100 chicken can't digest now if I say that I'm angry yeah those I'll be fried that's out [Applause] your days of hunger are coming to an end when I say hunger is it some of you who come from rich families you don't understand so don't ya is it to you you don't understand you don't understand it when I say your days of hunger yeah those of you from which those of you stay at labony and sore I'm talking to the ordinary person I say your stories changing in 2016 you will never be hungry again because you are got7 because you are gods ever you never be hungry you'll never be testing you'll never be hungry in the name of Jesus God God is taking a special delight in your personal prosperity of our prosperity and it is a prophecy that you believe that the one that is going to happen those who walk and those who think we are talking you will be trampled over by the people as they are going to receive your blessing yeah Sid Oh God cos pleasure like he he laughs in heaven he's enjoying is enjoy on the Kai's and try the house those of you don't have car first love said listen receive your plan a very special car we step out [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] every old cow will be penned into a new kind 2015 who told you that a handkerchief was to absorb sweat after walking in the sunshine your handkerchief has turned into a cushion a towel we squeezing the water stamina it's over it's over it's over it's over [Applause] sit down look it's not about preaching prosperity but practising prosperity I will encourage all of you to open your eyes carefully and see that there's a difference between preaching prosperity and practicing and living prosperity oh yeah yeah you see really people who are really prosperous they don't show it and you can't even see it it is newly rich people who really have to show a lot of things the kind of prosperity God is going to give you it's not so what are you starting what what what are you talking about [Applause] you shouted down the blessing the shutter down the blessing but there is a type of prosperity coming it's going to be the prosperity of gold genuine prosperity it's not a prosperity that can be taken away by governing by a change of governing by a change of country it's a permanent prosperity because whatever God do it it is forever [Applause] amen God listen sit down when I was a student if I had known out of started building a house yes but I didn't know I didn't know I would have built a house as a student but I didn't know anything about building some of you built houses before [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do you believe what I'm saying okay a prophet or an anointing is an agent for Prosperity yeah so any Liza told the people tomorrow by this time one little top would be sold for nothing the chief officer of the can the one who'll the king consult for advice but the one who the King leaned on his Issa how can this be and Elijah the Elijah the most anointed prophet of the whole Old Testament yeah because Elijah is one of the highest amount and Elijah has twice yeah so it is the anointing he told him use it but you would not hit it if you didn't know that meant he would die and the next day food can people this they were snapping to the point of cannibalism people were giving their children side let's eat my my job today and tomorrow we eat your child and once doesn't get her child and then the next day the one didn't want to get a job god they had seen how it was where they fried the other person's child and how she screamed so they didn't know what she didn't want to give and Elijah said to whiner tomorrow bye now one one one cup of flour will be sold for one Ghana or nothing and the house of God Oh nonsense I hope they were prophesy any sentiments that you will see you see practically that you will not participate in it so those of you who mock prophecies there was a time I was the only person with a car in this church yeah and I laid hands on the street to be filled a time is coming where fest last churches nuclear people would think that it's like some businessmen and some cap XLS and I all wrote delay so when you come as old I'm a philosophy student yeah I just I just came to church with my car and this is today yeah to happen practically so friends God delight now another thing God is going to delight in when you build your 5 bedroom out you have been saying in one room for too long God is giving you five bedrooms your sitting room will be titled Model Model Model you will have at least two garages in your house I hope you are taking notes so I taking note of your taking notes about your future house five bedrooms two garages marble or somebody says model yeah oh very nice very nice house all the rooms will be air conditioned your short days of sweating are over I say you're sweating days are over your Doosan days are over jumps of doom so it's over not because of the government but because of your prosperity when the light goes you say on dejenne on detail [Music] I'll detail God is going to laugh and you say my shepherd look at my shepherd my shutter side slipping in a condition Wow yeah the story is about to change you are not going to you are not leaving this service without all these blessings I tell you I'm not leaving this service without a struggle your long-awaited prosperity has begun to descend upon me sit down wow it is a great thing I said it is a great thing is they're not as great thing to serve the Lord what kind of boss is that who takes pleasure in the prosperity of his seven he's not angry when he sees that you profit or you have done something it's a hat what do you get this from how did you get high you have been killing Bobby still you're distilling investigation CIB vni not now security yes that's how some countries are if you prosper no Charlie expect investigations yes yeah when when you prosper that they will come and investigate you I've been investigated yeah and I showed that I should have I should have to the AG Bishop assured in this form you look at the forms and I thought he was going to pray for me and he said Oh up till this form five times yes because in some place when you prosper they rather don't like it it's like you must be a thief yeah but God is not like that God will not send a BNI or IRS when you when you have a bicycle it's rather happy those of you who think that God wants you to be poor no God doesn't want us to you see I could say that it is your year of wealth or your year of prosperity or your but those things are the fruits rather of saving God so I don't want you I don't want you as a Christian I don't want you as a Christian to have your mind as though you are a member of the world your matter your heart must be on God not on on there on death it's like somebody coming to work for you and his mind is on what you will give him not on the web that is going to do that person is not a good worker sajo I hear we are going to be promoted what what is it coming has it come so you are not thinking of the work you are you have left to do right then juris Wecker amen so allow God to just take you into his service when God is calling you so soon a lot of had I was very good to work for you in any job at all yeah yeah I like to work for you anyway anytime so those of you where pasta will propose to marry you you should say what an honor Dada that I handmade should be a helper to the Lord seven I want to marry a bank manager ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah I'm not saying anything [Applause] what I want up or blessing stand to your feet you are mall [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right now listen it is a great thing to serve the Lord because if you are not a servant of God you will be the 7th of uncleanness and same yes is if you are not here now you'll be somewhere if you are not here you'll be somewhere if you don't set what you serve something else yeah I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh for us you have yielded your members Roman 6:19 as you reveal that your members to uncleanness iniquity to iniquity it is so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness for when you were servants of sin you were free from righteousness what fruit hadi in those days well you are now ashamed for the end of those things is death but now being made free from sin and becomes 7 to God you have your fruit unto holiness and the end the end everlasting life so God is showing us here that you are you a servant of sin amen now you know those who are into politics their seventh is the pole the ideal god is the politics because where that Christ or what the fasting is their party they are very very loyal and fiercely loyal to the party not to God or not to the church they put the chatter sidon forget about it it's like Tully I am DBT patty and it is my life's work yeah so yeah you'll find out that they can tell lies do anything against God once for the policies for the politics to work so you see that their real allegiance is to the politics issues you should meet them close close up one one one guy told me he was a Christian you know going to a certain church I'm dumb when we had a sudden problem he told miss a lot when it gets to a point my job is affected he was a youth organized national youth organizer for a party and he turned against us yeah so when I met his pastor I told him tell this guy cause I came to the church for a little speech and he was sitting there as one of the leaders when it gets to a certain point it is and when you talk with them you realize they're real allegiances to yeah but they are party or whatever it's very strong a very fierce those who have blasted pastors they are they are born-again Christians yeah you should read the article the right and the fee their blasted men of God this in recent times I met one of them he said look I used to go to church here this was my church this is when it comes to that they put it aside that's politicians deserve the politics and they live for it to the end did I even die for it when it comes to business man its money is their God they will do anything to make profit and to make money including killing you making medicine that is not real fish that has been a the user what what is the what is the formalin to keep the fish drugs that are not real painted redfish with paint mix that is not meat expired chicken that nobody can eat hormones hormone injected chicken they bring it if you eat the chicken it is supposed to have a certain number of days before it grows big but if you just have any big recently recently in England they're selling sausages the derived Fox was it before when they tested it was Hasmukh and then recently they had a child some a child a human the human meat found in some of everything for money this this um this Isis and Boko Haram and al-shabaab initiative are fighting where do you think they gather weapons from who makes reforms in the world European nations Swiss Switzerland mixed weapons a wide weapon arms Russia all these countries they don't make weapons in that part of the world so they buy somebody started to them we come and they kill an enemy they meet them for peace talks then after that this business after I finish you go here you go here we I saw this to yourself thanks to us I replaced you this other they've meet them again and then where do you think it comes from one who let any way you do Papa Papa Papa you know how many dollars have gone out let us suffer every time your Papa Papa paisa dollar my rocket a shoe it's $1,000 going either pose finished thousand falls out of where you get the money from and who makes it what do you think makes it but some money it's okay it's okay oh yes so the real God that is being followed is money so when it comes to those of us who say we serve God our real allegiance God is expecting to be to him we are not to be servant of sin or servant of anything else that's why I cannot support any part and to me they are the same I don't see any difference between the political parties genuinely yeah I don't generally don't see any differences between them yeah I don't see how I can serve them I have no idea just any of them and at the end they can know that I'd okay oh yeah so you have to watch who you say you said money you have money you said politics what do you said who are us event of ask yourself yeah what what what what are you a servant of some of you maybe all you want to do is to do well in school and which is money also what do else could get this cause dude so hey Kali I have to sleep my way to the school I have to do this have to do this and you are ready to do it it's nothing to you once you get your aim but when you are saving or you say no I can't do that my God will not allow me to do this like Joseph when Joseph was important as I said I cannot do this because my God will not let me do this ask yourself who do you said we have to ask ourselves how do we said what do we said and that's why I say I will serve God I choose to serve him wherever he says as you save him and that is why I send missionaries all over I don't just a missile to countries where there's money or countries where their jobs or countries where you you have to be a pastor I have to send missionaries to the whole world not to whether is money money is not my god money to my director money should not be your director that would you is if the same time makes you move that is your board yeah well somebody can get up any sorta pasta and take him on where he goes to a church oh he will go to a kettle with a handkerchief whatever he doesn't up a Christian and you take on some an honorable person what we serving God in town and you just I mean break down the person to nothing because you have power and your real master it's oh god it's some other thing so to church I want to encourage you to choose to be servant of God yeah what is where is your allegiance with your boss master money so those are people who love you you can buy they can buy you if I'm value with money when I give this us the money you'll betray you just doubt you'll betray you when I give this person money the person will turn against you then with your master is money who is your master yeah so if God is your master you cannot look at a poor person to help us Apple because God is goddess much because at your stage that's where the corruption is corruption starts from it starts from nothing yeah and you can see you know as we work with so many of the graduates the graduates are almost useless almost useless cannot speak English cannot write English cannot work because you've not gone to the discipline of learning it's just a foreign teaching that's what highest you Crona sad so decide I will be a servant of righteousness a servant of God why for the abundance of all things when I serve God in medical school God did not God did not let me down and I said even if I fell out of court even if I feel but I didn't feel I've never failed an exam in school medical school seven years I was there from 1982 to 1989 never look at a pop no just learning day and night day and night day and night day and night yes and I passed I didn't I didn't mind if I fell I still did my church I'll do the church clay they want to fill me they can fill me and I almost failed a number of occasion but I passed almost and I and I and and and God blessed me yeah I prospered in school wow I won prizes in school yes I learned how to study had in that night one stretch for six weeks I didn't sleep in the night in mp3 yeah I learn how to be hot how to overcome trial difficulties yeah I choose I choose to save God when I was in school choose to save him - yeah for what for the abundance of all things I was so surprised one day as I walked down my hostel our block and then is a lecturer now he came out of his room and he gave me a letter I said what is it like I says a letter you read it when I read it I've been selected as a two best students go and collect your prize thousands of pounds and other things this school yeah and I was surprised me that I'm doing church every Sunday you see me carrying top boxes across from the hotel to the school of hygiene hygiene parent but we'll be looking at Oh be still be still be living over there balcony and looking at us they don't say anything but we couldn't they start to talk about us today they are still watching us on the Internet those same people are watching us on a timer I thought we were not over a seven-hour door and God God shaped me time after time and God will save you - God will save you - when you choose to be his seventh he would take a special interest in you and he will save you believe in God yeah choose to be his seventh yeah I cannot be a servant of these politicians now or business people always wants me to do that I don't do business I don't do this death nothing I do that this business including my books there is no profit in anything that I'm doing and I'm a Christian minister they choose whom you said and for the abundance of all things I love this but you like it true do you want this best to happen to you yeah for the abundance of all things abundance of all things yeah those of you who borrowed shoes to come to church [Applause] God when you serve God your problem will be where to keep the shoes [Applause] [Music] it would say Oh God I have too many shoes how many ones such a problem receive it is yours [Applause] [Music] Italian shoes Singaporean shoes Malaysian shoes Japanese shoes English shoes American shoes Bangladesh shoes [Applause] receive it I am NOT promising you I'm reading the Bible to you a nice i professor i decree prophesy that all these scriptures will happen practically in your life once you can allow God to come into your heart so that he's the one that's deep in your heart you'll be blessed father thank you for the blessing tonight we are honored to be your servants we are great thank you for choosing our we will serve you properly you O Lord will see that you have real seven thank you for choosing we love you thank you as every head is bowed and every eye closed if you are here you want to receive Jesus as your Savior then it's a good opportunity I'm going to pray with you right now if you want to receive Jesus as your Savior then just lift up your hands and I'm going to pray with you god bless you [Music] every head bowed every eye closed maybe somebody invited you to church but deep down in your heart you know that you are not really a Christian or if you die today or tomorrow you don't know whether you go to heaven or hell you want me to pray with you then lift your hand your right hand god bless you I see your hands see so many hands it's very important that I have this opportunity to pray with you other people that have come to church here after the service the following week they were dead a few weeks later there were no more on this earth I'm going to give you that opportunity I see your hand this is our path keep it up keep it up I see your hand and see another fear hand first I want to give my life to God if you are here also you are Christians but not a good Christian and I want to be a good Christian I want to be a real servant of God Master also pray with me if you're here like that also lift your hand god bless you god bless your see so many hands i Magritte about not serious Christian but I want to be a seriously don't look at anybody just think of yourself because the person sitting by you don't know who the person is and what the person is doing if you set your hand come to me please in the front [Music] of your on come to that party hunky where you comin to come before live he cometh great will be even come running to me remember honey [Music] anastasiya but not a zero that's one person either please a lady a lady who are you come I'm a Christopher not a serious with that come the lady a brother comes I'm acronym are not serious this is your chance come on [Applause] [Music] it's a lot I'm running to that birth oh honey everybody join in this prayer say Lord Jesus please forgive me for my sins I know I am a sinner have mercy on me from today I open my heart come into my heart Lord Jesus please fill me with your spirit please wash away my sins with your blood from today I give my life to you I give my heart to you thank you Jesus saving my soul today please write my name in the book of life from today I am born again from today and a child of God from today I'm turning around I'm turning around I'm going to be serious I'm going to stab God of the bottom of my heart thank you Lord for saving me today I love you Jesus I thank you Jesus for your great love for me in Jesus name now see after be Satan Satan listen carefully from today I will not follow you again Satan from today I will not obey you again and you pick you in the name of Jesus let your hands say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for saving me today I'm glad I'm glad I'm a child of God from today he Jesus name Amen [Music] hallelujah get a lot of mighty clapping [Applause] not less you listen all of you all of you in front here look at me look at me it is very good that you've come there are some people there they should have come but they were not as good as you but because you are being bored jesus said because you are not ashamed of me I will also not be ashamed of you that is a men so they must the beginning of a new life for you it's a change of your story this is actually the day that you are born you are born again and this is a great event amen so I want you to take it very seriously amen there are people who have stood here just like you many of them are standing here now the Alliance has changed completely when I I went to action motor school I went to this University of camera none of them could change police couldn't change my mama denied not nobody would Jesus changed me and set me free so it is the best thing that you can ever do for yourself is to give your life to Him and be serious about it some years ago I met a young guy in Tecate and I let him like this I prayed with him it was a very bad boy and I I said do want to give a life said yes said let's pray so I prayed with him and he gave his classic rest and I when I said amen and I looked at him his face is very spring normally he doesn't smile I asked I am serious I'm serious are you serious about what I said I'm serious to my surprise this guy with the plain face rather sad God and full of God in such a way that after today I underneath his brother's thought that he would be the bad boy of the family he rather became the priest in their family so just as we are pray right now you know tell us we are pray right now that is how that is how it is for you a great change is happening in your life this boy who was so bad that his father was dreaming from the diversity and sodium's when find a job at SSB because he was not serious it was doing bad things only bad things but when I led him to Christ that was the change so I've done the same with you right now I've led you to price up trade with you your life is changed forever this is the beginning of a new day and a new chapter in your life forevermore you will never be the same again in Jesus name so when we close I want all of you standing here you see they're gonna raise some chests and I myself am I'm going to give you one of my books and bless you then we go back amen amen are you excited are you glad you came watching my dear Aquila windy Wendy windy with me with me okay we have Wendy we have Winnie now we have Whitney powerful blessing what's your name Michael we have mini Michaels here too what a blessing are you people glad that these ones came to give us a heart attack now [Music] never feel shy for coming forward because it is the greatest bold declaration to the devil that I don't belong to you I belong to God and I'm going to God and giving myself to God look I'll tell you a secret one day one of my pastor he was a person in the church he came to see me after church and he said bishop next week Sunday I want to do something I said what is that he said actually when you preach and you invite people to come for it I want to also come for him I said why you are already a Christian nobody said yes but some years ago you did an author collection and I didn't come to today it worries me that I didn't come so next week when you offer to give your life to Christ I will come and join the people in the front deck so I was amazed you see that's what I'm trying to tell you that it's a great thing for you to have come forward because there are some people there they wish they have come now and after water even just that it has made it wish you get it but congrats congratulate each other it is a great thing that you have come in your life Jesus god bless you amen so after church when we close yeah that's about to close I'm just going to meet you there for one minute after they will meet within an hour come to bless you and then I go okay god bless you you may go back you see the Lord I just love affair why don't you hello we also testimonies with that unit come on Eunice amen it's a great thing to serve the Lord it's a really great thing to serve the Lord and the first time I was asked to be an assistant and my first reaction was I'm a law student not for me and it would affect my academics negatively because and it entails a lot and so I felt that I was going to do it I'll have to do it right I'll not do it at all so my first reaction was news and when L see Lisa told me I said I was going to church so he knows so when I got there immediately I got there she just handed me the book losing suffering sacrificing and dying and she told me to lead ministry meetings so I was all right you also have so many meetings on my own session so I started and teaching from the book and it talked about the fact that Jesus is calling us and he's not making exceptions to anyone I almost cried when I was teaching it and then this after affair so today me asked me just told me that I am going to be here system so I have a testimony because at the end of it all I have found out that working for God has made it's better for me academically um last month or so I was called by the Lebanese community and they handed me a scholarship me and six other people in my class actually I was part of the top two in my class and law and and I actually didn't think I would do so well and my exams because I felt like I was sleeping me I was always up and about and when I came I was one of the most shocked people and I told LT Cardella about it and I thought oh Jesus - and the best thing she said was you see at the end of it all God has been faithful and I can open my mouth and actually fix that it has been a great thing serving the Lord I have much yours in my thinking I have become a better person in the offense in terms of balance in my time in terms of applying wisdom and sacrifice to all the things I do so that I get quality also serving the Lord - I prayed I expected put your hands together for you today the great thank you said the law that's welcome I'm mark [Music] it's not it's actually not my testimony but [Music] okay and my name is Emma I'm a medical student this is something I'm sharing for someone yesterday class we friends that he was talking about saying Amen when he said it I suddenly realized that it was very true because just that we can someone I've shared a story with me and it's my sister she said at the beginning of the year she and she goes to church I adesh so that it was recent science for Kadesh and at that time didn't really have much money on her but she went when she went one of the blessings but was smoking was that for those who don't have cars before the end of the year may you have cars and I'm sure many people had a tendency remember but then recently she received a car and she suddenly realized that the blessing actually came through and I'm Sherman who actually had a blessed have forgotten about it or like me even when we are going to give our tithes and they are seeking bless you really don't think about it but now I've decided that since God you said it [Music] ah [Applause] I've decided I will I will live with it the pleasures that are smoking in but even when they say tonight same and I've agreed that I would keep it in my heart so when this manifested I'll be able to see the board you said it so you have done [Applause] Wow powerful together for me the Bible says that and what you have seen and what you have had he you testify of that hallelujah so it loves something that we are dreaming about something that you've actually seen and head I see you see in your testimony in Jesus name let's welcome season a bump up every day put their together for visa or put your hands together Melissa hallelujah I'm Caesar I'm a Bible student study medical law Bible and I went to school in Wow far away so before embarking on a tional says I said god I want to come to a crack and I want to know that it and I want him to know me and I want to be useful to you in your house but if he did not go full-time while to go to engage relax it's true then I came to us there was a slow process but eventually happened when did I determines the DRC's I said yes I am visa I was very happy and when it comes to servant a lot of working for the Lord I said I will never before time I mean I didn't want to actual never enjoy yeah I didn't like that way but after that he kept teaching and I had a session delivered and then that he was teaching about holiness code so the holiness could lead to the girl greenery and then by the grace of God we got to give thyself wholly and I have to give myself wholly and I give my cellphone to the glory of the Lord and then by the grace of the Ragosa side nice gravity falls [Applause] and ambition and then no that is our house working loud Wow wait is that love is no what you think is love out the other person also perceive as Lord it gave me a lot of points and as I decide to tell about the determinants oh I was like a ninja you don't stop new track our spiral at the end they're like ours so that is thank you for coming thank you for their scheme is gonna change my life at different different and about say Amen one of them is inside of cinema but I have to say it was a country and come and in a beginner day I would the number of things I wanted to do it's only but added a driver to it cause Entomology value Crowley get a plaza I went to manhood and is what inside and I have a very powerful thank you so much what I have together Fatiha hallelujah both of you who I get to know in 2014 it's like to be team your placentas coming Alleluia let's like a plane went up to G great a lotta G dug the grave for lots of tea put your hands together for break Alleluia Oh hallelujah amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] father just thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I came to Ghana and I have been trying to UM be a doctor things about um about - about some 10 years now basically started in Nigeria started a level school went to the UK was there about five years really trying you know and I knew that I thought I mean everybody was encouraging everybody was calling me doctor and I felt that you know God wanted me to do it somehow but the door was just not opening so I pressed on I pressed on finally Ghana came through was my last option and I really didn't I remember my mom said something and I thought she said oh why would you go to the UK and then you want to come back to an African want to come back Africa to do medicine you know it's like a backward move and I mean that because of that statement I found it difficult coming back to do medicine you know in Ghana but also I came through for me but still eyes I pressed and I came and when I look back now I realized that it wasn't really because of the medical school I remember we had a convention with a convention in the commissioning colleano I think in 2011 you know when I was I can plan in 2010 so it was you know I was quite Telangana then an event by convention there and during the convention the man of God called me out and he said that I mean I didn't know him and that I was quite strange he said that right um you're leaving you not only God will give you a degree and you would also give you an unknowing thing you know something like that I mean I thought it was strange I thought well okay um but honestly God has God has at different stages God has just I can just see the hand of God you know guiding me the kind of puzzles you know he's given to me Reverend Nelson you know I mean it I mean he doesn't know how much my heart is so and yet you know towards him you know he's really been a real blessing to me you know and the shop I I really I mean this is such a great church you know I was in redeemed when I was in you know my dad passes and redeemed you know enough I mean I've been a church girl you know right from when I was born but I came to Ghana seeing like how spin the way things are done it was so different you know such a lovely Church I really really like this church you know and I'm gonna put my friends I'm sorry but I don't think I'm really redeemed you know because I've really really been blessed you know thank you so much today I'm a doctor by the grace of God when I run off when I was given idea somebody prayed for me I said that God would make medical school easy for you and when Reverend also said oh I am do I have a testimony I said yes I do and then he said oh I should talk about you know you know how Medical School have been able to go through it in a distress and all that I really start to ask that have I really been stressed you know because somehow you know everything I say I can't breathe I can't Lane I can't I can't do as much learning as blood you notice that almost us in my first degree but for some reason was somehow I'm not filled you know God has seen me through of course between difficult as you know many points but still God has been faithful you know one God has helped me when I thought to be a shepherd I mean so many things I can't begin to recount all the blessings I just want to say thank you Jesus thank you daddy I love you so much Oh amen thank you very much grace come back grace come back quick you haven't finished your testimony comment a lot when you became a doctor on the 19th of 19th of December 2014 [Applause] Friday's just two days ago food is a Mescalero doctor yes who they are supposed to have together Tuesday Oh hallelujah are there medical students in the house do you see a future do you see a future hallelujah well as have our last testimony from great McConnell great maxim wintry McConnell what you have to get up dancing star [Applause] [Music] and hallelujah laughing can't believe I'm standing here well Amy result a satphone I remember telling my dad you know India that when I was 12 years old yes yes I think you wanted me to change my church and you catch me I can't believe I'm living here I thought I said money selfish toss up with giving you those ideas and all that Tosh's I mean something that will become going to be in this chat i was out there i mean about this change but look at me I'm here special of light out I say god boss also making me miss my pastor my shepherd pastor Cujo yes and I think good but be sure that your meals for sending him to mutual mutual Center University mutual my roommates my justa two now in the room not only were to go to the church I said and he came to our room and said that lighthouse just there we should come I'm Sookie fine let's cool lessons just like that you never know like I was looking go and we went and the thing that amazed me was the way he talked about pornography masturbation I mean who would I use asking your father will say stop watching pornography the only thing some people when I when they are kissing on something though they go to the room that's other things yeah but look at the way he said I was just doing made I said this is a good chance for them to say this straight to you with no shame nothing the dust I will stop it love to come in yeah you wanna sell we are coming for ya and how soon I thank God I joined the dance in selfie amazement [Applause] yes we possible for me intruder I became an elder who cut me small girl I'm a Hilda chick Hey [Applause] I mean my hotel when I go back to the most other call me a server I serve a scar there are new students also fully occupied well I say God and also I really really I mean I say we should like your meals life keep looking away I'm so happy he prays for me or my baby yes I see remember the prayer point I remember I can remember I got I got the top I'm so so happy I wanted to do something I said are you I mean I wanted to give a testimony and as I go if I get opportunity I'll do something pardon me but I want to do something so I beg you [Music] life lesson one Allah saying thank you God bless you free I've met you so much along with ass again of my brain Wow look at me look at me look at me I'm in lighthouse stuff well I mean on a Sunday evening look at me it's amazing hallelujah amen all of you who have wonderful testimonies have seen how any of the passes the front and then I believe that you have a powerful opportunity to share it Amen let's welcome Cardella to take this second offering amen amen [Music] how many of you have been blessed daddy thank you so much for wonderful powerful word the best place to be is first lap church event please take out your type you see how your type [Music] these others being a time people candy stand to your feet [Music] one cent of your increase belongs to God don't say that I got this one have plans are budgeted for something it belongs to God these are just being outside please stand to your feet that's very father we thank you what a blessing to give all of you thank you for this time that we are given blessed to see that we are given a review 34 our Lord in Jesus name Amen he's kindly bring your time to the front [Music] you [Music] ah chef please tell Fonda was going time in our exam [Music] a chef please help them [Music] amen please take out your second offering wherever you're offering a thief take off your pants take out your second offering take out a very powerful offer another very powerful seven very powerful testimony don't they've got your knees take out your best offering if you are given ten you can't double it to Twinkie keep something unusual supposed to be it lift up your offering high above your head for everybody find something actually barf an offering and take out a very powerful offering this is that the offering high above your head everybody gets an offer and pieces of your friends father we thank you Lord bless this see that we are given in Jesus name Amen I shall please receive the offering and we welcome the dance and start [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] gina-san gentlemen I give you [Music] Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you [Music] amen amen we are going to take our announcements these as welcome mother max forgive us [Applause] [Music] I'm so bowing as for bowing so just do about truly oh you know clearing the well car about too late alright so this done landing feathers make some noise for that next week Saturday the 27th we are having an outreach to cut to catch all that it's not letting people to church so by Omega my successor so we'll meet at CC at 6:00 p.m. and go and catch all of them so please don't miss this is very very important yeah here and we have vacation church and so it's a very good opportunity don't you take advantage of it so 6:00 p.m. central cafeteria next we start today God willing wedding bells wedding bells wedding bells same you're getting married a coupon on the 22nd of December 1 p.m. at least couple Oh give it up man [Applause] [Music] but yeah wedding is tomorrow tomorrow at 1 p.m. and your colors are simply blue and brown so please note tiffany blue and brown small 1 p.m. at the chapel daniel and a sofa thank you very much [Applause] [Music] okay Leon and Adelaide got married last week I lived under house Lyon and uglies if you're around Pete Oh give it up for land and oddly [Music] [Applause] okay yeah coming to kid [Music] [Applause] but we better hide one exit okay I think is that dream come true I can see I mean the honeymoon was so Oh [Applause] it was really mega so now you're cute you [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh give it up immediately [Applause] [Music] all right so yesterday muster the angle Mary's Natasha watch the whole I don't know how okay remake next we postponed all right so clean up okay relax Kyle don't forget to meet apart outside as a service and I thought all can I talk to you after the FATA talking to you and Copley's only what let's not generalize going away to people to be hurry in the air for the first time could you please give us a weenie first-timers oh please could you send your feedback stammers you're very welcome we are very happy to have you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so okay yeah - you're welcome we are very happy to help you please after service these are part of outside 4x2 drinking again that you're always checking the world does not do if you go anywhere they give you a drink and a book come for once alright so there's a second announcement please catalyst [Applause] [Music] so nope [Music] please clear the guifang oh but I beg micro empty other Calabar hi everyone this International MC right from India it's good to be back home and I'm happy to see my Balaji Oh [Applause] [Applause] all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm happy to be here and I bring you greetings from India and I'm happy to have a such a wonderful beloved like this you know I don't sit realize that I just waited for the day that also be standing here oh my god it's nice to see all of you thank you all right when you very much aqua ballet just don't bow too late and about too late thank you
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 1,833
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2014, Dag Heward-Mills, Lighthouse, Lighthouse Chapel International, LCI, Bishop Dag, Dag, Dag Heward, Dag Heward Mills, Christian, Teaching, Anointing, Preaching, Work of Ministry, Sunday Service Lighthouse Chapel, First Love Center, Gathering Services, Sunday Services
Id: lCfSHswK9dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 11sec (11891 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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